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Posted to by Scott Wilson <> on 2010/10/21 13:43:55 UTC


Hi everyone,

I've started taking a look at our licensing documentation - what does the LICENSE file need to contain in terms of dependencies?

I've updated all_licenses.txt to make sure it includes everything in ivy.xml for the deploy config (I haven't checked this in yet). There are further dependencies in dev,test and ddl configs - I presume I should add these too?

However, there are sub-dependencies of the top-level jars, and these go quite a long way, especially the dependencies for Jackrabbit and for Shindig. In my Eclipse dev environment there are 95 jars!

So do I need to write an entry in all_licenses.txt for all 95? I look at the Apache Shindig LICENSE and it just has:

"The Apache Shindig distribution includes a number of subcomponents
with separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of the
code for the these subcomponents is subject to the terms and
conditions of the following licenses."

(However I notice that Shindig just distributes its own jars in its downloads section, and expects users to install all dependencies themselves, presumably using Maven).