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Posted to by Indraneel R <> on 2019/09/25 18:24:19 UTC

Anomaly in handling late arriving data

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to execute this simple sessionization pipeline, with the
allowed lateness shown below:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment


    val source: DataStream[Event] = env.addSource(new SourceFunction[Event]
      lazy val input: Seq[Event] = Seq(
        Event("u1", "e1", 1L),
        Event("u1", "e5", 6L),
        Event("u1", "e7", 11L),
        Event("u1", "e8", 12L),
        Event("u1", "e9", 16L),
        Event("u1", "e11", 14L),
*        Event("u1", "e12", 8L),*
        Event("u1", "e13", 20L),

      override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[Event]): Unit = {
          input.foreach(event => {
            ctx.collectWithTimestamp(event, event.timestamp)
*            ctx.emitWatermark(new Watermark(event.timestamp - 1))*
          ctx.emitWatermark(new Watermark(Long.MaxValue))

      override def cancel(): Unit = {}

    val tag: OutputTag[Event] = OutputTag("late-data")

    val sessionizedStream: DataStream[Event] = source
      .keyBy(item => item.userId)
*      .window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.milliseconds(3L)))*
*      .allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))*
      .process(new ProcessWindowFunction[Event, Event, String, TimeWindow] {

        override def process(key: String, context: Context, elements:
Iterable[Event], out: Collector[Event]): Unit = {
          val sessionIdForWindow = key + "-" + context.currentWatermark +
"-" + context.window.getStart

            .sortBy(event => event.timestamp)
            .foreach(event => {
              out.collect(event.copy(sessionId = sessionIdForWindow, count
= elements.size))


But heres the problem. I am expecting the event highlighted in red
above(e12) , to be collected in the side output as a late event.

But it isn't. The event is not printed.

Whats interesting is, if I make *any one* of the following changes, the
event e12 is considered late and is printed.
       1) Event("u1", "e12", 8L) *change to *Event("u1", "e12", *7L*)
       2) allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))   change
to allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(*1L*))
              3)   Event("u1", "e12", 8L) *change to *Event("u1", "e12",
*7L*) *AND*
            allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))   *change to *
allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(4*L*))   // or anything less than 7L

Can someone explain whats going on? What am I missing here?


Re: Anomaly in handling late arriving data

Posted by Zhu Zhu <>.
Hi Indraneel,

In your case, ("u1", "e12", 8L) is not considered late and will go into the
session window {e7,e8,e9,e11} (range=11~19).
This is because 8+3(session gap) >= 11, the lower bound of the existing
session window

Regarding your 3 questions:
*>> 1) Event("u1", "e12", 8L) change to Event("u1", "e12", 7L)*
7+3 < 11, so e12 will not go into the session window {e7,e8,e9,e11}.
And it will be fired for the lateness.

*>> 2) allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L)) change
to allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(1L)) *
Reduce the allowedLateness will cause window {e7,e8} to be fired when e9
So when e12 arrives, the existing session window is (e9,e11} (range=14~17).
e12 will be considered to be late in this case.

*>> 3)   Event("u1", "e12", 8L) change to Event("u1", "e12", 7L) AND
allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L)) change
to allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(4L)) *
The same as case 1).

Zhu Zhu

Indraneel R <> 于2019年9月26日周四 上午2:24写道:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am trying to execute this simple sessionization pipeline, with the
> allowed lateness shown below:
> def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
>     val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
>     env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime)
>     env.setParallelism(2)
>     val source: DataStream[Event] = env.addSource(new
> SourceFunction[Event] {
>       lazy val input: Seq[Event] = Seq(
>         Event("u1", "e1", 1L),
>         Event("u1", "e5", 6L),
>         Event("u1", "e7", 11L),
>         Event("u1", "e8", 12L),
>         Event("u1", "e9", 16L),
>         Event("u1", "e11", 14L),
> *        Event("u1", "e12", 8L),*
>         Event("u1", "e13", 20L),
>       )
>       override def run(ctx: SourceFunction.SourceContext[Event]): Unit = {
>         {
>           input.foreach(event => {
>             ctx.collectWithTimestamp(event, event.timestamp)
> *            ctx.emitWatermark(new Watermark(event.timestamp - 1))*
>           })
>           ctx.emitWatermark(new Watermark(Long.MaxValue))
>         }
>       }
>       override def cancel(): Unit = {}
>     })
>     val tag: OutputTag[Event] = OutputTag("late-data")
>     val sessionizedStream: DataStream[Event] = source
>       .keyBy(item => item.userId)
> *      .window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.milliseconds(3L)))*
>       .sideOutputLateData(tag)
> *      .allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))*
>       .process(new ProcessWindowFunction[Event, Event, String, TimeWindow]
> {
>         override def process(key: String, context: Context, elements:
> Iterable[Event], out: Collector[Event]): Unit = {
>           val sessionIdForWindow = key + "-" + context.currentWatermark +
> "-" + context.window.getStart
>           elements.toSeq
>             .sortBy(event => event.timestamp)
>             .foreach(event => {
>               out.collect(event.copy(sessionId = sessionIdForWindow, count
> = elements.size))
>             })
>         }
>       })
>     sessionizedStream.getSideOutput(tag).print()
>     env.execute()
>   }
> But heres the problem. I am expecting the event highlighted in red
> above(e12) , to be collected in the side output as a late event.
> But it isn't. The event is not printed.
> Whats interesting is, if I make *any one* of the following changes, the
> event e12 is considered late and is printed.
>        1) Event("u1", "e12", 8L) *change to *Event("u1", "e12", *7L*)
>        2) allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))   change
> to allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(*1L*))
>               3)   Event("u1", "e12", 8L) *change to *Event("u1", "e12",
> *7L*) *AND*
>             allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(2L))   *change to *
> allowedLateness(Time.milliseconds(4*L*))   // or anything less than 7L
> Can someone explain whats going on? What am I missing here?
> regards
> -Indraneel