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[21/55] [partial] incubator-systemml git commit: [SYSTEMML-482] [SYSTEMML-480] Adding a Git attributes file to enfore Unix-styled line endings, and normalizing all of the line endings.
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/kmeans/Kmeans.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/kmeans/Kmeans.dml
index 3e1f8c9..368b98d 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/kmeans/Kmeans.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/kmeans/Kmeans.dml
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Implements the k-Means clustering algorithm
-# INPUT 1: Input file name for X input data (data records)
-# INPUT 2: The number k of centroids
-# INPUT 3: Output file name for the centroids
-# Example: hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f kMeans.dml -args X_input_file 5 centroids_file
-print( "Performing initialization..." );
-# X : matrix of data points as rows
-X = read( $1 );
-num_records = nrow( X );
-num_features = ncol( X );
-num_centroids = $2;
-one_per_record = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_records, cols = 1);
-one_per_feature = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_features, cols = 1);
-one_per_centroid = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = 1);
-# Y : matrix of centroids as rows
-Y = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features );
-# D : matrix of squared distances from X rows to Y rows, up to a Y-independent term
-D = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids );
-print( "Taking a data sample to compute the convergence criterion..." );
-X_sample = X;
-sample_size = 1000;
-if (num_records > sample_size)
-   # Sample approximately 1000 records (Bernoulli sampling) 
-   P = Rand( rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0 );
-   P = ppred( P * num_records, sample_size, "<=" );
-   X_sample = X * (P %*% t( one_per_feature ));
-   X_sample = removeEmpty( target = X_sample, margin = "rows" );
-sample_size = nrow( X_sample );
-one_per_sample = matrix( 1.0, rows = sample_size, cols = 1 );
-# Compute eps for the convergence criterion as the average square distance
-# between records in the sample times a small number
-eps = 0.0000001 * 
-    sum (one_per_sample %*% t( rowSums( X_sample * X_sample ) ) 
-    + rowSums( X_sample * X_sample ) %*% t( one_per_sample ) 
-    - 2.0 * X_sample %*% t( X_sample )) / (sample_size * sample_size);
-# Start iterations
-centroid_change = 10.0 + eps;
-iter_count = 0;
-print ("Starting the iterations...");
-while (centroid_change > eps)
-    iter_count = iter_count + 1;
-    old_Y = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features );
-    if ( iter_count == 1 
-        | ( centroid_change != centroid_change )             #  Check if
-        | ( ( centroid_change == centroid_change + 1 )       #  centroid_change
-            & ( centroid_change == 2 * centroid_change ) ) ) #  is a "NaN"
-    {
-        # Start anew, by setting D to a random matrix
-        D = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
-    } else {
-        old_Y = Y;
-        # Euclidean squared distances from records (X rows) to centroids (Y rows)
-        # without a redundant Y-independent term
-        D = one_per_record %*% t(rowSums (Y * Y)) - 2.0 * X %*% t(Y);
-    }
-    # Find the closest centroid for each record
-    P = ppred (D, rowMins (D) %*% t(one_per_centroid), "<=");
-    # If some records belong to multiple centroids, share them equally
-    P = P / (rowSums (P) %*% t(one_per_centroid));
-    # Normalize the columns of P to compute record weights for new centroids
-    P = P / (one_per_record %*% colSums (P));
-    # Compute new centroids as weighted averages over the records
-    Y = t(P) %*% X;
-    # Measure the squared difference between old and new centroids
-    centroid_change = sum ( (Y - old_Y) * (Y - old_Y) ) / num_centroids;
-    print ("Iteration " + iter_count + ":  centroid_change = " + centroid_change);
-print( "Writing out the centroids..." );
-write( Y, $3, format = "text" );
-print( "Done." );
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Implements the k-Means clustering algorithm
+# INPUT 1: Input file name for X input data (data records)
+# INPUT 2: The number k of centroids
+# INPUT 3: Output file name for the centroids
+# Example: hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f kMeans.dml -args X_input_file 5 centroids_file
+print( "Performing initialization..." );
+# X : matrix of data points as rows
+X = read( $1 );
+num_records = nrow( X );
+num_features = ncol( X );
+num_centroids = $2;
+one_per_record = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_records, cols = 1);
+one_per_feature = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_features, cols = 1);
+one_per_centroid = matrix( 1.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = 1);
+# Y : matrix of centroids as rows
+Y = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features );
+# D : matrix of squared distances from X rows to Y rows, up to a Y-independent term
+D = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids );
+print( "Taking a data sample to compute the convergence criterion..." );
+X_sample = X;
+sample_size = 1000;
+if (num_records > sample_size)
+   # Sample approximately 1000 records (Bernoulli sampling) 
+   P = Rand( rows = num_records, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 1.0 );
+   P = ppred( P * num_records, sample_size, "<=" );
+   X_sample = X * (P %*% t( one_per_feature ));
+   X_sample = removeEmpty( target = X_sample, margin = "rows" );
+sample_size = nrow( X_sample );
+one_per_sample = matrix( 1.0, rows = sample_size, cols = 1 );
+# Compute eps for the convergence criterion as the average square distance
+# between records in the sample times a small number
+eps = 0.0000001 * 
+    sum (one_per_sample %*% t( rowSums( X_sample * X_sample ) ) 
+    + rowSums( X_sample * X_sample ) %*% t( one_per_sample ) 
+    - 2.0 * X_sample %*% t( X_sample )) / (sample_size * sample_size);
+# Start iterations
+centroid_change = 10.0 + eps;
+iter_count = 0;
+print ("Starting the iterations...");
+while (centroid_change > eps)
+    iter_count = iter_count + 1;
+    old_Y = matrix( 0.0, rows = num_centroids, cols = num_features );
+    if ( iter_count == 1 
+        | ( centroid_change != centroid_change )             #  Check if
+        | ( ( centroid_change == centroid_change + 1 )       #  centroid_change
+            & ( centroid_change == 2 * centroid_change ) ) ) #  is a "NaN"
+    {
+        # Start anew, by setting D to a random matrix
+        D = Rand (rows = num_records, cols = num_centroids, min = 0.0, max = 1.0);
+    } else {
+        old_Y = Y;
+        # Euclidean squared distances from records (X rows) to centroids (Y rows)
+        # without a redundant Y-independent term
+        D = one_per_record %*% t(rowSums (Y * Y)) - 2.0 * X %*% t(Y);
+    }
+    # Find the closest centroid for each record
+    P = ppred (D, rowMins (D) %*% t(one_per_centroid), "<=");
+    # If some records belong to multiple centroids, share them equally
+    P = P / (rowSums (P) %*% t(one_per_centroid));
+    # Normalize the columns of P to compute record weights for new centroids
+    P = P / (one_per_record %*% colSums (P));
+    # Compute new centroids as weighted averages over the records
+    Y = t(P) %*% X;
+    # Measure the squared difference between old and new centroids
+    centroid_change = sum ( (Y - old_Y) * (Y - old_Y) ) / num_centroids;
+    print ("Iteration " + iter_count + ":  centroid_change = " + centroid_change);
+print( "Writing out the centroids..." );
+write( Y, $3, format = "text" );
+print( "Done." );
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.R b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.R
index ccf6ca1..bf419f1 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.R
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.R
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# JUnit test class:
-# command line invocation assuming $L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the R script
-# Rscript $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.R $L2SVM_HOME/in/ 0.00000001 1 100 $L2SVM_HOME/expected/
-args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
-Y = readMM(paste(args[1], "Y.mtx", sep=""));
-check_min = min(Y)
-check_max = max(Y)
-num_min = sum(Y == check_min)
-num_max = sum(Y == check_max)
-if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)){ 
-	print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels") 
-	if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1) 
-		Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
-intercept = as.integer(args[2]);
-epsilon = as.double(args[3]);
-lambda = as.double(args[4]);
-maxiterations = as.integer(args[5]);
-N = nrow(X)
-D = ncol(X)
-if (intercept == 1) {
-	ones  = matrix(1,N,1)
-	X = cbind(X, ones);
-num_rows_in_w = D
-if(intercept == 1){
-	num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
-w = matrix(0, num_rows_in_w, 1)
-g_old = t(X) %*% Y
-s = g_old
-Xw = matrix(0,nrow(X),1)
-iter = 0
-continue = TRUE
-while(continue && iter < maxiterations){
-	t = 0
-	Xd = X %*% s
-	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
