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svn commit: r432045 [3/6] - in /incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts: ./ doctool/ doctool/narcissus/ doctool/narcissus/CVS/ lib/ profiles/

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/
--- incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/ (added)
+++ incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/ Wed Aug 16 14:57:09 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+ - eliminate unused code from a javascript library
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ -pre cat -i myapp.js -l lib.js -o -
+Options are:
+   -pre cat                  # preprocessor to apply to input files (but not -e).
+   -e 'myfunc(3); foobar;'   # an "anchor" expression.
+   -h index.html             # an "anchor" html file, whose script will be used. unimplemented.
+   -i myapp.js               # an "anchor" script file, which will pull in things from library files.  
+   -l lib.js                 # a library file.
+   -o output.js              # the -l files with unneeded code removed. defaults to '-' (stdout).
+   -debug debug              # default is none (no debugging)
+   -warn functionmatch,instmeth,ambigs,dups                # default is none (no warnings about things that may be acceptable). 'all' is also supported.
+   -dump used,unused,usedby,refs,undefs                    # default is none (no dumping). 'all' is also supported.
+   -print used,filemarker,skipped,sourcelines              # default is 'used,filemarker' (print used code from libraries)
+   -trace symname            # issue debug output every time symname is seen. unimplemented.
+   -tabwidth 4               # set the number of spaces that tabs are interpreted as, if different from default of 8.
+   -nestedassigns 0          # whether to attempt to track assignments of nested function definitions to other symbols.
+All output except for -o (from -debug, -warn, or -dump) is sent to STDERR.
+This determines "dead" code based on following the transitive closure of references to
+symbols in one or more "anchor" files.
+It eliminates whole definitions only; it does not do anything even
+approaching full dead code elimination, as might be done within function bodies.
+It will eliminate nested functions if they are not used.
+It has knowledge of the builtin ECMAScript objects and their method names, as well as many DOM objects and their methods. It assumes that
+any parameter which calls a method with a name matching a builtin method name is indeed that kind of object. It does not currently
+do any sort of detailed static analysis that might actually prove this.
+It also has knowledge of all builtin ECMAscript global functions, and so knows not
+to try to find their definitions. Note that this means that it is up to you to
+determine if you need to provide definitions for missing builtin function or
+missing builtin object methods (for example, Array.prototype.push for IE 5.0).
+=head2 Treatment of Top-Level Statements
+If it finds any references at all to a symbol in some library file (global data or function),
+it will not only pull in the definitions of those symbols, it will then also include
+*all* of the top-level statements in that file.
+That is because we don't want to try to analyze the necessity of the load-time
+statements; it is all or nothing for them.
+If any of those load-time statements have references to functions in
+the same file, then those functions are pulled in too.
+For this reason, it is better to supply individual smaller javascript files
+(or just have few load-time statements).
+=head2 Unnecessary Limitations
+This implementation is based on a crude parser using regular expressions,
+which makes assumptions about indentation in order to identify the beginnings
+and endings of function definitions.
+The assumptions about indentation are valid if a pretty-printing
+preprocessor is used. The default preprocessor is just 'cat'.
+(We also have a Rhino-based preprocessor that we hacked together,
+but it is dependent on Rhino patches we have not yet organized.)
+Even if the indentation is regular, there are still lots of problems
+with this implementation: not properly skipping literals (String and RegExp),
+not properly parsing all expressions that might be a function call,
+There are a variety of alternative implementation approaches, any of which
+would be more interesting and probably better, such as:
+  - based on a real ECMAScript grammar, or
+  - based on extending some real ECMAScript interpreter (such as SpiderMonkey or
+    Rhino, which do not explicitly use a grammar), or
+  - implemented in ECMAScript itself, such as something based on Narcissus, or
+  - implemented by analyzing the result of a "real" ECMAScript/JScript linker
+    (which would work with a "real" ECMAScript compiler), to see what symbols it pulls in.
+  - perform source translation to some other programming language that has
+    more mature tools.
+=head2 Fundamental Limitations
+Given the possible uses of eval(), function lookup tables, computed function names,
+dynamically added object methods, redefinition of functions, and so on, 
+it is practically impossible to do this job fully automatically and correctly. 
+These challenges can result in both false negatives and false positives.
+We can for example entirely miss a dependence on some code
+whose entry point is a string that might even come from
+the outside environment.
+On the other hand, when applied to an application that has
+a "driver" or "plugin" model, we might end up pulling in all
+available drivers/plugins, just because their entry points show
+up in some global registry table.
+We will also tend to pull in code even if the reference
+is protected by a conditional:
+   if (typeof someFunc != 'undefined') someFunc()
+The intent of the programmer in such code is typically to call
+someFunc() only if the code that defines it has been loaded
+for some other reason (vz. "weak references" in compiled
+It is impossible really to solve all these situations automatically.
+It is necessary to get some guidance from the programmer, such
+as pragmas in the code itself, or by some other external
+=head2 Internals
+As we parse the input, we make up a list of definition objects, which
+have these keys:
+   deftype      # one of: 'ctormeth', 'protometh', 'instmeth', 'globalfunc', 'localfunc', 'assign', 'singleton'
+   is_global    # whether this is a top-level expression in a file (versus a function definition). 
+   actualname   # the string the actually occurred in the source code for the definition, such as 'MyClass.prototype.sort'. 
+   justname     # the last identifier name in the dotted name of the definition, such as 'sort'. key for $DEFS_BY_UNQUAL.
+   qualname     # the fully qualified name for the defined symbol, which may be more explicit than appeared in source code. key for $DEFS_BY_QUAL.
+   parentqual   # the value of qualname of the parent definition (in nesting level), if any.
+   protoname    # the name of the prototype class, such as 'MyClass' (if any -- just for deftype 'protometh')
+   aliasto      # the name of another symbol that this is an alias for (as in "Foo.prototype.meth = aliasfunc").
+   level        # the nesting level of the definition
+   filename     # name of the file (or expression) this came from.
+   startline    # zero-based line number this definition starts with.
+   lastline     # zero-based line number of last line of this definition.
+   lines        # array ref of source lines corresponding to startline to lastline.
+   params       # a hash ref with keys which are the parameter names of the defined function.
+   refs         # the references from this definition to other symbols. hash ref from qualnames to [$reftype, $lineno]
+   undefs       # array ref of symbols in refs that are apparently not defined anywhere.
+   usedby       # array ref of other definition objects which refer (directly) to this one. opposite of refs.
+   used         # boolean to indicate whether it is part of the transitive closure (actually it is the loopcount).
+=head1 TODO
+=head2 Data Tracking
+Track definitions of global data variables, and references to them.
+   # global data
+   ^var $NAMERE = 
+   # member data
+   ^\ *this.$NAMERE = 
+   # local data
+   ^\ *var $NAMERE = 
+=head2 Aliasing and Scoping
+Make sure aliased definitions are not used to resolve references across lexical blocks.
+Warn about shadowed variable/function names. Implement 'localfunc' and 'assign' properly
+Track alias definitions (in 'assign' case, LHS inherits all the methods available from RHS).
+Things like "a = b.c.d;".
+Track creation of global instances, things like "var foo = new SomeFunc();".
+Ultimately, properly tracking of aliases could allow for tightening up of typeing.
+=head2 Typing
+Right now, if we can't resolve a reference using the fully qualified name, we'll
+match to any definition of a function with the same unqualified name.
+This has the unfortunate consequence of potentially pulling in the wrong code.
+We also currently ignore all references to methods that share a name with
+any DOM or builtin ECMAScript object method. This means we can miss undefined
+A proper fix would involve attempts at full data flow analysis to determine
+and variable argument types, and/or capitalize on some declaration mechanism
+(such as commented out types, or reliance on JScript .NET source code prior
+to down translation).
+Other benefits would be obtained as well, such as catching such errors as
+calling getElementById on a Window object instead of a Document object.... 
+=head2 Subclass Method Calls
+Track calls to prototype functions from within subprototype method bodies (based on 
+remembering the set of the subprototype's prototype object).
+=head2 Function References
+Do something about passing in named function references (no parens). Though
+we win somewhat with "justname" look up on the other side.
+Scope locally bound functions such as "OuterFunction.inner."
+Extend $QUALRE to handle function calls with parameters in dotted expressions: "foobar(1,2).println()"
+Handle (ignore) calls from literals, such as '00000'.substring(2)
+=head2 Predefined Symbols
+Make complete list of ECMAScript functions, variables, and builtin object methods.
+Make complete (or somewhat complete) list of DOM object methods.
+=head2 Top-Level Statements
+Break up top-level statements into multiple continuous sequences within the file,
+or even per whole statement. This would make for better diagnostics (tracking
+line number for the definition/reference instead of just line -1). It would
+also pave the way for perhaps excluding more blocks from the
+final code.
+=head2 Preprocessing
+Get Rhino to issue original file line numbers.
+Also maybe get Rhino to mangle/change names, or do other transforms (such as conditional "in").
+Exclude pattern matches within quoted strings and regexp literals.
+Regular expressions to match for strings containing references that should be
+considered (vs. ignore all strings).
+Support for -h: allow anchor refs to come from an html page.
+Support -D of expressions known to be false or true, to exclude references in:
+    if (FALSEEXPR) {...} 
+    if (!FALSEEXPR) {} else {...}
+    if (TRUEEXPR) {} else {...}
+=head2 Pragmas
+Support external declaration of other builtin objects and functions to assume are defined.
+Support some special inline comment syntax to indicate that something should be
+considered defined.
+=head2 Debugging and Reporting Features
+Implement -trace.
+Report on line counts in used and unused code.
+=head2 Lint-Like Features
+Provide warnings on:
+   calls to eval 
+   computed apply and computed call
+   js file names
+   unknown method on builtin object
+   redefinition of builtin object method
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright 2004, Mark D. Anderson,
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Alternatively, this is licensed under Academic Free License version 1.2.
