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Posted to by James G Smith <JG...@TAMU.Edu> on 2001/06/12 21:57:11 UTC

Re: SOAP, WSDL etc.

>Can anyone suggest sites which discuss practical
>application of SOAP/WSDL with Perl and with code snippets etc.? Or if anyone 
has any examples etc. that you can forward it will be greatly appreciated.
>Also, any recommended books for learning SOAP and
>related technology?
  has a lot of information on XML-RPC, which is the precurs[eo]r for SOAP 
before the corporate world got ahold of it and made it an unreadable standard 
(imho).  It can do a lot of what SOAP can do, but is easier to debug.
  the website for the Perl SOAP::Lite module.  This module supports both SOAP 
and XML-RPC.
  this is the actual standards document.  Take a big pot of coffee, a few XML 
references, and spend the night trying to slog through it.  It's fairly dense. 
 It says SOAP is lightweight, but if so, then XML-RPC has no weight at all.

Ok, so I'm biased a bit, but I like simple protocols :)  Haven't read any 
books on the subject, though I know they're out there.

The SOAP::Lite module (available on CPAN) has some examples.

Example applications from my job:  mailstore administration and LDAP 
modification (so we can keep a central LDIF audit trail when using a web farm 
for the web interface).  We're using the XML-RPC standard instead of SOAP 
since it is sufficient for what we're doing.
James Smith <JG...@TAMU.Edu>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix