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[27/34] tomee-site-generator git commit: Merge old content. Move tech content to main build.
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-= TomEE Embedded Maven Plugin
-:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-TomEE Embedded Maven plugin has a single goal: `tomee-embedded:run`.
-=== Configuration
-| Name | Default | Description
-| warFile | ${}/${} | where is the binary
-| httpPort | 8080 | HTTP port
-| httpsPort | 8443 | HTTPS port
-| ajpPort | 8009 | AJP port
-| stopPort | 8005 | shutdown port
-| host | localhost | the server host
-| dir | ${}/apache-tomee-embedded | the work directory
-| keystoreFile | - | the keystore file for the HTTPS connector
-| keystorePass | - | the keystore password for the HTTPS connector
-| keystoreType | JKS | the keystore type for the HTTPS connector
-| clientAuth | - | should HTTPS use client authentication
-| keyAlias | - | the key to use for HTTPS
-| sslProtocol | - | the protocol to use for SSL/HTTPS
-| serverXml | - | a custom server.xml
-| ssl | false | is HTTPS active
-| withEjbRemote |false | is EJBd active
-| quickSession | true | is sessions using Random instead of SecureRandom to generate id (faster but less secure, good for dev purposes)
-| skipHttp | false | don't activate HTTP connector (allow to have only HTTPS for instance)
-| classpathAsWar | false | deploy the classpath instead of the binary/war
-| useProjectClasspath | true | in previous case use the project classpath and not plugin one
-| webResourceCached | true | should web resources be cached
-| modules | ${} | list of module to add to the classpath of the application
-| docBase | ${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp | where is the docBase in classpath deployment mode (where are web resources)
-| context | - | which context to use for the main artifact/deployment
-| containerProperties | - | map of container properties
-| mavenLog | true | should the plugin use maven logger instead of JUL
-| keepServerXmlAsThis | false | don't apply port/host configuration to the server.xml if provided
-| users | - | map of user/password
-| roles | - | map of role/users
-| forceJspDevelopment | true | ensure JSP are in development mode (updated)
-| applications | - | list of applications to deploy
-| applicationScopes | - | scope of the artifact to take into account for the classpath (ignore PROVIDED for instance)
-| skipCurrentProject | - | don't deploy current project but only configured applications
-| applicationCopyFolder | - | a folder containing applications
-| workDir | - | tomee embedded work dir
-| inlinedServerXml | - | server.xml content directly in the pom
-| inlinedTomEEXml | - | tomee.xml content directly in the pom
-| liveReload | - | livereload configuration if activated. This is an object containing these options: {watchedFolder: 'src/main/webapp', path: '/', port: 35729}
-| withLiveReload | false | activate livereload for web resources
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-= TomEE Maven Plugin
-:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-TomEE Maven Plugin is a set of goals for the development and to prepare to go in production:
-- `tomee:build`
-- `tomee:exec`
-- `tomee:configtest`
-- `tomee:debug`
-- `tomee:deploy`
-- `tomee:exec`
-- `tomee:list`
-- `tomee:run`
-- `tomee:start`
-- `tomee:stop`
-- `tomee:undeploy`
-=== Run
-The most commonly used goal, it allows to start a tomee with applications. Here is its configuration:
-|synchronization|-|a synchronization (see after the table)
-|synchronizations|-|list of synchronizations
-|reloadOnUpdate|-|should the application be redeployed when a synchronization is triggered
-|skipCurrentProject|false|should current project not be considered as a deployable even if its packaging is compatible (war typically)
-|tomeeVersion|auto, plugin one|which version of TomEE to use
-|tomeeGroupId|org.apache.tomee|TomEE artifact groupId
-|tomeeArtifactId|apache-tomee|TomEE artifact artifactId
-|tomeeType|zip| the type of the TomEE artifact , only zip supported at the moment
-|tomeeClassifier|webprofile|which flavor of TomEE to use (classifier)
-|tomeeShutdownPort|read from server.xml|the shutdown port
-|tomeeShutdownAttempts|60|how many times to wait for startup/shutdown (waits 1s in between)
-|tomeeShutdownCommand|SHUTDOWN|the shutdown command
-|tomeeAjpPort|read from the pom|the AJP port if needed
-|tomeeHttpsPort|read from the pom|the HTTPS port if needed
-|args|-|command line arguments (system properties, javaagent, JVM options ...)