+use Data::Dumper;
+# constants
+# including 'this'
+my @KEYWORDS = qw(break else new var case finally return void catch for switch while continue function with this default if throw delete in try do instanceof typeof);
+my %KEYWORDS = map {$_=>1} @KEYWORDS;
+my @BUILTIN_OBJECTS = (qw(Number String Boolean Date RegExp Array Math Object Error Function),
+                       qw(XMLHttpRequest ActiveXObject DOMParser XMLSerializer),
+                       qw(arguments NaN Infinity undefined));
+my @BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS = (qw(eval parseInt parseFloat isNaN isFinite decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape unescape),
+			 qw(ScriptEngineMajorVersion ScriptEngineMinorVersion));
+my @WINDOW_FUNCTIONS = qw(alert blur clearTimeout close focus open print setTimeout);
+# TODO: Math static methods, rest of methods for RegExp and Date
+  qw(toString toLocaleString valueOf hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable), # Object
+  qw(apply call), # Function
+  qw(charAt charCodeAt fromCharCode concat indexOf lastIndexOf localeCompare match replace search slice split substring substr toLowerCase toUpperCase toLocaleLowerCase toLocaleUpperCase), # String
+  qw(test match exec), # RegExp
+  qw(concat join push pop reverse shift slice sort splice unshift), # Array
+  qw(toFixed toExponential toPrecision), # Number
+  qw(parse toDateString toTimeString getDate getDay getFullYear getHours getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset getYear), # Date
+  qw(setDate setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes setMonth setSeconds setYear toLocaleTimeString), # more Date
+  qw(caller), # Arguments
+       );
+my @DOM_METHODS = (
+    qw(clear createDocument createDocumentFragment createElement createEvent createEventObject createRange createTextNode getElementsByTagName getElementById write), # Document, Document.implementation
+    qw(addEventListener appendChild attachEvent cloneNode createTextRange detachEvent dispatchEvent fireEvent getAttributeNS getAttributeNode hasChildNodes hasAttribute hasAttributes insertBefore removeChild removeEventListener replaceChild scrollIntoView), # Node
+    qw(submit), # Form
+    qw(item), # DOM collections
+    qw(collapse createContextualFragment moveEnd moveStart parentElement select setStartBefore), # Range
+    qw(getPropertyValue setProperty), # Style
+    qw(initEvent preventDefault stopPropagation), # Event
+    qw(serializeToString), # XMLSerializer
+    qw(open send), # XMLHTTP
+    qw(loadXML), # XMLDOM
+    qw(parseFromString), # DOMParser
+# put @WINDOW_FUNCTIONS both in methods and functions, since might be qualified or not
+my $NAMERE = '([\w_]+)';
+# TODO: need to handle "foobar().baz", but not "switch(a)"  
+my $QUALRE = '([\w_][\w_\.]*)';
+my $GLOBALNAME = 'GLOBAL '; # fake symbol name for top-level statements in some file. trailing space is deliberate to match any real symbol.
+# internal variables
+my $DEFS_BY_QUAL = {};
+my $DEFS_BY_UNQUAL = {};
+my $DEFS_BY_FNAME = {};
+# configuration variables (or at least potentially configurable)
+# the presumed indent on input to indicate a whole definition level.
+my $PREINDENT = 1;
+my $TABWIDTH = 8;
+my $PREPROCESSOR = 'cat';
+my $RHINOJAR = '/Users/mda/workspaces/rhino1_5R5/js.jar';
+my $JSLINKERDIR = '.';
+my $DEBUGOPTS = {debug => 0};
+my $WARNOPTS = {functionmatch => 0, instmeth => 0, ambigs => 0, dups => 0};
+my $DUMPOPTS = {used => 0, unused => 0, usedby => 0, undefs => 0, refs => 0}; 
+my $DUMPINDENT = '   ';
+my $SYMSEP = "         ";
+my $OUTOPTS = {skipped => 0, sourcelines => 0, used => 1, filemarker => 1};
+my $OUTFILE = '-';
+my $TRACE_SYMS = {};
+# output routines
+sub debug {
+    print STDERR 'DEBUG: ', @_, "\n" if $DEBUGOPTS->{debug};
+sub info {
+    my $mess = "\n" . join('', @_);
+    $mess =~ s/\n$//;
+    $mess =~ s/\n/\n    /g;
+    print STDERR 'INFO:', $mess, "\n";
+# set in parse_file()
+my $CURRENT_FNAME = '';
+sub parse_warn {
+    my ($mess, @rest) = @_;
+    my $line = $_;
+    my $lineno = $.;
+    my $fname = $CURRENT_FNAME;
+    print STDERR "PARSE WARNING: At line $fname\:$lineno : '$line'\n        $mess", @rest, "\n";
+sub warning {
+    print STDERR "WARNING: ", @_, "\n";
+sub trace_sym {
+    my ($sym, @rest) = @_;
+    my $is_trace = 0;
+    if (ref($sym) eq 'ARRAY') {$is_trace = grep{$TRACE_SYMS->{$_}} @$sym}
+    else {$is_trace = $TRACE_SYMS->{$sym};}
+    debug @rest if $is_trace;
+sub usage {
+    my ($mess) = @_;
+    print STDERR "ERROR: $mess\n" if $mess;
+    print STDERR "See 'perldoc $0' for usage\n";
+    exit(1);
+sub process_commandline {
+    my $fileobjs = [];
+    my $i = 0;
+    my $expr_count = 0;
+    while (@ARGV) {
+	my $opt = shift @ARGV;
+	warning "skipping empty argument", next unless $opt;
+	usage("unexpected non-option $opt") unless $opt =~ m/^-/;
+	my $optarg = shift @ARGV;
+	usage("no option argument following '$opt'") unless $optarg;
+	my $fileobj;
+	if ($opt eq '-e') {
+	    $fileobj = {
+		filename => ('expr' . ($expr_count++)),
+		expr => $optarg,
+		is_anchor => 1,
+	    };
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-h') {
+	    usage("unimplemented: reading script out of an html file");
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-i') {
+	    $fileobj = {filename => $optarg, is_anchor => 1};
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-l') {
+	    $fileobj = {filename => $optarg};
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-o') {
+	    $OUTFILE = $optarg;
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-debug') {
+	    $DEBUGOPTS = {map {$_ => 1} split(',',$optarg)};
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-trace') {
+	    $TRACE_SYMS->{$optarg} = 1;
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-warn') {
+	    if ($optarg eq 'all') {
+		while(my($k,$v) = each %$WARNOPTS) {$WARNOPTS->{$k} = 1;}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		$WARNOPTS = {map {$_ => 1} split(',',$optarg)};
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-dump') {
+	    if ($optarg eq 'all') {
+		while(my($k,$v) = each %$DUMPOPTS) {$DUMPOPTS->{$k} = 1;}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		$DUMPOPTS = {map {$_ => 1} split(',',$optarg)};
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-pre') {
+	    $PREPROCESSOR = $optarg;
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-tabwidth') {
+	    $TABWIDTH = $optarg;
+	}
+	elsif ($opt eq '-nestedassigns') {
+	    $ANALYZE_NESTED_ASSIGNMENTS = (!$optarg || $optarg eq '0') ? 1 : 0;
+	}
+	else {
+	    usage("unknown option '$opt'");
+	}
+	if ($fileobj) {
+	    push(@$fileobjs, $fileobj) ;
+	    $FILEOBJS_BY_NAME->{$fileobj->{filename}} = $fileobj;
+	}
+	$i++;
+    }
+    return $fileobjs;
+# used for 'ctormeth' definition, for example "this.foobar = function ...". 
+# It figures out what "this" is from the $parentdef
+sub qualify_def_this {
+    my ($name, $parentdef) = @_;
+    my $pname = $parentdef->{qualname};
+    my $pdeftype = $parentdef->{deftype};
+    if ($pdeftype eq 'globalfunc') {
+	debug("qualifying name '$name' with parent '$pname' of type '$pdeftype'");
+	$name = "$pname\.constructor\.$name";
+    }
+    else {
+	if ($pdeftype eq 'instmeth' || $pdeftype eq 'localfunc') {
+	    if ($WARNOPTS->{instmeth}) {
+		parse_warn("instance method definition of '$name' in parent '$pname'; if parent is a singleton, defining a method in the constructor is ok") 
+	    }
+	}
+	elsif ($pdeftype eq 'singleton') {
+	}
+	else {
+	    parse_warn("member function definition of '$name' with parent '$pname', parent deftype '$pdeftype'");
+	}
+    }
+    return $name;
+# used when a reference string for a function call starts with 'this.'
+# we try to determine what "this" means based on deftype we are in :
+#   'ctormeth'   - in a "this.foobar = function" (itself inside a global function)
+#   'protometh'  - in a "FooBar.prototype.methname = function"
+#   'instmeth'  -  in a "whatever.methname = function"
+#   'globalfunc' - inside body of global function (constructor)
+sub qualify_ref_this {
+    my ($refname, $def) = @_;
+    # we this could have been from the body of a constructor, or from the body of another method.
+    my ($restname) = ($refname =~ m/^this\.(.*)/);
+    my $deftype = $def->{deftype};
+    my $refqual = undef;
+    my $is_funny = 0;
+    if ($deftype eq 'ctormeth' || $deftype eq 'protometh' || $deftype eq 'instmeth' || $deftype eq 'singleton') {
+	($refqual) = ($def->{qualname} =~ m/(.*)\./);
+	if (!$refqual && $def->{parentqual}) {
+	    debug("giving reference '$refname' the parent qualifier of '", $def->{parentqual}, "'");
+	    $refqual = $def->{parentqual};
+	}
+    }
+    elsif ($deftype eq 'globalfunc') {
+	$refqual = $def->{qualname} . '.prototype';
+    }
+    else {
+	$is_funny = 1;
+	parse_warn("reference '$refname' in a definition of unknown type '$deftype'");
+    }
+    if ($refqual) {
+	debug("qualifying reference '$refname' in a '$deftype' definition as '$refqual' + '.' + '$restname'");
+	$refname = "$refqual\.$restname";
+    }
+    elsif (!$is_funny) {
+	parse_warn("could not figure out what 'this' means in reference, inside definition: ", Dumper($def));
+    }
+    return $refname;
+# create and register a definition object.
+sub add_def {
+    my ($qualname, $actualname, $deftype, $fname, $lineno, $level, $parentdef, $protoname, $aliasto) = @_;
+    die "add_def: wrong number args: @_" unless scalar(@_) == 9;
+    # we are currently at the next line, so subtract 1 from $. for zero-based line number.
+    $lineno--;
+    my $is_global = 0;
+    if ($qualname eq $GLOBALNAME) {
+	$is_global = 1;
+	$qualname = "$GLOBALNAME$fname";
+    }
+    # parse out params, unless type 'assign'
+    my $params = {};
+    if (!$is_global && $deftype ne 'assign') {
+	my ($funcname, $paramstr) =  m/function ([\w_]*?)\s*\((.*?)\)/ ;
+	if (!$funcname) {
+	    $funcname = '';
+	    ($paramstr) = m/function\s*\((.*?)\)/;
+	}
+	if (defined($paramstr)) { 
+	    trace_sym($funcname, "funcname=$funcname, paramstr=$paramstr in '$_'");
+	    # $paramstr ||= '';
+	    # if (!defined($paramstr)) { parse_warn("did not match function params, 1='$1'"); $paramstr = ''}
+	    my @parms = split(/\s*,\s*/, $paramstr);
+	    $params = {map {$_ => 1} @parms};
+	    trace_sym($funcname, "got params '$paramstr', ", Dumper($params));
+	}
+	else {
+	    parse_warn("no function params to parse in: ", $_); 
+	}
+    }
+    my $parentqual = $parentdef->{qualname};
+    my $justname = undef;
+    if (!$is_global) {
+	($justname) = ($qualname =~ m/$NAMERE$/);
+	parse_warn("no match to m/$NAMERE\$/ in '$qualname'") unless $justname;
+    }
+    my $def = {
+	qualname => $qualname,
+	is_global => $is_global,
+	actualname => $actualname,
+	justname => $justname,
+	deftype => $deftype,
+	filename => $fname,
+	startline => $lineno,
+	linenos => [],    # used only if $is_global, a list of line numbers
+	params => $params,
+	level => $level,
+	parentqual => $parentqual,
+	protoname => $protoname,
+	aliasto => $aliasto,
+	refs => {},      # all references found in body of this definition. hash from $qualname to [$reftype, $lineno]
+        undefs => [],    # list of keys from refs which are not defined.
+	usedby => [],    # array of other $def's which point to this one.
+        used => 0,
+	added => 0,
+    };
+    my $existing = $DEFS_BY_QUAL->{$qualname};
+    my $do_replace = 1;
+    if ($existing) {
+	# don't warn if either of type 'assign' (and same file?)
+	if ( # $existing->{filename} eq $def->{filename} &&
+	    ($existing->{deftype} eq 'assign' || $def->{deftype} eq 'assign')) {
+            # don't replace a non-assign with an assign
+	    if ($def->{deftype} eq 'assign') { 
+		$do_replace = 0;
+		parse_warn("preventing replacement of existing definition of '$qualname' at ", $existing->{filename}, ":", $existing->{startline}, 
+			   " with an 'assign' definition") if $WARNOPTS->{dups};
+	    }
+	    else {
+		parse_warn("allowing replacement of an existing 'assign' definition of '$qualname' at ", $existing->{filename}, ":", $existing->{startline}, 
+			   " with another") if $WARNOPTS->{dups};
+	    }
+	}
+	# don't warn if a localfunction
+	elsif ($existing->{deftype} eq 'localfunc') {
+	    debug("overriding previous definition of '$qualname' because localfunc");
+	}
+	else {
+	    parse_warn("duplicate definition of '$qualname': ", Dumper($existing), Dumper($def)) if $WARNOPTS->{dups};
+	}
+    }
+    $DEFS_BY_QUAL->{$qualname} = $def if $do_replace;
+    # if $do_replace of $existing, then we better make sure that $existing knows not to
+    # complain later....
+    $existing->{replacedby} = $def if $do_replace && $existing;
+    trace_sym($qualname, "storing def on '$qualname' with justname=$justname") if $justname;
+    if ($justname) {
+	my $a = $DEFS_BY_UNQUAL->{$justname};
+	$DEFS_BY_UNQUAL->{$justname} = $a ? [@$a, $def] : [$def];
+    }
+    my $filedefs = $DEFS_BY_FNAME->{$fname};
+    my ($already) = grep {$_->{qualname} eq $qualname} @$filedefs;
+    parse_warn("The file $fname already has a definition for '$qualname' at ", $already->{filename}, ':', $already->{startline}) 
+	if $WARNOPTS->{dups} && $already && ($already->{deftype} ne 'localfunc' || $def->{deftype} ne 'localfunc') ;
+    push(@$filedefs, $def);
+    debug("starting definition of '", def_name($def), "' with type '$deftype' at $fname:$lineno, level $level");
+    return $def;
+# used when displaying messages about a definition.
+sub def_name {
+    my ($def) = @_;
+    my $q = $def->{qualname};
+    if ($def->{is_global}) {
+	return "(global expr)";
+	my $sl = $def->{startline};
+	my $ll = $def->{lastline};
+	return "(expr lines $sl-$ll)"; # in $1)";
+    }
+    # return $def->{protoname} . ".prototype.$q" if $def->{protoname};
+    return $q;
+# note that this definition $def is referring to qualified symbol $refname.
+# a single definition might refer to some other symbol multiple times; we only record one such case.
+sub add_ref {
+    my ($def, $refname, $reftype, $fname, $lineno) = @_;
+    # we are currently at the next line, so subtract 1 from $. for zero-based line number.
+    $lineno--;
+    my ($startname) = ($refname =~ m/^(\w+)/);
+    if ($refname eq $def->{qualname} || $refname eq $def->{actualname}) {
+	debug("skipping recursive reference to '$refname' in ", def_name($def));
+	return;
+    }
+    if ($def->{params}->{$refname}) {
+	debug("skipping reference '$refname' in ", def_name($def), " because it is a parameter");
+	return;
+    }
+    if (!$startname) {
+	warning("reference name '$refname' does not start with word (reftype=$reftype), at $fname\:$lineno");
+	return;
+    }
+    my $qualname = $refname;
+    # my $actualname = $refname;
+    if ($startname eq 'this') {
+	if ($refname eq 'this') {debug("skipping 'this' as function"); return;}
+	$qualname = qualify_ref_this($refname, $def);
+    }
+    elsif ($KEYWORDS{$startname}) {
+	# debug("skipping keyword '$refname' at $fname:$lineno"); 
+	return;
+    }
+    elsif ($BUILTIN_OBJECTS{$startname}) {
+	# debug("skipping builtin object reference '$refname' at $fname:$lineno"); 
+	return;
+    }
+    elsif ($BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS{$startname}) {
+	# debug("skipping builtin function reference '$refname' at $fname:$lineno"); 
+	return;
+    }
+    debug("adding reference '$refname' (qualname='$qualname') of type '$reftype' from ", def_name($def), " at $fname:$lineno : ", $_);
+    # 3rd slot is to hold the definition, once we know it
+    $def->{refs}->{$qualname} = [$reftype, $., undef];
+sub is_parameter {
+    my ($currentdef, $actualname) = @_;
+    return ($currentdef && $actualname && $currentdef->{params}->{$actualname});
+# parse the provided file (or expression)
+sub parse_file {
+    my ($f, $fileobj) = @_;
+    my $fname = $fileobj->{filename};
+    $CURRENT_FNAME = $fname;
+    $DEFS_BY_FNAME->{$fname} = [];
+    # the function def we are currently inside of, or the top-level script
+    my $currentdef = add_def($GLOBALNAME, '', 'global', $fname, 0, 0, undef, undef, undef);
+    $fileobj->{globaldef} = $currentdef;
+    my $nested = [$currentdef];          # stack of functions being defined. 
+    my $in_comment = 0;
+    my $lines = []; 
+    while(<$f>) {
+	push(@$lines, "$_");
+	chop;
+	# debug("parsing $fname:$. : '$_'");
+	# convert tabs to equivalent number of spaces
+	s/\t/$TABSPACES/g;
+	# a dumb C-comment parser, in case preprocessor didn't exclude them.
+	# check for end of multi-line C comment
+	if ($in_comment) {
+	    if (m,\*/,) {
+		$in_comment = 0;
+		s,.*?\*/,,;
+	    }
+	    else {next;}
+	}
+	# remove C++ comment
+	s,//.*$,,;
+	# start of C comment.
+	if (m,^\s*/\*,) {
+	    if (m,\*/,) {
+		s,/\*.*?\*/,,;
+	    }
+	    else {
+		$in_comment = 1;
+		next;
+	    }
+	}
+	# entirely blank line
+	next if m/^\s*$/;
+	# collapse quotes
+	s/"[^\\\"]*"/""/g;
+	s/'[^\\\']*'/''/g;
+	# determine indent level. 
+	m/^( *)/;
+	my $level = length($1)/$PREINDENT;
+	# ugly assume global definitions are ones that start with a zero indent
+	my $is_global = ($level == 0);
+	# maybe done defining function
+	my $lastlevel = $currentdef->{level};
+	my $numnested = scalar(@$nested);
+	my $popped = 0;
+	if ($level <= $lastlevel && ($lastlevel > 0 || $numnested > 1)) {
+	    debug("finishing definition of ", def_name($currentdef), " at line $. because $level <= $lastlevel\: '", $_, "'");
+	    $popped = 1;
+	    $currentdef->{lastline} = $.;
+	    pop(@$nested);
+	    $currentdef = $nested->[$numnested - 2];
+	    die "no nested function definition to pop at: $_" unless $currentdef;
+	}
+	my $qualname = undef; # full qualified
+	my $actualname = undef; # what actually was found in the file
+	my $deftype = undef;
+	my $protoname = undef;
+	my $aliasto = undef;
+	if (m/^ *function $NAMERE/ || m/^ *var $NAMERE = function/ ) {
+	    $deftype = ($is_global ? 'globalfunc' : 'localfunc');
+	    $qualname = $actualname = $1;
+	}
+	elsif (m/^$NAMERE = new function\(/ || m/^ *var $NAMERE = new function\(/) {
+	    $deftype = 'singleton';
+	    $qualname = $actualname = $1;
+	}
+	elsif (m/^ *this\.$NAMERE = function/) {
+	    $deftype = 'ctormeth';
+	    $actualname = "this.$1";
+	    $qualname = qualify_def_this($1, $currentdef);
+	}
+	# TODO: Foo.prototype.meth = aliasfunc
+	# TODO: var Foo = {methname : function ...
