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[11/52] ignite git commit: Web Console beta-3.
diff --git a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/domains-controller.js b/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/domains-controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb539d..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/domains-controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1746 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Controller for Domain model screen.
-export default ['domainsController', [
-    '$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', '$state', '$filter', '$timeout', '$modal', 'IgniteLegacyUtils', 'IgniteMessages', 'IgniteFocus', 'IgniteConfirm', 'IgniteConfirmBatch', 'IgniteClone', 'IgniteLoading', 'IgniteModelNormalizer', 'IgniteUnsavedChangesGuard', 'IgniteAgentMonitor', 'IgniteLegacyTable',
-    function($root, $scope, $http, $state, $filter, $timeout, $modal, LegacyUtils, Messages, Focus, Confirm, ConfirmBatch, Clone, Loading, ModelNormalizer, UnsavedChangesGuard, IgniteAgentMonitor, LegacyTable) {
-        UnsavedChangesGuard.install($scope);
-        const emptyDomain = {empty: true};
-        let __original_value;
-        const blank = {};
-        // We need to initialize backupItem with empty object in order to properly used from angular directives.
-        $scope.backupItem = emptyDomain;
-        $scope.ui = LegacyUtils.formUI();
-        $scope.ui.activePanels = [0, 1];
-        $scope.ui.topPanels = [0, 1, 2];
-        const IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE = 1;
-        const IMPORT_DM_ASSOCIATE_CACHE = 2;
-        /**
-         * Convert some name to valid java package name.
-         *
-         * @param name to convert.
-         * @returns {string} Valid java package name.
-         */
-        const _toJavaPackage = (name) => {
-            return name ? name.replace(/[^A-Za-z_0-9/.]+/g, '_') : 'org';
-        };
-        $scope.ui.packageNameUserInput = $scope.ui.packageName =
-            _toJavaPackage($'@', '.').split('.').reverse().join('.') + '.model');
-        $scope.ui.builtinKeys = true;
-        $scope.ui.usePrimitives = true;
-        $scope.ui.generateAliases = true;
-        $scope.ui.generatedCachesClusters = [];
-        function _mapCaches(caches) {
-            return, (cache) => {
-                return {label:, value: cache._id, cache};
-            });
-        }
-        $scope.contentVisible = function() {
-            const item = $scope.backupItem;
-            return !item.empty && (!item._id || _.find($scope.displayedRows, {_id: item._id}));
-        };
-        $scope.getModel = LegacyUtils.getModel;
-        $scope.javaBuiltInClasses = LegacyUtils.javaBuiltInClasses;
-        $scope.compactJavaName = LegacyUtils.compactJavaName;
-        $scope.widthIsSufficient = LegacyUtils.widthIsSufficient;
-        $scope.saveBtnTipText = LegacyUtils.saveBtnTipText;
-        $scope.tableSave = function(field, index, stopEdit) {
-            if (LegacyTable.tableEditing({model: 'table-index-fields'}, LegacyTable.tableEditedRowIndex())) {
-                if ($scope.tableIndexItemSaveVisible(field, index))
-                    return $scope.tableIndexItemSave(field, field.indexIdx, index, stopEdit);
-            }
-            else {
-                switch (field.type) {
-                    case 'fields':
-                    case 'aliases':
-                        if (LegacyTable.tablePairSaveVisible(field, index))
-                            return LegacyTable.tablePairSave($scope.tablePairValid, $scope.backupItem, field, index, stopEdit);
-                        break;
-                    case 'indexes':
-                        if ($scope.tableIndexSaveVisible(field, index))
-                            return $scope.tableIndexSave(field, index, stopEdit);
-                        break;
-                    case 'table-db-fields':
-                        if ($scope.tableDbFieldSaveVisible(field, index))
-                            return $scope.tableDbFieldSave(field, index, stopEdit);
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableReset = (trySave) => {
-            const field = LegacyTable.tableField();
-            if (trySave && LegacyUtils.isDefined(field) && !$scope.tableSave(field, LegacyTable.tableEditedRowIndex(), true))
-                return false;
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableNewItem = function(field) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableNewItem(field);
-        };
-        $scope.tableNewItemActive = LegacyTable.tableNewItemActive;
-        $scope.tableStartEdit = function(item, field, index) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableStartEdit(item, field, index, $scope.tableSave);
-        };
-        $scope.tableEditing = LegacyTable.tableEditing;
-        $scope.tableRemove = function(item, field, index) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableRemove(item, field, index);
-        };
-        $scope.tablePairSave = LegacyTable.tablePairSave;
-        $scope.tablePairSaveVisible = LegacyTable.tablePairSaveVisible;
-        $scope.queryFieldsTbl = {
-            type: 'fields',
-            model: 'fields',
-            focusId: 'QryField',
-            ui: 'table-pair',
-            keyName: 'name',
-            valueName: 'className',
-            save: $scope.tableSave
-        };
-        $scope.aliasesTbl = {
-            type: 'aliases',
-            model: 'aliases',
-            focusId: 'Alias',
-            ui: 'table-pair',
-            keyName: 'field',
-            valueName: 'alias',
-            save: $scope.tableSave
-        };
-        $scope.queryMetadataVariants = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(['Annotations', 'Configuration']);
-        const INFO_CONNECT_TO_DB = 'Configure connection to database';
-        const INFO_SELECT_SCHEMAS = 'Select schemas to load tables from';
-        const INFO_SELECT_TABLES = 'Select tables to import as domain model';
-        const INFO_SELECT_OPTIONS = 'Select import domain model options';
-        const LOADING_JDBC_DRIVERS = {text: 'Loading JDBC drivers...'};
-        const LOADING_SCHEMAS = {text: 'Loading schemas...'};
-        const LOADING_TABLES = {text: 'Loading tables...'};
-        const SAVING_DOMAINS = {text: 'Saving domain model...'};
-        $scope.ui.invalidKeyFieldsTooltip = 'Found key types without configured key fields<br/>' +
-            'It may be a result of import tables from database without primary keys<br/>' +
-            'Key field for such key types should be configured manually';
-        $scope.hidePopover = LegacyUtils.hidePopover;
-        const showPopoverMessage = LegacyUtils.showPopoverMessage;
-        $scope.indexType = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(['SORTED', 'FULLTEXT', 'GEOSPATIAL']);
-        const _dbPresets = [
-            {
-                db: 'Oracle',
-                jdbcDriverClass: 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[database]',
-                user: 'system'
-            },
-            {
-                db: 'DB2',
-                jdbcDriverClass: '',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:db2://[host]:[port]/[database]',
-                user: 'db2admin'
-            },
-            {
-                db: 'SQLServer',
-                jdbcDriverClass: '',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:sqlserver://[host]:[port][;databaseName=database]'
-            },
-            {
-                db: 'PostgreSQL',
-                jdbcDriverClass: 'org.postgresql.Driver',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:postgresql://[host]:[port]/[database]',
-                user: 'sa'
-            },
-            {
-                db: 'MySQL',
-                jdbcDriverClass: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]',
-                user: 'root'
-            },
-            {
-                db: 'H2',
-                jdbcDriverClass: 'org.h2.Driver',
-                jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:h2:tcp://[host]/[database]',
-                user: 'sa'
-            }
-        ];
-        $scope.selectedPreset = {
-            db: 'General',
-            jdbcDriverJar: '',
-            jdbcDriverClass: '',
-            jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:[database]',
-            user: 'sa',
-            password: '',
-            tablesOnly: true
-        };
-        $scope.demoConnection = {
-            db: 'H2',
-            jdbcDriverClass: 'org.h2.Driver',
-            jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:h2:mem:demo-db',
-            user: 'sa',
-            password: '',
-            tablesOnly: true
-        };
-        function _loadPresets() {
-            try {
-                const restoredPresets = JSON.parse(localStorage.dbPresets);
-                _.forEach(restoredPresets, (restoredPreset) => {
-                    const preset = _.find(_dbPresets, {jdbcDriverClass: restoredPreset.jdbcDriverClass});
-                    if (preset) {
-                        preset.jdbcUrl = restoredPreset.jdbcUrl;
-                        preset.user = restoredPreset.user;
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            catch (ignore) {
-                // No-op.