-	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-	continue1 = TRUE
-	while(continue1){
-		tmp_Xw = Xw + t*Xd
-		out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
-		sv = which(out > 0)
-		g = wd + t*dd - sum(out[sv] * Y[sv] * Xd[sv])
-		h = dd + sum(Xd[sv] * Xd[sv])
-		t = t - g/h
-		continue1 = (g*g/h >= 1e-10)
-	}
-	w = w + t*s
-	Xw = Xw + t*Xd
-	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
-	sv = which(out > 0)
-	obj = 0.5 * sum(out[sv] * out[sv]) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
-	g_new = t(X[sv,]) %*% (out[sv] * Y[sv]) - lambda * w
-	print(paste("OBJ : ", obj))
-	continue = (t*sum(s * g_old) >= epsilon*obj)
-	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-	s = be * s + g_new
-	g_old = g_new
-	iter = iter + 1
-writeMM(as(w,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "w", sep=""));
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# JUnit test class:
+# command line invocation assuming $L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the R script
+# Rscript $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.R $L2SVM_HOME/in/ 0.00000001 1 100 $L2SVM_HOME/expected/
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
+Y = readMM(paste(args[1], "Y.mtx", sep=""));
+check_min = min(Y)
+check_max = max(Y)
+num_min = sum(Y == check_min)
+num_max = sum(Y == check_max)
+if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)){ 
+	print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels") 
+	if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1) 
+		Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
+intercept = as.integer(args[2]);
+epsilon = as.double(args[3]);
+lambda = as.double(args[4]);
+maxiterations = as.integer(args[5]);
+N = nrow(X)
+D = ncol(X)
+if (intercept == 1) {
+	ones  = matrix(1,N,1)
+	X = cbind(X, ones);
+num_rows_in_w = D
+if(intercept == 1){
+	num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
+w = matrix(0, num_rows_in_w, 1)
+g_old = t(X) %*% Y
+s = g_old
+Xw = matrix(0,nrow(X),1)
+iter = 0
+continue = TRUE
+while(continue && iter < maxiterations){
+	t = 0
+	Xd = X %*% s
+	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
+	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+	continue1 = TRUE
+	while(continue1){
+		tmp_Xw = Xw + t*Xd
+		out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
+		sv = which(out > 0)
+		g = wd + t*dd - sum(out[sv] * Y[sv] * Xd[sv])
+		h = dd + sum(Xd[sv] * Xd[sv])
+		t = t - g/h
+		continue1 = (g*g/h >= 1e-10)
+	}
+	w = w + t*s
+	Xw = Xw + t*Xd
+	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
+	sv = which(out > 0)
+	obj = 0.5 * sum(out[sv] * out[sv]) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
+	g_new = t(X[sv,]) %*% (out[sv] * Y[sv]) - lambda * w
+	print(paste("OBJ : ", obj))
+	continue = (t*sum(s * g_old) >= epsilon*obj)
+	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+	s = be * s + g_new
+	g_old = g_new
+	iter = iter + 1
+writeMM(as(w,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "w", sep=""));
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.dml
index bf7de14..13f2b4c 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.dml
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# How to invoke this dml script L2SVM.dml?
-# Assume L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the dml script
-# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.pydml -nvargs X="$INPUT_DIR/X" Y="$INPUT_DIR/Y" icpt=0 tol=1.0E-8 reg=1.0 maxiter=3 model="$OUTPUT_DIR/w" Log="$OUTPUT_DIR/Log"
-# Note about inputs: 
-# Assumes that labels (entries in Y) 
-# are set to either -1 or +1
-# or the result of recoding
-cmdLine_icpt=ifdef($icpt, 0)
-cmdLine_tol=ifdef($tol, 0.001)
-cmdLine_reg=ifdef($reg, 1.0)
-cmdLine_maxiter=ifdef($maxiter, 100)
-X = read($X)
-Y = read($Y)
-check_min = min(Y)
-check_max = max(Y)
-num_min = sum(ppred(Y, check_min, "=="))
-num_max = sum(ppred(Y, check_max, "=="))
-if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)) print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels")
-	if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1) 
-		Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
-epsilon = cmdLine_tol
-lambda = cmdLine_reg
-maxiterations = cmdLine_maxiter
-intercept = cmdLine_icpt
-num_samples = nrow(X)
-dimensions = ncol(X)
-if (intercept == 1) {
-	ones  = matrix(1, rows=num_samples, cols=1)
-	X = append(X, ones);
-num_rows_in_w = dimensions
-if(intercept == 1){
-	num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
-w = matrix(0, rows=num_rows_in_w, cols=1)
-g_old = t(X) %*% Y
-s = g_old
-Xw = matrix(0, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
-debug_str = "# Iter, Obj"
-iter = 0
-continue = 1
-while(continue == 1 & iter < maxiterations)  {
-	# minimizing primal obj along direction s
-	step_sz = 0
-	Xd = X %*% s
-	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
-	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-	continue1 = 1
-	while(continue1 == 1){
-		tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-		out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
-		sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-		out = out * sv
-		g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
-		h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
-		step_sz = step_sz - g/h
-		if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
-			continue1 = 0
-		}
-	}
-	#update weights
-	w = w + step_sz*s
-	Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-	out = 1 - Y * Xw
-	sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-	out = sv * out
-	obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
-	g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y) - lambda * w
-	print("OBJ = " + obj)
-	debug_str = append(debug_str, iter + "," + obj)
-	tmp = sum(s * g_old)
-	if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj){
-		continue = 0
-	}
-	#non-linear CG step
-	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-	s = be * s + g_new
-	g_old = g_new
-	iter = iter + 1
-write(w, $model, format=cmdLine_fmt)
-write(debug_str, $Log)
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# How to invoke this dml script L2SVM.dml?
+# Assume L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the dml script
+# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.pydml -nvargs X="$INPUT_DIR/X" Y="$INPUT_DIR/Y" icpt=0 tol=1.0E-8 reg=1.0 maxiter=3 model="$OUTPUT_DIR/w" Log="$OUTPUT_DIR/Log"
+# Note about inputs: 
+# Assumes that labels (entries in Y) 
+# are set to either -1 or +1
+# or the result of recoding
+cmdLine_icpt=ifdef($icpt, 0)
+cmdLine_tol=ifdef($tol, 0.001)
+cmdLine_reg=ifdef($reg, 1.0)
+cmdLine_maxiter=ifdef($maxiter, 100)
+X = read($X)
+Y = read($Y)
+check_min = min(Y)
+check_max = max(Y)
+num_min = sum(ppred(Y, check_min, "=="))
+num_max = sum(ppred(Y, check_max, "=="))
+if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)) print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels")
+	if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1) 
+		Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
+epsilon = cmdLine_tol
+lambda = cmdLine_reg
+maxiterations = cmdLine_maxiter
+intercept = cmdLine_icpt
+num_samples = nrow(X)
+dimensions = ncol(X)
+if (intercept == 1) {
+	ones  = matrix(1, rows=num_samples, cols=1)
+	X = append(X, ones);
+num_rows_in_w = dimensions
+if(intercept == 1){
+	num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
+w = matrix(0, rows=num_rows_in_w, cols=1)
+g_old = t(X) %*% Y
+s = g_old
+Xw = matrix(0, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
+debug_str = "# Iter, Obj"
+iter = 0
+continue = 1
+while(continue == 1 & iter < maxiterations)  {
+	# minimizing primal obj along direction s
+	step_sz = 0
+	Xd = X %*% s
+	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
+	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+	continue1 = 1
+	while(continue1 == 1){
+		tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+		out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
+		sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+		out = out * sv
+		g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
+		h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
+		step_sz = step_sz - g/h
+		if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
+			continue1 = 0
+		}
+	}
+	#update weights
+	w = w + step_sz*s
+	Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+	out = 1 - Y * Xw
+	sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+	out = sv * out
+	obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
+	g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y) - lambda * w
+	print("OBJ = " + obj)
+	debug_str = append(debug_str, iter + "," + obj)
+	tmp = sum(s * g_old)
+	if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj){
+		continue = 0
+	}
+	#non-linear CG step
+	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+	s = be * s + g_new
+	g_old = g_new
+	iter = iter + 1
+write(w, $model, format=cmdLine_fmt)
+write(debug_str, $Log)
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.pydml b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.pydml
index d2f89e6..119ff44 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.pydml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVM.pydml
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# How to invoke this pydml script L2SVM.pydml?
