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[05/84] [abbrv] flink-web git commit: Updated Flink site
diff --git a/content/visualizer/js/graphCreator.js b/content/visualizer/js/graphCreator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c8c81..0000000
--- a/content/visualizer/js/graphCreator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Document initialization.
- */
-$(document).ready(function () 
-	zoom = d3.behavior.zoom("#svg-main").on("zoom", function() {
-     		var ev = d3.event;
-"#svg-main g")
-     			.attr("transform", "translate(" + ev.translate + ") scale(" + ev.scale + ")");
-  		});
-  	zoom.scaleExtent([0.3, 3])
-//The current JSON file
-var JSONData; 
-//The informations for the iterations
-var iterationIds = new Array();
-var iterationGraphs = new Array();
-var iterationWidths = new Array();
-var iterationHeights = new Array();
-//The zoom element
-var zoom;
-//informations about the enviroment
-var svgWidth;
-var svgHeight;
-//Renders and draws the graph
-function drawGraph(data, svgID){
-	JSONData = data;
-	//First step: precompute all iteration graphs
-	//find all iterations
-	iterationNodes = searchForIterationNodes();
-	//add the graphs of iterations and their sizes + Ids to arrays
-	if (iterationNodes != null) {
-		for (var i in iterationNodes) {
-			var itNode = iterationNodes[i];
-			iterationIds.push(;
-			var g0 = loadJsonToDagre(itNode);
-			iterationGraphs.push(g0);
-		    var r = new dagreD3.Renderer();
-		   	var l = dagreD3.layout()
-		                 .nodeSep(20)
-		                 .rankDir("LR");
-		    l = r.layout(l).run(g0,"#svg-main"));
-		   	iterationWidths.push(l._value.width);
-			iterationHeights.push(l._value.height);
-			//Clean svg
-			$("#svg-main g").empty();
-		}
-	}
-	//Continue normal
-	var g = loadJsonToDagre(data);
-	var selector = svgID + " g";
-	var renderer = new dagreD3.Renderer();
-	var layout = dagreD3.layout()
-	                    .nodeSep(20)
-	                    .rankDir("LR");
-	var svgElement =;
-	layout = renderer.layout(layout).run(g, svgElement);
-	svgHeight = layout._value.height;
-	svgWidth = layout._value.width;
-	 var svg ="#svg-main")
-	 	.attr("width", $(document).width() - 15)
-	 	.attr("height", $(document).height() - 15 - 110)
-//	 	.attr("viewBox", "0 0 "+ ($(document).width() - 150) +" "+($(document).height() - 15 - 110))
-	 	.call(zoom);
-	// This should now draw the precomputed graphs in the svgs... . 
-	for (var i in iterationIds) {
-		var workset = searchForNode(iterationIds[i]);
-		renderer = new dagreD3.Renderer();
-		layout = dagreD3.layout()
-                    .nodeSep(20)
-                    .rankDir("LR");
-	    selector = "#svg-"+iterationIds[i]+" g";
-	    svgElement =;
-	    layout = renderer.layout(layout).run(iterationGraphs[i], svgElement);
-	}
-  	//enable Overlays and register function for overlay-infos
-  	$("a[rel]").overlay({ 
-		onBeforeLoad: function(){ 
-   			var id = this.getTrigger().attr("nodeID")
-			showProperties(id);
-	 	}
-  	});
-  	}
-//Creates the dagreD3 graph object
-//Responsible for adding nodes and edges
-function loadJsonToDagre(data){
-	//stores all nodes that are in current graph -> no edges to nodes which are outside of current iterations!
