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[04/18] mahout git commit: MAHOUT-2033 Fixed Map-Reduce Refactor
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/set/ b/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/set/
deleted file mode 100644
index 285b5a5..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/set/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.set;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.MurmurHash;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.function.ObjectProcedure;
-  * Open hashing alternative to java.util.HashSet.
- **/
-public class OpenHashSet<T> extends AbstractSet implements Set<T>  {
-  protected static final byte FREE = 0;
-  protected static final byte FULL = 1;
-  protected static final byte REMOVED = 2;
-  protected static final char NO_KEY_VALUE = 0;
-  /** The hash table keys. */
-  private Object[] table;
-  /** The state of each hash table entry (FREE, FULL, REMOVED). */
-  private byte[] state;
-  /** The number of table entries in state==FREE. */
-  private int freeEntries;
-  /** Constructs an empty map with default capacity and default load factors. */
-  public OpenHashSet() {
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructs an empty map with the specified initial capacity and default load factors.
-   *
-   * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the map.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is less than zero.
-   */
-  public OpenHashSet(int initialCapacity) {
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructs an empty map with the specified initial capacity and the specified minimum and maximum load factor.
-   *
-   * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity.
-   * @param minLoadFactor   the minimum load factor.
-   * @param maxLoadFactor   the maximum load factor.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>initialCapacity < 0 || (minLoadFactor < 0.0 || minLoadFactor >= 1.0) ||
-   *                                  (maxLoadFactor <= 0.0 || maxLoadFactor >= 1.0) || (minLoadFactor >=
-   *                                  maxLoadFactor)</tt>.
-   */
-  public OpenHashSet(int initialCapacity, double minLoadFactor, double maxLoadFactor) {
-    setUp(initialCapacity, minLoadFactor, maxLoadFactor);
-  }
-  /** Removes all values associations from the receiver. Implicitly calls <tt>trimToSize()</tt>. */
-  @Override
-  public void clear() {
-    Arrays.fill(this.state, 0, state.length - 1, FREE);
-    distinct = 0;
-    freeEntries = table.length; // delta
-    trimToSize();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a deep copy of the receiver.
-   *
-   * @return a deep copy of the receiver.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  @Override
-  public Object clone() {
-    OpenHashSet<T> copy = (OpenHashSet<T>) super.clone();
-    copy.table = copy.table.clone();
-    copy.state = copy.state.clone();
-    return copy;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the receiver contains the specified key.
-   *
-   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the receiver contains the specified key.
-   */
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public boolean contains(Object key) {
-    return indexOfKey((T)key) >= 0;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Ensures that the receiver can hold at least the specified number of associations without needing to allocate new
-   * internal memory. If necessary, allocates new internal memory and increases the capacity of the receiver. <p> This
-   * method never need be called; it is for performance tuning only. Calling this method before <tt>add()</tt>ing a
-   * large number of associations boosts performance, because the receiver will grow only once instead of potentially
-   * many times and hash collisions get less probable.
-   *
-   * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity.
-   */
-  @Override
-  public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
-    if (table.length < minCapacity) {
-      int newCapacity = nextPrime(minCapacity);
-      rehash(newCapacity);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Applies a procedure to each key of the receiver, if any. Note: Iterates over the keys in no particular order.
-   * Subclasses can define a particular order, for example, "sorted by key". All methods which <i>can</i> be expressed
-   * in terms of this method (most methods can) <i>must guarantee</i> to use the <i>same</i> order defined by this
-   * method, even if it is no particular order. This is necessary so that, for example, methods <tt>keys</tt> and
-   * <tt>values</tt> will yield association pairs, not two uncorrelated lists.
-   *
-   * @param procedure the procedure to be applied. Stops iteration if the procedure returns <tt>false</tt>, otherwise
-   *                  continues.
-   * @return <tt>false</tt> if the procedure stopped before all keys where iterated over, <tt>true</tt> otherwise.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public boolean forEachKey(ObjectProcedure<T> procedure) {
-    for (int i = table.length; i-- > 0;) {
-      if (state[i] == FULL) {
-        if (!procedure.apply((T)table[i])) {
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param key the key to be added to the receiver.
-   * @return the index where the key would need to be inserted, if it is not already contained. Returns -index-1 if the
-   *         key is already contained at slot index. Therefore, if the returned index < 0, then it is already contained
-   *         at slot -index-1. If the returned index >= 0, then it is NOT already contained and should be inserted at
-   *         slot index.
-   */
-  protected int indexOfInsertion(T key) {
-    Object[] tab = table;
-    byte[] stat = state;
-    int length = tab.length;
-    int hash = key.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
-    int i = hash % length;
-    int decrement = hash % (length - 2); // double hashing, see
-    //int decrement = (hash / length) % length;
-    if (decrement == 0) {
-      decrement = 1;
-    }
-    // stop if we find a removed or free slot, or if we find the key itself
-    // do NOT skip over removed slots (yes, open addressing is like that...)
-    while (stat[i] == FULL && tab[i] != key) {
-      i -= decrement;
-      //hashCollisions++;
-      if (i < 0) {
-        i += length;
-      }
-    }
-    if (stat[i] == REMOVED) {
-      // stop if we find a free slot, or if we find the key itself.
-      // do skip over removed slots (yes, open addressing is like that...)
-      // assertion: there is at least one FREE slot.
-      int j = i;
-      while (stat[i] != FREE && (stat[i] == REMOVED || tab[i] != key)) {
-        i -= decrement;
-        //hashCollisions++;
-        if (i < 0) {
-          i += length;
-        }
-      }
-      if (stat[i] == FREE) {
-        i = j;
-      }
-    }
-    if (stat[i] == FULL) {
-      // key already contained at slot i.
-      // return a negative number identifying the slot.
-      return -i - 1;
-    }
-    // not already contained, should be inserted at slot i.
-    // return a number >= 0 identifying the slot.
-    return i;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param key the key to be searched in the receiver.
-   * @return the index where the key is contained in the receiver, returns -1 if the key was not found.
-   */
-  protected int indexOfKey(T key) {
-    Object[] tab = table;
-    byte[] stat = state;
-    int length = tab.length;
-    int hash = key.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
-    int i = hash % length;
-    int decrement = hash % (length - 2); // double hashing, see
-    //int decrement = (hash / length) % length;
-    if (decrement == 0) {
-      decrement = 1;
-    }
-    // stop if we find a free slot, or if we find the key itself.
-    // do skip over removed slots (yes, open addressing is like that...)
-    while (stat[i] != FREE && (stat[i] == REMOVED || (!key.equals(tab[i])))) {
-      i -= decrement;
-      //hashCollisions++;
-      if (i < 0) {
-        i += length;
-      }
-    }
-    if (stat[i] == FREE) {
-      return -1;
-    } // not found
-    return i; //found, return index where key is contained
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fills all keys contained in the receiver into the specified list. Fills the list, starting at index 0. After this
-   * call returns the specified list has a new size that equals <tt>this.size()</tt>. 
-   * This method can be used
-   * to iterate over the keys of the receiver.
-   *
-   * @param list the list to be filled, can have any size.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public void keys(List<T> list) {
-    list.clear();
-    Object [] tab = table;
-    byte[] stat = state;
-    for (int i = tab.length; i-- > 0;) {
-      if (stat[i] == FULL) {
-        list.add((T)tab[i]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  @Override
-  public boolean add(Object key) {
-    int i = indexOfInsertion((T)key);
-    if (i < 0) { //already contained
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (this.distinct > this.highWaterMark) {
-      int newCapacity = chooseGrowCapacity(this.distinct + 1, this.minLoadFactor, this.maxLoadFactor);
-      rehash(newCapacity);
-      return add(key);
-    }
-    this.table[i] = key;
-    if (this.state[i] == FREE) {
-      this.freeEntries--;
-    }
-    this.state[i] = FULL;
-    this.distinct++;
-    if (this.freeEntries < 1) { //delta
-      int newCapacity = chooseGrowCapacity(this.distinct + 1, this.minLoadFactor, this.maxLoadFactor);
-      rehash(newCapacity);
-      return add(key);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Rehashes the contents of the receiver into a new table with a smaller or larger capacity. This method is called
-   * automatically when the number of keys in the receiver exceeds the high water mark or falls below the low water
-   * mark.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  protected void rehash(int newCapacity) {
-    int oldCapacity = table.length;
-    //if (oldCapacity == newCapacity) return;
-    Object[] oldTable = table;
-    byte[] oldState = state;
-    Object[] newTable = new Object[newCapacity];
-    byte[] newState = new byte[newCapacity];
-    this.lowWaterMark = chooseLowWaterMark(newCapacity, this.minLoadFactor);
-    this.highWaterMark = chooseHighWaterMark(newCapacity, this.maxLoadFactor);
-    this.table = newTable;
-    this.state = newState;
-    this.freeEntries = newCapacity - this.distinct; // delta
-    for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) {
-      if (oldState[i] == FULL) {
-        Object element = oldTable[i];
-        int index = indexOfInsertion((T)element);
-        newTable[index] = element;
-        newState[index] = FULL;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Removes the given key with its associated element from the receiver, if present.
-   *
-   * @param key the key to be removed from the receiver.