-# Assume L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the pydml script
-# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.pydml -python -nvargs X="$INPUT_DIR/X" Y="$INPUT_DIR/Y" icpt=0 tol=1.0E-8 reg=1.0 maxiter=3 model="$OUTPUT_DIR/w" Log="$OUTPUT_DIR/Log"
-# Note about inputs: 
-# Assumes that labels (entries in Y) 
-# are set to either -1 or +1
-# or the result of recoding
-cmdLine_icpt=ifdef($icpt, 0)
-cmdLine_tol=ifdef($tol, 0.001)
-cmdLine_reg=ifdef($reg, 1.0)
-cmdLine_maxiter=ifdef($maxiter, 100)
-X = load($X)
-Y = load($Y)
-check_min = min(Y)
-check_max = max(Y)
-num_min = sum(ppred(Y, check_min, "=="))
-num_max = sum(ppred(Y, check_max, "=="))
-if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)):
-    print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels")
-    if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1):
-        Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
-epsilon = cmdLine_tol
-lambda = cmdLine_reg
-maxiterations = cmdLine_maxiter
-intercept = cmdLine_icpt
-num_samples = nrow(X)
-dimensions = ncol(X)
-if (intercept == 1):
-    ones  = full(1, rows=num_samples, cols=1)
-    X = append(X, ones)
-num_rows_in_w = dimensions
-if(intercept == 1):
-    num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
-w = full(0, rows=num_rows_in_w, cols=1)
-g_old = dot(transpose(X), Y)
-s = g_old
-Xw = full(0, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
-debug_str = "# Iter, Obj"
-iter = 0
-continue = 1
-while(continue == 1 & iter < maxiterations):
-    # minimizing primal obj along direction s
-    step_sz = 0
-    Xd = dot(X, s)
-    wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
-    dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-    continue1 = 1
-    while(continue1 == 1):
-        tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-        out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
-        sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-        out = out * sv
-        g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
-        h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
-        step_sz = step_sz - g/h
-        if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001):
-            continue1 = 0
-    #update weights
-    w = w + step_sz*s
-    Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-    out = 1 - Y * Xw
-    sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-    out = sv * out
-    obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
-    g_new = dot(transpose(X), (out * Y)) - lambda * w
-    print("OBJ = " + obj)
-    debug_str = append(debug_str, iter + "," + obj)
-    tmp = sum(s * g_old)
-    if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj):
-        continue = 0
-    #non-linear CG step
-    be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-    s = be * s + g_new
-    g_old = g_new
-    iter = iter + 1
-save(w, $model, format=cmdLine_fmt)
-save(debug_str, $Log)
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# How to invoke this pydml script L2SVM.pydml?
+# Assume L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the pydml script
+# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.pydml -python -nvargs X="$INPUT_DIR/X" Y="$INPUT_DIR/Y" icpt=0 tol=1.0E-8 reg=1.0 maxiter=3 model="$OUTPUT_DIR/w" Log="$OUTPUT_DIR/Log"
+# Note about inputs: 
+# Assumes that labels (entries in Y) 
+# are set to either -1 or +1
+# or the result of recoding
+cmdLine_icpt=ifdef($icpt, 0)
+cmdLine_tol=ifdef($tol, 0.001)
+cmdLine_reg=ifdef($reg, 1.0)
+cmdLine_maxiter=ifdef($maxiter, 100)
+X = load($X)
+Y = load($Y)
+check_min = min(Y)
+check_max = max(Y)
+num_min = sum(ppred(Y, check_min, "=="))
+num_max = sum(ppred(Y, check_max, "=="))
+if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)):
+    print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels")
+    if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1):
+        Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
+epsilon = cmdLine_tol
+lambda = cmdLine_reg
+maxiterations = cmdLine_maxiter
+intercept = cmdLine_icpt
+num_samples = nrow(X)
+dimensions = ncol(X)
+if (intercept == 1):
+    ones  = full(1, rows=num_samples, cols=1)
+    X = append(X, ones)
+num_rows_in_w = dimensions
+if(intercept == 1):
+    num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
+w = full(0, rows=num_rows_in_w, cols=1)
+g_old = dot(transpose(X), Y)
+s = g_old
+Xw = full(0, rows=nrow(X), cols=1)
+debug_str = "# Iter, Obj"
+iter = 0
+continue = 1
+while(continue == 1 & iter < maxiterations):
+    # minimizing primal obj along direction s
+    step_sz = 0
+    Xd = dot(X, s)
+    wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
+    dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+    continue1 = 1
+    while(continue1 == 1):
+        tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+        out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
+        sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+        out = out * sv
+        g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
+        h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
+        step_sz = step_sz - g/h
+        if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001):
+            continue1 = 0
+    #update weights
+    w = w + step_sz*s
+    Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+    out = 1 - Y * Xw
+    sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+    out = sv * out
+    obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
+    g_new = dot(transpose(X), (out * Y)) - lambda * w
+    print("OBJ = " + obj)
+    debug_str = append(debug_str, iter + "," + obj)
+    tmp = sum(s * g_old)
+    if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj):
+        continue = 0
+    #non-linear CG step
+    be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+    s = be * s + g_new
+    g_old = g_new
+    iter = iter + 1
+save(w, $model, format=cmdLine_fmt)
+save(debug_str, $Log)
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.Rt b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.Rt
index cb0bce7..8bd3e90 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.Rt
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.Rt
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# JUnit test class:
-X = readMM("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/X.mtx")
-Y = readMM("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/Y.mtx")
-epsilon = 0.00000001
-lambda = 1
-N = nrow(X)
-D = ncol(X)
-w = matrix(0,D,1)
-g_old = t(X) %*% Y
-s = g_old
-continue = TRUE
-	t = 0
-	Xd = X %*% s
-	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
-	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-	continue1 = TRUE
-	while(continue1){
-		tmp_w = w + t*s
-		out = 1 - Y * (X %*% tmp_w)
-		sv = which(out > 0)
-		g = wd + t*dd - sum(out[sv] * Y[sv] * Xd[sv])
-		h = dd + sum(Xd[sv] * Xd[sv])
-		t = t - g/h
-		continue1 = (g*g/h >= 1e-10)
-	}
-	w = w + t*s
-	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
-	sv = which(out > 0)
-	obj = 0.5 * sum(out[sv] * out[sv]) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
-	g_new = t(X[sv,]) %*% (out[sv] * Y[sv]) - lambda * w
-	print(paste("OBJ : ", obj))
-	continue = (t*sum(s * g_old) >= epsilon*obj)
-	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-	s = be * s + g_new
-	g_old = g_new
-writeMM(w, "./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/expected/w");
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# JUnit test class:
+X = readMM("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/X.mtx")
+Y = readMM("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/Y.mtx")
+epsilon = 0.00000001
+lambda = 1
+N = nrow(X)
+D = ncol(X)
+w = matrix(0,D,1)
+g_old = t(X) %*% Y
+s = g_old
+continue = TRUE
+	t = 0
+	Xd = X %*% s
+	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
+	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+	continue1 = TRUE
+	while(continue1){
+		tmp_w = w + t*s
+		out = 1 - Y * (X %*% tmp_w)
+		sv = which(out > 0)
+		g = wd + t*dd - sum(out[sv] * Y[sv] * Xd[sv])
+		h = dd + sum(Xd[sv] * Xd[sv])
+		t = t - g/h
+		continue1 = (g*g/h >= 1e-10)
+	}
+	w = w + t*s
+	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
+	sv = which(out > 0)
+	obj = 0.5 * sum(out[sv] * out[sv]) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
+	g_new = t(X[sv,]) %*% (out[sv] * Y[sv]) - lambda * w
+	print(paste("OBJ : ", obj))
+	continue = (t*sum(s * g_old) >= epsilon*obj)
+	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+	s = be * s + g_new
+	g_old = g_new
+writeMM(w, "./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/expected/w");
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.dmlt b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.dmlt
index 79f4252..5145aa3 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.dmlt
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/l2svm/L2SVMTest.dmlt
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-X = read("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/X", rows=1000, cols=100, format="text")
-Y = read("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/y", rows=1000, cols=1, format="text")
-epsilon = 0.00000001
-lambda = 1
-num_samples = nrow(X)
-dimensions = ncol(X)
-g_old = t(X) %*% Y
-s = g_old
-w = Rand(rows=dimensions, cols=1, min=0, max=0, pdf="uniform")
-iter = 0
-continue = 1
-while(continue == 1)  {
-	# minimizing primal obj along direction s
-	step_sz = 0
-	Xd = X %*% s
-	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
-	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-	continue1 = 1
-	while(continue1 == 1){
-		tmp_w = w + step_sz*s
-		out = 1 - Y * (X %*% tmp_w)
-		sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-		out = out * sv
-		g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