-	var existingNodes = new Array;
-	var g = new dagreD3.Digraph();
-	//Find out whether we are in an iteration or in the normal json 
-	//Bulk variables
-	var partialSolution;
-	var nextPartialSolution;
-	//Workset variables
-	var workset;
-	var nextWorkset;
-	var solutionSet;
-	var solutionDelta;
-	if (data.nodes != null) {
-		//This is the normal json data
-		var toIterate = data.nodes;
-	} else {
-		//This is an iteration, we now store special iteration nodes if possible
-		var toIterate = data.step_function;
-		partialSolution = data.partial_solution;
-		nextPartialSolution = data.next_partial_solution;
-		workset = data.workset;
-		nextWorkset = data.next_workset;
-		solutionSet = data.solution_set;
-		solutionDelta = data.solution_delta;
-	}
-	for (var i in toIterate) {
-		var el = toIterate[i];
-		//create node, send additional informations about the node if it is a special one
-		if ( == partialSolution) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "partialSolution"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else if ( == nextPartialSolution) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "nextPartialSolution"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else if ( == workset) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "workset"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else if ( == nextWorkset) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "nextWorkset"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else if ( == solutionSet) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "solutionSet"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else if ( == solutionDelta) {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, "solutionDelta"), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		} else {
-			g.addNode(, { label: createLabelNode(el, ""), nodesWithoutEdges: ""} );
-		}
-		existingNodes.push(;
-		//create edgdes from predecessors to current node
-		if (el.predecessors != null) {
-			for (var j in el.predecessors) {
-				if (existingNodes.indexOf(el.predecessors[j].id) != -1) {
-					g.addEdge(null, el.predecessors[j].id,, { label: createLabelEdge(el.predecessors[j]) });	
-				} else {
-					var missingNode = searchForNode(el.predecessors[j].id);
-					if (missingNode.alreadyAdded != true) {
-						missingNode.alreadyAdded = true;
-						g.addNode(, {label: createLabelNode(missingNode, "mirror")});
-						g.addEdge(null,,, { label: createLabelEdge(missingNode) });
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}	
-	return g;
-//create a label of an edge
-function createLabelEdge(el) {
-	var labelValue = "";
-	if (el.ship_strategy != null || el.local_strategy != null) {
-		labelValue += "<div style=\"font-size: 100%; border:2px solid; padding:5px\">";
-		if (el.ship_strategy != null) {
-			labelValue += el.ship_strategy;
-		}
-		if (el.temp_mode != undefined) {
-			labelValue += " (" + el.temp_mode + ")";
-		}
-		if (el.local_strategy != undefined) {
-			labelValue += ",<br>" + el.local_strategy;
-		}
-		labelValue += "</div>";
-	}
-	return labelValue;
-//creates the label of a node, in info is stored, whether it is a special node (like a mirror in an iteration)
-function createLabelNode(el, info) {
-//	if (info != "") {
-//		console.log("The node " + + " is a " + info);	
-//	}
-	//true, if the node is a special node from an iteration
-	var specialIterationNode = (info == "partialSolution" || info == "nextPartialSolution" || info == "workset" || info == "nextWorkset" || info == "solutionSet" || info == "solutionDelta" );
-	var labelValue = "<div style=\"margin-top: 0\">";
-	//set color of panel
-	if (info == "mirror") {
-		labelValue += "<div style=\"border-color:#a8a8a8; border-width:4px; border-style:solid\">";
-	} else if (specialIterationNode) {
-		labelValue += "<div style=\"border-color:#CD3333; border-width:4px; border-style:solid\">";
-	} else {
-		//there is no info value, set normal color