-   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the receiver contained the specified key, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  @Override
-  public boolean remove(Object key) {
-    int i = indexOfKey((T)key);
-    if (i < 0) {
-      return false;
-    } // key not contained
-    this.state[i] = REMOVED;
-    this.distinct--;
-    if (this.distinct < this.lowWaterMark) {
-      int newCapacity = chooseShrinkCapacity(this.distinct, this.minLoadFactor, this.maxLoadFactor);
-      rehash(newCapacity);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Initializes the receiver.
-   *
-   * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the receiver.
-   * @param minLoadFactor   the minLoadFactor of the receiver.
-   * @param maxLoadFactor   the maxLoadFactor of the receiver.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>initialCapacity < 0 || (minLoadFactor < 0.0 || minLoadFactor >= 1.0) ||
-   *                                  (maxLoadFactor <= 0.0 || maxLoadFactor >= 1.0) || (minLoadFactor >=
-   *                                  maxLoadFactor)</tt>.
-   */
-  @Override
-  protected final void setUp(int initialCapacity, double minLoadFactor, double maxLoadFactor) {
-    int capacity = initialCapacity;
-    super.setUp(capacity, minLoadFactor, maxLoadFactor);
-    capacity = nextPrime(capacity);
-    if (capacity == 0) {
-      capacity = 1;
-    } // open addressing needs at least one FREE slot at any time.
-    this.table = new Object[capacity];
-    this.state = new byte[capacity];
-    // memory will be exhausted long before this pathological case happens, anyway.
-    this.minLoadFactor = minLoadFactor;
-    if (capacity == PrimeFinder.LARGEST_PRIME) {
-      this.maxLoadFactor = 1.0;
-    } else {
-      this.maxLoadFactor = maxLoadFactor;
-    }
-    this.distinct = 0;
-    this.freeEntries = capacity; // delta
-    // lowWaterMark will be established upon first expansion.
-    // establishing it now (upon instance construction) would immediately make the table shrink upon first put(...).
-    // After all the idea of an "initialCapacity" implies violating lowWaterMarks when an object is young.
-    // See ensureCapacity(...)
-    this.lowWaterMark = 0;
-    this.highWaterMark = chooseHighWaterMark(capacity, this.maxLoadFactor);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Trims the capacity of the receiver to be the receiver's current size. Releases any superfluous internal memory. An
-   * application can use this operation to minimize the storage of the receiver.
-   */
-  @Override
-  public void trimToSize() {
-    // * 1.2 because open addressing's performance exponentially degrades beyond that point
-    // so that even rehashing the table can take very long
-    int newCapacity = nextPrime((int) (1 + 1.2 * size()));
-    if (table.length > newCapacity) {
-      rehash(newCapacity);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Access for unit tests.
-   * @param capacity
-   * @param minLoadFactor
-   * @param maxLoadFactor
-   */
-  void getInternalFactors(int[] capacity, 
-      double[] minLoadFactor, 
-      double[] maxLoadFactor) {
-    capacity[0] = table.length;
-    minLoadFactor[0] = this.minLoadFactor;
-    maxLoadFactor[0] = this.maxLoadFactor;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean isEmpty() {
-    return size() == 0;
-  }
-  /**
-   * OpenHashSet instances are only equal to other OpenHashSet instances, not to 
-   * any other collection. Hypothetically, we should check for and permit
-   * equals on other Sets.
-   */
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-    if (obj == this) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (!(obj instanceof OpenHashSet)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    final OpenHashSet<T> other = (OpenHashSet<T>) obj;
-    if (other.size() != size()) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return forEachKey(new ObjectProcedure<T>() {
-      @Override
-      public boolean apply(T key) {
-        return other.contains(key);
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  @Override
-  public int hashCode() {
-    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
-      Object v = table[i];
-      if (state[i] == FULL) {
-        buf.putInt(v.hashCode());
-      }
-    }
-    return MurmurHash.hash(buf, this.getClass().getName().hashCode());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implement the standard Java Collections iterator. Note that 'remove' is silently
-   * ineffectual here. This method is provided for convenience, only.
-   */
-  @Override
-  public Iterator<T> iterator() {
-    List<T> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
-    keys(keyList);
-    return keyList.iterator();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Object[] toArray() {
-    List<T> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
-    keys(keyList);
-    return keyList.toArray();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) {
-    boolean anyAdded = false;
-    for (T o : c) {
-      boolean added = add(o);
-      anyAdded |= added;
-    }
-    return anyAdded;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
-    for (Object o : c) {
-      if (!contains(o)) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
-    boolean anyRemoved = false;
-    for (Object o : c) {
-      boolean removed = remove(o);
-      anyRemoved |= removed;
-    }
-    return anyRemoved;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
-    final Collection<?> finalCollection = c;
-    final boolean[] modified = new boolean[1];
-    modified[0] = false;
-    forEachKey(new ObjectProcedure<T>() {
-      @Override
-      public boolean apply(T element) {
-        if (!finalCollection.contains(element)) {
-          remove(element);
-          modified[0] = true;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-    });
-    return modified[0];
-  }
-  @Override
-  public <T1> T1[] toArray(T1[] a) {
-    return keys().toArray(a);
-  }
-  public List<T> keys() {
-    List<T> keys = new ArrayList<>();
-    keys(keys);
-    return keys;
-  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/ b/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02bde9b..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.solver;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.CardinalityException;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorIterable;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.function.PlusMult;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * <p>Implementation of a conjugate gradient iterative solver for linear systems. Implements both
- * standard conjugate gradient and pre-conditioned conjugate gradient. 
- * 
- * <p>Conjugate gradient requires the matrix A in the linear system Ax = b to be symmetric and positive
- * definite. For convenience, this implementation could be extended relatively easily to handle the
- * case where the input matrix to be be non-symmetric, in which case the system A'Ax = b would be solved.
- * Because this requires only one pass through the matrix A, it is faster than explicitly computing A'A,
- * then passing the results to the solver.
- * 
- * <p>For inputs that may be ill conditioned (often the case for highly sparse input), this solver
- * also accepts a parameter, lambda, which adds a scaled identity to the matrix A, solving the system
- * (A + lambda*I)x = b. This obviously changes the solution, but it will guarantee solvability. The
- * ridge regression approach to linear regression is a common use of this feature.
- * 
- * <p>If only an approximate solution is required, the maximum number of iterations or the error threshold
- * may be specified to end the algorithm early at the expense of accuracy. When the matrix A is ill conditioned,
- * it may sometimes be necessary to increase the maximum number of iterations above the default of A.numCols()
- * due to numerical issues.
- * 
- * <p>By default the solver will run a.numCols() iterations or until the residual falls below 1E-9.
- * 
- * <p>For more information on the conjugate gradient algorithm, see Golub & van Loan, "Matrix Computations", 
- * sections 10.2 and 10.3 or the <a href="">conjugate gradient
- * wikipedia article</a>.
- */
-public class ConjugateGradientSolver {
-  public static final double DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR = 1.0e-9;
-  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConjugateGradientSolver.class);
-  private static final PlusMult PLUS_MULT = new PlusMult(1.0);
-  private int iterations;
-  private double residualNormSquared;
-  public ConjugateGradientSolver() {
-    this.iterations = 0;
-    this.residualNormSquared = Double.NaN;
-  }  
-  /**
-   * Solves the system Ax = b with default termination criteria. A must be symmetric, square, and positive definite.
-   * Only the squareness of a is checked, since testing for symmetry and positive definiteness are too expensive. If
-   * an invalid matrix is specified, then the algorithm may not yield a valid result.
-   *  
-   * @param a  The linear operator A.
-   * @param b  The vector b.
-   * @return The result x of solving the system.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a is not square or if the size of b is not equal to the number of columns of a.
-   * 
-   */
-  public Vector solve(VectorIterable a, Vector b) {
-    return solve(a, b, null, b.size() + 2, DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Solves the system Ax = b with default termination criteria using the specified preconditioner. A must be 
-   * symmetric, square, and positive definite. Only the squareness of a is checked, since testing for symmetry 
-   * and positive definiteness are too expensive. If an invalid matrix is specified, then the algorithm may not 
-   * yield a valid result.
-   *  
-   * @param a  The linear operator A.
-   * @param b  The vector b.
-   * @param precond A preconditioner to use on A during the solution process.
-   * @return The result x of solving the system.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a is not square or if the size of b is not equal to the number of columns of a.
-   * 
-   */
-  public Vector solve(VectorIterable a, Vector b, Preconditioner precond) {
-    return solve(a, b, precond, b.size() + 2, DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Solves the system Ax = b, where A is a linear operator and b is a vector. Uses the specified preconditioner
-   * to improve numeric stability and possibly speed convergence. This version of solve() allows control over the 
-   * termination and iteration parameters.
-   * 
-   * @param a  The matrix A.
-   * @param b  The vector b.
-   * @param preconditioner The preconditioner to apply.
-   * @param maxIterations The maximum number of iterations to run.
-   * @param maxError The maximum amount of residual error to tolerate. The algorithm will run until the residual falls 
-   * below this value or until maxIterations are completed.
-   * @return The result x of solving the system.
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the matrix is not square, if the size of b is not equal to the number of 
-   * columns of A, if maxError is less than zero, or if maxIterations is not positive. 
