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Posted to by on 2017/05/19 00:13:42 UTC

[21/50] [abbrv] lucene-solr:jira/solr-10233: SOLR-10042: Delete old deprecated Admin UI
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/analysis.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/analysis.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fcadaf..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/analysis.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-// #/:core/analysis
-  new RegExp( app.core_regex_base + '\\/(analysis)$' ),
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var active_core = this.active_core;
-    var core_basepath = active_core.attr( 'data-basepath' );
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/analysis.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        content_element
-          .html( template );
-        var analysis_element = $( '#analysis', content_element );
-        var analysis_form = $( 'form', analysis_element );
-        var analysis_result = $( '#analysis-result', analysis_element );
-        analysis_result.hide();
-        var verbose_link = $( '.verbose_output a', analysis_element );
-        var type_or_name = $( '#type_or_name', analysis_form );
-        var schema_browser_element = $( '#tor_schema' );
-        var schema_browser_path = app.core_menu.find( '.schema-browser a' ).attr( 'href' );
-        var schema_browser_map = { 'fieldname' : 'field', 'fieldtype' : 'type' };
-        type_or_name
-          .die( 'change' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'change',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              var info = $( this ).val().split( '=' );
-              schema_browser_element
-                .attr( 'href', schema_browser_path + '?' + schema_browser_map[info[0]] + '=' + info[1] );
-            }
-          );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : core_basepath + '/admin/luke?wt=json&show=schema',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : type_or_name,
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              this
-                .html( '<option value="">Loading ... </option>' )
-                .addClass( 'loader' );
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              var content = '';
-              var fields = [];
-              for( var field_name in response.schema.fields )
-              {
-                fields.push
-                (
-                  '<option value="fieldname=' + field_name.esc() + '">' + field_name.esc() + '</option>'
-                );
-              }
-              if( 0 !== fields.length )
-              {
-                content += '<optgroup label="Fields">' + "\n";
-                content += fields.sort().join( "\n" ) + "\n";
-                content += '</optgroup>' + "\n";
-              }
-              var types = [];
-              for( var type_name in response.schema.types )
-              {
-                types.push
-                (
-                  '<option value="fieldtype=' + type_name.esc() + '">' + type_name.esc() + '</option>'
-                );
-              }
-              if( 0 !== types.length )
-              {
-                content += '<optgroup label="Types">' + "\n";
-                content += types.sort().join( "\n" ) + "\n";
-                content += '</optgroup>' + "\n";
-              }
-              this
-                .html( content );
-              var defaultSearchField = 'fieldname\=' + ( context.params['analysis.fieldname'] || response.schema.defaultSearchField );
-              if( context.params['analysis.fieldtype'] )
-              {
-                defaultSearchField = 'fieldtype\=' + context.params['analysis.fieldtype'];
-              }
-              $( 'option[value="' + defaultSearchField + '"]', this )
-                .attr( 'selected', 'selected' );
-              this
-                .chosen()
-                .trigger( 'change' );
-              var fields = 0;
-              for( var key in context.params )
-              {
-                if( 'string' === typeof context.params[key] && 0 !== context.params[key].length )
-                {
-                  fields++;
-                  $( '[name="' + key + '"]', analysis_form )
-                    .val( context.params[key] );
-                }
-              }
-              if( 'undefined' !== typeof context.params.verbose_output )
-              {
-                verbose_link.trigger( 'toggle', !!context.params.verbose_output.match( /^(1|true)$/ ) );
-              }
-              if( 0 !== fields )
-              {
-                analysis_form
-                  .trigger( 'execute' );
-              }
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-              this
-                .removeClass( 'loader' );
-            }
-          }
-        );
-        $( '.analysis-error .head a', analysis_element )
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( this ).parents( '.analysis-error' )
-                .toggleClass( 'expanded' );
-            }
-          );
-        var check_empty_spacer = function()
-        {
-          var spacer_holder = $( ' .holder', analysis_result );
-          if( 0 === spacer_holder.size() )
-          {
-            return false;
-          }
-          var verbose_output = analysis_result.hasClass( 'verbose_output' );
-          spacer_holder
-            .each
-            (
-              function( index, element )
-              {
-                element = $( element );
-                if( verbose_output )
-                {
-                  var cell = element.parent();
-                  element.height( cell.height() );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  element.removeAttr( 'style' );
-                }
-              }
-            );
-        }
-        verbose_link
-          .die( 'toggle' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'toggle',
-            function( event, state )
-            {
-              $( this ).parent()
-                .toggleClass( 'active', state );
-              analysis_result
-                .toggleClass( 'verbose_output', state );
-              check_empty_spacer();
-            }
-          )
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( this ).parent()
-                .toggleClass( 'active' );
-              analysis_form.trigger( 'submit' );
-            }
-          );
-        var button = $( 'button', analysis_form )
-        var compute_analysis_params = function()
-        {
-          var params = analysis_form.formToArray();
-          var type_or_name = $( '#type_or_name', analysis_form ).val().split( '=' );
-          params.push( { name: 'analysis.' + type_or_name[0], value: type_or_name[1] } );
-          params.push( { name: 'verbose_output', value: $( '.verbose_output', analysis_element ).hasClass( 'active' ) ? 1 : 0 } );
-          return params;
-        }
-        analysis_form
-          .die( 'submit' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'submit',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              var params = $.param( compute_analysis_params() )
-                            .replace( /[\w\.]+=\+*(&)/g, '$1' ) // remove empty parameters
-                            .replace( /(&)+/, '$1' )            // reduce multiple ampersands
-                            .replace( /^&/, '' )                // remove leading ampersand
-                            .replace( /\+/g, '%20' );           // replace plus-signs with encoded whitespaces
-              context.redirect( context.path.split( '?' ).shift() + '?' + params );
-              return false;
-            }
-          )
-          .die( 'execute' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'execute',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              var url = core_basepath + '/analysis/field?wt=json&analysis.showmatch=true&' + context.path.split( '?' ).pop();
-              url = url.replace( /&verbose_output=\d/, '' );
-              $.ajax
-              (
-                {
-                  url : url,
-                  dataType : 'json',
-                  beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                  {
-           $( 'span', button ) );
-                    button.attr( 'disabled', true );
-                  },
-                  success : function( response, status_text, xhr, form )
-                  {
-                    $( '.analysis-error', analysis_element )
-                      .hide();
-                    analysis_result
-                      .empty()
-                      .show();
-                    for( var name in response.analysis.field_names )
-                    {
-                      build_analysis_table( 'name', name, response.analysis.field_names[name] );
-                    }
-                    for( var name in response.analysis.field_types )
-                    {
-                      build_analysis_table( 'type', name, response.analysis.field_types[name] );
-                    }
-                    check_empty_spacer();
-                  },
-                  error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                  {
-                    analysis_result
-                      .empty()
-                      .hide();
-                    if( 404 === xhr.status )
-                    {
-                      $( '#analysis-handler-missing', analysis_element )
-                        .show();
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                      $( '#analysis-error', analysis_element )
-                        .show();
