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[4/5] incubator-s2graph git commit: run apache-rat on S2GRAPH-219

run apache-rat on S2GRAPH-219


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 73624153278edcee70769304a755956e22ac8bd8
Parents: 1881df0 a7ed4e8
Author: DO YUNG YOON <>
Authored: Mon Jun 18 16:02:49 2018 +0900
Committer: DO YUNG YOON <>
Committed: Mon Jun 18 16:02:49 2018 +0900

 .../s2graph/core/parsers/WhereParser.scala       | 10 +++++++---
 .../s2graph/core/parsers/WhereParserTest.scala   |  4 ++++
 .../graphql/middleware/GraphFormatWriter.scala   | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../graphql/types/PlayJsonScalarType.scala       | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --cc s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/middleware/GraphFormatWriter.scala
index 91fea62,0000000..6dcc368
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/middleware/GraphFormatWriter.scala
+++ b/s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/middleware/GraphFormatWriter.scala
@@@ -1,101 -1,0 +1,120 @@@
++ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
++ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
++ * distributed with this work for additional information
++ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
++ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
++ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
++ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ * 
++ *
++ * 
++ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
++ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
++ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
++ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
++ * under the License.
++ */
 +package org.apache.s2graph.graphql.middleware
 +import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.ServiceColumn
 +import org.apache.s2graph.core.{GraphElement, S2EdgeLike, S2VertexLike}
 +import org.apache.s2graph.graphql.types.PlayJsonScalarType
 +import org.slf4s.LoggerFactory
 +import play.api.libs.json._
 +import sangria.execution._
 +import sangria.schema.Context
 +object GraphFormatted extends Middleware[Any] with MiddlewareAfterField[Any] with MiddlewareExtension[Any] {
 +  implicit val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
 +  type QueryVal = java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[GraphElement, Unit]
 +  type FieldVal = Long
 +  def beforeQuery(context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = {
 +    new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[GraphElement, Unit]()
 +  }
 +  def afterQuery(queryVal: QueryVal, context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]) = ()
 +  def toVertexId(v: S2VertexLike, c: ServiceColumn): String = {
 +    val innerId = v.innerId.toIdString()
 +    s"${c.service.serviceName}.${c.columnName}.${innerId}"
 +  }
 +  def toVertexJson(v: S2VertexLike, c: ServiceColumn): JsValue = {
 +    Json.obj(
 +      "id" -> toVertexId(v, c),
 +      "label" -> v.innerId.toIdString()
 +    )
 +  }
 +  def toEdgeJson(e: S2EdgeLike): JsValue = {
 +    Json.obj(
 +      "source" -> toVertexId(e.srcVertex, e.innerLabel.srcColumn),
 +      "target" -> toVertexId(e.tgtVertex, e.innerLabel.tgtColumn),
 +      "id" -> s"${toVertexId(e.srcVertex, e.innerLabel.srcColumn)}.${e.label()}.${toVertexId(e.tgtVertex, e.innerLabel.tgtColumn)}",
 +      "label" -> e.label()
 +    )
 +  }
 +  def afterQueryExtensions(queryVal: QueryVal,
 +                           context: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _]
 +                          ): Vector[Extension[_]] = {
 +    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
 +    val elements = queryVal.keys().asScala.toVector
 +    val edges = elements.collect { case e: S2EdgeLike => e }
 +    val vertices = elements.collect { case v: S2VertexLike => v -> v.serviceColumn }
 +    val verticesFromEdges = edges.flatMap { e =>
 +      val label = e.innerLabel
 +      Vector((e.srcVertex, label.srcColumn), (e.tgtVertex, label.srcColumn))
 +    }
 +    val verticesJson = (vertices ++ verticesFromEdges).map { case (v, c) => toVertexJson(v, c) }.distinct
 +    val edgeJson =
 +    val jsElements = Json.obj(
 +      "nodes" -> verticesJson,
 +      "edges" -> edgeJson
 +    )
 +    val graph = Json.obj("graph" -> jsElements)
 +    /**
 +      * nodes: [{id, label, x, y, size}, ..],
 +      * edges: [{id, source, target, label}]
 +      */
 +    implicit val iu = PlayJsonScalarType.PlayJsonInputUnmarshaller
 +    Vector(Extension[JsValue](graph))
 +  }
 +  def beforeField(queryVal: QueryVal, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) = {
 +    continue(System.currentTimeMillis())
 +  }
 +  def afterField(queryVal: QueryVal, fieldVal: FieldVal, value: Any, mctx: MiddlewareQueryContext[Any, _, _], ctx: Context[Any, _]) = {
 +    //"${}.${} = ${value.getClass.getName}")
 +    value match {
 +      case ls: Seq[_] => ls.foreach {
 +        case e: GraphElement => queryVal.put(e, ())
