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[3/6] git commit: updated refs/heads/master to 62c8496
diff --git a/test/integration/plugins/nuagevsp/ b/test/integration/plugins/nuagevsp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b2319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/plugins/nuagevsp/
@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+""" Component tests for Source NAT functionality with Nuage VSP SDN plugin
+# Import Local Modules
+from nuageTestCase import nuageTestCase
+from marvin.lib.base import (Account,
+                             Network,
+                             VirtualMachine)
+# Import System Modules
+from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
+import copy
+import time
+class TestNuageSourceNat(nuageTestCase):
+    """Test Source NAT functionality with Nuage VSP SDN plugin
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(TestNuageSourceNat, cls).setUpClass()
+        return
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Create an account
+        self.account = Account.create(self.api_client,
+                                      self.test_data["account"],
+                                      admin=True,
+                                      )
+        self.cleanup = [self.account]
+        return
+    # verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network - Verifies if Source NAT functionality of
+    # the given network is enabled in VSD
+    def verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(self, network, vpc=None):
+        self.debug("Verifying if Source NAT functionality of Network - %s is "
+                   "enabled in VSD" %
+        ext_network_id_filter = self.get_externalID_filter( if vpc \
+            else self.get_externalID_filter(
+        vsd_domain = self.vsd.get_domain(filter=ext_network_id_filter)
+        self.assertEqual(vsd_domain.pat_enabled, "ENABLED",
+                         "VSD domain address translation support "
+                         "(pat_enabled flag) should be enabled for Source NAT "
+                         "service enabled network in CloudStack"
+                         )
+        self.assertEqual(vsd_domain.underlay_enabled, "ENABLED",
+                         "VSD domain underlay support (underlay_enabled flag) "
+                         "should be enabled for Source NAT service enabled "
+                         "network in CloudStack"
+                         )
+        self.debug("Successfully verified that Source NAT functionality of "
+                   "Network - %s is enabled in VSD" %
+    # verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic - Verifies Source NAT traffic
+    # (wget to the Internet from the given VM. This Source NAT
+    # traffic test is done through a custom init script in the guest VM
+    # template upon the VM boot up.
+    def verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(self, vm, network, vpc=None,
+                                    negative_test=False):
+        self.debug("Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the "
+                   "Internet from VM - %s" %
+        if self.isInternetConnectivityAvailable:
+            # Adding Egress Network ACL rule
+            if vpc and self.http_proxy and not negative_test:
+                self.debug("Adding Egress Network ACL rule in the created VPC "
+                           "network to allow access to the configured "
+                           "Internet proxy servers...")
+                proxy_rule = copy.deepcopy(self.test_data["http_rule"])
+                proxy_rule["privateport"] = 1080
+                proxy_rule["publicport"] = 1080
+                proxy_rule["startport"] = 1080
+                proxy_rule["endport"] = 1080
+                internet_proxy_server_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+                    proxy_rule, traffic_type="Egress", network=network)
+                # VSD verification
+                self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(
+                    internet_proxy_server_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+            # Triggering Source NAT traffic test
+            # Rebooting (stop - start) VM
+            self.debug("Triggering the Source NAT traffic test by rebooting "
+                       "the given VM...")
+            vm.stop(self.api_client)
+            vm.start(self.api_client)
+            self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+            # VSD verification
+            self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+            # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+            self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network, vpc)
+            self.debug("Waiting for the VM to perform the Source NAT traffic "
+                       "test (wget to the Internet...")
+            time.sleep(180) if negative_test else time.sleep(300)
+            # Creating Static NAT rule
+            self.debug("Creating Static NAT rule to SSH into the VM for "
+                       "verifying its Source NAT traffic test...")
+            public_ip = self.acquire_PublicIPAddress(network, vpc=vpc)
+            self.validate_PublicIPAddress(public_ip, network)
+            self.create_StaticNatRule_For_VM(vm, public_ip, network)
+            self.validate_PublicIPAddress(
+                public_ip, network, static_nat=True, vm=vm)
+            # VSD verification
+            updated_vm_info = VirtualMachine.list(self.api_client,[0]
+            self.verify_vsd_floating_ip(
+                network, updated_vm_info, public_ip.ipaddress, vpc=vpc)
+            # Adding Ingress Firewall/Network ACL rule
+            self.debug("Adding Ingress Firewall/Network ACL rule to make the "
+                       "created Static NAT rule (SSH) accessible...")