-                      var response = null;
-                      try
-                      {
-                        eval( 'response = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-                      }
-                      catch( e )
-                      {
-                        console.error( e );
-                      }
-                      $( '#analysis-error .body', analysis_element )
-                        .text( response ? response.error.msg : xhr.responseText );
-                    }
-                  },
-                  complete : function()
-                  {
-                    loader.hide( $( 'span', button ) );
-                    button.removeAttr( 'disabled' );
-                  }
-                }
-              );
-            }
-          );
-          var generate_class_name = function( type )
-          {
-            var classes = [type];
-            if( 'text' !== type )
-            {
-              classes.push( 'verbose_output' );
-            }
-            return classes.join( ' ' );
-          }
-          var build_analysis_table = function( field_or_name, name, analysis_data )
-          {        
-            for( var type in analysis_data )
-            {
-              var type_length = analysis_data[type].length;
-              if( 0 !== type_length )
-              {
-                var global_elements_count = 0;
-                if( 'string' === typeof analysis_data[type][1] )
-                {
-                  analysis_data[type][1] = [{ 'text': analysis_data[type][1] }]
-                }
-                for( var i = 1; i < type_length; i += 2 )
-                {
-                  var tmp_type_length = analysis_data[type][i].length;
-                  for( var j = 0; j < tmp_type_length; j++ )
-                  {
-                    global_elements_count = Math.max
-                    (
-                      ( analysis_data[type][i][j].positionHistory || [] )[0] || 1,
-                      global_elements_count
-                    );
-                  }
-                }
-                var content = '<div class="' + type + '">' + "\n";
-                content += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + "\n";
-                for( var i = 0; i < analysis_data[type].length; i += 2 )
-                {
-                  var colspan = 1;
-                  var elements = analysis_data[type][i+1];
-                  var elements_count = global_elements_count;
-                  if( !elements[0] || !elements[0].positionHistory )
-                  {
-                    colspan = elements_count;
-                    elements_count = 1;
-                  }
-                  var legend = [];
-                  for( var key in elements[0] )
-                  {
-                    var key_parts = key.split( '#' );
-                    var used_key = key_parts.pop();
-                    var short_key = used_key;
-                    if( 1 === key_parts.length )
-                    {
-                      used_key = '<abbr title="' + key + '">' + used_key + '</abbr>';
-                    }
-                    if( 'positionHistory' === short_key || 'match' === short_key )
-                    {
-                      continue;
-                    }
-                    legend.push
-                    (
-                      '<tr class="' + generate_class_name( short_key ) + '">' +
-                      '<td>' + used_key + '</td>' +
-                      '</tr>'
-                    );
-                  }
-                  content += '<tbody>' + "\n";
-                  content += '<tr class="step">' + "\n";
-                    // analyzer
-                    var analyzer_name = analysis_data[type][i].replace( /(\$1)+$/g, '' );
-                    var analyzer_short = -1 !== analyzer_name.indexOf( '$' )
-                                       ? analyzer_name.split( '$' )[1]
-                                       : analyzer_name.split( '.' ).pop();
-                    analyzer_short = analyzer_short.match( /[A-Z]/g ).join( '' );
-                    content += '<td class="part analyzer"><div>' + "\n";
-                    content += '<abbr title="' + analysis_data[type][i].esc() + '">' + "\n";
-                    content += analyzer_short.esc() + '</abbr></div></td>' + "\n";
-                    // legend
-                    content += '<td class="part legend"><div class="holder">' + "\n";
-                    content += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + "\n";
-                    content += '<tr><td>' + "\n";
-                    content += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + "\n";
-                    content += legend.join( "\n" ) + "\n";
-                    content += '</table></td></tr></table></td>' + "\n";
-                    // data
-                    var cell_content = '<td class="part data spacer" colspan="' + colspan + '"><div class="holder">&nbsp;</div></td>';
-                    var cells = new Array( elements_count + 1 ).join( cell_content );
-                    content += cells + "\n";
-                  content += '</tr>' + "\n";
-                  content += '</tbody>' + "\n";
-                }
-                content += '</table>' + "\n";
-                content += '</div>' + "\n";
-                $( '.' + type, analysis_result )
-                  .remove();
-                analysis_result
-                  .append( content );
-                var analysis_result_type = $( '.' + type, analysis_result );
-                for( var i = 0; i < analysis_data[type].length; i += 2 )
-                {
-                  for( var j = 0; j < analysis_data[type][i+1].length; j += 1 )
-                  {
-                    var pos = analysis_data[type][i+1][j].positionHistory
-                        ? analysis_data[type][i+1][j].positionHistory[0]
-                        : 1;
-                    var selector = 'tr.step:eq(' + ( i / 2 ) +') '
-                                 + '' + ( pos - 1 ) + ') '
-                                 + '.holder';
-                    var cell = $( selector, analysis_result_type );
-                    cell.parent()
-                      .removeClass( 'spacer' );
-                    var table = $( 'table tr.details', cell );
-                    if( 0 === table.size() )
-                    {
-                      cell
-                        .html
-                        (
-                          '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + 
-                          '<tr class="details"></tr></table>'
-                        );
-                      var table = $( 'table tr.details', cell );
-                    }
-                    var tokens = [];
-                    for( var key in analysis_data[type][i+1][j] )
-                    {
-                      var short_key = key.split( '#' ).pop();
-                      if( 'positionHistory' === short_key || 'match' === short_key )
-                      {
-                        continue;
-                      }
-                      var classes = [];
-                      classes.push( generate_class_name( short_key ) );
-                      var data = analysis_data[type][i+1][j][key];
-                      if( 'object' === typeof data && data instanceof Array )
-                      {
-                        data = data.join( ' ' );
-                      }
-                      if( 'string' === typeof data )
-                      {
-                        data = data.esc();
-                      }
-                      if( null === data || 0 === data.length )
-                      {
-                        classes.push( 'empty' );
-                        data = '&empty;';
-                      }
-                      if( analysis_data[type][i+1][j].match && 
-                        ( 'text' === short_key || 'raw_bytes' === short_key ) )
-                      {
-                        classes.push( 'match' );
-                      }
-                      tokens.push
-                      (
-                        '<tr class="' + classes.join( ' ' ) + '">' +
-                        '<td>' + data + '</td>' +
-                        '</tr>'
-                      );
-                    }
-                    table
-                      .append
-                      (
-                        '<td class="details">' +
-                        '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' +
-                        tokens.join( "\n" ) +
-                        '</table></td>'
-                      );
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-      }
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/app.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a967cfe..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-var loader = {
-  show : function( element )
-  {
-    $( element )
-      .addClass( 'loader' );
-  },
-  hide : function( element )
-  {
-    $( element )
-      .removeClass( 'loader' );
-  }
-Number.prototype.esc = function()
-  return new String( this ).esc();
-String.prototype.esc = function()
-  return this.replace( /</g, '&lt;' ).replace( />/g, '&gt;' );
-SolrDate = function( date )
-  // ["Sat Mar 03 11:00:00 CET 2012", "Sat", "Mar", "03", "11:00:00", "CET", "2012"]
-  var parts = date.match( /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+\:\d+\:\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)$/ );
-  // "Sat Mar 03 2012 10:37:33"
-  return new Date( parts[1] + ' ' + parts[2] + ' ' + parts[3] + ' ' + parts[6] + ' ' + parts[4] );
-var sammy = $.sammy
-  function()
-  {
-    this.bind
-    (