-            }
-        }
-        _loadPresets();
-        function _savePreset(preset) {
-            try {
-                const oldPreset = _.find(_dbPresets, {jdbcDriverClass: preset.jdbcDriverClass});
-                if (oldPreset)
-                    angular.extend(oldPreset, preset);
-                else
-                    _dbPresets.push(preset);
-                localStorage.dbPresets = JSON.stringify(_dbPresets);
-            }
-            catch (err) {
-                Messages.showError(err);
-            }
-        }
-        function _findPreset(selectedJdbcJar) {
-            let result = _.find(_dbPresets, function(preset) {
-                return preset.jdbcDriverClass === selectedJdbcJar.jdbcDriverClass;
-            });
-            if (!result)
-                result = {db: 'General', jdbcUrl: 'jdbc:[database]', user: 'admin'};
-            result.jdbcDriverJar = selectedJdbcJar.jdbcDriverJar;
-            result.jdbcDriverClass = selectedJdbcJar.jdbcDriverClass;
-            return result;
-        }
-        $scope.$watch('ui.selectedJdbcDriverJar', function(val) {
-            if (val && !$scope.importDomain.demo) {
-                const foundPreset = _findPreset(val);
-                const selectedPreset = $scope.selectedPreset;
-                selectedPreset.db = foundPreset.db;
-                selectedPreset.jdbcDriverJar = foundPreset.jdbcDriverJar;
-                selectedPreset.jdbcDriverClass = foundPreset.jdbcDriverClass;
-                selectedPreset.jdbcUrl = foundPreset.jdbcUrl;
-                selectedPreset.user = foundPreset.user;
-            }
-        }, true);
-        $scope.ui.showValid = true;
-        $scope.supportedJdbcTypes = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(LegacyUtils.SUPPORTED_JDBC_TYPES);
-        $scope.supportedJavaTypes = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(LegacyUtils.javaBuiltInTypes);
-        $scope.sortDirections = [
-            {value: true, label: 'ASC'},
-            {value: false, label: 'DESC'}
-        ];
-        $ = [];
-        $scope.isJavaBuiltInClass = function() {
-            const item = $scope.backupItem;
-            if (item && item.keyType)
-                return LegacyUtils.isJavaBuiltInClass(item.keyType);
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.selectAllSchemas = function() {
-            const allSelected = $scope.importDomain.allSchemasSelected;
-            _.forEach($scope.importDomain.displayedSchemas, (schema) => schema.use = allSelected);
-        };
-        $scope.selectSchema = function() {
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.importDomain) && LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.importDomain.displayedSchemas))
-                $scope.importDomain.allSchemasSelected = $scope.importDomain.displayedSchemas.length > 0 && _.every($scope.importDomain.displayedSchemas, 'use', true);
-        };
-        $scope.selectAllTables = function() {
-            const allSelected = $scope.importDomain.allTablesSelected;
-            _.forEach($scope.importDomain.displayedTables, function(table) {
-                table.use = allSelected;
-            });
-        };
-        $scope.selectTable = function() {
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.importDomain) && LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.importDomain.displayedTables))
-                $scope.importDomain.allTablesSelected = $scope.importDomain.displayedTables.length > 0 && _.every($scope.importDomain.displayedTables, 'use', true);
-        };
-        $scope.$watch('importDomain.displayedSchemas', $scope.selectSchema);
-        $scope.$watch('importDomain.displayedTables', $scope.selectTable);
-        // Pre-fetch modal dialogs.
-        const importDomainModal = $modal({scope: $scope, templateUrl: '/configuration/domains-import.html', show: false});
-        const hideImportDomain = importDomainModal.hide;
-        importDomainModal.hide = function() {
-            IgniteAgentMonitor.stopWatch();
-            hideImportDomain();
-        };
-        $scope.linkId = () => $scope.backupItem._id ? $scope.backupItem._id : 'create';
-        function prepareNewItem(cacheId) {
-            return {
-                space: $scope.spaces[0]._id,
-                caches: cacheId && _.find($scope.caches, {value: cacheId}) ? [cacheId] : // eslint-disable-line no-nested-ternary
-                    (_.isEmpty($scope.caches) ? [] : [$scope.caches[0].value]),
-                queryMetadata: 'Configuration'
-            };
-        }
-        /**
-         * Show import domain models modal.
-         */
-        $scope.showImportDomainModal = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            LegacyUtils.confirmUnsavedChanges($scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty, function() {
-                if ($scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty)
-                    $scope.backupItem = $scope.selectedItem ? angular.copy($scope.selectedItem) : prepareNewItem();
-                const demo = $root.IgniteDemoMode;
-                $scope.importDomain = {
-                    demo,
-                    action: demo ? 'connect' : 'drivers',
-                    jdbcDriversNotFound: demo,
-                    schemas: [],
-                    allSchemasSelected: false,
-                    tables: [],
-                    allTablesSelected: false,
-                    button: 'Next',
-                    info: ''
-                };
-                $scope.importDomain.loadingOptions = LOADING_JDBC_DRIVERS;
-                IgniteAgentMonitor.startWatch({text: 'Back to Domain models', goal: 'import domain model from database'})
-                    .then(function() {
-                        importDomainModal.$promise.then(;
-                        if (demo) {
-                            $scope.ui.packageNameUserInput = $scope.ui.packageName;
-                            $scope.ui.packageName = 'model';
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        // Get available JDBC drivers via agent.
-                        Loading.start('importDomainFromDb');
-                        $scope.jdbcDriverJars = [];
-                        $scope.ui.selectedJdbcDriverJar = {};
-                        return IgniteAgentMonitor.drivers()
-                            .then(function(drivers) {
-                                $scope.ui.packageName = $scope.ui.packageNameUserInput;
-                                if (drivers && drivers.length > 0) {
-                                    drivers = _.sortBy(drivers, 'jdbcDriverJar');
-                                    _.forEach(drivers, function(drv) {
-                                        $scope.jdbcDriverJars.push({
-                                            label: drv.jdbcDriverJar,
-                                            value: {
-                                                jdbcDriverJar: drv.jdbcDriverJar,
-                                                jdbcDriverClass: drv.jdbcDriverCls
-                                            }
-                                        });
-                                    });
-                                    $scope.ui.selectedJdbcDriverJar = $scope.jdbcDriverJars[0].value;
-                                    LegacyUtils.confirmUnsavedChanges($scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty, function() {
-                                        importDomainModal.$promise.then(() => {
-                                            $scope.importDomain.action = 'connect';
-                                            $scope.importDomain.tables = [];
-                                            Focus.move('jdbcUrl');
-                                        });
-                                    });
-                                }
-                                else {
-                                    $scope.importDomain.jdbcDriversNotFound = true;
-                                    $scope.importDomain.button = 'Cancel';
-                                }
-                            })
-                            .finally(function() {
-                                $ = INFO_CONNECT_TO_DB;
-                                Loading.finish('importDomainFromDb');
-                            });
-                    });
-            });
-        };
-        /**
-         * Load list of database schemas.
-         */
-        function _loadSchemas() {
-            IgniteAgentMonitor.awaitAgent()
-                .then(function() {
-                    $scope.importDomain.loadingOptions = LOADING_SCHEMAS;
-                    Loading.start('importDomainFromDb');
-                    if ($root.IgniteDemoMode)
-                        return IgniteAgentMonitor.schemas($scope.demoConnection);
-                    const preset = $scope.selectedPreset;
-                    _savePreset(preset);
-                    return IgniteAgentMonitor.schemas(preset);
-                })
-                .then(function(schemas) {
-                    $scope.importDomain.schemas =, function(schema) {
-                        return {use: true, name: schema};
-                    });
-                    $scope.importDomain.action = 'schemas';
-                    if ($scope.importDomain.schemas.length === 0)
-                        $scope.importDomainNext();
-                    $ = INFO_SELECT_SCHEMAS;
-                })
-                .catch(Messages.showError)
-                .finally(() => Loading.finish('importDomainFromDb'));
-        }
-        const DFLT_PARTITIONED_CACHE = {
-            label: 'PARTITIONED',
-            value: -1,
-            cache: {
-                name: 'PARTITIONED',
-                cacheMode: 'PARTITIONED',
-                atomicityMode: 'ATOMIC',
-                readThrough: true,
-                writeThrough: true
-            }
-        };
-        const DFLT_REPLICATED_CACHE = {
-            label: 'REPLICATED',
-            value: -2,
-            cache: {
-                name: 'REPLICATED',
-                cacheMode: 'REPLICATED',
-                atomicityMode: 'ATOMIC',
-                readThrough: true,
-                writeThrough: true
-            }
-        };
-        let _importCachesOrTemplates = [];
-        $scope.tableActionView = function(tbl) {
-            const cacheName = _.find(_importCachesOrTemplates, {value: tbl.cacheOrTemplate}).label;
-            if (tbl.action === IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE)
-                return 'Create ' + tbl.generatedCacheName + ' (' + cacheName + ')';
-            return 'Associate with ' + cacheName;
-        };
-        function toJavaClassName(name) {
-            const len = name.length;
-            let buf = '';
-            let capitalizeNext = true;
-            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-                const ch = name.charAt(i);
-                if (ch === ' ' || ch === '_')
-                    capitalizeNext = true;
-                else if (capitalizeNext) {
-                    buf += ch.toLocaleUpperCase();
-                    capitalizeNext = false;
-                }
-                else
-                    buf += ch.toLocaleLowerCase();
-            }
-            return buf;
-        }
-        function toJavaName(dbName) {
-            const javaName = toJavaClassName(dbName);
-            return javaName.charAt(0).toLocaleLowerCase() + javaName.slice(1);
-        }
-        function _fillCommonCachesOrTemplates(item) {
-            return function(action) {
-                if (item.cachesOrTemplates)
-                    item.cachesOrTemplates.length = 0;
-                else
-                    item.cachesOrTemplates = [];
-                if (action === IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE) {
-                    item.cachesOrTemplates.push(DFLT_PARTITIONED_CACHE);
-                    item.cachesOrTemplates.push(DFLT_REPLICATED_CACHE);
-                }
-                if (!_.isEmpty($scope.caches)) {
-                    if (item.cachesOrTemplates.length > 0)
-                        item.cachesOrTemplates.push(null);
-                    _.forEach($scope.caches, function(cache) {
-                        item.cachesOrTemplates.push(cache);
-                    });
-                }
-                if (!_.find(item.cachesOrTemplates, {value: item.cacheOrTemplate}))
-                    item.cacheOrTemplate = item.cachesOrTemplates[0].value;
-            };
-        }
-        /**
-         * Load list of database tables.
-         */
-        function _loadTables() {
-            IgniteAgentMonitor.awaitAgent()
-                .then(function() {
-                    $scope.importDomain.loadingOptions = LOADING_TABLES;
-                    Loading.start('importDomainFromDb');
-                    $scope.importDomain.allTablesSelected = false;
-                    const preset = $scope.importDomain.demo ? $scope.demoConnection : $scope.selectedPreset;
-                    preset.schemas = [];
-                    _.forEach($scope.importDomain.schemas, function(schema) {
-                        if (schema.use)
-                            preset.schemas.push(;
-                    });
-                    return IgniteAgentMonitor.tables(preset);
-                })
-                .then(function(tables) {
-                    _importCachesOrTemplates = [DFLT_PARTITIONED_CACHE, DFLT_REPLICATED_CACHE].concat($scope.caches);
-                    _fillCommonCachesOrTemplates($scope.importCommon)($scope.importCommon.action);
-                    _.forEach(tables, function(tbl, idx) {
-               = idx;
-                        tbl.action = IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE;
-                        tbl.generatedCacheName = toJavaClassName(tbl.tbl) + 'Cache';
-                        tbl.cacheOrTemplate = DFLT_PARTITIONED_CACHE.value;
-                        tbl.label = tbl.schema + '.' + tbl.tbl;
-                        tbl.edit = false;
-                        tbl.use = LegacyUtils.isDefined(_.find(tbl.cols, function(col) {
-                            return col.key;
-                        }));
-                    });
-                    $scope.importDomain.action = 'tables';
-                    $scope.importDomain.tables = tables;
-                    $ = INFO_SELECT_TABLES;
-                })
-                .catch(Messages.showError)
-                .finally(() => Loading.finish('importDomainFromDb'));
-        }
-        $scope.applyDefaults = function() {
-            _.forEach($scope.importDomain.displayedTables, function(table) {
-                table.edit = false;
-                table.action = $scope.importCommon.action;
-                table.cacheOrTemplate = $scope.importCommon.cacheOrTemplate;
-            });
-        };
-        $scope._curDbTable = null;
-        $scope.startEditDbTableCache = function(tbl) {
-            if ($scope._curDbTable) {
-                $scope._curDbTable.edit = false;
-                if ($scope._curDbTable.actionWatch) {
-                    $scope._curDbTable.actionWatch();
-                    $scope._curDbTable.actionWatch = null;
-                }
-            }
-            $scope._curDbTable = tbl;
-            const _fillFn = _fillCommonCachesOrTemplates($scope._curDbTable);
-            _fillFn($scope._curDbTable.action);
-            $scope._curDbTable.actionWatch = $scope.$watch('_curDbTable.action', _fillFn, true);
-            $scope._curDbTable.edit = true;
-        };
-        /**
-         * Show page with import domain models options.
-         */
-        function _selectOptions() {
-            $scope.importDomain.action = 'options';
-            $scope.importDomain.button = 'Save';
-            $ = INFO_SELECT_OPTIONS;
-            Focus.move('domainPackageName');
-        }
-        function _saveBatch(batch) {
-            if (batch && batch.length > 0) {
-                $scope.importDomain.loadingOptions = SAVING_DOMAINS;
-                Loading.start('importDomainFromDb');
-                $'/api/v1/configuration/domains/save/batch', batch)
-                    .success(function(savedBatch) {
-                        let lastItem;
-                        const newItems = [];
-                        _.forEach(_mapCaches(savedBatch.generatedCaches), function(cache) {
-                            $scope.caches.push(cache);
-                        });
-                        _.forEach(savedBatch.savedDomains, function(savedItem) {
-                            const idx = _.findIndex($, function(domain) {
-                                return domain._id === savedItem._id;
-                            });
-                            if (idx >= 0)
-                                $[idx] = savedItem;
-                            else
-                                newItems.push(savedItem);
-                            lastItem = savedItem;
-                        });
-                        _.forEach(newItems, function(item) {
-                            $;
-                        });
-                        if (!lastItem && $ > 0)
-                            lastItem = $[0];
-                        $scope.selectItem(lastItem);
-                        Messages.showInfo('Domain models imported from database.');
-                        $scope.ui.activePanels = [0, 1, 2];
-                        $scope.ui.showValid = true;
-                    })
-                    .error(Messages.showError)
-                    .finally(() => {
-                        Loading.finish('importDomainFromDb');
-                        importDomainModal.hide();
-                    });
-            }
-            else
-                importDomainModal.hide();
-        }
-        function _saveDomainModel() {
-            if (LegacyUtils.isEmptyString($scope.ui.packageName))
-                return LegacyUtils.showPopoverMessage(null, null, 'domainPackageName', 'Package could not be empty');
-            if (!LegacyUtils.isValidJavaClass('Package', $scope.ui.packageName, false, 'domainPackageName', true))
-                return false;
-            const batch = [];
-            const tables = [];
-            const checkedCaches = [];
-            let dupCnt = 0;
-            let containKey = true;
-            function queryField(name, jdbcType) {
-                return {name: toJavaName(name), className: jdbcType.javaType};
-            }
-            function dbField(name, jdbcType, nullable) {
-                return {
-                    jdbcType,
-                    databaseFieldName: name,
-                    databaseFieldType: jdbcType.dbName,
-                    javaFieldName: toJavaName(name),
-                    javaFieldType: nullable ? jdbcType.javaType :
-                        ($scope.ui.usePrimitives && jdbcType.primitiveType ? jdbcType.primitiveType : jdbcType.javaType)
-                };
-            }
-            _.forEach($scope.importDomain.tables, function(table) {
-                if (table.use) {
-                    const qryFields = [];
-                    const indexes = [];
-                    const keyFields = [];
-                    const valFields = [];
-                    const aliases = [];
-                    const tableName = table.tbl;
-                    const dup = tables.indexOf(tableName) >= 0;
-                    if (dup)
-                        dupCnt++;
-                    const typeName = toJavaClassName(tableName);
-                    const valType = _toJavaPackage($scope.ui.packageName) + '.' + typeName;
-                    let _containKey = false;
-                    _.forEach(table.cols, function(col) {
-                        const colName =;
-                        const jdbcType = LegacyUtils.findJdbcType(col.type);
-                        const nullable = col.nullable;
-                        qryFields.push(queryField(colName, jdbcType));
-                        const fld = dbField(colName, jdbcType, nullable);
-                        if ($scope.ui.generateAliases && !_.find(aliases, {field: fld.javaFieldName}) &&
-                            fld.javaFieldName.toUpperCase() !== fld.databaseFieldName.toUpperCase())
-                            aliases.push({field: fld.javaFieldName, alias: fld.databaseFieldName});
-                        if (col.key) {
-                            keyFields.push(fld);
-                            _containKey = true;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            valFields.push(fld);
-                    });
-                    containKey &= _containKey;
-                    if (table.idxs) {
-                        _.forEach(table.idxs, function(idx) {
-                            const fields = Object.keys(idx.fields);
-                            indexes.push({
-                                name:, indexType: 'SORTED', fields:, function(fieldName) {
-                                    return {
-                                        name: toJavaName(fieldName),
-                                        direction: idx.fields[fieldName]
-                                    };
-                                })
-                            });
-                        });
-                    }
-                    const domainFound = _.find($, function(domain) {
-                        return domain.valueType === valType;
-                    });
-                    const newDomain = {
-                        confirm: false,
-                        skip: false,
-                        space: $scope.spaces[0],
-                        caches: []
-                    };
-                    if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(domainFound)) {
-                        newDomain._id = domainFound._id;
-                        newDomain.caches = domainFound.caches;
-                        newDomain.confirm = true;
-                    }
-                    const dupSfx = (dup ? '_' + dupCnt : '');
-                    newDomain.keyType = valType + 'Key' + dupSfx;
-                    newDomain.valueType = valType + dupSfx;
-                    newDomain.queryMetadata = 'Configuration';
-                    newDomain.databaseSchema = table.schema;
-                    newDomain.databaseTable = tableName;
-                    newDomain.fields = qryFields;
-                    newDomain.indexes = indexes;
-                    newDomain.keyFields = keyFields;
-                    newDomain.aliases = aliases;
-                    newDomain.valueFields = valFields;
-                    // If value fields not found - copy key fields.