-		h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
-		step_sz = step_sz - g/h
-		if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
-			continue1 = 0
-		}
-	}
-	#update weights
-	w = w + step_sz*s
-	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
-	sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
-	out = sv * out
-	obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
-	g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y) - lambda * w
-	print("OBJ = " + obj)
-	tmp = sum(s * g_old)
-	if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj){
-		continue = 0
-	}
-	#non-linear CG step
-	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-	s = be * s + g_new
-	g_old = g_new
-	iter = iter + 1
-write(w, "./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/out/w", format="text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+X = read("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/X", rows=1000, cols=100, format="text")
+Y = read("./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/in/y", rows=1000, cols=1, format="text")
+epsilon = 0.00000001
+lambda = 1
+num_samples = nrow(X)
+dimensions = ncol(X)
+g_old = t(X) %*% Y
+s = g_old
+w = Rand(rows=dimensions, cols=1, min=0, max=0, pdf="uniform")
+iter = 0
+continue = 1
+while(continue == 1)  {
+	# minimizing primal obj along direction s
+	step_sz = 0
+	Xd = X %*% s
+	wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
+	dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+	continue1 = 1
+	while(continue1 == 1){
+		tmp_w = w + step_sz*s
+		out = 1 - Y * (X %*% tmp_w)
+		sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+		out = out * sv
+		g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y * Xd)
+		h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
+		step_sz = step_sz - g/h
+		if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
+			continue1 = 0
+		}
+	}
+	#update weights
+	w = w + step_sz*s
+	out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
+	sv = ppred(out, 0, ">")
+	out = sv * out
+	obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
+	g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y) - lambda * w
+	print("OBJ = " + obj)
+	tmp = sum(s * g_old)
+	if(step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj){
+		continue = 0
+	}
+	#non-linear CG step
+	be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+	s = be * s + g_new
+	g_old = g_new
+	iter = iter + 1
+write(w, "./test/scripts/applications/l2svm/out/w", format="text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.R b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.R
index fe22c8f..3a35d3f 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.R
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.R
@@ -1,217 +1,217 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# JUnit test class:
-# command line invocation assuming $LLR_HOME is set to the home of the R script
-# Rscript $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.R $LLR_HOME/in/ $LLR_HOME/expected/
-args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-# Usage:  /home/vikas/R-2.10.1/bin/R --vanilla --args Xfile X yfile y Cval 2 tol 0.01 maxiter 100 < linearLogReg.r
-# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
-# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
-# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
-C = 2; 
-tol = 0.001
-maxiter = 3
-maxinneriter = 3
-eta0 = 0.0001
-eta1 = 0.25
-eta2 = 0.75
-sigma1 = 0.25
-sigma2 = 0.5
-sigma3 = 4.0
-psi = 0.1 
-# read (training and test) data files -- should be in matrix market format. see data.mtx 
-X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
-Xt = readMM(paste(args[1], "Xt.mtx", sep=""));
-N = nrow(X)
-D = ncol(X)
-Nt = nrow(Xt)
-# read (training and test) labels
-y = readMM(paste(args[1], "y.mtx", sep=""));
-yt = readMM(paste(args[1], "yt.mtx", sep=""));
-# initialize w
-w = matrix(0,D,1)
-o = X %*% w
-logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y*o))
-# VS : change
-obj = 0.5 * t(w) %*% w + C*sum(-log(logistic))
-grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logistic - 1)*y)
-logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
-delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-# number of iterations
-iter = 0
-# starting point for CG
-zeros_D = matrix(0,D,1)
-# VS: change
-zeros_N = matrix(0,N,1)
-# boolean for convergence check
-converge = (delta < tol)
-norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
-gnorm = sqrt(norm_r2)
-# VS: change
-norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
-norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
-while(!converge) {
-	norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-	print("next iteration..")
-	print(paste("Iterations : ",iter, "Objective : ", obj[1,1],  "Gradient Norm : ", norm_grad))
-	s = zeros_D
-	os = zeros_N
-	r = -grad
-	d = r
-	innerconverge = (sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi*norm_grad)
-	inneriter = 0; 	
-	while(!innerconverge) {
-		inneriter = inneriter + 1
-		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-		od = X %*% d
-		Hd = d + C*(t(X) %*% (logisticD*od))
-		alpha_deno = t(d) %*% Hd 
-		alpha = norm_r2/alpha_deno
-		s = s + alpha[1,1]*d
-		os = os + alpha[1,1]*od
-		sts = t(s) %*% s
-		delta2 = delta*delta 
-		if (sts[1,1] > delta2) {
-			# VS: change 
-			print("cg reaches trust region boundary")
-			# VS: change
-			s = s - alpha[1,1]*d
-			os = os - alpha[1,1]*od
-			std = t(s) %*% d
-			dtd = t(d) %*% d
-			# VS:change
-			sts = t(s) %*% s
-			rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
-			if(std[1,1]>=0) {
-				tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
-			} 
-			else {
-				tau = (rad - std)/dtd
-			}	 
-			s = s + tau[1,1]*d
-			os = os + tau[1,1]*od
-			r = r - tau[1,1]*Hd
-			break
-		}
-		r = r - alpha[1,1]*Hd
-		old_norm_r2 = norm_r2 
-		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-		beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
-		d = r + beta*d
-		innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter) # innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi*norm_grad)
-	}
-	print(paste("Inner CG Iteration = ", inneriter))
-	# compute rho, update w, obtain delta
-	gs = t(s) %*% grad
-	qk = -0.5*(gs - (t(s) %*% r))
-	wnew = w + s
-	# VS Change X %*% wnew removed	
-	onew = o + os 
-	# VS: change
-	logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y*onew))
-	objnew = 0.5 * t(wnew) %*% wnew + C*sum(-log(logisticnew))
-	# VS: change
-	actred = (obj - objnew)	
-	rho = actred/qk
-	print(paste("Actual :", actred[1,1], "Predicted :", qk[1,1]))
-	rho = rho[1,1]
-	snorm = sqrt(sum(s*s))
-	if(iter==0) {
-		delta = min(delta, snorm)
-	}
-	if (objnew[1,1] - obj[1,1] - gs[1,1] <= 0) {
-		alpha = sigma3;
-	}
-	else {
-		alpha = max(sigma1, -0.5*gs[1,1]/(objnew[1,1] - obj[1,1] - gs[1,1]))
-	}
-	if (rho > eta0) {
-		w = wnew
-		o = onew
-		grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logisticnew - 1)*y)
-		# VS: change
-		norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-		logisticD = logisticnew*(1-logisticnew)
-		obj = objnew
-	}
-	if (rho < eta0)
-		{delta = min(max(alpha, sigma1)*snorm, sigma2*delta)}
-	else if (rho < eta1)
-		{delta = max(sigma1*delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma2*delta))}
-	else if (rho < eta2)
-		{delta = max(sigma1*delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta))}
-	else
-		{delta = max(delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta))}
-	ot = Xt %*% w
-	correct = sum((yt*ot)>0)
-	iter = iter + 1
-	converge = (norm_grad < tol*norm_grad_initial) | (iter>maxiter)
-	print(paste("Delta :", delta))
-	print(paste("Accuracy=", correct*100/Nt))
-	print(paste("OuterIter=", iter))
-	print(paste("Converge=", converge))
-writeMM(as(w,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"w", sep=""), format = "text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# JUnit test class:
+# command line invocation assuming $LLR_HOME is set to the home of the R script
+# Rscript $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.R $LLR_HOME/in/ $LLR_HOME/expected/
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+# Usage:  /home/vikas/R-2.10.1/bin/R --vanilla --args Xfile X yfile y Cval 2 tol 0.01 maxiter 100 < linearLogReg.r
+# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
+# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
+# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
+C = 2; 
+tol = 0.001
+maxiter = 3
+maxinneriter = 3
+eta0 = 0.0001
+eta1 = 0.25
+eta2 = 0.75
+sigma1 = 0.25
+sigma2 = 0.5
+sigma3 = 4.0
+psi = 0.1 
+# read (training and test) data files -- should be in matrix market format. see data.mtx 
+X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
+Xt = readMM(paste(args[1], "Xt.mtx", sep=""));
+N = nrow(X)
+D = ncol(X)
+Nt = nrow(Xt)
+# read (training and test) labels
+y = readMM(paste(args[1], "y.mtx", sep=""));
+yt = readMM(paste(args[1], "yt.mtx", sep=""));
+# initialize w
+w = matrix(0,D,1)
+o = X %*% w
+logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y*o))
+# VS : change
+obj = 0.5 * t(w) %*% w + C*sum(-log(logistic))
+grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logistic - 1)*y)
+logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
+delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+# number of iterations
+iter = 0
+# starting point for CG
+zeros_D = matrix(0,D,1)
+# VS: change
+zeros_N = matrix(0,N,1)
+# boolean for convergence check
+converge = (delta < tol)
+norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
+gnorm = sqrt(norm_r2)
+# VS: change
+norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
+norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
+while(!converge) {
+	norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+	print("next iteration..")