+	elsif (m/^ *$QUALRE\.prototype\.$NAMERE = function/) {
+	    $deftype = 'protometh';
+	    $protoname = $1;
+	    $actualname = $qualname = "$1\.prototype\.$2";
+	}
+	elsif (m/^ *$QUALRE\.$NAMERE = function/) {
+	    $actualname = $qualname = "$1\.$2";
+	    $deftype = 'instmeth';
+	}
+	# starting a function definition - register and continue loop
+	my $wholebody;
+	if ($deftype) {
+	    my $parentdef = $currentdef;
+	    $currentdef = add_def($qualname, $actualname, $deftype, $fname, $., $level, $parentdef, $protoname, $aliasto); 
+	    push(@$nested, $currentdef);
+	    # if line ends in an open curly, then there are no body lines to parse, and it will finish on another line
+	    if (m/\{[\s\n]*$/) {
+		next;
+	    }
+	    elsif (m/\{(.*)\}[\;\s\n]*$/) {
+		debug("function begins and ends on same line $.: $_"); 
+		$wholebody = $1;
+		$_ = $wholebody;
+	    }
+	    else {
+		parse_warn("definition start line does not end with open or closing bracket");
+		next;
+	    }
+	}
+	# if global expression, and not a new function definition, add the line to the currentdef
+	if (!$popped && !$wholebody && $currentdef->{is_global} && ! m/^[\s\n\r]*$/) {
+	    my $linenos = $currentdef->{linenos};
+	    push(@$linenos, $. - 1);
+	    # debug("pushing expression line ", $. - 1);
+	}
+	else {
+	    debug("not in a global expression at $.: ", $popped, $currentdef->{is_global}, ': ', $_);
+	}
+	# deal with assignment. This could be both a definition (LHS) and reference (RHS). could also be an alias.
+	if (!$deftype && (m/^ *$QUALRE = / || m/^ *var $NAMERE = /) && ($is_global || $ANALYZE_NESTED_ASSIGNMENTS) ) {
+	    $deftype = 'assign';
+	    $actualname = $qualname = $1;
+	    if (is_parameter($currentdef, $actualname)) {
+		debug("skipping assignment because it is to parameter '$actualname', at line $.");
+	    }
+	    elsif (@$nested > 1 && is_parameter($nested->[@$nested - 2], $actualname)) {
+		debug("skipping assignment because it is to parameter '$actualname' of parent function, at line $.");
+	    }
+	    else {
+		# we don't push a function defining context
+		add_def($qualname, $actualname, $deftype, $fname, $., $level, $currentdef, $protoname, $aliasto);
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    my $line = $_;
+	    trace_sym($1, "did not match assignment") if grep {$line =~ m/$_/} keys %$TRACE_SYMS;
+	    $_ = $line;
+	}
+	# Maybe warn because not starting a function definition, but contains the string 'function'.
+	if (m/function/) {
+	    # matches to the string 'function' that are normal and expected: 
+	    #    closures in function calls: foobar(17, function(a, b) {
+            #    returning a closure:        return function (o) {  
+            #    closure on rhs, in level:   foobar = function (s) {
+	    #    matches in string:          foobar("what is this function"); 
+            #    matches in regexp:          var m = s.match(/function /);
+            #    partial matches:            var s = foobar.functionName(f);
+	    parse_warn("ignoring function defintion starting here") if $WARNOPTS->{functionmatch};
+	}
+	# scan this line for function references, using possibly qualified names
+	# find all constructor calls (use of "new")
+	my @ctorcalls = m/new $QUALRE/g;
+	for my $csym (@ctorcalls) {
+	    if (is_parameter($currentdef, $csym)) {
+		debug "skipping call to constructor '$csym' because a parameter";
+	    }
+	    add_ref($currentdef, $csym, 'construct', $fname, $.);
+	}
+	# find all function calls (normal parens)
+	my @funcalls = m/$QUALRE\(/g;
+	# exclude calls to methods of literal regexps such as /foo/i.exec();
+	# TODO detect other things besides \w and / prior to .
+	@funcalls = grep {! m/apply$/ && ! m/call$/ && !m,^\.,} @funcalls;
+	for my $fsym (@funcalls) {
+	    if (is_parameter($currentdef, $fsym)) {
+		debug "skipping call to function '$fsym' because a parameter";
+		next;
+	    }
+	    # TODO: should really track assignments, and check all ancestor scopes....
+ 	    elsif (@$nested > 1 && is_parameter($nested->[@$nested - 2], $fsym)) {
+		debug "skipping call to function '$fsym' because a parameter to parent function";
+		next;
+	    }
+	    my ($justname, $firstname) = split_name($fsym);
+	    my $skip = 0;
+	    if ($justname && $BUILTIN_METHODS{$justname}) {
+		$skip = 1;
+		if ($firstname eq $justname && $BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS{$firstname}) {
+		    debug "skipping global builtin function reference to '$fsym'";
+		}
+		elsif ($firstname && is_parameter($currentdef, $firstname)) {
+		    debug "skipping method reference to '$fsym' because parameter and builtin method";
+		}
+		elsif ($firstname && ($firstname ne $justname)) {
+		    debug "skipping method reference to '$fsym' because builtin method even though object is not a parameter"; 
+		}
+		# right now, we miss matching expressions like: String(n).replace(/(\d)/, "$1.")
+		# because of the parens in "String(n)", we just see "replace"
+		elsif (m/\.$justname/) {
+		    debug "skipping method reference to '$fsym' because builtin method and qualifier is an expression: $_";
+		}
+		else {
+		    $skip = 0;
+		    warning("adding reference to '$fsym' (justname=$justname, firstname=$firstname) even though a builtin method: ", $_);
+		}
+	    }
+	    add_ref($currentdef, $fsym, 'call', $fname, $.) unless $skip;
+	}
+	# find all dynamic calls (use of "apply" or "call")
+	my @applycalls = m/$QUALRE\.apply\s*\(/;
+	my @callcalls = m/$QUALRE\.call\s*\(/; # don't want to match 'caller' etc.
+	my @dyncalls = (@applycalls, @callcalls);
+	for my $dynsym (@dyncalls) {
+	    if (is_parameter($currentdef, $dynsym)) {
+		debug "skipping dynamic call to '$dynsym' because a parameter";
+		next;
+	    }
+	    add_ref($currentdef, $dynsym, 'dynamic', $fname, $.);
+	}	
+	# if function began and ended on this line, pop it
+	if ($wholebody) {
+	    $currentdef->{lastline} = $.;
+	    pop(@$nested);
+	    $currentdef = $nested->[scalar(@$nested) - 1];
+	    die "no nested function definition to pop at line $." unless $currentdef;
+	}
+    }
+    die "did not pop all nested definitions in file $fname: ", Dumper($nested) if scalar(@$nested) > 1;
+    die "still in comment at end of file $fname" if $in_comment;
+    $fileobj->{lines} = $lines;
+sub preprocessor_command {
+    my ($fname) = @_;
+    return "cat $fname" if $PREPROCESSOR eq 'cat';
+    return "java -classpath $RHINOJAR:$JSLINKERDIR JsLinker $fname" if $PREPROCESSOR eq 'rhino';
+    die "unknown preprocessor '$PREPROCESSOR'";
+# collect definitions and references
+sub process_files {
+    my ($fileobjs) = @_;
+    for my $fileobj (@$fileobjs) {
+	my $fname = $fileobj->{filename};
+	my $cmd;
+	if ($fileobj->{expr}) {
+	    pipe PRE, STRING;
+	    print STRING $fileobj->{expr};
+	    close STRING;
+	}
+	else {
+	    die "no such file '$fname'" unless -e $fname;
+	    $cmd = preprocessor_command($fname) . ' |';
+	    open(PRE, $cmd) || die "can't open $cmd: $!";
+	}
+	parse_file(PRE, $fileobj);
+	close(PRE);
+    }
+sub split_name {
+    my ($qualname) = @_;
+    my ($justname) = ($qualname =~ m/$NAMERE$/);
+    warning("no justname in '$qualname'") unless $justname;
+    my ($firstname) = ($qualname =~ m/^$NAMERE/);
+    warning("no firstname in '$qualname'") unless $firstname;
+    return ($justname, $firstname);
+sub find_def {
+    my ($refname, $fromdef, $undefs_hash) = @_;
+    my ($justname, $firstname) = split_name($refname);
+    # look up definition object by full name
+    my $todef = $DEFS_BY_QUAL->{$refname};
+    return $todef if $todef;
+    # don't bother tracking a builtin method name
+    if ($BUILTIN_METHODS{$justname}) {
+	debug("ignoring reference to builtin method in $refname");
+	return undef;
+    }
+    # not found, try to find less strict match.
+    # if find multiple, warn.
+    # if still find none, collect in an 'undefined' collection.
+    my $is_local = $fromdef->{params}->{$firstname} ? 1 : 0 ;
+    trace_sym($refname, "is_local=$is_local, firstname=$firstname, fromdef=", def_name($fromdef), ", params=", Dumper($fromdef->{params}));
+    my $unqual_defs = $DEFS_BY_UNQUAL->{$justname};
+    my $mess = "reference '$refname' from " . def_name($fromdef) . " at " . $fromdef->{filename} . ':' . $fromdef->{startline};
+    # attempt to find matches to just the unqualified last part of the name
+    if ($unqual_defs) {
+	my $num_unqual = scalar(@$unqual_defs);
+	if ($num_unqual > 1) {
+	    warning("no fully qualified matches, found $num_unqual matches to '$justname', " . $mess) if $WARNOPTS->{ambigs};
+	}
+	elsif ($num_unqual == 0) {
+	    die "no unqualified matches for '$justname' yet entry exists in DEFS_BY_UNQUAL";
+	}
+	else {
+	    debug("found 1 match to justname='$justname', " . $mess);
+	}
+	$todef = $unqual_defs->[0] || die("no 0 entry in ", Dumper($unqual_defs));
+    }
+    # no matches to unqualified name either, collect it.
+    elsif ($undefs_hash) {
+	my $def_undefs = $fromdef->{undefs};
+	push(@$def_undefs, $refname);
+	$undefs_hash->{$refname} = $fromdef;
+    }
+    return $todef;
+# perform transitive closure determining what other functions are required
+sub transitive_closure {
+    my ($start_defs) = @_;
+    my $used_defs = [];
+    my $new_defs = $start_defs;
+    my $loopcount = 1;
+    my $used_undefs = {};
+    my $unused_undefs = {};
+    # loop as long we we added new definitions in the last pass.
+    # we start with the "anchor" definitions.
+    # note that this will only find undefined symbols among smbols pulled in.
+    while (scalar(@$new_defs) > 0) {
+	debug("starting loop $loopcount with ", scalar(@$new_defs), " definitions");
+	my $current_defs = $new_defs;
+	$new_defs = [];
+	# loop over all (new definitions), looking at what they refer to, and pulling those in if not already 
+	for my $fromdef (@$current_defs) {
+	    my $refs = $fromdef->{refs};
+	    my $fromqual = $fromdef->{qualname};
+	    # print STDERR "**** $loopcount $fromdef->{used} $fromdef->{added} FROM $fromqual\n";
+	    # loop over all refs from this definition
+	    for my $refname (keys %$refs) {
+		# print STDERR "******** $loopcount REF $refname\n";
+		my $todef = find_def($refname, $fromdef, $used_undefs);
+		if ($todef) {
+		    # add this reference to the definition's usedby array
+		    my $usedby = $todef->{usedby};
+		    my ($already) = grep {$_->{qualname} eq $fromqual} @$usedby;
+		    if ($already) {
+			warning("attempt to do duplicate add of '$fromqual' to usedby of '", $todef->{qualname}, "' because of refname '$refname'");
+		    }
+		    else {
+			push(@$usedby, $fromdef);
+		    }
+		    # record it in the refinfo
+		    $refs->{$refname}->[2] = $todef;
+		    # add the definition we have pulled in to $new_defs (if it hasn't already been processed, 
+		    # and we haven't already added it in this loop).
+		    if (!$todef->{used} && !$todef->{added}) {
+			$todef->{added} = 1;
+			push(@$new_defs, $todef);
+			# see if $todef is from a file we haven't pulled in before (but isn't the globaldef itself)
+			if (!$todef->{is_global}) {
+			    my $fileobj = $FILEOBJS_BY_NAME->{$todef->{filename}} || die "no fileobj for definition filename " . $todef->{filename};
+			    my $globaldef = $fileobj->{globaldef} || die "no globaldef in fileobj: ", Dumper($fileobj);
+			    if (!$globaldef->{used} && !$globaldef->{added}) {
+				$globaldef->{added} = 1;
+				debug "adding global def for file ", $todef->{filename}, " pulled in by $refname";
+				push(@$new_defs, $globaldef);
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    } # loop for refs
+	    # mark this definition as having been processed
+	    $fromdef->{used} = $loopcount;
+	} # for $new_defs
+	$loopcount++;
+	push(@$used_defs, @$current_defs);
+    }
+    # also track undefined symbols in unused functions
+	my $all_defs = [values %$DEFS_BY_QUAL];
+	for my $def (@$all_defs) {
+	    # just because it is marked as used by one ref doesn't mean that all refs know about it
+	    # next if $def->{used};
+	    my $refs = $def->{refs};
+	    my $defname = $def->{qualname};
+	    trace_sym($defname, "checking undefs for $defname");
+	    for my $refname (keys %$refs) {
+		my $refinfo = $refs->{$refname};
+		if ($refinfo->[2]) {
+		    trace_sym([$defname,$refname], "looking for definition of '$refname' used by '$defname', but it ref already has a definition");
+		    next ;
+		}
+		my $todef = find_def($refname, $def, $unused_undefs);
+		trace_sym([$defname,$refname], "looking for definition of '$refname' used by '$defname'; ", ($todef ? "found definition" : "did not find definition"));
+		# record it in the refinfo
+		$refs->{$refname}->[2] = $todef if $todef;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return ($used_defs, $loopcount, $used_undefs, $unused_undefs);
+sub dump_syms {
+    my ($fileobjs, $used_undefs, $unused_undefs) = @_;
+    *DUMP = *STDOUT;
+    for my $fileobj (@$fileobjs) {
+	my $fname = $fileobj->{filename};
+	my $fdefs = $DEFS_BY_FNAME->{$fname};
+	# filename summary
+	my $ndefs = scalar(@$fdefs);
+	my @used = grep {$_->{used}} @$fdefs;
+	my $nused = scalar(@used);
+	my $nunused = $ndefs - $nused;
+	print DUMP "DUMP: symbols in '$fname': ";
+	if ($fileobj->{is_anchor}) {print DUMP "anchor input, with $ndefs definitions\n";}
+	else {
+	    if (!$DUMPOPTS->{unused} && !$fileobj->{globaldef}->{used}) {
+		debug("skipping unused file, since all symbols in it will be unused");
+		next;
+	    }
+	    print DUMP "library input, with $nused used, $nunused unused\n";
+	}
+	for my $def (@$fdefs) {
+	    next if $def->{deftype} eq 'assign';
+	    my $usedby;
+	    my $nused = 0;
+	    if ($def->{used}) {
+		next unless $DUMPOPTS->{used};
+		$usedby = $def->{usedby};
+		$nused = scalar(@$usedby);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		next unless $DUMPOPTS->{unused};
+	    }
+	    # per definition summary
+	    # print DUMP sprintf("%s%-10s %3d %s\n", $DUMPINDENT, $def->{deftype}, $nused, def_name($def));
+	    print DUMP sprintf("%s%-30s type=%-10s used=%-3d lineno=%-3d\n", $DUMPINDENT, def_name($def), $def->{deftype}, $nused, $def->{startline});
+	    my $replacedby = $def->{replacedby};
+	    if ($replacedby) {
+		print DUMP $DUMPINDENT, $DUMPINDENT, 'REPLACED BY: ', $replacedby->{filename}, ':', $replacedby->{startline}, "\n";
+		next;
+	    }
+	    my $refs = $def->{refs};
+	    my $undefs = $def->{undefs};
+	    if ($DUMPOPTS->{refs} && (scalar(keys %$refs) - scalar(@$undefs)) > 0) {
+		for my $refname (keys %$refs) {
+		    my $refinfo = $refs->{$refname};
+		    my ($reftype, $reflineno, $def_for_ref) = @$refinfo;
+		    my $def_for_ref2 = $DEFS_BY_QUAL->{$refname};
+		    # my $def_for_ref = find_def($refname, $def);
+		    if (!$def_for_ref) {
+			warning "no definition for reference '$refname' but not in this def's undefs (@$undefs)" unless grep {$_ eq $refname} @$undefs;
+			warning "undefined reference '$refname' not in global undefs" unless $used_undefs->{$refname} || $unused_undefs->{$refname};
+			warning "but in DEFS_BY_QUAL->{$refname}" if $def_for_ref2;
+			next;
+		    }
+		    ' defined at ', $def_for_ref->{filename}, ':', $def_for_ref->{startline},
+		    ' used at ', $fname, ':', $reflineno, "\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	    # indented list of undefined references from within this function
+	    if ($DUMPOPTS->{undefs} && scalar(@$undefs) > 0) {
+		for my $refsym (@$undefs) {
+		    my $refinfo = $def->{refs}->{$refsym};
+		    my ($reftype, $reflineno) = @$refinfo;
+		    ' used at ', $fname, ':', $reflineno, "\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	    # if desired, list usedby for this definition
+	    if ($DUMPOPTS->{usedby} && $nused > 0) {
+		print $DUMPINDENT, $DUMPINDENT, 'USED BY:', "\n";
+		for my $usedef (@$usedby) {
+		    print DUMP $DUMPINDENT, $DUMPINDENT, $DUMPINDENT, def_name($usedef), ' at ', $usedef->{filename}, ':', $usedef->{startline}, "\n";
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+sub print_some_ {
+    my ($lines, $lineno_ind, $linenos, $startline) = @_;
+    my $globalcount = 0;
+    while ($lineno_ind < scalar(@$linenos) && ($startline < 0 || $linenos->[$lineno_ind] < $startline)) {
+	if ($globalcount == 0) {
+	    print OUT "// some global statements\n" if $OUTOPTS->{sourcelines};
+	    $globalcount++;
+	}
+	my $lineno = $linenos->[$lineno_ind];
+	print OUT "// line $lineno\n" if $OUTOPTS->{sourcelines};
+	print OUT $lines->[$lineno];
+	$lineno_ind++;
+    }
+    return $lineno_ind;
+sub print_minimal_files {
+    my ($fileobjs) = @_;
+    if ($OUTFILE eq '-') {
+    }
+    else {
+	open(OUT, ">$OUTFILE") || die "can't open output file $OUTFILE: $!";
+    }
+    my $count = -1;
+    for my $fileobj (@$fileobjs) {
+	$count++;
+	my $fname = $fileobj->{filename};
+	# skip anchor files; we know they have everything
+	next if $fileobj->{is_anchor};
+	my $globaldef = $fileobj->{globaldef};
+	if (! $globaldef->{used}) {
+	    debug "skipping file $fname because not used";
+	    next;
+	}
+	print OUT "// STARTING FILE $fname\n" if $OUTOPTS->{filemarker};
+	my $fdefs = $DEFS_BY_FNAME->{$fname} || die "no definitions for file '$fname'";
+	$fdefs = [sort {$a->{startline} <=> $b->{startline}} @$fdefs]; 
+	my $linenos = $globaldef->{linenos};
+	# filename summary
+	my $ndefs = scalar(@$fdefs);
+	my $lines = $fileobj->{lines};
+	my $lineno_ind = 0;
+	for my $def (@$fdefs) {
+	    next if $def->{deftype} eq 'assign';
+	    my $usedby;
+	    my $nused = 0;
+	    if ($def->{used}) {
+		$usedby = $def->{usedby};
+		$nused = scalar(@$usedby);
+	    }
+	    my $startline = $def->{startline};
+	    $lineno_ind = print_some_($lines, $lineno_ind, $linenos, $startline);
+	    if (!$usedby || scalar(@$usedby) == 0) {
+		print OUT "// skipping unused ", def_name($def), " from ", $def->{filename}, ":$startline : ", $lines->[$startline] if $OUTOPTS->{skipped};
+	    }
+	    else {
+		my $lastline = $def->{lastline};
+		if (!defined($lastline)) {
+		    print OUT "// WARNING: no last line for function ", def_name($def), " starting at ",  $def->{filename}, ":$startline\n";
+		}
+		else {
+		    print OUT "// definition ", def_name($def), " from ", $def->{filename}, ":$startline\n" if $OUTOPTS->{sourcelines};
+		    for my $i ($startline..$lastline) {
+			print OUT $lines->[$i];
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	print_some_($lines, $lineno_ind, $linenos, -1);
+    }
+    close OUT unless $OUTFILE eq '-';
+sub dump_undefs {
+    my ($undefs_hash) = @_;
+    my $s = '';
+    for my $refname (keys %$undefs_hash) {
+	my $fromdef = $undefs_hash->{$refname};
+	$s .= $SYMSEP . $refname . ' referenced from ' . $fromdef->{filename} . ':' . $fromdef->{startline} . "\n";
+    }
+    return $s;
+sub main {