-                    if (_.isEmpty(valFields))
-                        newDomain.valueFields = keyFields.slice();
-                    // Use Java built-in type for key.
-                    if ($scope.ui.builtinKeys && newDomain.keyFields.length === 1) {
-                        const keyField = newDomain.keyFields[0];
-                        newDomain.keyType = keyField.jdbcType.javaType;
-                        // Exclude key column from query fields and indexes.
-                        newDomain.fields = _.filter(newDomain.fields, function(field) {
-                            return !== keyField.javaFieldName;
-                        });
-                        _.forEach(newDomain.indexes, function(index) {
-                            index.fields = _.filter(index.fields, function(field) {
-                                return !== keyField.javaFieldName;
-                            });
-                        });
-                        newDomain.indexes = _.filter(newDomain.indexes, (index) => !_.isEmpty(index.fields));
-                    }
-                    // Prepare caches for generation.
-                    if (table.action === IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE) {
-                        const template = _.find(_importCachesOrTemplates, {value: table.cacheOrTemplate});
-                        const newCache = angular.copy(template.cache);
-                        newDomain.newCache = newCache;
-                        delete newCache._id;
-               = typeName + 'Cache';
-                        newCache.clusters = $scope.ui.generatedCachesClusters;
-                        // POJO store factory is not defined in template.
-                        if (!newCache.cacheStoreFactory || newCache.cacheStoreFactory.kind !== 'CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory') {
-                            const dialect = $scope.importDomain.demo ? 'H2' : $scope.selectedPreset.db;
-                            newCache.cacheStoreFactory = {
-                                kind: 'CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory',
-                                CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory: {dataSourceBean: 'ds' + dialect, dialect},
-                                CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory: { connectVia: 'DataSource' }
-                            };
-                        }
-                        if (!newCache.readThrough && !newCache.writeThrough) {
-                            newCache.readThrough = true;
-                            newCache.writeThrough = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        const cacheId = table.cacheOrTemplate;
-                        newDomain.caches = [cacheId];
-                        if (!_.includes(checkedCaches, cacheId)) {
-                            const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {value: cacheId}).cache;
-                            const change = LegacyUtils.autoCacheStoreConfiguration(cache, [newDomain]);
-                            if (change)
-                                newDomain.cacheStoreChanges = [{cacheId, change}];
-                            checkedCaches.push(cacheId);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    batch.push(newDomain);
-                    tables.push(tableName);
-                }
-            });
-            /**
-             * Generate message to show on confirm dialog.
-             *
-             * @param meta Object to confirm.
-             * @returns {string} Generated message.
-             */
-            function overwriteMessage(meta) {
-                return '<span>' +
-                    'Domain model with name &quot;' + meta.databaseTable + '&quot; already exist.<br/><br/>' +
-                    'Are you sure you want to overwrite it?' +
-                    '</span>';
-            }
-            const itemsToConfirm = _.filter(batch, (item) => item.confirm);
-            function checkOverwrite() {
-                if (itemsToConfirm.length > 0) {
-                    ConfirmBatch.confirm(overwriteMessage, itemsToConfirm)
-                        .then(() => _saveBatch(_.filter(batch, (item) => !item.skip)))
-                        .catch(() => Messages.showError('Importing of domain models interrupted by user.'));
-                }
-                else
-                    _saveBatch(batch);
-            }
-            if (containKey)
-                checkOverwrite();
-            else {
-                Confirm.confirm('Some tables have no primary key.<br/>' +
-                        'You will need to configure key type and key fields for such tables after import complete.')
-                    .then(() => checkOverwrite());
-            }
-        }
-        $scope.importDomainNext = function() {
-            if (!$scope.importDomainNextAvailable())
-                return;
-            const act = $scope.importDomain.action;
-            if (act === 'drivers' && $scope.importDomain.jdbcDriversNotFound)
-                importDomainModal.hide();
-            else if (act === 'connect')
-                _loadSchemas();
-            else if (act === 'schemas')
-                _loadTables();
-            else if (act === 'tables')
-                _selectOptions();
-            else if (act === 'options')
-                _saveDomainModel();
-        };
-        $scope.nextTooltipText = function() {
-            const importDomainNextAvailable = $scope.importDomainNextAvailable();
-            const act = $scope.importDomain.action;
-            if (act === 'drivers' && $scope.importDomain.jdbcDriversNotFound)
-                return 'Resolve issue with JDBC drivers<br>Close this dialog and try again';
-            if (act === 'connect' || act === 'drivers')
-                return 'Click to load list of schemas from database';
-            if (act === 'schemas')
-                return importDomainNextAvailable ? 'Click to load list of tables from database' : 'Select schemas to continue';
-            if (act === 'tables')
-                return importDomainNextAvailable ? 'Click to show import options' : 'Select tables to continue';
-            if (act === 'options')
-                return 'Click to import domain model for selected tables';
-            return 'Click to continue';
-        };
-        $scope.prevTooltipText = function() {
-            const act = $scope.importDomain.action;
-            if (act === 'schemas')
-                return $scope.importDomain.demo ? 'Click to return on demo description step' : 'Click to return on connection configuration step';
-            if (act === 'tables')
-                return 'Click to return on schemas selection step';
-            if (act === 'options')
-                return 'Click to return on tables selection step';
-        };
-        $scope.importDomainNextAvailable = function() {
-            let res = true;
-            switch ($scope.importDomain.action) {
-                case 'schemas':
-                    res = _.isEmpty($scope.importDomain.schemas) || _.find($scope.importDomain.schemas, {use: true});
-                    break;
-                case 'tables':
-                    res = _.find($scope.importDomain.tables, {use: true});
-                    break;
-                default:
-            }
-            return res;
-        };
-        $scope.importDomainPrev = function() {
-            $scope.importDomain.button = 'Next';
-            if ($scope.importDomain.action === 'options') {
-                $scope.importDomain.action = 'tables';
-                $ = INFO_SELECT_TABLES;
-            }
-            else if ($scope.importDomain.action === 'tables' && $scope.importDomain.schemas.length > 0) {
-                $scope.importDomain.action = 'schemas';
-                $ = INFO_SELECT_SCHEMAS;
-            }
-            else {
-                $scope.importDomain.action = 'connect';
-                $ = INFO_CONNECT_TO_DB;
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.domainModelTitle = function() {
-            return $scope.ui.showValid ? 'Domain model types:' : 'Domain model types without key fields:';
-        };
-        function selectFirstItem() {
-            if ($ > 0)
-                $scope.selectItem($[0]);
-        }
-        $scope.importActions = [{
-            label: 'Create new cache by template',
-            shortLabel: 'Create',
-            value: IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE
-        }];
-        $scope.importCommon = {};
-        // When landing on the page, get domain models and show them.
