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Posted to by Andrey Repin <> on 2009/04/02 16:37:29 UTC

Re[2]: Combining Repositories

Greetings, David Aldrich!

>> SVNParentPath is what you need most likely.

DA> This may be relevant to an issue we have. Please will you expand on how one might use SVNParentPath?

It is used for Apache installation to tell the dav_svn module, where to look
for repositories home path, instead of specifying path to each of them

So to say, you could have configuration similar to this:

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerName www.mydomain.local

    DocumentRoot "C:/home/svn"
    AddDefaultCharset utf-8

    ErrorLog "C:/home/svn/.log/error_log"
    CustomLog "C:/home/svn/.log/access_log" common env=!SVN-ACTION
    CustomLog "C:/home/svn/.log/svn_access_log" svn env=SVN-ACTION

    <Location "/svn">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from

        <IfModule dav_svn_module>
            DAV svn
            SVNParentPath "C:/home/svn"


And every repository you create in C:/home/svn (F.e.

  svnadmin create C:/home/svn/mytestrepos

Will be accessible through URL

 Andrey Repin ( 02.04.2009, <20:29>

Sorry for my terrible english...


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