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Posted to by on 2013/05/29 19:40:47 UTC

[09/35] Replaced flags and configurator in Mesos with flags in stout.
diff --git a/src/tests/configurator_tests.cpp b/src/tests/configurator_tests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b82f5c2..0000000
--- a/src/tests/configurator_tests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <stout/gtest.hpp>
-#include <stout/os.hpp>
-#include "configurator/configurator.hpp"
-#include "tests/utils.hpp"
-using std::string;
-using namespace mesos;
-using namespace mesos::internal;
-using namespace mesos::internal::tests;
-class ConfiguratorTest : public TemporaryDirectoryTest {};
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, Environment)
-  setenv("MESOS_TEST", "working", true);
-  Configurator conf;
-  conf.load();
-  unsetenv("MESOS_TEST");
-  EXPECT_EQ("working", conf.getConfiguration()["test"]);
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, DefaultOptions)
-  const int ARGC = 5;
-  char* argv[ARGC];
-  argv[0] = (char*) "bin/filename";
-  argv[1] = (char*) "--test1=501";
-  argv[2] = (char*) "--test2";
-  argv[3] = (char*) "--excp=txt";
-  argv[4] = (char*) "--test8=foo";
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<int>("test1", "Testing option", 500));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("test2", "Another tester", 0));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<long>("test3", "Tests the default", 2010));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<string>("test4", "Option without default"));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<string>("test5", "Option with a default",
-                                         "default"));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("test6", "Toggler...", false));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("test7", "Toggler...", true));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<string>("test8", "Overridden default",
-                                         "default"));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.load(ARGC, argv));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<int>("excp", "Exception tester.", 50));
-  EXPECT_THROW(conf.validate(), ConfigurationException);
-  conf.getConfiguration()["excp"] = "27";
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.validate());
-  EXPECT_EQ("501",     conf.getConfiguration()["test1"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",       conf.getConfiguration()["test2"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("2010",    conf.getConfiguration()["test3"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("",        conf.getConfiguration()["test4"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("default", conf.getConfiguration()["test5"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("27",      conf.getConfiguration()["excp"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("0",       conf.getConfiguration()["test6"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",       conf.getConfiguration()["test7"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("foo",     conf.getConfiguration()["test8"]);
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, CommandLine)
-  const int ARGC = 12;
-  char* argv[ARGC];
-  argv[0] =  (char*) "bin/filename";
-  argv[1] =  (char*) "--test1=text1";
-  argv[2] =  (char*) "--test2";
-  argv[3] =  (char*) "text2";
-  argv[4] =  (char*) "-N";
-  argv[5] =  (char*) "-25";
-  argv[6] =  (char*) "--cAsE=4";
-  argv[7] =  (char*) "--space=Long String";
-  argv[8] =  (char*) "--bool1";
-  argv[9] =  (char*) "--no-bool2";
-  argv[10] = (char*) "-a";
-  argv[11] = (char*) "-no-b";
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<int>("negative", 'N', "some val", -30));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<string>("test1", "textual value", "text2"));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("bool1", "toggler", false));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("bool2", 'z', "toggler", true));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("bool3", 'a', "toggler", false));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.addOption<bool>("bool4", 'b', "toggler", true));
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( conf.load(ARGC, argv) );
-  EXPECT_EQ("text1",       conf.getConfiguration()["test1"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",           conf.getConfiguration()["test2"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("-25",         conf.getConfiguration()["negative"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("4",           conf.getConfiguration()["case"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("Long String", conf.getConfiguration()["space"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",           conf.getConfiguration()["bool1"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("0",           conf.getConfiguration()["bool2"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",           conf.getConfiguration()["bool3"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("0",           conf.getConfiguration()["bool4"]);
-// Check whether specifying just MESOS_CONF allows a config file to be loaded
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, ConfigFileWithConfDir)
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("conf2"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::write("conf2/mesos.conf",
-                        "test3=shake # sugar bomb\n"
-                        "# just a comment\n"
-                        "test4=milk\n"));
