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Posted to by on 2017/01/31 07:05:54 UTC

[49/62] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-quickstep git commit: Make the third party directory leaner.
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/ b/third_party/benchmark/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4f6f1b..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1188 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
-#include "arraysize.h"
-#include "check.h"
-#include "colorprint.h"
-#include "commandlineflags.h"
-#include "internal_macros.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "re.h"
-#include "sleep.h"
-#include "stat.h"
-#include "string_util.h"
-#include "sysinfo.h"
-#include "walltime.h"
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <thread>
-#include <sstream>
-DEFINE_string(benchmark_filter, ".",
-              "A regular expression that specifies the set of benchmarks "
-              "to execute.  If this flag is empty, no benchmarks are run.  "
-              "If this flag is the string \"all\", all benchmarks linked "
-              "into the process are run.");
-DEFINE_int32(benchmark_iterations, 0,
-             "Total number of iterations per benchmark. 0 means the benchmarks "
-             "are time-based.");
-DEFINE_double(benchmark_min_time, 0.5,
-              "Minimum number of seconds we should run benchmark before "
-              "results are considered significant.  For cpu-time based "
-              "tests, this is the lower bound on the total cpu time "
-              "used by all threads that make up the test.  For real-time "
-              "based tests, this is the lower bound on the elapsed time "
-              "of the benchmark execution, regardless of number of "
-              "threads.");
-DEFINE_bool(benchmark_memory_usage, false,
-            "Report memory usage for all benchmarks");
-DEFINE_int32(benchmark_repetitions, 1,
-             "The number of runs of each benchmark. If greater than 1, the "
-             "mean and standard deviation of the runs will be reported.");
-DEFINE_int32(v, 0, "The level of verbose logging to output");
-DEFINE_bool(color_print, true, "Enables colorized logging.");
-// Will be non-empty if heap checking is turned on, which would
-// invalidate any benchmarks.
-// The ""'s catch people who don't pass in a literal for "str"
-#define strliterallen(str) (sizeof("" str "") - 1)
-// Must use a string literal for prefix.
-#define memprefix(str, len, prefix)                  \
-  ((((len) >= strliterallen(prefix)) &&              \
-    memcmp(str, prefix, strliterallen(prefix)) == 0) \
-       ? str + strliterallen(prefix)                 \
-       : NULL)
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace {
-// For non-dense Range, intermediate values are powers of kRangeMultiplier.
-static const int kRangeMultiplier = 8;
-std::mutex starting_mutex;
-std::condition_variable starting_cv;
-bool running_benchmark = false;
-// Should this benchmark report memory usage?
-bool get_memory_usage;
-// Should this benchmark base decisions off of real time rather than
-// cpu time?
-bool use_real_time;
-// Overhead of an empty benchmark.
-double overhead = 0.0;
-// Return prefix to print in front of each reported line
-const char* Prefix() {
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-  return "";
-  return "DEBUG: ";
-// TODO
-// static internal::MallocCounter *benchmark_mc;
-bool CpuScalingEnabled() {
-  // On Linux, the CPUfreq subsystem exposes CPU information as files on the
-  // local file system. If reading the exported files fails, then we may not be
-  // running on Linux, so we silently ignore all the read errors.
-  for (int cpu = 0, num_cpus = NumCPUs(); cpu < num_cpus; ++cpu) {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu" << cpu << "/cpufreq/scaling_governor";
-    std::string governor_file = ss.str();
-    FILE* file = fopen(governor_file.c_str(), "r");
-    if (!file) break;
-    char buff[16];
-    size_t bytes_read = fread(buff, 1, sizeof(buff), file);
-    fclose(file);
-    if (memprefix(buff, bytes_read, "performance") == NULL) return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-// Given a collection of reports, computes their mean and stddev.
-// REQUIRES: all runs in "reports" must be from the same benchmark.
-void ComputeStats(const std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>& reports,
-                  BenchmarkReporter::Run* mean_data,
-                  BenchmarkReporter::Run* stddev_data) {
-  // Accumulators.
-  Stat1_d real_accumulated_time_stat;
-  Stat1_d cpu_accumulated_time_stat;
-  Stat1_d items_per_second_stat;
-  Stat1_d bytes_per_second_stat;
-  Stat1_d iterations_stat;
-  Stat1MinMax_d max_heapbytes_used_stat;
-  // Populate the accumulators.
-  for (std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>::const_iterator it = reports.begin();
-       it != reports.end(); ++it) {
-    CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name, it->benchmark_name);
-    real_accumulated_time_stat +=
-        Stat1_d(it->real_accumulated_time / it->iterations, it->iterations);
-    cpu_accumulated_time_stat +=
-        Stat1_d(it->cpu_accumulated_time / it->iterations, it->iterations);
-    items_per_second_stat += Stat1_d(it->items_per_second, it->iterations);
-    bytes_per_second_stat += Stat1_d(it->bytes_per_second, it->iterations);
-    iterations_stat += Stat1_d(it->iterations, it->iterations);
-    max_heapbytes_used_stat +=
-        Stat1MinMax_d(it->max_heapbytes_used, it->iterations);
-  }
-  // Get the data from the accumulator to BenchmarkRunData's.  In the
-  // computations below we must multiply by the number of iterations since
-  // PrintRunData will divide by it.
-  mean_data->benchmark_name = reports[0].benchmark_name + "_mean";
-  mean_data->iterations = iterations_stat.Mean();
-  mean_data->real_accumulated_time = real_accumulated_time_stat.Mean() *
-                                     mean_data->iterations;
-  mean_data->cpu_accumulated_time = cpu_accumulated_time_stat.Mean() *
-                                    mean_data->iterations;
-  mean_data->bytes_per_second = bytes_per_second_stat.Mean();
-  mean_data->items_per_second = items_per_second_stat.Mean();
-  mean_data->max_heapbytes_used = max_heapbytes_used_stat.Max();
-  // Only add label to mean/stddev if it is same for all runs
-  mean_data->report_label = reports[0].report_label;
-  for (size_t i = 1; i < reports.size(); i++) {
-    if (reports[i].report_label != reports[0].report_label) {
-      mean_data->report_label = "";
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  stddev_data->benchmark_name = reports[0].benchmark_name + "_stddev";
-  stddev_data->report_label = mean_data->report_label;
-  stddev_data->iterations = iterations_stat.StdDev();
-  // The value of iterations_stat.StdDev() above may be 0 if all the repetitions
-  // have the same number of iterations.  Blindly multiplying by 0 in the
-  // computation of real/cpu_accumulated_time below would lead to 0/0 in
-  // PrintRunData.  So we skip the multiplication in this case and PrintRunData
-  // skips the division.
-  if (stddev_data->iterations == 0) {
-    stddev_data->real_accumulated_time = real_accumulated_time_stat.StdDev();
-    stddev_data->cpu_accumulated_time = cpu_accumulated_time_stat.StdDev();
-  } else {
-    stddev_data->real_accumulated_time = real_accumulated_time_stat.StdDev() *
-                                         stddev_data->iterations;
-    stddev_data->cpu_accumulated_time = cpu_accumulated_time_stat.StdDev() *
-                                        stddev_data->iterations;
-  }
-  stddev_data->bytes_per_second = bytes_per_second_stat.StdDev();
-  stddev_data->items_per_second = items_per_second_stat.StdDev();
-  stddev_data->max_heapbytes_used = max_heapbytes_used_stat.StdDev();
-}  // namespace
-namespace internal {
-// Class for managing registered benchmarks.  Note that each registered
-// benchmark identifies a family of related benchmarks to run.
-class BenchmarkFamilies {
- public:
-  static BenchmarkFamilies* GetInstance();
-  // Registers a benchmark family and returns the index assigned to it.
-  size_t AddBenchmark(Benchmark* family);
-  // Unregisters a family at the given index.
-  void RemoveBenchmark(size_t index);
-  // Extract the list of benchmark instances that match the specified
-  // regular expression.
-  void FindBenchmarks(const std::string& re,
-                      std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks);
- private:
-  BenchmarkFamilies();
-  ~BenchmarkFamilies();
-  std::vector<Benchmark*> families_;
-  std::mutex mutex_;
-BenchmarkFamilies* BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance() {
-  static BenchmarkFamilies instance;
-  return &instance;
-BenchmarkFamilies::BenchmarkFamilies() { }
-BenchmarkFamilies::~BenchmarkFamilies() {
-  for (internal::Benchmark* family : families_) {
-    delete family;
-  }
-size_t BenchmarkFamilies::AddBenchmark(Benchmark* family) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  // This loop attempts to reuse an entry that was previously removed to avoid
-  // unncessary growth of the vector.
