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+<p>The <code>@Facets</code> annotation specifies <code>FacetFactory</code> implementations and so can
+be used to run install arbitrary <code>Facet</code>s for a type. Generally this is
+not needed, but can be useful for overriding a custom programming model
+where a <code>FacetFactory</code> is not typically included.</p>
+<!--See the core documentation for more on writing FacetFactorys.-->
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+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p>The recommended mechanism for specifying the order in which fields are
+  listed to the user is <code>@MemberOrder</code> <!--(see ?)--></p>
+  <p><strong>Support</strong></p>
+  <ul>
+  <li>Not supported by: Wicket viewer</li>
+  </ul>
+<p><code>@FieldOrder</code> provides a mechanism to specify the order in which fields
+appear in the user interface, in which the order is specified in one
+place in the class.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>@FieldOrder("Name, Address, DateOfBirth, RecentOrders")
+public class Customer {
+    public Date getDateOfBirth() {...}
+    public List&lt;Order&gt; getRecentOrders() {...}
+    public String getAddress() {...}
+    public String getName() {...}
+    ...
+<p>The field names are not case sensitive.</p>
+<p>However, <code>@FieldOrder</code> is more 'brittle' to change: if you change the
+name of an existing property you will need to ensure that the
+corresponding name within the <code>@FieldOrder</code> annotation is also changed.</p>
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+<p><a href="./../../documentation.html">Docs</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/about.html">Applib Guide</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/recognized-annotations/about.html">Recognized Annotations</a></p>
+  <p><strong>Support</strong></p>
+  <ul>
+  <li>Fully supported by: Wicket viewer; other viewers do not yet support the <code>where</code> attribute.</li>
+  </ul>
+<p>The <code>@Hidden</code> annotation indicates that the member (property, collection
+or action) to which it is applied should never be visible to the user.
+It can also be applied to service types (it has no effect if applied to
+entities or values).</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Customer {
+    @Hidden
+    public int getInternalId() { ... }
+    @Hidden
+    public void updateStatus() { ... }
+    ...
+<p>Or, applied to a service:</p>
+public class EmailService {
+    public void sendEmail(...) { ... }
+    ...
+<p>This annotation can also take a parameters indicating where and when it
+is to be hidden. For example:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Customer {
+    @Hidden(when=When.ONCE_PERSISTED)
+    public int getInternalId() { ... }
+    ...
+<p>would show the <code>Id</code> until the object has been saved, and then would hide
+it. And:</p>
+<pre><code>public class Customer {
+    @Hidden(where=Where.ALL_TABLES)
+    public int getDateOfBirth() { ... }
+    ...
+<p>would suppress the <code>dateOfBirth</code> property of a Customer from all tables.</p>
+<p>The acceptable values for the <code>where</code> parameter are:</p>
+<p>The member should be hidden everywhere.</li>
+<p>The member should be hidden when displayed within an object form.
+For most viewers, this applies to property and collection members,
+not actions.</li>
+<p>The member should be hidden when displayed as a column of a table
+within a parent object's collection. For most (all?) viewers, this
+will have meaning only if applied to a property member.</li>
+<p>The member should be hidden when displayed as a column of a table
+showing a standalone list of objects, for example as returned by a
+repository query. For most (all?) viewers, this will have meaning
+only if applied to a property member.</li>
+<p>The member should be /hidden when displayed as a column of a table,
+either an object's * collection or a standalone list. This combines
+<code>PARENTED_TABLES</code> and <code>STANDALONE_TABLES</code>.</li>
+<p>Acts as an override if a member would normally be hidden as a result
+of some other convention. For example, if a property is annotated
+with <code>@Title</code> <!--(see ?)-->, then normally this should be hidden from all
+tables. Additionally annotating with <code>@Hidden(where=Where.NOWHERE)</code>
+overrides this.</li>
+<p>The acceptable values for the <code>when</code> parameter are:</p>
+<p>The member should be hidden at all times.</li>
+<p>The member should never be hidden (unless disabled through some
+other mechanism, for example an imperative disableXxx() supporting
+<p>The member should be visible for transient objects, but hidden for
+persisted objects.</li>
+<p>The member should be hidden for transient objects, but visible for
+persisted objects.</li>
+<p>By default the annotated property or action is always hidden (ie
+defaults to <code>Where.ANYWHERE</code>, <code>When.ALWAYS</code>).</p>
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+<h2>@Idempotent (deprecated)</h2>
+<p>Equivalent to using <code>@ActionSemantics(Of.IDEMPOTENT)</code> on an action.</p>
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+<h2>@Ignore (deprecated)</h2>
+<p>Equivalent to using <code>@Programmatic</code>.</p>
+<p>The <code>@Programmatic</code> annotation was
+introduced because <code>@Ignore</code> can easily clash with <code>@org.junit.Ignore</code>.</p>
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+<p><a href="./../../documentation.html">Docs</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/about.html">Applib Guide</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/recognized-annotations/about.html">Recognized Annotations</a></p>
+<p>The <code>@Immutable</code> annotation may be applied to a class, and indicates to
+the framework that the state of such objects may not be changed. The
+viewers will prevent any change through the user interface, and moreover
+the object stores will reject any changes to the objects that might have
+occurred programmatically.</p>
+<p>For example:</p>
+public class Country {
+    ...
+<p>This annotation can also take a single parameter indicating when it is
+to become immutable. For example:</p>
+public class Email {
+    ...
+<p>This would allow the user to create an email object and set it up, and
+then prevent any changes once it has been saved.</p>
+<p>The acceptable values for the parameter are:</p>
+<p>By default the annotated property or action is always immutable (ie
+defaults to <code>When.ALWAYS</code>).</p>
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