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[04/20] incubator-brooklyn git commit: Package rename to org.apache.brooklyn: usage-cli
diff --git a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/ b/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53aeb78..0000000
--- a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package brooklyn.cli;
-import static;
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import brooklyn.BrooklynVersion;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynTypes;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.catalog.BrooklynCatalog;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.catalog.CatalogItem;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.catalog.CatalogItem.CatalogItemType;
-import brooklyn.catalog.internal.CatalogInitialization;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.BlobstoreGetBlobCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.BlobstoreListContainerCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.BlobstoreListContainersCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeDefaultTemplateCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeGetImageCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeListHardwareProfilesCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeListImagesCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeListInstancesCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.CloudExplorer.ComputeTerminateInstancesCommand;
-import brooklyn.cli.ItemLister.ListAllCommand;
-import brooklyn.entity.Application;
-import brooklyn.entity.Entity;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.AbstractApplication;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.AbstractEntity;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.ApplicationBuilder;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.Entities;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.StartableApplication;
-import brooklyn.entity.proxying.EntitySpec;
-import brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister.BrooklynPersistenceUtils;
-import brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister.PersistMode;
-import brooklyn.entity.rebind.transformer.CompoundTransformer;
-import brooklyn.entity.trait.Startable;
-import brooklyn.launcher.BrooklynLauncher;
-import brooklyn.launcher.BrooklynServerDetails;
-import brooklyn.launcher.config.StopWhichAppsOnShutdown;
-import brooklyn.util.ResourceUtils;
-import brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions;
-import brooklyn.util.exceptions.FatalConfigurationRuntimeException;
-import brooklyn.util.exceptions.FatalRuntimeException;
-import brooklyn.util.exceptions.UserFacingException;
-import brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe;
-import brooklyn.util.javalang.Enums;
-import brooklyn.util.text.Identifiers;
-import brooklyn.util.text.StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes;
-import brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
-import brooklyn.util.time.Duration;
-import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
-import groovy.lang.GroovyShell;
-import io.airlift.command.Cli;
-import io.airlift.command.Cli.CliBuilder;
-import io.airlift.command.Command;
-import io.airlift.command.Option;
- * This class is the primary CLI for brooklyn.
- * Run with the `help` argument for help.
- * <p>
- * This class is designed for subclassing, with subclasses typically:
- * <li> providing their own static {@link #main(String...)} (of course) which need simply invoke 
- *      {@link #execCli(String[])} with the arguments 
- * <li> returning their CLI name (e.g. "") in an overridden {@link #cliScriptName()}
- * <li> providing an overridden {@link LaunchCommand} via {@link #cliLaunchCommand()} if desired
- * <li> providing any other CLI customisations by overriding {@link #cliBuilder()}
- *      (typically calling the parent and then customizing the builder)
- * <li> populating a custom catalog using {@link LaunchCommand#populateCatalog(BrooklynCatalog)}
- */
-public class Main extends AbstractMain {
-    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class);
-    public static void main(String... args) {
-        log.debug("Launching Brooklyn via CLI, with "+Arrays.toString(args));
-        BrooklynVersion.INSTANCE.logSummary();
-        new Main().execCli(args);
-    }
-    @Command(name = "generate-password", description = "Generates a hashed web-console password")
-    public static class GeneratePasswordCommand extends BrooklynCommandCollectingArgs {
-        @Option(name = { "--user" }, title = "username", required = true)
-        public String user;
-        @Option(name = { "--stdin" }, title = "read password from stdin, instead of console", 
-                description = "Before using stdin, read for discussion of security!")