-      'run',
-      function( event, config )
-      {
-        if( 0 === config.start_url.length )
-        {
-          location.href = '#/';
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-    );
-    this.bind
-    (
-      'error',
-      function( message, original_error )
-      {
-        alert( original_error.message );
-      }
-    );
-    // activate_core
-    this.before
-    (
-      {},
-      function( context )
-      {
-        app.clear_timeout();
-        var menu_wrapper = $( '#menu-wrapper' );
-        $( 'li[id].active', menu_wrapper )
-          .removeClass( 'active' );
-        $( '', menu_wrapper )
-          .removeClass( 'active' );
-        // global dashboard doesn't have params.splat
-        if( !this.params.splat )
-        {
-          this.params.splat = [ '~index' ];
-        }
-        var selector = '~' === this.params.splat[0][0]
-                     ? '#' + this.params.splat[0].replace( /^~/, '' ) + '.global'
-                     : '#core-selector #' + this.params.splat[0].replace( /\./g, '__' );
-        var active_element = $( selector, menu_wrapper );
-        if( 0 === active_element.size() )
-        {
- 'There exists no core with name "' + this.params.splat[0] + '"' );
-          return false;
-        }
-        if( active_element.hasClass( 'global' ) )
-        {
-          active_element
-            .addClass( 'active' );
-          if( this.params.splat[1] )
-          {
-            $( '.' + this.params.splat[1], active_element )
-              .addClass( 'active' );
-          }
-          $( '#core-selector option[selected]' )
-            .removeAttr( 'selected' )
-            .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-          $( '#core-selector .chzn-container > a' )
-            .addClass( 'chzn-default' );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          active_element
-            .attr( 'selected', 'selected' )
-            .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-          if( !this.params.splat[1] )
-          {
-            this.params.splat[1] = 'overview';
-          }
-          $( '#core-menu .' + this.params.splat[1] )
-            .addClass( 'active' );
-          this.active_core = active_element;
-        }
-        check_fixed_menu();
-      }
-    );
-  }
-var solr_admin = function( app_config )
-  that = this,
-  menu_element = null,
-  is_multicore = null,
-  cores_data = null,
-  active_core = null,
-  config = app_config,
-  params = null,
-  dashboard_values = null,
-  schema_browser_data = null,
-  plugin_data = null,
-  this.menu_element = $( '#core-selector select' );
-  this.core_menu = $( '#core-menu ul' );
-  this.config = config;
-  this.timeout = null;
-  this.core_regex_base = '^#\\/([\\w\\d-\\.]+)';
-  browser = {
-    locale : null,
-    language : null,
-    country : null
-  };
-  show_global_error = function( error )
-  {
-    var main = $( '#main' );
-    $( 'div[id$="-wrapper"]', main )
-      .remove();
-    main
-      .addClass( 'error' )
-      .append( error );
-    var pre_tags = $( 'pre', main );
-    if( 0 !== pre_tags.size() )
-    {
-      hljs.highlightBlock( pre_tags.get(0) ); 
-    }
-  };
-  sort_cores_data = function sort_cores_data( cores_status )
-  {
-    // build array of core-names for sorting
-    var core_names = [];
-    for( var core_name in cores_status )
-    {
-      core_names.push( core_name );
-    }
-    core_names.sort();
-    var core_count = core_names.length;
-    var cores = {};
-    for( var i = 0; i < core_count; i++ )
-    {
-      var core_name = core_names[i];
-      cores[core_name] = cores_status[core_name];
-    }
-    return cores;
-  };
-  this.set_cores_data = function set_cores_data( cores )
-  {
-    that.cores_data = sort_cores_data( cores.status );
-    that.menu_element
-      .empty();
-    var core_list = [];
-    core_list.push( '<option></option>' );
-    var core_count = 0;
-    for( var core_name in that.cores_data )
-    {
-      core_count++;
-      var core_path = config.solr_path + '/' + core_name;
-      var classes = [];
-      if( cores.status[core_name]['isDefaultCore'] )
-      {
-        classes.push( 'default' );
-      }
-      var core_tpl = '<option '
-                   + '    id="' + core_name.replace( /\./g, '__' ) + '" '
-                   + '    class="' + classes.join( ' ' ) + '"'
-                   + '    data-basepath="' + core_path + '"'
-                   + '    schema="' + cores.status[core_name]['schema'] + '"'
-                   + '    config="' + cores.status[core_name]['config'] + '"'
-                   + '    value="#/' + core_name + '"'
-                   + '    title="' + core_name + '"'
-                   + '>' 
-                   + core_name 
-                   + '</option>';
-      core_list.push( core_tpl );
-    }
-    var has_cores = 0 !== core_count;
-    if( has_cores )
-    {
-      that.menu_element
-        .append( core_list.join( "\n" ) )
-        .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-    }
-    var core_selector = $( '#core-selector' );
-    core_selector.find( '#has-cores' ).toggle( has_cores );
-    core_selector.find( '#has-no-cores' ).toggle( !has_cores );
-    if( has_cores )
-    {
-      var cores_element = core_selector.find( '#has-cores' );
-      var selector_width = cores_element.width();
-      cores_element.find( '.chzn-container' )
-        .css( 'width', selector_width + 'px' );
-      cores_element.find( '.chzn-drop' )
-        .css( 'width', ( selector_width - 2 ) + 'px' );
-    }
-    this.check_for_init_failures( cores );
-  };
-  this.remove_init_failures = function remove_init_failures()
-  {
-    $( '#init-failures' )
-      .hide()
-      .find( 'ul' )
-        .empty();
-  }
-  this.check_for_init_failures = function check_for_init_failures( cores )
-  {
-    if( !cores.initFailures )
-    {
-      this.remove_init_failures();
-      return false;
-    }
-    var failures = [];
-    for( var core_name in cores.initFailures )
-    {
-      failures.push
-      (
-        '<li>' +
-          '<strong>' + core_name.esc() + ':</strong>' + "\n" +
-          cores.initFailures[core_name].esc() + "\n" +
-        '</li>'
-      );
-    }
-    if( 0 === failures.length )
-    {
-      this.remove_init_failures();
-      return false;
-    }
-    $( '#init-failures' )
-      .show()
-      .find( 'ul' )
-        .html( failures.join( "\n" ) );
-  }
- = function()
-  {
-    var navigator_language = navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language;
-    var language_match = navigator_language.match( /^(\w{2})([-_](\w{2}))?$/ );
-    if( language_match )
-    {
-      if( language_match[1] )
-      {
-        browser.language = language_match[1].toLowerCase();
-      }
-      if( language_match[3] )
-      {
- = language_match[3].toUpperCase();
-      }
-      if( language_match[1] && language_match[3] )
-      {
-        browser.locale = browser.language + '_' +
-      }
-    }
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : config.solr_path + config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-        {               
-          $( '#content' )
-            .html( '<div id="index"><div class="loader">Loading ...</div></div>' );
-        },
-        success : function( response )
-        {
-          that.set_cores_data( response );
-          that.menu_element
-            .chosen()
-            .off( 'change' )
-            .on
-            (
-              'change',
-              function( event )
-              {
-                location.href = $( 'option:selected', this ).val();
-                return false;
-              }
-            )
-            .on
-            (
-              'liszt:updated',
-              function( event )
-              {
-                var core_name = $( 'option:selected', this ).text();
-                that.core_menu
-                  .html
-                  (
-                    //Keep this in alphabetical order after the overview
-                    '<li class="overview"><a href="#/' + core_name + '"><span>Overview</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="analysis"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/analysis"><span>Analysis</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="dataimport"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/dataimport"><span>Dataimport</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="documents"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/documents"><span>Documents</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="files"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/files"><span>Files</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="ping"><a rel="' + that.config.solr_path + '/' + core_name + '/admin/ping"><span>Ping</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="plugins"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/plugins"><span>Plugins / Stats</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="query"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/query"><span>Query</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="replication"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/replication"><span>Replication</span></a></li>' + "\n" +
-                    '<li class="schema-browser"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/schema-browser"><span>Schema Browser</span></a></li>' +
-                    '<li class="segments"><a href="#/' + core_name + '/segments"><span>Segments info</span></a></li>'
-                  )
-                  .show();
-                if( !core_name )
-                {
-                  that.core_menu
-                    .hide()
