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svn commit: r721064 - in /lucene/tika/trunk/src/site: apt/gettingstarted.apt apt/index.apt site.xml

Author: jukka
Date: Wed Nov 26 17:33:41 2008
New Revision: 721064

TIKA-176: Getting Started guide

First version of the Getting Started guide. Feel free to improve!


Added: lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/gettingstarted.apt
--- lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/gettingstarted.apt (added)
+++ lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/gettingstarted.apt Wed Nov 26 17:33:41 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+                       --------------------------------
+                       Getting Started with Apache Tika
+                       --------------------------------
+~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+~~ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+~~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+~~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+~~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+~~ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+~~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+~~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+~~ limitations under the License.
+Getting Started with Apache Tika
+   This document describes how to build Apache Tika from sources and
+   how to start using Tika in an application.
+Getting and building the sources
+   To build Tika from sources you first need to either
+   {{{download.html}download}} a source release or
+   {{{source-repository.html}checkout}} the latest sources from
+   version control.
+   Once you have the sources, you can build them using the
+   {{{}Maven 2}} build system. Executing the
+   following command in the source directory will build the sources
+   and install the resulting artifacts in your local Maven repository.
+mvn install
+   See the Maven documentation for more information about the available
+   build options.
+   Note that you need Java 5 or higher to build Tika.
+Build artifacts
+   The Tika build produces the following libraries in the <<<target>>>
+   directory (x.y stands for the current Tika version number).
+      * tika-x.y.jar
+      * tika-x.y-standalone.jar
+      * tika-x.y-jdk14.jar
+   The main build artifact (tika-x.y.jar) contains the compiled Java
+   classes and interfaces in the <<<org.apache.tika>>> packages and
+   the default Tika configuration settings.
+   The standalone jar (tika-x.y-standalone.jar, available since version 0.2)
+   includes also the classes and resources from all Tika dependencies. You
+   can just drop this jar file in your application to access the full
+   functionality of all Tika parsers. This is a runnable jar that runs the
+   Tika command line and graphical user interfaces without needing any other
+   libraries (except of course the standard Java 5 class libraries) in the
+   classpath.
+   The final build artifact (tika-x.y-jdk14.jar, available since version 0.3)
+   is a {{{}retrotranslated}} version
+   of the main Tika build artifact. Normally Tika only works with Java 5 or
+   higher, but you can use this version of Tika also with Java 1.4.
+Using Tika as a Maven dependency
+   Using Tika in a Maven project is very straightforward. Just select the
+   version of Tika you want to use, and add the following dependency.
+  <groupId>org.apache.tika</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tika</artifactId>
+  <version>x.y</version>
+   The first version of the org.apache.tika:tika artifact available in the
+   central Maven repository is 0.2. For the 0.1 version or for SNAPSHOT
+   dependencies you need to build and install Tika locally.
+   If your application uses Java 1.4, you need to use the retrotranslated
+   version of Tika. This version is identified by the classifier "jdk14".
+  <groupId>org.apache.tika</groupId>
+  <artifactId>tika</artifactId>
+  <version>x.y</version>
+  <classifier>jdk14</classifier>
+   The retrotranslated version will be available in the central Maven
+   repository starting with Tika version 0.3.
+   Note that adding the Tika dependency will introduce a number of
+   transitive dependencies to your project. You need to make sure that
+   these dependencies won't conflict with your existing project dependencies.
+   The listing below shows all the compile-scope dependencies of the
+   current Tika trunk (0.3-SNAPSHOT, November 2008). You can use the
+   command "mvn dependency:tree" to check the latest tree of dependencies.
++- commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.1:compile
++- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4:compile
++- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3:compile
++- commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.4:compile
++- pdfbox:pdfbox:jar:0.7.3:compile
+|  +- org.fontbox:fontbox:jar:0.1.0:compile
+|  +- org.jempbox:jempbox:jar:0.2.0:compile
+|  +- bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk14:jar:136:compile
+|  \- bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk14:jar:136:compile
++- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.1-FINAL:compile
++- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:jar:3.1-FINAL:compile