-|debug|-|start and wait for a remote debugger to connect
-|debugPort|5005|used when debug to change the default port
-|simpleLog|false|use one line logs
-|extractWars|false|explode wars before starting
-|stripWarVersion|true|remove the version from the war name
-|stripVersion|false|remove the version from the artifact name whatever it is (even jar)
-|webappResources|${project.basedir}/src/main/webapp|where web resources are
-|webappClasses and classes|${}|where artifact binaries are
-|catalinaBase|${}/apache-tomee|where to create the tomee instance
-|context|-|name of the current artifact (rename the war from the maven name to this one)
-|webappDir|webapps|path to webapps folder from tomee.base
-|appDir|apps|path to apps folder from tomee.base
-|libDir|lib|where is lib folder
-|mainDir|${project.basedir}/src/main|used in openejb mode to change default config of conf/lib/bin folders to openejb instead of tomee
-|config|${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/conf|a conf folder synchronized with TomEE one
-|bin|${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/bin|a bin folder synchronized with TomEE one
-|lib|${project.basedir}/src/main/tomee/lib|a lib folder synchronized with TomEE one
-|systemVariables|-|a map of system properties
-|classpaths|-|a list of additional entries for the startup classpath
-|customizers|-|a list of customizers
-|jsCustomizers|-|a list of js customizers (js scripts)
-|groovyCustomizers|-|a list of groovy customizers (groovy scripts)
-|webappDefaultConfig|false|auto config war oriented
-|quickSession|true|session generation will use `Random` instead of `SecureRandom` (for dev)
-|forceReloadable|false|ensure TomEE supports reloading/redeployment
-|forceJspDevelopment|true|JSP will be auto-recompiled on changes
-|libs|-|dependencies to add in lib, see after this table for advanced usage
-|endorsedLibs|-|dependencies to add in endorsed, see after this table for advanced usage
-|javaagents|-|javaagents to add on the JVM, supports maven coordinates
-|persistJavaagents|false|should javaagent be saved or just use for this plugin run
-|webapps|-|additional applicatinos to deploy
-|warFile|${}/${}.${project.packaging}|the war to deploy
-|workWarFile|${}/${}"|the exploded war to deploy
-|removeDefaultWebapps|true| should default webapps (ROOT, docs, ...) be deleted
-|deployOpenEjbApplication|false|should openejb internal application be deployed
-|removeTomeeWebapp|true|should tomee webapp (with EJBd adapter) be deployed
-|tomeeAlreadyInstalled|false|skip all the setup configuration
-|ejbRemote|true|should EJBd be activated
-|checkStarted|false|should the plugin check the server is up (useful when used with `pre-integration` phase
-|useConsole|true|wait for the end of the execution reading inputs from the console (like `quit` command)
-|useOpenEJB|false|use openejb-standalone instead of tomee
-|inlinedServerXml|-|a server.xml content in pom.xml directly
-|inlinedTomEEXml|-|a tomee.xml content in pom.xml directly
-|overrideOnUnzip|true|if when unzipping tomee a file is already there should it be overriden
-|skipRootFolderOnUnzip|true|ignore root folder of the zip
-|keystore|-|path to keystore for HTTPS connector
-Synchronization are blocks defining a source and target folder and both are synchronized. It typically copy
-`src/main/webapp` resources in `target/apache-tomee/webapps/myapp/`.
-==== Customizers
-Customizers are java classes loadable by the plugin and with a main or implementing `Runnable` and taking optionally
-as constructor parameter a `File` representing `tomee.base` or no arguments.
-They are executed when creating the TomEE instance.
-There are two scripting flavors of that: js and groovy. Both will have some contextual variables:
-- catalinaBase: tomee base path
-- resolver: a maven resolver to get a dependency using maven. For instance: `resolver.resolve('group', 'artfact', 'version', 'type')`
-==== Dependencies (libs)
-The format can be:
-- a maven dependency:
-- a zip dependency and extracted in lib folder:
-- a matching prefix to remove:
-==== Example
-  <groupId>org.apache.tomee.maven</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tomee-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-  <version>${tomee7.version}</version>
-  <configuration>
-    <tomeeClassifier>plus</tomeeClassifier>
-    <debug>false</debug>
-    <debugPort>5005</debugPort>
-    <args>-Dfoo=bar</args>
-    <config>${project.basedir}/src/test/tomee/conf</config>
-    <libs>
-      <lib>mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.20</lib>
-    </libs>
-    <webapps>
-       <webapp>org.superbiz:myapp:4.3?name=ROOT</webapp>
-       <webapp>org.superbiz:api:1.1</webapp>
-    </webapps>
-    <apps>
-        <app>org.superbiz:mybugapp:3.2:ear</app>
-    </apps>
-    <libs>
-        <lib>mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.21</lib>
-        <lib>unzip:org.superbiz:hibernate-bundle:4.1.0.Final:zip</lib>
-        <lib>remove:openjpa-</lib>
-    </libs>
-  </configuration>
-=== Build
-Excepted synchronization, build plugin inherit from `run` Mojo its configuration. It just adds the following:
-|formats|-|map of configuration, keys are format (zip, tar.gz) and value the target location
-|zip|true|create a zip from the configured instance
-|attach|true|attach created artifacts
-|skipArchiveRootFolder|false|don't add a root folder in the zip
-=== Tomcat like goals
-`configtest`, `start` and `stop` just execute these commands on the server (like on ``).
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+Title: Enterprise Tomcat
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.
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+# Evolution of EJB
+The following is a view of how EJB has evolved strictly in terms of the other specifications EJB incorporates.  Despite how people think of EJB, EJB is the union of all of the following APIs.
+Commonly misunderstood or oversimplified, it really is the integration of many things into one place that drives EJB.
+<td>Java Transaction API (JTA)</td>
+<td>JavaMail API</td>
+<td>Java EE Connector Architecture</td>
+<td>Java Messaging Service (JMS)</td>
+<td>Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)</td>
+<td>Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC)</td>
+<td>Java Persistence API (JPA)</td>
+<td>Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)</td>
+<td>Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)</td>
+<td>Java Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)</td>
+<td>Bean Validation</td>
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+Title: FAQ
+<a name="FAQ-&nbsp;General"></a>
+## &nbsp;General
+<a name="FAQ-WhatspecversiondoesOpenEJBsupport?"></a>
+### What spec version does OpenEJB support?
+OpenEJB supports the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 specification and previous
+versions 2.1, 2.0 and 1.1.
+<a name="FAQ-Idon'tplantouseEJBs,sowhywouldIembedOpenEJBintoTomcat."></a>
+###  I don't plan to use EJBs, so why would I embed OpenEJB into Tomcat.
+Adding OpenEJB to Tomcat gives servlets several new Java EE 5 capabilities
+such as JPA, JAX-WS, JMS, J2EE Connectors, transactions, and more as well
+as enhancing the injection features of Tomcat 6 to now support injection of
+JavaEE objects like Topics, Queues, EntityManagers, JMS
+ConnectionFactories, JavaMail Sessions, as well as simpler data types such
+as Dates, Classes, URI, URL, List, Map, Set, Properties, and more.  In the
+case of Tomcat 5.5 which doesn't support dependency injection at all, even
+more is gained.
+<a name="FAQ-CanIrunOpenEJBwithaJVMforanyvendor?"></a>
+### Can I run OpenEJB with a JVM for any vendor?
+The Sun, Mac, and IBM vms are regularly tested, however any vm should work.