-        Loading.start('loadingDomainModelsScreen');
-        $'/api/v1/configuration/domains/list')
-            .success(function(data) {
-                $scope.spaces = data.spaces;
-                $scope.clusters =, function(cluster) {
-                    return {
-                        value: cluster._id,
-                        label:
-                    };
-                });
-                $scope.caches = _mapCaches(data.caches);
-                $ =;
-                _.forEach($scope.clusters, function(cluster) {
-                    $scope.ui.generatedCachesClusters.push(cluster.value);
-                });
-                if (!_.isEmpty($scope.caches)) {
-                    $scope.importActions.push({
-                        label: 'Associate with existing cache',
-                        shortLabel: 'Associate',
-                        value: IMPORT_DM_ASSOCIATE_CACHE
-                    });
-                }
-                $scope.$watch('importCommon.action', _fillCommonCachesOrTemplates($scope.importCommon), true);
-                $scope.importCommon.action = IMPORT_DM_NEW_CACHE;
-                if ($state.params.linkId)
-                    $scope.createItem($state.params.linkId);
-                else {
-                    const lastSelectedDomain = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.lastSelectedDomain);
-                    if (lastSelectedDomain) {
-                        const idx = _.findIndex($, function(domain) {
-                            return domain._id === lastSelectedDomain;
-                        });
-                        if (idx >= 0)
-                            $scope.selectItem($[idx]);
-                        else {
-                            sessionStorage.removeItem('lastSelectedDomain');
-                            selectFirstItem();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        selectFirstItem();
-                }
-                $scope.$watch('ui.inputForm.$valid', function(valid) {
-                    if (valid && ModelNormalizer.isEqual(__original_value, $scope.backupItem))
-                        $scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty = false;
-                });
-                $scope.$watch('backupItem', function(val) {
-                    const form = $scope.ui.inputForm;
-                    if (form.$pristine || (form.$valid && ModelNormalizer.isEqual(__original_value, val)))
-                        form.$setPristine();
-                    else
-                        form.$setDirty();
-                }, true);
-            })
-            .catch(Messages.showError)
-            .finally(() => {
-                $scope.ui.ready = true;
-                $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                Loading.finish('loadingDomainModelsScreen');
-            });
-        const clearFormDefaults = (ngFormCtrl) => {
-            ngFormCtrl.$defaults = {};
-            _.forOwn(ngFormCtrl, (value, key) => {
-                if (value && key !== '$$parentForm' && === 'FormController')
-                    clearFormDefaults(value);
-            });
-        };
-        $scope.selectItem = function(item, backup) {
-            function selectItem() {
-                clearFormDefaults($scope.ui.inputForm);
-                LegacyTable.tableReset();
-                $scope.selectedItem = item;
-                try {
-                    if (item && item._id)
-                        sessionStorage.lastSelectedDomain = angular.toJson(item._id);
-                    else
-                        sessionStorage.removeItem('lastSelectedDomain');
-                }
-                catch (ignored) {
-                    // Ignore possible errors when read from storage.
-                }
-                if (backup)
-                    $scope.backupItem = backup;
-                else if (item)
-                    $scope.backupItem = angular.copy(item);
-                else
-                    $scope.backupItem = emptyDomain;
-                $scope.backupItem = angular.merge({}, blank, $scope.backupItem);
-                __original_value = ModelNormalizer.normalize($scope.backupItem);
-                if (LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.backupItem) && !LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.backupItem.queryMetadata))
-                    $scope.backupItem.queryMetadata = 'Configuration';
-                if (LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.selectedItem) && !LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.selectedItem.queryMetadata))
-                    $scope.selectedItem.queryMetadata = 'Configuration';
-                if (LegacyUtils.getQueryVariable('new'))
-                    $state.go('');
-            }
-            LegacyUtils.confirmUnsavedChanges($scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty, selectItem);
-        };
-        // Add new domain model.
-        $scope.createItem = function(cacheId) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                $timeout(() => {
-                    LegacyUtils.ensureActivePanel($scope.ui, 'query');
-                    LegacyUtils.ensureActivePanel($scope.ui, 'general', 'keyType');
-                });
-                $scope.selectItem(null, prepareNewItem(cacheId));
-            }
-        };
-        function checkQueryConfiguration(item) {
-            if (item.queryMetadata === 'Configuration' && LegacyUtils.domainForQueryConfigured(item)) {
-                if (_.isEmpty(item.fields))
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', 'queryFields', 'Query fields should not be empty');
-                const indexes = item.indexes;
-                if (indexes && indexes.length > 0) {
-                    if (_.find(indexes, function(index, i) {
-                        if (_.isEmpty(index.fields))
-                            return !showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', 'indexes' + i, 'Index fields are not specified');
-                    }))
-                        return false;
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        function checkStoreConfiguration(item) {
-            if (LegacyUtils.domainForStoreConfigured(item)) {
-                if (LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(item.databaseSchema))
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', 'databaseSchema', 'Database schema should not be empty');
-                if (LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(item.databaseTable))
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', 'databaseTable', 'Database table should not be empty');
-                if (_.isEmpty(item.keyFields))
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', 'keyFields', 'Key fields are not specified');
-                if (LegacyUtils.isJavaBuiltInClass(item.keyType) && item.keyFields.length !== 1)
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', 'keyFields', 'Only one field should be specified in case when key type is a Java built-in type');
-                if (_.isEmpty(item.valueFields))
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', 'valueFields', 'Value fields are not specified');
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        // Check domain model logical consistency.
-        function validate(item) {
-            if (!LegacyUtils.checkFieldValidators($scope.ui))
-                return false;
-            if (!checkQueryConfiguration(item))
-                return false;
-            if (!checkStoreConfiguration(item))
-                return false;
-            if (!LegacyUtils.domainForStoreConfigured(item) && !LegacyUtils.domainForQueryConfigured(item) && item.queryMetadata === 'Configuration')
-                return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', 'query-title', 'SQL query domain model should be configured');
-            return true;
-        }
-        function _checkShowValidPresentation() {
-            if (!$scope.ui.showValid) {
-                const validFilter = $filter('domainsValidation');
-                $scope.ui.showValid = validFilter($, false, true).length === 0;
-            }
-        }
-        // Save domain models into database.
-        function save(item) {
-            const qry = LegacyUtils.domainForQueryConfigured(item);
-            const str = LegacyUtils.domainForStoreConfigured(item);
-            item.kind = 'query';
-            if (qry && str)
-                item.kind = 'both';
-            else if (str)
-                item.kind = 'store';
-            $'/api/v1/configuration/domains/save', item)
-                .success(function(res) {
-                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                    const savedMeta = res.savedDomains[0];
-                    const idx = _.findIndex($, function(domain) {
-                        return domain._id === savedMeta._id;
-                    });
-                    if (idx >= 0)
-                        angular.extend($[idx], savedMeta);
-                    else
-                        $;
-                    _.forEach($scope.caches, (cache) => {
-                        if (_.includes(item.caches, cache.value))
-                   = _.union(, [savedMeta._id]);
-                        else
-                            _.remove(, (id) => id === savedMeta._id);
-                    });
-                    $scope.selectItem(savedMeta);
-                    Messages.showInfo('Domain model "' + item.valueType + '" saved.');
-                    _checkShowValidPresentation();
-                })
-                .error(Messages.showError);
-        }
-        // Save domain model.
-        $scope.saveItem = function() {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                const item = $scope.backupItem;
-                item.cacheStoreChanges = [];
-                _.forEach(item.caches, function(cacheId) {
-                    const cache = _.find($scope.caches, {value: cacheId}).cache;
-                    const change = LegacyUtils.autoCacheStoreConfiguration(cache, [item]);
-                    if (change)
-                        item.cacheStoreChanges.push({cacheId, change});
-                });
-                if (validate(item))
-                    save(item);
-            }
-        };
-        function _domainNames() {
-            return$, function(domain) {
-                return domain.valueType;
-            });
-        }
-        function _newNameIsValidJavaClass(newName) {
-            return LegacyUtils.isValidJavaClass('New name for value type', newName, false, 'copy-new-name');
-        }
-        // Save domain model with new name.
-        $scope.cloneItem = function() {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true) && validate($scope.backupItem)) {
-                Clone.confirm($scope.backupItem.valueType, _domainNames(), _newNameIsValidJavaClass).then(function(newName) {
-                    const item = angular.copy($scope.backupItem);
-                    delete item._id;
-                    item.valueType = newName;
-                    save(item);
-                });
-            }
-        };
-        // Remove domain model from db.