+	print(paste("Iterations : ",iter, "Objective : ", obj[1,1],  "Gradient Norm : ", norm_grad))
+	s = zeros_D
+	os = zeros_N
+	r = -grad
+	d = r
+	innerconverge = (sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi*norm_grad)
+	inneriter = 0; 	
+	while(!innerconverge) {
+		inneriter = inneriter + 1
+		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+		od = X %*% d
+		Hd = d + C*(t(X) %*% (logisticD*od))
+		alpha_deno = t(d) %*% Hd 
+		alpha = norm_r2/alpha_deno
+		s = s + alpha[1,1]*d
+		os = os + alpha[1,1]*od
+		sts = t(s) %*% s
+		delta2 = delta*delta 
+		if (sts[1,1] > delta2) {
+			# VS: change 
+			print("cg reaches trust region boundary")
+			# VS: change
+			s = s - alpha[1,1]*d
+			os = os - alpha[1,1]*od
+			std = t(s) %*% d
+			dtd = t(d) %*% d
+			# VS:change
+			sts = t(s) %*% s
+			rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
+			if(std[1,1]>=0) {
+				tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
+			} 
+			else {
+				tau = (rad - std)/dtd
+			}	 
+			s = s + tau[1,1]*d
+			os = os + tau[1,1]*od
+			r = r - tau[1,1]*Hd
+			break
+		}
+		r = r - alpha[1,1]*Hd
+		old_norm_r2 = norm_r2 
+		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+		beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
+		d = r + beta*d
+		innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter) # innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi*norm_grad)
+	}
+	print(paste("Inner CG Iteration = ", inneriter))
+	# compute rho, update w, obtain delta
+	gs = t(s) %*% grad
+	qk = -0.5*(gs - (t(s) %*% r))
+	wnew = w + s
+	# VS Change X %*% wnew removed	
+	onew = o + os 
+	# VS: change
+	logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y*onew))
+	objnew = 0.5 * t(wnew) %*% wnew + C*sum(-log(logisticnew))
+	# VS: change
+	actred = (obj - objnew)	
+	rho = actred/qk
+	print(paste("Actual :", actred[1,1], "Predicted :", qk[1,1]))
+	rho = rho[1,1]
+	snorm = sqrt(sum(s*s))
+	if(iter==0) {
+		delta = min(delta, snorm)
+	}
+	if (objnew[1,1] - obj[1,1] - gs[1,1] <= 0) {
+		alpha = sigma3;
+	}
+	else {
+		alpha = max(sigma1, -0.5*gs[1,1]/(objnew[1,1] - obj[1,1] - gs[1,1]))
+	}
+	if (rho > eta0) {
+		w = wnew
+		o = onew
+		grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logisticnew - 1)*y)
+		# VS: change
+		norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+		logisticD = logisticnew*(1-logisticnew)
+		obj = objnew
+	}
+	if (rho < eta0)
+		{delta = min(max(alpha, sigma1)*snorm, sigma2*delta)}
+	else if (rho < eta1)
+		{delta = max(sigma1*delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma2*delta))}
+	else if (rho < eta2)
+		{delta = max(sigma1*delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta))}
+	else
+		{delta = max(delta, min(alpha*snorm, sigma3*delta))}
+	ot = Xt %*% w
+	correct = sum((yt*ot)>0)
+	iter = iter + 1
+	converge = (norm_grad < tol*norm_grad_initial) | (iter>maxiter)
+	print(paste("Delta :", delta))
+	print(paste("Accuracy=", correct*100/Nt))
+	print(paste("OuterIter=", iter))
+	print(paste("Converge=", converge))
+writeMM(as(w,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[2],"w", sep=""), format = "text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.dml b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.dml
index fb0bf00..cf2f7ad 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.dml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.dml
@@ -1,231 +1,231 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
-# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
-# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
-# Note this script is externalized to customers, please do not change w/o consulting component owner.
-# How to invoke this dml script LinearLogReg.dml?
-# Assume LLR_HOME is set to the home of the dml script
-# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
-# Assume rows = 100 and cols = 50 for x, rows_test= 25 and cols_test = 50 for Xt
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.dml -args "$INPUT_DIR/X" "$INPUT_DIR/Xt" "$INPUT_DIR/y" "$INPUT_DIR/yt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/w"
-C = 2
-tol = 0.001
-maxiter = 3
-maxinneriter = 3
-eta0 = 0.0001
-eta1 = 0.25
-eta2 = 0.75
-sigma1 = 0.25
-sigma2 = 0.5
-sigma3 = 4.0
-psi = 0.1 
-# read (training and test) data files
-X = read($1)
-Xt = read($2)
-N = nrow(X)
-D = ncol(X)
-Nt = nrow(Xt)
-# read (training and test) labels
-y = read($3)
-yt = read($4)
-#initialize w
-w = Rand(rows=D, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0);
-e = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0); 
-o = X %*% w
-logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -y * o))
-obj = 0.5 * t(w) %*% w + C*sum(-log(logistic))
-grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logistic - 1)*y)
-logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
-delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-# number of iterations
-iter = 0
-# starting point for CG
-zeros_D = Rand(rows = D, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-# VS: change
-zeros_N = Rand(rows = N, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
-# boolean for convergence check
-converge = (delta < tol) | (iter > maxiter)
-norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
-# VS: change
-norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
-norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
-alpha = t(w) %*% w
-alpha2 = alpha
-while(!converge) {
-	norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-	print("-- Outer Iteration = " + iter)
-	objScalar = castAsScalar(obj)
-	print("     Iterations = " + iter + ", Objective = " + objScalar + ", Gradient Norm = " + norm_grad)
-	s = zeros_D
-	os = zeros_N
-	r = -grad
-	d = r
-	inneriter = 0
-	innerconverge = ( sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi * norm_grad) 
-	while (!innerconverge) {
-	    inneriter = inneriter + 1
-		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-		od = X %*% d
-		Hd = d + C*(t(X) %*% (logisticD*od))
-		alpha_deno = t(d) %*% Hd 
-		alpha = norm_r2 / alpha_deno
-		s = s + castAsScalar(alpha) * d
-		os = os + castAsScalar(alpha) * od
-		sts = t(s) %*% s
-		delta2 = delta*delta 
-		stsScalar = castAsScalar(sts)
-		shouldBreak = FALSE;  # to mimic "break" in the following 'if' condition
-		if (stsScalar > delta2) {
-		   	print("      --- cg reaches trust region boundary")
-			s = s - castAsScalar(alpha) * d
-			os = os - castAsScalar(alpha) * od
-			std = t(s) %*% d
-			dtd = t(d) %*% d
-			sts = t(s) %*% s
-			rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
-			stdScalar = castAsScalar(std)
-			if(stdScalar >= 0) {
-				tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
-			} 
-			else {
-				tau = (rad - std)/dtd
-			}
-			s = s + castAsScalar(tau) * d
-			os = os + castAsScalar(tau) * od
-			r = r - castAsScalar(tau) * Hd
-			#break
-			shouldBreak = TRUE;
-			innerconverge = TRUE;
-		} 
-		if (!shouldBreak) {
-			r = r - castAsScalar(alpha) * Hd
-			old_norm_r2 = norm_r2 
-			norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-			beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
-			d = r + beta*d
-			innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter)
-		}
-	}  
-	print("      --- Inner CG Iteration =  " + inneriter)
-	# compute rho, update w, obtain delta
-	gs = t(s) %*% grad
-	qk = -0.5*(gs - (t(s) %*% r))
-	wnew = w + s	
-	onew = o + os
-	logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y * onew ))
-	objnew = 0.5 * t(wnew) %*% wnew + C * sum(-log(logisticnew))
-	actred = (obj - objnew)
-	actredScalar = castAsScalar(actred)
-	rho = actred / qk
-	qkScalar = castAsScalar(qk)
-	rhoScalar = castAsScalar(rho);
-	snorm = sqrt(sum( s * s ))
-	print("     Actual    = " + actredScalar)
-	print("     Predicted = " + qkScalar)
-	if (iter==0) {
-	   delta = min(delta, snorm)
-	}
-	alpha2 = objnew - obj - gs
-	alpha2Scalar = castAsScalar(alpha2)
-	if (alpha2Scalar <= 0) {
-	   alpha = sigma3*e
-	} 
-	else {
-	   ascalar = max(sigma1, -0.5*castAsScalar(gs)/alpha2Scalar)  
-	   alpha = ascalar*e
-	}
-	if (rhoScalar > eta0) {
-		w = wnew
-		o = onew
-		grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logisticnew - 1) * y )
-		norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-		logisticD = logisticnew * (1 - logisticnew)
-		obj = objnew	
-	} 
-	alphaScalar = castAsScalar(alpha)
-	if (rhoScalar < eta0){
-		delta = min(max( alphaScalar , sigma1) * snorm, sigma2 * delta )
-	}
-	else {
-		if (rhoScalar < eta1){
-			delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar  * snorm, sigma2 * delta))
-		}
-		else { 
-			if (rhoScalar < eta2) {
-				delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
-			}
-			else {
-				delta = max(delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
-			}
-		}
-	} 
-	ot = Xt %*% w
-	ot2 = yt * ot
-	correct = sum(ppred(ot2, 0, ">"))
-	accuracy = correct*100.0/Nt 
-	iter = iter + 1
-	converge = (norm_grad < (tol * norm_grad_initial)) | (iter > maxiter)
-	print("     Delta =  " + delta)
-	print("     Accuracy =  " +  accuracy)
-	print("     Correct =  " + correct)
-	print("     OuterIter =  " + iter)
-	print("     Converge =  " + converge)
-write(w, $5, format="text");
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
+# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
+# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
+# Note this script is externalized to customers, please do not change w/o consulting component owner.