-  for (size_t index = 0; index < families_.size(); ++index) {
-    if (families_[index] == nullptr) {
-      families_[index] = family;
-      return index;
-    }
-  }
-  size_t index = families_.size();
-  families_.push_back(family);
-  return index;
-void BenchmarkFamilies::RemoveBenchmark(size_t index) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  families_[index] = NULL;
-  // Don't shrink families_ here, we might be called by the destructor of
-  // BenchmarkFamilies which iterates over the vector.
-void BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(
-    const std::string& spec,
-    std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks) {
-  // Make regular expression out of command-line flag
-  Regex re;
-  std::string re_error;
-  if (!re.Init(spec, &re_error)) {
-    std::cerr << "Could not compile benchmark re: " << re_error << std::endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  for (internal::Benchmark* family : families_) {
-    if (family == nullptr) continue;  // Family was deleted
-    // Match against filter.
-    if (!re.Match(family->name_)) {
-      VLOG(1) << "Skipping " << family->name_ << "\n";
-      continue;
-    }
-    std::vector<Benchmark::Instance> instances;
-    if (family->rangeX_.empty() && family->rangeY_.empty()) {
-      instances = family->CreateBenchmarkInstances(
-        Benchmark::kNoRangeIndex, Benchmark::kNoRangeIndex);
-      std::copy(instances.begin(), instances.end(),
-                std::back_inserter(*benchmarks));
-    } else if (family->rangeY_.empty()) {
-      for (size_t x = 0; x < family->rangeX_.size(); ++x) {
-        instances = family->CreateBenchmarkInstances(
-          x, Benchmark::kNoRangeIndex);
-        std::copy(instances.begin(), instances.end(),
-                  std::back_inserter(*benchmarks));
-      }
-    } else {
-      for (size_t x = 0; x < family->rangeX_.size(); ++x) {
-        for (size_t y = 0; y < family->rangeY_.size(); ++y) {
-          instances = family->CreateBenchmarkInstances(x, y);
-          std::copy(instances.begin(), instances.end(),
-                    std::back_inserter(*benchmarks));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-std::string ConsoleReporter::PrintMemoryUsage(double bytes) const {
-  if (!get_memory_usage || bytes < 0.0) return "";
-  std::stringstream ss;
-  ss << " " << HumanReadableNumber(bytes) << "B peak-mem";
-  return ss.str();
-bool ConsoleReporter::ReportContext(const BenchmarkReporter::Context& context)
-    const {
-  name_field_width_ = context.name_field_width;
-  std::cout << "Benchmarking on " << context.num_cpus << " X "
-            << context.mhz_per_cpu << " MHz CPU"
-            << ((context.num_cpus > 1) ? "s" : "") << "\n";
-  int remainder_ms;
-  std::cout << walltime::Print(walltime::Now(), "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S",
-                               true,  // use local timezone
-                               &remainder_ms) << "\n";
-  // Show details of CPU model, caches, TLBs etc.
-  //  if (!context.cpu_info.empty())
-  //    std::cout << "CPU: " << context.cpu_info.c_str();
-  if (context.cpu_scaling_enabled) {
-    std::cerr << "CPU scaling is enabled: Benchmark timings may be noisy.\n";
-  }
-  int output_width = fprintf(stdout, "%s%-*s %10s %10s %10s\n",
-                             Prefix(), int(name_field_width_), "Benchmark",
-                             "Time(ns)", "CPU(ns)", "Iterations");
-  std::cout << std::string(output_width - 1, '-').c_str() << "\n";
-  return true;
-void ConsoleReporter::ReportRuns(
-    const std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>& reports) const {
-  for (std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>::const_iterator it = reports.begin();
-       it != reports.end(); ++it) {
-    CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name, it->benchmark_name);
-    PrintRunData(*it);
-  }
-  // We don't report aggregated data if there was a single run.
-  if (reports.size() < 2) return;
-  BenchmarkReporter::Run mean_data;
-  BenchmarkReporter::Run stddev_data;
-  ComputeStats(reports, &mean_data, &stddev_data);
-  PrintRunData(mean_data);
-  PrintRunData(stddev_data);
-void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const BenchmarkReporter::Run& result) const {
-  // Format bytes per second
-  std::string rate;
-  if (result.bytes_per_second > 0) {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << " " << HumanReadableNumber(result.bytes_per_second) << "B/s";
-    rate = ss.str();
-  }
-  // Format items per second
-  std::string items;
-  if (result.items_per_second > 0) {
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << " " << HumanReadableNumber(result.items_per_second) << " items/s";
-    items = ss.str();
-  }
-  ColorPrintf(COLOR_DEFAULT, "%s", Prefix());
-  ColorPrintf(COLOR_GREEN, "%-*s ",
-              name_field_width_, result.benchmark_name.c_str());
-  if (result.iterations == 0) {
-    ColorPrintf(COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.0f %10.0f ",
-                result.real_accumulated_time * 1e9,
-                result.cpu_accumulated_time * 1e9);
-  } else {
-    ColorPrintf(COLOR_YELLOW, "%10.0f %10.0f ",
-                (result.real_accumulated_time * 1e9) /
-                    (static_cast<double>(result.iterations)),
-                (result.cpu_accumulated_time * 1e9) /
-                    (static_cast<double>(result.iterations)));
-  }
-  ColorPrintf(COLOR_CYAN, "%10lld", result.iterations);
-  ColorPrintf(COLOR_DEFAULT, "%*s %*s %s %s\n",
-              13, rate.c_str(),
-              18, items.c_str(),
-              result.report_label.c_str(),
-              PrintMemoryUsage(result.max_heapbytes_used).c_str());
-/* TODO(dominic)
-void MemoryUsage() {
-  // if (benchmark_mc) {
-  //  benchmark_mc->Reset();
-  //} else {
-  get_memory_usage = true;
-  //}
-void PrintUsageAndExit() {
-  fprintf(stdout,
-          "benchmark [--benchmark_filter=<regex>]\n"
-          "          [--benchmark_iterations=<iterations>]\n"
-          "          [--benchmark_min_time=<min_time>]\n"
-          //"          [--benchmark_memory_usage]\n"
-          "          [--benchmark_repetitions=<num_repetitions>]\n"
-          "          [--color_print={true|false}]\n"
-          "          [--v=<verbosity>]\n");
-  exit(0);
-void ParseCommandLineFlags(int* argc, const char** argv) {
-  for (int i = 1; i < *argc; ++i) {
-    if (ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_filter", &FLAGS_benchmark_filter) ||
-        ParseInt32Flag(argv[i], "benchmark_iterations",
-                       &FLAGS_benchmark_iterations) ||
-        ParseDoubleFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_min_time",
-                        &FLAGS_benchmark_min_time) ||
-        // TODO(dominic)
-        //        ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "gbenchmark_memory_usage",
-        //                      &FLAGS_gbenchmark_memory_usage) ||
-        ParseInt32Flag(argv[i], "benchmark_repetitions",
-                       &FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions) ||
-        ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "color_print", &FLAGS_color_print) ||
-        ParseInt32Flag(argv[i], "v", &FLAGS_v)) {
-      for (int j = i; j != *argc; ++j) argv[j] = argv[j + 1];
-      --(*argc);
-      --i;
-    } else if (IsFlag(argv[i], "help"))
-      PrintUsageAndExit();
-  }
-}  // end namespace internal
-// A clock that provides a fast mechanism to check if we're nearly done.
-class State::FastClock {
- public:
-  enum Type {
-  };
-  explicit FastClock(Type type)
-      : type_(type),
-        approx_time_(NowMicros()),
-        bg_done_(false),
-        bg_(BGThreadWrapper, this) { }
-  ~FastClock() {
-    {
-      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(bg_mutex_);
-      bg_done_ = true;
-      bg_cond_.notify_one();
-    }
-    bg_.join();
-  }
-  // Returns true if the current time is guaranteed to be past "when_micros".
-  // This method is very fast.
-  inline bool HasReached(int64_t when_micros) {
-    return std::atomic_load(&approx_time_) >= when_micros;
-  }
-  // Returns the current time in microseconds past the epoch.
-  int64_t NowMicros() const {
-    double t = 0;
-    switch (type_) {
-      case REAL_TIME:
-        t = walltime::Now();
-        break;
-      case CPU_TIME:
-        t = MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage();
-        break;
-    }
-    return static_cast<int64_t>(t * kNumMicrosPerSecond);
-  }
-  // Reinitialize if necessary (since clock type may be change once benchmark
-  // function starts running - see UseRealTime).
-  void InitType(Type type) {
-    type_ = type;
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(bg_mutex_);
-    std::atomic_store(&approx_time_, NowMicros());
-  }
- private:
-  Type type_;
-  std::atomic<int64_t> approx_time_;  // Last time measurement taken by bg_
-  bool bg_done_;  // This is used to signal background thread to exit
-  std::mutex bg_mutex_;
-  std::condition_variable bg_cond_;
-  std::thread bg_;  // Background thread that updates last_time_ once every ms
-  static void* BGThreadWrapper(void* that) {
-    ((FastClock*)that)->BGThread();
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  void BGThread() {
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(bg_mutex_);
-    while (!bg_done_)
-    {
-      // Set timeout to 1 ms.