-   */
-  public Vector solve(VectorIterable a, 
-                      Vector b, 
-                      Preconditioner preconditioner, 
-                      int maxIterations, 
-                      double maxError) {
-    if (a.numRows() != a.numCols()) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix must be square, symmetric and positive definite.");
-    }
-    if (a.numCols() != b.size()) {
-      throw new CardinalityException(a.numCols(), b.size());
-    }
-    if (maxIterations <= 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max iterations must be positive.");      
-    }
-    if (maxError < 0.0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max error must be non-negative.");
-    }
-    Vector x = new DenseVector(b.size());
-    iterations = 0;
-    Vector residual = b.minus(a.times(x));
-    residualNormSquared =;
-"Conjugate gradient initial residual norm = {}", Math.sqrt(residualNormSquared));
-    double previousConditionedNormSqr = 0.0;
-    Vector updateDirection = null;
-    while (Math.sqrt(residualNormSquared) > maxError && iterations < maxIterations) {
-      Vector conditionedResidual;
-      double conditionedNormSqr;
-      if (preconditioner == null) {
-        conditionedResidual = residual;
-        conditionedNormSqr = residualNormSquared;
-      } else {
-        conditionedResidual = preconditioner.precondition(residual);
-        conditionedNormSqr =;
-      }      
-      ++iterations;
-      if (iterations == 1) {
-        updateDirection = new DenseVector(conditionedResidual);
-      } else {
-        double beta = conditionedNormSqr / previousConditionedNormSqr;
-        // updateDirection = residual + beta * updateDirection
-        updateDirection.assign(Functions.MULT, beta);
-        updateDirection.assign(conditionedResidual, Functions.PLUS);
-      }
-      Vector aTimesUpdate = a.times(updateDirection);
-      double alpha = conditionedNormSqr /;
-      // x = x + alpha * updateDirection
-      PLUS_MULT.setMultiplicator(alpha);
-      x.assign(updateDirection, PLUS_MULT);
-      // residual = residual - alpha * A * updateDirection
-      PLUS_MULT.setMultiplicator(-alpha);
-      residual.assign(aTimesUpdate, PLUS_MULT);
-      previousConditionedNormSqr = conditionedNormSqr;
-      residualNormSquared =;
-"Conjugate gradient iteration {} residual norm = {}", iterations, Math.sqrt(residualNormSquared));
-    }
-    return x;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the number of iterations run once the solver is complete.
-   * 
-   * @return The number of iterations run.
-   */
-  public int getIterations() {
-    return iterations;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the norm of the residual at the completion of the solver. Usually this should be close to zero except in
-   * the case of a non positive definite matrix A, which results in an unsolvable system, or for ill conditioned A, in
-   * which case more iterations than the default may be needed.
-   * 
-   * @return The norm of the residual in the solution.
-   */
-  public double getResidualNorm() {
-    return Math.sqrt(residualNormSquared);
-  }  
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/ b/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 871ba44..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,892 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Adapted from the public domain Jama code.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.solver;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseMatrix;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions;
- * Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix.
- * <p/>
- * If A is symmetric, then A = V*D*V' where the eigenvalue matrix D is diagonal and the eigenvector
- * matrix V is orthogonal. I.e. A = V.times(D.times(V.transpose())) and V.times(V.transpose())
- * equals the identity matrix.
- * <p/>
- * If A is not symmetric, then the eigenvalue matrix D is block diagonal with the real eigenvalues
- * in 1-by-1 blocks and any complex eigenvalues, lambda + i*mu, in 2-by-2 blocks, [lambda, mu; -mu,
- * lambda].  The columns of V represent the eigenvectors in the sense that A*V = V*D, i.e.
- * A.times(V) equals V.times(D).  The matrix V may be badly conditioned, or even singular, so the
- * validity of the equation A = V*D*inverse(V) depends upon V.cond().
- */
-public class EigenDecomposition {
-  /** Row and column dimension (square matrix). */
-  private final int n;
-  /** Arrays for internal storage of eigenvalues. */
-  private final Vector d;
-  private final Vector e;
-  /** Array for internal storage of eigenvectors. */
-  private final Matrix v;
-  public EigenDecomposition(Matrix x) {
-    this(x, isSymmetric(x));
-  }
-  public EigenDecomposition(Matrix x, boolean isSymmetric) {
-    n = x.columnSize();
-    d = new DenseVector(n);
-    e = new DenseVector(n);
-    v = new DenseMatrix(n, n);
-    if (isSymmetric) {
-      v.assign(x);
-      // Tridiagonalize.
-      tred2();
-      // Diagonalize.
-      tql2();
-    } else {
-      // Reduce to Hessenberg form.
-      // Reduce Hessenberg to real Schur form.
-      hqr2(orthes(x));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the eigenvector matrix
-   *
-   * @return V
-   */
-  public Matrix getV() {
-    return;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the real parts of the eigenvalues
-   */
-  public Vector getRealEigenvalues() {
-    return d;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues
-   */
-  public Vector getImagEigenvalues() {
-    return e;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix
-   *
-   * @return D
-   */
-  public Matrix getD() {
-    Matrix x = new DenseMatrix(n, n);
-    x.assign(0);
-    x.viewDiagonal().assign(d);
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-      double v = e.getQuick(i);
-      if (v > 0) {
-        x.setQuick(i, i + 1, v);
-      } else if (v < 0) {
-        x.setQuick(i, i - 1, v);
-      }
-    }
-    return x;
-  }
-  // Symmetric Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
-  private void tred2() {
-    //  This is derived from the Algol procedures tred2 by
-    //  Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
-    //  Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
-    //  Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
-    d.assign(v.viewColumn(n - 1));
-    // Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
-    for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) {
-      // Scale to avoid under/overflow.
-      double scale = d.viewPart(0, i).norm(1);
-      double h = 0.0;
-      if (scale == 0.0) {
-        e.setQuick(i, d.getQuick(i - 1));
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          d.setQuick(j, v.getQuick(i - 1, j));
-          v.setQuick(i, j, 0.0);
-          v.setQuick(j, i, 0.0);
-        }
-      } else {
-        // Generate Householder vector.
-        for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
-          d.setQuick(k, d.getQuick(k) / scale);
-          h += d.getQuick(k) * d.getQuick(k);
-        }
-        double f = d.getQuick(i - 1);
-        double g = Math.sqrt(h);
-        if (f > 0) {
-          g = -g;
-        }
-        e.setQuick(i, scale * g);
-        h -= f * g;
-        d.setQuick(i - 1, f - g);
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          e.setQuick(j, 0.0);
-        }
-        // Apply similarity transformation to remaining columns.
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          f = d.getQuick(j);
-          v.setQuick(j, i, f);
-          g = e.getQuick(j) + v.getQuick(j, j) * f;
-          for (int k = j + 1; k <= i - 1; k++) {
-            g += v.getQuick(k, j) * d.getQuick(k);
-            e.setQuick(k, e.getQuick(k) + v.getQuick(k, j) * f);
-          }
-          e.setQuick(j, g);
-        }
-        f = 0.0;
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          e.setQuick(j, e.getQuick(j) / h);
-          f += e.getQuick(j) * d.getQuick(j);
-        }
-        double hh = f / (h + h);
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          e.setQuick(j, e.getQuick(j) - hh * d.getQuick(j));
-        }
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
-          f = d.getQuick(j);
-          g = e.getQuick(j);
-          for (int k = j; k <= i - 1; k++) {
-            v.setQuick(k, j, v.getQuick(k, j) - (f * e.getQuick(k) + g * d.getQuick(k)));
-          }
-          d.setQuick(j, v.getQuick(i - 1, j));
-          v.setQuick(i, j, 0.0);
-        }
-      }
-      d.setQuick(i, h);
-    }
-    // Accumulate transformations.
-    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
-      v.setQuick(n - 1, i, v.getQuick(i, i));
-      v.setQuick(i, i, 1.0);
-      double h = d.getQuick(i + 1);
-      if (h != 0.0) {
-        for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
-          d.setQuick(k, v.getQuick(k, i + 1) / h);
-        }
-        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
-          double g = 0.0;
-          for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
-            g += v.getQuick(k, i + 1) * v.getQuick(k, j);
-          }
-          for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
-            v.setQuick(k, j, v.getQuick(k, j) - g * d.getQuick(k));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
-        v.setQuick(k, i + 1, 0.0);
-      }
-    }
-    d.assign(v.viewRow(n - 1));
-    v.viewRow(n - 1).assign(0);
-    v.setQuick(n - 1, n - 1, 1.0);
-    e.setQuick(0, 0.0);
-  }
-  // Symmetric tridiagonal QL algorithm.
-  private void tql2() {
-    //  This is derived from the Algol procedures tql2, by
-    //  Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
-    //  Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
-    //  Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
-    e.viewPart(0, n - 1).assign(e.viewPart(1, n - 1));
-    e.setQuick(n - 1, 0.0);
-    double f = 0.0;
-    double tst1 = 0.0;
-    double eps = Math.pow(2.0, -52.0);
-    for (int l = 0; l < n; l++) {
-      // Find small subdiagonal element
-      tst1 = Math.max(tst1, Math.abs(d.getQuick(l)) + Math.abs(e.getQuick(l)));
-      int m = l;
-      while (m < n) {
-        if (Math.abs(e.getQuick(m)) <= eps * tst1) {
-          break;
-        }
-        m++;
-      }
-      // If m == l, d.getQuick(l) is an eigenvalue,
-      // otherwise, iterate.
