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Posted to by Anthony Gardner <> on 2006/10/13 16:21:11 UTC

Re: apache2 and ptkdb (bit of progress)


I've hacked Devel::ptkdb and Apache::DB a bit as suggested by

changed a bit for MP2


Now, I get the gui but no contents are displayed in it. If I step over a few times (blindly) I end up in .....

package IO::Handle::DESTROY

the gui then dies and the output is displayed in the browser.

If I manage to hit a process that's already run the debugger, i am able to see my program in the gui  all wrapped in the ModPerl namespace but I still can't manage to step through the code. 

I still end up at IO::Handle::DESTROY

Has everyone had to hack apache::DB and Devel::ptkdb ???

It's the same for a single or multi processess running.

Am really curious about this.

#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb

use strict;

sub BEGIN {
  $ENV{DISPLAY} = 'localhost:0.0';

print 'Content-type: text/html' . "\n\n";
print "$$<br />";
print 'Hello<br />';
print 'Goodbye';

my $struct = { key1 => [ qw| Hello World |, { key2 => 'At Last!!' } ] };

print; ## just so I can see the contents of $struct


Jeff Pang <> wrote: Hello,

Have you loaded the ModPerl::Registry?How can you know your modperl scripts can't be run?
When you meet problems,you can look at the error_log where you could find most of the problems.
And,here is my mp2 config,it can run well for me:

PerlModule ModPerl::Registry

    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
    Options +ExecCGI

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony Gardner 
>Sent: Oct 13, 2006 3:53 AM
>To: mod_perl 
>Subject: apache2 and ptkdb
>I'm having problems getting ptkdb to work under ModPerl::Registry.
>this works but it won;t be running under mod_perl
>    AllowOverride Limit
>##    SetHandler perl-script
>##    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>    Options +ExecCGI
>the following won't work at all
>     AllowOverride Limit
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
>     PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
>     Options +ExecCGI
>any ideas greatly appreciated
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