-      bg_cond_.wait_for(l, std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
-      std::atomic_store(&approx_time_, NowMicros());
-    }
-  }
-struct State::ThreadStats {
-  int64_t bytes_processed;
-  int64_t items_processed;
-  ThreadStats() { Reset(); }
-  void Reset() {
-    bytes_processed = 0;
-    items_processed = 0;
-  }
-  void Add(const ThreadStats& other) {
-    bytes_processed += other.bytes_processed;
-    items_processed += other.items_processed;
-  }
-namespace internal {
-// Information kept per benchmark we may want to run
-struct Benchmark::Instance {
-  Instance()
-      : bm(nullptr),
-        threads(1),
-        rangeXset(false),
-        rangeX(kNoRange),
-        rangeYset(false),
-        rangeY(kNoRange) {}
-  std::string name;
-  Benchmark* bm;
-  int threads;  // Number of concurrent threads to use
-  bool rangeXset;
-  int rangeX;
-  bool rangeYset;
-  int rangeY;
-  bool multithreaded() const { return !bm->thread_counts_.empty(); }
-}  // end namespace internal
-struct State::SharedState {
-  const internal::Benchmark::Instance* instance;
-  std::mutex mu;
-  std::condition_variable cond;
-  int starting;  // Number of threads that have entered STARTING state
-  int stopping;  // Number of threads that have entered STOPPING state
-  int exited;    // Number of threads that have complete exited
-  int threads;   // Number of total threads that are running concurrently
-  ThreadStats stats;
-  std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> runs;  // accumulated runs
-  std::string label;
-  explicit SharedState(const internal::Benchmark::Instance* b)
-      : instance(b),
-        starting(0),
-        stopping(0),
-        exited(0),
-        threads(b == nullptr ? 1 : b->threads) { }
-namespace internal {
-Benchmark::Benchmark(const char* name, BenchmarkFunction f)
-    : name_(name), function_(f) {
-  registration_index_ = BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->AddBenchmark(this);
-Benchmark::~Benchmark() {
-  BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->RemoveBenchmark(registration_index_);
-Benchmark* Benchmark::Arg(int x) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  rangeX_.push_back(x);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::Range(int start, int limit) {
-  std::vector<int> arglist;
-  AddRange(&arglist, start, limit, kRangeMultiplier);
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arglist.size(); ++i) rangeX_.push_back(arglist[i]);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::DenseRange(int start, int limit) {
-  CHECK_GE(start, 0);
-  CHECK_LE(start, limit);
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  for (int arg = start; arg <= limit; ++arg) rangeX_.push_back(arg);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::ArgPair(int x, int y) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  rangeX_.push_back(x);
-  rangeY_.push_back(y);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::RangePair(int lo1, int hi1, int lo2, int hi2) {
-  std::vector<int> arglist1, arglist2;
-  AddRange(&arglist1, lo1, hi1, kRangeMultiplier);
-  AddRange(&arglist2, lo2, hi2, kRangeMultiplier);
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  rangeX_.resize(arglist1.size());
-  std::copy(arglist1.begin(), arglist1.end(), rangeX_.begin());
-  rangeY_.resize(arglist2.size());
-  std::copy(arglist2.begin(), arglist2.end(), rangeY_.begin());
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::Apply(void (*custom_arguments)(Benchmark* benchmark)) {
-  custom_arguments(this);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::Threads(int t) {
-  CHECK_GT(t, 0);
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  thread_counts_.push_back(t);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadRange(int min_threads, int max_threads) {
-  CHECK_GT(min_threads, 0);
-  CHECK_GE(max_threads, min_threads);
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  AddRange(&thread_counts_, min_threads, max_threads, 2);
-  return this;
-Benchmark* Benchmark::ThreadPerCpu() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(mutex_);
-  thread_counts_.push_back(NumCPUs());
-  return this;
-void Benchmark::AddRange(std::vector<int>* dst, int lo, int hi, int mult) {
-  CHECK_GE(lo, 0);
-  CHECK_GE(hi, lo);
-  // Add "lo"
-  dst->push_back(lo);
-  // Now space out the benchmarks in multiples of "mult"
-  for (int32_t i = 1; i < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() / mult;
-       i *= mult) {
-    if (i >= hi) break;
-    if (i > lo) dst->push_back(i);
-  }
-  // Add "hi" (if different from "lo")
-  if (hi != lo) dst->push_back(hi);
-std::vector<Benchmark::Instance> Benchmark::CreateBenchmarkInstances(
-    size_t rangeXindex, size_t rangeYindex) {
-  // Special list of thread counts to use when none are specified
-  std::vector<int> one_thread;
-  one_thread.push_back(1);
-  std::vector<Benchmark::Instance> instances;
-  const bool is_multithreaded = (!thread_counts_.empty());
-  const std::vector<int>& thread_counts =
-      (is_multithreaded ? thread_counts_ : one_thread);
-  for (int num_threads : thread_counts) {
-    Instance instance;
- = name_;
- = this;
-    instance.threads = num_threads;
-    if (rangeXindex != kNoRangeIndex) {
-      instance.rangeX = rangeX_[rangeXindex];
-      instance.rangeXset = true;
-      AppendHumanReadable(instance.rangeX, &;
-    }
-    if (rangeYindex != kNoRangeIndex) {
-      instance.rangeY = rangeY_[rangeYindex];
-      instance.rangeYset = true;
-      AppendHumanReadable(instance.rangeY, &;
-    }
-    // Add the number of threads used to the name
-    if (is_multithreaded) {
-      std::stringstream ss;
-      ss << "/threads:" << instance.threads;
- += ss.str();
-    }
-    instances.push_back(instance);
-  }
-  return instances;
-void Benchmark::MeasureOverhead() {
-  State::FastClock clock(State::FastClock::CPU_TIME);
-  State::SharedState state(nullptr);
-  State runner(&clock, &state, 0);
-  while (runner.KeepRunning()) {
-  }
-  overhead = state.runs[0].real_accumulated_time /
-             static_cast<double>(state.runs[0].iterations);
-  VLOG(1) << "Per-iteration overhead for doing nothing: " << overhead << "\n";
-void Benchmark::RunInstance(const Instance& b, const BenchmarkReporter* br) {
-  use_real_time = false;
-  running_benchmark = true;
-  // get_memory_usage = FLAGS_gbenchmark_memory_usage;
-  State::FastClock clock(State::FastClock::CPU_TIME);
-  // Initialize the test runners.
-  State::SharedState state(&b);
-  {
-    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<State>> runners;
-    for (int i = 0; i < b.threads; ++i)
-      runners.push_back(std::unique_ptr<State>(new State(&clock, &state, i)));
-    // Run them all.
-    for (int i = 0; i < b.threads; ++i) {
-      if (b.multithreaded())
-        runners[i]->RunAsThread();
-      else
-        runners[i]->Run();
-    }
-    if (b.multithreaded()) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < b.threads; ++i) runners[i]->Wait();
-    }
-  }
-  /*
-    double mem_usage = 0;
-    if (get_memory_usage) {
-      // Measure memory usage
-      Notification mem_done;
-      BenchmarkRun mem_run;
-      BenchmarkRun::SharedState mem_shared(&b, 1);
-      mem_run.Init(&clock, &mem_shared, 0);
-      {
-        testing::MallocCounter mc(testing::MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
-        benchmark_mc = &mc;
-        mem_run.Run(&mem_done);
-        mem_done.WaitForNotification();
-        benchmark_mc = NULL;
-        mem_usage = mc.PeakHeapGrowth();
-      }
-    }
-  */
-  running_benchmark = false;
-  for (BenchmarkReporter::Run& report : state.runs) {
-    double seconds = (use_real_time ? report.real_accumulated_time
-                                    : report.cpu_accumulated_time);
-    report.benchmark_name =;
-    report.report_label = state.label;
-    report.bytes_per_second = state.stats.bytes_processed / seconds;
-    report.items_per_second = state.stats.items_processed / seconds;
-    report.max_heapbytes_used = MeasurePeakHeapMemory(b);
-  }
-  br->ReportRuns(state.runs);
-// Run the specified benchmark, measure its peak memory usage, and
-// return the peak memory usage.
-double Benchmark::MeasurePeakHeapMemory(const Instance&) {
-  if (!get_memory_usage) return 0.0;
-  double bytes = 0.0;
-  /*  TODO(dominich)
-   // Should we do multi-threaded runs?
