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[35/50] [abbrv] Merge branch 'master' into rbac.
diff --cc services/iam/plugin/test/org/apache/cloudstack/acl/
index 3a38ce7,0000000..676c0ab
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/plugin/test/org/apache/cloudstack/acl/
+++ b/services/iam/plugin/test/org/apache/cloudstack/acl/
@@@ -1,350 -1,0 +1,350 @@@
 +package org.apache.cloudstack.acl;
 +import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 +import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 +import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 +import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 +import static org.mockito.Mockito.doNothing;
 +import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
 +import java.util.ArrayList;
 +import java.util.List;
 +import java.util.Set;
 +import java.util.UUID;
 +import javax.inject.Inject;
 +import javax.naming.ConfigurationException;
 +import org.junit.After;
 +import org.junit.Before;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 +import org.mockito.Mockito;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan.Filter;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.FilterType;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReader;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReaderFactory;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.filter.TypeFilter;
 +import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
 +import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.SecurityChecker.AccessType;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.api.AclApiService;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.api.AclApiServiceImpl;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.api.response.AclGroupResponse;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.api.response.AclPermissionResponse;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.api.response.AclPolicyResponse;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.vm.ListVMsCmd;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ListResponse;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclGroup;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicy;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicyPermission;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicyPermission.Permission;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.IAMService;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclGroupVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclPolicyPermissionVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclPolicyVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.test.utils.SpringUtils;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.messagebus.MessageBus;
 +@ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
 +public class AclApiServiceTest {
 +    @Inject
 +    IAMService _iamSrv;
 +    @Inject
 +    DomainDao _domainDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclApiService _aclSrv;
 +    @Inject
 +    AccountManager _accountMgr;
 +    @Inject
 +    AccountDao _accountDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    ApiServerService _apiServer;
 +    private static Account caller;
 +    private static Long callerId;
 +    private static String callerAccountName = "tester";
 +    private static Long callerDomainId = 3L;
 +    private static String callerDomainPath = "/root/testdomain";
 +    private static DomainVO callerDomain;
 +    @BeforeClass
 +    public static void setUpClass() throws ConfigurationException {
 +    }
 +    @Before
 +    public void setUp() {
 +        ComponentContext.initComponentsLifeCycle();
 +        caller = new AccountVO(callerAccountName, callerDomainId, null, Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
 +        callerId = caller.getId();
 +        callerDomain = new DomainVO();
 +        callerDomain.setPath(callerDomainPath);
 +        UserVO user = new UserVO(1, "testuser", "password", "firstname", "lastName", "email", "timezone", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
 +        CallContext.register(user, caller);
 +        when(_domainDao.findById(callerDomainId)).thenReturn(callerDomain);
 +        doNothing().when(_accountMgr).checkAccess(caller, callerDomain);
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void createAclGroupTest() {
 +        AclGroup group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "tester group1");
 +        List<AclGroup> groups = new ArrayList<AclGroup>();
 +        groups.add(group);
 +        Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer> grpList = new Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer>(groups, 1);
 +        when(_iamSrv.createAclGroup("group1", "tester group1", callerDomainPath)).thenReturn(group);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclGroups(null, null, callerDomainPath, 0L, 20L)).thenReturn(grpList);
 +        AclGroup createdGrp = _aclSrv.createAclGroup(caller, "group1", "tester group1");
 +        assertNotNull("Acl group 'group1' failed to create ", createdGrp);
 +        ListResponse<AclGroupResponse> grpResp = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(null, null, callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", grpResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        AclGroupResponse resp = grpResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        assertEquals("Error in created group name", "group1", resp.getName());
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void deleteAclGroupTest() {
 +        when(_iamSrv.deleteAclGroup(1L)).thenReturn(true);
 +        assertTrue("failed to delete acl group 1", _aclSrv.deleteAclGroup(1L));
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void listAclGroupTest() {
 +        AclGroup group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "tester group1");
 +        List<AclGroup> groups = new ArrayList<AclGroup>();
 +        groups.add(group);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclGroups(callerId)).thenReturn(groups);
 +        List<AclGroup> grps = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(callerId);
 +        assertTrue(grps != null && grps.size() == 1);
 +        AclGroup grp = grps.get(0);
 +        assertEquals("Error to retrieve group", "group1", grp.getName());
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void addRemoveAccountToGroupTest() {
 +        AclGroup group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "tester group1");
 +        List<AclGroup> groups = new ArrayList<AclGroup>();
 +        groups.add(group);
 +        Long groupId = group.getId();
 +        List<Long> acctIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        AccountVO acct1 = new AccountVO(100L);
 +        acct1.setAccountName("account1");
 +        AccountVO acct2 = new AccountVO(200L);
 +        acct2.setAccountName("account2");
 +        acctIds.add(acct1.getId());
 +        acctIds.add(acct2.getId());
 +        when(_accountDao.findById(acct1.getId())).thenReturn(acct1);
 +        when(_accountDao.findById(acct2.getId())).thenReturn(acct2);
 +        when(_iamSrv.addAccountsToGroup(acctIds, groupId)).thenReturn(group);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAccountsByGroup(groupId)).thenReturn(acctIds);
 +        Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer> grpList = new Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer>(groups, 1);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainPath, 0L, 20L)).thenReturn(grpList);
 +        _aclSrv.addAccountsToGroup(acctIds, groupId);
 +        ListResponse<AclGroupResponse> grpResp = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", grpResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        AclGroupResponse resp = grpResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        Set<String> acctNames = resp.getAccountNameList();
 +        assertEquals("There should be 2 accounts in the group", 2, acctNames.size());
 +        assertTrue("account1 should be assigned to the group", acctNames.contains("account1"));
 +        assertTrue("account2 should be assigned to the group", acctNames.contains("account2"));
 +        // remove "account2" from group1
 +        acctIds.remove(1);
 +        List<Long> rmAccts = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        rmAccts.add(acct2.getId());
 +        when(_iamSrv.removeAccountsFromGroup(rmAccts, groupId)).thenReturn(group);
 +        _aclSrv.removeAccountsFromGroup(acctIds, groupId);
 +        grpResp = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", grpResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        resp = grpResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        acctNames = resp.getAccountNameList();
 +        assertEquals("There should be 1 accounts in the group", 1, acctNames.size());
 +        assertFalse("account2 should not belong to the group anymore", acctNames.contains("account2"));
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void createAclPolicyTest() {
 +        AclPolicy policy = new AclPolicyVO("policy1", "tester policy1");
 +        List<AclPolicy> policies = new ArrayList<AclPolicy>();
 +        policies.add(policy);
 +        Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer> policyList = new Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer>(policies, 1);
 +        when(_iamSrv.createAclPolicy("policy1", "tester policy1", null)).thenReturn(policy);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclPolicies(null, null, callerDomainPath, 0L, 20L)).thenReturn(policyList);
 +        AclPolicy createdPolicy = _aclSrv.createAclPolicy(caller, "policy1", "tester policy1", null);
 +        assertNotNull("Acl policy 'policy1' failed to create ", createdPolicy);
 +        ListResponse<AclPolicyResponse> policyResp = _aclSrv.listAclPolicies(null, null, callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", policyResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        AclPolicyResponse resp = policyResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        assertEquals("Error in created group name", "policy1", resp.getName());
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void deleteAclPolicyTest() {
 +        when(_iamSrv.deleteAclPolicy(1L)).thenReturn(true);
 +        assertTrue("failed to delete acl policy 1", _aclSrv.deleteAclPolicy(1L));
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void listAclPolicyTest() {
 +        AclPolicy policy = new AclPolicyVO("policy1", "tester policy1");
 +        List<AclPolicy> policies = new ArrayList<AclPolicy>();
 +        policies.add(policy);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclPolicies(callerId)).thenReturn(policies);
 +        List<AclPolicy> polys = _aclSrv.listAclPolicies(callerId);
 +        assertTrue(polys != null && polys.size() == 1);
 +        AclPolicy p = polys.get(0);
 +        assertEquals("Error to retrieve group", "policy1", p.getName());
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void addRemovePolicyToGroupTest() {
 +        AclGroup group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "tester group1");
 +        List<AclGroup> groups = new ArrayList<AclGroup>();
 +        groups.add(group);
 +        Long groupId = group.getId();
 +        List<Long> policyIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        policyIds.add(100L);
 +        policyIds.add(200L);
 +        AclPolicy policy1 = new AclPolicyVO("policy1", "my first policy");
 +        AclPolicy policy2 = new AclPolicyVO("policy2", "my second policy");
 +        List<AclPolicy> policies = new ArrayList<AclPolicy>();
 +        policies.add(policy1);
 +        policies.add(policy2);
 +        when(_iamSrv.attachAclPoliciesToGroup(policyIds, groupId)).thenReturn(group);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclPoliciesByGroup(groupId)).thenReturn(policies);
 +        Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer> grpList = new Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer>(groups, 1);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainPath, 0L, 20L)).thenReturn(grpList);
 +        _aclSrv.attachAclPoliciesToGroup(policyIds, groupId);
 +        ListResponse<AclGroupResponse> grpResp = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", grpResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        AclGroupResponse resp = grpResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        Set<String> policyNames = resp.getPolicyList();
 +        assertEquals("There should be 2 policies in the group", 2, policyNames.size());
 +        assertTrue("policy1 should be assigned to the group", policyNames.contains("policy1"));
 +        assertTrue("policy2 should be assigned to the group", policyNames.contains("policy2"));
 +        // remove "policy2" from group1
 +        policyIds.remove(1);
 +        policies.remove(policy2);
 +        when(_iamSrv.removeAclPoliciesFromGroup(policyIds, groupId)).thenReturn(group);
 +        _aclSrv.removeAclPoliciesFromGroup(policyIds, groupId);
 +        grpResp = _aclSrv.listAclGroups(null, "group1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", grpResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        resp = grpResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        policyNames = resp.getPolicyList();
 +        assertEquals("There should be 1 policy attached to the group", 1, policyNames.size());
 +        assertFalse("policy2 should not belong to the group anymore", policyNames.contains("policy2"));
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void addRemovePermissionToPolicyTest() {
 +        AclPolicy policy = new AclPolicyVO("policy1", "tester policy1");
 +        List<AclPolicy> policies = new ArrayList<AclPolicy>();
 +        policies.add(policy);
 +        Long policyId = policy.getId();
 +        Long resId = 200L;
 +        Class clz = ListVMsCmd.class;
 +        when(_apiServer.getCmdClass("listVirtualMachines")).thenReturn(clz);
 +        when(
 +                _iamSrv.addAclPermissionToAclPolicy(policyId, AclEntityType.VirtualMachine.toString(), PermissionScope.RESOURCE.toString(), resId, "listVirtualMachines",
 +                        AccessType.ListEntry.toString(), Permission.Allow)).thenReturn(policy);
 +        _aclSrv.addAclPermissionToAclPolicy(policyId, AclEntityType.VirtualMachine.toString(), PermissionScope.RESOURCE, resId, "listVirtualMachines", Permission.Allow);
 +        Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer> policyList = new Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer>(policies, 1);
 +        List<AclPolicyPermission> policyPerms = new ArrayList<AclPolicyPermission>();
 +        AclPolicyPermission perm = new AclPolicyPermissionVO(policyId, "listVirtualMachines", AclEntityType.VirtualMachine.toString(), AccessType.ListEntry.toString(),
 +                PermissionScope.RESOURCE.toString(),
 +                resId, Permission.Allow);
 +        policyPerms.add(perm);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listAclPolicies(null, "policy1", callerDomainPath, 0L, 20L)).thenReturn(policyList);
 +        when(_iamSrv.listPolicyPermissions(policyId)).thenReturn(policyPerms);
 +        ListResponse<AclPolicyResponse> policyResp = _aclSrv.listAclPolicies(null, "policy1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", policyResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        AclPolicyResponse resp = policyResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        Set<AclPermissionResponse> permList = resp.getPermissionList();
 +        assertTrue("Permission list should not be empty", permList != null && permList.size() > 0);
 +        AclPermissionResponse permResp = permList.iterator().next();
 +        assertEquals("There should be one permission for listVirtualMachines", "listVirtualMachines", permResp.getAction());
 +        //remove permission from policy
 +        policyPerms.remove(perm);
 +        _aclSrv.removeAclPermissionFromAclPolicy(policyId, AclEntityType.VirtualMachine.toString(), PermissionScope.RESOURCE, resId, "listVirtualMachines");
 +        policyResp = _aclSrv.listAclPolicies(null, "policy1", callerDomainId, 0L, 20L);
 +        assertTrue("No. of response items should be one", policyResp.getCount() == 1);
 +        resp = policyResp.getResponses().get(0);
 +        permList = resp.getPermissionList();
 +        assertTrue("Permission list should be empty", permList != null && permList.size() == 0);
 +    }
 +    @After
 +    public void tearDown() {
 +    }
 +    @Configuration
 +    @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {AclApiServiceImpl.class}, includeFilters = {@Filter(value = TestConfiguration.Library.class, type = FilterType.CUSTOM)}, useDefaultFilters = false)
 +    public static class TestConfiguration extends SpringUtils.CloudStackTestConfiguration {
 +        @Bean