+<a name="FAQ-WhichversionofJavaisrequiredtorunOpenEJB?"></a>
+### Which version of Java is required to run OpenEJB?
+Java versions 5 or 6, aka Java 1.5 or 1.6.
+<a name="FAQ-DoIneedApacheMaventoworkwithOpenEJB?"></a>
+### Do I need Apache Maven to work with OpenEJB?
+Definitely not. Most of the examples include both Maven and Ant build
+files.	OpenEJB is usable as a plain library, much like an embedded
+database like Derby, so it is usable in any application regardless if that
+application is run via Maven, Ant, Intellij, Eclipse, NetBeans, JUnit,
+TestNG, etc.
+### Can I start and stop OpenEJB from an IDE? If yes, which IDE is
+supported by OpenEJB?
+The short answer is yes.  The basic approach for all embedding scenarios is
+to 1) add OpenEJB to your classpath, and 2) construct your InitialContext
+using org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory.  The
+LocalInitialContextFactory will boot OpenEJB in your vm and all ejb
+applications visible in the classpath will be deployed. See
+ for details on how to
+embed openejb in your application and IDE.  See [Application discovery via the classpath](openejbx30:application-discovery-via-the-classpath.html)
+ for various ways to have your applications discovered. 
+###  During embedded testing, how can I externalize all my DataSource
+Create an openejb.xml file in any directory that gets added to your test
+classpath. For maven, something that winds up directly under
+"target/classes/" or "target/test-classes/" will work just fine.  Then in
+your test case do this:
+       protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+           Properties properties = new Properties();
+           properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 
+           URL config =
+           properties.setProperty("openejb.configuration",
+           initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
+       }
+The file itself doesn't have to be called "openejb.xml", you could have a
+few different files like that for different testing scenarios each with a
+name that describes the basic setup.
+<a name="FAQ-Container-ManagedPersistence"></a>
+## Container-Managed Persistence
+<a name="FAQ-WhatenginedoesOpenEJBuseforCMP?"></a>
+### What engine does OpenEJB use for CMP?
+The CMP engine is written as a layer over JPA with OpenJPA doing the
+persistence work.
+<a name="FAQ-WhatistheformatfortheCMPmappingfiles?"></a>
+### What is the format for the CMP mapping files?
+The standard JPA mapping file and annotations are also used for CMP
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+Title: Features
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+Title: Geronimo
+OpenEJB is the EJB Container implementation for [Apache Geronimo](
+.  That integration is quite a bit different than what OpenEJB users are
+familiar with.	The best source of documentation on Geronimo and it's usage
+of OpenEJB is here:  
+ - [](
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/lightening-demos.mdtext b/src/main/jbake/content/lightening-demos.mdtext
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+Title: Lightening Demos
+### Lightening Demos Details
+<div >
+<table class="confluenceTable"><tbody>
+<th > Demo Name                                      </th>
+<th > Description </th>
+<th > Sponsor      </th>
+<th > Links/Comments                    </th>
+<td > TestCase Injection                              </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Simple @WebService                              </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Simple @Stateless bean                          </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Simple @Stateful bean                           </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Simple @MessageDriven bean                      </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > EntityManager injection and usage               </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > DataSource injection and usage                  </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Alternate Descriptors                           </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Youtube </a>, <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+<td > Getting started with the OpenEJB Eclipse Plugin </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a>  </td>
+<td > EJB Unit Testing with Eclipse and OpenEJB       </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a>  </td>
+<td > ScreenFlow720                                   </td>
+<td >&nbsp;</td>
+<td > David Blevins </td>
+<td > <a rel="nofollow" class="external-link" href="">Vimeo </a> </td>
+*NOTE: For more details about the idea behind Lightening Demos, please read [this ](-
+ e-mail thread.*
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+Title: Mailing Lists
+<a name="MailingLists-UserMailingList"></a>
+# User Mailing List
+Where the general TomEE community goes to ask questions, make
+suggestions, chat  with other users and developers, and keep a finger on
+the pulse of the project.
+Medium volume mailing list, dedicated to the  TomEE community.
+* [](
+* [Subscribe](
+* [Unsubscribe](
+TomEE Users Online Archives/Forums:
+<tr><th> Search </th><th> Post </th><th> Depth </th><th> Archive URL </th></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2002 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2002 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (x) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2006 </td><td> 
+ </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (/) </td><td> 2006 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2007 </td><td>
+<a name="MailingLists-DeveloperMailingList"></a>
+# Developer Mailing List
+If you're a developer or contributor on TomEE, this is the place for you.
+Join in on the develpment and planning discussions. Get the scoop on the
+changes that take place in TomEE as our team is hard at work in
+developing and refining the TomEE container system.
+* [](
+* [Subscribe](
+* [Unsubscribe](
+TomEE Developers Online Archives/Forums:
+<tr><th> Search </th><th> Post </th><th> Depth </th><th> Archive URL </th></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2002 </td><td> 
+ </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2002 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (x) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2006 </td><td>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (/) </td><td> 2006 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2007 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<a name="MailingLists-CommitMailingList"></a>
+# Commit Mailing List
+Keep tabs on all the changes to our svn. We have mixed a few of the popular
+perl scripts for cvs email notification as well as added a few features
+that are all new. This new list provides you with as-it-happens information
+regarding TomEE development.
+* [](
+* [Subscribe](
+* [Unsubscribe](
+TomEE Commits Online Archives/Forums:
+<tr><th> Search </th><th> Post </th><th> Depth </th><th> Archive URL </th></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2002 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2004 </td><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (x) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2006 </td><td> 
+ </td></tr>
+<tr><td> (/) </td><td> (x) </td><td> 2007 </td><td> 
+ </td></tr>
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+Title: Management and Voting
+<a name="ManagementandVoting-Basicinfo"></a>
+# Basic info
+Apache has a few roles that relate to all Apache projects:
+ - Contributors [](
+ - Committers [](
+ - PMC Members [](
+Despite there being various roles, we try extremely hard to keep the
+project flat.  All feedback is welcome, all people matter.  Everyone should
+feel very encouraged to participate regardless if they are new or old to
+the project.  If you are new and want to participate, please speak up,
+we'll always be happy to hear from you.