-                    .empty();
-                }
-              }
-            );
-          check_fixed_menu();
-          $( window ).resize( check_fixed_menu );
-          var system_url = config.solr_path + '/admin/info/system?wt=json';
-          $.ajax
-          (
-            {
-              url : system_url,
-              dataType : 'json',
-              beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-              {
-              },
-              success : function( response )
-              {
-                that.dashboard_values = response;
-                var environment_args = null;
-                var cloud_args = null;
-                if( response.jvm && response.jvm.jmx && response.jvm.jmx.commandLineArgs )
-                {
-                  var command_line_args = response.jvm.jmx.commandLineArgs.join( ' | ' );
-                  environment_args = command_line_args.match( /-Dsolr.environment=((dev|test|prod)?[\w\d]*)/i );
-                }
-                if( response.mode )
-                {
-                  cloud_args = response.mode.match( /solrcloud/i );
-                }
-                // environment
-                var wrapper = $( '#wrapper' );
-                var environment_element = $( '#environment' );
-                if( environment_args )
-                {
-                  wrapper
-                    .addClass( 'has-environment' );
-                  if( environment_args[1] )
-                  {
-                    environment_element
-                      .html( environment_args[1] );
-                  }
-                  if( environment_args[2] )
-                  {
-                    environment_element
-                      .addClass( environment_args[2] );
-                  }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  wrapper
-                    .removeClass( 'has-environment' );
-                }
-                // cloud
-                var cloud_nav_element = $( '#menu #cloud' );
-                if( cloud_args )
-                {
-                  cloud_nav_element
-                    .show();
-                }
-                // sammy
-       location.hash );
-              },
-              error : function()
-              {
-              },
-              complete : function()
-              {
-                loader.hide( this );
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        },
-        error : function()
-        {
-        },
-        complete : function()
-        {
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  };
-  this.convert_duration_to_seconds = function convert_duration_to_seconds( str )
-  {
-    var seconds = 0;
-    var arr = new String( str || '' ).split( '.' );
-    var parts = arr[0].split( ':' ).reverse();
-    var parts_count = parts.length;
-    for( var i = 0; i < parts_count; i++ )
-    {
-      seconds += ( parseInt( parts[i], 10 ) || 0 ) * Math.pow( 60, i );
-    }
-    // treat more or equal than .5 as additional second
-    if( arr[1] && 5 <= parseInt( arr[1][0], 10 ) )
-    {
-      seconds++;
-    }
-    return seconds;
-  };
-  this.convert_seconds_to_readable_time = function convert_seconds_to_readable_time( seconds )
-  {
-    seconds = parseInt( seconds || 0, 10 );
-    var minutes = Math.floor( seconds / 60 );
-    var hours = Math.floor( minutes / 60 );
-    var text = [];
-    if( 0 !== hours )
-    {
-      text.push( hours + 'h' );
-      seconds -= hours * 60 * 60;
-      minutes -= hours * 60;
-    }
-    if( 0 !== minutes )
-    {
-      text.push( minutes + 'm' );
-      seconds -= minutes * 60;
-    }
-    if( 0 !== seconds )
-    {
-      text.push( ( '0' + seconds ).substr( -2 ) + 's' );
-    }
-    return text.join( ' ' );
-  };
-  this.clear_timeout = function clear_timeout()
-  {
-    if( !app.timeout )
-    {
-      return false;
-    }
-    console.debug( 'Clearing Timeout #' + this.timeout );
-    clearTimeout( this.timeout );
-    this.timeout = null;
-  };
-  this.format_json = function format_json( json_str )
-  {
-    if( JSON.stringify && JSON.parse )
-    {
-      json_str = JSON.stringify( JSON.parse( json_str ), undefined, 2 );
-    }
-    return json_str.esc();
-  };
-  this.format_number = function format_number( number )
-  {
-    var sep = {
-      'de_CH' : '\'',
-      'de' : '.',
-      'en' : ',',
-      'es' : '.',
-      'it' : '.',
-      'ja' : ',',
-      'sv' : ' ',
-      'tr' : '.',
-      '_' : '' // fallback
-    };
-    return ( number || 0 ).toString().replace
-    (
-      /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,
-      sep[ browser.locale ] || sep[ browser.language ] || sep['_']
-    );
-  };
-  check_fixed_menu = function check_fixed_menu()
-  {
-    $( '#wrapper' ).toggleClass( 'scroll', $( window ).height() < $( '#menu-wrapper' ).height() + $( '#header' ).height() + 40 );
-  }
-var connection_check_delay = 1000;
-var connection_working = true;
-var connection_check = function connection_check()
-  $.ajax
-  (
-    {
-      url : config.solr_path + config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-      dataType : 'json',
-      context : $( '.blockUI #connection_status span' ),
-      beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-      {               
-        this
-          .addClass( 'loader' );
-      },
-      success : function( response )
-      {
-        connection_working = true;
-        this
-          .html( 'Instance is available - <a href="javascript:location.reload();">Reload the page</a>' );
-        this.parents( '#connection_status' )
-          .addClass( 'online' );
-        this.parents( '.blockUI' )
-          .css( 'borderColor', '#080' );
-      },
-      error : function()
-      {
-        connection_check_delay += connection_check_delay;
-        window.setTimeout( connection_check, connection_check_delay );
-      },
-      complete : function()
-      {
-        this
-          .removeClass( 'loader' );
-      }
-    }
-  );
-var connection_error = function connection_error()
-  connection_working = false;
-  $.blockUI
-  (
-    {
-      message: $( '#connection_status' ),
-      css: { width: '450px', borderColor: '#f00' }
-    }
-  );
-  window.setTimeout( connection_check, connection_check_delay );
-$( document ).ajaxError
-  function( event, xhr, settings, thrownError )
-  {
-    if( connection_working && 0 === xhr.status )
-    {
-      connection_error();
-    }
-  }
-$.ajaxSetup( { cache: false } );
-var app = new solr_admin( app_config );
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cloud.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cloud.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7890af8..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cloud.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-var zk_error = function zk_error( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-  var zk = null;
-  try
-  {
-    eval( 'zk = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-  }
-  catch( e ) {}
-  var message = '<p class="txt">Loading of "<code>' + xhr.url + '</code>" '
-              + 'failed (HTTP-Status <code>' + xhr.status + '</code>)</p>' + "\n";
-  if( zk.error )
-  {
-    message += '<p class="msg">"' + zk.error.esc() + '"</p>' + "\n";
-  }
-  this.closest( '#cloud' )
-    .html( '<div class="block" id="error">' + message + '</div>' );
-var init_debug = function( cloud_element )
-  var debug_element = $( '#debug', cloud_element );
-  var debug_button = $( '#menu #cloud .dump a' );
-  var clipboard_element = $( '.clipboard', debug_element );
-  var clipboard_button = $( 'a', clipboard_element );
-  debug_button
-    .die( 'click' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'click',
-      function( event )
-      {
-        debug_element.trigger( 'show' );
-        return false;
-      }
-    );
-  $( '.close', debug_element )
-    .die( 'click' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'click',
-      function( event )
-      {
-        debug_element.trigger( 'hide' );
-        return false;
-      }
-    );
-  $( '.clipboard', debug_element )
-    .die( 'click' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'click',
-      function( event )
-      {
-        return false;
-      }
-    );
-  debug_element
-    .die( 'show' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'show',
-      function( event )
-      {
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : app.config.solr_path + '/admin/zookeeper?wt=json&dump=true',
-            dataType : 'text',
-            context : debug_element,
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-              $( '.debug', debug_element )
-                .html( '<span class="loader">Loading Dump ...</span>' );
-              ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath( 'img/ZeroClipboard.swf' );
-              clipboard_client = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
-              clipboard_client.addEventListener
-              (
-                'load',
-                function( client )
-                {
-                }
-              );
-              clipboard_client.addEventListener
-              (
-                'complete',
-                function( client, text )
-                {
-                  clipboard_element
-                    .addClass( 'copied' );
-                  clipboard_button
-                    .data( 'text', clipboard_button.text() )
-                    .text( 'copied' ) );
-                }
-              );
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              clipboard_client.glue
-              (
-                clipboard_element.get(0),