-        public boolean useStdin;
-        @Override
-        public Void call() throws Exception {
-            checkCanReadPassword();
-            System.out.print("Enter password: ");
-            System.out.flush();
-            String password = readPassword();
-            if (Strings.isBlank(password)) {
-                throw new UserFacingException("Password must not be blank; aborting");
-            }
-            System.out.print("Re-enter password: ");
-            System.out.flush();
-            String password2 = readPassword();
-            if (!password.equals(password2)) {
-                throw new UserFacingException("Passwords did not match; aborting");
-            }
-            String salt = Identifiers.makeRandomId(4);
-            String sha256password = PasswordHasher.sha256(salt, new String(password));
-            System.out.println();
-            System.out.println("Please add the following to your");
-            System.out.println();
-            System.out.println(""+user);
-            System.out.println(""+user+".salt="+salt);
-            System.out.println(""+user+".sha256="+sha256password);
-            return null;
-        }
-        private void checkCanReadPassword() {
-            if (useStdin) {
-                // yes; always
-            } else {
-                Console console = System.console();
-                if (console == null) {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("No console; cannot get password securely; aborting");
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        private String readPassword() throws IOException {
-            if (useStdin) {
-                return readLine(;
-            } else {
-                return new String(System.console().readPassword());
-            }
-        }
-        private String readLine(InputStream in) throws IOException {
-            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
-            char c;
-            while ((c = (char) != '\n') {
-                result.append(c);
-            }
-            return result.toString();
-        }
-    }
-    @Command(name = "launch", description = "Starts a server, optionally with applications")
-    public static class LaunchCommand extends BrooklynCommandCollectingArgs {
-        @Option(name = { "--localBrooklynProperties" }, title = "local file",
-                description = "Load the given properties file, specific to this launch (appending to and overriding global properties)")
-        public String localBrooklynProperties;
-        @Option(name = { "--noGlobalBrooklynProperties" }, title = "do not use any global file found",
-            description = "Do not use the default global file found")
-        public boolean noGlobalBrooklynProperties = false;
-        @Option(name = { "-a", "--app" }, title = "application class or file",
-                description = "The Application to start. " +
-                        "For example, my.AppName, file://my/app.yaml, or classpath://my/AppName.groovy -- "
-                        + "note that a BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH environment variable may be required to "
-                        + "load classes from other locations")
-        public String app;
-        @Beta
-        @Option(name = { "-s", "--script" }, title = "script URI",
-                description = "EXPERIMENTAL. URI for a Groovy script to parse and load." +
-                        " This script will run before starting the app.")
-        public String script = null;
-        @Option(name = { "-l", "--location", "--locations" }, title = "location list",
-                description = "Specifies the locations where the application will be launched. " +
-                        "You can specify more than one location as a comma-separated list of values " +
-                        "(or as a JSON array, if the values are complex)")
-        public String locations;
-        @Option(name = { "--catalogInitial" }, title = "catalog initial bom URI",
-            description = "Specifies a URI to be used to populate the initial catalog, "
-                + "loaded on first run, or when persistence is off/empty or the catalog is reset")
-        public String catalogInitial;
-        @Option(name = { "--catalogReset" }, 
-            description = "Specifies that any catalog items which have been persisted should be cleared")
-        public boolean catalogReset;
-        @Option(name = { "--catalogAdd" }, title = "catalog bom URI to add",
-            description = "Specifies a to be added to the catalog")
-        public String catalogAdd;
-        @Option(name = { "--catalogForce" }, 
-            description = "Specifies that catalog items added via the CLI should be forcibly added, "
-                + "replacing any identical versions already registered (use with care!)")
-        public boolean catalogForce;
-        @Option(name = { "-p", "--port" }, title = "port number",
-                description = "Use this port for the brooklyn management web console and REST API; "
-                    + "default is 8081+ for http, 8443+ for https.")