 +        public DomainDao domainDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(DomainDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public IAMService iamService() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(IAMService.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public AccountDao accountDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AccountDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public AccountManager accountManager() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AccountManager.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public MessageBus messageBus() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(MessageBus.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public ApiServerService apiServerService() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(ApiServerService.class);
 +        }
 +        public static class Library implements TypeFilter {
 +            @Override
 +            public boolean match(MetadataReader mdr, MetadataReaderFactory arg1) throws IOException {
 +                ComponentScan cs = TestConfiguration.class.getAnnotation(ComponentScan.class);
 +                return SpringUtils.includedInBasePackageClasses(mdr.getClassMetadata().getClassName(), cs);
 +            }
 +        }
 +    }
diff --cc services/iam/pom.xml
index 72353e0,0000000..d4bf3e7
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/pom.xml
+++ b/services/iam/pom.xml
@@@ -1,59 -1,0 +1,59 @@@
 +  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +  or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 +  distributed with this work for additional information
 +  regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 +  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +  with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +  KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 +  specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +  under the License.
 +<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
 +  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
 +  <artifactId>cloudstack-service-iam</artifactId>
 +  <name>Apache CloudStack IAM Service</name>
 +  <packaging>pom</packaging>
 +  <parent>
 +    <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +    <artifactId>cloudstack-services</artifactId>
-     <version>4.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
++    <version>4.4.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
 +    <relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath>
 +  </parent>
 +  <build>
 +    <defaultGoal>install</defaultGoal>
 +  </build>
 +  <modules>
 +    <module>plugin</module>
 +    <module>server</module>
 +  </modules>
 +  <!-- 
 +  <dependencies>
 +    <dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-api</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +    </dependency>
 +    <dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-utils</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +    </dependency>
 +    <dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-api</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +      <type>test-jar</type>
 +      <scope>test</scope>      
 +    </dependency>	
 +  </dependencies>
 +  -->
diff --cc services/iam/server/pom.xml
index f5e5ae0,0000000..bed8811
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/server/pom.xml
+++ b/services/iam/server/pom.xml
@@@ -1,52 -1,0 +1,52 @@@
 +  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +  or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
 +  distributed with this work for additional information
 +  regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
 +  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +  with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +  KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 +  specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +  under the License.
 +<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
 +  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
 +  <artifactId>cloud-iam</artifactId>
 +  <name>Apache CloudStack IAM - Server</name>
 +  <parent>
 +    <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +    <artifactId>cloudstack-service-iam</artifactId>
-     <version>4.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
++    <version>4.4.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
 +    <relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath>
 +  </parent>
 +  <dependencies>
 +	<dependency>
 +      <groupId>commons-io</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>commons-io</artifactId>
 +    </dependency>
 +    <dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-utils</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +    </dependency>
 +	<dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-api</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +    </dependency>
 +    <dependency>
 +      <groupId>org.apache.cloudstack</groupId>
 +      <artifactId>cloud-api</artifactId>
 +      <version>${project.version}</version>
 +      <type>test-jar</type>
 +      <scope>test</scope>      
 +    </dependency>       
 +  </dependencies>
diff --cc services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
index 69d20d2,0000000..bdb85e8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
+++ b/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
@@@ -1,122 -1,0 +1,122 @@@
 +// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +// distributed with this work for additional information
 +// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 +// specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +// under the License.
 +package org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server;
 +import java.util.Date;
 +import java.util.UUID;
 +import javax.persistence.Column;
 +import javax.persistence.Entity;
 +import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
 +import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
 +import javax.persistence.Id;
 +import javax.persistence.Table;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclGroup;
 +@Table(name = ("acl_group"))
 +public class AclGroupVO implements AclGroup {
 +    @Id
 +    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
 +    @Column(name = "id")
 +    private long id;
 +    @Column(name = "name")
 +    private String name;
 +    @Column(name = "description")
 +    private String description;
 +    @Column(name = "uuid")
 +    private String uuid;
 +    @Column(name = "path")
 +    private String path;
 +    @Column(name = "account_id")
 +    private long accountId;
 +    @Column(name = GenericDao.REMOVED_COLUMN)
 +    private Date removed;
 +    @Column(name = GenericDao.CREATED_COLUMN)
 +    private Date created;
 +    public AclGroupVO() {
-     	uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
++        uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
 +    }
 +    public AclGroupVO(String name, String description) {
 + = name;
 +        this.description = description;
-     	uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
++        uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
 +        path = "/";
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public long getId() {
 +        return id;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getName() {
 +        return name;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getDescription() {
 +        return description;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getPath() {
 +        return path;
 +    }
 +    public void setPath(String path) {
 +        this.path = path;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public long getAccountId() {
 +        return accountId;
 +    }
 +    public void setAccountId(long acctId) {
 +        accountId = acctId;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getUuid() {
-     	return uuid;
++        return uuid;
 +    }
 +    public void setUuid(String uuid) {
-     	this.uuid = uuid;
++        this.uuid = uuid;
 +    }
 +    public Date getRemoved() {
 +        return removed;
 +    }
 +    public Date getCreated() {
 +        return created;
 +    }
diff --cc services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
index f3ceb04,0000000..16fbf80
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
+++ b/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
@@@ -1,138 -1,0 +1,138 @@@
 +// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +// distributed with this work for additional information
 +// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 +// specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +// under the License.