-   const int num_threads = 1;
-   const int num_iters = 1;
-   {
- //    internal::MallocCounter mc(internal::MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
-     running_benchmark = true;
-     timer_manager = new TimerManager(1, NULL);
- //    benchmark_mc = &mc;
-     timer_manager->StartTimer();
-     b.Run(num_iters);
-     running_benchmark = false;
-     delete timer_manager;
-     timer_manager = NULL;
- //    benchmark_mc = NULL;
- //    bytes = mc.PeakHeapGrowth();
-   }
-   */
-  return bytes;
-}  // end namespace internal
-State::State(FastClock* clock, SharedState* s, int t)
-    : thread_index(t),
-      state_(STATE_INITIAL),
-      clock_(clock),
-      shared_(s),
-      iterations_(0),
-      start_cpu_(0.0),
-      start_time_(0.0),
-      stop_time_micros_(0.0),
-      start_pause_cpu_(0.0),
-      pause_cpu_time_(0.0),
-      start_pause_real_(0.0),
-      pause_real_time_(0.0),
-      total_iterations_(0),
-      interval_micros_(static_cast<int64_t>(kNumMicrosPerSecond *
-                                            FLAGS_benchmark_min_time /
-                                            FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions)),
-      is_continuation_(false),
-      stats_(new ThreadStats()) {
-  CHECK(clock != nullptr);
-  CHECK(s != nullptr);
-bool State::KeepRunning() {
-  // Fast path
-  if ((FLAGS_benchmark_iterations == 0 &&
-       !clock_->HasReached(stop_time_micros_ +
-                           kNumMicrosPerSecond * pause_real_time_)) ||
-      iterations_ < FLAGS_benchmark_iterations) {
-    ++iterations_;
-    return true;
-  }
-  // To block thread 0 until all other threads exit, we have a signal exit
-  // point for KeepRunning() to return false.  The fast path above always
-  // returns true.
-  bool ret = false;
-  switch (state_) {
-    case STATE_INITIAL:
-      ret = StartRunning();
-      break;
-      CHECK(false);
-      ret = true;
-      break;
-    case STATE_RUNNING:
-      ret = FinishInterval();
-      break;
-      ret = MaybeStop();
-      break;
-    case STATE_STOPPED:
-      CHECK(false);
-      ret = true;
-      break;
-  }
-  if (!ret && shared_->threads > 1 && thread_index == 0){
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-    // Block until all other threads have exited.  We can then safely cleanup
-    // without other threads continuing to access shared variables inside the
-    // user-provided run function.
-    while (shared_->exited < shared_->threads - 1) {
-      shared_->cond.wait(l);
-    }
-  }
-  if (ret) {
-    ++iterations_;
-  }
-  return ret;
-void State::PauseTiming() {
-  start_pause_cpu_ = MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage();
-  start_pause_real_ = walltime::Now();
-void State::ResumeTiming() {
-  pause_cpu_time_ += MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage() - start_pause_cpu_;
-  pause_real_time_ += walltime::Now() - start_pause_real_;
-void State::SetBytesProcessed(int64_t bytes) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-  stats_->bytes_processed = bytes;
-void State::SetItemsProcessed(int64_t items) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-  stats_->items_processed = items;
-void State::SetLabel(const std::string& label) {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-  shared_->label = label;
-int State::range_x() const {
-  CHECK(shared_->instance->rangeXset);
-  /*
-  <<
-      "Failed to get range_x as it was not set. Did you register your "
-      "benchmark with a range parameter?";
-      */
-  return shared_->instance->rangeX;
-int State::range_y() const {
-  CHECK(shared_->instance->rangeYset);
-  /* <<
-       "Failed to get range_y as it was not set. Did you register your "
-       "benchmark with a range parameter?";
-       */
-  return shared_->instance->rangeY;
-bool State::StartRunning() {
-  bool last_thread = false;
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-    state_ = STATE_STARTING;
-    is_continuation_ = false;
-    CHECK_LT(shared_->starting, shared_->threads);
-    ++shared_->starting;
-    last_thread = shared_->starting == shared_->threads;
-  }
-  if (last_thread) {
-    clock_->InitType(use_real_time ? FastClock::REAL_TIME
-                                   : FastClock::CPU_TIME);
-    {
-      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(starting_mutex);
-      starting_cv.notify_all();
-    }
-  } else {
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(starting_mutex);
-    starting_cv.wait(l);
-  }
-  state_ = STATE_RUNNING;
-  NewInterval();
-  return true;
-void State::NewInterval() {
-  stop_time_micros_ = clock_->NowMicros() + interval_micros_;
-  if (!is_continuation_) {
-    VLOG(1) << "Starting new interval; stopping in " << interval_micros_
-            << "\n";
-    iterations_ = 0;
-    pause_cpu_time_ = 0;
-    pause_real_time_ = 0;
-    start_cpu_ = MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage();
-    start_time_ = walltime::Now();
-  } else {
-    VLOG(1) << "Continuing interval; stopping in " << interval_micros_
-            << "\n";
-  }
-bool State::FinishInterval() {
-  if ((FLAGS_benchmark_iterations != 0 &&
-       iterations_ <
-           FLAGS_benchmark_iterations / FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions) ||
-      iterations_ < 1) {
-    interval_micros_ *= 2;
-    VLOG(1) << "Not enough iterations in interval; "
-            << "Trying again for " << interval_micros_ << " useconds.\n";
-    is_continuation_ = false;
-    NewInterval();
-    return true;
-  }
-  BenchmarkReporter::Run data;
-  data.iterations = iterations_;
-  data.thread_index = thread_index;
-  const double accumulated_time = walltime::Now() - start_time_;
-  const double total_overhead = overhead * iterations_;
-  CHECK_LT(pause_real_time_, accumulated_time);
-  CHECK_LT(pause_real_time_ + total_overhead, accumulated_time);
-  data.real_accumulated_time =
-      accumulated_time - (pause_real_time_ + total_overhead);
-  data.cpu_accumulated_time = (MyCPUUsage() + ChildrenCPUUsage()) -
-                              (pause_cpu_time_ + start_cpu_);
-  total_iterations_ += iterations_;
-  bool keep_going = false;
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-    // Either replace the last or add a new data point.
-    if (is_continuation_)
-      shared_->runs.back() = data;
-    else
-      shared_->runs.push_back(data);
-    if (FLAGS_benchmark_iterations != 0) {
-      // If we need more iterations, run another interval as a continuation.
-      keep_going = total_iterations_ < FLAGS_benchmark_iterations;
-      is_continuation_ = keep_going;
-    } else {
-      // If this is a repetition, run another interval as a new data point.
-      keep_going = shared_->runs.size() <
-                   static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions);
-      is_continuation_ = !keep_going;
-    }
-    if (!keep_going) {
-      ++shared_->stopping;
-      if (shared_->stopping < shared_->threads) {
-        // Other threads are still running, so continue running but without
-        // timing to present an expected background load to the other threads.
-        state_ = STATE_STOPPING;
-        keep_going = true;
-      } else {
-        state_ = STATE_STOPPED;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (state_ == STATE_RUNNING) NewInterval();
-  return keep_going;
-bool State::MaybeStop() {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-  if (shared_->stopping < shared_->threads) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  state_ = STATE_STOPPED;
-  return false;
-void State::Run() {
-  stats_->Reset();
-  shared_->instance->bm->function_(*this);
-  {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(shared_->mu);
-    shared_->stats.Add(*stats_);
-  }
-void State::RunAsThread() {
-  thread_ = std::thread(State::RunWrapper, this);
-void State::Wait() {
-  if (thread_.joinable()) {
-    thread_.join();
-  }
-// static
-void* State::RunWrapper(void* arg) {
-  State* that = (State*)arg;
-  CHECK(that != nullptr);
-  that->Run();
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(that->shared_->mu);
-  that->shared_->exited++;
-  if (that->thread_index > 0 &&
-      that->shared_->exited == that->shared_->threads - 1) {
-    // All threads but thread 0 have exited the user-provided run function.
-    // Thread 0 can now wake up and exit.
-    that->shared_->cond.notify_one();
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-namespace internal {
-void RunMatchingBenchmarks(const std::string& spec,
-                           const BenchmarkReporter* reporter) {
-  if (spec.empty()) return;
-  std::vector<internal::Benchmark::Instance> benchmarks;
-  BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->FindBenchmarks(spec, &benchmarks);
-  // Determine the width of the name field using a minimum width of 10.
-  // Also determine max number of threads needed.