-  setenv("MESOS_CONF", "conf2", 1);
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( conf.load() );
-  unsetenv("MESOS_CONF");
-  EXPECT_EQ("shake", conf.getConfiguration()["test3"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("milk",  conf.getConfiguration()["test4"]);
-// Check that when we specify a conf directory on the command line,
-// we load values from the config file first and then the command line
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, CommandLineConfFlag)
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("bin"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("conf2"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::write("conf2/mesos.conf",
-                        "a=1\n"
-                        "b=2\n"
-                        "c=3"));
-  const int ARGC = 4;
-  char* argv[ARGC];
-  argv[0] = (char*) "bin/filename";
-  argv[1] = (char*) "--conf=conf2";
-  argv[2] = (char*) "--b=overridden";
-  argv[3] = (char*) "--d=fromCmdLine";
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW( conf.load(ARGC, argv) );
-  EXPECT_EQ("1",           conf.getConfiguration()["a"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("overridden",  conf.getConfiguration()["b"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("3",           conf.getConfiguration()["c"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("fromCmdLine", conf.getConfiguration()["d"]);
-// Check that variables are loaded with the correct priority when an
-// environment variable, a config file element , and a config flag
-// are all present. Command line flags should have the highest priority,
-// second should be environment variables, and last should be the file.
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, LoadingPriorities)
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("bin"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("conf"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::write("conf/mesos.conf",
-                        "a=fromFile\n"
-                        "b=fromFile\n"
-                        "c=fromFile\n"
-                        "d=fromFile\n"));
-  // Set environment to contain parameters a and b
-  setenv("MESOS_A", "fromEnv", 1);
-  setenv("MESOS_B", "fromEnv", 1);
-  setenv("MESOS_CONF", "conf", 1);
-  // Pass parameters a and c from the command line
-  const int ARGC = 3;
-  char* argv[ARGC];
-  argv[0] = (char*) "bin/filename";
-  argv[1] = (char*) "--a=fromCmdLine";
-  argv[2] = (char*) "--c=fromCmdLine";
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.load(ARGC, argv));
-  // Clear the environment vars set above
-  unsetenv("MESOS_A");
-  unsetenv("MESOS_B");
-  unsetenv("MESOS_CONF");
-  // Check that every variable is obtained from the highest-priority location
-  // (command line > env > file)
-  EXPECT_EQ("fromCmdLine", conf.getConfiguration()["a"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("fromEnv",     conf.getConfiguration()["b"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("fromCmdLine", conf.getConfiguration()["c"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("fromFile",    conf.getConfiguration()["d"]);
-// Check that spaces before and after the = signs in config files are ignored
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, ConfigFileSpacesIgnored)
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("conf"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::write("conf/mesos.conf",
-                        "test1=coffee # beans are tasty\n"
-                        "# just a comment\n"
-                        "  \t # comment with spaces in front\n"
-                        "\n"
-                        "test2 =tea\n"
-                        "test3=  water\n"
-                        "   test4 =  milk\n"
-                        "  test5 =  hot  chocolate\t\n"
-                        "\ttest6 =  juice# #\n"));
-  Configurator conf;
-  setenv("MESOS_CONF", "conf", 1);
-  EXPECT_NO_THROW(conf.load());
-  unsetenv("MESOS_CONF");
-  EXPECT_EQ("coffee",         conf.getConfiguration()["test1"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("tea",            conf.getConfiguration()["test2"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("water",          conf.getConfiguration()["test3"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("milk",           conf.getConfiguration()["test4"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("hot  chocolate", conf.getConfiguration()["test5"]);
-  EXPECT_EQ("juice",          conf.getConfiguration()["test6"]);
-// Check that exceptions are thrown on invalid config file
-TEST_F(ConfiguratorTest, MalformedConfigFile)
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::mkdir("conf"));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::write("conf/mesos.conf",
-                        "test1=coffee\n"
-                        "JUNK\n"
-                        "test2=tea\n"));
-  setenv("MESOS_CONF", "conf", 1);
-  Configurator conf;
-  EXPECT_THROW(conf.load(), ConfigurationException);
-  unsetenv("MESOS_CONF");
diff --git a/src/tests/environment.cpp b/src/tests/environment.cpp
index d8bb5fd..125c306 100644
--- a/src/tests/environment.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/environment.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 #include <stout/os.hpp>
 #include <stout/strings.hpp>
-#include "configurator/configurator.hpp"
 #ifdef __linux__
 #include "linux/cgroups.hpp"
@@ -191,7 +189,18 @@ Environment::~Environment()
 void Environment::SetUp()
   // Clear any MESOS_ environment variables so they don't affect our tests.
