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Posted to by Manish Saha <> on 2001/04/24 07:28:43 UTC

vb and weblogic soap implementation

hi all,

we have a vb client which tries to connect to weblogic 6.0 soap
implementation.It is not able to connect to the url.and there is no error
message for not connecting .Is it the problem with the weblogic or vb client
.vb client is using the ms-xml open function to connect to the weblogic port

here is the piece of the client code.

 Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim strReturn As String 
Dim strEnvelope As String 
Dim objHttp As New MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
strEnvelope = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-
ENV=""<>""<http://www.>"" xmlns:xsd=""<>
/1999/XMLSchema"">" & _ "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" & _ "<ns1:helloXml
xmlns:ns1=""urn:helloxmlworld"" SOAP-
ENV:encodingStyle=""<>"">" & _
"<xmlparam SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""<>
soap/literalxml"">" & _ "<names><myname font=""arial""
fontstyle=""oblique"">" & _ "<initial>mr</initial>" & _
"<firstname>manish</firstname>" & _ "<lastname>saha</lastname>" & _
"</myname>" & _ "</names>" & _ "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" & _ "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>" "post", "<http://localhost:7001/soap/rpcrouter>" 

the soap implementation for apache tomcat work ie., "post", "<http://localhost:8080/soap/rpcrouter>" 

it is able to connect to the apache tom cat server.

but it is not able to open a connection to weblogic server

objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/xml"
 objHttp.setRequestHeader "SOAPMethodName", "urn:helloworld" 
MsgBox "message" 
objHttp.send strEnvelope
 MsgBox objHttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Length")
 MsgBox xmlhttp.getAllResponseHeader("Content-Length")
 MsgBox "after sending" + strEnvelope 
MsgBox "Error sending request: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description 
strReturn = objHttp.responseText End Sub 


Manish SAHA

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