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[21/46] celix git commit: CELIX-417: Initial refactoring for CMake usage
diff --git a/framework/private/src/service_reference.c b/framework/private/src/service_reference.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 545426d..0000000
--- a/framework/private/src/service_reference.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * service_reference.c
- *
- *  \date       Jul 20, 2010
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <constants.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <utils.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "service_reference.h"
-#include "service_reference_private.h"
-#include "service_registration_private.h"
-static void serviceReference_destroy(service_reference_pt);
-static void serviceReference_logWarningUsageCountBelowZero(service_reference_pt ref);
-celix_status_t serviceReference_create(registry_callback_t callback, bundle_pt referenceOwner, service_registration_pt registration,  service_reference_pt *out) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	service_reference_pt ref = calloc(1, sizeof(*ref));
-	if (!ref) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	} else {
-        ref->callback = callback;
-		ref->referenceOwner = referenceOwner;
-		ref->registration = registration;
-        ref->service = NULL;
-        serviceRegistration_getBundle(registration, &ref->registrationBundle);
-		celixThreadRwlock_create(&ref->lock, NULL);
-		ref->refCount = 1;
-        ref->usageCount = 0;
-        serviceRegistration_retain(ref->registration);
-	}
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-		*out = ref;
-	}
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create service reference");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_retain(service_reference_pt ref) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    ref->refCount += 1;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_release(service_reference_pt ref, bool *out) {
-    bool destroyed = false;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    assert(ref->refCount > 0);
-    ref->refCount -= 1;
-    if (ref->refCount == 0) {
-        if (ref->registration != NULL) {
-            serviceRegistration_release(ref->registration);
-        }
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-        serviceReference_destroy(ref);
-        destroyed = true;
-    } else {
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    }
-    if (out) {
-        *out = destroyed;
-    }
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_increaseUsage(service_reference_pt ref, size_t *out) {
-    //fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying service reference %p\n", ref);
-    size_t local = 0;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    ref->usageCount += 1;
-    local = ref->usageCount;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    if (out) {
-        *out = local;
-    }
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_decreaseUsage(service_reference_pt ref, size_t *out) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    size_t localCount = 0;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    if (ref->usageCount == 0) {
-        serviceReference_logWarningUsageCountBelowZero(ref);
-        status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-    } else {
-        ref->usageCount -= 1;
-    }
-    localCount = ref->usageCount;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    if (out) {
-        *out = localCount;
-    }
-    return status;
-static void serviceReference_logWarningUsageCountBelowZero(service_reference_pt ref __attribute__((unused))) {
-    fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_WARNING, "Cannot decrease service usage count below 0\n");
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getUsageCount(service_reference_pt ref, size_t *count) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    *count = ref->usageCount;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getReferenceCount(service_reference_pt ref, size_t *count) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    *count = ref->refCount;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getService(service_reference_pt ref, void **service) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    /*NOTE the service argument should be 'const void**'
-      To ensure backwards compatability a cast is made instead.
-    */
-    *service = (const void**) ref->service;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_setService(service_reference_pt ref, const void *service) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    ref->service = service;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-static void serviceReference_destroy(service_reference_pt ref) {
-	assert(ref->refCount == 0);
-    celixThreadRwlock_destroy(&ref->lock);
-	ref->registration = NULL;
-	free(ref);
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getBundle(service_reference_pt ref, bundle_pt *bundle) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    if (ref->registration != NULL) {
-        *bundle = ref->registrationBundle;
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getOwner(service_reference_pt ref, bundle_pt *owner) { 
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    *owner = ref->referenceOwner;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(service_reference_pt ref, service_registration_pt *out) {
-    if (ref != NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-        *out = ref->registration;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-        return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-    }
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getProperty(service_reference_pt ref, const char* key, const char** value) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    properties_pt props = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    if (ref->registration != NULL) {
-        status = serviceRegistration_getProperties(ref->registration, &props);
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            *value = (char*) properties_get(props, key);
-        }
-    } else {
-        *value = NULL;
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-FRAMEWORK_EXPORT celix_status_t serviceReference_getPropertyKeys(service_reference_pt ref, char **keys[], unsigned int *size) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    properties_pt props = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    serviceRegistration_getProperties(ref->registration, &props);
-    hash_map_iterator_pt it;
-    int i = 0;
-    int vsize = hashMap_size(props);
-    *size = (unsigned int)vsize;
-    *keys = malloc(vsize * sizeof(**keys));
-    it = hashMapIterator_create(props);
-    while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(it)) {
-        (*keys)[i] = hashMapIterator_nextKey(it);
-        i++;
-    }
-    hashMapIterator_destroy(it);
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_invalidate(service_reference_pt ref) {
-    assert(ref != NULL);
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    service_registration_pt reg = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&ref->lock);
-    reg = ref->registration;
-    ref->registration = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    if (reg != NULL) {
-        serviceRegistration_release(reg);
-    }
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_isValid(service_reference_pt ref, bool *result) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    (*result) = ref->registration != NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-bool serviceReference_isAssignableTo(service_reference_pt reference __attribute__((unused)), bundle_pt requester __attribute__((unused)), const char* serviceName __attribute__((unused))) {
-	bool allow = true;
-	/*NOTE for now always true. It would be nice to be able to do somechecks if the services are really assignable.