-        public String port;
-        @Option(name = { "--https" },
-            description = "Launch the web console on https")
-        public boolean useHttps = false;
-        @Option(name = { "-nc", "--noConsole" },
-                description = "Do not start the web console or REST API")
-        public boolean noConsole = false;
-        @Option(name = { "-b", "--bindAddress" },
-                description = "Specifies the IP address of the NIC to bind the Brooklyn Management Console to")
-        public String bindAddress = null;
-        @Option(name = { "-pa", "--publicAddress" },
-                description = "Specifies the IP address or hostname that the Brooklyn Management Console will be available on")
-        public String publicAddress = null;
-        @Option(name = { "--noConsoleSecurity" },
-                description = "Whether to disable authentication and security filters for the web console (for use when debugging on a secure network or bound to localhost)")
-        public Boolean noConsoleSecurity = false;
-        @Option(name = { "--startupContinueOnWebErrors" },
-            description = "Continue on web subsystem failures during startup "
-                + "(default is to abort if the web API fails to start, as management access is not normally possible)")
-        public boolean startupContinueOnWebErrors = false;
-        @Option(name = { "--startupFailOnPersistenceErrors" },
-            description = "Fail on persistence/HA subsystem failures during startup "
-                + "(default is to continue, so errors can be viewed via the API)")
-        public boolean startupFailOnPersistenceErrors = false;
-        @Option(name = { "--startupFailOnCatalogErrors" },
-            description = "Fail on catalog subsystem failures during startup "
-                + "(default is to continue, so errors can be viewed via the API)")
-        public boolean startupFailOnCatalogErrors = false;
-        @Option(name = { "--startupFailOnManagedAppsErrors" },
-            description = "Fail startup on errors deploying of managed apps specified via the command line "
-                + "(default is to continue, so errors can be viewed via the API)")
-        public boolean startupFailOnManagedAppsErrors = false;
-        @Beta
-        @Option(name = { "--startBrooklynNode" },
-                description = "Start a BrooklynNode entity representing this Brooklyn instance")
-        public boolean startBrooklynNode = false;
-        // Note in some cases, you can get java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException
-        // if shutdown is not co-ordinated, looks like: {@linktourl}
-        @Beta
-        @Option(name = { "-sk", "--stopOnKeyPress" },
-                description = "Shutdown immediately on user text entry after startup (useful for debugging and demos)")
-        public boolean stopOnKeyPress = false;
-        final static String STOP_WHICH_APPS_ON_SHUTDOWN = "--stopOnShutdown";
-        protected final static String STOP_ALL = "all";
-        protected final static String STOP_ALL_IF_NOT_PERSISTED = "allIfNotPersisted";
-        protected final static String STOP_NONE = "none";
-        protected final static String STOP_THESE = "these";        
-        protected final static String STOP_THESE_IF_NOT_PERSISTED = "theseIfNotPersisted";
-        static { Enums.checkAllEnumeratedIgnoreCase(StopWhichAppsOnShutdown.class, STOP_ALL, STOP_ALL_IF_NOT_PERSISTED, STOP_NONE, STOP_THESE, STOP_THESE_IF_NOT_PERSISTED); }
-        @Option(name = { STOP_WHICH_APPS_ON_SHUTDOWN },
-            description = "Which managed applications to stop on shutdown. Possible values are:\n"+
-                "all: stop all apps\n"+
-                "none: leave all apps running\n"+
-                "these: stop the apps explicitly started on this command line, but leave others started subsequently running\n"+
-                "theseIfNotPersisted: stop the apps started on this command line IF persistence is not enabled, otherwise leave all running\n"+
-                "allIfNotPersisted: stop all apps IF persistence is not enabled, otherwise leave all running")
-        public String stopWhichAppsOnShutdown = STOP_THESE_IF_NOT_PERSISTED;
-        @Option(name = { "--exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting" },
-                description = "Once the application to start (from --app) is running exit the process, leaving any entities running. "
-                    + "Can be used in combination with --persist auto --persistenceDir <custom folder location> to attach to the running app at a later time.")
-        public boolean exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting = false;
-        final static String PERSIST_OPTION = "--persist";
-        protected final static String PERSIST_OPTION_DISABLED = "disabled";
-        protected final static String PERSIST_OPTION_AUTO = "auto";
-        protected final static String PERSIST_OPTION_REBIND = "rebind";
-        protected final static String PERSIST_OPTION_CLEAN = "clean";
-        static { Enums.checkAllEnumeratedIgnoreCase(PersistMode.class, PERSIST_OPTION_DISABLED, PERSIST_OPTION_AUTO, PERSIST_OPTION_REBIND, PERSIST_OPTION_CLEAN); }
-        // TODO currently defaults to disabled; want it to default to on, when we're ready
-        // TODO how to force a line-split per option?!