-                clipboard_button.get(0)
-              );
-              clipboard_client.setText( response.replace( /\\/g, '\\\\' ) );
-              $( '.debug', debug_element )
-                .removeClass( 'loader' )
-                .text( response );
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-            {
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-            }
-          }
-        );
-      }
-    )
-    .die( 'hide' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'hide',
-      function( event )
-      {
-        $( '.debug', debug_element )
-          .empty();
-        clipboard_element
-          .removeClass( 'copied' );
-        clipboard_button
-          .data( 'copied', clipboard_button.text() )
-          .text( 'text' ) );
-        clipboard_client.destroy();
-        debug_element.hide();
-      }
-    );
-var helper_path_class = function( p )
-  var classes = [ 'link' ];
-  classes.push( 'lvl-' + );
-  if( && )
-  {
-    classes.push( 'leader' );
-  }
-  if( && )
-  {
-    classes.push( );
-  }
-  return classes.join( ' ' );
-var helper_node_class = function( d )
-  var classes = [ 'node' ];
-  classes.push( 'lvl-' + d.depth );
-  if( && )
-  {
-    classes.push( 'leader' );
-  }
-  if( && )
-  {
-    classes.push( );
-  }
-  return classes.join( ' ' );
-var helper_data = {
-  protocol: [],
-  host: [],
-  hostname: [],
-  port: [],
-  pathname: []
-var helper_node_text = function( d )
-  if( ! || ! )
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  var name =;
-  if( 1 !== helper_data.protocol.length )
-  {
-    name = + '//' + name;
-  }
-  if( 1 !== helper_data.port.length )
-  {
-    name += ':' +;
-  }
-  if( 1 !== helper_data.pathname.length )
-  {
-    name +=;
-  }
-  return name;
-var generate_graph = function( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count )
-  var w = graph_element.width(),
-      h = leaf_count * 20;
-  var tree = d3.layout.tree()
-    .size([h, w - 400]);
-  var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
-    .projection(function(d) { return [d.y, d.x]; });
-  var vis = '#canvas' ).append( 'svg' )
-    .attr( 'width', w )
-    .attr( 'height', h)
-    .append( 'g' )
-      .attr( 'transform', 'translate(100, 0)' );
-  var nodes = tree.nodes( graph_data );
-  var link = vis.selectAll( '' )
-    .data( tree.links( nodes ) )
-    .enter().append( 'path' )
-      .attr( 'class', helper_path_class )
-      .attr( 'd', diagonal );
-  var node = vis.selectAll( 'g.node' )
-    .data( nodes )
-    .enter().append( 'g' )
-      .attr( 'class', helper_node_class )
-      .attr( 'transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.y + ',' + d.x + ')'; } )
-  node.append( 'circle' )
-    .attr( 'r', 4.5 );
-  node.append( 'text' )
-    .attr( 'dx', function( d ) { return 0 === d.depth ? -8 : 8; } )
-    .attr( 'dy', function( d ) { return 5; } )
-    .attr( 'text-anchor', function( d ) { return 0 === d.depth ? 'end' : 'start'; } )
-    .attr( 'data-href', function( d ) { return; } )
-    .text( helper_node_text );
-  $( 'text[data-href*="//"]', graph_element )
-    .die( 'click' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'click',
-      function()
-      {
-        location.href = $( this ).data( 'href' );
-      }
-    );
-var generate_rgraph = function( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count )
-  var max_val = Math.min( graph_element.width(), $( 'body' ).height() )
-  var r = max_val / 2;
-  var cluster = d3.layout.cluster()
-    .size([360, r - 160]);
-  var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal.radial()
-    .projection(function(d) { return [d.y, d.x / 180 * Math.PI]; });
-  var vis = '#canvas' ).append( 'svg' )
-    .attr( 'width', r * 2 )
-    .attr( 'height', r * 2 )
-    .append( 'g' )
-      .attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + r + ',' + r + ')' );
-  var nodes = cluster.nodes( graph_data );
-  var link = vis.selectAll( '' )
-    .data( cluster.links( nodes ) )
-    .enter().append( 'path' )
-      .attr( 'class', helper_path_class )
-      .attr( 'd', diagonal );
-  var node = vis.selectAll( 'g.node' )
-    .data( nodes )
-    .enter().append( 'g' )
-      .attr( 'class', helper_node_class )
-      .attr( 'transform', function(d) { return 'rotate(' + (d.x - 90) + ')translate(' + d.y + ')'; } )
-  node.append( 'circle' )
-    .attr( 'r', 4.5 );
-  node.append( 'text' )
-    .attr( 'dx', function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? 8 : -8; } )
-    .attr( 'dy', '.31em' )
-    .attr( 'text-anchor', function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? 'start' : 'end'; } )
-    .attr( 'transform', function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? null : 'rotate(180)'; } )
-    .attr( 'data-href', function( d ) { return; } )
-    .text( helper_node_text );
-  $( 'text[data-href*="//"]', graph_element )
-    .die( 'click' )
-    .live
-    (
-      'click',
-      function()
-      {
-        location.href = $( this ).data( 'href' );
-      }
-    );
-var prepare_graph_data = function( response, graph_element, live_nodes, callback )
-    var state = null;
-    eval( 'state = ' + + ';' );
-    var leaf_count = 0;
-    var graph_data = {
-      name: null,
-      children : []
-    };
-    for( var c in state )
-    {
-      var shards = [];
-      for( var s in state[c].shards )
-      {
-        var nodes = [];
-        for( var n in state[c].shards[s].replicas )
-        {
-          leaf_count++;
-          var replica = state[c].shards[s].replicas[n]
-          var uri = replica.base_url;
-          var parts = uri.match( /^(\w+:)\/\/(([\w\d\.-]+)(:(\d+))?)(.+)$/ );
-          var uri_parts = {
-            protocol: parts[1],
-            host: parts[2],
-            hostname: parts[3],
-            port: parseInt( parts[5] || 80, 10 ),
-            pathname: parts[6]
-          };
-          helper_data.protocol.push( uri_parts.protocol );
- );
-          helper_data.hostname.push( uri_parts.hostname );
-          helper_data.port.push( uri_parts.port );
-          helper_data.pathname.push( uri_parts.pathname );
-          var status = replica.state;
-          if( !live_nodes[replica.node_name] )
-          {
-            status = 'gone';
-          }
-          var node = {
-            name: uri,
-            data: {
-              type : 'node',
-              state : status,
-              leader : 'true' === replica.leader,
-              uri : uri_parts
-            }
-          };
-          nodes.push( node );
-        }
-        var shard = {
-          name: s,
-          data: {
-            type : 'shard'
-          },
-          children: nodes
-        };
-        shards.push( shard );
-      }
-      var collection = {
-        name: c,
-        data: {
-          type : 'collection'
-        },
-        children: shards
-      };
-      graph_data.children.push( collection );
-    }
-    helper_data.protocol = $.unique( helper_data.protocol );
- = $.unique( );
-    helper_data.hostname = $.unique( helper_data.hostname );
-    helper_data.port = $.unique( helper_data.port );
-    helper_data.pathname = $.unique( helper_data.pathname );
-    callback( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count );  
-var update_status_filter = function(filterType, filterVal) {
-  if (filterType == 'status') {
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val(filterVal);
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).show();
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).hide();
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val('');
-  } else {
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).hide();
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val('');
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val(filterVal);
-    $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).show();                  
-  }  
-var prepare_graph = function( graph_element, callback )
-  $.ajax
-  (
-    {
-      url : app.config.solr_path + '/admin/zookeeper?wt=json&path=%2Flive_nodes',
-      dataType : 'json',
-      success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-      {
-        var live_nodes = {};
-        for( var c in response.tree[0].children )
-        {
-          live_nodes[response.tree[0].children[c].data.title] = true;
-        }
-        var start = $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val();
-        var rows = $( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val();
-        var clusterStateUrl = app.config.solr_path + '/admin/zookeeper?wt=json&detail=true&path=%2Fclusterstate.json&view=graph';
-        if (start && rows)
-          clusterStateUrl += ('&start='+start+'&rows='+rows);
-        var filterType = $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilterType' ).val();
-        if (filterType) {
-          var filter = (filterType == 'status')
-                         ? $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).val() 
-                         : $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).val();  
-          if (filter)
-            clusterStateUrl += ('&filterType='+filterType+'&filter='+filter);
-        }
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : clusterStateUrl,
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : graph_element,
-            beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-            {
-    ;
-            },
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {              
-              prepare_graph_data(response, graph_element, live_nodes, callback)
-              if (response.znode && response.znode.paging) {
-                var parr = response.znode.paging.split('|');