-        $scope.removeItem = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            const selectedItem = $scope.selectedItem;
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove domain model: "' + selectedItem.valueType + '"?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    const _id = selectedItem._id;
-                    $'/api/v1/configuration/domains/remove', {_id})
-                        .success(function() {
-                            Messages.showInfo('Domain model has been removed: ' + selectedItem.valueType);
-                            const domains = $;
-                            const idx = _.findIndex(domains, function(domain) {
-                                return domain._id === _id;
-                            });
-                            if (idx >= 0) {
-                                domains.splice(idx, 1);
-                                if (domains.length > 0)
-                                    $scope.selectItem(domains[0]);
-                                else {
-                                    $scope.backupItem = emptyDomain;
-                                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                                }
-                                _.forEach($scope.caches, (cache) => _.remove(, (id) => id === _id));
-                            }
-                            _checkShowValidPresentation();
-                        })
-                        .error(Messages.showError);
-                });
-        };
-        // Remove all domain models from db.
-        $scope.removeAllItems = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove all domain models?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    $'/api/v1/configuration/domains/remove/all')
-                        .success(function() {
-                            Messages.showInfo('All domain models have been removed');
-                            $ = [];
-                            _.forEach($scope.caches, (cache) => = []);
-                            $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                            $scope.backupItem = emptyDomain;
-                            $scope.ui.showValid = true;
-                        })
-                        .error(Messages.showError);
-                });
-        };
-        $scope.toggleValid = function() {
-            $scope.ui.showValid = !$scope.ui.showValid;
-            const validFilter = $filter('domainsValidation');
-            let idx = -1;
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined($scope.selectedItem)) {
-                idx = _.findIndex(validFilter($, $scope.ui.showValid, true), function(domain) {
-                    return domain._id === $scope.selectedItem._id;
-                });
-            }
-            if (idx === -1)
-                $scope.backupItem = emptyDomain;
-        };
-        const pairFields = {
-            fields: {
-                msg: 'Query field class',
-                id: 'QryField',
-                idPrefix: 'Key',
-                searchCol: 'name',
-                valueCol: 'key',
-                classValidation: true,
-                dupObjName: 'name'
-            },
-            aliases: {id: 'Alias', idPrefix: 'Value', searchCol: 'alias', valueCol: 'value', dupObjName: 'alias'}
-        };
-        $scope.tablePairValid = function(item, field, index) {
-            const pairField = pairFields[field.model];
-            const pairValue = LegacyTable.tablePairValue(field, index);
-            if (pairField) {
-                const model = item[field.model];
-                if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(model)) {
-                    const idx = _.findIndex(model, function(pair) {
-                        return pair[pairField.searchCol] === pairValue[pairField.valueCol];
-                    });
-                    // Found duplicate by key.
-                    if (idx >= 0 && idx !== index)
-                        return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, pairField.idPrefix +, 'Field with such ' + pairField.dupObjName + ' already exists!');
-                }
-                if (pairField.classValidation && !LegacyUtils.isValidJavaClass(pairField.msg, pairValue.value, true, LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, 'Value' +, false, $scope.ui, 'query'))
-                    return LegacyTable.tableFocusInvalidField(index, 'Value' +;
-            }
-            return true;
-        };
-        function tableDbFieldValue(field, index) {
-            return (index < 0) ? {
-                databaseFieldName: field.newDatabaseFieldName,
-                databaseFieldType: field.newDatabaseFieldType,
-                javaFieldName: field.newJavaFieldName,
-                javaFieldType: field.newJavaFieldType
-            } : {
-                databaseFieldName: field.curDatabaseFieldName,
-                databaseFieldType: field.curDatabaseFieldType,
-                javaFieldName: field.curJavaFieldName,
-                javaFieldType: field.curJavaFieldType
-            };
-        }
-        $scope.tableDbFieldSaveVisible = function(field, index) {
-            const dbFieldValue = tableDbFieldValue(field, index);
-            return LegacyUtils.isDefined(dbFieldValue.databaseFieldType) &&
-                LegacyUtils.isDefined(dbFieldValue.javaFieldType) &&
-                !LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(dbFieldValue.databaseFieldName) &&
-                !LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(dbFieldValue.javaFieldName);
-        };
-        const dbFieldTables = {
-            keyFields: {msg: 'Key field', id: 'KeyField'},
-            valueFields: {msg: 'Value field', id: 'ValueField'}
-        };
-        $scope.tableDbFieldSave = function(field, index, stopEdit) {
-            const dbFieldTable = dbFieldTables[field.model];
-            if (dbFieldTable) {
-                const dbFieldValue = tableDbFieldValue(field, index);
-                const item = $scope.backupItem;
-                let model = item[field.model];
-                if (!LegacyUtils.isValidJavaIdentifier(dbFieldTable.msg + ' java name', dbFieldValue.javaFieldName, LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, 'JavaFieldName' +
-                    return false;
-                if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(model)) {
-                    let idx = _.findIndex(model, function(dbMeta) {
-                        return dbMeta.databaseFieldName === dbFieldValue.databaseFieldName;
-                    });
-                    // Found duplicate.
-                    if (idx >= 0 && index !== idx)
-                        return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, 'DatabaseFieldName' +, 'Field with such database name already exists!');
-                    idx = _.findIndex(model, function(dbMeta) {
-                        return dbMeta.javaFieldName === dbFieldValue.javaFieldName;
-                    });
-                    // Found duplicate.
-                    if (idx >= 0 && index !== idx)
-                        return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'store', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, 'JavaFieldName' +, 'Field with such java name already exists!');
-                    if (index < 0)
-                        model.push(dbFieldValue);
-                    else {
-                        const dbField = model[index];
-                        dbField.databaseFieldName = dbFieldValue.databaseFieldName;
-                        dbField.databaseFieldType = dbFieldValue.databaseFieldType;
-                        dbField.javaFieldName = dbFieldValue.javaFieldName;
-                        dbField.javaFieldType = dbFieldValue.javaFieldType;
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    model = [dbFieldValue];
-                    item[field.model] = model;
-                }
-                if (!stopEdit) {
-                    if (index < 0)
-                        LegacyTable.tableNewItem(field);
-                    else if (index < model.length - 1)
-                        LegacyTable.tableStartEdit(item, field, index + 1);
-                    else
-                        LegacyTable.tableNewItem(field);
-                }
-                return true;
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        function tableIndexName(field, index) {
-            return index < 0 ? field.newIndexName : field.curIndexName;
-        }
-        function tableIndexType(field, index) {
-            return index < 0 ? field.newIndexType : field.curIndexType;
-        }
-        $scope.tableIndexSaveVisible = function(field, index) {
-            return !LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(tableIndexName(field, index)) && LegacyUtils.isDefined(tableIndexType(field, index));
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexSave = function(field, curIdx, stopEdit) {
-            const indexName = tableIndexName(field, curIdx);
-            const indexType = tableIndexType(field, curIdx);
-            const item = $scope.backupItem;
-            const indexes = item.indexes;
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(indexes)) {
-                const idx = _.findIndex(indexes, function(index) {
-                    return === indexName;
-                });
-                // Found duplicate.
-                if (idx >= 0 && idx !== curIdx)
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(curIdx, 'IndexName'), 'Index with such name already exists!');
-            }
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            if (curIdx < 0) {
-                const newIndex = {name: indexName, indexType};
-                if (item.indexes)
-                    item.indexes.push(newIndex);
-                else
-                    item.indexes = [newIndex];
-            }
-            else {
-                item.indexes[curIdx].name = indexName;
-                item.indexes[curIdx].indexType = indexType;
-            }
-            if (!stopEdit) {
-                if (curIdx < 0)
-                    $scope.tableIndexNewItem(field, item.indexes.length - 1);
-                else {
-                    const index = item.indexes[curIdx];
-                    if (index.fields && index.fields.length > 0)
-                        $scope.tableIndexItemStartEdit(field, curIdx, 0);
-                    else
-                        $scope.tableIndexNewItem(field, curIdx);
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexNewItem = function(field, indexIdx) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                const index = $scope.backupItem.indexes[indexIdx];
-                LegacyTable.tableState(field, -1, 'table-index-fields');
-                LegacyTable.tableFocusInvalidField(-1, 'FieldName' + (index.indexType === 'SORTED' ? 'S' : '') + indexIdx);
-                field.newFieldName = null;
-                field.newDirection = true;
-                field.indexIdx = indexIdx;
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexNewItemActive = function(field, itemIndex) {
-            const indexes = $scope.backupItem.indexes;
-            if (indexes) {
-                const index = indexes[itemIndex];
-                if (index)
-                    return LegacyTable.tableNewItemActive({model: 'table-index-fields'}) && field.indexIdx === itemIndex;
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexItemEditing = function(field, itemIndex, curIdx) {
-            const indexes = $scope.backupItem.indexes;
-            if (indexes) {
-                const index = indexes[itemIndex];
-                if (index)
-                    return LegacyTable.tableEditing({model: 'table-index-fields'}, curIdx) && field.indexIdx === itemIndex;
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        function tableIndexItemValue(field, index) {
-            return index < 0 ? {
-                name: field.newFieldName,
-                direction: field.newDirection
-            } : {
-                name: field.curFieldName,
-                direction: field.curDirection
-            };
-        }
-        $scope.tableIndexItemStartEdit = function(field, indexIdx, curIdx) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                const index = $scope.backupItem.indexes[indexIdx];
-                LegacyTable.tableState(field, curIdx, 'table-index-fields');
-                const indexItem = index.fields[curIdx];
-                field.curFieldName =;
-                field.curDirection = indexItem.direction;
-                field.indexIdx = indexIdx;
-                Focus.move('curFieldName' + (index.indexType === 'SORTED' ? 'S' : '') + field.indexIdx + '-' + curIdx);
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexItemSaveVisible = function(field, index) {
-            return !LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(tableIndexItemValue(field, index).name);
-        };
-        $scope.tableIndexItemSave = function(field, indexIdx, curIdx, stopEdit) {
-            const indexItemValue = tableIndexItemValue(field, curIdx);
-            const index = $scope.backupItem.indexes[indexIdx];
-            const fields = index.fields;
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(fields)) {
-                const idx = _.findIndex(fields, (fld) => ===;
-                // Found duplicate.