-        //      Looks like is splitting the description by word, and
-        //      wrapping it automatically.
-        //      See
-        @Option(name = { PERSIST_OPTION }, 
-                title = "persistence mode",
-                description =
-                        "The persistence mode. Possible values are: \n"+
-                        "disabled: will not read or persist any state; \n"+
-                        "auto: will rebind to any existing state, or start up fresh if no state; \n"+
-                        "rebind: will rebind to the existing state, or fail if no state available; \n"+
-                        "clean: will start up fresh (removing any existing state)")
-        public String persist = PERSIST_OPTION_DISABLED;
-        @Option(name = { "--persistenceDir" }, title = "persistence dir",
-                description = "The directory to read/write persisted state (or container name if using an object store)")
-        public String persistenceDir;
-        @Option(name = { "--persistenceLocation" }, title = "persistence location",
-            description = "The location spec for an object store to read/write persisted state")
-        public String persistenceLocation;
-        final static String HA_OPTION = "--highAvailability";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_DISABLED = "disabled";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_AUTO = "auto";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_MASTER = "master";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_STANDBY = "standby";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_HOT_STANDBY = "hot_standby";
-        protected final static String HA_OPTION_HOT_BACKUP = "hot_backup";
-        static { Enums.checkAllEnumeratedIgnoreCase(HighAvailabilityMode.class, HA_OPTION_AUTO, HA_OPTION_DISABLED, HA_OPTION_MASTER, HA_OPTION_STANDBY, HA_OPTION_HOT_STANDBY, HA_OPTION_HOT_BACKUP); }
-                title = "high availability mode",
-                description =
-                        "The high availability mode. Possible values are: \n"+
-                        "disabled: management node works in isolation - will not cooperate with any other standby/master nodes in management plane; \n"+
-                        "auto: will look for other management nodes, and will allocate itself as standby or master based on other nodes' states; \n"+
-                        "master: will startup as master - if there is already a master then fails immediately; \n"+
-                        "standby: will start up as lukewarm standby with no state - if there is not already a master then fails immediately, "
-                        + "and if there is a master which subsequently fails, this node can promote itself; \n"+
-                        "hot_standby: will start up as hot standby in read-only mode - if there is not already a master then fails immediately, "
-                        + "and if there is a master which subseuqently fails, this node can promote itself; \n"+
-                        "hot_backup: will start up as hot backup in read-only mode - no master is required, and this node will not become a master"
-                        )
-        public String highAvailability = HA_OPTION_AUTO;
-        @VisibleForTesting
-        protected ManagementContext explicitManagementContext;
-        @Override
-        public Void call() throws Exception {
-            // Configure launcher
-            BrooklynLauncher launcher;
-            AppShutdownHandler shutdownHandler = new AppShutdownHandler();
-            failIfArguments();
-            try {
-                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Invoked launch command {}", this);
-                if (!quiet) stdout.println(banner);
-                if (verbose) {
-                    if (app != null) {
-                        stdout.println("Launching brooklyn app: " + app + " in " + locations);
-                    } else {
-                        stdout.println("Launching brooklyn server (no app)");
-                    }
-                }
-                PersistMode persistMode = computePersistMode();
-                HighAvailabilityMode highAvailabilityMode = computeHighAvailabilityMode(persistMode);
-                StopWhichAppsOnShutdown stopWhichAppsOnShutdownMode = computeStopWhichAppsOnShutdown();
-                computeLocations();
-                ResourceUtils utils = ResourceUtils.create(this);
-                GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
-                // First, run a setup script if the user has provided one
-                if (script != null) {
-                    execGroovyScript(utils, loader, script);
-                }
-                launcher = createLauncher();
-                CatalogInitialization catInit = new CatalogInitialization(catalogInitial, catalogReset, catalogAdd, catalogForce);