-	 */
-	return allow;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_equals(service_reference_pt reference, service_reference_pt compareTo, bool *equal) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (reference != NULL && compareTo != NULL) {
-        service_registration_pt reg1;
-        service_registration_pt reg2;
-        serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(reference, &reg1);
-        serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(compareTo, &reg2);
-        *equal = (reg1 == reg2);
-    } else {
-        status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
-        *equal = false;
-    }
-	return status;
-int serviceReference_equals2(const void* reference1, const void* reference2) {
-	bool equal;
-	serviceReference_equals((service_reference_pt)reference1, (service_reference_pt)reference2, &equal);
-	return equal;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_compareTo(service_reference_pt reference, service_reference_pt compareTo, int *compare) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	long id, other_id;
-	const char* id_str;
-    const char* other_id_str;
-	serviceReference_getProperty(reference, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_ID, &id_str);
-	serviceReference_getProperty(compareTo, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_ID, &other_id_str);
-	id = atol(id_str);
-	other_id = atol(other_id_str);
-	long rank, other_rank;
-	const char *rank_str;
-    const char* other_rank_str;
-	serviceReference_getProperty(reference, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_RANKING, &rank_str);
-	serviceReference_getProperty(compareTo, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_RANKING, &other_rank_str);
-	rank = rank_str == NULL ? 0 : atol(rank_str);
-	other_rank = other_rank_str == NULL ? 0 : atol(other_rank_str);
-    *compare = utils_compareServiceIdsAndRanking(id, rank, other_id, other_rank);
-	return status;
-unsigned int serviceReference_hashCode(const void *referenceP) {
-    service_reference_pt ref = (service_reference_pt)referenceP;
-    bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
-    service_registration_pt reg = NULL;
-    if (ref != NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-        bundle = ref->registrationBundle;
-        reg = ref->registration;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    }
-	int prime = 31;
-	int result = 1;
-	result = prime * result;
-	if (bundle != NULL && reg != NULL) {
-		intptr_t bundleA = (intptr_t) bundle;
-		intptr_t registrationA = (intptr_t) reg;
-		result += bundleA + registrationA;
-	}
-	return result;
-celix_status_t serviceReference_getUsingBundles(service_reference_pt ref, array_list_pt *out) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    service_registration_pt reg = NULL;
-    registry_callback_t callback;
-    callback.getUsingBundles = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&ref->lock);
-    reg = ref->registration;
-    if (reg != NULL) {
-        serviceRegistration_retain(reg);
-        callback.handle = ref->callback.handle;
-        callback.getUsingBundles = ref->callback.getUsingBundles;
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&ref->lock);
-    if (reg != NULL) {
-        if (callback.getUsingBundles != NULL) {
-            status = callback.getUsingBundles(callback.handle, reg, out);
-        } else {
-            fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_ERROR, "getUsingBundles callback not set");
-            status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-        }
-        serviceRegistration_release(reg);
-    }
-    return status;
diff --git a/framework/private/src/service_registration.c b/framework/private/src/service_registration.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d23dbf..0000000
--- a/framework/private/src/service_registration.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * service_registration.c
- *
- *  \date       Aug 6, 2010
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "service_registration_private.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_initializeProperties(service_registration_pt registration, properties_pt properties);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_createInternal(registry_callback_t callback, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, unsigned long serviceId,
-        const void * serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary, bool isFactory, service_registration_pt *registration);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_destroy(service_registration_pt registration);
-service_registration_pt serviceRegistration_create(registry_callback_t callback, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, unsigned long serviceId, const void * serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary) {
-    service_registration_pt registration = NULL;
-	serviceRegistration_createInternal(callback, bundle, serviceName, serviceId, serviceObject, dictionary, false, &registration);
-	return registration;
-service_registration_pt serviceRegistration_createServiceFactory(registry_callback_t callback, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, unsigned long serviceId, const void * serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary) {
-    service_registration_pt registration = NULL;
-    serviceRegistration_createInternal(callback, bundle, serviceName, serviceId, serviceObject, dictionary, true, &registration);
-    return registration;
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_createInternal(registry_callback_t callback, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, unsigned long serviceId,
-        const void * serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary, bool isFactory, service_registration_pt *out) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	service_registration_pt  reg = calloc(1, sizeof(*reg));
-    if (reg) {
-        reg->callback = callback;
-        reg->services = NULL;
-        reg->nrOfServices = 0;
-		reg->isServiceFactory = isFactory;
-		reg->className = strndup(serviceName, 1024*10);
-		reg->bundle = bundle;
-		reg->refCount = 1;
-		reg->serviceId = serviceId;
-	reg->svcObj = serviceObject;
-		if (isFactory) {
-			reg->serviceFactory = (service_factory_pt) reg->svcObj;
-		} else {
-			reg->serviceFactory = NULL;
-		}
-		reg->isUnregistering = false;
-		celixThreadRwlock_create(&reg->lock, NULL);
-		celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&reg->lock);
-		serviceRegistration_initializeProperties(reg, dictionary);
-		celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&reg->lock);
-	} else {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	}
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-		*out = reg;
-	}
-	return status;
-void serviceRegistration_retain(service_registration_pt registration) {
-	celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registration->lock);
-	registration->refCount += 1;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-void serviceRegistration_release(service_registration_pt registration) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registration->lock);
-    assert(registration->refCount > 0);
-	registration->refCount -= 1;
-	if (registration->refCount == 0) {
-		serviceRegistration_destroy(registration);
-	} else {
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-	}
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_destroy(service_registration_pt registration) {
-	//fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying service registration %p\n", registration);
-    free(registration->className);
-	registration->className = NULL;
-    registration->callback.unregister = NULL;
-	properties_destroy(registration->properties);
-	celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    celixThreadRwlock_destroy(&registration->lock);
-	free(registration);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistration_initializeProperties(service_registration_pt registration, properties_pt dictionary) {
-    char sId[32];
-	if (dictionary == NULL) {
-		dictionary = properties_create();
-	}
-	snprintf(sId, 32, "%lu", registration->serviceId);
-	properties_set(dictionary, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_ID, sId);
-	if (properties_get(dictionary, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_OBJECTCLASS) == NULL) {
-		properties_set(dictionary, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_OBJECTCLASS, registration->className);
-	}
-	registration->properties = dictionary;
-void serviceRegistration_invalidate(service_registration_pt registration) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registration->lock);
-    registration->svcObj = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-bool serviceRegistration_isValid(service_registration_pt registration) {
-    bool isValid;
-    if (registration != NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-        isValid = registration->svcObj != NULL;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    } else {
-        isValid = false;
-    }
-    return isValid;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_unregister(service_registration_pt registration) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    bool notValidOrUnregistering;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-    notValidOrUnregistering = !serviceRegistration_isValid(registration) || registration->isUnregistering;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    registry_callback_t callback;
-    callback.unregister = NULL;
-    bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
-	if (notValidOrUnregistering) {
-	} else {
-        celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registration->lock);
-        registration->isUnregistering = true;
-        bundle = registration->bundle;
-        callback = registration->callback;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    }
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && callback.unregister != NULL) {
-        callback.unregister(callback.handle, bundle, registration);
-	}
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot unregister service registration");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_getService(service_registration_pt registration, bundle_pt bundle, const void** service) {
-	int status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-    if (registration->isServiceFactory) {
-        service_factory_pt factory = (void*) registration->serviceFactory;
-        /*NOTE the service argument of the service_factory should be const void**.