+            if vpc:
+                public_ssh_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+                    self.test_data["ingress_rule"], network=network)
+            else:
+                public_ssh_rule = self.create_FirewallRule(
+                    public_ip, self.test_data["ingress_rule"])
+            # VSD verification
+            self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(public_ssh_rule)
+            # Checking for wget file
+            ssh_client = self.ssh_into_VM(vm, public_ip)
+            cmd = "ls /"
+            file_list = self.execute_cmd(ssh_client, cmd)
+            if "index.html" in str(file_list):
+                cmd = "rm -rf /index.html*"
+                self.execute_cmd(ssh_client, cmd)
+            # Removing Ingress Firewall/Network ACL rule
+            self.debug("Removing the created Ingress Firewall/Network ACL "
+                       "rule in the network...")
+            public_ssh_rule.delete(self.api_client)
+            # VSD verification
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(public_ssh_rule)
+            self.debug("Ingress Firewall/Network ACL rule successfully "
+                       "deleted in VSD")
+            # Deleting Static NAT Rule
+            self.debug("Deleting Static NAT Rule for the VM...")
+            self.delete_StaticNatRule_For_VM(public_ip)
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                self.validate_PublicIPAddress(
+                    public_ip, network, static_nat=True, vm=vm)
+            self.debug("Static NAT Rule for the VM successfully deleted in "
+                       "CloudStack")
+            # VSD verification
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                self.verify_vsd_floating_ip(
+                    network, updated_vm_info, public_ip.ipaddress, vpc=vpc)
+            self.debug("Floating IP for the VM successfully deleted in VSD")
+            # Releasing acquired public IP
+            self.debug("Releasing the acquired public IP in the network...")
+            public_ip.delete(self.api_client)
+            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                self.validate_PublicIPAddress(public_ip, network)
+            self.debug("Acquired public IP in the network successfully "
+                       "released in CloudStack")
+            # Removing Egress Network ACL rule
+            if vpc and self.http_proxy:
+                self.debug("Removing the created Egress Network ACL rule in "
+                           "the VPC network...")
+                internet_proxy_server_rule.delete(self.api_client)
+                # VSD verification
+                with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+                    self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(internet_proxy_server_rule)
+                self.debug("Egress Network ACL rule successfully deleted in "
+                           "VSD")
+            # Final test result
+            if "index.html" in str(file_list):
+                self.debug("Successfully verified Source NAT traffic "
+                           "(wget to the Internet from VM - %s"
+                           %
+            else:
+      "Failed to verify Source NAT traffic "
+                          "(wget to the Internet from VM - %s"
+                          %
+        else:
+            if negative_test:
+      "Skipping Source NAT traffic (wget "
+                          "verification to the Internet from VM as there is "
+                          "no Internet connectivity in the data center")
+            else:
+                self.debug("Skipping Source NAT traffic (wget "
+                           "verification to the Internet from VM as there is "
+                           "no Internet connectivity in the data center")
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="false")
+    def test_01_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_networks(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Isolated networks with different combinations of
+        Source NAT service providers
+        """
+        # 1. Create Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with different
+        #    combinations of Source NAT service providers
+        #    (NuageVsp, VirtualRouter, no SourceNat service), check if only the
+        #    network offering with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp is
+        #    successfully created and enabled.
+        # 2. Recreate the above created Network offering with ispersistent flag
+        #    set to True, check if the network offering is successfully created
+        #    and enabled.
+        # 3. Recreate the above created Network offering with conserve mode On
+        #    (conserve_mode flag set to True), check if the network offering is
+        #    successfully created and enabled.
+        # 4. Recreate the above created Network offering with Source NAT
+        #    Service Capability SupportedSourceNatTypes as per account, check
+        #    if the network offering creation failed as Nuage VSP supports only
+        #    SupportedSourceNatTypes as per zone.
+        # 5. Create an Isolated network with Source NAT service provider as
+        #    NuageVsp and spawn a VM, check if the network is successfully
+        #    created, and the VM along with the VR is deployed successfully in
+        #    the network. Verify if the Source NAT functionality for this
+        #    network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 6. Create a persistent Isolated network with Source NAT service
+        #    provider as NuageVsp and spawn a VM, check if the network is
+        #    successfully created, and the VM along with the VR is deployed
+        #    successfully in the network. Verify if the Source NAT
+        #    functionality for this network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 7. Create a conserved Isolated network (conserve mode On) with Source
+        #    NAT service provider as NuageVsp and spawn a VM, check if the
+        #    network is successfully created, and the VM along with the VR is
+        #    deployed successfully in the network. Verify if the Source NAT
+        #    functionality for this network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 8. Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        # Creating network offerings
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off_1 = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off_1, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with ispersistent "
+                   "True...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["ispersistent"] = "True"
+        net_off_2 = self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off_2, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with conserve mode "
+                   "On...")
+        net_off_3 = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"],
+            conserve_mode=True)
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off_3, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with Source NAT Service "
+                   "Capability SupportedSourceNatTypes as per account...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        service_list = network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"]
+        service_list["SourceNat"]["SupportedSourceNatTypes"] = "peraccount"
+        network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"] = service_list
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings with Source "
+                   "NAT Service Capability "
+                   "SupportedSourceNatTypes as per account")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as VirtualRouter...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"] = "VirtualRouter"
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as VirtualRouter")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering without "
+                   "Source NAT service...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["supportedservices"] = \
+            'Dhcp,Connectivity,StaticNat,UserData,Firewall,Dns'
+        del network_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"]
+        del network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"]
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings without "
+                   "Source NAT service")
+        # Creating Isolated networks, and deploying VMs
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as NuageVsp...")
+        network_1 = self.create_Network(net_off_1, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network_1, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_1 = self.create_VM(network_1)
+        self.validate_Network(network_1, state="Implemented")
+        vr_1 = self.get_Router(network_1)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr_1, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_1, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_1)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_1)
+        # Bug CLOUDSTACK-9398
+        """
+        self.debug("Creating a persistent Isolated network with Source NAT "
+                   "service...")
+        network_2 = self.create_Network(net_off_2, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network_2, state="Implemented")
+        vr_2 = self.get_Router(network_2)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network_2)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_2 = self.create_VM(network_2)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        """
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service and "
+                   "conserve mode On...")
+        network_3 = self.create_Network(net_off_3, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network_3, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_3 = self.create_VM(network_3)
+        self.validate_Network(network_3, state="Implemented")
+        vr_3 = self.get_Router(network_3)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr_3, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_3, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network_3)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr_3)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_3)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_3)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="false")
+    def test_02_nuage_SourceNAT_vpc_networks(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP VPC networks with different combinations of Source
+        NAT service providers
+        """
+        # 1. Create Nuage VSP VPC offering with different combinations of
+        #    Source NAT service providers
+        #    (NuageVsp, VirtualRouter, no SourceNat service), check if all the
+        #    VPC offerings are successfully created and enabled.
+        # 2. Create VPCs with different combinations of Source NAT service
+        #    providers (NuageVsp, VirtualRouter, no SourceNat service), check
+        #    if only the VPCs with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp and
+        #    no SourceNat service are successfully created and enabled.
+        # 3. Create Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with different combinations
+        #    of Source NAT service providers
+        #    (NuageVsp, VirtualRouter, no SourceNat service), check if only the
+        #    network offering with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp is
+        #    successfully created and enabled.
+        # 4. Recreate the above created Network offering with ispersistent flag
+        #    set to False, check if the network offering is successfully
+        #    created and enabled.
+        # 5. Recreate the above created Network offering with conserve mode On
+        #    (conserve_mode flag set to True), check if the network offering
+        #    creation failed as only networks with conserve mode Off can belong
+        #    to VPC.
+        # 6. Recreate the above created Network offering with with Source NAT
+        #    Service Capability SupportedSourceNatTypes as per account, check
+        #    if the network offering creation failed as Nuage VSP supports only
+        #    SupportedSourceNatTypes as per zone.