-                if (idx >= 0 && idx !== curIdx)
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'query', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(curIdx, 'FieldName' + (index.indexType === 'SORTED' ? 'S' : '') + indexIdx + (curIdx >= 0 ? '-' : '')), 'Field with such name already exists in index!');
-            }
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            field.indexIdx = -1;
-            if (curIdx < 0) {
-                if (index.fields)
-                    index.fields.push(indexItemValue);
-                else
-                    index.fields = [indexItemValue];
-                if (!stopEdit)
-                    $scope.tableIndexNewItem(field, indexIdx);
-            }
-            else {
-                index.fields[curIdx] = indexItemValue;
-                if (!stopEdit) {
-                    if (curIdx < index.fields.length - 1)
-                        $scope.tableIndexItemStartEdit(field, indexIdx, curIdx + 1);
-                    else
-                        $scope.tableIndexNewItem(field, indexIdx);
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableRemoveIndexItem = function(index, curIdx) {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            index.fields.splice(curIdx, 1);
-        };
-        $scope.resetAll = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to undo all changes for current domain model?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    $scope.backupItem = $scope.selectedItem ? angular.copy($scope.selectedItem) : prepareNewItem();
-                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                });
-        };
-    }
diff --git a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/igfs-controller.js b/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/igfs-controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5f0bb..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/igfs-controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Controller for IGFS screen.
-export default ['igfsController', [
-    '$scope', '$http', '$state', '$filter', '$timeout', 'IgniteLegacyUtils', 'IgniteMessages', 'IgniteConfirm', 'IgniteClone', 'IgniteLoading', 'IgniteModelNormalizer', 'IgniteUnsavedChangesGuard', 'IgniteLegacyTable',
-    function($scope, $http, $state, $filter, $timeout, LegacyUtils, Messages, Confirm, Clone, Loading, ModelNormalizer, UnsavedChangesGuard, LegacyTable) {
-        UnsavedChangesGuard.install($scope);
-        const emptyIgfs = {empty: true};
-        let __original_value;
-        const blank = {
-            ipcEndpointConfiguration: {},
-            secondaryFileSystem: {}
-        };
-        // We need to initialize backupItem with empty object in order to properly used from angular directives.
-        $scope.backupItem = emptyIgfs;
-        $scope.ui = LegacyUtils.formUI();
-        $scope.ui.activePanels = [0];
-        $scope.ui.topPanels = [0];
-        $scope.compactJavaName = LegacyUtils.compactJavaName;
-        $scope.widthIsSufficient = LegacyUtils.widthIsSufficient;
-        $scope.saveBtnTipText = LegacyUtils.saveBtnTipText;
-        const showPopoverMessage = LegacyUtils.showPopoverMessage;
-        $scope.tableSave = function(field, index, stopEdit) {
-            if (field.type === 'pathModes' && LegacyTable.tablePairSaveVisible(field, index))
-                return LegacyTable.tablePairSave($scope.tablePairValid, $scope.backupItem, field, index, stopEdit);
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableReset = (trySave) => {
-            const field = LegacyTable.tableField();
-            if (trySave && LegacyUtils.isDefined(field) && !$scope.tableSave(field, LegacyTable.tableEditedRowIndex(), true))
-                return false;
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tableNewItem = function(field) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableNewItem(field);
-        };
-        $scope.tableNewItemActive = LegacyTable.tableNewItemActive;
-        $scope.tableStartEdit = function(item, field, index) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableStartEdit(item, field, index, $scope.tableSave);
-        };
-        $scope.tableEditing = LegacyTable.tableEditing;
-        $scope.tablePairSave = LegacyTable.tablePairSave;
-        $scope.tablePairSaveVisible = LegacyTable.tablePairSaveVisible;
-        $scope.tableRemove = function(item, field, index) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true))
-                LegacyTable.tableRemove(item, field, index);
-        };
-        $scope.tablePairValid = function(item, field, index) {
-            const pairValue = LegacyTable.tablePairValue(field, index);
-            const model = item[field.model];
-            if (LegacyUtils.isDefined(model)) {
-                const idx = _.findIndex(model, function(pair) {
-                    return pair.path === pairValue.key;
-                });
-                // Found duplicate.
-                if (idx >= 0 && idx !== index)
-                    return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'misc', LegacyTable.tableFieldId(index, 'KeyPathMode'), 'Such path already exists!');
-            }
-            return true;
-        };
-        $scope.tblPathModes = {
-            type: 'pathModes',
-            model: 'pathModes',
-            focusId: 'PathMode',
-            ui: 'table-pair',
-            keyName: 'path',
-            valueName: 'mode',
-            save: $scope.tableSave
-        };
-        $scope.igfsModes = LegacyUtils.mkOptions(['PRIMARY', 'PROXY', 'DUAL_SYNC', 'DUAL_ASYNC']);
-        $scope.contentVisible = function() {
-            const item = $scope.backupItem;
-            return !item.empty && (!item._id || _.find($scope.displayedRows, {_id: item._id}));
-        };
-        $scope.toggleExpanded = function() {
-            $scope.ui.expanded = !$scope.ui.expanded;
-            LegacyUtils.hidePopover();
-        };
-        $scope.igfss = [];
-        $scope.clusters = [];
-        function selectFirstItem() {
-            if ($scope.igfss.length > 0)
-                $scope.selectItem($scope.igfss[0]);
-        }
-        Loading.start('loadingIgfsScreen');
-        // When landing on the page, get IGFSs and show them.
-        $'/api/v1/configuration/igfs/list')
-            .success(function(data) {
-                $scope.spaces = data.spaces;
-                $scope.igfss = data.igfss || [];
-                // For backward compatibility set colocateMetadata and relaxedConsistency default values.
-                _.forEach($scope.igfss, (igfs) => {
-                    if (_.isUndefined(igfs.colocateMetadata))
-                        igfs.colocateMetadata = true;
-                    if (_.isUndefined(igfs.relaxedConsistency))
-                        igfs.relaxedConsistency = true;
-                });
-                $scope.clusters = || [], function(cluster) {
-                    return {
-                        value: cluster._id,
-                        label:
-                    };
-                });
-                if ($state.params.linkId)
-                    $scope.createItem($state.params.linkId);
-                else {
-                    const lastSelectedIgfs = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.lastSelectedIgfs);
-                    if (lastSelectedIgfs) {
-                        const idx = _.findIndex($scope.igfss, function(igfs) {
-                            return igfs._id === lastSelectedIgfs;
-                        });
-                        if (idx >= 0)
-                            $scope.selectItem($scope.igfss[idx]);
-                        else {
-                            sessionStorage.removeItem('lastSelectedIgfs');
-                            selectFirstItem();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                        selectFirstItem();
-                }
-                $scope.$watch('ui.inputForm.$valid', function(valid) {
-                    if (valid && ModelNormalizer.isEqual(__original_value, $scope.backupItem))
-                        $scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty = false;
-                });
-                $scope.$watch('backupItem', function(val) {
-                    const form = $scope.ui.inputForm;
-                    if (form.$pristine || (form.$valid && ModelNormalizer.isEqual(__original_value, val)))
-                        form.$setPristine();
-                    else
-                        form.$setDirty();
-                }, true);
-            })
-            .catch(Messages.showError)
-            .finally(function() {
-                $scope.ui.ready = true;
-                $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                Loading.finish('loadingIgfsScreen');
-            });
-        $scope.selectItem = function(item, backup) {
-            function selectItem() {
-                LegacyTable.tableReset();
-                $scope.selectedItem = item;
-                try {
-                    if (item && item._id)
-                        sessionStorage.lastSelectedIgfs = angular.toJson(item._id);
-                    else
-                        sessionStorage.removeItem('lastSelectedIgfs');
-                }
-                catch (ignored) {
-                    // No-op.