-          To ensure backwards compatability a cast is made instead.
-        */
-        status = factory->getService(factory->handle, bundle, registration, (void**) service);
-    } else {
-        (*service) = registration->svcObj;
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_ungetService(service_registration_pt registration, bundle_pt bundle, const void** service) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-    if (registration->isServiceFactory) {
-        service_factory_pt factory = (void*) registration->serviceFactory;
-        /*NOTE the service argument of the service_factory should be const void**.
-          To ensure backwards compatability a cast is made instead.
-        */
-        factory->ungetService(factory->handle, bundle, registration, (void**) service);
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_getProperties(service_registration_pt registration, properties_pt *properties) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (registration != NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-        *properties = registration->properties;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-     } else {
-          status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
-     }
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get registration properties");
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_setProperties(service_registration_pt registration, properties_pt properties) {
-    celix_status_t status;
-    properties_pt oldProperties = NULL;
-    registry_callback_t callback;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registration->lock);
-    oldProperties = registration->properties;
-    status = serviceRegistration_initializeProperties(registration, properties);
-    callback = registration->callback;
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && callback.modified != NULL) {
-        callback.modified(callback.handle, registration, oldProperties);
-    }
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_getBundle(service_registration_pt registration, bundle_pt *bundle) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (registration == NULL) {
-    }
-    if (registration != NULL && *bundle == NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-        *bundle = registration->bundle;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-	} else {
-	}
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get bundle");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistration_getServiceName(service_registration_pt registration, const char **serviceName) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (registration != NULL && *serviceName == NULL) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registration->lock);
-        *serviceName = registration->className;
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registration->lock);
-	} else {
-        status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
-    }
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get service name");
-	return status;
diff --git a/framework/private/src/service_registry.c b/framework/private/src/service_registry.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d27cc32..0000000
--- a/framework/private/src/service_registry.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * service_registry.c
- *
- *  \date       Aug 6, 2010
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "service_registry_private.h"
-#include "service_registration_private.h"
-#include "listener_hook_service.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "service_reference_private.h"
-#include "framework_private.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_registerServiceInternal(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, const void * serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary, bool isFactory, service_registration_pt *registration);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_addHooks(service_registry_pt registry, const char* serviceName, const void *serviceObject, service_registration_pt registration);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_removeHook(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt registration);
-static void serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceReferenceUsageCount(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt ref, size_t usageCount, size_t refCount);
-static void serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceRegistration(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt reg);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_checkReference(service_registry_pt registry, service_reference_pt ref,
-                                                     reference_status_t *refStatus);
-static void serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(service_registry_pt registry, service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                   reference_status_t refStatus);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_setReferenceStatus(service_registry_pt registry, service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                  bool deleted);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getUsingBundles(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt reg, array_list_pt *bundles);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getServiceReference_internal(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt owner, service_registration_pt registration, service_reference_pt *out);
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_create(framework_pt framework, serviceChanged_function_pt serviceChanged, service_registry_pt *out) {
-	celix_status_t status;
-	service_registry_pt reg = calloc(1, sizeof(*reg));
-	if (reg == NULL) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	} else {
-        reg->callback.handle = reg;
-        reg->callback.getUsingBundles = (void *)serviceRegistry_getUsingBundles;
-        reg->callback.unregister = (void *) serviceRegistry_unregisterService;
-        reg->callback.modified = (void *) serviceRegistry_servicePropertiesModified;
-        reg->serviceChanged = serviceChanged;
-		reg->serviceRegistrations = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		reg->framework = framework;
-		reg->currentServiceId = 1UL;
-		reg->serviceReferences = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        reg->checkDeletedReferences = CHECK_DELETED_REFERENCES;
-        reg->deletedServiceReferences = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		arrayList_create(&reg->listenerHooks);
-		status = celixThreadRwlock_create(&reg->lock, NULL);
-	}
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-		*out = reg;
-	} else {
-		framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create service registry");
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_destroy(service_registry_pt registry) {
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-    //destroy service registration map
-    int size = hashMap_size(registry->serviceRegistrations);
-    assert(size == 0);
-    hashMap_destroy(registry->serviceRegistrations, false, false);
-    //destroy service references (double) map);
-    //FIXME. The framework bundle does not (yet) call clearReferences, as result the size could be > 0 for test code.
