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Posted to by on 2013/08/24 17:47:54 UTC

svn commit: r1517153 - /uima/sandbox/uimafit/trunk/uimafit-examples/src/main/resources/org/apache/uima/fit/examples/pos/sample.txt.pos

Author: rec
Date: Sat Aug 24 15:47:53 2013
New Revision: 1517153

[UIMA-3206] Minimize RAT exceptions
- Replaced potentially problematic sample text with pos-tagged version of the Apache License header.


Modified: uima/sandbox/uimafit/trunk/uimafit-examples/src/main/resources/org/apache/uima/fit/examples/pos/sample.txt.pos
--- uima/sandbox/uimafit/trunk/uimafit-examples/src/main/resources/org/apache/uima/fit/examples/pos/sample.txt.pos (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/uimafit/trunk/uimafit-examples/src/main/resources/org/apache/uima/fit/examples/pos/sample.txt.pos Sat Aug 24 15:47:53 2013
@@ -1,17 +1,6 @@
-2008/CD Sichuan/DT earthquake/IN From/NNP Wikipedia/NNP ,/, the/DT free/JJ encyclopedia/NN 
-The/DT 2008/CD Sichuan/NN earthquake/NN occurred/VBN at/IN 14:28/CD :/: 01.42/CD 
-CST/NN (/-LRB- 06:28/CD :/SYM 01.42/CD 
-UTC/NN )/-RRB- on/IN 12/CD May/NN 2008/CD ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ epicenter/NN in/IN Wenchuan/DT County/NN (/-LRB- Chinese/NN :/: ?/NN ?/SYM ?/CD ;/: Pinyin/NN :/: Wènchuan/NNP Xiàn/NNP )/-RRB- ,/, Sichuan/DT province/NN of/IN the/DT People/NNP 's/POS Republic/NNP of/`` China./NNP 
-It/PRP had/VBD a/DT magnitude/NN of/IN 7.8/CD Ms/NN according/NN to/IN the/DT State/NN Seismological/JJ Bureau/NN of/IN China/NN and/CC 7.9/CD Mw/NN according/NN to/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP Geological/NNP Survey./NNP 
-The/DT epicenter/NN was/VBD 90/VBN kilometres/NNS (/-LRB- 55/CD miles/NNS )/-RRB- west-northwest/JJS of/IN Chengdu/NN ,/, the/DT capital/JJ of/IN Sichuan/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT depth/NN of/IN 19/CD kilometres/NNS (/-LRB- 12/CD mi/-RRB- )/-RRB- ./. 
-The/DT earthquake/NN was/VBD felt/JJ as/IN far/JJ away/NN as/IN Beijing/NN and/CC Shanghai/NN ,/, where/NN office/NNS buildings/VBZ swayed/VBN with/IN the/DT tremor./NN 
-The/DT earthquake/NN was/VBD also/RB felt/JJ in/IN nearby/JJ countries/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN Pakistan/NN ,/, Thailand/NN ,/, and/CC Vietnam/NN ./. 
-Official/JJ figures/NNS (/-LRB- as/NNS of/IN May/NN 14/CD )/-RRB- state/NN that/IN 16,665/NN are/VBP confirmed/VBN dead/NN and/CC 66,286/NN injured/-RRB- ,/, Thousands/NNS are/VBP missing/VBG ,/, many/JJ of/IN them/NN buried/NNS ,/, and/CC eight/JJ provinces/NNS were/VBD affected./NN 
-These/DT figures/NNS are/VBP likely/RB to/IN rise/JJ sharply/NNS as/IN a/DT clearer/NN picture/NN emerges./CC 
-It/PRP was/VBD the/DT deadliest/JJ and/CC strongest/NN earthquake/NN to/IN hit/NN China/NN since/IN the/DT 1976/CD Tangshan/NN earthquake/NN ,/, which/WDT killed/VBD approximately/RB 250,000/CD people/NN ./. 
-The/DT epicenter/NN was/VBD in/IN Wenchuan/DT County/NN ,/, Ngawa/NN Prefecture/NN ,/, 90/NN km/-RRB- northwest/JJS of/IN Chengdu/NN ,/, with/IN its/NNS main/IN tremor/JJ so/NN far/NN occurring/VBG at/IN 14:28/CD :/: 01.42/CD 
-CST/NN (/-LRB- 06:28/CD :/SYM 01.42/CD 
-UTC/NN )/-RRB- ,/, on/IN Monday/JJ 12/CD May/NN 2008/CD ./. 
-Early/JJ reports/NNS of/IN the/DT earthquake/NN 's/NN magnitude/NN ranged/VBD from/IN 7.5/CD to/IN 8.0/CD ./. 
-Forty-six/NN major/JJ aftershocks/NNS ,/, ranging/VBG in/IN magnitude/NN from/IN 4.4/CD to/IN 6.0/CD ,/, were/VBD recorded/VBN within/IN 40/CD hours/NNS of/IN the/DT main/NN tremor/NN ./. 
-Office/NNS workers/VBZ in/IN Chengdu/NN reported/VBD a/DT "/NN continuous/NN shaking/NN for/IN about/RB two/CD or/CC three/CD minutes/NNS "/-LRB- ,/, and/CC many/JJ people/JJ rushed/JJ outside/NN ./. 
+Licensed/VBN to/TO the/DT Apache/NNPS Software/NNP Foundation/NNP (/-LRB- ASF/NNP )/-RRB- under/IN one/CD or/CC more/JJR contributor/NN license/NN agreements/NNS ./.
+See/VB the/DT NOTICE/NNP file/NN distributed/VBN with/IN this/DT work/NN for/IN additional/JJ information/NN regarding/VBG copyright/NN ownership/NN ./.
+The/DT ASF/NNP licenses/NNS this/DT file/NN to/TO you/PRP under/IN the/DT Apache/NNPS License/NNP ,/, Version/NNP 2.0/CD (/-LRB- the/DT "/`` License/JJ "/'' )/-RRB- ;/: you/PRP may/MD not/RB use/VB this/DT file/NN except/IN in/IN compliance/NN with/IN the/DT License/NNP ./.
+You/PRP may/MD obtain/VB a/DT copy/NN of/IN the/DT License/NN at/IN http/NN ://www.apache/NN .org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0./. 
+Unless/IN required/VBN by/IN applicable/JJ law/NN or/CC agreed/VBN to/TO in/IN writing/NN ,/, software/NN distributed/VBN under/IN the/DT License/NN is/VBZ distributed/VBN on/IN an/DT "/`` AS/IN IS/VBZ "/`` BASIS/NNP ,/, WITHOUT/NNP WARRANTIES/NNPS OR/JJ CONDITIONS/NNS OF/IN ANY/NNP KIND/NNP ,/, either/DT express/JJ or/CC implied/VBN ./. 
+See/VB the/DT License/NN for/IN the/DT specific/JJ language/NN governing/VBG permissions/NNS and/CC limitations/NNS under/IN the/DT License/NNP ./.
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