+If anything there is a reverse hierarchy that is not unlike traffic laws;
+pedestrians (users) always have the right of way, bikes (contributors)
+yield to pedestrians, automobiles (committers) yield to bikes and
+pedestrians.  Depending on what you're driving you have a greater
+responsibility to those around you.  Be careful not to run anyone over.
+<a name="ManagementandVoting-PMC"></a>
+# PMC
+We don't focus on the PMC in this project so many may not have a clear
+concept of it.	Every project at Apache has a PMC which at minimum
+represents Apache from a legal perspective.  The people on it are expected
+to provide legal oversight, making sure that the legal entity that is
+Apache has awareness enough to legally protect the code that leaves it's
+doors, the users that use it, and the people who create it.  This means
+making sure any contributions going into the project are clean and can be
+legally projected and making sure any binaries going out meet the legal
+requirements so they as well can be legally protected.	It's a lot of
+watching all commits, keeping an eye on doc contributions, ensuring CLAs
+are on file for anything of substantial size, screening release binaries
+and source for headers, license files, making sure any binaries being
+widely distributed have been voted on, etc., etc.  If you are on the PMC
+and you vote on a release it means *you* have done all these things to the
+best of your ability.  If you have not, you either should not be on the PMC
+or should not vote +1.
+Being on the PMC is a service, not an achievement.  Therefore if someone is
+added to the PMC you should not say "congratulations", but simply "thank
+you."  It does not mean anything more than they have the time to help us
+function legally.  If someone is perpetually too busy to provide legal
+oversight and steps down or goes emeritus, it does not mean they are
+leaving, just that they are too busy for the extra legal responsibility.
+Some projects go beyond that and use the PMC as the decision makers and
+leaders of the project.  We do not.  We make all our decisions on the dev
+list.  We don't even focus on who is a committer and who is not, which is a
+major factor of our family-like community and general "everyone is welcome
+and matters" spirit.  If someone doesn't feel like their input matters till
+they are a committer, or any other status, we've done something wrong. 
+Fortunately, this is one of our strongest attributes and part of the magic
+that is this community.
+<a name="ManagementandVoting-FAQ"></a>
+# FAQ
+<a name="ManagementandVoting-Q.Whosevotescount?"></a>
+## Q. Whose votes count?
+Apache requires a minimum of three +1 PMC votes which have legal
+significance to Apache as a corporation.  That said, all votes from the
+community are significant to the project and decision making and any -1 is
+cause for pause and discussion.  We frequently encourage and welcome votes
+from anyone in the community regardless of status.
+## Q. Voting on people: Is it hard to vote -1 in public / Can someone get their feelings hurt ?
+Yes and yes.  Voting in public requires greater care and sensitivity on
+behalf of everyone; the vote proposer, the voters, and the votee.  Prior to
+voting the proposer should create several opportunities for feedback,
+hopefully positive and constructive.  Community members with concerns
+should get involved early and actively mentor potential committers, taking
+opportunities for feedback as queues to get involved, encourage, and work
+through areas where they see said person needs more help.  The contributor
+should actively solicit and welcome all help and feedback and encouragement
+and feel welcome to give it in return.	Do not rush; all parties (proposer,
+voters, and votee) have work to do in grooming contributors, etc., and that
+work takes time.  Votes that result in one or more -1s should not be seen
+as a failure of any one individual and instead be seen as an opportunity
+for all parties (proposer, voters, and votee) to make improvements, be more
+active, and give the process more time.
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+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/powered-by.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Title: Powered By
+This page is a list of some, in all likelihood a very small fraction actually, of the sites out there that use Apache TomEE in production. For security and other policy-related reasons, many organizations choose not to disclose the server they use.
+Anyone can and is encouraged to add to this page: please add your site, application, or system as you see fit.
+Don't worry if you don't think it fits here or into any particular category. We would like to see your application listed no matter how big, how small, or how miscategorized.
+Please note that all the corporate logos and names used below are trademarked by their respective organizations. These organizations are not affiliated with this web site or with The Apache Software Foundation, and make no claims regarding The Foundation or its products.
+# Sites
+- [iLikePlaces](
+# Software
+# Services
+ - [Metawerx]( - offers Apache TomEE hosting and provides detailed statistics and support services.
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diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/2011_JavaOne_EJB_with_Meta_Annotations.key b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/2011_JavaOne_EJB_with_Meta_Annotations.key
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3eeee0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c014ba
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b539f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/2012_JAXConf_Tomcat_to_JavaEE_with_TomEE.key differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce5639
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/2012_JAXConf_Tomcat_to_JavaEE_with_TomEE.pdf differ TomEE - Tomcat with a kick.odp
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6036b1e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/Apache TomEE - Tomcat with a kick.odp differ TomEE - Tomcat with a kick.pdf
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5580f26
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/Apache TomEE - Tomcat with a kick.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9d64e
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/JAOO-2006.pdf differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/src/main/jbake/content/presentations/favicon.ico differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/privacy-policy.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Title: Privacy Policy
+Information about your use of this website is collected using server access
+logs and a tracking cookie. The collected information consists of the
+1. The IP address from which you access the website;
+1. The type of browser and operating system you use to access our site;
+1. The date and time you access our site;
+1. The pages you visit; and
+1. The addresses of pages from where you followed a link to our site.
+Part of this information is gathered using a tracking cookie set by the [Google Analytics](
+ service and handled by Google as described in their [privacy policy|]
+. See your browser documentation for instructions on how to disable the
+cookie if you prefer not to share this data with Google.