-    //size = hashMap_size(registry->serviceReferences);
-    //assert(size == 0);
-    hashMap_destroy(registry->serviceReferences, false, false);
-    //destroy listener hooks
-    size = arrayList_size(registry->listenerHooks);
-    if (size == 0)
-    	arrayList_destroy(registry->listenerHooks);
-    hashMap_destroy(registry->deletedServiceReferences, false, false);
-    free(registry);
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getRegisteredServices(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, array_list_pt *services) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-	array_list_pt regs = (array_list_pt) hashMap_get(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-	if (regs != NULL) {
-		unsigned int i;
-		arrayList_create(services);
-		for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(regs); i++) {
-			service_registration_pt reg = arrayList_get(regs, i);
-			if (serviceRegistration_isValid(reg)) {
-				service_reference_pt reference = NULL;
-				status = serviceRegistry_getServiceReference_internal(registry, bundle, reg, &reference);
-				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-					arrayList_add(*services, reference);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get registered services");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_registerService(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, const void* serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary, service_registration_pt *registration) {
-    return serviceRegistry_registerServiceInternal(registry, bundle, serviceName, serviceObject, dictionary, false, registration);
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_registerServiceFactory(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, service_factory_pt factory, properties_pt dictionary, service_registration_pt *registration) {
-    return serviceRegistry_registerServiceInternal(registry, bundle, serviceName, (const void *) factory, dictionary, true, registration);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_registerServiceInternal(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, const char* serviceName, const void* serviceObject, properties_pt dictionary, bool isFactory, service_registration_pt *registration) {
-	array_list_pt regs;
-	if (isFactory) {
-	    *registration = serviceRegistration_createServiceFactory(registry->callback, bundle, serviceName, ++registry->currentServiceId, serviceObject, dictionary);
-	} else {
-	    *registration = serviceRegistration_create(registry->callback, bundle, serviceName, ++registry->currentServiceId, serviceObject, dictionary);
-	}
-    //long id;
-    //bundle_getBundleId(bundle, &id);
-    //fprintf(stderr, "REG: Registering service '%s' for bundle id %li with reg pointer %p\n", serviceName, id, *registration);
-    serviceRegistry_addHooks(registry, serviceName, serviceObject, *registration);
-	celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-	regs = (array_list_pt) hashMap_get(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-	if (regs == NULL) {
-		regs = NULL;
-		arrayList_create(&regs);
-        hashMap_put(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle, regs);
-    }
-	arrayList_add(regs, *registration);
-	celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	if (registry->serviceChanged != NULL) {
-		registry->serviceChanged(registry->framework, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_EVENT_REGISTERED, *registration, NULL);
-	}
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_unregisterService(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_registration_pt registration) {
-	// array_list_t clients;
-	array_list_pt regs;
-    //fprintf(stderr, "REG: Unregistering service registration with pointer %p\n", registration);
-	serviceRegistry_removeHook(registry, registration);
-	celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-	regs = (array_list_pt) hashMap_get(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-	if (regs != NULL) {
-		arrayList_removeElement(regs, registration);
-        int size = arrayList_size(regs);
-        if (size == 0) {
-            arrayList_destroy(regs);
-            hashMap_remove(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-        }
-	}
-	celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	if (registry->serviceChanged != NULL) {
-		registry->serviceChanged(registry->framework, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_EVENT_UNREGISTERING, registration, NULL);
-	}
-	celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-    //invalidate service references
-    hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(registry->serviceReferences);
-    while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-        hash_map_pt refsMap = hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter);
-        service_reference_pt ref = refsMap != NULL ?
-                                   hashMap_get(refsMap, (void*)registration->serviceId) : NULL;
-        if (ref != NULL) {
-            serviceReference_invalidate(ref);
-        }
-    }
-    hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	serviceRegistration_invalidate(registration);
-    serviceRegistration_release(registration);
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_clearServiceRegistrations(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    array_list_pt registrations = NULL;
-    bool registrationsLeft;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-    registrations = hashMap_get(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-    registrationsLeft = (registrations != NULL);
-    if (registrationsLeft) {
-        registrationsLeft = (arrayList_size(registrations) > 0);
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    while (registrationsLeft) {
-        service_registration_pt reg = arrayList_get(registrations, 0);
-        serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceRegistration(registry, reg);
-        if (serviceRegistration_isValid(reg)) {
-            serviceRegistration_unregister(reg);
-        }
-        else {
-            arrayList_remove(registrations, 0);
-        }
-        // not removed by last unregister call?
-        celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-        registrations = hashMap_get(registry->serviceRegistrations, bundle);
-        registrationsLeft = (registrations != NULL);
-        if (registrationsLeft) {
-            registrationsLeft = (arrayList_size(registrations) > 0);
-        }
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    }
-    return status;
-static void serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceRegistration(service_registry_pt registry __attribute__((unused)), service_registration_pt reg) {
-    const char *servName = NULL;
-    serviceRegistration_getServiceName(reg, &servName);
-    fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_WARNING, "Dangling service registration for service %s. Look for missing serviceRegistration_unregister calls.", servName);
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getServiceReference(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt owner,
-                                                   service_registration_pt registration, service_reference_pt *out) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if(celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock) == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-	    status = serviceRegistry_getServiceReference_internal(registry, owner, registration, out);
-	    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	}
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getServiceReference_internal(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt owner,
-                                                   service_registration_pt registration, service_reference_pt *out) {
-	//only call after locked registry RWlock
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
-    service_reference_pt ref = NULL;
-    hash_map_pt references = NULL;
-    references = hashMap_get(registry->serviceReferences, owner);
-    if (references == NULL) {
-        references = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        hashMap_put(registry->serviceReferences, owner, references);
-	}
-    ref = hashMap_get(references, (void*)registration->serviceId);
-    if (ref == NULL) {
-        status = serviceRegistration_getBundle(registration, &bundle);
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            status = serviceReference_create(registry->callback, owner, registration, &ref);
-        }
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            hashMap_put(references, (void*)registration->serviceId, ref);
-            hashMap_put(registry->deletedServiceReferences, ref, (void *)false);
-        }
-    } else {
-        serviceReference_retain(ref);
-    }
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        *out = ref;
-    }
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create service reference");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getServiceReferences(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt owner, const char *serviceName, filter_pt filter, array_list_pt *out) {