-                if (parr.length < 3) {
-                  $( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
-                  return;
-                }
-                var start = Math.max(parseInt(parr[0]),0);                  
-                var prevEnabled = (start > 0);
-                $('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').prop('disabled', !prevEnabled);
-                if (prevEnabled)
-                  $('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').show();                    
-                else
-                  $('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').hide();
-                var rows = parseInt(parr[1])
-                var total = parseInt(parr[2])
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(start);
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val(rows);
-                if (rows == -1)
-                  $( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
-                var filterType = parr.length > 3 ? parr[3] : '';
-                if (filterType == '' || filterType == 'none') filterType = 'status';
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilterType' ).val(filterType);                  
-                var filter = parr.length > 4 ? parr[4] : '';
-                update_status_filter(filterType, filter);
-                var page = Math.floor(start/rows)+1;
-                var pages = Math.ceil(total/rows);
-                var last = Math.min(start+rows,total);
-                var nextEnabled = (last < total);                  
-                $('#cloudGraphPagingNext').prop('disabled', !nextEnabled);
-                if (nextEnabled)
-                  $('#cloudGraphPagingNext').show();
-                else
-                  $('#cloudGraphPagingNext').hide();                    
-                var status = (total > 0) 
-                               ? 'Collections '+(start+1)+' - '+last+' of '+total+'. ' 
-                               : 'No collections found.';
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatus' ).html(status);
-              } else {
-                $( '#cloudGraphPaging' ).hide();
-              }            
-            },
-            error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-            {
-            },
-            complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-            {
-            }
-          }
-        );
-      },
-      error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-      {
-      },
-      complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-      {
-      }
-    }
-  );
-var init_graph = function( graph_element )
-  prepare_graph
-  (
-    graph_element,
-    function( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count )
-    {
-      generate_graph( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count );
-    }
-  );
-var init_rgraph = function( graph_element )
-  prepare_graph
-  (
-    graph_element,
-    function( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count )
-    {
-      generate_rgraph( graph_element, graph_data, leaf_count );
-    }
-  );
-var init_tree = function( tree_element )
-  $.ajax
-  (
-    {
-      url : app.config.solr_path + '/admin/zookeeper?wt=json',
-      dataType : 'json',
-      context : tree_element,
-      beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-      {
-        this
-          .show();
-      },
-      success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-      {
-        var self = this;
-        $( '#tree', this )
-          .jstree
-          (
-            {
-              "plugins" : [ "json_data" ],
-              "json_data" : {
-                "data" : response.tree,
-                "progressive_render" : true
-              },
-              "core" : {
-                "animation" : 0
-              }
-            }
-          )
-          .jstree
-          (
-            'open_node',
-            'li:first'
-          );
-        var tree_links = $( '#tree a', this );
-        tree_links
-          .die( 'click' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'click',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( '', $( this ).parents( '#tree' ) )
-                .removeClass( 'active' );
-              $( this )
-                .addClass( 'active' );
-              tree_element
-                .addClass( 'show' );
-              var file_content = $( '#file-content' );
-              $( 'a.close', file_content )
-                .die( 'click' )
-                .live
-                (
-                  'click',
-                  function( event )
-                  {
-                    $( '#tree' )
-                      .removeClass( 'active' );
-                    tree_element
-                      .removeClass( 'show' );
-                    return false;
-                  }
-                );
-              $.ajax
-              (
-                {
-                  url : this.href,
-                  dataType : 'json',
-                  context : file_content,
-                  beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                  {
-                  },
-                  success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                  {
-                    var props = [];
-                    for( var key in response.znode.prop )
-                    {
-                      props.push
-                      (
-                        '<li><dl class="clearfix">' + "\n" +
-                          '<dt>' + key.esc() + '</dt>' + "\n" +
-                          '<dd>' + response.znode.prop[key].esc() + '</dd>' + "\n" +
-                        '</dl></li>'
-                      );
-                    }
-                    $( '#prop ul', this )
-                      .empty()
-                      .html( props.join( "\n" ) );
-                    $( '#prop ul li:odd', this )
-                      .addClass( 'odd' );
-                    var data_element = $( '#data', this );
-                    var highlight = false;
-                    var data = '<em>Node "' + response.znode.path + '" has no utf8 Content</em>';
-                    if( )
-                    {
-                      var classes = '';
-                      var path = response.znode.path.split( '.' );
-                      if( 1 < path.length )
-                      {
-                        highlight = true;
-                        classes = 'syntax language-' + path.pop().esc();
-                      }
-                      data = '<pre class="' + classes + '">'
-                           +
-                           + '</pre>';
-                    }
-                    data_element
-                        .show()
-                        .html( data );
-                    if( highlight )
-                    {
-                      hljs.highlightBlock( data_element.get(0) );
-                    }
-                  },
-                  error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-                  {
-                  },
-                  complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                  {
-                  }
-                }
-              );
-              return false;
-            }
-          );
-      },
-      error : zk_error,
-      complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-      {
-      }
-    }
-  );
-// updates the starting position for paged navigation
-// and then rebuilds the graph based on the selected page
-var update_start = function(direction, cloud_element) {
-  var start = $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val();
-  var rows = $( '#cloudGraphPagingRows' ).val();
-  var startAt = start ? parseInt(start) : 0;
-  var numRows = rows ? parseInt(rows) : 20;
-  var newStart = Math.max(startAt + (rows * direction),0); 
-  $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(newStart);
-  var graph_element = $( '#graph-content', cloud_element );
-  $( '#canvas', graph_element).empty();
-  init_graph( graph_element );  
-// #/~cloud
-  /^#\/(~cloud)$/,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/cloud.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        content_element
-          .html( template );
-        var cloud_element = $( '#cloud', content_element );
-        var navigation_element = $( '#menu #cloud' );
-        init_debug( cloud_element );
-        $( '.tree', navigation_element )
-          .die( 'activate' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'activate',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( this ).addClass( 'active' );
-              init_tree( $( '#tree-content', cloud_element ) );
-            }
-          );
-        $( '.graph', navigation_element )
-          .die( 'activate' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'activate',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( this ).addClass( 'active' );
-              init_graph( $( '#graph-content', cloud_element ) );
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingNext').click(function() {
-                update_start(1, cloud_element);                  
-              });
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingPrev').click(function() {
-                update_start(-1, cloud_element);                                    
-              });              
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingRows').change(function() {
-                var rows = $( this ).val();
-                if (!rows || rows == '')
-                  $( this ).val("20");
-                // ? restart the start position when rows changes?