 +package org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server;
 +import java.util.Date;
 +import java.util.UUID;
 +import javax.persistence.Column;
 +import javax.persistence.Entity;
 +import javax.persistence.EnumType;
 +import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
 +import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
 +import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
 +import javax.persistence.Id;
 +import javax.persistence.Table;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicy;
 +@Table(name = ("acl_policy"))
 +public class AclPolicyVO implements AclPolicy {
 +    @Id
 +    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
 +    @Column(name = "id")
 +    private long id;
 +    @Column(name = "name")
 +    private String name;
 +    @Column(name = "description")
 +    private String description;
 +    @Column(name = "uuid")
 +    private String uuid;
 +    @Column(name = "path")
 +    private String path;
 +    @Column(name = "account_id")
 +    private long accountId;
 +    @Column(name = GenericDao.REMOVED_COLUMN)
 +    private Date removed;
 +    @Column(name = GenericDao.CREATED_COLUMN)
 +    private Date created;
 +    @Column(name = "policy_type")
 +    @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
 +    private AclPolicy.PolicyType policyType;
 +    public AclPolicyVO() {
-     	uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
++        uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
 +    }
 +    public AclPolicyVO(String name, String description) {
 + = name;
 +        this.description = description;
-     	uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
++        uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
 +        policyType = AclPolicy.PolicyType.Static;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public long getId() {
 +        return id;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getName() {
 +        return name;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getDescription() {
 +        return description;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getUuid() {
-     	return uuid;
++        return uuid;
 +    }
 +    public void setUuid(String uuid) {
-     	this.uuid = uuid;
++        this.uuid = uuid;
 +    }
 +    public Date getRemoved() {
 +        return removed;
 +    }
 +    public Date getCreated() {
 +        return created;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public String getPath() {
 +        return path;
 +    }
 +    public void setPath(String path) {
 +        this.path = path;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public long getAccountId() {
 +        return accountId;
 +    }
 +    public void setAccountId(long accountId) {
 +        this.accountId = accountId;
 +    }
 +    public AclPolicy.PolicyType getPolicyType() {
 +        return policyType;
 +    }
 +    public void setPolicyType(AclPolicy.PolicyType policyType) {
 +        this.policyType = policyType;
 +    }
diff --cc services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
index 9390b77,0000000..6eb3223
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
+++ b/services/iam/server/src/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/server/
@@@ -1,694 -1,0 +1,692 @@@
 +// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +// distributed with this work for additional information
 +// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 +// specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +// under the License.
 +package org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server;
 +import java.util.ArrayList;
 +import java.util.List;
 +import javax.ejb.Local;
 +import javax.inject.Inject;
 +import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclGroup;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicy;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicyPermission;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicyPermission.Permission;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.IAMService;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupAccountMapDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupPolicyMapDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclPolicyDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclPolicyPermissionDao;
- import;
 +@Local(value = {IAMService.class})
 +public class IAMServiceImpl extends ManagerBase implements IAMService, Manager {
 +    public static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(IAMServiceImpl.class);
 +    private String _name;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclPolicyDao _aclPolicyDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupDao _aclGroupDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    EntityManager _entityMgr;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupPolicyMapDao _aclGroupPolicyMapDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupAccountMapDao _aclGroupAccountMapDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclPolicyPermissionDao _policyPermissionDao;
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclGroup createAclGroup(String aclGroupName, String description, String path) {
 +        // check if the group is already existing
 +        AclGroup grp = _aclGroupDao.findByName(path, aclGroupName);
 +        if (grp != null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 +                    "Unable to create acl group with name " + aclGroupName
 +                    + " already exisits for path " + path);
 +        }
 +        AclGroupVO rvo = new AclGroupVO(aclGroupName, description);
 +        rvo.setPath(path);
 +        return _aclGroupDao.persist(rvo);
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public boolean deleteAclGroup(final Long aclGroupId) {
 +        // get the Acl Group entity
 +        final AclGroup grp = _aclGroupDao.findById(aclGroupId);
 +        if (grp == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group: " + aclGroupId
 +                    + "; failed to delete acl group.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // remove this group related entry in acl_group_role_map
 +                List<AclGroupPolicyMapVO> groupPolicyMap = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.listByGroupId(grp.getId());
 +                if (groupPolicyMap != null) {
 +                    for (AclGroupPolicyMapVO gr : groupPolicyMap) {
 +                        _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.remove(gr.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                // remove this group related entry in acl_group_account table
 +                List<AclGroupAccountMapVO> groupAcctMap = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.listByGroupId(grp.getId());
 +                if (groupAcctMap != null) {
 +                    for (AclGroupAccountMapVO grpAcct : groupAcctMap) {
 +                        _aclGroupAccountMapDao.remove(grpAcct.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                // remove this group from acl_group table
 +                _aclGroupDao.remove(aclGroupId);
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclGroup> listAclGroups(long accountId) {
 +        GenericSearchBuilder<AclGroupAccountMapVO, Long> groupSB = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.createSearchBuilder(Long.class);
 +        groupSB.selectFields(groupSB.entity().getAclGroupId());
 +        groupSB.and("account", groupSB.entity().getAccountId(), Op.EQ);
 +        SearchCriteria<Long> groupSc = groupSB.create();
 +        List<Long> groupIds = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.customSearch(groupSc, null);