-	celix_status_t status;
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iterator;
-    array_list_pt references = NULL;
-	array_list_pt matchingRegistrations = NULL;
-    bool matchResult;
-    status = arrayList_create(&references);
-    status = CELIX_DO_IF(status, arrayList_create(&matchingRegistrations));
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-	iterator = hashMapIterator_create(registry->serviceRegistrations);
-	while (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && hashMapIterator_hasNext(iterator)) {
-		array_list_pt regs = (array_list_pt) hashMapIterator_nextValue(iterator);
-		unsigned int regIdx;
-		for (regIdx = 0; (regs != NULL) && regIdx < arrayList_size(regs); regIdx++) {
-			service_registration_pt registration = (service_registration_pt) arrayList_get(regs, regIdx);
-			properties_pt props = NULL;
-			status = serviceRegistration_getProperties(registration, &props);
-			if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-				bool matched = false;
-				matchResult = false;
-				if (filter != NULL) {
-					filter_match(filter, props, &matchResult);
-				}
-				if ((serviceName == NULL) && ((filter == NULL) || matchResult)) {
-					matched = true;
-				} else if (serviceName != NULL) {
-					const char *className = NULL;
-					matchResult = false;
-					serviceRegistration_getServiceName(registration, &className);
-					if (filter != NULL) {
-						filter_match(filter, props, &matchResult);
-					}
-					if ((strcmp(className, serviceName) == 0) && ((filter == NULL) || matchResult)) {
-						matched = true;
-					}
-				}
-				if (matched) {
-					if (serviceRegistration_isValid(registration)) {
-                        serviceRegistration_retain(registration);
-                        arrayList_add(matchingRegistrations, registration);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iterator);
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        unsigned int i;
-        unsigned int size = arrayList_size(matchingRegistrations);
-        for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
-            service_registration_pt reg = arrayList_get(matchingRegistrations, i);
-            service_reference_pt reference = NULL;
-            celix_status_t subStatus = serviceRegistry_getServiceReference(registry, owner, reg, &reference);
-            if (subStatus == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-                arrayList_add(references, reference);
-            } else {
-                status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-            }
-            serviceRegistration_release(reg);
-        }
-    }
-    if(matchingRegistrations != NULL){
-    	arrayList_destroy(matchingRegistrations);
-    }
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        *out = references;
-    } else {
-        //TODO ungetServiceRefs
-        arrayList_destroy(references);
-        framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get service references");
-    }
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_retainServiceReference(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt reference) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    reference_status_t refStatus;
-    bundle_pt refBundle = NULL;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-    serviceRegistry_checkReference(registry, reference, &refStatus);
-    if (refStatus == REF_ACTIVE) {
-        serviceReference_getOwner(reference, &refBundle);
-        if (refBundle == bundle) {
-            serviceReference_retain(reference);
-        } else {
-            status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
-            fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_ERROR, "cannot retain a service reference from an other bundle (in ref %p) (provided %p).", refBundle, bundle);
-        }
-    } else {
-        serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(registry, reference, refStatus);
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_ungetServiceReference(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt reference) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    bool destroyed = false;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    reference_status_t refStatus;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-    serviceRegistry_checkReference(registry, reference, &refStatus);
-    if (refStatus == REF_ACTIVE) {
-        serviceReference_getUsageCount(reference, &count);
-        serviceReference_release(reference, &destroyed);
-        if (destroyed) {
-            if (count > 0) {
-                serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceReferenceUsageCount(registry, bundle, reference, count, 0);
-            }
-            hash_map_pt refsMap = hashMap_get(registry->serviceReferences, bundle);
-            unsigned long refId = 0UL;
-            service_reference_pt ref = NULL;
-            hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(refsMap);
-            while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-                hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-                refId = (unsigned long)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry); //note could be invalid e.g. freed
-                ref = hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-                if (ref == reference) {
-                    break;
-                } else {
-                    ref = NULL;
-                    refId = 0UL;
-                }
-            }
-            hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-            if (ref != NULL) {
-                hashMap_remove(refsMap, (void*)refId);
-                int size = hashMap_size(refsMap);
-                if (size == 0) {
-                    hashMap_destroy(refsMap, false, false);
-                    hashMap_remove(registry->serviceReferences, bundle);
-                }
-                serviceRegistry_setReferenceStatus(registry, reference, true);
-            } else {
-                fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot find reference %p in serviceReferences map",
-                       reference);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(registry, reference, refStatus);
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_setReferenceStatus(service_registry_pt registry, service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                  bool deleted) {
-    //precondition write locked on registry->lock
-    if (registry->checkDeletedReferences) {
-        hashMap_put(registry->deletedServiceReferences, reference, (void *) deleted);
-    }
-    return CELIX_SUCCESS;
-static void serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(service_registry_pt registry __attribute__((unused)), service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                   reference_status_t refStatus) {
-    fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_ERROR,
-           "Error handling service reference %p, status is %i",reference, refStatus);
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_checkReference(service_registry_pt registry, service_reference_pt ref,
-                                              reference_status_t *out) {
-    //precondition read or write locked on registry->lock
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (registry->checkDeletedReferences) {
-        reference_status_t refStatus = REF_UNKNOWN;
-        if (hashMap_containsKey(registry->deletedServiceReferences, ref)) {
-            bool deleted = (bool) hashMap_get(registry->deletedServiceReferences, ref);
-            refStatus = deleted ? REF_DELETED : REF_ACTIVE;
-        }
-        *out = refStatus;
-    } else {
-        *out = REF_ACTIVE;
-    }
-    return status;
-static void serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceReferenceUsageCount(service_registry_pt registry __attribute__((unused)), bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt ref, size_t usageCount, size_t refCount) {
-    if (usageCount > 0) {
-        fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_WARNING, "Service Reference destroyed with usage count is %zu, expected 0. Look for missing bundleContext_ungetService calls.", usageCount);
-    }
-    if (refCount > 0) {
-        fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_WARNING, "Dangling service reference. Reference count is %zu, expected 1.  Look for missing bundleContext_ungetServiceReference calls.", refCount);
-    }
-    if(usageCount > 0 || refCount > 0) {
-        module_pt module_ptr = NULL;
-        bundle_getCurrentModule(bundle, &module_ptr);
-        const char* bundle_name = NULL;
-        module_getSymbolicName(module_ptr, &bundle_name);
-        const char* service_name = "unknown";
-        const char* bundle_provider_name = "unknown";
-        if (refCount > 0 && ref != NULL) {
-            serviceReference_getProperty(ref, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_OBJECTCLASS, &service_name);
-            service_registration_pt reg = NULL;