-  size_t name_field_width = 10;
-  for (const internal::Benchmark::Instance& benchmark : benchmarks) {
-    // Add width for _stddev and threads:XX
-    if (benchmark.threads > 1 && FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1) {
-      name_field_width =
-          std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, + 17);
-    } else if (benchmark.threads > 1) {
-      name_field_width =
-          std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, + 10);
-    } else if (FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1) {
-      name_field_width =
-          std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, + 7);
-    } else {
-      name_field_width =
-          std::max<size_t>(name_field_width,;
-    }
-  }
-  // Print header here
-  BenchmarkReporter::Context context;
-  context.num_cpus = NumCPUs();
-  context.mhz_per_cpu = CyclesPerSecond() / 1000000.0f;
-  //  context.cpu_info = base::CompactCPUIDInfoString();
-  context.cpu_scaling_enabled = CpuScalingEnabled();
-  context.name_field_width = name_field_width;
-  if (reporter->ReportContext(context))
-    for (internal::Benchmark::Instance& benchmark : benchmarks)
-      Benchmark::RunInstance(benchmark, reporter);
-void FindMatchingBenchmarkNames(const std::string& spec,
-                                std::vector<std::string>* benchmark_names) {
-  if (spec.empty()) return;
-  std::vector<internal::Benchmark::Instance> benchmarks;
-  BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->FindBenchmarks(spec, &benchmarks);
-  std::transform(benchmarks.begin(), benchmarks.end(), benchmark_names->begin(),
-                 [](const internal::Benchmark::Instance& b) { return; });
-}  // end namespace internal
-void RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(const BenchmarkReporter* reporter /*= nullptr*/) {
-  std::string spec = FLAGS_benchmark_filter;
-  if (spec.empty() || spec == "all")
-    spec = ".";  // Regexp that matches all benchmarks
-  internal::ConsoleReporter default_reporter;
-  internal::RunMatchingBenchmarks(
-      spec, reporter == nullptr ? &default_reporter : reporter);
-void UseRealTime() { use_real_time = true; }
-void Initialize(int* argc, const char** argv) {
-  internal::ParseCommandLineFlags(argc, argv);
-  internal::SetLogLevel(FLAGS_v);
-  // Ensure walltime is initialized by a single thread by forcing the
-  // initialization.
-  walltime::Now();
-  internal::Benchmark::MeasureOverhead();
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/check.h b/third_party/benchmark/src/check.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b04cd2..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/check.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CHECK_H_
-#define CHECK_H_
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <ostream>
-#include "internal_macros.h"
-#include "log.h"
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace internal {
-// CheckHandler is the class constructed by failing CHECK macros. CheckHandler
-// will log information about the failures and abort when it is destructed.
-class CheckHandler {
-  CheckHandler(const char* check, const char* file, const char* func, int line)
-    : log_(GetErrorLogInstance())
-  {
-    log_ << file << ":" << line << ": " << func << ": Check `"
-          << check << "' failed. ";
-  }
-  std::ostream& GetLog() {
-    return log_;
-  }
-  BENCHMARK_NORETURN ~CheckHandler() {
-      log_ << std::endl;
-      std::abort();
-  }
-  std::ostream& log_;
-} // end namespace internal
-} // end namespace benchmark
-// The CHECK macro returns a std::ostream object that can have extra information
-// written to it.
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-# define CHECK(b)  (b ? ::benchmark::internal::GetNullLogInstance()        \
-                      : ::benchmark::internal::CheckHandler(               \
-                          #b, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__).GetLog())
-# define CHECK(b) ::benchmark::internal::GetNullLogInstance()
-#define CHECK_EQ(a, b) CHECK((a) == (b))
-#define CHECK_NE(a, b) CHECK((a) != (b))
-#define CHECK_GE(a, b) CHECK((a) >= (b))
-#define CHECK_LE(a, b) CHECK((a) <= (b))
-#define CHECK_GT(a, b) CHECK((a) > (b))
-#define CHECK_LT(a, b) CHECK((a) < (b))
-#endif  // CHECK_H_
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/ b/third_party/benchmark/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 783797b..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "colorprint.h"
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include "commandlineflags.h"
-#include "internal_macros.h"
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace {
-#ifdef OS_WINDOWS
-typedef WORD PlatformColorCode;
-typedef const char* PlatformColorCode;
-PlatformColorCode GetPlatformColorCode(LogColor color) {
-#ifdef OS_WINDOWS
-  switch (color) {
-    case COLOR_RED:
-      return FOREGROUND_RED;
-    case COLOR_GREEN:
-      return FOREGROUND_GREEN;
-    case COLOR_YELLOW:
-    case COLOR_BLUE:
-      return FOREGROUND_BLUE;
-    case COLOR_MAGENTA:
-    case COLOR_CYAN:
-    case COLOR_WHITE:  // fall through to default
-    default:
-      return 0;
-  }
-  switch (color) {
-    case COLOR_RED:
-      return "1";
-    case COLOR_GREEN:
-      return "2";
-    case COLOR_YELLOW:
-      return "3";
-    case COLOR_BLUE:
-      return "4";
-    case COLOR_MAGENTA:
-      return "5";
-    case COLOR_CYAN:
-      return "6";
-    case COLOR_WHITE:
-      return "7";
-    default:
-      return NULL;
-  };
-}  // end namespace
-void ColorPrintf(LogColor color, const char* fmt, ...) {
-  va_list args;
-  va_start(args, fmt);
-  if (!FLAGS_color_print) {
-    vprintf(fmt, args);
-    va_end(args);
-    return;
-  }
-#ifdef OS_WINDOWS
-  const HANDLE stdout_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
-  // Gets the current text color.
-  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stdout_handle, &buffer_info);
-  const WORD old_color_attrs = buffer_info.wAttributes;
-  // We need to flush the stream buffers into the console before each
-  // SetConsoleTextAttribute call lest it affect the text that is already
-  // printed but has not yet reached the console.
-  fflush(stdout);
-  SetConsoleTextAttribute(stdout_handle,
-                          GetPlatformColorCode(color) | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);
-  vprintf(fmt, args);
-  fflush(stdout);
-  // Restores the text color.
-  SetConsoleTextAttribute(stdout_handle, old_color_attrs);
-  const char* color_code = GetPlatformColorCode(color);
-  if (color_code) fprintf(stdout, "\033[0;3%sm", color_code);
-  vprintf(fmt, args);
-  printf("\033[m");  // Resets the terminal to default.
-  va_end(args);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/colorprint.h b/third_party/benchmark/src/colorprint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d1f66..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/colorprint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-namespace benchmark {
-enum LogColor {
-void ColorPrintf(LogColor color, const char* fmt, ...);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/ b/third_party/benchmark/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06246e9..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "commandlineflags.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-namespace benchmark {
-// Parses 'str' for a 32-bit signed integer.  If successful, writes
-// the result to *value and returns true; otherwise leaves *value
-// unchanged and returns false.
-bool ParseInt32(const std::string& src_text, const char* str, int32_t* value) {
-  // Parses the environment variable as a decimal integer.
-  char* end = NULL;
-  const long long_value = strtol(str, &end, 10);  // NOLINT
-  // Has strtol() consumed all characters in the string?
-  if (*end != '\0') {
-    // No - an invalid character was encountered.
-    std::cerr << src_text << " is expected to be a 32-bit integer, "
-              << "but actually has value \"" << str << "\".\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Is the parsed value in the range of an Int32?
-  const int32_t result = static_cast<int32_t>(long_value);
-  if (long_value == std::numeric_limits<long>::max() ||
-      long_value == std::numeric_limits<long>::min() ||
-      // The parsed value overflows as a long.  (strtol() returns
-      // LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN when the input overflows.)
-      result != long_value
-          // The parsed value overflows as an Int32.
-      ) {
-    std::cerr << src_text << " is expected to be a 32-bit integer, "
-              << "but actually has value \"" << str << "\", "
-              << "which overflows.\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  *value = result;
-  return true;
-// Parses 'str' for a double.  If successful, writes the result to *value and
-// returns true; otherwise leaves *value unchanged and returns false.
-bool ParseDouble(const std::string& src_text, const char* str, double* value) {
-  // Parses the environment variable as a decimal integer.
-  char* end = NULL;
-  const double double_value = strtod(str, &end);  // NOLINT
-  // Has strtol() consumed all characters in the string?
-  if (*end != '\0') {
-    // No - an invalid character was encountered.
-    std::cerr << src_text << " is expected to be a double, "
-              << "but actually has value \"" << str << "\".\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  *value = double_value;
-  return true;
-inline const char* GetEnv(const char* name) {
-#if defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__SunOS_5_8) || defined(__SunOS_5_9)
-  // Environment variables which we programmatically clear will be set to the
-  // empty string rather than unset (NULL).  Handle that case.
-  const char* const env = getenv(name);
-  return (env != NULL && env[0] != '\0') ? env : NULL;
-  return getenv(name);
-// Returns the name of the environment variable corresponding to the
-// given flag.  For example, FlagToEnvVar("foo") will return
-// "BENCHMARK_FOO" in the open-source version.
-static std::string FlagToEnvVar(const char* flag) {
-  const std::string flag_str(flag);
-  std::string env_var;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i != flag_str.length(); ++i)
-    env_var += ::toupper(flag_str.c_str()[i]);
-  return "BENCHMARK_" + env_var;
-// Reads and returns the Boolean environment variable corresponding to
-// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
-// The value is considered true iff it's not "0".