-                catInit.addPopulationCallback(new Function<CatalogInitialization,Void>() {
-                    @Override
-                    public Void apply(CatalogInitialization catInit) {
-                        try {
-                            populateCatalog(catInit.getManagementContext().getCatalog());
-                        } catch (Throwable e) {
-                            catInit.handleException(e, "overridden main class populate catalog");
-                        }
-                        // Force load of catalog (so web console is up to date)
-                        confirmCatalog(catInit);
-                        return null;
-                    }
-                });
-                catInit.setFailOnStartupErrors(startupFailOnCatalogErrors);
-                launcher.catalogInitialization(catInit);
-                launcher.persistMode(persistMode);
-                launcher.persistenceDir(persistenceDir);
-                launcher.persistenceLocation(persistenceLocation);
-                launcher.highAvailabilityMode(highAvailabilityMode);
-                launcher.stopWhichAppsOnShutdown(stopWhichAppsOnShutdownMode);
-                launcher.shutdownHandler(shutdownHandler);
-                computeAndSetApp(launcher, utils, loader);
-                customize(launcher);
-            } catch (FatalConfigurationRuntimeException e) {
-                throw e;
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Fatal error configuring Brooklyn launch: "+e.getMessage(), e);
-            }
-            // Launch server
-            try {
-                launcher.start();
-            } catch (FatalRuntimeException e) {
-                // rely on caller logging this propagated exception
-                throw e;
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                // for other exceptions we log it, possibly redundantly but better too much than too little
-                Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e);
-                log.error("Error launching brooklyn: "+Exceptions.collapseText(e), e);
-                try {
-                    launcher.terminate();
-                } catch (Exception e2) {
-                    log.warn("Subsequent error during termination: "+e2);
-                    log.debug("Details of subsequent error during termination: "+e2, e2);
-                }
-                Exceptions.propagate(e);
-            }
-            BrooklynServerDetails server = launcher.getServerDetails();
-            ManagementContext ctx = server.getManagementContext();
-            if (verbose) {
-                Entities.dumpInfo(launcher.getApplications());
-            }
-            if (!exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting) {
-                waitAfterLaunch(ctx, shutdownHandler);
-            }
-            // will call mgmt.terminate() in BrooklynShutdownHookJob
-            return null;
-        }
-        /** can be overridden by subclasses which need to customize the launcher and/or management */
-        protected void customize(BrooklynLauncher launcher) {
-        }
-        protected void computeLocations() {
-            boolean hasLocations = !Strings.isBlank(locations);
-            if (app != null) {
-                if (hasLocations && isYamlApp()) {
-          "YAML app combined with command line locations; YAML locations will take precedence; this behaviour may change in subsequent versions");
-                } else if (!hasLocations && isYamlApp()) {
-          "No locations supplied; defaulting to locations defined in YAML (if any)");
-                } else if (!hasLocations) {
-          "No locations supplied; starting with no locations");
-                }
-            } else if (hasLocations) {
-                log.error("Locations specified without any applications; ignoring locations");
-            }
-        }
-        protected boolean isYamlApp() {
-            return app != null && app.endsWith(".yaml");
-        }
-        protected PersistMode computePersistMode() {
-            Maybe<PersistMode> persistMode = Enums.valueOfIgnoreCase(PersistMode.class, persist);
-            if (!persistMode.isPresent()) {
-                if (Strings.isBlank(persist)) {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Persist mode must not be blank");
-                } else {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal persist setting: "+persist);
-                }
-            }
-            if (persistMode.get() == PersistMode.DISABLED) {
-                if (Strings.isNonBlank(persistenceDir))
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Cannot specify persistenceDir when persist is disabled");
-                if (Strings.isNonBlank(persistenceLocation))