-            bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
-            module_pt mod = NULL;
-            serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(ref, &reg);
-            serviceRegistration_getBundle(reg, &bundle);
-            bundle_getCurrentModule(bundle, &mod);
-            module_getSymbolicName(mod, &bundle_provider_name);
-        }
-        fw_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_WARNING, "Previous Dangling service reference warnings caused by bundle '%s', for service '%s', provided by bundle '%s'", bundle_name, service_name, bundle_provider_name);
-    }
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_clearReferencesFor(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-    hash_map_pt refsMap = hashMap_remove(registry->serviceReferences, bundle);
-    if (refsMap != NULL) {
-        hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(refsMap);
-        while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-            service_reference_pt ref = hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter);
-            size_t refCount;
-            size_t usageCount;
-            serviceReference_getUsageCount(ref, &usageCount);
-            serviceReference_getReferenceCount(ref, &refCount);
-            serviceRegistry_logWarningServiceReferenceUsageCount(registry, bundle, ref, usageCount, refCount);
-            while (usageCount > 0) {
-                serviceReference_decreaseUsage(ref, &usageCount);
-            }
-            bool destroyed = false;
-            while (!destroyed) {
-                serviceReference_release(ref, &destroyed);
-            }
-            serviceRegistry_setReferenceStatus(registry, ref, true);
-        }
-        hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-        hashMap_destroy(refsMap, false, false);
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getServicesInUse(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, array_list_pt *out) {
-    array_list_pt result = NULL;
-    arrayList_create(&result);
-    //LOCK
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-    hash_map_pt refsMap = hashMap_get(registry->serviceReferences, bundle);
-    if(refsMap) {
-        hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(refsMap);
-        while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-            service_reference_pt ref = hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter);
-            arrayList_add(result, ref);
-        }
-        hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-    }
-    //UNLOCK
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    *out = result;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getService(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt reference, const void **out) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	service_registration_pt registration = NULL;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    const void *service = NULL;
-    reference_status_t refStatus;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-    serviceRegistry_checkReference(registry, reference, &refStatus);
-    if (refStatus == REF_ACTIVE) {
-        serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(reference, &registration);
-        if (serviceRegistration_isValid(registration)) {
-            serviceReference_increaseUsage(reference, &count);
-            if (count == 1) {
-                serviceRegistration_getService(registration, bundle, &service);
-                serviceReference_setService(reference, service);
-            }
-            /* NOTE the out argument of sr_getService should be 'const void**'
-               To ensure backwards compatability a cast is made instead.
-            */
-            serviceReference_getService(reference, (void **)out);
-        } else {
-            *out = NULL; //invalid service registration
-        }
-    } else {
-        serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(registry, reference, refStatus);
-        status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_ungetService(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt bundle, service_reference_pt reference, bool *result) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    service_registration_pt reg = NULL;
-    const void *service = NULL;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    celix_status_t subStatus = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    reference_status_t refStatus;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-    serviceRegistry_checkReference(registry, reference, &refStatus);
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    if (refStatus == REF_ACTIVE) {
-        subStatus = serviceReference_decreaseUsage(reference, &count);
-        if (count == 0) {
-            /*NOTE the argument service of sr_getService should be 'const void**'
-              TO ensure backwards compatability a cast is made instead.
-              */
-            serviceReference_getService(reference, (void**)&service);
-            serviceReference_getServiceRegistration(reference, &reg);
-            if (reg != NULL) {
-                serviceRegistration_ungetService(reg, bundle, &service);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        serviceRegistry_logIllegalReference(registry, reference, refStatus);
-        status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-    }
-    if (result) {
-        *result = (subStatus == CELIX_SUCCESS);
-    }
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_addHooks(service_registry_pt registry, const char* serviceName, const void* serviceObject __attribute__((unused)), service_registration_pt registration) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if (strcmp(OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LISTENER_HOOK_SERVICE_NAME, serviceName) == 0) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-		arrayList_add(registry->listenerHooks, registration);
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	}
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_removeHook(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt registration) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	const char* serviceName = NULL;
-	properties_pt props = NULL;
-	serviceRegistration_getProperties(registration, &props);
-	serviceName = properties_get(props, (char *) OSGI_FRAMEWORK_OBJECTCLASS);
-	if (strcmp(OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LISTENER_HOOK_SERVICE_NAME, serviceName) == 0) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&registry->lock);
-		arrayList_removeElement(registry->listenerHooks, registration);
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getListenerHooks(service_registry_pt registry, bundle_pt owner, array_list_pt *out) {
-	celix_status_t status;
-    array_list_pt result;
-    status = arrayList_create(&result);
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        unsigned int i;
-        unsigned size = arrayList_size(registry->listenerHooks);
-        for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
-            celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-            service_registration_pt registration = arrayList_get(registry->listenerHooks, i);
-            serviceRegistration_retain(registration);
-            celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-            service_reference_pt reference = NULL;
-            serviceRegistry_getServiceReference(registry, owner, registration, &reference);
-            arrayList_add(result, reference);
-            serviceRegistration_release(registration);
-        }
-    }
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        *out = result;
-    } else {
-        if (result != NULL) {
-            arrayList_destroy(result);
-        }
-        framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot get listener hooks");
-    }
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceRegistry_servicePropertiesModified(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt registration, properties_pt oldprops) {
-	if (registry->serviceChanged != NULL) {
-		registry->serviceChanged(registry->framework, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_EVENT_MODIFIED, registration, oldprops);
-	}
-static celix_status_t serviceRegistry_getUsingBundles(service_registry_pt registry, service_registration_pt registration, array_list_pt *out) {
-    celix_status_t status;
-    array_list_pt bundles = NULL;
-    hash_map_iterator_pt iter;
-    status = arrayList_create(&bundles);
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&registry->lock);
-        iter = hashMapIterator_create(registry->serviceReferences);
-        while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-            hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-            bundle_pt registrationUser = hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-            hash_map_pt regMap = hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-            if (hashMap_containsKey(regMap, (void*)registration->serviceId)) {
-                arrayList_add(bundles, registrationUser);
-            }
-        }