-                }
-                if (backup)
-                    $scope.backupItem = backup;
-                else if (item)
-                    $scope.backupItem = angular.copy(item);
-                else
-                    $scope.backupItem = emptyIgfs;
-                $scope.backupItem = angular.merge({}, blank, $scope.backupItem);
-                __original_value = ModelNormalizer.normalize($scope.backupItem);
-                if (LegacyUtils.getQueryVariable('new'))
-                    $state.go('base.configuration.igfs');
-            }
-            LegacyUtils.confirmUnsavedChanges($scope.backupItem && $scope.ui.inputForm.$dirty, selectItem);
-        };
-        $scope.linkId = () => $scope.backupItem._id ? $scope.backupItem._id : 'create';
-        function prepareNewItem(linkId) {
-            return {
-                space: $scope.spaces[0]._id,
-                ipcEndpointEnabled: true,
-                fragmentizerEnabled: true,
-                colocateMetadata: true,
-                relaxedConsistency: true,
-                clusters: linkId && _.find($scope.clusters, {value: linkId}) ? [linkId] :
-                    (_.isEmpty($scope.clusters) ? [] : [$scope.clusters[0].value])
-            };
-        }
-        // Add new IGFS.
-        $scope.createItem = function(linkId) {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                $timeout(() => LegacyUtils.ensureActivePanel($scope.ui, 'general', 'igfsName'));
-                $scope.selectItem(null, prepareNewItem(linkId));
-            }
-        };
-        // Check IGFS logical consistency.
-        function validate(item) {
-            LegacyUtils.hidePopover();
-            if (LegacyUtils.isEmptyString(
-                return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'general', 'igfsName', 'IGFS name should not be empty!');
-            if (!LegacyUtils.checkFieldValidators($scope.ui))
-                return false;
-            if (!item.secondaryFileSystemEnabled && (item.defaultMode === 'PROXY'))
-                return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'secondaryFileSystem', 'secondaryFileSystem-title', 'Secondary file system should be configured for "PROXY" IGFS mode!');
-            if (item.pathModes) {
-                for (let pathIx = 0; pathIx < item.pathModes.length; pathIx++) {
-                    if (!item.secondaryFileSystemEnabled && item.pathModes[pathIx].mode === 'PROXY')
-                        return showPopoverMessage($scope.ui, 'secondaryFileSystem', 'secondaryFileSystem-title', 'Secondary file system should be configured for "PROXY" path mode!');
-                }
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-        // Save IGFS in database.
-        function save(item) {
-            $'/api/v1/configuration/igfs/save', item)
-                .success(function(_id) {
-                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                    const idx = _.findIndex($scope.igfss, function(igfs) {
-                        return igfs._id === _id;
-                    });
-                    if (idx >= 0)
-                        angular.merge($scope.igfss[idx], item);
-                    else {
-                        item._id = _id;
-                        $scope.igfss.push(item);
-                    }
-                    $scope.selectItem(item);
-                    Messages.showInfo('IGFS "' + + '" saved.');
-                })
-                .error(Messages.showError);
-        }
-        // Save IGFS.
-        $scope.saveItem = function() {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true)) {
-                const item = $scope.backupItem;
-                if (validate(item))
-                    save(item);
-            }
-        };
-        function _igfsNames() {
-            return$scope.igfss, function(igfs) {
-                return;
-            });
-        }
-        // Clone IGFS with new name.
-        $scope.cloneItem = function() {
-            if ($scope.tableReset(true) && validate($scope.backupItem)) {
-                Clone.confirm($, _igfsNames()).then(function(newName) {
-                    const item = angular.copy($scope.backupItem);
-                    delete item._id;
-           = newName;
-                    save(item);
-                });
-            }
-        };
-        // Remove IGFS from db.
-        $scope.removeItem = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            const selectedItem = $scope.selectedItem;
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove IGFS: "' + + '"?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    const _id = selectedItem._id;
-                    $'/api/v1/configuration/igfs/remove', {_id})
-                        .success(function() {
-                            Messages.showInfo('IGFS has been removed: ' +;
-                            const igfss = $scope.igfss;
-                            const idx = _.findIndex(igfss, function(igfs) {
-                                return igfs._id === _id;
-                            });
-                            if (idx >= 0) {
-                                igfss.splice(idx, 1);
-                                if (igfss.length > 0)
-                                    $scope.selectItem(igfss[0]);
-                                else {
-                                    $scope.backupItem = emptyIgfs;
-                                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                                }
-                            }
-                        })
-                        .error(Messages.showError);
-                });
-        };
-        // Remove all IGFS from db.
-        $scope.removeAllItems = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to remove all IGFS?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    $'/api/v1/configuration/igfs/remove/all')
-                        .success(function() {
-                            Messages.showInfo('All IGFS have been removed');
-                            $scope.igfss = [];
-                            $scope.backupItem = emptyIgfs;
-                            $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                        })
-                        .error(Messages.showError);
-                });
-        };
-        $scope.resetAll = function() {
-            LegacyTable.tableReset();
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to undo all changes for current IGFS?')
-                .then(function() {
-                    $scope.backupItem = $scope.selectedItem ? angular.copy($scope.selectedItem) : prepareNewItem();
-                    $scope.ui.inputForm.$setPristine();
-                });
-        };
-    }
diff --git a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/profile-controller.js b/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/profile-controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b8f541..0000000
--- a/modules/web-console/src/main/js/controllers/profile-controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Controller for Profile screen.
-export default ['profileController', [
-    '$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', 'IgniteLegacyUtils', 'IgniteMessages', 'IgniteFocus', 'IgniteConfirm', 'IgniteCountries', 'User',
-    function($root, $scope, $http, LegacyUtils, Messages, Focus, Confirm, Countries, User) {
-        $scope.user = angular.copy($root.user);
-        $scope.countries = Countries.getAll();
-        $scope.generateToken = () => {
-            Confirm.confirm('Are you sure you want to change security token?')
-                .then(() => $scope.user.token = LegacyUtils.randomString(20));
-        };
-        const _passwordValid = () => {
-            const cur = $scope.user;
-            return !$scope.expandedPassword || (cur.password && cur.confirm && cur.password === cur.confirm);
-        };
-        const _profileChanged = () => {
-            const old = $root.user;
-            const cur = $scope.user;
-            return !_.isEqual(old, cur);
-        };
-        $scope.toggleToken = () => {
-            $scope.expandedToken = !$scope.expandedToken;
-            if (!$scope.expandedToken)
-                $scope.user.token = $root.user.token;
-        };
-        $scope.togglePassword = () => {
-            $scope.expandedPassword = !$scope.expandedPassword;
-            if ($scope.expandedPassword)
-                Focus.move('profile_password');
-            else {
-                delete $scope.user.password;
-                delete $scope.user.confirm;
-            }
-        };
-        $scope.profileCouldBeSaved = () => _profileChanged() && $scope.profileForm && $scope.profileForm.$valid && _passwordValid();
-        $scope.saveBtnTipText = () => {
-            if (!_profileChanged())
-                return 'Nothing to save';
-            if (!_passwordValid())
-                return 'Invalid password';
-            return $scope.profileForm && $scope.profileForm.$valid ? 'Save profile' : 'Invalid profile settings';
-        };
-        $scope.saveUser = () => {
-            $'/api/v1/profile/save', $scope.user)
-                .then(
-                .then(() => {
-                    if ($scope.expandedPassword)
-                        $scope.togglePassword();
-                    if ($scope.expandedToken)
-                        $scope.toggleToken();
-                    Messages.showInfo('Profile saved.');
-                    Focus.move('profile-username');
-                })
-                .catch(({data}) => Messages.showError(Messages.errorMessage('Failed to save profile: ', data)));
-        };
-    }