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Posted to by Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot <> on 2012/02/07 16:18:33 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2 released

The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Directory Studio 2.0 M2, the second milestone release of the version 2.0 of
its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2 as a standalone RCP
application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows here:

You can install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of the 2.0 version:
* The Apache Directory LDAP API has now been integrated in Apache Directory
** it is used as default network provider (as a replacement for JNDI -
which is still selectable)
** and also in the Schema Editor plugin for checking the schema
* A new LDAP Servers plugin has been introduced and replaces the ApacheDS
** it provides an open way to include LDAP Server adapters which allows you
create and run a new LDAP Server within seconds
** LDAP Server adapters are provided for all ApacheDS versions from 1.5.3
to the latest milestone 2.0 M4).
* A new ApacheDS 2.0 Configuration plugin takes care of editing the
configuration of a 2.0 ApacheDS instance:
** it reads the configuration from the LDIF configuration file on the
** it can also read the configuration via LDAP using a connection defined
in the LDAP Browser
* The RCP application is based on the latest version of Eclipse (3.7.1):
** it is provided in two versions (32 bit and 64 bit) for each major
operating system (Mac OS X, Linux & Windows)
* There are a lot more new additions, improvements and bug fixes

Here are the release notes for Apache Directory Studio 2.0 M2:
* [DIRSTUDIO-630] - Importing a Schema project twice shouldn't be possible
* [DIRSTUDIO-733] - Error while reading RootDSE on Sun One directory server
* [DIRSTUDIO-739] - Using 'Quick Search' in the DN editor while editing
some object cancels editing and jumps to 'Quick Search' in the main window
* [DIRSTUDIO-759] - Exit confirmation dialog is showed twice when quitting
the application by closing the window on Linux and Windows
* [DIRSTUDIO-760] - Unable to bind on an Active Directory server using
* [DIRSTUDIO-763] - Typo in some English error messages ('occured' instead
of 'occurred')

The Apache Directory Team