+We use the gathered information to help us make our site more useful to
+visitors and to better understand how and when our site is used. We do not
+track or collect personally identifiable information or associate gathered
+data with any personally identifying information from other sources.
+By using this website, you consent to the collection of this data in the
+manner and for the purpose described above.
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/robots.txt b/src/main/jbake/content/robots.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a824d
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+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/robots.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+User-agent: *
+Allow: /
+Allow: /sitemap.htm
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/support.mdtext b/src/main/jbake/content/support.mdtext
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index 0000000..38859b2
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+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/support.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Title: Getting Support
+## Mailing Lists
+* [Users]( ([Subscribe](, [Unsubscribe](
+* [Developers]( ([Subscribe](, [Unsubscribe](
+* [Commits]( ([Subscribe](, [Unsubscribe](
+* [IRC](
+## Forums
+* [User Forum](
+* [Dev Forum](
+## JIRA
+* [TOMEE](
+Support for Apache TomEE is given freely by the community.  Please be aware when asking questions that the Apache Software Foundation does not have paid developers or dedicated support staff.
+All community support comes from volunteers on a volunteer basis.  Joining the community as a volunteer and helping your fellow users is highly encouraged!
+For commercial support or to commercially support the community see [Commercial Support](commercial-support.html) page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/team.mdtext b/src/main/jbake/content/team.mdtext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc948a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/team.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Title: Team
+<tr><td> [Alan Cabrera](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [adc</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Aaron Mulder](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [ammulder</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Andrew Gumbrecht](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [andygumbrecht</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Dain Sundstrom](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [dain</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [David Blevins](
+ </td><td> Founder, Chair </td><td> [dblevins</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [David Jencks](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [djencks</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Daniel Stefan Haischt](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [dsh</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jarek Gawor](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [gawor</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Gianny Damour](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [gdamour</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Lin Quan Jiang](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [genspring</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Matt Richard Hogstrom](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [hogstrom</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jonathan Gallimore](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [jgallimore</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jeff Genender](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [jgenender</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jacek Laskowski](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [jlaskowski</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jean-Louis Monteiro](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [jlmonteiro</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jason van Zyl](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [jvanzyl</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Jeremy Whitlock](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [jwhitlock</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Kevan Lee Miller](
+ </td><td> Committer, PMC </td><td> [kevan</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Karan Singh Malhi](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [kmalhi</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Lajos Moczar](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [lajos</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Manu George](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [manugeorge</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Mohammad Nour El-Din](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [mnour</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Richard McGuire](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [rickmcguire</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Romain Manni-Bucau](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [rmannibucau</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Thiago Veronezi](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [tveronezi</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
+<tr><td> [Haihong Xu](
+ </td><td> Committer </td><td> [xuhaihong</td><td>]
+ </td><td> [map</td><td>]
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/time-saved.mdtext b/src/main/jbake/content/time-saved.mdtext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b0f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/jbake/content/time-saved.mdtext
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+Title: Time Saved
+Ever wonder exactly how much time you might be saving being able to quickly
+compile and test code with OpenEJB?  Well, find out!
+Deploy times in Java EE in general are partially based on the platform and
+partially on the size of the application itself.  With that in mind, we've
+put together this little calculator so you can see what OpenEJB is doing
+for you!
+<a name="TimeSaved-Calculator"></a>
+# Calculator
+<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
+  function calculate() {
+    var developers = $("devs").getValue();
+    var cycles = $("cycles").getValue();
+    var weeks = $("weeks").getValue();
+    var individual_deployTime_openejb = $("time_openejb").getValue();
+    var individual_deployTime_vendor = $("time_vendor").getValue();
+    var individual_deployTime_savings = individual_deployTime_vendor - individual_deployTime_openejb;
+    var individual_deployTimePerHour_openejb = cycles * individual_deployTime_openejb / 8;
+    var individual_deployTimePerHour_vendor =  cycles * individual_deployTime_vendor / 8;
+    var individual_deployTimePerHour_savings = individual_deployTimePerHour_vendor - individual_deployTimePerHour_openejb;
+    var individual_deployTimePerWeek_openejb = individual_deployTimePerHour_openejb * 40;
+    var individual_deployTimePerWeek_vendor = individual_deployTimePerHour_vendor * 40;
+    var individual_deployTimePerWeek_savings = individual_deployTimePerWeek_vendor - individual_deployTimePerWeek_openejb;
+    var individual_deployTimePerMonth_openejb = individual_deployTimePerWeek_openejb * 4.33;
+    var individual_deployTimePerMonth_vendor = individual_deployTimePerWeek_vendor * 4.33;
+    var individual_deployTimePerMonth_savings = individual_deployTimePerMonth_vendor - individual_deployTimePerMonth_openejb;
+    var team_deployTime_openejb = developers * individual_deployTime_openejb;
+    var team_deployTime_vendor = developers * individual_deployTime_vendor;
+    var team_deployTime_savings = developers * individual_deployTime_savings;
+    var team_deployTimePerHour_openejb = developers * individual_deployTimePerHour_openejb;
+    var team_deployTimePerHour_vendor = developers * individual_deployTimePerHour_vendor;
+    var team_deployTimePerHour_savings = developers * individual_deployTimePerHour_savings;
+    var team_deployTimePerWeek_openejb = developers * individual_deployTimePerWeek_openejb;
+    var team_deployTimePerWeek_vendor = developers * individual_deployTimePerWeek_vendor;
+    var team_deployTimePerWeek_savings = developers * individual_deployTimePerWeek_savings;
+    var team_deployTimePerMonth_openejb = developers * individual_deployTimePerMonth_openejb;
+    var team_deployTimePerMonth_vendor = developers * individual_deployTimePerMonth_vendor;
+    var team_deployTimePerMonth_savings = developers * individual_deployTimePerMonth_savings;
+    var total_savings = team_deployTimePerWeek_savings * weeks;
+    $("individual.deployTime.openejb").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTime_openejb);
+    $("individual.deployTime.vendor").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTime_vendor);
