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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/06/24 14:50:37 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow] itamarst commented on a change in pull request #10450: ARROW-9947: [Python] High-level Python API for Parquet encryption of files.

itamarst commented on a change in pull request #10450:

File path: python/pyarrow/tests/parquet/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pyarrow as pa
+import pytest
+    import pyarrow.parquet as pq
+except ImportError:
+    pq = None
+import base64
+from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import timedelta
+DATA_TABLE = pa.Table.from_pydict(
+    OrderedDict([
+        ('a', pa.array([1, 2, 3])),
+        ('b', pa.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
+        ('c', pa.array(['x', 'y', 'z']))
+    ])
+PARQUET_NAME = 'encrypted_table.in_mem.parquet'
+FOOTER_KEY = "0123456789ABCDEF"

Review comment:
       Might be a little nicer to have `FOOTER_KEY` and `COL_KEY` be bytes to begin with: simplifies the example KMS client slightly, and removes the mental question of "why aren't the keys bytes".

File path: python/requirements-test.txt
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ pickle5; python_version == "3.6" or python_version == "3.7"

Review comment:
       Might be nice to use `cryptography`, since I'm told it's a more secure library than `pycryptodomex`. Not necessary because these are just tests, but helpful in case users copy/paste test code to start their own KMS client.

File path: python/pyarrow/tests/parquet/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pyarrow as pa
+import pytest
+    import pyarrow.parquet as pq
+except ImportError:
+    pq = None
+import base64
+from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import timedelta
+DATA_TABLE = pa.Table.from_pydict(
+    OrderedDict([
+        ('a', pa.array([1, 2, 3])),
+        ('b', pa.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
+        ('c', pa.array(['x', 'y', 'z']))
+    ])
+PARQUET_NAME = 'encrypted_table.in_mem.parquet'
+FOOTER_KEY = "0123456789ABCDEF"
+FOOTER_KEY_NAME = "footer_key"
+COL_KEY = "1234123412341234"
+COL_KEY_NAME = "col_key"
+BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+    footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME,
+    column_keys={
+        COL_KEY_NAME: ["a", "b"],
+    },
+class InMemoryKmsClient(pq.KmsClient):
+    """This is a mock class implementation of KmsClient, built for testing only.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        """Create an InMemoryKmsClient instance."""
+        pq.KmsClient.__init__(self)
+        self.master_keys_map = config.custom_kms_conf
+    def wrap_key(self, key_bytes, master_key_identifier):
+        """Wrap key key_bytes with key identified by master_key_identifier.
+        The result contains nonce concatenated before the encrypted key."""
+        master_key = self.master_keys_map[master_key_identifier]
+        # Create a cipher object to encrypt data
+        cipher ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_GCM)
+        nonce = cipher.nonce
+        encrypted_key = cipher.encrypt(key_bytes)
+        result = base64.b64encode(nonce + encrypted_key)
+        return result
+    def unwrap_key(self, wrapped_key, master_key_identifier):
+        """Unwrap wrapped_key with key identified by master_key_identifier"""
+        master_key = self.master_keys_map[master_key_identifier]
+        decoded_wrapped_key = base64.b64decode(wrapped_key)
+        nonce, encrypted_key = \
+            decoded_wrapped_key[:16], decoded_wrapped_key[-16:]
+        # Create a cipher object to decrypt data
+        cipher ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
+        decrypted_key = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_key)
+        return decrypted_key
+def verify_file_encrypted(path):
+    """Verify that the file is encrypted by looking at its first 4 bytes.
+    If it's the magic string PARE
+    then this is a parquet with encrypted footer."""
+    with open(path, "rb") as file:
+        magic_str =
+        # Verify magic string for parquet with encrypted footer is PARE
+        assert(magic_str == b'PARE')
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted, and then read it."""
+    path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    # Encrypt the footer with the footer key,
+    # encrypt column `a` and column `b` with another key,
+    # keep `c` plaintext
+    encryption_config = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+        footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME,
+        column_keys={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: ["a", "b"],
+        },
+        encryption_algorithm="AES_GCM_V1",
+        cache_lifetime=timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+        data_key_length_bits=256)
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig(
+        custom_kms_conf={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: COL_KEY,
+        }
+    )
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+    # Write with encryption properties
+    write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                            kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+    verify_file_encrypted(path)
+    # Read with decryption properties
+    decryption_config = pq.DecryptionConfiguration(
+        cache_lifetime=timedelta(minutes=5.0))
+    result_table = read_encrypted_parquet(
+        path, decryption_config, kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+    assert table.equals(result_table)
+def write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                            kms_connection_config, crypto_factory):
+    file_encryption_properties = crypto_factory.file_encryption_properties(
+        kms_connection_config, encryption_config)
+    assert(file_encryption_properties is not None)
+    with pq.ParquetWriter(
+            path, table.schema,
+            encryption_properties=file_encryption_properties) as writer:
+        writer.write_table(table)
+def read_encrypted_parquet(path, decryption_config,
+                           kms_connection_config, crypto_factory):
+    file_decryption_properties = crypto_factory.file_decryption_properties(
+        kms_connection_config, decryption_config)
+    assert(file_decryption_properties is not None)
+    meta = pq.read_metadata(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    assert(meta.num_columns == 3)
+    schema = pq.read_schema(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    assert(len(schema.names) == 3)
+    result = pq.ParquetFile(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    return
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read it without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        result = pq.ParquetFile(path)
+        assert(result is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_metadata_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read its metadata without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        meta = pq.read_metadata(path)
+        assert(meta is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_schema_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read its schema without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        schema = pq.read_schema(path)
+        assert(schema is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_no_col_key(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but give only footer key,
+    without column key."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_no_col_key.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    # Encrypt the footer with the footer key
+    encryption_config = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+        footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME)
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig(
+        custom_kms_conf={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: COL_KEY,
+        }
+    )
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"column_keys"):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but raise KeyError in KmsClient."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        # Empty master keys map will cause KeyError to be raised
+        # on wrap/unwrap calls
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_factory_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but raise ValueError in kms_factory."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_factory_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        raise ValueError('I am a value erorr')
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_factory_type_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but use wrong KMS client type
+    that doesn't implement KmsClient."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_factory_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    class WrongTypeKmsClient():
+        """This is not an implementation of KmsClient.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, config):
+            self.master_keys_map = config.custom_kms_conf
+        def wrap_key(self, key_bytes, master_key_identifier):
+            return None
+        def unwrap_key(self, wrapped_key, master_key_identifier):
+            return None
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return WrongTypeKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_loop(tempdir):

Review comment:
       What is the motivation for this test? Could be added to docstring.

File path: python/pyarrow/tests/parquet/
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import pyarrow as pa
+import pytest
+    import pyarrow.parquet as pq
+except ImportError:
+    pq = None
+import base64
+from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import timedelta
+DATA_TABLE = pa.Table.from_pydict(
+    OrderedDict([
+        ('a', pa.array([1, 2, 3])),
+        ('b', pa.array(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
+        ('c', pa.array(['x', 'y', 'z']))
+    ])
+PARQUET_NAME = 'encrypted_table.in_mem.parquet'
+FOOTER_KEY = "0123456789ABCDEF"
+FOOTER_KEY_NAME = "footer_key"
+COL_KEY = "1234123412341234"
+COL_KEY_NAME = "col_key"
+BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+    footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME,
+    column_keys={
+        COL_KEY_NAME: ["a", "b"],
+    },
+class InMemoryKmsClient(pq.KmsClient):
+    """This is a mock class implementation of KmsClient, built for testing only.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        """Create an InMemoryKmsClient instance."""
+        pq.KmsClient.__init__(self)
+        self.master_keys_map = config.custom_kms_conf
+    def wrap_key(self, key_bytes, master_key_identifier):
+        """Wrap key key_bytes with key identified by master_key_identifier.
+        The result contains nonce concatenated before the encrypted key."""
+        master_key = self.master_keys_map[master_key_identifier]
+        # Create a cipher object to encrypt data
+        cipher ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_GCM)
+        nonce = cipher.nonce
+        encrypted_key = cipher.encrypt(key_bytes)
+        result = base64.b64encode(nonce + encrypted_key)
+        return result
+    def unwrap_key(self, wrapped_key, master_key_identifier):
+        """Unwrap wrapped_key with key identified by master_key_identifier"""
+        master_key = self.master_keys_map[master_key_identifier]
+        decoded_wrapped_key = base64.b64decode(wrapped_key)
+        nonce, encrypted_key = \
+            decoded_wrapped_key[:16], decoded_wrapped_key[-16:]
+        # Create a cipher object to decrypt data
+        cipher ='utf-8'), AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
+        decrypted_key = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_key)
+        return decrypted_key
+def verify_file_encrypted(path):
+    """Verify that the file is encrypted by looking at its first 4 bytes.
+    If it's the magic string PARE
+    then this is a parquet with encrypted footer."""
+    with open(path, "rb") as file:
+        magic_str =
+        # Verify magic string for parquet with encrypted footer is PARE
+        assert(magic_str == b'PARE')
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted, and then read it."""
+    path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    # Encrypt the footer with the footer key,
+    # encrypt column `a` and column `b` with another key,
+    # keep `c` plaintext
+    encryption_config = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+        footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME,
+        column_keys={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: ["a", "b"],
+        },
+        encryption_algorithm="AES_GCM_V1",
+        cache_lifetime=timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+        data_key_length_bits=256)
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig(
+        custom_kms_conf={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: COL_KEY,
+        }
+    )
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+    # Write with encryption properties
+    write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                            kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+    verify_file_encrypted(path)
+    # Read with decryption properties
+    decryption_config = pq.DecryptionConfiguration(
+        cache_lifetime=timedelta(minutes=5.0))
+    result_table = read_encrypted_parquet(
+        path, decryption_config, kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+    assert table.equals(result_table)
+def write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                            kms_connection_config, crypto_factory):
+    file_encryption_properties = crypto_factory.file_encryption_properties(
+        kms_connection_config, encryption_config)
+    assert(file_encryption_properties is not None)
+    with pq.ParquetWriter(
+            path, table.schema,
+            encryption_properties=file_encryption_properties) as writer:
+        writer.write_table(table)
+def read_encrypted_parquet(path, decryption_config,
+                           kms_connection_config, crypto_factory):
+    file_decryption_properties = crypto_factory.file_decryption_properties(
+        kms_connection_config, decryption_config)
+    assert(file_decryption_properties is not None)
+    meta = pq.read_metadata(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    assert(meta.num_columns == 3)
+    schema = pq.read_schema(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    assert(len(schema.names) == 3)
+    result = pq.ParquetFile(
+        path, decryption_properties=file_decryption_properties)
+    return
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read it without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        result = pq.ParquetFile(path)
+        assert(result is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_metadata_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read its metadata without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        meta = pq.read_metadata(path)
+        assert(meta is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_read_schema_no_decryption_config(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, verify it's encrypted,
+    but then try to read its schema without decryption properties."""
+    with pytest.raises(IOError, match=r"no decryption"):
+        test_encrypted_parquet_write_read(tempdir)
+        path = tempdir / PARQUET_NAME
+        schema = pq.read_schema(path)
+        assert(schema is not None)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_no_col_key(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but give only footer key,
+    without column key."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_no_col_key.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    # Encrypt the footer with the footer key
+    encryption_config = pq.EncryptionConfiguration(
+        footer_key=FOOTER_KEY_NAME)
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig(
+        custom_kms_conf={
+            COL_KEY_NAME: COL_KEY,
+        }
+    )
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"column_keys"):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but raise KeyError in KmsClient."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        # Empty master keys map will cause KeyError to be raised
+        # on wrap/unwrap calls
+        return InMemoryKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_factory_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but raise ValueError in kms_factory."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_factory_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        raise ValueError('I am a value erorr')
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)
+def test_encrypted_parquet_write_kms_factory_type_error(tempdir):
+    """Write an encrypted parquet, but use wrong KMS client type
+    that doesn't implement KmsClient."""
+    path = tempdir / 'encrypted_table_kms_factory_error.in_mem.parquet'
+    table = DATA_TABLE
+    encryption_config = BASIC_ENCRYPTION_CONFIG
+    # Empty master_keys_map
+    kms_connection_config = pq.KmsConnectionConfig()
+    class WrongTypeKmsClient():
+        """This is not an implementation of KmsClient.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, config):
+            self.master_keys_map = config.custom_kms_conf
+        def wrap_key(self, key_bytes, master_key_identifier):
+            return None
+        def unwrap_key(self, wrapped_key, master_key_identifier):
+            return None
+    def kms_factory(kms_connection_configuration):
+        return WrongTypeKmsClient(kms_connection_configuration)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        crypto_factory = pq.CryptoFactory(kms_factory)
+        # Write with encryption properties
+        write_encrypted_parquet(path, table, encryption_config,
+                                kms_connection_config, crypto_factory)

Review comment:
       I would suggest another couple of tests trying to decrypt an encrypted file with the wrong keys.

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