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Posted to by jbellver <> on 2010/09/08 12:25:51 UTC

Errors: the method setDecCryptoConfig for the RampartConfig class not work correctly.

Hi, i'm  trying used Rampart with two keystore, one for signed and  
decryption and other for encryption, but the rampart not work  
correctly because try find the keys in wrong keystore. When return the  
message (Inflow) the error is:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The signature or decryption was invalid;  
nested exception is:
         java.lang.Exception: alias is null

My RampartConfig is the following:

This is a client side.

For sign:

For cryption:

For decryption:

The properties sigCrypto and decCrypto are the same, this reference a  
keystore where i have the my private key (for sign), and encCrypto  
reference a keystore where i have the server certificate (for encrypt).

Please, help me.


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