+    $("individual.deployTime.savings").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTime_savings);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerHour.openejb").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerHour_openejb);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerHour.vendor").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerHour_vendor);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerHour.savings").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerHour_savings);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerWeek.openejb").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerWeek_openejb);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerWeek.vendor").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerWeek_vendor);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerWeek.savings").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerWeek_savings);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerMonth.openejb").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerMonth_openejb);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerMonth.vendor").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerMonth_vendor);
+    $("individual.deployTimePerMonth.savings").innerHTML = format(individual_deployTimePerMonth_savings);
+    $("team.deployTime.openejb").innerHTML = format(team_deployTime_openejb);
+    $("team.deployTime.vendor").innerHTML = format(team_deployTime_vendor);
+    $("team.deployTime.savings").innerHTML = format(team_deployTime_savings);
+    $("team.deployTimePerHour.openejb").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerHour_openejb);
+    $("team.deployTimePerHour.vendor").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerHour_vendor);
+    $("team.deployTimePerHour.savings").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerHour_savings);
+    $("team.deployTimePerWeek.openejb").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerWeek_openejb);
+    $("team.deployTimePerWeek.vendor").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerWeek_vendor);
+    $("team.deployTimePerWeek.savings").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerWeek_savings);
+    $("team.deployTimePerMonth.openejb").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerMonth_openejb);
+    $("team.deployTimePerMonth.vendor").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerMonth_vendor);
+    $("team.deployTimePerMonth.savings").innerHTML = format(team_deployTimePerMonth_savings);
+    $("totalSavings").innerHTML = longFormat(total_savings);
+  }
+  function format(secs) {
+    var mins = Math.floor(secs / 60)
+    secs = secs % 60;
+    secs -= secs % 1;
+    var hrs = Math.floor(mins / 60)
+    mins = mins % 60
+    if (secs < 10) secs = "0" + secs;
+    if (mins < 10) mins = "0" + mins;
+    if (hrs < 10) hrs = "0" + hrs;
+    return hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs + "";
+  }
+  function longFormat(secs) {
+    var mins = Math.floor(secs / 60)
+    secs = secs % 60;
+    secs -= secs % 1;
+    var hrs = Math.floor(mins / 60)
+    mins = mins % 60
+    // eight hours per work day
+    var days = Math.floor(hrs / 8)
+    hrs = hrs % 8
+    // five days per work week
+    var weeks = Math.floor(days / 5)
+    days = days % 5
+    var str = "";
+    if (weeks > 0) str = weeks + " weeks, "
+    if (str.length > 0 || days > 0) str += days + " days, "
+    if (str.length > 0 || hrs > 0) str += hrs + " hours, "
+    if (str.length > 0 || mins > 0) str += mins + " minutes, "
+    if (secs > 0) str += secs + " seconds"
+    str = str.replace(/, $/, "");
+    str = str.replace(/^ */, "");
+    return str;
+  }
+  <col width=370>
+    <!--<col width=200>-->
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>How many developers?</strong></td>
+    <td><input id="devs" type="text" value="0" size="5"/></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>How many weeks?</strong>
+    </td>
+    <td><input id="weeks" type="text" value="0" size="5"/></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>How many times do you compile/run per day?</strong></td>
+    <td><input id="cycles" type="text" value="0" size="5"/></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Time to start/deploy your app in OpenEJB?</strong></td>
+    <td><input id="time_openejb" value="0" type="text" size="5"/> <i>seconds</i></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Time to start/deploy your app in your other platform?</strong></td>
+    <td><input id="time_vendor" value="0" type="text" size="5"/> <i>seconds</i></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td colspan="2" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" id="calculate" value="Calculate" onclick="calculate();"/></td>
+  </tr>
+<h3>Individual Stats</h3>
+<table cellpadding="1" border="1" style='border-collapse:collapse'>
+  <col width=198>
+  <col width=90>
+  <col width=90>
+  <col width=90>
+  <tr>
+    <td></td>
+    <td align="center">OpenEJB</td>
+    <td align="center">Vendor</td>
+    <td align="center"><b>Savings</b></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTime</td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTime.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTime.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTime.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerHour</td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerHour.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerHour.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerHour.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerWeek</td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerWeek.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerWeek.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerWeek.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerMonth</td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerMonth.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerMonth.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="individual.deployTimePerMonth.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+<p><i>Time in HH:MM:SS format</i></p>
+<h3>Team Stats</h3>
+<table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 style='border-collapse:
+ collapse;table-layout:fixed'>
+  <col width=198>
+  <col width=90>
+  <col width=90>
+  <col width=90>
+  <tr>
+    <td></td>
+    <td align="center">OpenEJB</td>
+    <td align="center">Vendor</td>
+    <td align="center"><b>Savings</b></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTime</td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTime.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTime.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTime.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerHour</td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerHour.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerHour.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerHour.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerWeek</td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerWeek.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerWeek.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerWeek.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>deployTimePerMonth</td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerMonth.openejb"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerMonth.vendor"></td>
+    <td align="center" id="team.deployTimePerMonth.savings"></td>
+  </tr>
+<h3>Total Savings</h3>
+<p><span  id="totalSavings"></span></p>
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+Title: Tomcat and ActiveMQ
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with ActiveMQ added and integrated and ready to go!
+In a plain Servlet, Filter or Listener you can do fun things like injection of JMS Topics or Queues:
+    import javax.annotation.Resource;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+    import javax.jms.Topic;
+    import javax.jms.Queue;
+    import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
+    public class MyServet extends HttpServlet {
+        @Resource(name = "foo")
+        private Topic fooTopic;
+        @Resource(name = "bar")
+        private Queue barQueue;
+        @Resource
+        private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
+        @Override
+        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
+            //...
+            Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
+            connection.start();
+            // Create a Session
+            Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
+            // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
+            MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(fooTopic);
+            producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);
+            // Create a message
+            TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello World!");
+            // Tell the producer to send the message
+            producer.send(message);
+            //...