-		if (el.pact == "Data Source") {
-			labelValue += "<div style=\"border-color:#4ce199; border-width:4px; border-style:solid\">";
-		} else if (el.pact == "Data Sink") {
-			labelValue += "<div style=\"border-color:#e6ec8b; border-width:4px; border-style:solid\">";
-		} else {
-			labelValue += "<div style=\"border-color:#3fb6d8; border-width:4px; border-style:solid\">";
-		}
-	}
-	//Nodename
-	if (info == "mirror") {
-		labelValue += "<div><a nodeID=\"""\" href=\"#\" rel=\"#propertyO\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center; "
-		+ "font-size: 150%\">Mirror of " + el.pact + " (ID = "")</h3></a>";
-	} else {
-		labelValue += "<div><a nodeID=\"""\" href=\"#\" rel=\"#propertyO\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center; "
-		+ "font-size: 150%\">" + el.pact + " (ID = "")</h3></a>";
-	}
-	if (el.contents == "") {
-		labelValue += "</div>";
-	} else {
-		var stepName = el.contents;
-		//clean stepName
-		stepName = shortenString(stepName);
-	 	labelValue += "<h4 style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 130%\">" + stepName + "</h4></div>";
-	}
-	//If this node is an "iteration" we need a different panel-body
-	if (el.step_function != null) {
-		labelValue += extendLabelNodeForIteration(;
-	} else {
-		//Otherwise add infos		
-		if (specialIterationNode) {
-			labelValue += "<h5 style=\"font-size:115%; text-align: center; color:#CD3333\">" + info + " Node</h5>";
-		}
-		if (el.parallelism != "") {
-			labelValue += "<h5 style=\"font-size:115%\">Parallelism: " + el.parallelism + "</h5>";
-		}
-		if (el.driver_strategy != undefined) {
-			labelValue += "<h5 style=\"font-size:115%\">Driver Strategy: " + el.driver_strategy + "</h5";
-		}
-	}
-	//close divs
-	labelValue += "</div></div>";
-	return labelValue;
-//Extends the label of a node with an additional svg Element to present the iteration.
-function extendLabelNodeForIteration(id) {
-	var svgID = "svg-" + id;
-	//Find out the position of the iterationElement in the iterationGraphArray
-	var index = iterationIds.indexOf(id);
-	//Set the size and the width of the svg Element as precomputetd
-	var width = iterationWidths[index] + 70;
-	var height = iterationHeights[index] + 40;
-	var labelValue = "<div id=\"attach\"><svg id=\""+svgID+"\" width="+width+" height="+height+"><g transform=\"translate(20, 20)\"/></svg></div>";
-	return labelValue;
-//presents properties for a given nodeID in the propertyCanvas overlay
-function showProperties(nodeID) {
-	$("#propertyCanvas").empty();
-	node = searchForNode(nodeID);
-	var phtml = "<div style='overflow-y: scroll; max-height:490px; overflow-x:hidden'><h3>Properties of "+ shortenString(node.contents) + " - ID = " + nodeID + "</h3>";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"row\">";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"col-sm-12\"><h4>Pact Properties</h4>";
-	phtml += "<table class=\"table\">";
-	phtml += tableRow("Operator", (node.driver_strategy == undefined ? "None" : node.driver_strategy));
-	phtml += tableRow("Parallelism", (node.parallelism == undefined ? "None" : node.parallelism));
-	phtml += tableRow("Subtasks-per-instance", (node.subtasks_per_instance == undefined ? "None" : node.subtasks_per_instance));
-	phtml += "</table></div>";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"col-sm-12\"><h4>Global Data Properties</h4>";
-	phtml += "<table class=\"table\">";
-	if (node.global_properties != null) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < node.global_properties.length; i++) {
-	    	var prop = node.global_properties[i];
-	    	phtml += tableRow(( == undefined ? '(unknown)' :,(prop.value == undefined ? "(none)" : prop.value));
-	    }
-	} else {
-		phtml += tableRow("Global Properties", "None");
-	}
-	phtml += "</table></div>";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"col-sm-12\"><h4>Local Data Properties</h4>";
-	phtml += "<table class=\"table\">";