-        hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-        celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&registry->lock);
-    }
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        *out = bundles;
-    } else {
-        if (bundles != NULL) {
-            arrayList_destroy(bundles);
-        }
-    }
-    return status;
diff --git a/framework/private/src/service_tracker.c b/framework/private/src/service_tracker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2631058..0000000
--- a/framework/private/src/service_tracker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * service_tracker.c
- *
- *  \date       Apr 20, 2010
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <service_reference_private.h>
-#include <framework_private.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "service_tracker_private.h"
-#include "bundle_context.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "service_reference.h"
-#include "celix_log.h"
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeAddingService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                         void **service);
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_track(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference, service_event_pt event);
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_untrack(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference, service_event_pt event);
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeAddService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref, void *service);
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeModifiedService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref, void *service);
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeRemovingService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref,
-                                                           void *service);
-celix_status_t serviceTracker_create(bundle_context_pt context, const char * service, service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, service_tracker_pt *tracker) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if (service == NULL || *tracker != NULL) {
-	} else {
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-			char filter[512];
-			snprintf(filter, sizeof(filter), "(%s=%s)", OSGI_FRAMEWORK_OBJECTCLASS, service);
-            serviceTracker_createWithFilter(context, filter, customizer, tracker);
-		}
-	}
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create service tracker");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTracker_createWithFilter(bundle_context_pt context, const char * filter, service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, service_tracker_pt *tracker) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*tracker = (service_tracker_pt) malloc(sizeof(**tracker));
-	if (!*tracker) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	} else {
-		(*tracker)->context = context;
-		(*tracker)->filter = strdup(filter);
-		(*tracker)->tracker = *tracker;
-        celixThreadRwlock_create(&(*tracker)->lock, NULL);
-		(*tracker)->trackedServices = NULL;
-		arrayList_create(&(*tracker)->trackedServices);
-		(*tracker)->customizer = customizer;
-		(*tracker)->listener = NULL;
-	}
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create service tracker [filter=%s]", filter);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTracker_destroy(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	if (tracker->listener != NULL) {
-		bundleContext_removeServiceListener(tracker->context, tracker->listener);
-	}
-	if (tracker->customizer != NULL) {
-	    serviceTrackerCustomizer_destroy(tracker->customizer);
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&tracker->lock);
-	arrayList_destroy(tracker->trackedServices);
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-	if (tracker->listener != NULL) {
-		free (tracker->listener);
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_destroy(&tracker->lock);
-	free(tracker->filter);
-	free(tracker);
-celix_status_t serviceTracker_open(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	service_listener_pt listener;
-	array_list_pt initial = NULL;
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	listener = (service_listener_pt) malloc(sizeof(*listener));
-	status = bundleContext_getServiceReferences(tracker->context, NULL, tracker->filter, &initial); //REF COUNT to 1
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && listener != NULL) {
-		service_reference_pt initial_reference;
-		unsigned int i;
-		listener->handle = tracker;
-		listener->serviceChanged = (void *) serviceTracker_serviceChanged;
-		status = bundleContext_addServiceListener(tracker->context, listener, tracker->filter);
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-			tracker->listener = listener;
-			for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(initial); i++) {
-				initial_reference = (service_reference_pt) arrayList_get(initial, i);
-				serviceTracker_track(tracker, initial_reference, NULL); //REF COUNT to 2
-                bundleContext_ungetServiceReference(tracker->context, initial_reference); //REF COUNT to 1
-			}
-			arrayList_destroy(initial);
-			initial = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-	if(status != CELIX_SUCCESS && listener != NULL){
-		free(listener);
-	}
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot open tracker");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTracker_close(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-		array_list_pt refs = serviceTracker_getServiceReferences(tracker);
-		if (refs != NULL) {
-			unsigned int i;
-			for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(refs); i++) {
-				service_reference_pt ref = (service_reference_pt) arrayList_get(refs, i);
-				status = serviceTracker_untrack(tracker, ref, NULL);
-			}
-		}
-		arrayList_destroy(refs);
-	}
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-        status = bundleContext_removeServiceListener(tracker->context, tracker->listener);
-        if(status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            free(tracker->listener);
-            tracker->listener = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot close tracker");
-	return status;
-service_reference_pt serviceTracker_getServiceReference(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	tracked_pt tracked;
-    service_reference_pt result = NULL;
-	unsigned int i;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-		tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-		result = tracked->reference;
-        break;
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-	return result;
-array_list_pt serviceTracker_getServiceReferences(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	tracked_pt tracked;
-	unsigned int i;
-	array_list_pt references = NULL;
-	arrayList_create(&references);
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-		tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-		arrayList_add(references, tracked->reference);
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-	return references;
-void *serviceTracker_getService(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	tracked_pt tracked;
-    void *service = NULL;
-	unsigned int i;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-    for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-		tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-		service = tracked->service;
-        break;
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-    return service;
-array_list_pt serviceTracker_getServices(service_tracker_pt tracker) {
-	tracked_pt tracked;
-	unsigned int i;
-	array_list_pt references = NULL;
-	arrayList_create(&references);
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-    for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-		tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-		arrayList_add(references, tracked->service);
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-    return references;
-void *serviceTracker_getServiceByReference(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference) {
-	tracked_pt tracked;
-    void *service = NULL;
-	unsigned int i;
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-		bool equals = false;
-		tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-		serviceReference_equals(reference, tracked->reference, &equals);
-		if (equals) {
-			service = tracked->service;
-            break;
-		}
-	}
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-	return service;
-void serviceTracker_serviceChanged(service_listener_pt listener, service_event_pt event) {
-	service_tracker_pt tracker = listener->handle;
-	switch (event->type) {
-			serviceTracker_track(tracker, event->reference, event);
-			break;
-			serviceTracker_track(tracker, event->reference, event);
-			break;
-			serviceTracker_untrack(tracker, event->reference, event);
-			break;
-            //TODO
-			break;
-	}
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_track(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference, service_event_pt event) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    tracked_pt tracked = NULL;