 +        case _ =>
 +      }
 +      case e: GraphElement => queryVal.put(e, ())
 +      case _ =>
 +    }
 +    None
 +  }
diff --cc s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/types/PlayJsonScalarType.scala
index 5149d36,0000000..fc7f1ce
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/types/PlayJsonScalarType.scala
+++ b/s2graphql/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/graphql/types/PlayJsonScalarType.scala
@@@ -1,112 -1,0 +1,131 @@@
++ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
++ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
++ * distributed with this work for additional information
++ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
++ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
++ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
++ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ * 
++ *
++ * 
++ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
++ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
++ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
++ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
++ * under the License.
++ */
 +package org.apache.s2graph.graphql.types
 +import play.api.libs.json._
 +import sangria.ast
 +import sangria.execution.Executor
 +import sangria.marshalling.{ArrayMapBuilder, InputUnmarshaller, ResultMarshaller, ScalarValueInfo}
 +import sangria.schema._
 +import sangria.validation.{BigIntCoercionViolation, IntCoercionViolation, ValueCoercionViolation}
 +import sangria.macros._
 +object PlayJsonScalarType {
 +  implicit object CustomPlayJsonResultMarshaller extends ResultMarshaller {
 +    type Node = JsValue
 +    type MapBuilder = ArrayMapBuilder[Node]
 +    def emptyMapNode(keys: Seq[String]) = new ArrayMapBuilder[Node](keys)
 +    def addMapNodeElem(builder: MapBuilder, key: String, value: Node, optional: Boolean) = builder.add(key, value)
 +    def mapNode(builder: MapBuilder) = JsObject(builder.toMap)
 +    def mapNode(keyValues: Seq[(String, JsValue)]) = Json.toJson(keyValues.toMap)
 +    def arrayNode(values: Vector[JsValue]) = JsArray(values)
 +    def optionalArrayNodeValue(value: Option[JsValue]) = value match {
 +      case Some(v) ⇒ v
 +      case None ⇒ nullNode
 +    }
 +    def scalarNode(value: Any, typeName: String, info: Set[ScalarValueInfo]) = value match {
 +      case v: String ⇒ JsString(v)
 +      case v: Boolean ⇒ JsBoolean(v)
 +      case v: Int ⇒ JsNumber(v)
 +      case v: Long ⇒ JsNumber(v)
 +      case v: Float ⇒ JsNumber(BigDecimal(v))
 +      case v: Double ⇒ JsNumber(v)
 +      case v: BigInt ⇒ JsNumber(BigDecimal(v))
 +      case v: BigDecimal ⇒ JsNumber(v)
 +      case v: JsValue ⇒ v
 +      case v ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scalar value: " + v)
 +    }
 +    def enumNode(value: String, typeName: String) = JsString(value)
 +    def nullNode = JsNull
 +    def renderCompact(node: JsValue) = Json.stringify(node)
 +    def renderPretty(node: JsValue) = Json.prettyPrint(node)
 +  }
 +  implicit object PlayJsonInputUnmarshaller extends InputUnmarshaller[JsValue] {
 +    def getRootMapValue(node: JsValue, key: String) = node.asInstanceOf[JsObject].value get key
 +    def isListNode(node: JsValue) = node.isInstanceOf[JsArray]
 +    def getListValue(node: JsValue) = node.asInstanceOf[JsArray].value
 +    def isMapNode(node: JsValue) = node.isInstanceOf[JsObject]
 +    def getMapValue(node: JsValue, key: String) = node.asInstanceOf[JsObject].value get key
 +    def getMapKeys(node: JsValue) = node.asInstanceOf[JsObject]
 +    def isDefined(node: JsValue) = node != JsNull
 +    def getScalarValue(node: JsValue) = node match {
 +      case JsBoolean(b) ⇒ b
 +      case JsNumber(d) ⇒ d.toBigIntExact getOrElse d
 +      case JsString(s) ⇒ s
 +      case n ⇒ n
 +    }
 +    def getScalaScalarValue(node: JsValue) = getScalarValue(node)
 +    def isEnumNode(node: JsValue) = node.isInstanceOf[JsString]
 +    def isScalarNode(node: JsValue) = true
 +    def isVariableNode(node: JsValue) = false
 +    def getVariableName(node: JsValue) = throw new IllegalArgumentException("variables are not supported")
 +    def render(node: JsValue) = Json.stringify(node)
 +  }
 +  case object JsonCoercionViolation extends ValueCoercionViolation("Not valid JSON")
 +  implicit val JsonType = ScalarType[JsValue]("Json",
 +    description = Some("Raw PlayJson value"),
 +    coerceOutput = (value, _) ⇒ value,
 +    coerceUserInput = {
 +      case v: String ⇒ Right(JsString(v))
 +      case v: Boolean ⇒ Right(JsBoolean(v))
 +      case v: Int ⇒ Right(JsNumber(v))
 +      case v: Long ⇒ Right(JsNumber(v))
 +      case v: Float ⇒ Right(JsNumber(BigDecimal(v)))
 +      case v: Double ⇒ Right(JsNumber(v))
 +      case v: BigInt ⇒ Right(JsNumber(BigDecimal(v)))
 +      case v: BigDecimal ⇒ Right(JsNumber(v))
 +      case v: JsValue ⇒ Right(v)
 +    },
 +    coerceInput = {
 +      case sv: ast.StringValue => Right(Json.parse(sv.value))
 +      case _ ⇒
 +        Left(JsonCoercionViolation)
 +    })