+    my $fileobjs = process_commandline();
+    # collect definitions and references
+    process_files($fileobjs);
+    # collect anchor file(s) and/or defs
+    my $start_defs = [];
+    my $anchor_filenames = [];
+    for (@$fileobjs) {
+	my $filename = $_->{filename};
+	next unless $_->{is_anchor};
+	my $anchor_defs = $DEFS_BY_FNAME->{$filename};
+	push(@$anchor_filenames, $filename);
+	push(@$start_defs, @$anchor_defs);
+    }
+    die "no anchor files" unless @$anchor_filenames;
+    die "no starting definitions" unless @$start_defs;
+    # perform transitive closure determining what other functions are required
+    my ($used_defs, $loopcount, $used_undefs, $unused_undefs) = transitive_closure($start_defs);
+    # overall summary
+    my $number_start_globals = scalar(@$anchor_filenames);
+    my $number_start = scalar(@$start_defs);
+    my $number_used_undefs = (scalar keys %$used_undefs);
+    my $number_unused_undefs = (scalar keys %$unused_undefs);
+    my @used_fileobjs = grep {!$_->{is_anchor} && $_->{globaldef}->{used}} @$fileobjs;
+    my @unused_fileobjs = grep {!$_->{is_anchor} && ! $_->{globaldef}->{used}} @$fileobjs;
+    info("Anchor files: @$anchor_filenames\n",
+	 "Number of anchor symbol definitions: ", ($number_start - $number_start_globals), "\n",
+	 "Number of anchor global expressions: ", $number_start_globals, "\n",
+	 "Number used library definitions: ", (scalar(@$used_defs) - scalar(@$start_defs)), "\n",
+	 "Number unused library definitions: ", (scalar(keys %$DEFS_BY_QUAL) - (scalar @$used_defs)), "\n",
+	 "Number of library files used: ", scalar(@used_fileobjs), "\n",
+	 "Number of library files unused: ", scalar(@unused_fileobjs), "\n",
+	 "Number loop iterations required to obtain transitive closure: $loopcount\n",
+	 "Number undefined symbols in used code: $number_used_undefs\n",
+	 "Undefined symbols in used code:\n", dump_undefs($used_undefs),
+	 "Number undefined symbols in unused code: $number_unused_undefs\n",
+	 "Undefined symbols in unused code:\n", dump_undefs($unused_undefs),
+	 "");
+    # list what files are not used at all, and what functions in files are not used
+    dump_syms($fileobjs, $used_undefs, $unused_undefs) if $DUMPOPTS->{used} || $DUMPOPTS->{unused};
+    die "not a single library file is used" unless scalar(@used_fileobjs) > 0;
+    print_minimal_files($fileobjs) if $OUTOPTS->{used};

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/bsf.jar
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/bsf.jar
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/custom_rhino.diff
--- incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/custom_rhino.diff (added)
+++ incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/custom_rhino.diff Wed Aug 16 14:57:09 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision 1.57
+diff -u -u -r1.57
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/	30 Aug 2005 10:05:42 -0000	1.57
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:45 -0000
+@@ -373,6 +373,28 @@
+         return sb.toString();
+     }
++    String compress(int indent, int flags)
++    {
++        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
++		String FuncName = null;
++        boolean justbody = (0 != (flags & Decompiler.ONLY_BODY_FLAG));
++        if (!justbody) {
++            sb.append("function");
++			FuncName = getFunctionName();
++			if(FuncName.length()>0){
++				sb.append(" "+FuncName);
++			}
++            sb.append("(){");
++        }
++        sb.append("[native code, arity=");
++        sb.append(getArity());
++        sb.append("]");
++        if (!justbody) {
++            sb.append("}");
++        }
++        return sb.toString();
++    }
+     public int getArity() { return 0; }
+     public int getLength() { return 0; }
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision 1.241
+diff -u -u -r1.241
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/	26 Jun 2005 22:57:31 -0000	1.241
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:46 -0000
+@@ -1166,6 +1166,36 @@
+         }
+     }
++    public final String decompileReader(Scriptable scope, Reader in,
++                                       String sourceName, int lineno,
++                                       Object securityDomain)
++        throws IOException
++    {
++        Script script = compileReader(scope, in, sourceName, lineno,
++                                      securityDomain);
++        if (script != null) {
++			// System.err.println(script);
++            return decompileScript(script, 0);
++        } else {
++            return null;
++        }
++    }
++    public final String compressReader(Scriptable scope, Reader in,
++                                       String sourceName, int lineno,
++                                       Object securityDomain)
++        throws IOException
++    {
++        Script script = compileReader(scope, in, sourceName, lineno,
++                                      securityDomain);
++        if (script != null) {
++			// System.err.println(script);
++            return compressScript(script, 0);
++        } else {
++            return null;
++        }
++    }
+     /**
+      * Check whether a string is ready to be compiled.
+      * <p>
+@@ -1348,6 +1378,12 @@
+         return scriptImpl.decompile(indent, 0);
+     }
++    public final String compressScript(Script script, int indent)
++    {
++        NativeFunction scriptImpl = (NativeFunction) script;
++        return scriptImpl.compress(indent, 0);
++    }
+     /**
+      * Decompile a JavaScript Function.
+      * <p>
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision 1.19
+diff -u -u -r1.19
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/	28 Aug 2005 23:25:22 -0000	1.19
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:46 -0000
+@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
++// FIXME: need to implement a stack of something that allows us to keep track
++// of what was pushed onto the replacement stack at what level and remove it
++// when we're above that level.
+ /* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+  *
+  * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
+@@ -37,6 +41,10 @@
+ package org.mozilla.javascript;
++import java.util.ArrayList;
++import java.util.Iterator;
++import java.util.HashMap;
+ /**
+  * The following class save decompilation information about the source.
+  * Source information is returned from the parser as a String
+@@ -70,6 +78,135 @@
+  * the final constant pool entry from information available at parse
+  * time.
+  */
++class TokenMapper {
++	private ArrayList functionBracePositions = new ArrayList();
++	private ArrayList scopeReplacedTokens = new ArrayList();
++	private int lastTokenCount = 0;
++	// FIXME: this isn't the brightest way to accomplish this. Fristly, we need
++	// to be sure we aren't colliding with other things in the namespace!
++	private String getMappedToken(String token, boolean newMapping){
++		String nt = null;
++		HashMap tokens = (HashMap)scopeReplacedTokens.get(scopeReplacedTokens.size()-1);
++		if(newMapping){
++			lastTokenCount++;
++			nt = new String("_"+Integer.toHexString(lastTokenCount));
++			if(nt.length() >= token.length()){
++				nt = token;
++			}
++			// System.out.println(nt);
++			tokens.put(token, nt);
++			return nt;
++		}
++		if(hasTokenMapping(token)){
++			return getTokenMapping(token);
++		}else{
++			return token;
++		}
++	}
++	private boolean hasLocalTokenMapping(String token){
++		if(scopeReplacedTokens.size()<1){
++			return false;
++		}
++		HashMap tokens = (HashMap)(scopeReplacedTokens.get(scopeReplacedTokens.size()-1));
++		if(tokens.containsKey(token)){
++			return true;
++		}
++		return false;
++	}
++	private boolean hasTokenMapping(String token){
++		String blank = new String("");
++		if(blank.equals(getTokenMapping(token))){
++			return false;
++		}
++		return true;
++	}
++	private String getTokenMapping(String token){
++		for(int i=scopeReplacedTokens.size()-1; i>=0; i--){
++			HashMap tokens = (HashMap)(scopeReplacedTokens.get(i));
++			if(tokens.containsKey(token)){
++				return (String)tokens.get(token);
++			}
++		}
++		return new String("");
++	}
++	public int printCompressed(String 		source, 
++								int 		offset,
++								boolean 	asQuotedString,
++								StringBuffer sb, 
++								int 		prevToken, 
++								boolean 	inArgsList, 
++								int 		currentLevel){
++		boolean newMapping = false;
++		int length = source.charAt(offset);
++		++offset;
++		if((0x8000 & length) != 0){
++			length = ((0x7FFF & length) << 16) | source.charAt(offset);
++			++offset;
++		}
++		if(sb != null){
++			String str = source.substring(offset, offset + length);
++			String sourceStr = new String(str);
++			if(((prevToken == Token.VAR)&&(!hasLocalTokenMapping(sourceStr)))||(inArgsList)){
++				newMapping = true;
++			}
++			if(((functionBracePositions.size()>0)&&(currentLevel>=(((Integer)functionBracePositions.get(functionBracePositions.size()-1)).intValue())))||(inArgsList)){
++				if(prevToken != Token.DOT){
++					str = this.getMappedToken(str, newMapping);
++				}
++			}
++			if((!inArgsList)&&(asQuotedString)){
++				if((prevToken == Token.LC)||(prevToken == Token.COMMA)){
++					str = sourceStr;
++				}
++			}
++			if(!asQuotedString){
++				sb.append(str);
++			}else{
++				sb.append('"');
++				sb.append(ScriptRuntime.escapeString(str));
++				sb.append('"');
++			}
++		}
++		return offset + length;
++	}
++	public void enterNestingLevel(int braceNesting){
++		functionBracePositions.add(new Integer(braceNesting+1));
++		scopeReplacedTokens.add(new HashMap());
++	}
++	public void leaveNestingLevel(int braceNesting){
++		Integer bn = new Integer(braceNesting);
++		if((functionBracePositions.contains(bn))&&(scopeReplacedTokens.size()>0)){
++			// remove our mappings now!