+# How to invoke this dml script LinearLogReg.dml?
+# Assume LLR_HOME is set to the home of the dml script
+# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
+# Assume rows = 100 and cols = 50 for x, rows_test= 25 and cols_test = 50 for Xt
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.dml -args "$INPUT_DIR/X" "$INPUT_DIR/Xt" "$INPUT_DIR/y" "$INPUT_DIR/yt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/w"
+C = 2
+tol = 0.001
+maxiter = 3
+maxinneriter = 3
+eta0 = 0.0001
+eta1 = 0.25
+eta2 = 0.75
+sigma1 = 0.25
+sigma2 = 0.5
+sigma3 = 4.0
+psi = 0.1 
+# read (training and test) data files
+X = read($1)
+Xt = read($2)
+N = nrow(X)
+D = ncol(X)
+Nt = nrow(Xt)
+# read (training and test) labels
+y = read($3)
+yt = read($4)
+#initialize w
+w = Rand(rows=D, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0);
+e = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0); 
+o = X %*% w
+logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -y * o))
+obj = 0.5 * t(w) %*% w + C*sum(-log(logistic))
+grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logistic - 1)*y)
+logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
+delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+# number of iterations
+iter = 0
+# starting point for CG
+zeros_D = Rand(rows = D, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+# VS: change
+zeros_N = Rand(rows = N, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0);
+# boolean for convergence check
+converge = (delta < tol) | (iter > maxiter)
+norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
+# VS: change
+norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
+norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
+alpha = t(w) %*% w
+alpha2 = alpha
+while(!converge) {
+	norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+	print("-- Outer Iteration = " + iter)
+	objScalar = castAsScalar(obj)
+	print("     Iterations = " + iter + ", Objective = " + objScalar + ", Gradient Norm = " + norm_grad)
+	s = zeros_D
+	os = zeros_N
+	r = -grad
+	d = r
+	inneriter = 0
+	innerconverge = ( sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi * norm_grad) 
+	while (!innerconverge) {
+	    inneriter = inneriter + 1
+		norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+		od = X %*% d
+		Hd = d + C*(t(X) %*% (logisticD*od))
+		alpha_deno = t(d) %*% Hd 
+		alpha = norm_r2 / alpha_deno
+		s = s + castAsScalar(alpha) * d
+		os = os + castAsScalar(alpha) * od
+		sts = t(s) %*% s
+		delta2 = delta*delta 
+		stsScalar = castAsScalar(sts)
+		shouldBreak = FALSE;  # to mimic "break" in the following 'if' condition
+		if (stsScalar > delta2) {
+		   	print("      --- cg reaches trust region boundary")
+			s = s - castAsScalar(alpha) * d
+			os = os - castAsScalar(alpha) * od
+			std = t(s) %*% d
+			dtd = t(d) %*% d
+			sts = t(s) %*% s
+			rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
+			stdScalar = castAsScalar(std)
+			if(stdScalar >= 0) {
+				tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
+			} 
+			else {
+				tau = (rad - std)/dtd
+			}
+			s = s + castAsScalar(tau) * d
+			os = os + castAsScalar(tau) * od
+			r = r - castAsScalar(tau) * Hd
+			#break
+			shouldBreak = TRUE;
+			innerconverge = TRUE;
+		} 
+		if (!shouldBreak) {
+			r = r - castAsScalar(alpha) * Hd
+			old_norm_r2 = norm_r2 
+			norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+			beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
+			d = r + beta*d
+			innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter)
+		}
+	}  
+	print("      --- Inner CG Iteration =  " + inneriter)
+	# compute rho, update w, obtain delta
+	gs = t(s) %*% grad
+	qk = -0.5*(gs - (t(s) %*% r))
+	wnew = w + s	
+	onew = o + os
+	logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y * onew ))
+	objnew = 0.5 * t(wnew) %*% wnew + C * sum(-log(logisticnew))
+	actred = (obj - objnew)
+	actredScalar = castAsScalar(actred)
+	rho = actred / qk
+	qkScalar = castAsScalar(qk)
+	rhoScalar = castAsScalar(rho);
+	snorm = sqrt(sum( s * s ))
+	print("     Actual    = " + actredScalar)
+	print("     Predicted = " + qkScalar)
+	if (iter==0) {
+	   delta = min(delta, snorm)
+	}
+	alpha2 = objnew - obj - gs
+	alpha2Scalar = castAsScalar(alpha2)
+	if (alpha2Scalar <= 0) {
+	   alpha = sigma3*e
+	} 
+	else {
+	   ascalar = max(sigma1, -0.5*castAsScalar(gs)/alpha2Scalar)  
+	   alpha = ascalar*e
+	}
+	if (rhoScalar > eta0) {
+		w = wnew
+		o = onew
+		grad = w + C*t(X) %*% ((logisticnew - 1) * y )
+		norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+		logisticD = logisticnew * (1 - logisticnew)
+		obj = objnew	
+	} 
+	alphaScalar = castAsScalar(alpha)
+	if (rhoScalar < eta0){
+		delta = min(max( alphaScalar , sigma1) * snorm, sigma2 * delta )
+	}
+	else {
+		if (rhoScalar < eta1){
+			delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar  * snorm, sigma2 * delta))
+		}
+		else { 
+			if (rhoScalar < eta2) {
+				delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
+			}
+			else {
+				delta = max(delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
+			}
+		}
+	} 
+	ot = Xt %*% w
+	ot2 = yt * ot
+	correct = sum(ppred(ot2, 0, ">"))
+	accuracy = correct*100.0/Nt 
+	iter = iter + 1
+	converge = (norm_grad < (tol * norm_grad_initial)) | (iter > maxiter)
+	print("     Delta =  " + delta)
+	print("     Accuracy =  " +  accuracy)
+	print("     Correct =  " + correct)
+	print("     OuterIter =  " + iter)
+	print("     Converge =  " + converge)
+write(w, $5, format="text");
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.pydml b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.pydml
index a8dc934..1a9e769 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.pydml
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/linearLogReg/LinearLogReg.pydml
@@ -1,214 +1,214 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
-# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
-# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
-# Note this script is externalized to customers, please do not change w/o consulting component owner.
-# How to invoke this pydml script LinearLogReg.pydml?