+        # 7. Create a VPC network with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp
+        #    in the VPC with SourceNat service and spawn a VM, check if the
+        #    tier is added to the VPC VR, and the VM is deployed successfully
+        #    in the tier. Verify if the Source NAT functionality for this
+        #    network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 8. Create a non persistent VPC network with Source NAT service
+        #    provider as NuageVsp in the VPC with SourceNat service and spawn a
+        #    VM, check if the tier creation failed as Nuage VSP does not
+        #    support non persistent VPC networks.
+        # 9. Create another VPC network with Source NAT service provider as
+        #    NuageVsp in the VPC with SourceNat service and spawn a VM, check
+        #    if the tier is added to the VPC VR, and the VM is deployed
+        #    successfully in the tier. Verify if the Source NAT functionality
+        #    for this network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 10. Create a VPC network with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp
+        #     in the VPC without SourceNat service, check if the tier creation
+        #     failed as the VPC does not support Source NAT service.
+        # 11. Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        # Creating VPC offerings
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as NuageVsp...")
+        vpc_off_1 = self.create_VpcOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off_1, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as VpcVirtualRouter...")
+        vpc_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        vpc_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"] = "VpcVirtualRouter"
+        vpc_off_2 = self.create_VpcOffering(vpc_offering)
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off_2, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering without Source NAT "
+                   "service...")
+        vpc_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        vpc_offering["supportedservices"] = \
+            'Dhcp,StaticNat,NetworkACL,Connectivity,UserData,Dns'
+        del vpc_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"]
+        vpc_off_3 = self.create_VpcOffering(vpc_offering)
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off_3, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPCs
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC with Source NAT service provider as "
+                   "NuageVsp...")
+        vpc_1 = self.create_Vpc(vpc_off_1, cidr='')
+        self.validate_Vpc(vpc_1, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC with Source NAT service provider as "
+                   "VpcVirtualRouter...")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_Vpc(vpc_off_2, cidr='')
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support provider VpcVirtualRouter for "
+                   "service Source NAT for VPCs")
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC without Source NAT service...")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_Vpc(vpc_off_3, cidr='')
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support VPCs without Source NAT "
+                   "service")
+        # Creating network offerings
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with Source NAT "
+                   "service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off_1 = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off_1, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with ispersistent "
+                   "False...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["ispersistent"] = "False"
+        net_off_2 = self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off_2, state="Enabled")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with conserve mode "
+                   "On...")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(
+                self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"],
+                conserve_mode=True)
+        self.debug("Network offering creation failed as only networks with "
+                   "conserve mode Off can belong to VPC")
+        self.debug("Recreating above Network offering with Source NAT Service "
+                   "Capability SupportedSourceNatTypes as per account...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        service_list = network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"]
+        service_list["SourceNat"]["SupportedSourceNatTypes"] = "peraccount"
+        network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"] = service_list
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings with Source "
+                   "NAT Service Capability SupportedSourceNatTypes as per "
+                   "account")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with Source NAT "
+                   "service provider as VpcVirtualRouter...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"] = \
+            "VpcVirtualRouter"
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as VpcVirtualRouter")
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering without Source "
+                   "NAT service...")
+        network_offering = copy.deepcopy(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        network_offering["supportedservices"] = \
+            'Dhcp,StaticNat,NetworkACL,Connectivity,UserData,Dns'
+        del network_offering["serviceProviderList"]["SourceNat"]
+        del network_offering["serviceCapabilityList"]
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_NetworkOffering(network_offering)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support Network offerings without "
+                   "Source NAT service")
+        # Creating VPC networks in the VPCs, and deploying VMs
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC network with Source NAT service provider "
+                   "as NuageVsp in vpc_1...")
+        vpc_tier_1 = self.create_Network(
+            net_off_1, gateway='', vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier_1, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier_1)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier_1, vpc_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier_1, vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm_1 = self.create_VM(vpc_tier_1)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm_1, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm_1)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier_1, vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.debug("Creating a non persistent VPC network with Source NAT "
+                   "service in vpc_1...")
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.create_Network(net_off_2, gateway='', vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.debug("Nuage VSP does not support non persistent VPC networks")
+        self.debug("Creating another VPC network with Source NAT service in "
+                   "vpc_1...")
+        vpc_tier_2 = self.create_Network(
+            net_off_1, gateway='', vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier_2, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier_2)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier_2, vpc_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier_2, vpc=vpc_1)
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm_2 = self.create_VM(vpc_tier_2)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier_2, vpc=vpc_1)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_03_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_network_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality for Isolated network by
+        performing (wget) traffic tests to the Internet
+        """
+        # 1. Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        #    supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # 2. Create an Isolated network with Source NAT service provider as
+        #    NuageVsp and spawn a VM, check if the network is successfully
+        #    created, and the VM along with the VR is deployed successfully in
+        #    the network. Verify if the Source NAT functionality for this
+        #    network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 3. Verify Source NAT traffic test (wget to the
+        #    Internet from the deployed VM.
+        # 4. Deploy another VM in the created Isolated network, check if the VM
+        #    is deployed successfully in the network. Verify if the Source NAT
+        #    functionality for this network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 5. Verify Source NAT traffic test (wget to the
+        #    Internet from the deployed VM.
+        # 6. Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        # Note: Above mentioned Source NAT traffic tests are done through a
+        #       custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot
+        #       up. This traffic tests are verified by SSHing into the VM
+        #       using a Static NAT rule.
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating Isolated networks, deploying VMs, and verifying Source NAT
+        # traffic
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service...")
+        network = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_1 = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_1, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_1)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_1, network)
+        self.debug("Deploying another VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_2 = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_2, network)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_04_nuage_SourceNAT_vpc_network_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality for VPC network by
+        performing (wget) traffic tests to the Internet
+        """
+        # 1. Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        #    supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # 2. Create a VPC network with Source NAT service provider as NuageVsp
+        #    in the VPC with SourceNat service and spawn a VM, check if the
+        #    tier is added to the VPC VR, and the VM is deployed successfully
+        #    in the tier. Verify if the Source NAT functionality for this
+        #    network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 3. Verify Source NAT traffic test (wget to the
+        #    Internet from the deployed VM.
+        # 4. Deploy another VM in the created VPC network, check if the VM is
+        #    deployed successfully in the network. Verify if the Source NAT
+        #    functionality for this network is successfully enabled in VSD.
+        # 5. Verify Source NAT traffic test (wget to the
+        #    Internet from the deployed VM.
+        # 6. Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        # Note: Above mentioned Source NAT traffic tests are done through a
+        #       custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot
+        #       up. This traffic tests are verified by SSHing into the VM using
+        #       a Static NAT rule.
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating VPC offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as NuageVsp...")
+        vpc_off = self.create_VpcOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC with Source NAT service provider as "
+                   "NuageVsp...")
+        vpc = self.create_Vpc(vpc_off, cidr='')
+        self.validate_Vpc(vpc, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with Source NAT "
+                   "service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC networks in the VPC, deploying VMs, and verifying
+        # Source NAT traffic
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC network with Source NAT service...")
+        vpc_tier = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='', vpc=vpc)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Adding Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.debug("Adding Egress Network ACL rules in the created VPC "
+                   "network to allow Source NAT (DNS & HTTP) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network...")
+        dns_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["dns_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        http_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["http_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        # VSD verification for added Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm_1 = self.create_VM(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm_1, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm_1)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm_1, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        self.debug("Deploying another VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm_2 = self.create_VM(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm_2, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_05_nuage_SourceNAT_acl_rules_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality with different Egress
+        Firewall/Network ACL rules by performing (wget) traffic tests to the
+        Internet
+        """
+        # Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        # supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # Repeat the tests in the testcases
+        # "test_03_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_network_traffic" and
+        # "test_04_nuage_SourceNAT_vpc_network_traffic" with different Egress
+        # Firewall/Network ACL rules:
+        # 1. Allow and block Egress Firewall rules
+        # 2. Allow and block Egress Network ACL rules
+        # Verify the above Egress Firewall/Network ACL rules by verifying its
+        # Source NAT traffic test (wget to the Internet.
