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Posted to by "Michael E. Locasto" <> on 2002/08/23 17:14:36 UTC

4.1.9 standalone install not compiling jsp


I'm using Tomcat 4.1.9 standalone on port 80 with JDK1.4.0 on Windows 2000.
Tomcat serves static content just fine (directory listings, and the
/tomcat-docs pages). In addition, the servlets in /examples work just fine.

However, the JSPs in /examples, the index.jsp in ROOT, and a JSP I wrote for
a test all produce the same error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null

Generated servlet error:
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
lors\ handlePageException(java.lang.Exception) in
javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext cannot be applied to (java.lang.Throwable)
      if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
1 error

I looked at the generated source of these files and the snippet that is
breaking is basically the try..catch that wraps the page code.

  try {

    /* get default jsp objects (session,application,out) */

    /* do whatever the page is trying to do */

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      out = _jspx_out;
      if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0)
      if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
    } finally {
      if (_jspxFactory != null)

The Servet API says that PageContext.handlePageException() is overloaded for
both Throwable and Exception. Perhaps I have an old copy of servlet.jar
floating around that gets included in the CLASSPATH?

any ideas?


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