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Posted to by JAMES VANETTEN <JV...@ALLMERICA.COM> on 2000/03/07 14:22:38 UTC

Text Replacement using DTD not working

In my DTD I have declared an ENTITY as so:

<!DOCTYPE webpage	[
<!ENTITY site "test">

then in my XML I put this:

<graphic align="center" name="" source="&site;h1.gif"/>

and my XSL:

<xsl:template match="graphic"><center><IMG src="{@source}" alt="{@name}" align="{@align}" border="0"/></center></xsl:template>

What I want to do is replace the &site; with whatever site is in my DTD. This works in the normal text but when it is a tag parameter it shows up in my HTML without converting it.

If anyone can let me know what I did wrong I would appreciate it.