-  Configurator::clearMesosEnvironmentVars();
+  char** environ = os::environ();
+  for (int i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) {
+    std::string variable = environ[i];
+    if (variable.find("MESOS_") == 0) {
+      string key;
+      size_t eq = variable.find_first_of("=");
+      if (eq == string::npos) {
+        continue; // Not expecting a missing '=', but ignore anyway.
+      }
+      os::unsetenv(variable.substr(strlen("MESOS_"), eq - strlen("MESOS_")));
+    }
+  }
     EXIT(1) << "Testing environment is not thread safe, bailing!";
diff --git a/src/tests/flags.hpp b/src/tests/flags.hpp
index 6ba5eca..b229e1f 100644
--- a/src/tests/flags.hpp
+++ b/src/tests/flags.hpp
@@ -21,10 +21,9 @@
 #include <string>
+#include <stout/flags.hpp>
 #include <stout/os.hpp>
-#include "flags/flags.hpp"
 #include "logging/logging.hpp"
 namespace mesos {
diff --git a/src/tests/flags_tests.cpp b/src/tests/flags_tests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d52d4db..0000000
--- a/src/tests/flags_tests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <stout/duration.hpp>
-#include <stout/gtest.hpp>
-#include <stout/none.hpp>
-#include <stout/option.hpp>
-#include "configurator/configuration.hpp"
-#include "configurator/configurator.hpp"
-#include "flags/flags.hpp"
-using namespace flags;
-class TestFlags : public virtual FlagsBase
-  TestFlags()
-  {
-    add(&TestFlags::name1,
-        "name1",
-        "Set name1",
-        "ben folds");
-    add(&TestFlags::name2,
-        "name2",
-        "Set name2",
-        42);
-    add(&TestFlags::name3,
-        "name3",
-        "Set name3",
-        false);
-    add(&TestFlags::name4,
-        "name4",
-        "Set name4");
-    add(&TestFlags::name5,
-        "name5",
-        "Set name5");
-  }
-  std::string name1;
-  int name2;
-  bool name3;
-  Option<bool> name4;
-  Option<bool> name5;
-TEST(FlagsTest, Load)
-  TestFlags flags;
-  std::map<std::string, Option<std::string> > values;
-  values["name1"] = Option<std::string>::some("billy joel");
-  values["name2"] = Option<std::string>::some("43");
-  values["name3"] = Option<std::string>::some("false");
-  values["no-name4"] = None();
-  values["name5"] = None();
-  flags.load(values);
-  EXPECT_EQ("billy joel", flags.name1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(43, flags.name2);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name3);
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name4);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name4.get());
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name5);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(flags.name5.get());
-TEST(FlagsTest, Add)
-  Flags<TestFlags> flags;
-  Option<std::string> name6;
-  flags.add(&name6,
-            "name6",
-            "Also set name6");
-  bool name7;
-  flags.add(&name7,
-            "name7",
-            "Also set name7",
-            true);
-  Option<std::string> name8;
-  flags.add(&name8,
-            "name8",
-            "Also set name8");
-  std::map<std::string, Option<std::string> > values;
-  values["name6"] = Option<std::string>::some("ben folds");
-  values["no-name7"] = None();
-  flags.load(values);
-  ASSERT_SOME(name6);
-  EXPECT_EQ("ben folds", name6.get());
-  EXPECT_FALSE(name7);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(name8.isNone());
-TEST(FlagsTest, Flags)
-  Flags<TestFlags> flags;
-  std::map<std::string, Option<std::string> > values;
-  values["name1"] = Option<std::string>::some("billy joel");
-  values["name2"] = Option<std::string>::some("43");
-  values["name3"] = Option<std::string>::some("false");
-  values["no-name4"] = None();
-  values["name5"] = None();
-  flags.load(values);