+        # Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating Isolated network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating an Isolated network, deploying a VM, and verifying Source
+        # NAT traffic with Egress Firewall rules
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service...")
+        network = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network)
+        # Adding Egress Firewall rule
+        self.debug("Adding an Egress Firewall rule in the created Isolated "
+                   "network to block/drop Source NAT (DNS) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network...")
+        dns_rule_1 = self.create_EgressFirewallRule(
+            network, self.test_data["dns_rule"])
+        # VSD verification for added Egress Firewall rule
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule_1, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network, negative_test=True)
+        self.debug("Source NAT (DNS) traffic to the Internet from the "
+                   "deployed VM is blocked/dropped by the added Egress "
+                   "Firewall rule")
+        # Removing Egress Firewall rule
+        self.debug("Removing the added Egress Firewall rule in the created "
+                   "Isolated network to allow Source NAT (DNS) traffic to "
+                   "the Internet from the VMs in the network "
+                   "(Default Egress Firewall rule)...")
+        dns_rule_1.delete(self.api_client)
+        # VSD verification for removed Egress Firewall rule
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule_1, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.debug("Egress Firewall rule successfully deleted in VSD")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network)
+        # Creating VPC offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as NuageVsp...")
+        vpc_off = self.create_VpcOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC with Source NAT service provider as "
+                   "NuageVsp...")
+        vpc = self.create_Vpc(vpc_off, cidr='')
+        self.validate_Vpc(vpc, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with Source NAT "
+                   "service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating a VPC network in the VPC, deploying a VM, and verifying
+        # Source NAT traffic with Network ACl rules
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC network with Source NAT service...")
+        vpc_tier = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='', vpc=vpc)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Adding Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.debug("Adding Egress Network ACL rules in the created VPC "
+                   "network to allow Source NAT (DNS & HTTP) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network...")
+        dns_rule_2 = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["dns_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        http_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["http_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        # VSD verification for added Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule_2, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm = self.create_VM(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Removing Egress Network ACL rule
+        self.debug("Removing the added Egress Network ACL rule in the created "
+                   "VPC network to block Source NAT (DNS) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network "
+                   "(Default Egress Network ACL rule)...")
+        dns_rule_2.delete(self.api_client)
+        # VSD verification for removed Egress Network ACL rule
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule_2, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.debug("Egress Network ACL rule successfully deleted in VSD")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+            self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc,
+                                             negative_test=True)
+        self.debug("Source NAT (DNS) traffic to the Internet from the "
+                   "deployed VM is blocked by the Default Egress Network ACL "
+                   "rule")
+        # Re-adding Egress Network ACL rule
+        self.debug("Re-adding the Egress Network ACL rule in the created VPC "
+                   "network to allow Source NAT (DNS) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network...")
+        dns_rule_2 = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["dns_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        # VSD verification for re-added Egress Network ACL rule
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule_2, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_06_nuage_SourceNAT_vm_nic_operations_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality with VM NIC operations by
+        performing (wget) traffic tests to the
+        Internet
+        """
+        # Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        # supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # Repeat the tests in the testcase "test_03_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_
+        # network_traffic" with VM NIC operations:
+        # 1. Updating default VM NIC
+        # 2. Removing non-default VM NIC
+        # 3. Adding and updating default VM NIC
+        # Verify the above VM NIC operations by verifying its Source NAT
+        # traffic test (wget to the Internet.
+        # Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating Isolated networks, deploying a multi-nic VM, and verifying
+        # Source NAT traffic with VM NIC operations
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service...")
+        network_1 = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network_1, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Creating another Isolated network with Source NAT "
+                   "service...")
+        network_2 = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network_2, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a multi-nic VM in the created Isolated "
+                   "networks...")
+        vm = self.create_VM([network_1, network_2])
+        self.validate_Network(network_1, state="Implemented")
+        vr_1 = self.get_Router(network_1)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr_1, state="Running")
+        self.validate_Network(network_2, state="Implemented")
+        vr_2 = self.get_Router(network_2)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr_2, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network_2)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr_2)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network_1)
+        # Updating default VM NIC
+        # This VM NIC operation has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Updating the default nic of the multi-nic VM...")