-      if (m > l) {
-        do {
-          // Compute implicit shift
-          double g = d.getQuick(l);
-          double p = (d.getQuick(l + 1) - g) / (2.0 * e.getQuick(l));
-          double r = Math.hypot(p, 1.0);
-          if (p < 0) {
-            r = -r;
-          }
-          d.setQuick(l, e.getQuick(l) / (p + r));
-          d.setQuick(l + 1, e.getQuick(l) * (p + r));
-          double dl1 = d.getQuick(l + 1);
-          double h = g - d.getQuick(l);
-          for (int i = l + 2; i < n; i++) {
-            d.setQuick(i, d.getQuick(i) - h);
-          }
-          f += h;
-          // Implicit QL transformation.
-          p = d.getQuick(m);
-          double c = 1.0;
-          double c2 = c;
-          double c3 = c;
-          double el1 = e.getQuick(l + 1);
-          double s = 0.0;
-          double s2 = 0.0;
-          for (int i = m - 1; i >= l; i--) {
-            c3 = c2;
-            c2 = c;
-            s2 = s;
-            g = c * e.getQuick(i);
-            h = c * p;
-            r = Math.hypot(p, e.getQuick(i));
-            e.setQuick(i + 1, s * r);
-            s = e.getQuick(i) / r;
-            c = p / r;
-            p = c * d.getQuick(i) - s * g;
-            d.setQuick(i + 1, h + s * (c * g + s * d.getQuick(i)));
-            // Accumulate transformation.
-            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
-              h = v.getQuick(k, i + 1);
-              v.setQuick(k, i + 1, s * v.getQuick(k, i) + c * h);
-              v.setQuick(k, i, c * v.getQuick(k, i) - s * h);
-            }
-          }
-          p = -s * s2 * c3 * el1 * e.getQuick(l) / dl1;
-          e.setQuick(l, s * p);
-          d.setQuick(l, c * p);
-          // Check for convergence.
-        } while (Math.abs(e.getQuick(l)) > eps * tst1);
-      }
-      d.setQuick(l, d.getQuick(l) + f);
-      e.setQuick(l, 0.0);
-    }
-    // Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
-    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
-      int k = i;
-      double p = d.getQuick(i);
-      for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
-        if (d.getQuick(j) > p) {
-          k = j;
-          p = d.getQuick(j);
-        }
-      }
-      if (k != i) {
-        d.setQuick(k, d.getQuick(i));
-        d.setQuick(i, p);
-        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-          p = v.getQuick(j, i);
-          v.setQuick(j, i, v.getQuick(j, k));
-          v.setQuick(j, k, p);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Nonsymmetric reduction to Hessenberg form.
-  private Matrix orthes(Matrix x) {
-    // Working storage for nonsymmetric algorithm.
-    Vector ort = new DenseVector(n);
-    Matrix hessenBerg = new DenseMatrix(n, n).assign(x);
-    //  This is derived from the Algol procedures orthes and ortran,
-    //  by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
-    //  Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
-    //  Fortran subroutines in EISPACK.
-    int low = 0;
-    int high = n - 1;
-    for (int m = low + 1; m <= high - 1; m++) {
-      // Scale column.
-      Vector hColumn = hessenBerg.viewColumn(m - 1).viewPart(m, high - m + 1);
-      double scale = hColumn.norm(1);
-      if (scale != 0.0) {
-        // Compute Householder transformation.
-        ort.viewPart(m, high - m + 1).assign(hColumn, Functions.plusMult(1 / scale));
-        double h = ort.viewPart(m, high - m + 1).getLengthSquared();
-        double g = Math.sqrt(h);
-        if (ort.getQuick(m) > 0) {
-          g = -g;
-        }
-        h -= ort.getQuick(m) * g;
-        ort.setQuick(m, ort.getQuick(m) - g);
-        // Apply Householder similarity transformation
-        // H = (I-u*u'/h)*H*(I-u*u')/h)
-        Vector ortPiece = ort.viewPart(m, high - m + 1);
-        for (int j = m; j < n; j++) {
-          double f =, high - m + 1)) / h;
-          hessenBerg.viewColumn(j).viewPart(m, high - m + 1).assign(ortPiece, Functions.plusMult(-f));
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i <= high; i++) {
-          double f =, high - m + 1)) / h;
-          hessenBerg.viewRow(i).viewPart(m, high - m + 1).assign(ortPiece, Functions.plusMult(-f));
-        }
-        ort.setQuick(m, scale * ort.getQuick(m));
-        hessenBerg.setQuick(m, m - 1, scale * g);
-      }
-    }
-    // Accumulate transformations (Algol's ortran).
-    v.assign(0);
-    v.viewDiagonal().assign(1);
-    for (int m = high - 1; m >= low + 1; m--) {
-      if (hessenBerg.getQuick(m, m - 1) != 0.0) {
-        ort.viewPart(m + 1, high - m).assign(hessenBerg.viewColumn(m - 1).viewPart(m + 1, high - m));
-        for (int j = m; j <= high; j++) {
-          double g = ort.viewPart(m, high - m + 1).dot(v.viewColumn(j).viewPart(m, high - m + 1));
-          // Double division avoids possible underflow
-          g = g / ort.getQuick(m) / hessenBerg.getQuick(m, m - 1);
-          v.viewColumn(j).viewPart(m, high - m + 1).assign(ort.viewPart(m, high - m + 1), Functions.plusMult(g));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return hessenBerg;
-  }
-  // Complex scalar division.
-  private double cdivr;
-  private double cdivi;
-  private void cdiv(double xr, double xi, double yr, double yi) {
-    double r;
-    double d;
-    if (Math.abs(yr) > Math.abs(yi)) {
-      r = yi / yr;
-      d = yr + r * yi;
-      cdivr = (xr + r * xi) / d;
-      cdivi = (xi - r * xr) / d;
-    } else {
-      r = yr / yi;
-      d = yi + r * yr;
-      cdivr = (r * xr + xi) / d;
-      cdivi = (r * xi - xr) / d;
-    }
-  }
-  // Nonsymmetric reduction from Hessenberg to real Schur form.
-  private void hqr2(Matrix h) {
-    //  This is derived from the Algol procedure hqr2,
-    //  by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
-    //  Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
-    //  Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
-    // Initialize
-    int nn = this.n;
-    int n = nn - 1;
-    int low = 0;
-    int high = nn - 1;
-    double eps = Math.pow(2.0, -52.0);
-    double exshift = 0.0;
-    double p = 0;
-    double q = 0;
-    double r = 0;
-    double s = 0;
-    double z = 0;
-    double w;
-    double x;
-    double y;
-    // Store roots isolated by balanc and compute matrix norm
-    double norm = h.aggregate(Functions.PLUS, Functions.ABS);
-    // Outer loop over eigenvalue index
-    int iter = 0;
-    while (n >= low) {
-      // Look for single small sub-diagonal element
-      int l = n;
-      while (l > low) {
-        s = Math.abs(h.getQuick(l - 1, l - 1)) + Math.abs(h.getQuick(l, l));
-        if (s == 0.0) {
-          s = norm;
-        }
-        if (Math.abs(h.getQuick(l, l - 1)) < eps * s) {
-          break;
-        }
-        l--;
-      }
-      // Check for convergence
-      if (l == n) {
-        // One root found
-        h.setQuick(n, n, h.getQuick(n, n) + exshift);
-        d.setQuick(n, h.getQuick(n, n));
-        e.setQuick(n, 0.0);
-        n--;
-        iter = 0;
-      } else if (l == n - 1) {
-        // Two roots found
-        w = h.getQuick(n, n - 1) * h.getQuick(n - 1, n);
-        p = (h.getQuick(n - 1, n - 1) - h.getQuick(n, n)) / 2.0;
-        q = p * p + w;
-        z = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(q));
-        h.setQuick(n, n, h.getQuick(n, n) + exshift);
-        h.setQuick(n - 1, n - 1, h.getQuick(n - 1, n - 1) + exshift);
-        x = h.getQuick(n, n);
-        // Real pair
-        if (q >= 0) {
-          if (p >= 0) {
-            z = p + z;
-          } else {
-            z = p - z;
-          }
-          d.setQuick(n - 1, x + z);
-          d.setQuick(n, d.getQuick(n - 1));
-          if (z != 0.0) {
-            d.setQuick(n, x - w / z);
-          }
-          e.setQuick(n - 1, 0.0);
-          e.setQuick(n, 0.0);
-          x = h.getQuick(n, n - 1);
-          s = Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(z);
-          p = x / s;
-          q = z / s;
-          r = Math.sqrt(p * p + q * q);
-          p /= r;
-          q /= r;
-          // Row modification
-          for (int j = n - 1; j < nn; j++) {
-            z = h.getQuick(n - 1, j);
-            h.setQuick(n - 1, j, q * z + p * h.getQuick(n, j));
-            h.setQuick(n, j, q * h.getQuick(n, j) - p * z);
-          }
-          // Column modification
-          for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
-            z = h.getQuick(i, n - 1);
-            h.setQuick(i, n - 1, q * z + p * h.getQuick(i, n));
-            h.setQuick(i, n, q * h.getQuick(i, n) - p * z);
-          }
-          // Accumulate transformations
-          for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
-            z = v.getQuick(i, n - 1);
-            v.setQuick(i, n - 1, q * z + p * v.getQuick(i, n));
-            v.setQuick(i, n, q * v.getQuick(i, n) - p * z);
-          }
-          // Complex pair
-        } else {
-          d.setQuick(n - 1, x + p);
-          d.setQuick(n, x + p);
-          e.setQuick(n - 1, z);
-          e.setQuick(n, -z);
-        }
-        n -= 2;
-        iter = 0;
-        // No convergence yet
-      } else {
-        // Form shift
-        x = h.getQuick(n, n);
-        y = 0.0;
-        w = 0.0;
-        if (l < n) {
-          y = h.getQuick(n - 1, n - 1);
-          w = h.getQuick(n, n - 1) * h.getQuick(n - 1, n);
-        }
-        // Wilkinson's original ad hoc shift
-        if (iter == 10) {
-          exshift += x;
-          for (int i = low; i <= n; i++) {
-            h.setQuick(i, i, x);
-          }
-          s = Math.abs(h.getQuick(n, n - 1)) + Math.abs(h.getQuick(n - 1, n - 2));
-          x = y = 0.75 * s;
-          w = -0.4375 * s * s;
-        }
-        // MATLAB's new ad hoc shift
-        if (iter == 30) {
-          s = (y - x) / 2.0;
-          s = s * s + w;
-          if (s > 0) {
-            s = Math.sqrt(s);
-            if (y < x) {
-              s = -s;
-            }
-            s = x - w / ((y - x) / 2.0 + s);
-            for (int i = low; i <= n; i++) {
-              h.setQuick(i, i, h.getQuick(i, i) - s);
-            }
-            exshift += s;
-            x = y = w = 0.964;
-          }
-        }
-        iter++;   // (Could check iteration count here.)
