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Posted to by Eileen Matthews <> on 2020/08/14 22:32:05 UTC

I Build Wood Items - DIY Guide

Fifteen families of beavers have been given the permanent "right to remain" on the River Otter in East Devon.The decision was made by the government following a five-year study by the Devon  Trust Newsletter into beavers' impact on the local environment.The Trust called it "the most ground-breaking government decision for England's  for a generation".It's the first time an extinct native mammal has been given government backing to be reintroduced in England.Environment minister Rebecca Pow said that in the future they could be considered a "public good" and farmers and landowners would pay to have them on their land.Beavers have the power to change entire landscapes. They feel safer in deep water, so have become master makers of dams and pools.They build complex homes - known as lodges or burrows - with underwater entrances.Beavers to be reintroduced at two sitesBeavers in Forest of Dean 'settling in well'Beaver reintroduction 'could cut flash-flooding'The River Otter beaver trial sh
 owed that the animals' skill replenished and enhanced the ecology of the river catchment in East Devon.They increased the "fish biomass", and improved the water quality

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