 +        SearchBuilder<AclGroupVO> sb = _aclGroupDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("ids", sb.entity().getId(), Op.IN);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclGroupVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        sc.setParameters("ids", groupIds.toArray(new Object[groupIds.size()]));
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List groups =, null);
 +        return groups;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclGroup addAccountsToGroup(final List<Long> acctIds, final Long groupId) {
 +        // get the Acl Group entity
 +        AclGroup group = _aclGroupDao.findById(groupId);
 +        if (group == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group: " + groupId
 +                    + "; failed to add accounts to acl group.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // add entries in acl_group_account_map table
 +                for (Long acctId : acctIds) {
 +                    // check account permissions
 +                    AclGroupAccountMapVO grMap = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.findByGroupAndAccount(groupId, acctId);
 +                    if (grMap == null) {
 +                        // not there already
 +                        grMap = new AclGroupAccountMapVO(groupId, acctId);
 +                        _aclGroupAccountMapDao.persist(grMap);
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return group;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclGroup removeAccountsFromGroup(final List<Long> acctIds, final Long groupId) {
 +        // get the Acl Group entity
 +        AclGroup group = _aclGroupDao.findById(groupId);
 +        if (group == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group: " + groupId
 +                    + "; failed to remove accounts from acl group.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // remove entries from acl_group_account_map table
 +                for (Long acctId : acctIds) {
 +                    AclGroupAccountMapVO grMap = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.findByGroupAndAccount(groupId, acctId);
 +                    if (grMap != null) {
 +                        // not removed yet
 +                        _aclGroupAccountMapDao.remove(grMap.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return group;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public List<Long> listAccountsByGroup(long groupId) {
 +        List<AclGroupAccountMapVO> grpAcctMap = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.listByGroupId(groupId);
 +        if (grpAcctMap == null || grpAcctMap.size() == 0) {
 +            return new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        }
 +        List<Long> accts = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        for (AclGroupAccountMapVO grpAcct : grpAcctMap) {
 +            accts.add(grpAcct.getAccountId());
 +        }
 +        return accts;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer> listAclGroups(Long aclGroupId, String aclGroupName, String path, Long startIndex, Long pageSize) {
 +        if (aclGroupId != null) {
 +            AclGroup group = _aclGroupDao.findById(aclGroupId);
 +            if (group == null) {
 +                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group by id " + aclGroupId);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        Filter searchFilter = new Filter(AclGroupVO.class, "id", true, startIndex, pageSize);
 +        SearchBuilder<AclGroupVO> sb = _aclGroupDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("name", sb.entity().getName(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        sb.and("path", sb.entity().getPath(), SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE);
 +        sb.and("id", sb.entity().getId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclGroupVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        if (aclGroupName != null) {
 +            sc.setParameters("name", aclGroupName);
 +        }
 +        if (aclGroupId != null) {
 +            sc.setParameters("id", aclGroupId);
 +        }
 +        sc.setParameters("path", path + "%");
 +        Pair<List<AclGroupVO>, Integer> groups = _aclGroupDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
 +        return new Pair<List<AclGroup>, Integer>(new ArrayList<AclGroup>(groups.first()), groups.second());
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclPolicy createAclPolicy(final String aclPolicyName, final String description, final Long parentPolicyId) {
 +        // check if the policy is already existing
 +        AclPolicy ro = _aclPolicyDao.findByName(aclPolicyName);
 +        if (ro != null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
 +                    "Unable to create acl policy with name " + aclPolicyName
 +                    + " already exisits");
 +        }
 +        AclPolicy role = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<AclPolicy>() {
 +            @Override
 +            public AclPolicy doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                AclPolicyVO rvo = new AclPolicyVO(aclPolicyName, description);
 +                AclPolicy role = _aclPolicyDao.persist(rvo);
 +                if (parentPolicyId != null) {
 +                    // copy parent role permissions
 +                    List<AclPolicyPermissionVO> perms = _policyPermissionDao.listByPolicy(parentPolicyId);
 +                    if (perms != null) {
 +                        for (AclPolicyPermissionVO perm : perms) {
 +                            perm.setAclPolicyId(role.getId());
 +                            _policyPermissionDao.persist(perm);
 +                        }
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                return role;
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return role;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public boolean deleteAclPolicy(final long aclPolicyId) {
 +        // get the Acl Policy entity
 +        final AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclPolicyId);
 +        if (policy == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + aclPolicyId
 +                    + "; failed to delete acl policy.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // remove this role related entry in acl_group_role_map
 +                List<AclGroupPolicyMapVO> groupPolicyMap = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.listByPolicyId(policy.getId());
 +                if (groupPolicyMap != null) {
 +                    for (AclGroupPolicyMapVO gr : groupPolicyMap) {
 +                        _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.remove(gr.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                // remove this policy related entry in acl_policy_permission table
 +                List<AclPolicyPermissionVO> policyPermMap = _policyPermissionDao.listByPolicy(policy.getId());
 +                if (policyPermMap != null) {
 +                    for (AclPolicyPermissionVO policyPerm : policyPermMap) {
 +                        _policyPermissionDao.remove(policyPerm.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                // remove this role from acl_role table
 +                _aclPolicyDao.remove(aclPolicyId);
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return true;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclPolicy> listAclPolicies(long accountId) {
 +        // static policies of the account
 +        SearchBuilder<AclGroupAccountMapVO> groupSB = _aclGroupAccountMapDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        groupSB.and("account", groupSB.entity().getAccountId(), Op.EQ);