-        // Look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements
-        int m = n - 2;
-        while (m >= l) {
-          z = h.getQuick(m, m);
-          r = x - z;
-          s = y - z;
-          p = (r * s - w) / h.getQuick(m + 1, m) + h.getQuick(m, m + 1);
-          q = h.getQuick(m + 1, m + 1) - z - r - s;
-          r = h.getQuick(m + 2, m + 1);
-          s = Math.abs(p) + Math.abs(q) + Math.abs(r);
-          p /= s;
-          q /= s;
-          r /= s;
-          if (m == l) {
-            break;
-          }
-          double hmag = Math.abs(h.getQuick(m - 1, m - 1)) + Math.abs(h.getQuick(m + 1, m + 1));
-          double threshold = eps * Math.abs(p) * (Math.abs(z) + hmag);
-          if (Math.abs(h.getQuick(m, m - 1)) * (Math.abs(q) + Math.abs(r)) < threshold) {
-            break;
-          }
-          m--;
-        }
-        for (int i = m + 2; i <= n; i++) {
-          h.setQuick(i, i - 2, 0.0);
-          if (i > m + 2) {
-            h.setQuick(i, i - 3, 0.0);
-          }
-        }
-        // Double QR step involving rows l:n and columns m:n
-        for (int k = m; k <= n - 1; k++) {
-          boolean notlast = k != n - 1;
-          if (k != m) {
-            p = h.getQuick(k, k - 1);
-            q = h.getQuick(k + 1, k - 1);
-            r = notlast ? h.getQuick(k + 2, k - 1) : 0.0;
-            x = Math.abs(p) + Math.abs(q) + Math.abs(r);
-            if (x != 0.0) {
-              p /= x;
-              q /= x;
-              r /= x;
-            }
-          }
-          if (x == 0.0) {
-            break;
-          }
-          s = Math.sqrt(p * p + q * q + r * r);
-          if (p < 0) {
-            s = -s;
-          }
-          if (s != 0) {
-            if (k != m) {
-              h.setQuick(k, k - 1, -s * x);
-            } else if (l != m) {
-              h.setQuick(k, k - 1, -h.getQuick(k, k - 1));
-            }
-            p += s;
-            x = p / s;
-            y = q / s;
-            z = r / s;
-            q /= p;
-            r /= p;
-            // Row modification
-            for (int j = k; j < nn; j++) {
-              p = h.getQuick(k, j) + q * h.getQuick(k + 1, j);
-              if (notlast) {
-                p += r * h.getQuick(k + 2, j);
-                h.setQuick(k + 2, j, h.getQuick(k + 2, j) - p * z);
-              }
-              h.setQuick(k, j, h.getQuick(k, j) - p * x);
-              h.setQuick(k + 1, j, h.getQuick(k + 1, j) - p * y);
-            }
-            // Column modification
-            for (int i = 0; i <= Math.min(n, k + 3); i++) {
-              p = x * h.getQuick(i, k) + y * h.getQuick(i, k + 1);
-              if (notlast) {
-                p += z * h.getQuick(i, k + 2);
-                h.setQuick(i, k + 2, h.getQuick(i, k + 2) - p * r);
-              }
-              h.setQuick(i, k, h.getQuick(i, k) - p);
-              h.setQuick(i, k + 1, h.getQuick(i, k + 1) - p * q);
-            }
-            // Accumulate transformations
-            for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
-              p = x * v.getQuick(i, k) + y * v.getQuick(i, k + 1);
-              if (notlast) {
-                p += z * v.getQuick(i, k + 2);
-                v.setQuick(i, k + 2, v.getQuick(i, k + 2) - p * r);
-              }
-              v.setQuick(i, k, v.getQuick(i, k) - p);
-              v.setQuick(i, k + 1, v.getQuick(i, k + 1) - p * q);
-            }
-          }  // (s != 0)
-        }  // k loop
-      }  // check convergence
-    }  // while (n >= low)
-    // Backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form
-    if (norm == 0.0) {
-      return;
-    }
-    for (n = nn - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
-      p = d.getQuick(n);
-      q = e.getQuick(n);
-      // Real vector
-      double t;
-      if (q == 0) {
-        int l = n;
-        h.setQuick(n, n, 1.0);
-        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          w = h.getQuick(i, i) - p;
-          r = 0.0;
-          for (int j = l; j <= n; j++) {
-            r += h.getQuick(i, j) * h.getQuick(j, n);
-          }
-          if (e.getQuick(i) < 0.0) {
-            z = w;
-            s = r;
-          } else {
-            l = i;
-            if (e.getQuick(i) == 0.0) {
-              if (w == 0.0) {
-                h.setQuick(i, n, -r / (eps * norm));
-              } else {
-                h.setQuick(i, n, -r / w);
-              }
-              // Solve real equations
-            } else {
-              x = h.getQuick(i, i + 1);
-              y = h.getQuick(i + 1, i);
-              q = (d.getQuick(i) - p) * (d.getQuick(i) - p) + e.getQuick(i) * e.getQuick(i);
-              t = (x * s - z * r) / q;
-              h.setQuick(i, n, t);
-              if (Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(z)) {
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n, (-r - w * t) / x);
-              } else {
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n, (-s - y * t) / z);
-              }
-            }
-            // Overflow control
-            t = Math.abs(h.getQuick(i, n));
-            if (eps * t * t > 1) {
-              for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) {
-                h.setQuick(j, n, h.getQuick(j, n) / t);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // Complex vector
-      } else if (q < 0) {
-        int l = n - 1;
-        // Last vector component imaginary so matrix is triangular
-        if (Math.abs(h.getQuick(n, n - 1)) > Math.abs(h.getQuick(n - 1, n))) {
-          h.setQuick(n - 1, n - 1, q / h.getQuick(n, n - 1));
-          h.setQuick(n - 1, n, -(h.getQuick(n, n) - p) / h.getQuick(n, n - 1));
-        } else {
-          cdiv(0.0, -h.getQuick(n - 1, n), h.getQuick(n - 1, n - 1) - p, q);
-          h.setQuick(n - 1, n - 1, cdivr);
-          h.setQuick(n - 1, n, cdivi);
-        }
-        h.setQuick(n, n - 1, 0.0);
-        h.setQuick(n, n, 1.0);
-        for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
-          double ra = 0.0;
-          double sa = 0.0;
-          for (int j = l; j <= n; j++) {
-            ra += h.getQuick(i, j) * h.getQuick(j, n - 1);
-            sa += h.getQuick(i, j) * h.getQuick(j, n);
-          }
-          w = h.getQuick(i, i) - p;
-          if (e.getQuick(i) < 0.0) {
-            z = w;
-            r = ra;
-            s = sa;
-          } else {
-            l = i;
-            if (e.getQuick(i) == 0) {
-              cdiv(-ra, -sa, w, q);
-              h.setQuick(i, n - 1, cdivr);
-              h.setQuick(i, n, cdivi);
-            } else {
-              // Solve complex equations
-              x = h.getQuick(i, i + 1);
-              y = h.getQuick(i + 1, i);
-              double vr = (d.getQuick(i) - p) * (d.getQuick(i) - p) + e.getQuick(i) * e.getQuick(i) - q * q;
-              double vi = (d.getQuick(i) - p) * 2.0 * q;
-              if (vr == 0.0 && vi == 0.0) {
-                double hmag = Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y);
-                vr = eps * norm * (Math.abs(w) + Math.abs(q) + hmag + Math.abs(z));
-              }
-              cdiv(x * r - z * ra + q * sa, x * s - z * sa - q * ra, vr, vi);
-              h.setQuick(i, n - 1, cdivr);
-              h.setQuick(i, n, cdivi);
-              if (Math.abs(x) > (Math.abs(z) + Math.abs(q))) {
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n - 1, (-ra - w * h.getQuick(i, n - 1) + q * h.getQuick(i, n)) / x);
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n, (-sa - w * h.getQuick(i, n) - q * h.getQuick(i, n - 1)) / x);
-              } else {
-                cdiv(-r - y * h.getQuick(i, n - 1), -s - y * h.getQuick(i, n), z, q);
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n - 1, cdivr);
-                h.setQuick(i + 1, n, cdivi);
-              }
-            }
-            // Overflow control
-            t = Math.max(Math.abs(h.getQuick(i, n - 1)), Math.abs(h.getQuick(i, n)));
-            if (eps * t * t > 1) {
-              for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) {
-                h.setQuick(j, n - 1, h.getQuick(j, n - 1) / t);
-                h.setQuick(j, n, h.getQuick(j, n) / t);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Vectors of isolated roots
-    for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
-      if (i < low || i > high) {
-        for (int j = i; j < nn; j++) {
-          v.setQuick(i, j, h.getQuick(i, j));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Back transformation to get eigenvectors of original matrix
-    for (int j = nn - 1; j >= low; j--) {
-      for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
-        z = 0.0;
-        for (int k = low; k <= Math.min(j, high); k++) {
-          z += v.getQuick(i, k) * h.getQuick(k, j);
-        }
-        v.setQuick(i, j, z);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private static boolean isSymmetric(Matrix a) {
-    /*
-    Symmetry flag.
