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Posted to by Stephane Bortzmeyer <> on 2007/06/19 15:28:03 UTC

Path auth: Everyone-but-anonymous?

[Warning: beginner with path-based authentication.]

I would like to give rights on some directories (of a HTTP Subversion
server) to every authenticated user *but* anonymous.

My Apache configuration is:

  AuthType Basic  
  AuthName "Subversion Repository"
  AuthLDAPURL [omitted]

  AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/apache2/subversion-access
  Satisfy any
  require valid-user

And I would like to put in /etc/apache2/subversion-access:

* = r
ALL? = rw

where "ALL?" would match everyone but the anonymous users. ("*"
includes anonymous.)

Listing every "real" user works but is painful, specially when I add
and delete people to the LDAP directory.

[Even better would be the ability to use LDAP filters in the
authorization rules.]

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