 +        GenericSearchBuilder<AclGroupPolicyMapVO, Long> policySB = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.createSearchBuilder(Long.class);
 +        policySB.selectFields(policySB.entity().getAclPolicyId());
 +        policySB.join("accountgroupjoin", groupSB, groupSB.entity().getAclGroupId(), policySB.entity().getAclGroupId(),
 +                JoinType.INNER);
 +        policySB.done();
 +        SearchCriteria<Long> policySc = policySB.create();
 +        policySc.setJoinParameters("accountgroupjoin", "account", accountId);
 +        List<Long> policyIds = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.customSearch(policySc, null);
 +        SearchBuilder<AclPolicyVO> sb = _aclPolicyDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("ids", sb.entity().getId(), Op.IN);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclPolicyVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        sc.setParameters("ids", policyIds.toArray(new Object[policyIds.size()]));
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List policies = _aclPolicyDao.customSearch(sc, null);
 +        return policies;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclPolicy> listAclPoliciesByGroup(long groupId) {
 +        List<AclGroupPolicyMapVO> policyGrpMap = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.listByGroupId(groupId);
 +        if (policyGrpMap == null || policyGrpMap.size() == 0) {
 +            return new ArrayList<AclPolicy>();
 +        }
 +        List<Long> policyIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        for (AclGroupPolicyMapVO pg : policyGrpMap) {
 +            policyIds.add(pg.getAclPolicyId());
 +        }
 +        SearchBuilder<AclPolicyVO> sb = _aclPolicyDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("ids", sb.entity().getId(), Op.IN);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclPolicyVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        sc.setParameters("ids", policyIds.toArray(new Object[policyIds.size()]));
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List policies = _aclPolicyDao.customSearch(sc, null);
 +        return policies;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer> listAclPolicies(Long aclPolicyId, String aclPolicyName, String path, Long startIndex, Long pageSize) {
 +        if (aclPolicyId != null) {
 +            AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclPolicyId);
 +            if (policy == null) {
 +                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy by id " + aclPolicyId);
 +            }
 +        }
 +        Filter searchFilter = new Filter(AclPolicyVO.class, "id", true, startIndex, pageSize);
 +        SearchBuilder<AclPolicyVO> sb = _aclPolicyDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("name", sb.entity().getName(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        sb.and("path", sb.entity().getPath(), SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE);
 +        sb.and("id", sb.entity().getId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclPolicyVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        if (aclPolicyName != null) {
 +            sc.setParameters("name", aclPolicyName);
 +        }
 +        if (aclPolicyId != null) {
 +            sc.setParameters("id", aclPolicyId);
 +        }
 +        sc.setParameters("path", path + "%");
 +        Pair<List<AclPolicyVO>, Integer> policies = _aclPolicyDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List policyList = policies.first();
 +        return new Pair<List<AclPolicy>, Integer>(policyList, policies.second());
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclGroup attachAclPoliciesToGroup(final List<Long> policyIds, final Long groupId) {
 +        // get the Acl Group entity
 +        AclGroup group = _aclGroupDao.findById(groupId);
 +        if (group == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group: " + groupId
 +                    + "; failed to add roles to acl group.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // add entries in acl_group_policy_map table
 +                for (Long policyId : policyIds) {
 +                    AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(policyId);
 +                    if (policy == null) {
 +                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + policyId
 +                                + "; failed to add policies to acl group.");
 +                    }
 +                    AclGroupPolicyMapVO grMap = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.findByGroupAndPolicy(groupId, policyId);
 +                    if (grMap == null) {
 +                        // not there already
 +                        grMap = new AclGroupPolicyMapVO(groupId, policyId);
 +                        _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.persist(grMap);
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return group;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclGroup removeAclPoliciesFromGroup(final List<Long> policyIds, final Long groupId) {
 +        // get the Acl Group entity
 +        AclGroup group = _aclGroupDao.findById(groupId);
 +        if (group == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl group: " + groupId
 +                    + "; failed to remove roles from acl group.");
 +        }
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // add entries in acl_group_role_map table
 +                for (Long policyId : policyIds) {
 +                    AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(policyId);
 +                    if (policy == null) {
 +                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + policyId
 +                                + "; failed to add policies to acl group.");
 +                    }
 +                    AclGroupPolicyMapVO grMap = _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.findByGroupAndPolicy(groupId, policyId);
 +                    if (grMap != null) {
 +                        // not removed yet
 +                        _aclGroupPolicyMapDao.remove(grMap.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return group;
 +    }
 +    /*
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ACL_POLICY_GRANT, eventDescription = "Granting permission to Acl Role")
 +    public AclP addAclPermissionToAclPolicy(final long aclRoleId, final List<String> apiNames) {
 +        Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
 +        // get the Acl Role entity
 +        AclRole role = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclRoleId);
 +        if (role == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl role: " + aclRoleId
 +                    + "; failed to grant permission to role.");
 +        }
 +        // check permissions
 +        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, role);
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // add entries in acl_api_permission table
 +                for (String api : apiNames) {
 +                    AclApiPermissionVO perm = _apiPermissionDao.findByRoleAndApi(aclRoleId, api);
 +                    if (perm == null) {
 +                        // not there already
 +                        perm = new AclApiPermissionVO(aclRoleId, api);
 +                        _apiPermissionDao.persist(perm);
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return role;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ACL_POLICY_REVOKE, eventDescription = "Revoking permission from Acl Role")
 +    public AclRole revokeApiPermissionFromAclRole(final long aclRoleId, final List<String> apiNames) {
 +        Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
 +        // get the Acl Role entity