-    */
-    int n = a.columnSize();
-    boolean isSymmetric = true;
-    for (int j = 0; (j < n) && isSymmetric; j++) {
-      for (int i = 0; (i < n) && isSymmetric; i++) {
-        isSymmetric = a.getQuick(i, j) == a.getQuick(j, i);
-      }
-    }
-    return isSymmetric;
-  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/ b/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7524564..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.solver;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
- * Implements the Jacobi preconditioner for a matrix A. This is defined as inv(diag(A)).
- */
-public final class JacobiConditioner implements Preconditioner {
-  private final DenseVector inverseDiagonal;
-  public JacobiConditioner(Matrix a) {
-    if (a.numCols() != a.numRows()) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix must be square.");
-    }
-    inverseDiagonal = new DenseVector(a.numCols());
-    for (int i = 0; i < a.numCols(); ++i) {
-      inverseDiagonal.setQuick(i, 1.0 / a.getQuick(i, i));
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Vector precondition(Vector v) {
-    return v.times(inverseDiagonal);
-  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3e706..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.solver;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.function.Functions;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * Solves sparse least-squares using the LSMR algorithm.
- * <p/>
- * LSMR solves the system of linear equations A * X = B. If the system is inconsistent, it solves
- * the least-squares problem min ||b - Ax||_2. A is a rectangular matrix of dimension m-by-n, where
- * all cases are allowed: m=n, m>n, or m&lt;n. B is a vector of length m. The matrix A may be dense
- * or sparse (usually sparse).
- * <p/>
- * Some additional configurable properties adjust the behavior of the algorithm.
- * <p/>
- * If you set lambda to a non-zero value then LSMR solves the regularized least-squares problem min
- * ||(B) - (   A    )X|| ||(0)   (lambda*I) ||_2 where LAMBDA is a scalar.  If LAMBDA is not set,
- * the system is solved without regularization.
- * <p/>
- * You can also set aTolerance and bTolerance.  These cause LSMR to iterate until a certain backward
- * error estimate is smaller than some quantity depending on ATOL and BTOL.  Let RES = B - A*X be
- * the residual vector for the current approximate solution X.  If A*X = B seems to be consistent,
- * LSMR terminates when NORM(RES) <= ATOL*NORM(A)*NORM(X) + BTOL*NORM(B). Otherwise, LSMR terminates
- * when NORM(A'*RES) <= ATOL*NORM(A)*NORM(RES). If both tolerances are 1.0e-6 (say), the final
- * NORM(RES) should be accurate to about 6 digits. (The final X will usually have fewer correct
- * digits, depending on cond(A) and the size of LAMBDA.)
- * <p/>
- * The default value for ATOL and BTOL is 1e-6.
- * <p/>
- * Ideally, they should be estimates of the relative error in the entries of A and B respectively.
- * For example, if the entries of A have 7 correct digits, set ATOL = 1e-7. This prevents the
- * algorithm from doing unnecessary work beyond the uncertainty of the input data.
- * <p/>
- * You can also set conditionLimit.  In that case, LSMR terminates if an estimate of cond(A) exceeds
- * conditionLimit. For compatible systems Ax = b, conditionLimit could be as large as 1.0e+12 (say).
- * For least-squares problems, conditionLimit should be less than 1.0e+8. If conditionLimit is not
- * set, the default value is 1e+8. Maximum precision can be obtained by setting aTolerance =
- * bTolerance = conditionLimit = 0, but the number of iterations may then be excessive.
- * <p/>
- * Setting iterationLimit causes LSMR to terminate if the number of iterations reaches
- * iterationLimit.  The default is iterationLimit = min(m,n).   For ill-conditioned systems, a
- * larger value of ITNLIM may be needed.
- * <p/>
- * Setting localSize causes LSMR to run with rerorthogonalization on the last localSize v_k's.
- * (v-vectors generated by Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization) If localSize is not set, LSMR runs without
- * reorthogonalization. A localSize > max(n,m) performs reorthogonalization on all v_k's.
- * Reorthgonalizing only u_k or both u_k and v_k are not an option here. Details are discussed in
- * the SIAM paper.
- * <p/>
- * getTerminationReason() gives the reason for termination. ISTOP  = 0 means X=0 is a solution. = 1
- * means X is an approximate solution to A*X = B, according to ATOL and BTOL. = 2 means X
- * approximately solves the least-squares problem according to ATOL. = 3 means COND(A) seems to be
- * greater than CONLIM. = 4 is the same as 1 with ATOL = BTOL = EPS. = 5 is the same as 2 with ATOL
- * = EPS. = 6 is the same as 3 with CONLIM = 1/EPS. = 7 means ITN reached ITNLIM before the other
- * stopping conditions were satisfied.
- * <p/>
- * getIterationCount() gives ITN = the number of LSMR iterations.
- * <p/>
- * getResidualNorm() gives an estimate of the residual norm: NORMR = norm(B-A*X).
- * <p/>
- * getNormalEquationResidual() gives an estimate of the residual for the normal equation: NORMAR =
- * NORM(A'*(B-A*X)).
- * <p/>
- * getANorm() gives an estimate of the Frobenius norm of A.
- * <p/>
- * getCondition() gives an estimate of the condition number of A.
- * <p/>
- * getXNorm() gives an estimate of NORM(X).
- * <p/>
- * LSMR uses an iterative method. For further information, see D. C.-L. Fong and M. A. Saunders
- * LSMR: An iterative algorithm for least-square problems Draft of 03 Apr 2010, to be submitted to
- * SISC.
- * <p/>
- * David Chin-lung Fong   Institute for Computational and Mathematical
- * Engineering Stanford University
- * <p/>
- * Michael Saunders       Systems Optimization Laboratory Dept of
- * MS&E, Stanford University. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-public final class LSMR {
-  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LSMR.class);
-  private final double lambda;
-  private int localSize;
-  private int iterationLimit;
-  private double conditionLimit;
-  private double bTolerance;
-  private double aTolerance;
-  private int localPointer;
-  private Vector[] localV;
-  private double residualNorm;
-  private double normalEquationResidual;
-  private double xNorm;
-  private int iteration;
-  private double normA;
-  private double condA;
-  public int getIterationCount() {
-    return iteration;
-  }
-  public double getResidualNorm() {
-    return residualNorm;
-  }
-  public double getNormalEquationResidual() {
-    return normalEquationResidual;
-  }
-  public double getANorm() {
-    return normA;
-  }
-  public double getCondition() {
-    return condA;
-  }
-  public double getXNorm() {
-    return xNorm;
-  }
-  /**
-   * LSMR uses an iterative method to solve a linear system. For further information, see D. C.-L.
-   * Fong and M. A. Saunders LSMR: An iterative algorithm for least-square problems Draft of 03 Apr
-   * 2010, to be submitted to SISC.
-   * <p/>
-   * 08 Dec 2009: First release version of LSMR. 09 Apr 2010: Updated documentation and default
-   * parameters. 14 Apr 2010: Updated documentation. 03 Jun 2010: LSMR with local
-   * reorthogonalization (full reorthogonalization is also implemented)
-   * <p/>
-   * David Chin-lung Fong   Institute for Computational and
-   * Mathematical Engineering Stanford University
-   * <p/>
-   * Michael Saunders       Systems Optimization Laboratory Dept of
-   * MS&E, Stanford University. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  public LSMR() {
-    // Set default parameters.
-    lambda = 0;
-    aTolerance = 1.0e-6;
-    bTolerance = 1.0e-6;
-    conditionLimit = 1.0e8;
-    iterationLimit = -1;
-    localSize = 0;
-  }
-  public Vector solve(Matrix A, Vector b) {
-    /*
-        % Initialize.
-        hdg1 = '   itn      x(1)       norm r    norm A''r';
-        hdg2 = ' compatible   LS      norm A   cond A';
-        pfreq  = 20;   % print frequency (for repeating the heading)
-        pcount = 0;    % print counter
-        % Determine dimensions m and n, and
-        % form the first vectors u and v.
-        % These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alpha*v = A'u.
