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Posted to by "zhengruifeng (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/03/13 07:54:39 UTC

[GitHub] [spark] zhengruifeng commented on pull request #40263: [SPARK-42659][ML] Reimplement `FPGrowthModel.transform` with dataframe operations

zhengruifeng commented on PR #40263:

   I did a quick test with dataset `T10I4D100K` in 
   scala> val df = sc.textFile("/Users/ruifeng.zheng/.dev/data/T10I4D100K.dat").map(_.split(" ")).toDF("items")
   df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [items: array<string>]
   scala> df.count
   res16: Long = 100000
   scala> val model = new FPGrowth().setMinSupport(0.01).setMinConfidence(0.01).fit(df)
   model: = FPGrowthModel: uid=fpgrowth_92901252345a, numTrainingRecords=100000
   scala> model.freqItemsets.count
   res17: Long = 385                                                               
   scala> model.associationRules.count
   res18: Long = 21                                                                
   val df = sc.textFile("/Users/ruifeng.zheng/.dev/data/T10I4D100K.dat").map(_.split(" ")).toDF("items")
   val model = FPGrowthModel.load("/tmp/fpm.model")
   Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()} // warms up
   val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).schema}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   scala> val model = FPGrowthModel.load("/tmp/fpm.model")
   model: = FPGrowthModel: uid=fpgrowth_92901252345a, numTrainingRecords=100000
   scala> model.transform(df).explain("extended")
   == Parsed Logical Plan ==
   'Project [items#5, UDF('items) AS prediction#70]
   +- Project [value#2 AS items#5]
      +- SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
         +- ExternalRDD [obj#1]
   == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
   items: array<string>, prediction: array<string>
   Project [items#5, UDF(items#5) AS prediction#70]
   +- Project [value#2 AS items#5]
      +- SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
         +- ExternalRDD [obj#1]
   == Optimized Logical Plan ==
   Project [items#5, UDF(items#5) AS prediction#70]
   +- InMemoryRelation [items#5], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
         +- *(1) Project [value#2 AS items#5]
            +- *(1) SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
               +- Scan[obj#1]
   == Physical Plan ==
   *(1) Project [items#5, UDF(items#5) AS prediction#70]
   +- InMemoryTableScan [items#5]
         +- InMemoryRelation [items#5], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
               +- *(1) Project [value#2 AS items#5]
                  +- *(1) SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
                     +- Scan[obj#1]
   scala> Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()} // warms up
   scala> val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   start: Long = 1678692855532
   end: Long = 1678692860098
   res4: Long = 4566
   scala> val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).schema}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   start: Long = 1678692860277
   end: Long = 1678692862372
   res5: Long = 2095
   this PR:
   scala> model.transform(df).explain("extended")
   == Parsed Logical Plan ==
   'Project [items#5, CASE WHEN NOT isnull('items) THEN aggregate('prediction, cast(array() as array<string>), lambdafunction(CASE WHEN forall(lambda 'y_1[antecedent], lambdafunction(array_contains('items, lambda 'x_2), lambda 'x_2, false)) THEN array_union(lambda 'x_0, array_except(lambda 'y_1[consequent], 'items)) ELSE lambda 'x_0 END, lambda 'x_0, lambda 'y_1, false), lambdafunction(lambda 'x_3, lambda 'x_3, false)) ELSE cast(array() as array<string>) END AS prediction#72]
   +- Join Cross
      :- Project [value#2 AS items#5]
      :  +- SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
      :     +- ExternalRDD [obj#1]
      +- ResolvedHint (strategy=broadcast)
         +- Aggregate [collect_list(struct(antecedent, antecedent#57, consequent, consequent#58), 0, 0) AS prediction#68]
            +- Filter (NOT isnull(antecedent#57) AND NOT isnull(consequent#58))
               +- LogicalRDD [antecedent#57, consequent#58, confidence#59, lift#60, support#61], false
   == Analyzed Logical Plan ==
   items: array<string>, prediction: array<string>