 +        AclRole role = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclRoleId);
 +        if (role == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl role: " + aclRoleId
 +                    + "; failed to revoke permission from role.");
 +        }
 +        // check permissions
 +        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, role);
 +        Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
 +            @Override
 +            public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
 +                // remove entries from acl_api_permission table
 +                for (String api : apiNames) {
 +                    AclApiPermissionVO perm = _apiPermissionDao.findByRoleAndApi(aclRoleId, api);
 +                    if (perm != null) {
 +                        // not removed yet
 +                        _apiPermissionDao.remove(perm.getId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        });
 +        return role;
 +    }
 +    */
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclPolicy addAclPermissionToAclPolicy(long aclPolicyId, String entityType, String scope, Long scopeId,
 +            String action, String accessType, Permission perm) {
 +        // get the Acl Policy entity
 +        AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclPolicyId);
 +        if (policy == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + aclPolicyId
 +                    + "; failed to add permission to policy.");
 +        }
 +        // add entry in acl_policy_permission table
 +        AclPolicyPermissionVO permit = _policyPermissionDao.findByPolicyAndEntity(aclPolicyId, entityType, scope, scopeId, action, perm);
 +        if (permit == null) {
 +            // not there already
 +            permit = new AclPolicyPermissionVO(aclPolicyId, action, entityType, accessType, scope, scopeId, perm);
 +            _policyPermissionDao.persist(permit);
 +        }
 +        return policy;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclPolicy removeAclPermissionFromAclPolicy(long aclPolicyId, String entityType, String scope, Long scopeId,
 +            String action) {
 +        // get the Acl Policy entity
 +        AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclPolicyId);
 +        if (policy == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + aclPolicyId
 +                    + "; failed to revoke permission from policy.");
 +        }
 +        // remove entry from acl_entity_permission table
 +        AclPolicyPermissionVO permit = _policyPermissionDao.findByPolicyAndEntity(aclPolicyId, entityType, scope, scopeId, action, null);
 +        if (permit != null) {
 +            // not removed yet
 +            _policyPermissionDao.remove(permit.getId());
 +        }
 +        return policy;
 +    }
 +    @DB
 +    @Override
 +    public AclPolicy resetAclPolicy(long aclPolicyId) {
 +        // get the Acl Policy entity
 +        AclPolicy policy = _aclPolicyDao.findById(aclPolicyId);
 +        if (policy == null) {
 +            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find acl policy: " + aclPolicyId
 +                    + "; failed to reset the policy.");
 +        }
 +        SearchBuilder<AclPolicyPermissionVO> sb = _policyPermissionDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("policyId", sb.entity().getAclPolicyId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        sb.and("scope", sb.entity().getScope(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
 +        sb.done();
 +        SearchCriteria<AclPolicyPermissionVO> permissionSC = sb.create();
 +        permissionSC.setParameters("policyId", aclPolicyId);
 +        _policyPermissionDao.expunge(permissionSC);
 +        return policy;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public boolean isActionAllowedForPolicies(String action, List<AclPolicy> policies) {
 +        boolean allowed = false;
 +        List<Long> policyIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        for (AclPolicy policy : policies) {
 +            policyIds.add(policy.getId());
 +        }
 +        SearchBuilder<AclPolicyPermissionVO> sb = _policyPermissionDao.createSearchBuilder();
 +        sb.and("action", sb.entity().getAction(), Op.EQ);
 +        sb.and("policyId", sb.entity().getAclPolicyId(), Op.IN);
 +        SearchCriteria<AclPolicyPermissionVO> sc = sb.create();
 +        sc.setParameters("policyId", policyIds.toArray(new Object[policyIds.size()]));
 +        sc.setParameters("action", action);
 +        List<AclPolicyPermissionVO> permissions = _policyPermissionDao.customSearch(sc, null);
 +        if (permissions != null && !permissions.isEmpty()) {
 +            allowed = true;
 +        }
 +        return allowed;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public List<Long> getGrantedEntities(long accountId, String action, String scope) {
 +        // Get the static Policies of the Caller
 +        List<AclPolicy> policies = listAclPolicies(accountId);
 +        // for each policy, find granted permission within the given scope
 +        List<Long> entityIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        for (AclPolicy policy : policies) {
 +            List<AclPolicyPermissionVO> pp = _policyPermissionDao.listGrantedByActionAndScope(policy.getId(), action,
 +                    scope);
 +            if (pp != null) {
 +                for (AclPolicyPermissionVO p : pp) {
 +                    if (p.getScopeId() != null) {
 +                        entityIds.add(p.getScopeId());
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        return entityIds;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    public List<AclPolicyPermission> listPolicyPermissions(long policyId) {
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List pp = _policyPermissionDao.listByPolicy(policyId);
 +        return pp;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclPolicyPermission> listPolicyPermissionsByScope(long policyId, String action, String scope) {
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List pp = _policyPermissionDao.listGrantedByActionAndScope(policyId, action, scope);
 +        return pp;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclPolicyPermission> listPolicyPermissionByEntityType(long policyId, String action, String entityType) {
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List pp = _policyPermissionDao.listByPolicyActionAndEntity(policyId, action, entityType);
 +        return pp;
 +    }
 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 +    @Override
 +    public List<AclPolicyPermission> listPolicyPermissionByAccessType(long policyId, String accessType, String entityType, String action) {
 +        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
 +        List pp = _policyPermissionDao.listByPolicyAccessAndEntity(policyId, accessType, entityType, action);
 +        return pp;
 +    }
 +    @Override
 +    public AclPolicy getResourceOwnerPolicy() {
 +        return _aclPolicyDao.findByName("RESOURCE_OWNER");
 +    }
diff --cc services/iam/server/test/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/
index 437b0ea,0000000..5b1e57b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/services/iam/server/test/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/
+++ b/services/iam/server/test/org/apache/cloudstack/iam/
@@@ -1,209 -1,0 +1,205 @@@
 +// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +// distributed with this work for additional information
 +// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 +// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 +// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 +// specific language governing permissions and limitations
 +// under the License.