-    */
-    log.debug("   itn         x(1)     norm r   norm A'r");
-    log.debug("   compatible   LS      norm A   cond A");
-    Matrix transposedA = A.transpose();
-    Vector u = b;
-    double beta = u.norm(2);
-    if (beta > 0) {
-      u = u.divide(beta);
-    }
-    Vector v = transposedA.times(u);
-    int m = A.numRows();
-    int n = A.numCols();
-    int minDim = Math.min(m, n);
-    if (iterationLimit == -1) {
-      iterationLimit = minDim;
-    }
-    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      log.debug("LSMR - Least-squares solution of  Ax = b, based on Matlab Version 1.02, 14 Apr 2010, "
-        +  "Mahout version {}", getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion());
-      log.debug(String.format("The matrix A has %d rows  and %d cols, lambda = %.4g, atol = %g, btol = %g",
-        m, n, lambda, aTolerance, bTolerance));
-    }
-    double alpha = v.norm(2);
-    if (alpha > 0) {
-      v.assign(Functions.div(alpha));
-    }
-    // Initialization for local reorthogonalization
-    localPointer = 0;
-    // Preallocate storage for storing the last few v_k. Since with
-    // orthogonal v_k's, Krylov subspace method would converge in not
-    // more iterations than the number of singular values, more
-    // space is not necessary.
-    localV = new Vector[Math.min(localSize, minDim)];
-    boolean localOrtho = false;
-    if (localSize > 0) {
-      localOrtho = true;
-      localV[0] = v;
-    }
-    // Initialize variables for 1st iteration.
-    iteration = 0;
-    double zetabar = alpha * beta;
-    double alphabar = alpha;
-    Vector h = v;
-    Vector hbar = zeros(n);
-    Vector x = zeros(n);
-    // Initialize variables for estimation of ||r||.
-    double betadd = beta;
-    // Initialize variables for estimation of ||A|| and cond(A)
-    double aNorm = alpha * alpha;
-    // Items for use in stopping rules.
-    double normb = beta;
-    double ctol = 0;
-    if (conditionLimit > 0) {
-      ctol = 1 / conditionLimit;
-    }
-    residualNorm = beta;
-    // Exit if b=0 or A'b = 0.
-    normalEquationResidual = alpha * beta;
-    if (normalEquationResidual == 0) {
-      return x;
-    }
-    // Heading for iteration log.
-    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-      double test2 = alpha / beta;
-//      log.debug('{} {}', hdg1, hdg2);
-      log.debug("{} {}", iteration, x.get(0));
-      log.debug("{} {}", residualNorm, normalEquationResidual);
-      double test1 = 1;
-      log.debug("{} {}", test1, test2);
-    }
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    //     Main iteration loop.
-    //------------------------------------------------------------------
-    double rho = 1;
-    double rhobar = 1;
-    double cbar = 1;
-    double sbar = 0;
-    double betad = 0;
-    double rhodold = 1;
-    double tautildeold = 0;
-    double thetatilde = 0;
-    double zeta = 0;
-    double d = 0;
-    double maxrbar = 0;
-    double minrbar = 1.0e+100;
-    StopCode stop = StopCode.CONTINUE;
-    while (iteration <= iterationLimit && stop == StopCode.CONTINUE) {
-      iteration++;
-      // Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
-      // next beta, u, alpha, v.  These satisfy the relations
-      //      beta*u  =  A*v  - alpha*u,
-      //      alpha*v  =  A'*u - beta*v.
-      u = A.times(v).minus(u.times(alpha));
-      beta = u.norm(2);
-      if (beta > 0) {
-        u.assign(Functions.div(beta));
-        // store data for local-reorthogonalization of V
-        if (localOrtho) {
-          localVEnqueue(v);
-        }
-        v = transposedA.times(u).minus(v.times(beta));
-        // local-reorthogonalization of V
-        if (localOrtho) {
-          v = localVOrtho(v);
-        }
-        alpha = v.norm(2);
-        if (alpha > 0) {
-          v.assign(Functions.div(alpha));
-        }
-      }
-      // At this point, beta = beta_{k+1}, alpha = alpha_{k+1}.
-      // Construct rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.
-      double alphahat = Math.hypot(alphabar, lambda);
-      double chat = alphabar / alphahat;
-      double shat = lambda / alphahat;
-      // Use a plane rotation (Q_i) to turn B_i to R_i
-      double rhoold = rho;
-      rho = Math.hypot(alphahat, beta);
-      double c = alphahat / rho;
-      double s = beta / rho;
-      double thetanew = s * alpha;
-      alphabar = c * alpha;
-      // Use a plane rotation (Qbar_i) to turn R_i^T to R_i^bar
-      double rhobarold = rhobar;
-      double zetaold = zeta;
-      double thetabar = sbar * rho;
-      double rhotemp = cbar * rho;
-      rhobar = Math.hypot(cbar * rho, thetanew);
-      cbar = cbar * rho / rhobar;
-      sbar = thetanew / rhobar;
-      zeta = cbar * zetabar;
-      zetabar = -sbar * zetabar;
-      // Update h, h_hat, x.
-      hbar = h.minus(hbar.times(thetabar * rho / (rhoold * rhobarold)));
-      x.assign(hbar.times(zeta / (rho * rhobar)), Functions.PLUS);
-      h = v.minus(h.times(thetanew / rho));
-      // Estimate of ||r||.
-      // Apply rotation Qhat_{k,2k+1}.
-      double betaacute = chat * betadd;
-      double betacheck = -shat * betadd;
-      // Apply rotation Q_{k,k+1}.
-      double betahat = c * betaacute;
-      betadd = -s * betaacute;
-      // Apply rotation Qtilde_{k-1}.
-      // betad = betad_{k-1} here.
-      double thetatildeold = thetatilde;
-      double rhotildeold = Math.hypot(rhodold, thetabar);
-      double ctildeold = rhodold / rhotildeold;
-      double stildeold = thetabar / rhotildeold;
-      thetatilde = stildeold * rhobar;
-      rhodold = ctildeold * rhobar;
-      betad = -stildeold * betad + ctildeold * betahat;
-      // betad   = betad_k here.
-      // rhodold = rhod_k  here.
-      tautildeold = (zetaold - thetatildeold * tautildeold) / rhotildeold;
-      double taud = (zeta - thetatilde * tautildeold) / rhodold;
-      d += betacheck * betacheck;
-      residualNorm = Math.sqrt(d + (betad - taud) * (betad - taud) + betadd * betadd);
-      // Estimate ||A||.
-      aNorm += beta * beta;
-      normA = Math.sqrt(aNorm);
-      aNorm += alpha * alpha;
-      // Estimate cond(A).
-      maxrbar = Math.max(maxrbar, rhobarold);
-      if (iteration > 1) {
-        minrbar = Math.min(minrbar, rhobarold);
-      }
-      condA = Math.max(maxrbar, rhotemp) / Math.min(minrbar, rhotemp);
-      // Test for convergence.
-      // Compute norms for convergence testing.
-      normalEquationResidual = Math.abs(zetabar);
-      xNorm = x.norm(2);
-      // Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
-      // some of which will be small near a solution.
-      double test1 = residualNorm / normb;
-      double test2 = normalEquationResidual / (normA * residualNorm);
-      double test3 = 1 / condA;
-      double t1 = test1 / (1 + normA * xNorm / normb);
-      double rtol = bTolerance + aTolerance * normA * xNorm / normb;
-      // The following tests guard against extremely small values of
-      // atol, btol or ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
-      // the parameters atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
-      // The effect is equivalent to the normAl tests using
-      // atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.
-      if (iteration > iterationLimit) {
-        stop = StopCode.ITERATION_LIMIT;
-      }
-      if (1 + test3 <= 1) {
-      }
-      if (1 + test2 <= 1) {
-      }
-      if (1 + t1 <= 1) {
-      }
-      // Allow for tolerances set by the user.
-      if (test3 <= ctol) {
-        stop = StopCode.CONDITION;
-      }
-      if (test2 <= aTolerance) {
-        stop = StopCode.CONVERGED;
-      }
-      if (test1 <= rtol) {
-        stop = StopCode.TRIVIAL;
-      }
-      // See if it is time to print something.
-      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-        if ((n <= 40) || (iteration <= 10) || (iteration >= iterationLimit - 10) || ((iteration % 10) == 0)
-              || (test3 <= 1.1 * ctol) || (test2 <= 1.1 * aTolerance) || (test1 <= 1.1 * rtol)
-              || (stop != StopCode.CONTINUE)) {
-          statusDump(x, normA, condA, test1, test2);
-        }
-      }
-    } // iteration loop
-    // Print the stopping condition.