   Project [items#5, CASE WHEN NOT isnull(items#5) THEN aggregate(prediction#68, cast(array() as array<string>), lambdafunction(CASE WHEN forall(lambda y_1#74.antecedent, lambdafunction(array_contains(items#5, lambda x_2#76), lambda x_2#76, false)) THEN array_union(lambda x_0#73, array_except(lambda y_1#74.consequent, items#5)) ELSE lambda x_0#73 END, lambda x_0#73, lambda y_1#74, false), lambdafunction(lambda x_3#75, lambda x_3#75, false)) ELSE cast(array() as array<string>) END AS prediction#72]
   +- Join Cross
      :- Project [value#2 AS items#5]
      :  +- SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, 1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
      :     +- ExternalRDD [obj#1]
      +- ResolvedHint (strategy=broadcast)
         +- Aggregate [collect_list(struct(antecedent, antecedent#57, consequent, consequent#58), 0, 0) AS prediction#68]
            +- Filter (NOT isnull(antecedent#57) AND NOT isnull(consequent#58))
               +- LogicalRDD [antecedent#57, consequent#58, confidence#59, lift#60, support#61], false
   == Optimized Logical Plan ==
   Project [items#5, CASE WHEN isnotnull(items#5) THEN aggregate(prediction#68, [], lambdafunction(CASE WHEN forall(lambda y_1#74.antecedent, lambdafunction(array_contains(items#5, lambda x_2#76), lambda x_2#76, false)) THEN array_union(lambda x_0#73, array_except(lambda y_1#74.consequent, items#5)) ELSE lambda x_0#73 END, lambda x_0#73, lambda y_1#74, false), lambdafunction(lambda x_3#75, lambda x_3#75, false)) ELSE [] END AS prediction#72]
   +- Join Cross, rightHint=(strategy=broadcast)
      :- InMemoryRelation [items#5], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
      :     +- *(1) Project [value#2 AS items#5]
      :        +- *(1) SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
      :           +- Scan[obj#1]
      +- Aggregate [collect_list(struct(antecedent, antecedent#57, consequent, consequent#58), 0, 0) AS prediction#68]
         +- Project [antecedent#57, consequent#58]
            +- LogicalRDD [antecedent#57, consequent#58, confidence#59, lift#60, support#61], false
   == Physical Plan ==
   AdaptiveSparkPlan isFinalPlan=false
   +- Project [items#5, CASE WHEN isnotnull(items#5) THEN aggregate(prediction#68, [], lambdafunction(CASE WHEN forall(lambda y_1#74.antecedent, lambdafunction(array_contains(items#5, lambda x_2#76), lambda x_2#76, false)) THEN array_union(lambda x_0#73, array_except(lambda y_1#74.consequent, items#5)) ELSE lambda x_0#73 END, lambda x_0#73, lambda y_1#74, false), lambdafunction(lambda x_3#75, lambda x_3#75, false)) ELSE [] END AS prediction#72]
      +- BroadcastNestedLoopJoin BuildRight, Cross
         :- InMemoryTableScan [items#5]
         :     +- InMemoryRelation [items#5], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
         :           +- *(1) Project [value#2 AS items#5]
         :              +- *(1) SerializeFromObject [mapobjects(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, validateexternaltype(lambdavariable(MapObject, ObjectType(class java.lang.Object), true, -1), StringType, ObjectType(class java.lang.String)), true, false, true), input[0, [Ljava.lang.String;, true], None) AS value#2]
         :                 +- Scan[obj#1]
         +- BroadcastExchange IdentityBroadcastMode, [plan_id=117]
            +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[collect_list(struct(antecedent, antecedent#57, consequent, consequent#58), 0, 0)], output=[prediction#68])
               +- Exchange SinglePartition, ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=114]
                  +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_collect_list(struct(antecedent, antecedent#57, consequent, consequent#58), 0, 0)], output=[buf#95])
                     +- Project [antecedent#57, consequent#58]
                        +- Scan ExistingRDD[antecedent#57,consequent#58,confidence#59,lift#60,support#61]
   scala> Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()} // warms up
   scala> val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).count()}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   start: Long = 1678693708534
   end: Long = 1678693713436
   res6: Long = 4902
   scala> val start = System.currentTimeMillis; Seq.range(0, 100).foreach{i => model.transform(df).schema}; val end = System.currentTimeMillis; end - start
   start: Long = 1678693713596
   end: Long = 1678693713807
   res7: Long = 211
   the transformation is a bit slower 4566 -> 4902, but when we need to analyze the dataframe it will be much faster 2095 -> 211 since the `collect` execution is delayed.

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