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);                  
-                update_start(-1, cloud_element);                
-              });              
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingFilter').change(function() {
-                var filter = $( this ).val();
-                // reset the start position when the filter changes
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);
-                update_start(-1, cloud_element);
-              });
-              $( '#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter' ).show();
-              $( '#cloudGraphPagingFilter' ).hide();
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingFilterType').change(function() {
-                update_status_filter($( this ).val(), '');
-              });
-              $('#cloudGraphPagingStatusFilter').change(function() {
-                // just reset the paged navigation controls based on this update
-                $( '#cloudGraphPagingStart' ).val(0);                  
-                update_start(-1, cloud_element);                                    
-              });
-            }
-          );
-        $( '.rgraph', navigation_element )
-          .die( 'activate' )
-          .live
-          (
-            'activate',
-            function( event )
-            {
-              $( "#cloudGraphPaging" ).hide(); // TODO: paging for rgraph too
-              $( this ).addClass( 'active' );
-              init_rgraph( $( '#graph-content', cloud_element ) );
-            }
-          );
-        $.ajax
-        (
-          {
-            url : app.config.solr_path + '/admin/zookeeper?wt=json',
-            dataType : 'json',
-            context : cloud_element,
-            success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-            {
-              $( 'a[href="' + context.path + '"]', navigation_element )
-                .trigger( 'activate' );
-            },
-            error : zk_error
-          }
-        );
-      }
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cores.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cores.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f6cfa..0000000
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/scripts/cores.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-  'cores_load_data',
-  function( event, params )
-  {
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-        {
-        },
-        success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-        {
-          if( params.only_failures )
-          {
-            app.check_for_init_failures( response );
-            return true;
-          }
-          var has_cores = false;
-          for( core in response.status )
-          {
-            has_cores = true; break;
-          }
-          app.set_cores_data( response );
-          if( has_cores )
-          {
-            params.success( app.cores_data );
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            params.error();
-          }
-        },
-        error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-        {
-        },
-        complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-        {
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-  'cores_build_navigation',
-  function( event, params )
-  {
-    var navigation_content = ['<ul>'];
-    for( var core in params.cores )
-    {
-      var core_name = core;
-      if( !core_name )
-      {
-        core_name = '<em>(empty)</em>';
-      }
-      navigation_content.push( '<li><a href="' + params.basepath + core + '">' + core_name + '</a></li>' );
-    }
-    params.navigation_element
-      .html( navigation_content.join( "\n" ) );
-    $( 'a[href="' + params.basepath + params.current_core + '"]', params.navigation_element ).parent()
-      .addClass( 'current' );
-  }
-  'cores_load_template',
-  function( event, params )
-  {
-    if( app.cores_template )
-    {
-      params.callback();
-      return true;
-    }
-    $.get
-    (
-      'tpl/cores.html',
-      function( template )
-      {
-        params.content_element
-          .html( template );
-        app.cores_template = template;   
-        params.callback();
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// #/~cores
-  /^#\/(~cores)$/,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    delete app.cores_template;
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    sammy.trigger
-    (
-      'cores_load_data',
-      {
-        success : function( cores )
-        {
-          var first_core = null;
-          for( var key in cores )
-          {
-            if( !first_core )
-            {
-              first_core = key;
-            }
-            continue;
-          }
-          context.redirect( context.path + '/' + first_core );
-        },
-        error : function()
-        {
-          sammy.trigger
-          (
-            'cores_load_template',
-            {
-              content_element : content_element,
-              callback : function()
-              {
-                var cores_element = $( '#cores', content_element );
-                var navigation_element = $( '#navigation', cores_element );
-                var data_element = $( '#data', cores_element );
-                var core_data_element = $( '#core-data', data_element );
-                var index_data_element = $( '#index-data', data_element );
-                // layout
-                var ui_block = $( '#ui-block' );
-                var actions_element = $( '.actions', cores_element );
-                var div_action = $( 'div.action', actions_element );
-                ui_block
-                  .css( 'opacity', 0.7 )
-                  .width( cores_element.width() + 10 )
-                  .height( cores_element.height() );
-                if( $( '' ).is( ':visible' ) )
-                {
-                  $( '.cloud', div_action )
-                    .show();
-                }
-                $( 'button.action', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      self
-                        .toggleClass( 'open' );
-                      $( '.action.' + self.attr( 'id' ), actions_element )
-                        .trigger( 'open' );
-                      return false;
-                    }
-                  );
-                div_action
-                  .die( 'close' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'close',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      div_action.hide();
-                      ui_block.hide();
-                    }
-                  )
-                  .die( 'open' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'open',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      var rel = $( '#' + 'rel' ) );
-                      self
-                        .trigger( 'close' )
-                        .show()
-                        .css( 'left', rel.position().left );
-                      ui_block
-                        .show();
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( 'form button.reset', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      $( this ).closest( 'div.action' )
-                        .trigger( 'close' );
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( 'form', div_action )
-                  .ajaxForm
-                  (
-                    {
-                      url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-                      dataType : 'json',
-                      beforeSubmit : function( array, form, options )
-                      {
-                        $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form )
-                          .addClass( 'loader' );
-                      },
-                      success : function( response, status_text, xhr, form )
-                      {
-                        delete app.cores_data;
-                        sammy.refresh();
-                        $( 'button.reset', form )
-                          .trigger( 'click' );
-                      },
-                      error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                      {
-                        var response = null;
-                        eval( 'response = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-                        var error_elem = $( '.error', div_action.filter( ':visible' ) );
-              ;
-                        $( 'span', error_elem ).text( response.error.msg );
-                      },
-                      complete : function()
-                      {
-                        $( 'button span.loader', actions_element )
-                          .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                      }
-                    }
-                  );
-                // --
-                $( '#add', content_element )
-                  .trigger( 'click' );
-                $( '[data-rel="add"] input[type="text"]:first', content_element )
-                  .focus();
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// #/~cores
-  /^#\/(~cores)\//,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    var path_parts = this.path.match( /^(.+\/~cores\/)(.*)$/ );
-    var current_core = path_parts[2];
-    sammy.trigger
-    (
-      'cores_load_data',
-      {
-        error : function()
-        {
-          context.redirect( '#/' + context.params.splat[0] );
-        },
-        success : function( cores )
-        {
-          sammy.trigger
-          (
-            'cores_load_template',
-            {
-              content_element : content_element,
-              callback : function()
-              {
-                var cores_element = $( '#cores', content_element );
-                var navigation_element = $( '#navigation', cores_element );
-                var data_element = $( '#data', cores_element );
-                var core_data_element = $( '#core-data', data_element );
-                var index_data_element = $( '#index-data', data_element );
-                cores_element
-                  .removeClass( 'empty' );
-                sammy.trigger
-                (
-                  'cores_build_navigation',
-                  {
-                    cores : cores,
-                    basepath : path_parts[1],
-                    current_core : current_core,
-                    navigation_element : navigation_element
-                  }
-                );
-                var core_data = cores[current_core];
-                var core_basepath = $( '#' + current_core, app.menu_element ).attr( 'data-basepath' );
-                // core-data
-                $( '.startTime dd', core_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.startTime );
-                $( '.instanceDir dd', core_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.instanceDir );
-                $( '.dataDir dd', core_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.dataDir );
-                // index-data
-                $( '.lastModified dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.lastModified || '-' );
-                $( '.version dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.version );
-                $( '.numDocs dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.numDocs );
-                $( '.maxDoc dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.maxDoc );