-bool BoolFromEnv(const char* flag, bool default_value) {
-  const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
-  const char* const string_value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
-  return string_value == NULL ? default_value : strcmp(string_value, "0") != 0;
-// Reads and returns a 32-bit integer stored in the environment
-// variable corresponding to the given flag; if it isn't set or
-// doesn't represent a valid 32-bit integer, returns default_value.
-int32_t Int32FromEnv(const char* flag, int32_t default_value) {
-  const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
-  const char* const string_value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
-  if (string_value == NULL) {
-    // The environment variable is not set.
-    return default_value;
-  }
-  int32_t result = default_value;
-  if (!ParseInt32(std::string("Environment variable ") + env_var, string_value,
-                  &result)) {
-    std::cout << "The default value " << default_value << " is used.\n";
-    return default_value;
-  }
-  return result;
-// Reads and returns the string environment variable corresponding to
-// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
-const char* StringFromEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_value) {
-  const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
-  const char* const value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
-  return value == NULL ? default_value : value;
-// Parses a string as a command line flag.  The string should have
-// the format "--flag=value".  When def_optional is true, the "=value"
-// part can be omitted.
-// Returns the value of the flag, or NULL if the parsing failed.
-const char* ParseFlagValue(const char* str, const char* flag,
-                           bool def_optional) {
-  // str and flag must not be NULL.
-  if (str == NULL || flag == NULL) return NULL;
-  // The flag must start with "--".
-  const std::string flag_str = std::string("--") + std::string(flag);
-  const size_t flag_len = flag_str.length();
-  if (strncmp(str, flag_str.c_str(), flag_len) != 0) return NULL;
-  // Skips the flag name.
-  const char* flag_end = str + flag_len;
-  // When def_optional is true, it's OK to not have a "=value" part.
-  if (def_optional && (flag_end[0] == '\0')) return flag_end;
-  // If def_optional is true and there are more characters after the
-  // flag name, or if def_optional is false, there must be a '=' after
-  // the flag name.
-  if (flag_end[0] != '=') return NULL;
-  // Returns the string after "=".
-  return flag_end + 1;
-bool ParseBoolFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, bool* value) {
-  // Gets the value of the flag as a string.
-  const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, true);
-  // Aborts if the parsing failed.
-  if (value_str == NULL) return false;
-  // Converts the string value to a bool.
-  *value = !(*value_str == '0' || *value_str == 'f' || *value_str == 'F');
-  return true;
-bool ParseInt32Flag(const char* str, const char* flag, int32_t* value) {
-  // Gets the value of the flag as a string.
-  const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, false);
-  // Aborts if the parsing failed.
-  if (value_str == NULL) return false;
-  // Sets *value to the value of the flag.
-  return ParseInt32(std::string("The value of flag --") + flag, value_str,
-                    value);
-bool ParseDoubleFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, double* value) {
-  // Gets the value of the flag as a string.
-  const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, false);
-  // Aborts if the parsing failed.
-  if (value_str == NULL) return false;
-  // Sets *value to the value of the flag.
-  return ParseDouble(std::string("The value of flag --") + flag, value_str,
-                     value);
-bool ParseStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, std::string* value) {
-  // Gets the value of the flag as a string.
-  const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, false);
-  // Aborts if the parsing failed.
-  if (value_str == NULL) return false;
-  *value = value_str;
-  return true;
-bool IsFlag(const char* str, const char* flag) {
-  return (ParseFlagValue(str, flag, true) != NULL);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h b/third_party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b9c6f..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/commandlineflags.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-// Macro for referencing flags.
-#define FLAG(name) FLAGS_##name
-// Macros for declaring flags.
-#define DECLARE_bool(name) extern bool FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_int32(name) extern int32_t FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_int64(name) extern int64_t FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_double(name) extern double FLAG(name)
-#define DECLARE_string(name) extern std::string FLAG(name)
-// Macros for defining flags.
-#define DEFINE_bool(name, default_val, doc) bool FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-#define DEFINE_int32(name, default_val, doc) int32_t FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-#define DEFINE_int64(name, default_val, doc) int64_t FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-#define DEFINE_double(name, default_val, doc) double FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-#define DEFINE_string(name, default_val, doc) \
-  std::string FLAG(name) = (default_val)
-namespace benchmark {
-// Parses 'str' for a 32-bit signed integer.  If successful, writes the result
-// to *value and returns true; otherwise leaves *value unchanged and returns
-// false.
-bool ParseInt32(const std::string& src_text, const char* str, int32_t* value);
-// Parses a bool/Int32/string from the environment variable
-// corresponding to the given Google Test flag.
-bool BoolFromEnv(const char* flag, bool default_val);
-int32_t Int32FromEnv(const char* flag, int32_t default_val);
-double DoubleFromEnv(const char* flag, double default_val);
-const char* StringFromEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_val);
-// Parses a string for a bool flag, in the form of either
-// "--flag=value" or "--flag".
-// In the former case, the value is taken as true as long as it does
-// not start with '0', 'f', or 'F'.
-// In the latter case, the value is taken as true.
-// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
-// true.  On failure, returns false without changing *value.
-bool ParseBoolFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, bool* value);
-// Parses a string for an Int32 flag, in the form of
-// "--flag=value".
-// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
-// true.  On failure, returns false without changing *value.
-bool ParseInt32Flag(const char* str, const char* flag, int32_t* value);
-// Parses a string for a Double flag, in the form of
-// "--flag=value".
-// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
-// true.  On failure, returns false without changing *value.
-bool ParseDoubleFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, double* value);
-// Parses a string for a string flag, in the form of
-// "--flag=value".
-// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
-// true.  On failure, returns false without changing *value.
-bool ParseStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, std::string* value);
-// Returns true if the string matches the flag.
-bool IsFlag(const char* str, const char* flag);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h b/third_party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b28417..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/cycleclock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CycleClock
-//    A CycleClock tells you the current time in Cycles.  The "time"
-//    is actually time since power-on.  This is like time() but doesn't
-//    involve a system call and is much more precise.
-// NOTE: Not all cpu/platform/kernel combinations guarantee that this
-// clock increments at a constant rate or is synchronized across all logical
-// cpus in a system.
-// If you need the above guarantees, please consider using a different
-// API. There are efforts to provide an interface which provides a millisecond
-// granularity and implemented as a memory read. A memory read is generally
-// cheaper than the CycleClock for many architectures.
-// Also, in some out of order CPU implementations, the CycleClock is not
-// serializing. So if you're trying to count at cycles granularity, your
-// data might be inaccurate due to out of order instruction execution.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <cstdint>
-#include "benchmark/macros.h"
-#include "internal_macros.h"
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
-#include <mach/mach_time.h>
-// For MSVC, we want to use '_asm rdtsc' when possible (since it works
-// with even ancient MSVC compilers), and when not possible the
-// __rdtsc intrinsic, declared in <intrin.h>.  Unfortunately, in some
-// environments, <windows.h> and <intrin.h> have conflicting
-// declarations of some other intrinsics, breaking compilation.
-// Therefore, we simply declare __rdtsc ourselves. See also
-#if defined(COMPILER_MSVC) && !defined(_M_IX86)
-extern "C" uint64_t __rdtsc();
-#pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc)
-#include <sys/time.h>
-namespace benchmark {
-// NOTE: only i386 and x86_64 have been well tested.
-// PPC, sparc, alpha, and ia64 are based on
-// with modifications by m3b.  See also
-namespace cycleclock {
-// This should return the number of cycles since power-on.  Thread-safe.
-inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t Now() {
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
-  // this goes at the top because we need ALL Macs, regardless of
-  // architecture, to return the number of "mach time units" that
-  // have passed since startup.  See where
-  // InitializeSystemInfo() sets the supposed cpu clock frequency of
-  // macs to the number of mach time units per second, not actual
-  // CPU clock frequency (which can change in the face of CPU
-  // frequency scaling).  Also note that when the Mac sleeps, this
-  // counter pauses; it does not continue counting, nor does it
-  // reset to zero.
-  return mach_absolute_time();
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-  int64_t ret;
-  __asm__ volatile("rdtsc" : "=A"(ret));
-  return ret;
-#elif defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64__)
-  uint64_t low, high;
-  __asm__ volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(low), "=d"(high));
-  return (high << 32) | low;
-#elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__)
-  // This returns a time-base, which is not always precisely a cycle-count.
-  int64_t tbl, tbu0, tbu1;
-  asm("mftbu %0" : "=r"(tbu0));
-  asm("mftb  %0" : "=r"(tbl));
-  asm("mftbu %0" : "=r"(tbu1));
-  tbl &= -static_cast<int64>(tbu0 == tbu1);
-  // high 32 bits in tbu1; low 32 bits in tbl  (tbu0 is garbage)
-  return (tbu1 << 32) | tbl;
-#elif defined(__sparc__)
-  int64_t tick;
-  asm(".byte 0x83, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00");
-  asm("mov   %%g1, %0" : "=r"(tick));
-  return tick;
-#elif defined(__ia64__)
-  int64_t itc;
-  asm("mov %0 = ar.itc" : "=r"(itc));
-  return itc;
-#elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC) && defined(_M_IX86)
-  // Older MSVC compilers (like 7.x) don't seem to support the
-  // __rdtsc intrinsic properly, so I prefer to use _asm instead
-  // when I know it will work.  Otherwise, I'll use __rdtsc and hope
-  // the code is being compiled with a non-ancient compiler.