-  EXPECT_EQ("billy joel", flags.name1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(43, flags.name2);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name3);
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name4);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name4.get());
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name5);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(flags.name5.get());
-TEST(FlagsTest, Configurator)
-  Flags<TestFlags> flags;
-  int argc = 6;
-  char* argv[argc];
-  argv[0] = (char*) "/path/to/program";
-  argv[1] = (char*) "--name1=billy joel";
-  argv[2] = (char*) "--name2=43";
-  argv[3] = (char*) "--no-name3";
-  argv[4] = (char*) "--no-name4";
-  argv[5] = (char*) "--name5";
-  mesos::internal::Configurator configurator(flags);
-  mesos::internal::Configuration configuration;
-  try {
-    configuration = configurator.load(argc, argv);
-  } catch (mesos::internal::ConfigurationException& e) {
-    FAIL() << "Configuration error: " << e.what();
-  }
-  flags.load(configuration.getMap());
-  EXPECT_EQ("billy joel", flags.name1);
-  EXPECT_EQ(43, flags.name2);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name3);
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name4);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(flags.name4.get());
-  ASSERT_SOME(flags.name5);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(flags.name5.get());
-TEST(FlagsTest, Duration)
-  Flags<TestFlags> flags;
-  Duration name6;
-  flags.add(&name6,
-            "name6",
-            "Amount of time",
-            Milliseconds(100));
-  Option<Duration> name7;
-  flags.add(&name7,
-            "name7",
-            "Also some amount of time");
-  std::map<std::string, Option<std::string> > values;
-  values["name6"] = Option<std::string>::some("2mins");
-  values["name7"] = Option<std::string>::some("3hrs");
-  flags.load(values);
-  EXPECT_EQ(Minutes(2), name6);
-  ASSERT_SOME(name7);
-  EXPECT_EQ(Hours(3), name7.get());
diff --git a/src/tests/main.cpp b/src/tests/main.cpp
index 868bdd5..ba9bf64 100644
--- a/src/tests/main.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/main.cpp
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
 #include <process/process.hpp>
+#include <stout/flags.hpp>
+#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
 #include <stout/os.hpp>
-#include "configurator/configuration.hpp"
-#include "configurator/configurator.hpp"
+#include <stout/try.hpp>
 #include "logging/logging.hpp"
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ using std::endl;
 using std::string;
-void usage(const char* argv0, const Configurator& configurator)
+void usage(const char* argv0, const flags::FlagsBase& flags)
   cerr << "Usage: " << os::basename(argv0).get() << " [...]" << endl
        << endl
        << "Supported options:" << endl
-       << configurator.getUsage();
+       << flags.usage();
@@ -63,20 +63,18 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
             "Prints this help message",
-  Configurator configurator(flags);
-  Configuration configuration;
-  try {
-    configuration = configurator.load(argc, argv);
-  } catch (ConfigurationException& e) {
-    cerr << "Configuration error: " << e.what() << endl;
-    usage(argv[0], configurator);
+  // Load flags from environment and command line but allow unknown
+  // flags (since we might have gtest/gmock flags as well).
+  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv, true);
+  if (load.isError()) {
+    cerr << load.error() << endl;
+    usage(argv[0], flags);
-  flags.load(configuration.getMap());
   if (help) {
-    usage(argv[0], configurator);
+    usage(argv[0], flags);
     cerr << endl;
     testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); // Get usage from gtest too.