-    bool found = false;
-    unsigned int i;
-    bundleContext_retainServiceReference(tracker->context, reference);
-    celixThreadRwlock_readLock(&tracker->lock);
-    for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-        bool equals = false;
-        tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-        status = serviceReference_equals(reference, tracked->reference, &equals);
-        if (status != CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            break;
-        }
-        if (equals) {
-            found = true;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && !found /*new*/) {
-        void * service = NULL;
-        status = serviceTracker_invokeAddingService(tracker, reference, &service);
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            if (service != NULL) {
-                tracked = (tracked_pt) calloc(1, sizeof (*tracked));
-                assert(reference != NULL);
-                tracked->reference = reference;
-                tracked->service = service;
-                celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&tracker->lock);
-                arrayList_add(tracker->trackedServices, tracked);
-                celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-                serviceTracker_invokeAddService(tracker, reference, service);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        status = serviceTracker_invokeModifiedService(tracker, reference, tracked->service);
-    }
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot track reference");
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeModifiedService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref, void *service) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (tracker->customizer != NULL) {
-        void *handle = NULL;
-        modified_callback_pt function = NULL;
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getHandle(tracker->customizer, &handle);
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getModifiedFunction(tracker->customizer, &function);
-        if (function != NULL) {
-            function(handle, ref, service);
-        }
-    }
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeAddService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref, void *service) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (tracker->customizer != NULL) {
-        void *handle = NULL;
-        added_callback_pt function = NULL;
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getHandle(tracker->customizer, &handle);
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getAddedFunction(tracker->customizer, &function);
-        if (function != NULL) {
-            function(handle, ref, service);
-        }
-    }
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeAddingService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference,
-                                                          void **service) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    if (tracker->customizer != NULL) {
-    	void *handle = NULL;
-		adding_callback_pt function = NULL;
-		status =  serviceTrackerCustomizer_getHandle(tracker->customizer, &handle);
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            status = serviceTrackerCustomizer_getAddingFunction(tracker->customizer, &function);
-        }
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            if (function != NULL) {
-                status = function(handle, reference, service);
-            } else {
-                status = bundleContext_getService(tracker->context, reference, service);
-            }
-		}
-	} else {
-        status = bundleContext_getService(tracker->context, reference, service);
-    }
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot handle addingService");
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_untrack(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt reference, service_event_pt event) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    tracked_pt tracked = NULL;
-    unsigned int i;
-    bool found = false;
-    celixThreadRwlock_writeLock(&tracker->lock);
-    for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(tracker->trackedServices); i++) {
-        bool equals;
-        tracked = (tracked_pt) arrayList_get(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-        serviceReference_equals(reference, tracked->reference, &equals);
-        if (equals) {
-            found = true;
-            arrayList_remove(tracker->trackedServices, i);
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    celixThreadRwlock_unlock(&tracker->lock);
-    if (found && tracked != NULL) {
-        serviceTracker_invokeRemovingService(tracker, tracked->reference, tracked->service);
-        bundleContext_ungetServiceReference(tracker->context, reference);
-        free(tracked);
-    }
-    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot untrack reference");
-    return status;
-static celix_status_t serviceTracker_invokeRemovingService(service_tracker_pt tracker, service_reference_pt ref,  void *service) {
-    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-    bool ungetSuccess = true;
-    if (tracker->customizer != NULL) {
-        void *handle = NULL;
-        removed_callback_pt function = NULL;
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getHandle(tracker->customizer, &handle);
-        serviceTrackerCustomizer_getRemovedFunction(tracker->customizer, &function);
-        if (function != NULL) {
-            status = function(handle, ref, service);
-        }
-        if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-            status = bundleContext_ungetService(tracker->context, ref, &ungetSuccess);
-        }
-    } else {
-        status = bundleContext_ungetService(tracker->context, ref, &ungetSuccess);
-    }
-    if (!ungetSuccess) {
-        framework_log(logger, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_LOG_ERROR, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error ungetting service");
-        status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-    }
-    return status;
diff --git a/framework/private/src/service_tracker_customizer.c b/framework/private/src/service_tracker_customizer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b62a23a..0000000
--- a/framework/private/src/service_tracker_customizer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * service_tracker_customizer.c
- *
- *  \date       Nov 15, 2012
- *  \author     <a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright  Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "service_tracker_customizer_private.h"
-#include "celix_log.h"
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_create(void *handle,
-		adding_callback_pt addingFunction, added_callback_pt addedFunction,
-		modified_callback_pt modifiedFunction, removed_callback_pt removedFunction, service_tracker_customizer_pt *customizer) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if (handle == NULL || *customizer != NULL) {
-	} else {
-		*customizer = malloc(sizeof(**customizer));
-		if (!*customizer) {
-			status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-		} else {
-			(*customizer)->handle = handle;
-			(*customizer)->addingService = addingFunction;
-			(*customizer)->addedService = addedFunction;
-			(*customizer)->modifiedService = modifiedFunction;
-			(*customizer)->removedService = removedFunction;
-		}
-	}
-	framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Cannot create customizer");
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_destroy(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer) {
-	customizer->handle = NULL;
-	customizer->addingService = NULL;
-	customizer->addedService = NULL;
-	customizer->modifiedService = NULL;
-	customizer->removedService = NULL;
-	free(customizer);
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_getHandle(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, void **handle) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*handle = customizer->handle;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_getAddingFunction(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, adding_callback_pt *function) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*function = customizer->addingService;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_getAddedFunction(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, added_callback_pt *function) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*function = customizer->addedService;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_getModifiedFunction(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, modified_callback_pt *function) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*function = customizer->modifiedService;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t serviceTrackerCustomizer_getRemovedFunction(service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer, removed_callback_pt *function) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	*function = customizer->removedService;
-	return status;