-  _asm rdtsc
-#elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
-  return __rdtsc();
-#elif defined(__ARM_ARCH)
-#if (__ARM_ARCH >= 6)  // V6 is the earliest arch that has a standard cyclecount
-  uint32_t pmccntr;
-  uint32_t pmuseren;
-  uint32_t pmcntenset;
-  // Read the user mode perf monitor counter access permissions.
-  asm("mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c14, 0" : "=r"(pmuseren));
-  if (pmuseren & 1) {  // Allows reading perfmon counters for user mode code.
-    asm("mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 1" : "=r"(pmcntenset));
-    if (pmcntenset & 0x80000000ul) {  // Is it counting?
-      asm("mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0" : "=r"(pmccntr));
-      // The counter is set up to count every 64th cycle
-      return static_cast<int64_t>(pmccntr) * 64;  // Should optimize to << 6
-    }
-  }
-  struct timeval tv;
-  gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-  return static_cast<int64_t>(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
-#elif defined(__mips__)
-  // mips apparently only allows rdtsc for superusers, so we fall
-  // back to gettimeofday.  It's possible clock_gettime would be better.
-  struct timeval tv;
-  gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-  return static_cast<int64_t>(tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
-// The soft failover to a generic implementation is automatic only for ARM.
-// For other platforms the developer is expected to make an attempt to create
-// a fast implementation and use generic version if nothing better is available.
-#error You need to define CycleTimer for your OS and CPU
-}  // end namespace cycleclock
-}  // end namespace benchmark
diff --git a/third_party/benchmark/src/internal_macros.h b/third_party/benchmark/src/internal_macros.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6667a2e..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/internal_macros.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "benchmark/macros.h"
-#ifndef __has_feature
-# define __has_feature(x) 0
-#if __has_feature(cxx_attributes)
-# define BENCHMARK_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
-#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-# define BENCHMARK_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
-# define OS_CYGWIN 1
-#elif defined(_WIN32)
-# define OS_WINDOWS 1
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
-// TODO(ericwf) This doesn't actually check that it is a Mac OSX system. Just
-// that it is an apple system.
-# define OS_MACOSX 1
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
-# define OS_FREEBSD 1
-#elif defined(__linux__)
-# define OS_LINUX 1
-#if defined(__clang__)
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-# define COMPILER_GCC
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index b660309..0000000
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "log.h"
-#include <iostream>
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace internal {
-int& LoggingLevelImp() {
-    static int level = 0;
-    return level;
-void SetLogLevel(int value) {
-    LoggingLevelImp() = value;
-int GetLogLevel() {
-    return LoggingLevelImp();
-class NullLogBuffer : public std::streambuf
-  int overflow(int c) {
-    return c;
-  }
-std::ostream& GetNullLogInstance() {
-  static NullLogBuffer log_buff;
-  static std::ostream null_log(&log_buff);
-  return null_log;
-std::ostream& GetErrorLogInstance() {
-  return std::clog;
-} // end namespace internal
-} // end namespace benchmark
\ No newline at end of file
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index 3777810..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#include <ostream>
-namespace benchmark {
-namespace internal {
-int GetLogLevel();
-void SetLogLevel(int level);
-std::ostream& GetNullLogInstance();
-std::ostream& GetErrorLogInstance();
-inline std::ostream& GetLogInstanceForLevel(int level) {
-  if (level <= GetLogLevel()) {
-    return GetErrorLogInstance();
-  }
-  return GetNullLogInstance();
-} // end namespace internal
-} // end namespace benchmark
-#define VLOG(x) (::benchmark::internal::GetLogInstanceForLevel(x) \
-                 << "-- LOG(" << x << "): ")
\ No newline at end of file
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index 54117b1..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/re.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#ifndef BENCHMARK_RE_H_
-#define BENCHMARK_RE_H_
-#if defined(HAVE_STD_REGEX)
-#include <regex>
-#elif defined(HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX)
-#include <gnuregex.h>
-#elif defined(HAVE_POSIX_REGEX)
-#include <regex.h>
-#error No regular expression backend was found!
-#include <string>
-namespace benchmark {
-// A wrapper around the POSIX regular expression API that provides automatic
-// cleanup
-class Regex {
- public:
-  Regex();
-  ~Regex();
-  // Compile a regular expression matcher from spec.  Returns true on success.
-  //
-  // On failure (and if error is not NULL), error is populated with a human
-  // readable error message if an error occurs.
-  bool Init(const std::string& spec, std::string* error);
-  // Returns whether str matches the compiled regular expression.
-  bool Match(const std::string& str);
- private:
-  bool init_;
-  // Underlying regular expression object
-#if defined(HAVE_STD_REGEX)
-  std::regex re_;
-#elif defined(HAVE_POSIX_REGEX) || defined(HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX)
-  regex_t re_;
-# error No regular expression backend implementation available
-}  // end namespace benchmark
-#endif  // BENCHMARK_RE_H_
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index e8fe1fc..0000000
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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "check.h"
-#include "re.h"
-namespace benchmark {
-Regex::Regex() : init_(false) { }
-bool Regex::Init(const std::string& spec, std::string* error) {
-  int ec = regcomp(&re_, spec.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB);
-  if (ec != 0) {
-    if (error) {
-      size_t needed = regerror(ec, &re_, NULL, 0);
-      char* errbuf = new char[needed];
-      regerror(ec, &re_, errbuf, needed);
-      // regerror returns the number of bytes necessary to null terminate
-      // the string, so we move that when assigning to error.
-      CHECK_NE(needed, 0);
-      error->assign(errbuf, needed - 1);
-      delete[] errbuf;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  init_ = true;
-  return true;
-Regex::~Regex() {
-  if (init_) {
-    regfree(&re_);
-  }
-bool Regex::Match(const std::string& str) {
-  if (!init_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return regexec(&re_, str.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0) == 0;
-}  // end namespace benchmark
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index cfd7a21..0000000
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "re.h"
-namespace benchmark {
-Regex::Regex() : init_(false) { }
-bool Regex::Init(const std::string& spec, std::string* error) {
-  try {
-    re_ = std::regex(spec, std::regex_constants::extended);
-    init_ = true;
-  } catch (const std::regex_error& e) {
-    if (error) {
-      *error = e.what();
-    }
-  }
-  return init_;
-Regex::~Regex() { }
-bool Regex::Match(const std::string& str) {
-  if (!init_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return std::regex_search(str, re_);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
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index 4dfb4d9..0000000
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "sleep.h"
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "internal_macros.h"
-namespace benchmark {
-#ifdef OS_WINDOWS
-// Window's _sleep takes milliseconds argument.
-void SleepForMilliseconds(int milliseconds) { _sleep(milliseconds); }
-void SleepForSeconds(double seconds) {
-  SleepForMilliseconds(static_cast<int>(kNumMillisPerSecond * seconds));
-#else   // OS_WINDOWS
-void SleepForMicroseconds(int microseconds) {
-  struct timespec sleep_time;
-  sleep_time.tv_sec = microseconds / kNumMicrosPerSecond;
-  sleep_time.tv_nsec = (microseconds % kNumMicrosPerSecond) * kNumNanosPerMicro;
-  while (nanosleep(&sleep_time, &sleep_time) != 0 && errno == EINTR)
-    ;  // Ignore signals and wait for the full interval to elapse.
-void SleepForMilliseconds(int milliseconds) {
-  SleepForMicroseconds(static_cast<int>(milliseconds) * kNumMicrosPerMilli);
-void SleepForSeconds(double seconds) {
-  SleepForMicroseconds(static_cast<int>(seconds * kNumMicrosPerSecond));
-#endif  // OS_WINDOWS
-}  // end namespace benchmark
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index f1e515c..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/sleep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-namespace benchmark {
-const int64_t kNumMillisPerSecond = 1000LL;
-const int64_t kNumMicrosPerMilli = 1000LL;
-const int64_t kNumMicrosPerSecond = kNumMillisPerSecond * 1000LL;
-const int64_t kNumNanosPerMicro = 1000LL;
-const int64_t kNumNanosPerSecond = kNumNanosPerMicro * kNumMicrosPerSecond;
-void SleepForMilliseconds(int milliseconds);
-void SleepForSeconds(double seconds);
-}  // end namespace benchmark
-#endif  // BENCHMARK_SLEEP_H_
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deleted file mode 100644
index 435743c..0000000
--- a/third_party/benchmark/src/stat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <limits>
-namespace benchmark {
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-class Stat1;
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-class Stat1MinMax;
-typedef Stat1<float, float> Stat1_f;
-typedef Stat1<double, double> Stat1_d;
-typedef Stat1MinMax<float, float> Stat1MinMax_f;
-typedef Stat1MinMax<double, double> Stat1MinMax_d;
-template <typename VType>
-class Vector2;
-template <typename VType>
-class Vector3;
-template <typename VType>
-class Vector4;
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-class Stat1 {
- public:
-  typedef Stat1<VType, NumType> Self;
-  Stat1() { Clear(); }
-  // Create a sample of value dat and weight 1
-  explicit Stat1(const VType &dat) {
-    sum_ = dat;
-    sum_squares_ = Sqr(dat);
-    numsamples_ = 1;
-  }
-  // Create statistics for all the samples between begin (included)
-  // and end(excluded)
-  explicit Stat1(const VType *begin, const VType *end) {
-    Clear();
-    for (const VType *item = begin; item < end; ++item) {
-      (*this) += Stat1(*item);
-    }
-  }
-  // Create a sample of value dat and weight w
-  Stat1(const VType &dat, const NumType &w) {
-    sum_ = w * dat;
-    sum_squares_ = w * Sqr(dat);
-    numsamples_ = w;
-  }
-  // Copy operator
-  Stat1(const Self &stat) {
-    sum_ = stat.sum_;
-    sum_squares_ = stat.sum_squares_;
-    numsamples_ = stat.numsamples_;
-  }
-  void Clear() {
-    numsamples_ = NumType();
-    sum_squares_ = sum_ = VType();
-  }
-  Self &operator=(const Self &stat) {
-    sum_ = stat.sum_;
-    sum_squares_ = stat.sum_squares_;
-    numsamples_ = stat.numsamples_;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Merge statistics from two sample sets.
-  Self &operator+=(const Self &stat) {
-    sum_ += stat.sum_;
-    sum_squares_ += stat.sum_squares_;
-    numsamples_ += stat.numsamples_;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // The operation opposite to +=
-  Self &operator-=(const Self &stat) {
-    sum_ -= stat.sum_;
-    sum_squares_ -= stat.sum_squares_;
-    numsamples_ -= stat.numsamples_;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
-  Self &operator*=(const VType &k) {
-    sum_ *= k;
-    sum_squares_ *= k;
-    numsamples_ *= k;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Merge statistics from two sample sets.
-  Self operator+(const Self &stat) const { return Self(*this) += stat; }
-  // The operation opposite to +
-  Self operator-(const Self &stat) const { return Self(*this) -= stat; }
-  // Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
-  Self operator*(const VType &k) const { return Self(*this) *= k; }
-  // Return the total weight of this sample set
-  NumType numSamples() const { return numsamples_; }
-  // Return the sum of this sample set
-  VType Sum() const { return sum_; }
-  // Return the mean of this sample set
-  VType Mean() const {
-    if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
-    return sum_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
-  }
-  // Return the mean of this sample set and compute the standard deviation at
-  // the same time.
-  VType Mean(VType *stddev) const {
-    if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
-    VType mean = sum_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
-    if (stddev) {
-      VType avg_squares = sum_squares_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
-      *stddev = Sqrt(avg_squares - Sqr(mean));
-    }
-    return mean;
-  }
-  // Return the standard deviation of the sample set
-  VType StdDev() const {
-    if (numsamples_ == 0) return VType();
-    VType mean = Mean();
-    VType avg_squares = sum_squares_ * (1.0 / numsamples_);
-    return Sqrt(avg_squares - Sqr(mean));
-  }
- private:
-  // Let i be the index of the samples provided (using +=)
-  // and weight[i],value[i] be the data of sample #i
-  // then the variables have the following meaning:
-  NumType numsamples_;  // sum of weight[i];
-  VType sum_;           // sum of weight[i]*value[i];
-  VType sum_squares_;   // sum of weight[i]*value[i]^2;
-  // Template function used to square a number.
-  // For a vector we square all components
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline SType Sqr(const SType &dat) {
-    return dat * dat;
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector2<SType> Sqr(const Vector2<SType> &dat) {
-    return dat.MulComponents(dat);
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector3<SType> Sqr(const Vector3<SType> &dat) {
-    return dat.MulComponents(dat);
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector4<SType> Sqr(const Vector4<SType> &dat) {
-    return dat.MulComponents(dat);
-  }
-  // Template function used to take the square root of a number.
-  // For a vector we square all components
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline SType Sqrt(const SType &dat) {
-    // Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
-    if (dat < 0) return 0;
-    return sqrt(dat);
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector2<SType> Sqrt(const Vector2<SType> &dat) {
-    // Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
-    return Max(dat, Vector2<SType>()).Sqrt();
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector3<SType> Sqrt(const Vector3<SType> &dat) {
-    // Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
-    return Max(dat, Vector3<SType>()).Sqrt();
-  }
-  template <typename SType>
-  static inline Vector4<SType> Sqrt(const Vector4<SType> &dat) {
-    // Avoid NaN due to imprecision in the calculations
-    return Max(dat, Vector4<SType>()).Sqrt();
-  }
-// Useful printing function
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Stat1<VType, NumType> &s) {
-  out << "{ avg = " << s.Mean() << " std = " << s.StdDev()
-      << " nsamples = " << s.NumSamples() << "}";
-  return out;
-// Stat1MinMax: same as Stat1, but it also
-// keeps the Min and Max values; the "-"
-// operator is disabled because it cannot be implemented
-// efficiently
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-class Stat1MinMax : public Stat1<VType, NumType> {
- public:
-  typedef Stat1MinMax<VType, NumType> Self;
-  Stat1MinMax() { Clear(); }
-  // Create a sample of value dat and weight 1
-  explicit Stat1MinMax(const VType &dat) : Stat1<VType, NumType>(dat) {
-    max_ = dat;
-    min_ = dat;
-  }
-  // Create statistics for all the samples between begin (included)
-  // and end(excluded)
-  explicit Stat1MinMax(const VType *begin, const VType *end) {
-    Clear();
-    for (const VType *item = begin; item < end; ++item) {
-      (*this) += Stat1MinMax(*item);
-    }
-  }
-  // Create a sample of value dat and weight w
-  Stat1MinMax(const VType &dat, const NumType &w)
-      : Stat1<VType, NumType>(dat, w) {
-    max_ = dat;
-    min_ = dat;
-  }
-  // Copy operator
-  Stat1MinMax(const Self &stat) : Stat1<VType, NumType>(stat) {
-    max_ = stat.max_;
-    min_ = stat.min_;
-  }
-  void Clear() {
-    Stat1<VType, NumType>::Clear();
-    if (std::numeric_limits<VType>::has_infinity) {
-      min_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::infinity();
-      max_ = -std::numeric_limits<VType>::infinity();
-    } else {
-      min_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::max();
-      max_ = std::numeric_limits<VType>::min();
-    }
-  }
-  Self &operator=(const Self &stat) {
-    this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator=(stat);
-    max_ = stat.max_;
-    min_ = stat.min_;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Merge statistics from two sample sets.
-  Self &operator+=(const Self &stat) {
-    this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator+=(stat);
-    if (stat.max_ > max_) max_ = stat.max_;
-    if (stat.min_ < min_) min_ = stat.min_;
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
-  Self &operator*=(const VType &stat) {
-    this->Stat1<VType, NumType>::operator*=(stat);
-    return (*this);
-  }
-  // Merge statistics from two sample sets.
-  Self operator+(const Self &stat) const { return Self(*this) += stat; }
-  // Multiply the weight of the set of samples by a factor k
-  Self operator*(const VType &k) const { return Self(*this) *= k; }
-  // Return the maximal value in this sample set
-  VType Max() const { return max_; }
-  // Return the minimal value in this sample set
-  VType Min() const { return min_; }
- private:
-  // The - operation makes no sense with Min/Max
-  // unless we keep the full list of values (but we don't)
-  // make it private, and let it undefined so nobody can call it
-  Self &operator-=(const Self &stat);  // senseless. let it undefined.
-  // The operation opposite to -
-  Self operator-(const Self &stat) const;  // senseless. let it undefined.
-  // Let i be the index of the samples provided (using +=)
-  // and weight[i],value[i] be the data of sample #i
-  // then the variables have the following meaning:
-  VType max_;  // max of value[i]
-  VType min_;  // min of value[i]
-// Useful printing function
-template <typename VType, typename NumType>
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out,
-                         const Stat1MinMax<VType, NumType> &s) {
-  out << "{ avg = " << s.Mean() << " std = " << s.StdDev()
-      << " nsamples = " << s.NumSamples() << " min = " << s.Min()
-      << " max = " << s.Max() << "}";
-  return out;
-}  // end namespace benchmark
-#endif  // BENCHMARK_STAT_H_