 +package org.apache.cloudstack.iam;
 +import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 +import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
 +import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
 +import java.util.ArrayList;
 +import java.util.List;
 +import javax.inject.Inject;
 +import javax.naming.ConfigurationException;
 +import org.junit.After;
- import org.apache.cloudstack.test.utils.SpringUtils;
 +import org.junit.Before;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 +import org.mockito.Mockito;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan.Filter;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
 +import org.springframework.context.annotation.FilterType;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReader;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReaderFactory;
 +import org.springframework.core.type.filter.TypeFilter;
 +import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
 +import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
- import;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclGroup;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.AclPolicy;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.api.IAMService;
- import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclGroupAccountMapVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclGroupVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.AclPolicyVO;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.IAMServiceImpl;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupAccountMapDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclGroupPolicyMapDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclPolicyDao;
 +import org.apache.cloudstack.iam.server.dao.AclPolicyPermissionDao;
++import org.apache.cloudstack.test.utils.SpringUtils;
- import;
- import;
 +@ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
 +public class IAMServiceUnitTest {
 +    @Inject
 +    IAMService _iamService;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclPolicyDao _aclPolicyDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupDao _aclGroupDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    EntityManager _entityMgr;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupPolicyMapDao _aclGroupPolicyMapDao;
 +    @Inject
 +    AclGroupAccountMapDao _aclGroupAccountMapDao;
 +    @Inject
-     AclPolicyPermissionDao _policyPermissionDao;
++    AclPolicyPermissionDao _policyPermissionDao;
 +    @BeforeClass
 +    public static void setUpClass() throws ConfigurationException {
 +    }
 +    @Before
 +    public void setUp() {
 +        ComponentContext.initComponentsLifeCycle();
 +        AclGroupVO group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "my first group");
 +        Mockito.when(_aclGroupDao.persist(Mockito.any(AclGroupVO.class))).thenReturn(group);
 +        List<AclGroupVO> groups = new ArrayList<AclGroupVO>();
 +        groups.add(group);
 +        when(, Mockito.any(
 +                .thenReturn(groups);
 +        AclPolicyVO policy = new AclPolicyVO("policy1", "my first policy");
 +        Mockito.when(_aclPolicyDao.persist(Mockito.any(AclPolicyVO.class))).thenReturn(policy);
 +    }
 +    @After
 +    public void tearDown() {
 +    }
 +    @Test(expected = InvalidParameterValueException.class)
 +    public void createAclGroupTest() {
 +        AclGroup group = _iamService.createAclGroup("group1", "my first group", "/root/mydomain");
 +        assertNotNull("Acl group 'group1' failed to create ", group);
 +        AclGroupVO group2 = new AclGroupVO("group1", "my second group");
 +        when(_aclGroupDao.findByName(eq("/root/mydomain"), eq("group1"))).thenReturn(group2);
 +        AclGroup group3 = _iamService.createAclGroup("group1", "my first group", "/root/mydomain");
 +    }
 +    @Test(expected = InvalidParameterValueException.class)
-     public void deleteAclGroupInvalidIdTest(){
++    public void deleteAclGroupInvalidIdTest() {
 +        when(_aclGroupDao.findById(20L)).thenReturn(null);
 +        _iamService.deleteAclGroup(20L);
 +    }
 +    @Test
 +    public void accountGroupMaptest() {
 +        // create group
 +        AclGroupVO group = new AclGroupVO("group1", "my first group");
 +        // add account to group
 +        List<Long> accountIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
 +        accountIds.add(100L);
 +        when(_aclGroupDao.findById(20L)).thenReturn(group);
 +        _iamService.addAccountsToGroup(accountIds, 20L);
 +        _iamService.removeAccountsFromGroup(accountIds, 20L);
 +    }
 +    @Test(expected = InvalidParameterValueException.class)
 +    public void createAclPolicyTest() {
 +        AclPolicy policy = _iamService.createAclPolicy("policy1", "my first policy", null);
 +        assertNotNull("Acl policy 'policy1' failed to create ", policy);
 +        AclPolicyVO rvo = new AclPolicyVO("policy2", "second policy");
 +        when(_aclPolicyDao.findByName(eq("policy2"))).thenReturn(rvo);
 +        _iamService.createAclPolicy("policy2", "second policy", null);
 +    }
 +    @Test(expected = InvalidParameterValueException.class)
 +    public void deleteAclPolicyInvalidIdTest() {
 +        when(_aclPolicyDao.findById(34L)).thenReturn(null);
 +        _iamService.deleteAclPolicy(34L);
 +    }
 +    @Configuration
-     @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = { IAMServiceImpl.class }, includeFilters = { @Filter(value = TestConfiguration.Library.class, type = FilterType.CUSTOM) }, useDefaultFilters = false)
++    @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {IAMServiceImpl.class}, includeFilters = {@Filter(value = TestConfiguration.Library.class, type = FilterType.CUSTOM)}, useDefaultFilters = false)
 +    public static class TestConfiguration extends SpringUtils.CloudStackTestConfiguration {
 +        @Bean
 +        public AclPolicyDao aclPolicyDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AclPolicyDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public AclGroupDao aclGroupDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AclGroupDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public EntityManager entityManager() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(EntityManager.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public AclGroupPolicyMapDao aclGroupPolicyMapDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AclGroupPolicyMapDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
 +        public AclGroupAccountMapDao aclGroupAccountMapDao() {
 +            return Mockito.mock(AclGroupAccountMapDao.class);
 +        }
 +        @Bean
-         public AclPolicyPermissionDao aclPolicyPermissionDao() {
-             return Mockito.mock(AclPolicyPermissionDao.class);
-         }
++        public AclPolicyPermissionDao aclPolicyPermissionDao() {
++            return Mockito.mock(AclPolicyPermissionDao.class);
++        }
 +        public static class Library implements TypeFilter {
 +            @Override
 +            public boolean match(MetadataReader mdr, MetadataReaderFactory arg1) throws IOException {
 +                ComponentScan cs = TestConfiguration.class.getAnnotation(ComponentScan.class);
 +                return SpringUtils.includedInBasePackageClasses(mdr.getClassMetadata().getClassName(), cs);
 +            }
 +        }
 +    }
diff --cc services/pom.xml
index fb6d71d,0e61a61..24b8e62
--- a/services/pom.xml
+++ b/services/pom.xml
@@@ -24,12 -24,15 +24,13 @@@
-     <version>4.3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+     <version>4.4.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
 -  <build>
 -    <defaultGoal>install</defaultGoal>
 -  </build>
+     <module>console-proxy-rdp/rdpconsole</module>
 +    <module>iam</module>