+        }
+    }
+No need to add even a single library!  In the above scenario even the "foo" Topic and the "bar" Queue would be automatically created with no configuration necessary.
+[Download](downloads.html) TomEE and you're minutes away from a functioning JMS application on Tomcat.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Title: Tomcat CDI
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with CDI added and integrated and ready to go!
+    import javax.annotation.Resource;
+    import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager;
+    import javax.inject.Inject;
+    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+    import;
+    public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
+        @Inject
+        private Car car;
+        @Override
+        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
+  ;
+        }
+    }
+Where `Car` could be any POJO with a no-arg constructor.  Additionally it's quite easy to create a factory to create the car you want injected.  Simply do as follows:
+    import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
+    public class AssemblyLine {
+        @Produces
+        public Car createFancyCar() {
+            return new Car("Ferrari", "458 Italia", 2012);
+        }
+    }
+So when will the `Car` be created?  In the above it will be created when `MyServlet` is created.  If you annotate `createFancyCar` with `@RequestScoped` it will be created once
+per http request and shared by everyone in the request.  If you annotate `createFancyCar` with `@SessionScoped` it will be created once
+per `HttpSession` and shared by everyone in the same session.  So no more repeatedly putting and getting into the `HttpSession` by hand, just let the container do it!
+No need to add even a single library!  To make the above work all you need is a `META-INF/beans.xml` file in your webapp like the following:
+    <beans/>
+Any jar in your webapp with the above will automatically be CDI enabled and all those beans can be injected with `@Inject` with no need to make them EJBs or third party frameworks.
+All this is setup and ready to go!  Spend your time learning and having fun and writing your app, don't
+spend it chasing down libraries and integrating things the hard way.
+[Download](downloads.html) TomEE and you're minutes away from having fun with CDI on Tomcat.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Title: Tomcat Detailed Instructions
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-{anchor:detailedinstructions}DetailedInstallationInstructions"></a>
+# {anchor:detailed instructions} Detailed Installation Instructions
+These instructions assume you have a standard Tomcat installation running
+on port 8080.  If you do not have an existing Tomcat installation, or want
+to start with a fresh installation for OpenEJB, the [Tomcat Installation](tomcat-installation.html)
+ will show you how to setup and verify a Tomcat installation.
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-Addopenejb.wartoTomcat"></a>
+## Add openejb.war to Tomcat
+The TomEE plugin for Tomcat is distributed as a standalone war file
+containing all of the necessary files and an installer Servlet.  The war
+can be obtained from the [download page](
+.  Once downloaded, simply copy the file into the Tomcat webapps directory. 
+{deck:id=Copy openejb.war}
+C:\>copy openejb.war apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps\openejb.war
+	1 file(s) copied.
+C:\>dir apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps
+ Volume in drive C has no label.
+ Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000
+ Directory of C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\webapps
+09/20/2007  03:03 PM	<DIR>	       .
+09/20/2007  03:03 PM	<DIR>	       ..
+09/20/2007  03:02 PM	<DIR>	       docs
+09/20/2007  03:01 PM	<DIR>	       examples
+09/20/2007  03:01 PM	<DIR>	       host-manager
+09/20/2007  03:03 PM	<DIR>	       manager
+09/19/2007  09:31 AM	    13,394,733 openejb.war
+09/20/2007  03:01 PM	<DIR>	       ROOT
+	       1 File(s)     13,394,733 bytes
+	       7 Dir(s)   5,100,126,208 bytes free
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ cp openejb.war apache-tomcat-6.0.14/webapps/openejb.war
+    $ ls apache-tomcat-6.0.14/webapps/
+    ROOT/	      docs/	    examples/	  host-manager/ manager/     
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-RunInstallerServlet"></a>
+## Run Installer Servlet
+The OpenEJB Plugin for Tomcat contains an installer servlet which adds the
+OpenEJB listener and JavaAgent to the Tomcat installation.  To run the
+installer, you must first start Tomcat.
+{deck:id=Start Tomcat}
+C:\>set JRE_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06
+C:\>cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14\bin
+Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\temp
+Using JRE_HOME:        C:\your\java\installation
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ chmod u+x *.sh
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ ./ 
+    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/temp
+    Using JRE_HOME:        /your/java/installation
+*NOTE:* Your output will be different from the example above due to
+differences in installation locations.
+It is a good idea to wait a 5-60 seconds (depending on the speed of your
+computer) for Tomcat to fully start.  Once Tomcat is fully started, simply
+visit [http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer](http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer)
+ and click the 'install' button to run the installer.  The installer should
+report that the installation was successful. If it didn't work click [OPENEJB:here|#problems]
+The installer servlet adds the OpenEJB JavaAgent declaration to the and catalina.bat files.  If you are using an IDE or some other
+mechanism to start Tomcat, you will need to [manually](manual-installation#javaagent.html)
+ add the JavaAgent declaration to the Java VM options of the launcher you
+are using. 
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-RestartTomcat"></a>
+## Restart Tomcat
+OpenEJB uses OpenJPA for persistence and OpenJPA currently requires a
+JavaAgent to function.	Unfortunately, there is no way to install a
+JavaAgent at runtime, so you will have to restart Tomcat to enable the
+JavaAgent.  Simply execute the shutdown command, wait 5-60 seconds
+(depending on the speed of your computer) for Tomcat to fully stop, and run
+the startup command to restart Tomcat.
+{deck:id=Start Tomcat}
+C:\>cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14\bin
+Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\temp
+Using JRE_HOME:        C:\your\java\installation
+Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\temp
+Using JRE_HOME:        C:\your\java\installation
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ ./ 
+    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/temp
+    Using JRE_HOME:        /your/java/installation
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ ./ 
+    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/temp
+    Using JRE_HOME:        /your/java/installation
+*NOTE:* Your output will be different from the example above due to
+differences in installation locations.