+        self.nic_operation_VM(vm, network_2, operation="update")
+        # Rebooting (stop - start) VM
+        self.debug("Rebooting the multi-nic VM after updating its default nic "
+                   "for changes to apply to the VM...")
+        vm.stop(self.api_client)
+        vm.start(self.api_client)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        updated_vm_info = VirtualMachine.list(self.api_client,[0]
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(updated_vm_info)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network_2)
+        # Removing non-default VM NIC
+        # This VM NIC operation has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Removing the non-default nic of the multi-nic VM...")
+        self.nic_operation_VM(vm, network_1, operation="remove")
+        # Rebooting (stop - start) VM
+        self.debug("Rebooting the multi-nic VM after removing its non-default "
+                   "nic for changes to apply to the VM...")
+        vm.stop(self.api_client)
+        vm.start(self.api_client)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        updated_vm_info = VirtualMachine.list(self.api_client,[0]
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(updated_vm_info)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network_2)
+        # Adding and updating default VM NIC
+        # This VM NIC operation has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Re-adding the non-default nic and updating the default "
+                   "nic of the multi-nic VM...")
+        self.nic_operation_VM(vm, network_1, operation="add")
+        self.nic_operation_VM(vm, network_1, operation="update")
+        # Rebooting (stop - start) VM
+        self.debug("Rebooting the multi-nic VM after re-adding its "
+                   "non-default nic for changes to apply to the VM...")
+        vm.stop(self.api_client)
+        vm.start(self.api_client)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        updated_vm_info = VirtualMachine.list(self.api_client,[0]
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(updated_vm_info)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_1)
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network_2)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network_1)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_07_nuage_SourceNAT_vm_migration_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality with VM migration by
+        performing (wget) traffic tests to the Internet
+        """
+        # Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        # supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # Repeat the tests in the testcase
+        # "test_03_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_network_traffic" with migration of
+        # one of the VMs to another host (if available).
+        # Verify the above VM migration by verifying its Source NAT traffic
+        # test (wget to the Internet.
+        # Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating an Isolated network, deploying VMs, and verifying Source NAT
+        # traffic with VM migrations
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service...")
+        network = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_1 = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_1, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_1)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_1, network)
+        self.debug("Deploying another VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm_2 = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.check_VM_state(vm_2, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm_2)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_2, network)
+        # VM migration
+        # This VM migration has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Migrating one of the VMs in the created Isolated network "
+                   "to another host, if available...")
+        self.migrate_VM(vm_1)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_1, network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm_2, network)
+    @attr(tags=["advanced", "nuagevsp"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_08_nuage_SourceNAT_network_restarts_traffic(self):
+        """Test Nuage VSP Source NAT functionality with network restarts by
+        performing (wget) traffic tests to the Internet
+        """
+        # Check if the configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure
+        # supports underlay networking, if not, skip this test.
+        # Repeat the tests in the testcases
+        # "test_03_nuage_SourceNAT_isolated_network_traffic" and
+        # "test_04_nuage_SourceNAT_vpc_network_traffic" with network restarts:
+        # 1. Restart Isolated Network (cleanup = false)
+        # 2. Restart Isolated Network (cleanup = true)
+        # 3. Reboot VM in the Isolated Network
+        # 4. Restart VPC Network (cleanup = false)
+        # 5. Restart VPC Network (cleanup = true)
+        # 6. Reboot VM in the VPC Network
+        # 7. Restart VPC (cleanup = false)
+        # 8. Restart VPC (cleanup = true)
+        # Verify the above with network restarts by verifying its Source NAT
+        # traffic test (wget to the Internet.
+        # Delete all the created objects (cleanup).
+        if not self.isNuageInfraUnderlay:
+            self.skipTest("Configured Nuage VSP SDN platform infrastructure "
+                          "does not support underlay networking: "
+                          "skipping test")
+        # Creating network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP Isolated Network offering with Source "
+                   "NAT service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["isolated_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating an Isolated network, deploying a VM, and verifying Source
+        # NAT traffic with Isolated network restarts
+        self.debug("Creating an Isolated network with Source NAT service...")
+        network = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='')
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Allocated")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created Isolated network...")
+        vm = self.create_VM(network)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(network)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network)
+        # Restarting Isolated network (cleanup = false)
+        # VR gets destroyed and deployed again in the Isolated network
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the created Isolated network without "
+                   "cleanup...")
+        Network.restart(network, self.api_client, cleanup=False)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network)
+        # Restarting Isolated network (cleanup = true)
+        # VR gets destroyed and deployed again in the Isolated network
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the created Isolated network with cleanup...")
+        Network.restart(network, self.api_client, cleanup=True)
+        self.validate_Network(network, state="Implemented")
+        vr = self.get_Router(network)
+        self.check_Router_state(vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, network)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vm)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vm, network)
+        # Creating VPC offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC offering with Source NAT service "
+                   "provider as NuageVsp...")
+        vpc_off = self.create_VpcOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_offering"])
+        self.validate_VpcOffering(vpc_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC with Source NAT service provider as "
+                   "NuageVsp...")
+        vpc = self.create_Vpc(vpc_off, cidr='')
+        self.validate_Vpc(vpc, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating VPC network offering
+        self.debug("Creating Nuage VSP VPC Network offering with Source NAT "
+                   "service provider as NuageVsp...")
+        net_off = self.create_NetworkOffering(
+            self.test_data["nuagevsp"]["vpc_network_offering"])
+        self.validate_NetworkOffering(net_off, state="Enabled")
+        # Creating a VPC network in the VPC, deploying a VM, and verifying
+        # Source NAT traffic with VPC network restarts
+        self.debug("Creating a VPC network with Source NAT service...")
+        vpc_tier = self.create_Network(net_off, gateway='', vpc=vpc)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Adding Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.debug("Adding Egress Network ACL rules in the created VPC "
+                   "network to allow Source NAT (DNS & HTTP) traffic to the "
+                   "Internet from the VMs in the network...")
+        dns_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["dns_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        http_rule = self.create_NetworkAclRule(
+            self.test_data["http_rule"], traffic_type="Egress",
+            network=vpc_tier)
+        # VSD verification for added Egress Network ACL rules
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.debug("Deploying a VM in the created VPC network...")
+        vpc_vm = self.create_VM(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        # VSD verification for Source NAT functionality
+        self.verify_vsd_SourceNAT_network(vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Restarting VPC network (cleanup = false)
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the created VPC network without cleanup...")
+        Network.restart(vpc_tier, self.api_client, cleanup=False)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Restarting VPC network (cleanup = true)
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the created VPC network with cleanup...")
+        Network.restart(vpc_tier, self.api_client, cleanup=True)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Restarting VPC (cleanup = false)
+        # VPC VR gets destroyed and deployed again in the VPC
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the VPC without cleanup...")
+        self.restart_Vpc(vpc, cleanup=False)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)
+        # Restarting VPC (cleanup = true)
+        # VPC VR gets destroyed and deployed again in the VPC
+        # This restart has no effect on the Source NAT functionality
+        self.debug("Restarting the VPC with cleanup...")
+        self.restart_Vpc(vpc, cleanup=True)
+        self.validate_Network(vpc_tier, state="Implemented")
+        vpc_vr = self.get_Router(vpc_tier)
+        self.check_Router_state(vpc_vr, state="Running")
+        self.check_VM_state(vpc_vm, state="Running")
+        # VSD verification
+        self.verify_vsd_network(, vpc_tier, vpc)
+        self.verify_vsd_router(vpc_vr)
+        self.verify_vsd_vm(vpc_vm)
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(dns_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        self.verify_vsd_firewall_rule(http_rule, traffic_type="Egress")
+        # Verifying Source NAT traffic (wget to the Internet
+        # from the deployed VM. This Source NAT traffic test is done through a
+        # custom init script in the guest VM template upon the VM boot up.
+        self.verify_SourceNAT_VM_traffic(vpc_vm, vpc_tier, vpc=vpc)