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Posted to by Manoj Kasichainula <> on 1998/05/07 21:36:19 UTC

suEXEC+APACI issues

A couple of suEXEC issues to deal with before 1.3.0:

1. APACI now will build suexec automatically if you ask it to.
manual/suexec.html says that suEXEC is meant to be a manual process.
One or the other of these things needs to change for consistency

2. If APACI continues to build suexec automatically (which I am
   undecided on)

   - The log file should point to $(logfiledir)/cgi.log
   - The document root should point to $(datadir)/htdocs
   - UID_MIN and GID_MIN should be configurable
   - SAFE_PATH should probably be configurable

Sound reasonable?
Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com -
"...and as she finally reached orgasm, she screamed 'the mail server
will be down for three hours tonight!  Yes!  Oh, yes!'" -- J.D. Falk