-# Assume LLR_HOME is set to the home of the pydml script
-# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
-# Assume rows = 100 and cols = 50 for x, rows_test= 25 and cols_test = 50 for Xt
-# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.pydml -python -args "$INPUT_DIR/X" "$INPUT_DIR/Xt" "$INPUT_DIR/y" "$INPUT_DIR/yt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/w"
-C = 2
-tol = 0.001
-maxiter = 3
-maxinneriter = 3
-eta0 = 0.0001
-eta1 = 0.25
-eta2 = 0.75
-sigma1 = 0.25
-sigma2 = 0.5
-sigma3 = 4.0
-psi = 0.1
-# load (training and test) data files
-X = load($1)
-Xt = load($2)
-N = nrow(X)
-D = ncol(X)
-Nt = nrow(Xt)
-# load (training and test) labels
-y = load($3)
-yt = load($4)
-#initialize w
-w = Rand(rows=D, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0)
-e = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0)
-o = dot(X, w)
-logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -y * o))
-obj = dot((0.5 * transpose(w)), w) + C*sum(-log(logistic))
-grad = w + dot(C*transpose(X), ((logistic - 1)*y))
-logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
-delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-# number of iterations
-iter = 0
-# starting point for CG
-zeros_D = Rand(rows = D, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0)
-# VS: change
-zeros_N = Rand(rows = N, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0)
-# boolean for convergence check
-converge = (delta < tol) | (iter > maxiter)
-norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
-# VS: change
-norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
-norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
-alpha = dot(transpose(w), w)
-alpha2 = alpha
-    norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-    print("-- Outer Iteration = " + iter)
-    objScalar = castAsScalar(obj)
-    print("     Iterations = " + iter + ", Objective = " + objScalar + ", Gradient Norm = " + norm_grad)
-    s = zeros_D
-    os = zeros_N
-    r = -grad
-    d = r
-    inneriter = 0
-    innerconverge = ( sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi * norm_grad)
-    while (!innerconverge):
-        inneriter = inneriter + 1
-        norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-        od = dot(X, d)
-        Hd = d + C*(dot(transpose(X), (logisticD*od)))
-        alpha_deno = dot(transpose(d), Hd)
-        alpha = norm_r2 / alpha_deno
-        s = s + castAsScalar(alpha) * d
-        os = os + castAsScalar(alpha) * od
-        sts = dot(transpose(s), s)
-        delta2 = delta*delta 
-        stsScalar = castAsScalar(sts)
-        shouldBreak = False  # to mimic "break" in the following 'if' condition
-        if (stsScalar > delta2):
-            print("      --- cg reaches trust region boundary")
-            s = s - castAsScalar(alpha) * d
-            os = os - castAsScalar(alpha) * od
-            std = dot(transpose(s), d)
-            dtd = dot(transpose(d), d)
-            sts = dot(transpose(s), s)
-            rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
-            stdScalar = castAsScalar(std)
-            if(stdScalar >= 0):
-                tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
-            else:
-                tau = (rad - std)/dtd
-            s = s + castAsScalar(tau) * d
-            os = os + castAsScalar(tau) * od
-            r = r - castAsScalar(tau) * Hd
-            #break
-            shouldBreak = True
-            innerconverge = True
-        if (!shouldBreak):
-            r = r - castAsScalar(alpha) * Hd
-            old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
-            norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
-            beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
-            d = r + beta*d
-            innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter)
-    # end while (!innerconverge)
-    print("      --- Inner CG Iteration =  " + inneriter)
-    # compute rho, update w, obtain delta
-    gs = dot(transpose(s), grad)
-    qk = -0.5*(gs - (dot(transpose(s), r)))
-    wnew = w + s    
-    onew = o + os
-    logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y * onew ))
-    objnew = dot((0.5 * transpose(wnew)), wnew) + C * sum(-log(logisticnew))
-    actred = (obj - objnew)
-    actredScalar = castAsScalar(actred)
-    rho = actred / qk
-    qkScalar = castAsScalar(qk)
-    rhoScalar = castAsScalar(rho)
-    snorm = sqrt(sum( s * s ))
-    print("     Actual    = " + actredScalar)
-    print("     Predicted = " + qkScalar)
-    if (iter==0):
-        delta = min(delta, snorm)
-    alpha2 = objnew - obj - gs
-    alpha2Scalar = castAsScalar(alpha2)
-    if (alpha2Scalar <= 0):
-        alpha = sigma3*e
-    else:
-        ascalar = max(sigma1, -0.5*castAsScalar(gs)/alpha2Scalar)
-        alpha = ascalar*e
-    if (rhoScalar > eta0):
-        w = wnew
-        o = onew
-        grad = w + dot(C*transpose(X), ((logisticnew - 1) * y ))
-        norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
-        logisticD = logisticnew * (1 - logisticnew)
-        obj = objnew
-    alphaScalar = castAsScalar(alpha)
-    if (rhoScalar < eta0):
-        delta = min(max( alphaScalar , sigma1) * snorm, sigma2 * delta )
-    else:
-        if (rhoScalar < eta1):
-            delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar  * snorm, sigma2 * delta))
-        else:
-            if (rhoScalar < eta2):
-                delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
-            else:
-                delta = max(delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
-    ot = dot(Xt, w)
-    ot2 = yt * ot
-    correct = sum(ppred(ot2, 0, ">"))
-    accuracy = correct*100.0/Nt 
-    iter = iter + 1
-    converge = (norm_grad < (tol * norm_grad_initial)) | (iter > maxiter)
-    print("     Delta =  " + delta)
-    print("     Accuracy =  " +  accuracy)
-    print("     Correct =  " + correct)
-    print("     OuterIter =  " + iter)
-    print("     Converge =  " + converge)
-# end while(!converge)
-save(w, $5, format="text")
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Solves Linear Logistic Regression using Trust Region methods. 
+# Can be adapted for L2-SVMs and more general unconstrained optimization problems also
+# setup optimization parameters (See: Trust Region Newton Method for Logistic Regression, Lin, Weng and Keerthi, JMLR 9 (2008) 627-650)
+# Note this script is externalized to customers, please do not change w/o consulting component owner.
+# How to invoke this pydml script LinearLogReg.pydml?
+# Assume LLR_HOME is set to the home of the pydml script
+# Assume input and output directories are on hdfs as INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR
+# Assume rows = 100 and cols = 50 for x, rows_test= 25 and cols_test = 50 for Xt
+# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f $LLR_HOME/LinearLogReg.pydml -python -args "$INPUT_DIR/X" "$INPUT_DIR/Xt" "$INPUT_DIR/y" "$INPUT_DIR/yt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/w"
+C = 2
+tol = 0.001
+maxiter = 3
+maxinneriter = 3
+eta0 = 0.0001
+eta1 = 0.25
+eta2 = 0.75
+sigma1 = 0.25
+sigma2 = 0.5
+sigma3 = 4.0
+psi = 0.1
+# load (training and test) data files
+X = load($1)
+Xt = load($2)
+N = nrow(X)
+D = ncol(X)
+Nt = nrow(Xt)
+# load (training and test) labels
+y = load($3)
+yt = load($4)
+#initialize w
+w = Rand(rows=D, cols=1, min=0.0, max=0.0)
+e = Rand(rows=1, cols=1, min=1.0, max=1.0)
+o = dot(X, w)
+logistic = 1.0/(1.0 + exp( -y * o))
+obj = dot((0.5 * transpose(w)), w) + C*sum(-log(logistic))
+grad = w + dot(C*transpose(X), ((logistic - 1)*y))
+logisticD = logistic*(1-logistic)
+delta = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+# number of iterations
+iter = 0
+# starting point for CG
+zeros_D = Rand(rows = D, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0)
+# VS: change
+zeros_N = Rand(rows = N, cols = 1, min = 0.0, max = 0.0)
+# boolean for convergence check
+converge = (delta < tol) | (iter > maxiter)
+norm_r2 = sum(grad*grad)
+# VS: change
+norm_grad = sqrt(norm_r2)
+norm_grad_initial = norm_grad
+alpha = dot(transpose(w), w)
+alpha2 = alpha
+    norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+    print("-- Outer Iteration = " + iter)
+    objScalar = castAsScalar(obj)
+    print("     Iterations = " + iter + ", Objective = " + objScalar + ", Gradient Norm = " + norm_grad)
+    s = zeros_D
+    os = zeros_N
+    r = -grad
+    d = r
+    inneriter = 0
+    innerconverge = ( sqrt(sum(r*r)) <= psi * norm_grad)
+    while (!innerconverge):
+        inneriter = inneriter + 1
+        norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+        od = dot(X, d)
+        Hd = d + C*(dot(transpose(X), (logisticD*od)))
+        alpha_deno = dot(transpose(d), Hd)
+        alpha = norm_r2 / alpha_deno
+        s = s + castAsScalar(alpha) * d
+        os = os + castAsScalar(alpha) * od
+        sts = dot(transpose(s), s)
+        delta2 = delta*delta 
+        stsScalar = castAsScalar(sts)
+        shouldBreak = False  # to mimic "break" in the following 'if' condition
+        if (stsScalar > delta2):
+            print("      --- cg reaches trust region boundary")
+            s = s - castAsScalar(alpha) * d
+            os = os - castAsScalar(alpha) * od
+            std = dot(transpose(s), d)
+            dtd = dot(transpose(d), d)
+            sts = dot(transpose(s), s)
+            rad = sqrt(std*std + dtd*(delta2 - sts))
+            stdScalar = castAsScalar(std)
+            if(stdScalar >= 0):
+                tau = (delta2 - sts)/(std + rad)
+            else:
+                tau = (rad - std)/dtd
+            s = s + castAsScalar(tau) * d
+            os = os + castAsScalar(tau) * od
+            r = r - castAsScalar(tau) * Hd
+            #break
+            shouldBreak = True
+            innerconverge = True
+        if (!shouldBreak):
+            r = r - castAsScalar(alpha) * Hd
+            old_norm_r2 = norm_r2
+            norm_r2 = sum(r*r)
+            beta = norm_r2/old_norm_r2
+            d = r + beta*d
+            innerconverge = (sqrt(norm_r2) <= psi * norm_grad) | (inneriter > maxinneriter)
+    # end while (!innerconverge)
+    print("      --- Inner CG Iteration =  " + inneriter)
+    # compute rho, update w, obtain delta
+    gs = dot(transpose(s), grad)
+    qk = -0.5*(gs - (dot(transpose(s), r)))
+    wnew = w + s    
+    onew = o + os
+    logisticnew = 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-y * onew ))
+    objnew = dot((0.5 * transpose(wnew)), wnew) + C * sum(-log(logisticnew))
+    actred = (obj - objnew)
+    actredScalar = castAsScalar(actred)
+    rho = actred / qk
+    qkScalar = castAsScalar(qk)
+    rhoScalar = castAsScalar(rho)
+    snorm = sqrt(sum( s * s ))
+    print("     Actual    = " + actredScalar)
+    print("     Predicted = " + qkScalar)
+    if (iter==0):
+        delta = min(delta, snorm)
+    alpha2 = objnew - obj - gs
+    alpha2Scalar = castAsScalar(alpha2)
+    if (alpha2Scalar <= 0):
+        alpha = sigma3*e
+    else:
+        ascalar = max(sigma1, -0.5*castAsScalar(gs)/alpha2Scalar)
+        alpha = ascalar*e
+    if (rhoScalar > eta0):
+        w = wnew
+        o = onew
+        grad = w + dot(C*transpose(X), ((logisticnew - 1) * y ))
+        norm_grad = sqrt(sum(grad*grad))
+        logisticD = logisticnew * (1 - logisticnew)
+        obj = objnew
+    alphaScalar = castAsScalar(alpha)
+    if (rhoScalar < eta0):
+        delta = min(max( alphaScalar , sigma1) * snorm, sigma2 * delta )
+    else:
+        if (rhoScalar < eta1):
+            delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar  * snorm, sigma2 * delta))
+        else:
+            if (rhoScalar < eta2):
+                delta = max(sigma1 * delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
+            else:
+                delta = max(delta, min( alphaScalar * snorm, sigma3 * delta))
+    ot = dot(Xt, w)
+    ot2 = yt * ot
+    correct = sum(ppred(ot2, 0, ">"))
+    accuracy = correct*100.0/Nt 
+    iter = iter + 1
+    converge = (norm_grad < (tol * norm_grad_initial)) | (iter > maxiter)
+    print("     Delta =  " + delta)
+    print("     Accuracy =  " +  accuracy)
+    print("     Correct =  " + correct)
+    print("     OuterIter =  " + iter)
+    print("     Converge =  " + converge)
+# end while(!converge)
+save(w, $5, format="text")
diff --git a/src/test/scripts/applications/m-svm/m-svm.R b/src/test/scripts/applications/m-svm/m-svm.R
index 01f5d6a..e4eb562 100644
--- a/src/test/scripts/applications/m-svm/m-svm.R
+++ b/src/test/scripts/applications/m-svm/m-svm.R
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
-X = as.matrix(readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep="")))
-check_X = sum(X)
-if(check_X == 0){
-	print("X has no non-zeros")
-	Y = as.matrix(readMM(paste(args[1], "Y.mtx", sep="")))
-	intercept = as.integer(args[6])
-	num_classes = as.integer(args[2])
-	epsilon = as.double(args[3])
-	lambda = as.double(args[4])
-	max_iterations = as.integer(args[5])
-	num_samples = nrow(X)
-	num_features = ncol(X)
-	if (intercept == 1) {
- 		ones  = matrix(1, num_samples, 1);
- 		X = cbind(X, ones);
-	}
-	num_rows_in_w = num_features
-	if(intercept == 1){
-		num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
-	}
-	w = matrix(0, num_rows_in_w, num_classes)
-	debug_mat = matrix(-1, max_iterations, num_classes)
-	for(iter_class in 1:num_classes){		  
-		Y_local = 2 * (Y == iter_class) - 1
-		w_class = matrix(0, num_features, 1)
-		if (intercept == 1) {
-			zero_matrix = matrix(0, 1, 1);
- 			w_class = t(cbind(t(w_class), zero_matrix));
- 		}
-		g_old = t(X) %*% Y_local
- 		s = g_old
-		Xw = matrix(0, nrow(X), 1)
-		iter = 0
- 		continue = 1
- 		while(continue == 1)  {
-  			# minimizing primal obj along direction s
-  			step_sz = 0
-  			Xd = X %*% s
-  			wd = lambda * sum(w_class * s)
-  			dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
-  			continue1 = 1
-  			while(continue1 == 1){
-   				tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-   				out = 1 - Y_local * (tmp_Xw)
-   				sv = (out > 0)
-   				out = out * sv
-   				g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y_local * Xd)
-   				h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
-   				step_sz = step_sz - g/h
-   				if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
-    				continue1 = 0
-   				}
-  			}
-  			#update weights
-  			w_class = w_class + step_sz*s
- 			Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
-  			out = 1 - Y_local * Xw
-  			sv = (out > 0)
-  			out = sv * out
-  			obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w_class * w_class)
-  			g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y_local) - lambda * w_class
-  			tmp = sum(s * g_old)
-  			train_acc = sum(Y_local*(X%*%w_class) >= 0)/num_samples*100
-  			print(paste("For class ", iter_class, " iteration ", iter, " training accuracy: ", train_acc, sep=""))
-  			debug_mat[iter+1,iter_class] = obj	   
-  			if((step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj) | (iter >= max_iterations-1)){
-   				continue = 0
-  			}
-  			#non-linear CG step
-  			be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
-  			s = be * s + g_new
-  			g_old = g_new
-  			iter = iter + 1
- 		}
-		w[,iter_class] = w_class
-	}
-	writeMM(as(w, "CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[7], "w", sep=""))
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
+X = as.matrix(readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep="")))
+check_X = sum(X)
+if(check_X == 0){
+	print("X has no non-zeros")
+	Y = as.matrix(readMM(paste(args[1], "Y.mtx", sep="")))
+	intercept = as.integer(args[6])
+	num_classes = as.integer(args[2])
+	epsilon = as.double(args[3])
+	lambda = as.double(args[4])
+	max_iterations = as.integer(args[5])
+	num_samples = nrow(X)
+	num_features = ncol(X)
+	if (intercept == 1) {
+ 		ones  = matrix(1, num_samples, 1);
+ 		X = cbind(X, ones);
+	}
+	num_rows_in_w = num_features
+	if(intercept == 1){
+		num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
+	}
+	w = matrix(0, num_rows_in_w, num_classes)
+	debug_mat = matrix(-1, max_iterations, num_classes)
+	for(iter_class in 1:num_classes){		  
+		Y_local = 2 * (Y == iter_class) - 1
+		w_class = matrix(0, num_features, 1)
+		if (intercept == 1) {
+			zero_matrix = matrix(0, 1, 1);
+ 			w_class = t(cbind(t(w_class), zero_matrix));
+ 		}
+		g_old = t(X) %*% Y_local
+ 		s = g_old
+		Xw = matrix(0, nrow(X), 1)
+		iter = 0
+ 		continue = 1
+ 		while(continue == 1)  {
+  			# minimizing primal obj along direction s
+  			step_sz = 0
+  			Xd = X %*% s
+  			wd = lambda * sum(w_class * s)
+  			dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
+  			continue1 = 1
+  			while(continue1 == 1){
+   				tmp_Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+   				out = 1 - Y_local * (tmp_Xw)
+   				sv = (out > 0)
+   				out = out * sv
+   				g = wd + step_sz*dd - sum(out * Y_local * Xd)
+   				h = dd + sum(Xd * sv * Xd)
+   				step_sz = step_sz - g/h
+   				if (g*g/h < 0.0000000001){
+    				continue1 = 0
+   				}
+  			}
+  			#update weights
+  			w_class = w_class + step_sz*s
+ 			Xw = Xw + step_sz*Xd
+  			out = 1 - Y_local * Xw
+  			sv = (out > 0)
+  			out = sv * out
+  			obj = 0.5 * sum(out * out) + lambda/2 * sum(w_class * w_class)
+  			g_new = t(X) %*% (out * Y_local) - lambda * w_class
+  			tmp = sum(s * g_old)
+  			train_acc = sum(Y_local*(X%*%w_class) >= 0)/num_samples*100
+  			print(paste("For class ", iter_class, " iteration ", iter, " training accuracy: ", train_acc, sep=""))
+  			debug_mat[iter+1,iter_class] = obj	   
+  			if((step_sz*tmp < epsilon*obj) | (iter >= max_iterations-1)){
+   				continue = 0
+  			}
+  			#non-linear CG step
+  			be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
+  			s = be * s + g_new
+  			g_old = g_new
+  			iter = iter + 1
+ 		}
+		w[,iter_class] = w_class
+	}
+	writeMM(as(w, "CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[7], "w", sep=""))