+Once Tomcat is fully started, simply visit [http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer](http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer)
+ to verify the installation is complete.
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-Examples,TutorialsandTests"></a>
+# Examples, Tutorials and Tests
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-ejb-examples.war"></a>
+## ejb-examples.war
+Download the [ejb-examples.war](
+, copy it into the Tomcat webapps directory, and visit [http://localhost:8080/ejb-examples]
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-OpenEJBiTests"></a>
+## OpenEJB iTests
+OpenEJB uses a large test suite to verify the final server assembly, and
+you can use this to verify your OpenEJB installation.  Simply download the [openejb-itests.war and openejb-standalone-client.jar](
+ and copy it the war into the Tomcat webapps directory.  It will take a bit
+to load the application because it contains a huge number of EJBs. 
+Finally, run the test client executable jar.
+{deck:id=Start Tomcat}
+C:\>java -jar openejb-itests-standalone-client.jar tomcat
+Running EJB compliance tests on HTTP/Tomcat Server
+WARNING: No test suite configuration file specified, assuming system
+properties contain all 
+needed information.  To specify a test suite configuration file by setting
+its location using
+the system property "" 
+test server = org.apache.openejb.test.TomcatRemoteTestServer
+entry = java.naming.provider.url:
+entry =
+Time: 20.644
+OK (889 tests)
+java.naming.provider.url =
+java.naming.factory.initial =
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ java -jar openejb-itests-standalone-client.jar tomcat
+    _________________________________________________
+    |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
+    Running EJB compliance tests on HTTP/Tomcat Server
+    _________________________________________________
+    WARNING: No test suite configuration file specified, assuming system
+properties contain all
+    needed information.  To specify a test suite configuration file by setting
+its location using
+    the system property ""
+    test server = org.apache.openejb.test.TomcatRemoteTestServer
+    entry = java.naming.provider.url:
+    entry =
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    .........................................
+    ............................
+    Time: 12.186
+    OK (889 tests)
+    _________________________________________________
+    java.naming.provider.url =
+    java.naming.factory.initial =
+    _________________________________________________
+{tip:title=Failures}The tests should completely pass the first time they
+are run.  If you execute the test client a second time, 21 tests fail for
+some unknown reason.{tip}
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-{anchor:problems}Problems?"></a>
+# {anchor:problems} Problems?
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-HTTPStatus403"></a>
+## HTTP Status 403 
+Did you get a "HTTP Status 403" error page containing the description
+"Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden." when visiting [http://localhost:8080/openejb](http://localhost:8080/openejb)
+The openejb.war is protected by a Tomcat valve that restricts access to the
+application to the computer on which Tomcat is running.  If your browser is
+running on the same computer as Tomcat, try accessing OpenEJB using this
+link instead [](
+If you want to access the openejb.war from another computer, you will need
+to either remove the valve, or modify the IP list in the valve declaration.
+ The easiest way to remove the valve it to simply delete the
+webapps/openejb/META-INF/context.xml file and and the webapps/openejb.war
+file *while Tomcat is stopped*.  The openejb.war file must be removed
+because some versions of Tomcat will use the context.xml file packed in the
+openejb.war file regardless of what is in the unpacked directory.
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-OtherIssues"></a>
+## Other Issues
+If you are having problems with the installation, please send a message to
+the OpenEJB users [mailing list](openejb:mailing-lists.html)
+ containing any error message(s) and the following information:
+* OpenEJB Version
+* Tomcat Version
+* Java Version (execute java -version)
+* Operating System Type and Version
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-Limitations"></a>
+# Limitations
+ *Tomcat 6.x* - Currently, only Tomcat 6.x is supported due to API
+difference between 5.5.x and 6.x.  It is expected that 5.5 will be
+supported in the future, but there are no plans to support 5.0.x due to the
+lack of annotation support in 5.0.x.
+ *Security* - Unfortunately, at this time security with Tomcat/OpenEJB is
+not integrated, but is being worked on.
+ *EAR Files* - The integration only supports war (and collapsed-ear) files.
+ EAR, EJB Jar, and RAR files will be supported in a future release.
+ *JavaAgent* - OpenEJB uses OpenJPA to provide JPA and CMP persistence, and
+OpenJPA currently requires a JavaAgent to function properly.  This
+requirement is something that the OpenJPA project is working on removing. 
+Once removed, the OpenEJB plugin for Tomcat will no longer need to modify
+the startup shell scripts and you will not need to restart Tomcat after the
+OpenEJB installation.
+<a name="TomcatDetailedInstructions-Misc"></a>
+# Misc
+This document is a starting point for using OpenEJB in Tomcat and will
+evolve based on user contributions. If you wish to contribute to this
+document, feel very welcome to click the 'Edit' link in the upper right and
+make changes and add new HOWTO's and other docs.  
diff --git a/src/main/jbake/content/tomcat-ejb-refs.mdtext b/src/main/jbake/content/tomcat-ejb-refs.mdtext
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+Title: Tomcat ejb-refs
+<a name="Tomcatejb-refs-Via@EJBAnnotation"></a>
+# Via @EJB Annotation
+Which an be as simple as adding this to your Servlet, Filter, or Listener:
+    @EJB
+    private HelloLocal helloLocal;
+See the [@EJB Injection Example](injection-of-other-ejbs-example.html)
+ for a running example.  The example uses one ejb to refer to another ejb,
+but the same rules apply for servlets.
+<a name="Tomcatejb-refs-Addingejb-refinyourweb.xml"></a>
+# Adding ejb-ref in your web.xml
+Or on the older xml-style:
+    <ejb-ref>
+     <description> EJB Reference to the bean deployed to OpenEJB </description>
+     <ejb-ref-name>ejb/hello</ejb-ref-name>
+     <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
+     <home>org.acme.HelloHome</home>
+     <remote>org.acme.Hello</remote> 
+    </ejb-ref>