++			int scopedSize = scopeReplacedTokens.size();
++			/*
++			HashMap tokens = (HashMap)(scopeReplacedTokens.get(scopedSize-1));
++			Iterator titer = (tokens.keySet()).iterator();
++			String key = null;
++			while(titer.hasNext()){
++				key = (String);
++				// System.out.println("removing: "+key);
++				tokenMappings.remove(key);
++			}
++			*/
++			scopeReplacedTokens.remove(scopedSize-1);
++			functionBracePositions.remove(bn);
++		}
++	}
+ public class Decompiler
+ {
+     /**
+@@ -102,6 +239,8 @@
+     // the last RC of object literals in case of function expressions
+     private static final int FUNCTION_END = Token.LAST_TOKEN + 1;
+     String getEncodedSource()
+     {
+         return sourceToString(0);
+@@ -266,6 +405,602 @@
+         return new String(sourceBuffer, offset, sourceTop - offset);
+     }
++	private static TokenMapper tm = new TokenMapper();
++	private static HashMap levelMappings = new HashMap();
++    public static String compress(String source, int flags,
++                                   UintMap properties)
++    {
++        int length = source.length();
++        if (length == 0) { return ""; }
++        int indent = properties.getInt(INITIAL_INDENT_PROP, 0);
++        if (indent < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++        int indentGap = properties.getInt(INDENT_GAP_PROP, 4);
++        if (indentGap < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++        int caseGap = properties.getInt(CASE_GAP_PROP, 2);
++        if (caseGap < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
++        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
++        boolean justFunctionBody = (0 != (flags & Decompiler.ONLY_BODY_FLAG));
++        boolean toSource = (0 != (flags & Decompiler.TO_SOURCE_FLAG));
++        // Spew tokens in source, for debugging.
++        // as TYPE number char
++        if (printSource) {
++            System.err.println("length:" + length);
++            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
++                // Note that tokenToName will fail unless Context.printTrees
++                // is true.
++                String tokenname = null;
++                if (Token.printNames) {
++                    tokenname =;
++                }
++                if (tokenname == null) {
++                    tokenname = "---";
++                }
++                String pad = tokenname.length() > 7
++                    ? "\t"
++                    : "\t\t";
++                System.err.println
++                    (tokenname
++                     + pad + (int)source.charAt(i)
++                     + "\t'" + ScriptRuntime.escapeString
++                     (source.substring(i, i+1))
++                     + "'");
++            }
++            System.err.println();
++        }
++        int braceNesting = 0;
++        boolean afterFirstEOL = false;
++        int i = 0;
++		int prevToken = 0;
++		boolean primeFunctionNesting = false;
++		boolean inArgsList = false;
++		boolean primeInArgsList = false;
++        int topFunctionType;
++        if (source.charAt(i) == Token.SCRIPT) {
++            ++i;
++            topFunctionType = -1;
++        } else {
++            topFunctionType = source.charAt(i + 1);
++        }
++        if (!toSource) {
++            // add an initial newline to exactly match js.
++            // result.append('\n');
++            for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++){
++                // result.append(' ');
++                result.append("");
++			}
++        } else {
++            if (topFunctionType == FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
++                result.append('(');
++            }
++        }
++        while (i < length) {
++			if(i>0){
++				prevToken = source.charAt(i-1);
++			}
++			// System.out.println(, length, i)));
++            switch(source.charAt(i)) {
++            case Token.NAME:
++            case Token.REGEXP:  // re-wrapped in '/'s in parser...
++				int jumpPos = getSourceStringEnd(source, i+1);
++				if(Token.OBJECTLIT == source.charAt(jumpPos)){
++					i = printSourceString(source, i + 1, false, result);
++				}else{
++					i = tm.printCompressed(	source, i + 1, false, result, prevToken, 
++											inArgsList, braceNesting);
++				}
++                continue;
++            case Token.STRING:
++                i = printSourceString(source, i + 1, true, result);
++                continue;
++            case Token.NUMBER:
++                i = printSourceNumber(source, i + 1, result);
++                continue;
++            case Token.TRUE:
++                result.append("true");
++                break;
++            case Token.FALSE:
++                result.append("false");
++                break;
++            case Token.NULL:
++                result.append("null");
++                break;
++            case Token.THIS:
++                result.append("this");
++                break;
++            case Token.FUNCTION:
++                ++i; // skip function type
++				primeInArgsList = true;
++				primeFunctionNesting = true;
++                result.append("function");
++                if (Token.LP != getNext(source, length, i)) {
++                    result.append(' ');
++                }
++                break;
++            case FUNCTION_END:
++                // Do nothing
++                break;
++            case Token.COMMA:
++                result.append(",");
++                break;
++            case Token.LC:
++				++braceNesting;
++                if (Token.EOL == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    indent += indentGap;
++				}
++                result.append('{');
++                // // result.append('\n');
++                break;
++            case Token.RC: {
++				tm.leaveNestingLevel(braceNesting);
++                --braceNesting;
++                /* don't print the closing RC if it closes the
++                 * toplevel function and we're called from
++                 * decompileFunctionBody.
++                 */
++                if(justFunctionBody && braceNesting == 0){
++                    break;
++				}
++                // // result.append('\n');
++                result.append('}');
++                // // result.append(' ');
++                switch (getNext(source, length, i)) {
++                    case Token.EOL:
++                    case FUNCTION_END:
++                        indent -= indentGap;
++                        break;
++                    case Token.WHILE:
++                    case Token.ELSE:
++                        indent -= indentGap;
++                        // result.append(' ');
++                        result.append("");
++                        break;
++                }
++                break;
++            }
++            case Token.LP:
++				if(primeInArgsList){
++					inArgsList = true;
++					primeInArgsList = false;
++				}
++				if(primeFunctionNesting){
++					tm.enterNestingLevel(braceNesting);
++					primeFunctionNesting = false;
++				}
++                result.append('(');
++                break;
++            case Token.RP:
++				if(inArgsList){
++					inArgsList = false;
++				}
++                result.append(')');
++				/*
++                if (Token.LC == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++				*/
++                break;
++            case Token.LB:
++                result.append('[');
++                break;
++            case Token.RB:
++                result.append(']');
++                break;
++            case Token.EOL: {
++                if (toSource) break;
++                boolean newLine = true;
++                if (!afterFirstEOL) {
++                    afterFirstEOL = true;
++                    if (justFunctionBody) {
++                        /* throw away just added 'function name(...) {'
++                         * and restore the original indent
++                         */
++                        result.setLength(0);
++                        indent -= indentGap;
++                        newLine = false;
++                    }
++                }
++                if (newLine) {
++                    result.append('\n');
++                }
++				/*
++				*/
++                /* add indent if any tokens remain,
++                 * less setback if next token is
++                 * a label, case or default.
++                 */
++                if (i + 1 < length) {
++                    int less = 0;
++                    int nextToken = source.charAt(i + 1);
++                    if (nextToken == Token.CASE
++                        || nextToken == Token.DEFAULT)
++                    {
++                        less = indentGap - caseGap;
++                    } else if (nextToken == Token.RC) {
++                        less = indentGap;
++                    }
++                    /* elaborate check against label... skip past a
++                     * following inlined NAME and look for a COLON.
++                     */
++                    else if (nextToken == Token.NAME) {
++                        int afterName = getSourceStringEnd(source, i + 2);
++                        if (source.charAt(afterName) == Token.COLON)
++                            less = indentGap;
++                    }
++                    for (; less < indent; less++){
++                        // result.append(' ');
++                        result.append("");
++					}
++                }
++                break;
++            }
++            case Token.DOT:
++                result.append('.');
++                break;
++            case Token.NEW:
++                result.append("new ");
++                break;
++            case Token.DELPROP:
++                result.append("delete ");
++                break;
++            case Token.IF:
++                result.append("if");
++                break;
++            case Token.ELSE:
++                result.append("else");
++                break;
++            case Token.FOR:
++                result.append("for");
++                break;
++            case Token.IN:
++                result.append(" in ");
++                break;
++            case Token.WITH:
++                result.append("with");
++                break;
++            case Token.WHILE:
++                result.append("while");
++                break;
++            case Token.DO:
++                result.append("do");
++                break;
++            case Token.TRY:
++                result.append("try");
++                break;
++            case Token.CATCH:
++                result.append("catch");
++                break;
++            case Token.FINALLY:
++                result.append("finally");
++                break;
++            case Token.THROW:
++                result.append("throw ");
++                break;
++            case Token.SWITCH:
++                result.append("switch");
++                break;
++            case Token.BREAK:
++                result.append("break");
++                if(Token.NAME == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++                break;
++            case Token.CONTINUE:
++                result.append("continue");
++                if(Token.NAME == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++                break;
++            case Token.CASE:
++                result.append("case ");
++                break;
++            case Token.DEFAULT:
++                result.append("default");
++                break;
++            case Token.RETURN:
++                result.append("return");
++                if(Token.SEMI != getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++                break;
++            case Token.VAR:
++                result.append("var ");
++                break;
++            case Token.SEMI:
++                result.append(';');
++                // result.append('\n');
++				/*
++                if (Token.EOL != getNext(source, length, i)) {
++                    // separators in FOR
++                    result.append(' ');
++                }
++				*/
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN:
++                result.append("=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
++                result.append("+=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
++                result.append("-=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
++                result.append("*=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
++                result.append("/=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
++                result.append("%=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
++                result.append("|=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
++                result.append("^=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
++                result.append("&=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
++                result.append("<<=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
++                result.append(">>=");
++                break;
++            case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
++                result.append(">>>=");
++                break;
++            case Token.HOOK:
++                result.append("?");
++                break;
++            case Token.OBJECTLIT:
++                // pun OBJECTLIT to mean colon in objlit property
++                // initialization.