-    log.debug("Finished: {}", stop.getMessage());
-    return x;
-    /*
-    if show
-      fprintf('\n\nLSMR finished')
-      fprintf('\n%s', msg(istop+1,:))
-      fprintf('\nistop =%8g    normr =%8.1e'     , istop, normr )
-      fprintf('    normA =%8.1e    normAr =%8.1e', normA, normAr)
-      fprintf('\nitn   =%8g    condA =%8.1e'     , itn  , condA )
-      fprintf('    normx =%8.1e\n', normx)
-    end
-    */
-  }
-  private void statusDump(Vector x, double normA, double condA, double test1, double test2) {
-    log.debug("{} {}", residualNorm, normalEquationResidual);
-    log.debug("{} {}", iteration, x.get(0));
-    log.debug("{} {}", test1, test2);
-    log.debug("{} {}", normA, condA);
-  }
-  private static Vector zeros(int n) {
-    return new DenseVector(n);
-  }
-  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // stores v into the circular buffer localV
-  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  private void localVEnqueue(Vector v) {
-    if (localV.length > 0) {
-      localV[localPointer] = v;
-      localPointer = (localPointer + 1) % localV.length;
-    }
-  }
-  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Perform local reorthogonalization of V
-  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-  private Vector localVOrtho(Vector v) {
-    for (Vector old : localV) {
-      if (old != null) {
-        double x =;
-        v = v.minus(old.times(x));
-      }
-    }
-    return v;
-  }
-  private enum StopCode {
-    CONTINUE("Not done"),
-    TRIVIAL("The exact solution is  x = 0"),
-    CONVERGED("Ax - b is small enough, given atol, btol"),
-    LEAST_SQUARE_CONVERGED("The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol"),
-    CONDITION("The estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded condition limit"),
-    CONVERGED_MACHINE_TOLERANCE("Ax - b is small enough for this machine"),
-    LEAST_SQUARE_CONVERGED_MACHINE_TOLERANCE("The least-squares solution is good enough for this machine"),
-    CONDITION_MACHINE_TOLERANCE("Cond(Abar) seems to be too large for this machine"),
-    ITERATION_LIMIT("The iteration limit has been reached");
-    private final String message;
-    StopCode(String message) {
-      this.message = message;
-    }
-    public String getMessage() {
-      return message;
-    }
-  }
-  public void setAtolerance(double aTolerance) {
-    this.aTolerance = aTolerance;
-  }
-  public void setBtolerance(double bTolerance) {
-    this.bTolerance = bTolerance;
-  }
-  public void setConditionLimit(double conditionLimit) {
-    this.conditionLimit = conditionLimit;
-  }
-  public void setIterationLimit(int iterationLimit) {
-    this.iterationLimit = iterationLimit;
-  }
-  public void setLocalSize(int localSize) {
-    this.localSize = localSize;
-  }
-  public double getLambda() {
-    return lambda;
-  }
-  public double getAtolerance() {
-    return aTolerance;
-  }
-  public double getBtolerance() {
-    return bTolerance;
-  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91528fc..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/solver/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.solver;
-import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
- * Interface for defining preconditioners used for improving the performance and/or stability of linear
- * system solvers.
- */
-public interface Preconditioner {
-  /**
-   * Preconditions the specified vector.
-   * 
-   * @param v The vector to precondition.
-   * @return The preconditioned vector.
-   */
-  Vector precondition(Vector v);
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/stats/ b/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/stats/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c8434..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/math/stats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.mahout.math.stats;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.PriorityQueue;
-import java.util.Queue;
- * Utility methods for working with log-likelihood
- */
-public final class LogLikelihood {
-  private LogLikelihood() {
-  }
-  /**
-   * Calculates the unnormalized Shannon entropy.  This is
-   *
-   * -sum x_i log x_i / N = -N sum x_i/N log x_i/N
-   *
-   * where N = sum x_i
-   *
-   * If the x's sum to 1, then this is the same as the normal
-   * expression.  Leaving this un-normalized makes working with
-   * counts and computing the LLR easier.
-   *
-   * @return The entropy value for the elements
-   */
-  public static double entropy(long... elements) {
-    long sum = 0;
-    double result = 0.0;
-    for (long element : elements) {
-      Preconditions.checkArgument(element >= 0);
-      result += xLogX(element);
-      sum += element;
-    }
-    return xLogX(sum) - result;
-  }
-  private static double xLogX(long x) {
-    return x == 0 ? 0.0 : x * Math.log(x);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Merely an optimization for the common two argument case of {@link #entropy(long...)}
-   * @see #logLikelihoodRatio(long, long, long, long)
-   */
-  private static double entropy(long a, long b) {
-    return xLogX(a + b) - xLogX(a) - xLogX(b);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Merely an optimization for the common four argument case of {@link #entropy(long...)}
-   * @see #logLikelihoodRatio(long, long, long, long)
-   */
-  private static double entropy(long a, long b, long c, long d) {
-    return xLogX(a + b + c + d) - xLogX(a) - xLogX(b) - xLogX(c) - xLogX(d);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Calculates the Raw Log-likelihood ratio for two events, call them A and B.  Then we have:
-   * <p/>
-   * <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
-   * <tbody><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Event A</td><td>Everything but A</td></tr>
-   * <tr><td>Event B</td><td>A and B together (k_11)</td><td>B, but not A (k_12)</td></tr>
-   * <tr><td>Everything but B</td><td>A without B (k_21)</td><td>Neither A nor B (k_22)</td></tr></tbody>
-   * </table>
-   *
-   * @param k11 The number of times the two events occurred together
-   * @param k12 The number of times the second event occurred WITHOUT the first event
-   * @param k21 The number of times the first event occurred WITHOUT the second event
-   * @param k22 The number of times something else occurred (i.e. was neither of these events
-   * @return The raw log-likelihood ratio
-   *
-   * <p/>
-   * Credit to for the table and the descriptions.
-   */
-  public static double logLikelihoodRatio(long k11, long k12, long k21, long k22) {
-    Preconditions.checkArgument(k11 >= 0 && k12 >= 0 && k21 >= 0 && k22 >= 0);
-    // note that we have counts here, not probabilities, and that the entropy is not normalized.
-    double rowEntropy = entropy(k11 + k12, k21 + k22);
-    double columnEntropy = entropy(k11 + k21, k12 + k22);
-    double matrixEntropy = entropy(k11, k12, k21, k22);
-    if (rowEntropy + columnEntropy < matrixEntropy) {
-      // round off error
-      return 0.0;
-    }
-    return 2.0 * (rowEntropy + columnEntropy - matrixEntropy);
-  }
-  /** 
-   * Calculates the root log-likelihood ratio for two events.
-   * See {@link #logLikelihoodRatio(long, long, long, long)}.
-   * @param k11 The number of times the two events occurred together
-   * @param k12 The number of times the second event occurred WITHOUT the first event
-   * @param k21 The number of times the first event occurred WITHOUT the second event
-   * @param k22 The number of times something else occurred (i.e. was neither of these events
-   * @return The root log-likelihood ratio
-   * 
-   * <p/>
-   * There is some more discussion here:
-   *
-   * And see the response to Wataru's comment here:
-   *
-   */
-  public static double rootLogLikelihoodRatio(long k11, long k12, long k21, long k22) {
-    double llr = logLikelihoodRatio(k11, k12, k21, k22);
-    double sqrt = Math.sqrt(llr);
-    if ((double) k11 / (k11 + k12) < (double) k21 / (k21 + k22)) {
-      sqrt = -sqrt;
-    }
-    return sqrt;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Compares two sets of counts to see which items are interestingly over-represented in the first
-   * set.
-   * @param a  The first counts.
-   * @param b  The reference counts.
-   * @param maxReturn  The maximum number of items to return.  Use maxReturn >= a.elementSet.size() to return all
-   * scores above the threshold.
-   * @param threshold  The minimum score for items to be returned.  Use 0 to return all items more common
-   * in a than b.  Use -Double.MAX_VALUE (not Double.MIN_VALUE !) to not use a threshold.
-   * @return  A list of scored items with their scores.
-   */
-  public static <T> List<ScoredItem<T>> compareFrequencies(Multiset<T> a,
-                                                           Multiset<T> b,
-                                                           int maxReturn,
-                                                           double threshold) {
-    int totalA = a.size();
-    int totalB = b.size();
-    Ordering<ScoredItem<T>> byScoreAscending = new Ordering<ScoredItem<T>>() {
-      @Override
-      public int compare(ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem, ScoredItem<T> tScoredItem1) {
-        return, tScoredItem1.score);
-      }
-    };
-    Queue<ScoredItem<T>> best = new PriorityQueue<>(maxReturn + 1, byScoreAscending);
-    for (T t : a.elementSet()) {
-      compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);
-    }
-    // if threshold >= 0 we only iterate through a because anything not there can't be as or more common than in b.
-    if (threshold < 0) {
-      for (T t : b.elementSet()) {
-        // only items missing from a need be scored
-        if (a.count(t) == 0) {
-          compareAndAdd(a, b, maxReturn, threshold, totalA, totalB, best, t);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    List<ScoredItem<T>> r = new ArrayList<>(best);
-    Collections.sort(r, byScoreAscending.reverse());
-    return r;
-  }
-  private static <T> void compareAndAdd(Multiset<T> a,
-                                        Multiset<T> b,
-                                        int maxReturn,
-                                        double threshold,
-                                        int totalA,
-                                        int totalB,
-                                        Queue<ScoredItem<T>> best,
-                                        T t) {
-    int kA = a.count(t);
-    int kB = b.count(t);
-    double score = rootLogLikelihoodRatio(kA, totalA - kA, kB, totalB - kB);
-    if (score >= threshold) {
-      ScoredItem<T> x = new ScoredItem<>(t, score);
-      best.add(x);
-      while (best.size() > maxReturn) {
-        best.poll();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public static final class ScoredItem<T> {
-    private final T item;
-    private final double score;
-    public ScoredItem(T item, double score) {
-      this.item = item;
-      this.score = score;
-    }
-    public double getScore() {
-      return score;
-    }
-    public T getItem() {
-      return item;
-    }
-  }