-	if (node.local_properties != null) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < node.local_properties.length; i++) {
-			var prop = node.local_properties[i];
-	     	phtml += tableRow(( == undefined ? '(unknown)' :,(prop.value == undefined ? "(none)" : prop.value));
-	    }
-	} else {
-		phtml += tableRow("Local Properties", "None");
-	}
-	phtml += "</table></div></div>";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"row\">";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"col-sm-12\"><h4>Size Estimates</h4>";
-	phtml += "<table class=\"table\">";
-	if (node.estimates != null) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < node.estimates.length; i++) {
-			var prop = node.estimates[i];
-			phtml += tableRow(( == undefined ? '(unknown)' :,(prop.value == undefined ? "(none)" : prop.value));
-		}
-	} else {
-		phtml += tableRow("Size Estimates", "None");
-	}
-	phtml += "</table></div>";
-	phtml += "<div class=\"col-sm-12\"><h4>Cost Estimates</h4>";	
-	phtml += "<table class=\"table\">";
-	if (node.costs != null) {
-		for (var i = 0; i < node.costs.length; i++) {
-	    	var prop = node.costs[i];
-	    	phtml += tableRow(( == undefined ? '(unknown)' :,(prop.value == undefined ? "(none)" : prop.value));
-		}
-	} else {
-		phtml += tableRow("Cost Estimates", "None");
-	}
-	phtml += "</table></div>";
-	phtml += "</div></div>";
-	$("#propertyCanvas").append(phtml);
-//searches in the global JSONData for the node with the given id
-function searchForNode(nodeID) {
-	for (var i in JSONData.nodes) {
-		var el = JSONData.nodes[i];
-		if ( == nodeID) {
-			return el;
-		}
-		//look for nodes that are in iterations
-		if (el.step_function != null) {
-			for (var j in el.step_function) {
-				if (el.step_function[j].id == nodeID) {
-					return el.step_function[j];	
-				}
-			}	
-		}
-	}
-//searches for all nodes in the global JSONData, that are iterations
-function searchForIterationNodes() {
-	var itN = new Array();
-	for (var i in JSONData.nodes) {
-		var el = JSONData.nodes[i];
-		if (el.step_function != null) {
-			itN.push(el);
-		}
-	}
-	return itN;
-//creates a row for a table with two collums
-function tableRow(nameX, valueX) {
-	var htmlCode = "";
-	htmlCode += "<tr><td align=\"left\">" + nameX + "</td><td align=\"right\">" + valueX + "</td></tr>";
-	return htmlCode;
-//Split a string into multiple lines so that each line has less than 30 letters.
-function shortenString(s) {
-	//make sure that name does not contain a < (because of html)
-	if (s.charAt(0) == "<") {
-			s = s.replace("<", "&lt;");
-			s = s.replace(">", "&gt;");
-	}
-	sbr = ""
-	while (s.length > 30) {
-		sbr = sbr + s.substring(0, 30) + "<br>"
-		s = s.substring(30, s.length)
-	}
-	sbr = sbr + s
-	return sbr;
-//activates the zoom buttons
-function activateZoomButtons() {
-	$("#zoomIn").click(function() {
-      	console.log("Clicked zoom in");
-      	  if (zoom.scale() < 2.99) { 	
-				var svg ="#svg-main");
-				//Calculate and store new values in zoom object
-				var translate = zoom.translate();
-				var v1 = translate[0] * (zoom.scale() + 0.1 / (zoom.scale()));
-				var v2 = translate[1] * (zoom.scale() + 0.1 / (zoom.scale()));
-				zoom.scale(zoom.scale() + 0.1);
-				zoom.translate([v1, v2]);
-				//Transform svg
-"#svg-main g")
-	     			.attr("transform", "translate(" + v1 + ","+ v2 + ") scale(" + zoom.scale() + ")");
-      		}    	
-      });
-      $("#zoomOut").click(function() {
-      		if (zoom.scale() > 0.31) { 	
-				var svg ="#svg-main");
-				//Calculate and store new values in zoom object
-				zoom.scale(zoom.scale() - 0.1);
-				var translate = zoom.translate();
-				var v1 = translate[0] * (zoom.scale() - 0.1 / (zoom.scale()));
-				var v2 = translate[1] * (zoom.scale() - 0.1 / (zoom.scale()));
-				zoom.translate([v1, v2]);
-				//Transform svg
-"#svg-main g")
-	     			.attr("transform", "translate(" + v1 + ","+ v2 + ") scale(" + zoom.scale() + ")");
-      		}
-      });