++                // This needs to be distinct from COLON in the general case
++                // to distinguish from the colon in a ternary... which needs
++                // different spacing.
++                result.append(':');
++                break;
++            case Token.COLON:
++                if (Token.EOL == getNext(source, length, i))
++                    // it's the end of a label
++                    result.append(':');
++                else
++                    // it's the middle part of a ternary
++                    result.append(":");
++                break;
++            case Token.OR:
++                result.append("||");
++                break;
++            case Token.AND:
++                result.append("&&");
++                break;
++            case Token.BITOR:
++                result.append("|");
++                break;
++            case Token.BITXOR:
++                result.append("^");
++                break;
++            case Token.BITAND:
++                result.append("&");
++                break;
++            case Token.SHEQ:
++                result.append("===");
++                break;
++            case Token.SHNE:
++                result.append("!==");
++                break;
++            case Token.EQ:
++                result.append("==");
++                break;
++            case Token.NE:
++                result.append("!=");
++                break;
++            case Token.LE:
++                result.append("<=");
++                break;
++            case Token.LT:
++                result.append("<");
++                break;
++            case Token.GE:
++                result.append(">=");
++                break;
++            case Token.GT:
++                result.append(">");
++                break;
++            case Token.INSTANCEOF:
++				// FIXME: does this really need leading space?
++                result.append(" instanceof ");
++                break;
++            case Token.LSH:
++                result.append("<<");
++                break;
++            case Token.RSH:
++                result.append(">>");
++                break;
++            case Token.URSH:
++                result.append(">>>");
++                break;
++            case Token.TYPEOF:
++                result.append("typeof ");
++                break;
++            case Token.VOID:
++                result.append("void ");
++                break;
++            case Token.NOT:
++                result.append('!');
++                break;
++            case Token.BITNOT:
++                result.append('~');
++                break;
++            case Token.POS:
++                result.append('+');
++                break;
++            case Token.NEG:
++                result.append('-');
++                break;
++            case Token.INC:
++				if(Token.ADD == prevToken){
++					result.append(' ');
++				}
++                result.append("++");
++                if(Token.ADD == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++                break;
++            case Token.DEC:
++				if(Token.SUB == prevToken){
++					result.append(' ');
++				}
++                result.append("--");
++                if(Token.SUB == getNext(source, length, i)){
++                    result.append(' ');
++				}
++                break;
++            case Token.ADD:
++                result.append("+");
++                break;
++            case Token.SUB:
++                result.append("-");
++                break;
++            case Token.MUL:
++                result.append("*");
++                break;
++            case Token.DIV:
++                result.append("/");
++                break;
++            case Token.MOD:
++                result.append("%");
++                break;
++            case Token.COLONCOLON:
++                result.append("::");
++                break;
++            case Token.DOTDOT:
++                result.append("..");
++                break;
++            case Token.XMLATTR:
++                result.append('@');
++                break;
++            default:
++                // If we don't know how to decompile it, raise an exception.
++                throw new RuntimeException();
++            }
++            ++i;
++        }
++        if (!toSource) {
++            // add that trailing newline if it's an outermost function.
++            // if (!justFunctionBody){
++            //    result.append('\n');
++			// }
++        } else {
++            if (topFunctionType == FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
++                result.append(')');
++            }
++        }
++        return result.toString();
++    }
+     /**
+      * Decompile the source information associated with this js
+      * function/script back into a string.  For the most part, this
+@@ -301,7 +1036,7 @@
+         // Spew tokens in source, for debugging.
+         // as TYPE number char
+-        if (printSource) {
++        if(printSource){
+             System.err.println("length:" + length);
+             for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+                 // Note that tokenToName will fail unless Context.printTrees
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision 1.62
+diff -u -u -r1.62
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/	17 Jan 2005 13:06:33 -0000	1.62
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:46 -0000
+@@ -70,6 +70,18 @@
+         }
+     }
++    final String compress(int indent, int flags)
++    {
++        String encodedSource = getEncodedSource();
++        if (encodedSource == null) {
++            return super.compress(indent, flags);
++        } else {
++            UintMap properties = new UintMap(1);
++            properties.put(Decompiler.INITIAL_INDENT_PROP, indent);
++            return Decompiler.compress(encodedSource, flags, properties);
++        }
++    }
+     public int getLength()
+     {
+         int paramCount = getParamCount();
+Index: src/org/mozilla/javascript/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/src/org/mozilla/javascript/,v
+retrieving revision 1.63
+diff -u -u -r1.63
+--- src/org/mozilla/javascript/	31 Jul 2005 13:48:46 -0000	1.63
++++ src/org/mozilla/javascript/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:47 -0000
+@@ -64,9 +64,12 @@
+     private final static int
+         EOF_CHAR = -1;
++	public StringBuffer lastComment;
+     TokenStream(Parser parser, Reader sourceReader, String sourceString,
+                 int lineno)
+     {
++		this.lastComment = new StringBuffer();
+         this.parser = parser;
+         this.lineno = lineno;
+         if (sourceReader != null) {
+@@ -736,6 +739,8 @@
+             case '/':
+                 // is it a // comment?
++				// FIXME: RAR: comment, need to set config to optionally keep
++				// instead of skipping!
+                 if (matchChar('/')) {
+                     skipLine();
+                     continue retry;
+Index: toolsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tools/shell/
+RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/js/rhino/toolsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tools/shell/,v
+retrieving revision 1.64
+diff -u -u -r1.64
+--- toolsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tools/shell/	2 Sep 2005 14:18:40 -0000	1.64
++++ toolsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tools/shell/	8 Nov 2005 00:05:47 -0000
+@@ -237,6 +237,10 @@
+       ;
+                 continue;
+             }
++            if (arg.equals("-c")) {
++				outputCompressed = true;
++				continue;
++			}
+             if (arg.equals("-w")) {
+                 errorReporter.setIsReportingWarnings(true);
+                 continue;
+@@ -372,10 +376,13 @@
+                                   String path, Object securityDomain)
+     {
+         Script script;
++        Reader cin = null;
++        String cout = null;
++		String source = null;
+         if (path.endsWith(".class")) {
+             script = loadCompiledScript(cx, path, securityDomain);
+         } else {
+-            String source = (String)readFileOrUrl(path, true);
++            source = (String)readFileOrUrl(path, true);
+             if (source == null) {
+                 exitCode = EXITCODE_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
+                 return;
+@@ -395,11 +402,83 @@
+             }
+             script = loadScriptFromSource(cx, source, path, 1, securityDomain);
+         }
+-        if (script != null) {
+-            evaluateScript(script, cx, scope);
++        if((script != null)||(source != null)){
++			if(outputCompressed){
++				try {
++					URL url = new URL(path);
++					global.getOut().println(url.toString());
++					InputStream is = url.openStream();
++					cin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
++				} catch (MalformedURLException mfex) {
++					// global.getOut().println(mfex);
++					cin = null;
++				} catch (IOException ioex) {
++					return;
++				}
++				if (cin == null) {
++					// Try filename as file
++					try {
++						cin = new PushbackReader(new FileReader(path));
++					} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
++						// global.getErr().println(ex.toString());
++						return;
++					} catch (IOException ioe) {
++						global.getErr().println(ioe.toString());
++					}
++				}
++				cout = compressScript(cx, scope, cin, source, path, 1, securityDomain);
++				global.getOut().println(cout);
++			}else{
++				evaluateScript(script, cx, scope);
++			}
+         }
+     }
++    public static String compressScript(Context cx, Scriptable scope,
++                                         Reader in, String script,
++                                         String sourceName,
++                                         int lineno, Object securityDomain)
++	{
++        String result = null;
++        try {
++            if (in != null) {
++                try {
++                    try {
++                        result = cx.compressReader(scope, in, sourceName, 
++								                   lineno, securityDomain);
++                    } finally {
++                        in.close();
++                    }
++                } catch (IOException ioe) {
++                    global.getErr().println(ioe.toString());
++                }
++            } else {
++				// FIXME: this is wrong!!!!
++				//        we should probably throw the string into a temp file
++				//        and then have it read in again.
++				result = script;
++            }
++        } catch (WrappedException we) {
++            global.getErr().println(we.getWrappedException().toString());
++            we.printStackTrace();
++        } catch (EvaluatorException ee) {
++            // Already printed message.
++            exitCode = EXITCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR;
++        } catch (RhinoException rex) {
++            errorReporter.reportException(rex);
++            exitCode = EXITCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR;
++        } catch (VirtualMachineError ex) {
++            // Treat StackOverflow and OutOfMemory as runtime errors
++            ex.printStackTrace();
++            String msg = ToolErrorReporter.getMessage(
++                "msg.uncaughtJSException", ex.toString());
++            exitCode = EXITCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR;
++            Context.reportError(msg);
++        }
++        return result;
++	}
+     public static Script loadScriptFromSource(Context cx, String scriptSource,
+                                               String path, int lineno,
+                                               Object securityDomain)
+@@ -592,6 +671,7 @@
+     static private final int EXITCODE_RUNTIME_ERROR = 3;
+     static private final int EXITCODE_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 4;
+     static boolean processStdin = true;
++    static boolean outputCompressed = false;
+     static Vector fileList = new Vector(5);
+     private static SecurityProxy securityImpl;
+ }

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/custom_rhino.jar
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/custom_rhino.jar
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/js.jar
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/js.jar
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/jython.jar
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/jython.jar
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: incubator/xap/trunk/buildscripts/lib/
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream