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[19/29] ant-ivy git commit: Initial auto-converted .adoc files from xooki2asciidoc convertor
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 .912h1.94l-4.524 11.454h-2.078zm17.189-0.369c-1.393 0.422-2.584 0.633-3.575 0.633-1.688 0-3.064-0.561-4.13-1.684-1.065-1.12-1.598-2.574-1.598-4.36 0-1.736 0.469-3.16 1.408-4.271 0.938-1.11 2.14-1.666 3.602-1.666 1.386 0 2.455 0.492 3.211 1.477s1.135 2.384 1.135 4.197l-0.011 0.644h-7.225c0.303 2.721 1.635 4.082 3.997 4.082 0.865 0 1.927-0.232 3.186-0.696v1.644zm-4.419-9.788c-1.597 0-2.485 1.065-2.669 3.196h5.053c0-2.131-0.795-3.196-2.384-3.196zm8.384 10.157 12.487-6.244-12.487-6.244v1.74l8.996 4.504-8.996 4.493v1.751z"/>
+    <path d="m260.77 463.92-12.488-6.243 12.488-6.244v1.74l-8.997 4.504 8.997 4.493v1.75zm4.398-13.531v-2.078h2.078v2.078h-2.078zm0 13.531v-11.453h2.078v11.453h-2.078zm8.487 0-4.262-11.453h2.078l3.333 8.912 3.512-8.912h1.94l-4.524 11.453h-2.077zm9.545 4.166 1.855-4.166-4.43-11.453h2.247l3.28 8.627 3.501-8.627h1.962l-6.254 15.619h-2.161zm10.797-13.531v-2.088h2.078v2.088h-2.078zm0 9.365v-2.077h2.078v2.077h-2.078zm6.531 4.166v-15.619h2.078v2.151c0.851-1.604 2.127-2.405 3.828-2.405 1.378 0 2.463 0.503 3.254 1.509 0.791 1.005 1.187 2.38 1.187 4.124 0 1.898-0.448 3.43-1.345 4.592-0.896 1.165-2.076 1.746-3.539 1.746-1.356 0-2.485-0.52-3.385-1.561v5.463h-2.078zm2.078-6.897c1.068 0.956 2.088 1.435 3.059 1.435 1.996 0 2.995-1.522 2.995-4.566 0-2.686-0.886-4.029-2.658-4.029-1.16 0-2.292 0.629-3.396 1.888v5.272zm18.647 2.731v-2.151c-1.104 1.61-2.443 2.415-4.018 2.415-0.999 0-1.793-0.313-2.384-0.944-0.591-0.628-0.886-1.477-0.886-2.546v-8.227h2.078v7.551c0 0.859 0.124 1.469 0.374 1.83 0.249 0.363
  0.666 0.543 1.25 0.543 1.265 0 2.46-0.833 3.585-2.499v-7.425h2.078v11.453h-2.077zm6.167 0.127v-16.78h2.077v7.352c0.851-1.604 2.127-2.405 3.829-2.405 1.378 0 2.462 0.503 3.253 1.509 0.791 1.005 1.187 2.38 1.187 4.124 0 1.898-0.448 3.43-1.345 4.592-0.896 1.165-2.075 1.746-3.538 1.746-1.357 0-2.485-0.52-3.386-1.561l-0.253 1.424h-1.824zm2.077-2.858c1.069 0.956 2.089 1.435 3.059 1.435 1.997 0 2.995-1.522 2.995-4.566 0-2.686-0.886-4.029-2.657-4.029-1.16 0-2.292 0.629-3.396 1.888v5.272zm11.488 2.731v-16.653h2.077v16.653h-2.077zm6.242-13.531v-2.078h2.078v2.078h-2.078zm0 13.531v-11.453h2.078v11.453h-2.078zm9.15 0.264c-0.949 0-2.103-0.221-3.46-0.664v-1.909c1.357 0.675 2.538 1.013 3.544 1.013 0.598 0 1.094-0.162 1.487-0.485s0.591-0.728 0.591-1.213c0-0.71-0.553-1.297-1.656-1.761l-1.213-0.518c-1.793-0.744-2.689-1.817-2.689-3.217 0-0.998 0.354-1.783 1.061-2.357 0.707-0.572 1.675-0.859 2.905-0.859 0.64 0 1.431 0.088 2.373 0.264l0.433 0.085v1.729c-1.16-0.345-2.082-0.517-2.764-0.517-1.336 0-2.004 0
 .485-2.004 1.455 0 0.627 0.506 1.154 1.519 1.582l1.002 0.422c1.132 0.479 1.934 0.983 2.405 1.513 0.471 0.532 0.706 1.194 0.706 1.989 0 1.007-0.397 1.831-1.191 2.479-0.796 0.645-1.811 0.969-3.049 0.969zm7.979-0.264v-16.653h2.078v7.352c1.097-1.604 2.439-2.405 4.029-2.405 0.991 0 1.782 0.315 2.373 0.943 0.59 0.631 0.886 1.477 0.886 2.537v8.227h-2.078v-7.551c0-0.85-0.125-1.457-0.375-1.82-0.249-0.361-0.663-0.543-1.238-0.543-1.274 0-2.473 0.834-3.597 2.5v7.414h-2.078zm13.591 0 12.487-6.243-12.487-6.244v1.74l8.996 4.504-8.996 4.493v1.75z"/>
+    <path d="m264.13 195.24-12.487-6.243 12.487-6.244v1.74l-8.996 4.504 8.996 4.492v1.751zm4.4-13.531v-2.078h2.077v2.078h-2.077zm0 13.531v-11.454h2.077v11.454h-2.077zm8.615 0-4.261-11.454h2.078l3.332 8.912 3.513-8.912h1.94l-4.524 11.454h-2.078zm9.459 4.166 1.856-4.166-4.43-11.454h2.246l3.28 8.628 3.502-8.628h1.961l-6.254 15.62h-2.161zm10.906-13.531v-2.089h2.077v2.089h-2.077zm0 9.365v-2.077h2.077v2.077h-2.077zm6.422 0v-11.454h2.077v2.152c0.823-1.604 2.019-2.405 3.586-2.405 0.211 0 0.433 0.018 0.665 0.053v1.94c-0.358-0.119-0.675-0.179-0.949-0.179-1.315 0-2.415 0.78-3.302 2.341v7.552h-2.077zm17.164-0.369c-1.392 0.422-2.584 0.633-3.574 0.633-1.688 0-3.064-0.561-4.13-1.682-1.064-1.122-1.598-2.575-1.598-4.361 0-1.736 0.47-3.16 1.408-4.271s2.14-1.667 3.602-1.667c1.386 0 2.456 0.492 3.212 1.477s1.133 2.384 1.133 4.198l-0.011 0.644h-7.224c0.303 2.721 1.635 4.081 3.997 4.081 0.864 0 1.926-0.231 3.185-0.696v1.644zm-4.418-9.787c-1.597 0-2.486 1.065-2.669 3.195h5.052c0-2.13-0.794-3.195-2.383-3.1
 95zm11.157 10.42c-0.949 0-2.104-0.222-3.459-0.664v-1.909c1.355 0.675 2.537 1.013 3.544 1.013 0.597 0 1.092-0.162 1.485-0.485 0.395-0.323 0.591-0.728 0.591-1.213 0-0.71-0.552-1.297-1.654-1.762l-1.214-0.517c-1.793-0.744-2.688-1.817-2.688-3.217 0-0.998 0.353-1.784 1.06-2.357 0.706-0.572 1.674-0.859 2.906-0.859 0.639 0 1.43 0.089 2.371 0.264l0.434 0.085v1.729c-1.16-0.344-2.082-0.517-2.763-0.517-1.337 0-2.004 0.484-2.004 1.455 0 0.626 0.506 1.153 1.519 1.582l1.001 0.422c1.132 0.479 1.934 0.982 2.404 1.514 0.472 0.53 0.708 1.193 0.708 1.988 0 1.006-0.398 1.831-1.193 2.479-0.795 0.647-1.811 0.969-3.048 0.969zm12.461 0c-1.639 0-2.946-0.543-3.924-1.629-0.977-1.087-1.466-2.54-1.466-4.361 0-1.842 0.49-3.3 1.471-4.372s2.312-1.608 3.993-1.608c1.68 0 3.01 0.536 3.991 1.608 0.98 1.072 1.472 2.522 1.472 4.351 0 1.871-0.492 3.34-1.477 4.409s-2.337 1.602-4.06 1.602zm-3.175-5.99c0 2.953 1.069 4.43 3.206 4.43 2.201 0 3.302-1.483 3.302-4.451 0-2.932-1.087-4.397-3.259-4.397-2.166-0.001-3.249 1.471-3.249 
 4.418zm11.89 5.726v-16.653h2.078v16.653h-2.078zm8.486 0-4.262-11.454h2.078l3.333 8.912 3.512-8.912h1.94l-4.524 11.454h-2.077zm17.276-0.369c-1.393 0.422-2.584 0.633-3.575 0.633-1.688 0-3.063-0.561-4.129-1.682-1.065-1.122-1.599-2.575-1.599-4.361 0-1.736 0.471-3.16 1.409-4.271s2.139-1.667 3.601-1.667c1.386 0 2.457 0.492 3.213 1.477s1.133 2.384 1.133 4.198l-0.011 0.644h-7.225c0.303 2.721 1.635 4.081 3.997 4.081 0.865 0 1.927-0.231 3.186-0.696v1.644zm-4.419-9.787c-1.597 0-2.485 1.065-2.669 3.195h5.053c0-2.13-0.795-3.195-2.384-3.195zm8.384 10.156 12.487-6.243-12.487-6.244v1.74l8.996 4.504-8.996 4.492v1.751z"/>
+  </g>
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Welcome to the official Ivy documentation.
+== What is Ivy?
+Ivy is a tool for managing (recording, tracking, resolving and reporting) project dependencies. It is characterized by the following:
+. flexibility and configurability - Ivy is essentially process agnostic and is not tied to any methodology or structure. Instead it provides the necessary flexibility and configurability to be adapted to a broad range of dependency management and build processes. +
+. tight integration with Apache Ant - while available as a standalone tool, Ivy works particularly well with Apache Ant providing a number of powerful Ant tasks ranging from dependency resolution to dependency reporting and publication. +
+Ivy is open source and released under a very permissive Apache License.
+Ivy has a lot of powerful features, the most popular and useful being its flexibility, integration with ant, and its strong transitive dependencies management engine.
+The transitive dependencies management is a feature which lets you get dependencies of your dependencies, transitively. In order to address this general problem, ivy needs to find metadata about your modules, usually in an link:ivyfile.html[ivy file]. To find the metadata and your dependencies' artifacts (usually jars), Ivy can be configured to use a lot of different link:configuration/resolvers.html[repositories].
+== About this doc
+Tip: The menu on the left is dynamic, you  can click on the arrows to browse the menu without going to each page.
+This documentation has been migrated from the old Ivy web site hosted by Jayasoft, feel free to report any problem on the mailing-lists.
+If you browse this documentation from your installation of Ivy, you can also check the link:[online version] for the latest updates.
+You can also browse this documentation offline either by downloading the documentation distribution, or by checking out the doc directory from git. This documentation uses link:[xooki] as its documentation engine, so you can very easily edit it and submit patches when you browse it from source.
+A link:book.html[printer-friendly version] of this whole documentation is also provided for your convenience.
+Since Ivy 2.0.0-alpha-2, we keep an online history of the documentation. You can thus browse history versions online (in the history menu in the web site) and even check the trunk version documentation currently in development.
+For earlier versions, we suggest downloading the documentation to browse the documentation corresponding to the version you use. The full history of Ivy versions with corresponding links for download is available in the history menu on the web site.
+== Other places to go
+Check out Ivy features. 
+Read our FAQ.
+Ask for help on our mailing lists.
+Report a bug or feature request in our issue tracking system.
+Check external tools and resources.
+== Overview
+This documentation is composed of three main parts:
+* link:tutorial.html[Tutorials] + 
+The tutorials is the best way to begin to play with Ivy. You will easily and quickly learn the basics of Ivy.
+* link:reference.html[Reference] + 
+The reference documentation gives you all the details of Ivy. 
+The introduction part is particularly useful: it defines some vocabulary, explains main concepts such as dependency resolvers and patterns, and gives an overview of how ivy works internally. 
+It's also in the reference doc that you will find all you always dreamed to know about ivy settings, ivy files, and ivy use (especially with ant).
+* link:dev.html[Developer doc] + 
+The developers's doc is useful for users who would like to extend Ivy or build it from source. It's also the documentation used by the Ivy team, so you will also find information about how we make releases.
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+There are basically two ways to install Ivy: either manually or automatically.
+== Manually
+Download the version you want here, unpack the downloaded zip file wherever you want, and copy the ivy jar file into your ant lib directory (ANT_HOME/lib).
+If you use ant 1.6.0 or superior, you can then simply go to the src/example/hello-ivy dir and run ant: if the build is successful, you have successfully installed Ivy!
+If you use ant 1.5.1 or superior, you have to modify the build files in the examples:
+- remove the namespace section at their head: xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" 
+- add taskdefs for ivy tasks:
+  <taskdef name="ivy-configure" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyConfigure"/>
+  <taskdef name="ivy-resolve" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyResolve"/>
+  <taskdef name="ivy-retrieve" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyRetrieve"/>
+  <taskdef name="ivy-publish" classname="org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyPublish"/> 
+- replace ivy:xxx tasks by ivy-xxx
+You can now run the build, if it is successful, you have successfully installed Ivy!
+If the build is not successful, check the FAQ to see what might be the problem with the ivyrep resolver.
+=== Ivy dependendencies
+One of the two binary versions of Ivy doesn't include the optional dependencies. To download them using Ivy, all you need is to run the Ant build file provided in the distribution. This will use Ivy itself to download the dependencies. Then you should see the Ivy optional dependencies in the lib directory, organized per configuration (see the ivy.xml for details about the configurations and their use).
+== Automatically
+If you want to use Ivy only in your ant build scripts, and have an internet connection when you build, you can download Ivy from this site and use the downloaded version automatically, using this simple build snippet:
+    <property name="ivy.install.version" value="2.1.0-rc2" />
+    <condition property="ivy.home" value="${env.IVY_HOME}">
+      <isset property="env.IVY_HOME" />
+    </condition>
+    <property name="ivy.home" value="${user.home}/.ant" />
+    <property name="ivy.jar.dir" value="${ivy.home}/lib" />
+    <property name="ivy.jar.file" value="${ivy.jar.dir}/ivy.jar" />
+    <target name="download-ivy" unless="offline">
+        <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}"/>
+        <!-- download Ivy from web site so that it can be used even without any special installation -->
+        <get src="${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar" 
+             dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="init-ivy" depends="download-ivy">
+      <!-- try to load ivy here from ivy home, in case the user has not already dropped
+              it into ant's lib dir (note that the latter copy will always take precedence).
+              We will not fail as long as local lib dir exists (it may be empty) and
+              ivy is in at least one of ant's lib dir or the local lib dir. -->
+        <path id="ivy.lib.path">
+            <fileset dir="${ivy.jar.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
+        </path>
+        <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml"
+                 uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpathref="ivy.lib.path"/>
+    </target>
+Then the only thing to do is to add the init-ivy target in the depends attribute of your targets using Ivy, and add the ivy namespace to your build script. See the self contained link:;a=blob;f=src/example/go-ivy/build.xml[go-ivy] example for details about this.
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+Ivy use is entirely based on _module descriptors_ known as "ivy files". Ivy files are xml files, usually called ivy.xml, containing the description of the dependencies of a module, its published artifacts and its configurations.
+Here is the simplest ivy file you can write:
+<ivy-module version="2.0">
+  <info organisation="myorg"
+        module="mymodule"
+        />
+If you want to see a sample module descriptor using almost all possibilities of ivy files, check this one, link:samples/ivy-sample-xslt.xml[with] or link:samples/ivy-sample.xml[without] xslt.
+Before beginning the reference itself, it is required to have in mind the terminology defined in the link:reference.html[main page] of this reference documentation.
+For those familiar with xml schema, the schema used to validate ivy files can be found link:[here]. For those using xsd aware IDE, you can declare the xsd in your ivy files to benefit from code completion / validation:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ivy-module version="2.0" 
+            xmlns:xsi=""
+            xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=
+                   "">
+  <info organisation="myorg"
+        module="mymodule"
+        />
+=== Dynamic and [[resolved]]resolved ivy files
+A module descriptor (ivy file) is needed both before and after the publication of each revision of the module. Depending on the case, a module descriptor can be either _dynamic_ or _resolved_:
+==== Dynamic descriptor for module development
+During the module development time, between publications, the descriptor helps in managing all the possibly changing dependencies of the module. For that purpose, development time ivy files can declare dynamic dependencies to allow for a greater flexibility of use. link:ivyfile/dependency.html#revision[Dynamic revision] references like "latest.integration" or "1.0.+" are possible and may resolve to different artifacts at different times. Variables can be used for even more flexibility. Development time ivy files are hence called "dynamic", because they can produce different results over time. The dynamic ivy files are normally considered source files and kept with them (under SCM control).
+==== Resolved descriptors for publishing
+At each publication, another kind of a module descriptor is needed to document the dependencies of the particular published revision of the module. For that purpose, the descriptor usually needs to be fixed as its dependencies should no longer change. In doing so, the published module revision gets fixed, explicitly resolved dependencies. No variables are allowed either. Such publication-friendly, static ivy files are called "resolved", because they should always produce the same results. The resolved ivy files are comparable to published artifacts and are kept with them in a repository.
+Resolved ivy files are generated from their original dynamic ivy files via the link:use/deliver.html[deliver] task.
+Note that although it is technically possible to publish module revisions with dynamic ivy files, it is not a generally recommended practice.
+== Hierarchical Index
+    link:ivyfile/info.html[info]
+        link:ivyfile/license.html[license]
+        link:ivyfile/ivyauthor.html[ivyauthor]
+        link:ivyfile/repository.html[repository]
+        link:ivyfile/description.html[description]
+    link:ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations]
+        link:ivyfile/conf.html[conf]
+    link:ivyfile/publications.html[publications]
+        link:ivyfile/artifact.html[artifact]
+            link:ivyfile/artifact-conf.html[conf]
+    link:ivyfile/dependencies.html[dependencies]
+        link:ivyfile/dependency.html[dependency]
+            link:ivyfile/dependency-conf.html[conf]
+                link:ivyfile/mapped.html[mapped]
+            link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[artifact]
+                link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact-conf.html[conf]
+            link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact.html[include]
+                link:ivyfile/dependency-artifact-conf.html[conf]
+            link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude.html[exclude]
+                link:ivyfile/artifact-exclude-conf.html[conf]
+        link:ivyfile/exclude.html[exclude]
+        link:ivyfile/override.html[override]
+        link:ivyfile/conflict.html[conflict]
+    link:ivyfile/conflicts.html[conflicts]
+        link:ivyfile/manager.html[manager]
+== ivy-module
+*Tag:* ivy-module
+The root tag of any ivy file (module descriptor).
+=== Attributes
+|version|the version of the ivy file specification - should be '2.0' with current version of ivy|Yes
+=== Child elements
+|info|contains information about the described module|1
+|configurations|container for configuration elements|0..1
+|publications|container for published artifact elements|0..1
+|dependencies|container for dependency elements|0..1
+|conflicts|section to configure the conflict managers to use|0..1
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+*Tag:* conf *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/artifact.html[artifact]
+Indicates a public configuration in which enclosing artifact is published.
+== Attributes
+|name|the name of the module public configuration in which this artifact is published. 
+    	'*' wildcard can be used to designate all public configurations of this module|Yes
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+*Tag:* conf *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/artifact-exclude.html[artifact]
+Specify a configuration in which the enclosing artifact exclusion should be included.
+== Attributes
+|name|the name of the master configuration in which the enclosing artifact should be excluded|Yes
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+*Tag:* exclude *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/dependency.html[dependency]
+This feature gives you more control on a dependency for which you do not control its ivy file. 
+It enables to restrict the artifacts required, by excluding artifacts being published by the dependency or any of its transitive dependencies, 
+even if configuration does not a good separation of published artifacts
+The same principle concerning configuration as for include applies to this exclude feature (see the link:../ivyfile/dependency-include.html[include] feature).
+Note that exclusion is always done AFTER inclusion has been done.
+*__since 1.3__* This exclude feature can also be used not only to exclude artifacts but also to exclude whole modules. Indeed when you exclude artifacts, it doesn't avoid ivy to search for the module itself, and to resolve the dependencies of the module. But you can also exclude the whole module, which means that the module will not be downloaded at all, and so its own dependencies will not be resolved. For sure, this is usually done to exclude not a direct dependency but an indirect one. To exclude a whole module, you just have to not specify any artifact name, type and ext in your exclude rule. For instance:
+<dependency name="A" rev="1.0">
+  <exclude module="B"/>
+*__since 2.0__* A link:../ivyfile/exclude.html[module wide exclude] can also be used to exclude dependencies for the whole module (and not only in the context of one dependency as it is the case here).
+== Attributes
+|org|the organisation of the dependency module or artifact to exclude, or a regexp matching this organisation *__since 1.3__*|No, defaults to *
+|module|the name of the dependency module or the artifact to exclude, or a regexp matching this module name *__since 1.3__*|No, defaults to *
+|name|the name of an artifact of the dependency module to add to the exclude list, or an expression matching this name (see matcher attribute below)|No, defaults to *
+|type|the type of the artifact of the dependency module to add to the exclude list, or a regexp matching this name|No, defaults to *
+|ext|the extension of the artifact of the dependency module to add to the exclude list, or an expression matching this name (see matcher attribute below)|No, defaults to type
+|matcher|the link:../concept.html#matcher[matcher] to use to match the modules to excludes *__since 1.3__*|No, defaults to exactOrRegexp in pre 1.3 ivy files, and exact in 1.3 and superior
+|conf|comma separated list of the master configurations in which this artifact should be excluded.
+    '*' wildcard can be used to designate all configurations of this module|No, defaults to '*', unless nested conf are specified
+== Child elements
+|link:../ivyfile/artifact-exclude-conf.html[conf]|configuration in which the artifact should be excluded|0..n
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+*Tag:* artifact *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/publications.html[publications]
+Declares an artifact published by this module. This is especially useful for other modules dependending on this one. They thus get all published artifacts belonging to the configurations asked. Indeed, each published artifact declares in which public configuration it is published. Thus a module depending on this module only get artifacts marked with the asked configurations, taking into account configurations extension (see link:../ivyfile/conf.html[configuration declaration]).
+The configurations in which an artifact is published can be configured in two ways:
+* conf attribute on artifact element +
+* conf subelement +
+The two are equivalent, it is only a matter of preference. However, do not mix both for one artifact.
+*__since 1.4__* The artifact element has default values for all its attributes, so if you want to declare a default artifact you can just declare it like that:
+<artifact />
+If this is the only artifact declared, then it's equivalent to having no publication section at all.
+*__since 1.4__* It is possible to give a url at which artifacts can be found. This is not mandatory, and even not recommended. This is only a convenient way to deal with an existing repository with a bad layout, but should not be avoided in an enterprise repository.
+*__since 1.4__* This tag supports link:../concept.html#extra[extra attributes].
+*__since 2.4__* This tag supports the 'packaging' attributes; complete documentation can be found in the link:../concept.html#packaging[concept page].
+== Attributes
+|name|the name of the published artifact. This name must not include revision.|No, defaults to the name of the module
+|type|the type of the published artifact. It's usually its extension, but not necessarily. For instance, ivy files are of type 'ivy' but have 'xml' extension|No, defaults to jar
+|ext|the extension of the published artifact|No, defaults to type
+|conf|comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact is published.
+    	'*' wildcard can be used to designate all public configurations of this module|No, defaults to defaultconf attribute value on parent publications element.
+|url|a url at which this artifact can be found if it isn't located at the standard location in the repository *__since 1.4__*|No, defaults to no url
+|packaging|a comma separated list of link:../concept.html#packaging[packaging] types *__since 2.4__*|No, defaults to no packaging
+== Child elements
+|link:../ivyfile/artifact-conf.html[conf]|indicates a public configuration in which this artifact is published|0..n
+== Examples
+<artifact />
+Declares an artifact with the name of the module as name, type and ext jar, and published in all configurations.
+<artifact name="foo-src" type="source" ext="zip" conf="src" />
+Declares an artifact foo-src, of type 'source' with extension 'zip', and published in the src configuration.
+<artifact name="foo" url="" />
+Declares an artifact foo, of type and extension 'jar' located at the url This url will only be used if the artifact cannot be found at its standard location.
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+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/conf.adoc
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+*Tag:* conf *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[configurations]
+Declares a configuration of this module. As described in the reference page, a configuration is a way to use or construct a module. Some modules may be used in different ways (think about hibernate which can be used inside or outside an application server), and this way may alter the artifacts you need (in the case of hibernate, jta.jar is needed only if it is used outside an application server). Moreover, a module may need some other modules and artifacts only at build time, and some others at runtime. All those differents ways to use or build a module are called in Ivy module configurations.
+The conf element in the configurations section declares one configuration. This declaration gives the name of the configuration declared, its visibility and the other configurations of the module it extends.
+Visibility is used to indicate whether or not a configuration can be used from other modules depending on this one. Thus a private configuration is only used for internal purpose (maybe at build time), and other modules cannot declare to depend on it. 
+A configuration can also extend one or several other ones of the same module. When a configuration extends another one, then all artifacts required in the extended configuration will also be required in the configuration that extends the other one. For instance, if configuration B extends configuration A, and if artifacts art1 and art2 are required in configuration A, then they will be automatically required in configuration B. On the other hand, artifacts required in configuration B are not necessarily required in configuration A.
+This notion is very helpful to define configurations which are similar with some differences.
+*__since 1.4__* The extends attribute can use the following wildcards:
+|*|all other configurations
+|*(public)|all other public configurations
+|*(private)|all other private configurations
+*__since 1.4__* A whole configuration can be declared as non transitive, so that all dependencies resolved in this configuration will be resolved with transitivity disabled. Note that the transitivity is disabled for all the configuration dependencies (including those obtained because this conf extends other ones), and only for this configuration (which means that a conf extending this one with transitivityy enabled will get transitive dependencies even for dependencies being part of the non transitive configuration).
+This is very useful to build a compile configuration, for instance, forcing the dependency declaration on each direct dependency, with no risk to forget some because of transitivity.
+*__since 1.4__* This tag supports link:../concept.html#extra[extra attributes].
+== Attributes
+|name|the name of the declared configuration|Yes
+|description|a description for the declared configuration|No
+|visibility|the visibility of the declared configuration. 
+    'public' means that this configuration can be used by other modules, while 'private' means that this configuration is used only in the module itself, and is not exposed to other modules|No, defaults to public
+|extends|a comma separated list of configurations of this module that the 
+    current configuration extends|No, defaults to none
+|transitive|a boolean to indicate if this conf is transitive or not *__since 1.4__*|No, defaults to true
+|deprecated|indicates that this conf has been deprecated by giving the date of the deprecation. 
+    	It should be given in this format: yyyyMMddHHmmss|No, by default the conf is not deprecated
+== Examples
+<conf name="core" visibility="private" />
+<conf name="compile" extends="core" transitive="false" visibility="private" />
+<conf name="runtime" extends="compile" description="everything needed to run this module" />
+Declares three configurations, core compile and runtime, with only the runtime one accessible from other modules, and with the compile one being non transitive.
+Therefore the core configuration will only be composed of dependencies declared in the core configuration itself, the compile configuration will be composed of all dependencies required in either core or compile configuration, but without transivity (neither for core nor compile dependencies), and runtime will be composed of all dependencies, all transitively, including the dependencies declared only in compile.
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+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/configurations.adoc
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+*Tag:* configurations *Parent:* link:../ivyfile.html[ivy-module]
+A container for configuration elements. If this container is not present, it is assumed that the module has one public configuration called 'default'.
+*__since 2.2__* You can define the default conf on this container by specifying the defaultconf attribute.  This attribute defines the conf mapping to use when no conf mapping is specified for a dependency in this ivy file.
+*__since 1.3__* You can define a default conf mapping on this container by specifying the defaultconfmapping attribute.
+This attribute modifies the way ivy interprets conf mapping with no mapped conf. In this case, Ivy will look in the default conf mapping and use the conf mapping defined in the default conf mapping for the conf for which there is no mapped conf.
+In order to maintain backwards compatibility with Ivy 2.1.0 and earlier, the defaultconfmapping also provides one additional function.  If no defaultconf is specified (on either the configurations tag or the dependencies tag), the defaultconfmapping becomes the default configuration for dependencies in this ivy file when no configuration is specified.  In other words, in addition to altering the interpretation of individual configurations with no mapping, defaultconfmapping also performs exactly like defaultconf in the absence of a definition for defaultconf.
+If several defaultconfmapping or defaultconf attributes are defined (in the configurations tag, one or several in an included configurations file, and/or in the dependency tag, then it's only the last definition of each property which is taken into account.  The others will have no effect at all.
+See link:#defaultconfmapping[examples below] to clarify the behavior of these two attributes together.
+*__since 1.4__* You can activate a confmappingoverride mode for all configurations, in which case the extending configurations will override the mappings of the configurations they extend from.
+== Attributes
+|defaultconf|the default conf to use in this ivy file *__since 2.2__*|No, defaults to no default conf
+|defaultconfmapping|the default conf mapping to use in this ivy file *__since 1.3__*|No, defaults to no default conf mapping
+|confmappingoverride|true to activate configuration mapping override, false otherwise *__since 1.4__*|No, defaults to false
+== Child elements
+|link:../ivyfile/conf.html[conf]|declares a configuration of this module|0..n
+|link:../ivyfile/include.html[include]|include configurations from another file|0..n
+== Configuration mappings details
+When Ivy parses your Ivy file, it will create (internally) modify the configuration mapping of your dependencies.
+For instance, say you have:
+<configurations defaultconfmapping="conf1->other1;conf2->other2">
+   <conf name="conf1" />
+   <conf name="conf2" extends="conf1" />
+   <dependency name="other-module" conf="conf1" />
+When Ivy parses this file, it will construct the following dependency (in-memory only):
+<dependency name="other-module" conf="conf1->other1" />
+So, if you now resolve the conf2 configuration, you will only get the other1 dependencies of your other-module.
+But when you set confmappingoverride to true, Ivy will construct the following dependency in memory:
+<dependency name="other-module" conf="conf1->other1;conf2->other2" />
+As you can see, the defaultmappings of the extending configurations are also added (although you didn't explicitly defined them)
+When you now resolve the conf2 configuration, you'll get the other2 dependencies of your other-module. 
+== Examples involving defaultconf and defaultconfmapping
+The table below indicates how Ivy interprets the conf attribute according to how link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[defaultconfmapping] and link:../ivyfile/configurations.html[defaultconf] are set:
+|defaultconf|defaultconfmapping|conf|ivy interpretation
diff --git a/asciidoc/ivyfile/conflict.adoc b/asciidoc/ivyfile/conflict.adoc
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index 0000000..13fa6e9
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+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/conflict.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+*Tag:* conflict *Parent:* link:../ivyfile/dependencies.html[dependencies]
+*__(since 2.0)__*
+Specify a a conflict manager for one or several dependencies.
+The way to specify a conflict manager is by giving indication to which dependencies the conflict manager applies (by giving organisation and module names or name regexp), and then specifying the conflict manager, either by giving its name or by specifying a fixed revision list, in which case a fixed conflicts manager is used.
+The list of built-in conflict managers available is listed on the link:../settings/conflict-managers.html[conflict manager configuration page].
+Conflicts manager are used during the resolve operation, i.e. when ivy analyse the graph of dependencies and download corresponding ivy files and artifacts. The fact to manage conflict at resolve time enables to minimize downloads: when a module is evicted by a conflict manager, it is not downloaded.
+There are two things optimized during conflict resolution: download of artifacts and download of ivy files. The first is always ensured by ivy, i.e. artifacts of a module evicted will never be downloaded. The second is not as simple to handle because to know what are the conflicts ivy needs to know the dependency graph, and to know the dependency graph, it has to download ivy files. But ivy is highly optimized on this too, and it tries to evict modules as soon as possible.
+That's why the order of dependencies is important for download optimization. Indeed ivy traverses the dependency graph in the order in which dependencies are declared in the ivy files, and each time it encounters a dependency on a module, it first check if there is a conflict on this module, and if this is the case, it asks the conflict manager to resolve the conflict. Then if the module is evicted, it does not download its ivy file, and the whole branch is not traversed, which can saves a lot of time.
+If no specific conflict manager is defined, a default conflict manager is used for all modules.
+The current default conflict manager is the "latest-revision" conflict manager.
+== Attributes
+|org|the name, or an expression matching the name of organisation to which this conflict manager should apply (see matcher attribute below)|No, defaults to * (match all)
+|module|the name, or an expression matching the name of module to which this conflict manager should apply (see matcher attribute below)|No, defaults to * (match all)
+|manager|the name of the conflict manager to use|Exactly one of two
+|rev|a comma separated list of revisions this conflict manager should select
+|matcher|the link:../concept.html#matcher[matcher] to use to match the modules for which the conflict manager should be used|No, defaults to exact
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index 0000000..9c063df
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+++ b/asciidoc/ivyfile/conflicts.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+*Tag:* conflicts *Parent:* link:../ivyfile.html[ivy-module]
+*__(since 2.0)__* the conflicts section is deprecated.  Use the link:../ivyfile/conflict.html[conflict] instead.
+Container for conflict manager elements, used to indicate how conflicts should be resolved
+for this module. 
+The list of built-in conflict managers available is listed on the link:../settings/conflict-managers.html[conflict manager configuration page].
+Conflicts manager are used during the resolve operation, i.e. when ivy analyse the graph of dependencies
+and download corresponding ivy files and artifacts. The fact to manage conflict at resolve time
+enables to minimize downloads: when a module is evicted by a conflict manager, it is not downloaded.
+There are two things optimized during conflict resolution: download of artifacts and download
+of ivy files. The first is always ensured by ivy, i.e. artifacts of a module evicted will never
+be downloaded. The second is not as simple to handle because to know what are the conflicts
+ivy needs to know the dependency graph, and to know the dependency graph, it has to download
+ivy files. But ivy is highly optimized on this too, and it tries to evict modules as soon as possible.
+That's why the order of dependencies is important for download optimization. Indeed ivy
+traverses the dependency graph in the order in which dependencies are declared in the ivy files, 
+and each time it encounters a dependency on a module, it first check if there is a conflict on this module, 
+and if this is the case, it asks the conflict manager to resolve the conflict. Then if the module is evicted,
+it does not download its ivy file, and the whole branch is not traversed, which can saves
+a lot of time.
+If this container is not present, a default conflict manager is used for all modules. 
+The current default conflict manager is the "latest-revision" conflict manager.
+== Child elements
+|link:../ivyfile/manager.html[manager]|declares a conflict manager for this module|1..n
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