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Posted to by Jan Arend Jansen <> on 2005/03/15 16:16:50 UTC

Navigation and Forms

Hi all,


I have the following problem:


I've created a tiled view for editing persistent user objects. 

On all of my pages I have used a PanelNavigation component that creates a
nested menu in a menu tile.

I enter the edit view from a find view by setting the selected User object
on the requestMap

The edit view displays the user object fields in a form in a content tile


So far, so good!


Now the problem:

When I hit menu item with nested menu items, while the content of the pages
is showing the edit user content the content form is cleared.

This is to be expected because the menu form was submitted, instead of the
content form, but from a user point of view this is strange, because the
user intended to open a closed menu and keep the content tile as it was.


I've managed to create a workaround in the backing bean of the edit page,
but I don't like it very much. It uses a hidden field on the page to store
the user object being edited and restores this.


Are there nicer ways to accomplish this?



Jan Arend Jansen