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Posted to by Nicolas De Loof <> on 2004/05/14 09:06:41 UTC

Re: plugin to gather statistics, make a summary and storethemintoaDB

 > Hi Nicolas,
> This sounds very similar to the dashboard plugin. Why don't we work all
> together to improve it? For example, you're interested in CSV extracts.
> That's a good idea and this feature can be very easily added to the
> dashboard plugin.
> Is there anything that you have in the system you're building that you
> cannot find in the dashboard plugin?
> Thanks
> -Vincent

I've taken a look at the dashboard plugin.
As far as I have understood it, it uses jelly scripts to extract infos from raw datas from other maven reports.

I'd like the "analysis" plugin to build history diagrams from such aggregator, but also to be able to compute some
values (like the ratio checkstyle warnings / nb of lines).

I'd like agregators to be more customisable. I mean for example get chekstyle errors for a specific package. As
cswarnings.jelly agregator uses a xpath expression to get warnings, I don't know how to express in xpath such a
condition. Also notice checkstyle raw report uses a system dependant file separator.

I think for such cases, xpath should not be enough, so I've made a digester based parser for xdoc checkstyle report that
builds a data tree : list of classes(name) having ruleViolations(severity, message). From this datas, I can compute
using simple java code any data I need.
To use it, plugin has to work in 2 pass:
- first (run and) collect other maven reports datas into a "context"
- 2d apply java agregators to extract "complex" datas from them

I was also thinking about having "dependencies" between agregators : cswarningPerLine should return a float, based on
agregators "cswarning" and "metricsNBLines". I'm trying to build an ordering mecanism :
- from requested agregators, build agregator list adding all dependencies
- orders agregators assuming dependencies
- run / parse xdoc reports into a 'report' context
- run agregators and put result in some 'agregator-result' context
each agregator has read acces to report and result contextes. It's result is added to result context for other

It might be intersting to be able to use both types of "agregators" in dashboard plugin. Jelly script for simple values,
java based for more complicated ones.

I'll try to merge this two ones next week (not enough time before). If you have some suggestion...


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