++- net.sourceforge.nekohtml:nekohtml:jar:1.9.7:compile
+|  \- xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.8.1:compile
+|     \- xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.03:compile
++- asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
+\- log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile
+Using Tika in an Ant project
+   Unless you use a dependency manager tool like
+   {{{}Apache Ivy}}, the easiest way to include
+   Tika in your {{{}Ant}} build is to include the
+   standalone jar in your classpath settings. The standalone jar contains
+   everything you need, Tika and all the required dependencies, in a single
+   package.
+  ... <!-- your other classpath entries -->
+  <pathelement location="path/to/tika-x.y-standalone.jar"/>
+   If you want more control over which specific parser libraries you want
+   to include in your application, you can include main Tika jar file and
+   all the dependencies individually.
+  ... <!-- your other classpath entries -->
+  <pathelement location="path/to/tika-x.y.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/commons-codec-1.3.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/commons-io-1.4.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/pdfbox-0.7.3.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/fontbox-0.1.0.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/jempbox-0.2.0.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/bcmail-jdk14-136.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/bcprov-jdk14-136.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/poi-3.1-FINAL.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/poi-scratchpad-3.1-FINAL.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/nekohtml-1.9.7.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/xml-apis-1.3.03.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/icu4j-3.4.4.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/asm-3.1.jar"/>
+  <pathelement location="path/to/log4j-1.2.14.jar"/>
+   If you're using Java 1.4 as the base platform of your project,
+   use the tika-x.y-jdk14.jar instead.
+   An easy way to gather all these libraries is to run
+   "mvn dependency:copy-dependencies" in the Tika source directory.
+   This will copy all Tika dependencies to the <<<target/dependencies>>>
+   directory.
+Using Tika as a command line utility
+   The standalone jar (tika-x.y-standalone.jar) can be used as a command
+   line utility for extracting text content and metadata from all sorts of
+   files. The usage instructions are shown below.
+usage: java -jar tika-x.y-standalone.jar [option] file
+    -? or --help       Print this usage message
+    -v or --verbose    Print debug level messages
+    -g or --gui        Start the Apache Tika GUI
+    -x or --xml        Output XHTML content (default)
+    -h or --html       Output HTML content
+    -t or --text       Output plain text content
+    -m or --metadata   Output only metadata
+    Apache Tika will parse the file(s) specified on the
+    command line and output the extracted text content
+    or metadata to standard output.
+    Instead of a file name you can also specify the URL
+    of a document to be parsed.
+    Use "-" as the file name to parse the standard
+    input stream.
+    Use the "--gui" (or "-g") option to start
+    the Apache Tika GUI. You can drag and drop files
+    from a normal file explorer to the GUI window to
+    extract text content and metadata from the files.
+   The standalone jar is fully self-contained and should work wherever
+   a Java 5 (or higher) runtime environment is available.
+   You can also use the jar as a component in a Unix pipeline or
+   as an external tool in many scripting languages.
+# Check if an Internet resource contains a specific keyword
+curl http://.../document.doc \
+    | java -jar tika-x.y-standalone.jar --text \
+    | grep -q keyword

Modified: lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/index.apt
--- lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/index.apt (original)
+++ lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/apt/index.apt Wed Nov 26 17:33:41 2008
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
    libraries. For more information about Tika, please see the
    {{{formats.html}list of  supported document formats}} and the
    {{{documentation.html}available documentation}}. You can find the
-   latest release on the {{{download.html}download page}}.
+   latest release on the {{{download.html}download page}}. See the
+   {{{gettingstarted.html}Getting Started}} guide for instructions on
+   how to start using Tika.
    Tika is a subproject of {{{}Apache Lucene}}.
+   Lucene is a project of the
+   {{{}Apache Software Foundation}}.
 Latest News

Modified: lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/site.xml
--- lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/site.xml (original)
+++ lucene/tika/trunk/src/site/site.xml Wed Nov 26 17:33:41 2008
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
       <item name="Download" href="download.html"/>
       <item name="Documentation" href="documentation.html"/>
       <item name="Supported Formats" href="formats.html"/>
+      <item name="Getting Started" href="gettingstarted.html"/>
     <menu ref="reports"/>