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Posted to by David Smiley <> on 2005/01/06 19:46:00 UTC

Re: maven, xdoclet, and plugin.getDependencyPath

Brett Porter wrote:
>>I'm still getting the error: "taskdef class
>>xdoclet.modules.ejb.EjbDocletTask cannot be found" though which means it
>>hasn't added maven-xdoclet-plugin's dependencies.
>>I did the following echo:
>><echo message="${xdocletPlugin.getDependencyPath('xdoclet')}"/>
>>and I got: "/Volumes/scratch/SmileyDev/Maven
>>That is promissing.  Then I tried something different: <echo
>>and I got nothing.
> I think you'd need getDepenendecyPath('xdoclet:maven-xdoclet-plugin')
> or maybe even getDepenendecyPath('xdoclet:maven-xdoclet-plugin:plugin')

Both returned nothing.  I wish this was documented.  We are blind, 
shooting in the dark hoping to hit something.

> But your tasks are not defined in there, so why do you need to
> location of the plugin JAR?

Firstly I don't want to actually run any goals within the xdoclet 
plugin.  I would but I can't in my case because of limitations of the 
I'm trying to reduce the number of dependencies listed in my project.xml 
via only depending on the plugin and then dynamically fetching those 
dependencies from within my maven.xml for when I use xdoclet directly. 
Perhaps it isn't worth it.

~ Dave Smiley

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