-                $( '.deletedDocs dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.deletedDocs || '-' );
-                $( '.optimized dd', index_data_element )
-                  .addClass( !core_data.index.hasDeletions ? 'ico-1' : 'ico-0' );
-                $( '#actions #optimize', cores_element )
-                  .show();
-                $( '.optimized dd span', index_data_element )
-                  .html( !core_data.index.hasDeletions ? 'yes' : 'no' );
-                $( '.current dd', index_data_element )
-                  .addClass( core_data.index.current ? 'ico-1' : 'ico-0' );
-                $( '.current dd span', index_data_element )
-                  .html( core_data.index.current ? 'yes' : 'no' );
-                $( '.directory dd', index_data_element )
-                  .html
-                  (
-                      .replace( /:/g, ':&#8203;' )
-                      .replace( /@/g, '@&#8203;' )
-                  );
-                var core_names = [];
-                var core_selects = $( '#actions select', cores_element );
-                for( var key in cores )
-                {
-                  core_names.push( '<option value="' + key + '">' + key + '</option>' )
-                }
-                core_selects
-                  .html( core_names.join( "\n") );
-                $( 'option[value="' + current_core + '"]', core_selects.filter( '.other' ) )
-                  .remove();
-                $( 'input[data-core="current"]', cores_element )
-                  .val( current_core );
-                // layout
-                var ui_block = $( '#ui-block' );
-                var actions_element = $( '.actions', cores_element );
-                var div_action = $( 'div.action', actions_element );
-                ui_block
-                  .css( 'opacity', 0.7 )
-                  .width( cores_element.width() + 10 )
-                  .height( cores_element.height() );
-                if( $( '' ).is( ':visible' ) )
-                {
-                  $( '.cloud', div_action )
-                    .show();
-                }
-                $( 'button.action', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      self
-                        .toggleClass( 'open' );
-                      $( '.action.' + self.attr( 'id' ), actions_element )
-                        .trigger( 'open' );
-                      return false;
-                    }
-                  );
-                div_action
-                  .die( 'close' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'close',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      div_action.hide();
-                      ui_block.hide();
-                    }
-                  )
-                  .die( 'open' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'open',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      var rel = $( '#' + 'rel' ) );
-                      self
-                        .trigger( 'close' )
-                        .show()
-                        .css( 'left', rel.position().left );
-                      ui_block
-                        .show();
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( 'form button.reset', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      $( this ).closest( 'div.action' )
-                        .trigger( 'close' );
-                    }
-                  );
-                var form_callback = {
-                  rename : function( form, response )
-                  {
-                    var url = path_parts[1] + $( 'input[name="other"]', form ).val();
-                    context.redirect( url );
-                  }
-                };
-                $( 'form', div_action )
-                  .ajaxForm
-                  (
-                    {
-                      url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-                      dataType : 'json',
-                      beforeSubmit : function( array, form, options )
-                      {
-                        $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form )
-                          .addClass( 'loader' );
-                      },
-                      success : function( response, status_text, xhr, form )
-                      {
-                        var action = $( 'input[name="action"]', form ).val().toLowerCase();
-                        delete app.cores_data;
-                        if( form_callback[action] )
-                        {
-                         form_callback[action]( form, response ); 
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                          sammy.refresh();
-                        }
-                        $( 'button.reset', form )
-                          .trigger( 'click' );
-                      },
-                      error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                      {
-                        var response = null;
-                        eval( 'response = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-                        var error_elem = $( '.error', div_action.filter( ':visible' ) );
-              ;
-                        $( 'span', error_elem ).text( response.error.msg );
-                      },
-                      complete : function()
-                      {
-                        $( 'button span.loader', actions_element )
-                          .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                      }
-                    }
-                  );
-                var reload_button = $( '#actions #reload', cores_element );
-                reload_button
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      $.ajax
-                      (
-                        {
-                          url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&action=RELOAD&core=' + current_core,
-                          dataType : 'json',
-                          context : $( this ),
-                          beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .addClass( 'loader' );
-                          },
-                          success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                          {
-                            this
-                              .addClass( 'success' );
-                            delete app.cores_data;
-                            sammy.refresh();
-                            window.setTimeout
-                            (
-                              function()
-                              {
-                                reload_button
-                                  .removeClass( 'success' );
-                              },
-                              1000
-                            );
-                          },
-                          error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                          {
-                            this
-                              .addClass( 'warn' );
-                            sammy.trigger( 'cores_load_data', { only_failures : true } );
-                            window.setTimeout
-                            (
-                              function()
-                              {
-                                reload_button
-                                  .removeClass( 'warn' );
-                              },
-                              1000
-                            );
-                          },
-                          complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                          }
-                        }
-                      );
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( '#actions #unload', cores_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var ret = confirm( 'Do you really want to unload Core "' + current_core + '"?' );
-                      if( !ret )
-                      {
-                        return false;
-                      }
-                      $.ajax
-                      (
-                        {
-                          url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&action=UNLOAD&core=' + current_core,
-                          dataType : 'json',
-                          context : $( this ),
-                          beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .addClass( 'loader' );
-                          },
-                          success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                          {
-                            delete app.cores_data;
-                            context.redirect( path_parts[1].substr( 0, path_parts[1].length - 1 ) );
-                          },
-                          error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                          {
-                          },
-                          complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                          }
-                        }
-                      );
-                    }
-                  );
-                var optimize_button = $( '#actions #optimize', cores_element );
-                optimize_button
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      $.ajax
-                      (
-                        {
-                          url : core_basepath + '/update?optimize=true&waitFlush=true&wt=json',
-                          dataType : 'json',
-                          context : $( this ),
-                          beforeSend : function( xhr, settings )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .addClass( 'loader' );
-                          },
-                          success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                          {
-                            this
-                              .addClass( 'success' );
-                            window.setTimeout
-                            (
-                              function()
-                              {
-                                optimize_button
-                                  .removeClass( 'success' );
-                              },
-                              1000
-                            );
-                            $( '.optimized dd.ico-0', index_data_element )
-                              .removeClass( 'ico-0' )
-                              .addClass( 'ico-1' );
-                          },
-                          error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown)
-                          {
-                            console.warn( 'd0h, optimize broken!' );
-                          },
-                          complete : function( xhr, text_status )
-                          {
-                            $( 'span', this )
-                              .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                          }
-                        }
-                      );
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( '.timeago', data_element )
-                  .timeago();
-                $( 'ul', data_element )
-                  .each
-                  (
-                    function( i, element )
-                    {
-                      $( 'li:odd', element )
-                        .addClass( 'odd' );
-                    }
-                  )
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
\ No newline at end of file