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Cannot specify persistenceLocation when persist is disabled");
-            }
-            return persistMode.get();
-        }
-        protected HighAvailabilityMode computeHighAvailabilityMode(PersistMode persistMode) {
-            Maybe<HighAvailabilityMode> highAvailabilityMode = Enums.valueOfIgnoreCase(HighAvailabilityMode.class, highAvailability);
-            if (!highAvailabilityMode.isPresent()) {
-                if (Strings.isBlank(highAvailability)) {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("High availability mode must not be blank");
-                } else {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal highAvailability setting: "+highAvailability);
-                }
-            }
-            if (highAvailabilityMode.get() != HighAvailabilityMode.DISABLED) {
-                if (persistMode == PersistMode.DISABLED) {
-                    if (highAvailabilityMode.get() == HighAvailabilityMode.AUTO)
-                        return HighAvailabilityMode.DISABLED;
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Cannot specify highAvailability when persistence is disabled");
-                } else if (persistMode == PersistMode.CLEAN && 
-                        (highAvailabilityMode.get() == HighAvailabilityMode.STANDBY 
-                        || highAvailabilityMode.get() == HighAvailabilityMode.HOT_STANDBY
-                        || highAvailabilityMode.get() == HighAvailabilityMode.HOT_BACKUP)) {
-                    throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Cannot specify highAvailability "+highAvailabilityMode.get()+" when persistence is CLEAN");
-                }
-            }
-            return highAvailabilityMode.get();
-        }
-        protected StopWhichAppsOnShutdown computeStopWhichAppsOnShutdown() {
-            boolean isDefault = STOP_THESE_IF_NOT_PERSISTED.equals(stopWhichAppsOnShutdown);
-            if (exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting && isDefault) {
-                return StopWhichAppsOnShutdown.NONE;
-            } else {
-                return Enums.valueOfIgnoreCase(StopWhichAppsOnShutdown.class, stopWhichAppsOnShutdown).get();
-            }
-        }
-        @VisibleForTesting
-        /** forces the launcher to use the given management context, when programmatically invoked;
-         * mainly used when testing to inject a safe (and fast) mgmt context */
-        public void useManagementContext(ManagementContext mgmt) {
-            explicitManagementContext = mgmt;
-        }
-        protected BrooklynLauncher createLauncher() {
-            BrooklynLauncher launcher;
-            launcher = BrooklynLauncher.newInstance();
-            launcher.localBrooklynPropertiesFile(localBrooklynProperties)
-                    .ignorePersistenceErrors(!startupFailOnPersistenceErrors)
-                    .ignoreCatalogErrors(!startupFailOnCatalogErrors)
-                    .ignoreWebErrors(startupContinueOnWebErrors)
-                    .ignoreAppErrors(!startupFailOnManagedAppsErrors)
-                    .locations(Strings.isBlank(locations) ? ImmutableList.<String>of() : JavaStringEscapes.unwrapJsonishListIfPossible(locations));
-            launcher.webconsole(!noConsole);
-            if (useHttps) {
-                // true sets it; false (not set) leaves it blank and falls back to config key
-                // (no way currently to override config key, but that could be added)
-                launcher.webconsoleHttps(useHttps);
-            }
-            launcher.webconsolePort(port);
-            if (noGlobalBrooklynProperties) {
-                log.debug("Configuring to disable global");
-                launcher.globalBrooklynPropertiesFile(null);
-            }
-            if (noConsoleSecurity) {
-      "Configuring to disable console security");
-                launcher.installSecurityFilter(false);
-            }
-            if (startBrooklynNode) {
-      "Configuring BrooklynNode entity startup");
-                launcher.startBrooklynNode(true);
-            }
-            if (Strings.isNonEmpty(bindAddress)) {
-                log.debug("Configuring bind address as "+bindAddress);
-                launcher.bindAddress(Networking.getInetAddressWithFixedName(bindAddress));
-            }
-            if (Strings.isNonEmpty(publicAddress)) {
-                log.debug("Configuring public address as "+publicAddress);
-                launcher.publicAddress(Networking.getInetAddressWithFixedName(publicAddress));
-            }
-            if (explicitManagementContext!=null) {
-                log.debug("Configuring explicit management context "+explicitManagementContext);
-                launcher.managementContext(explicitManagementContext);
-            }
-            return launcher;
-        }
-        /** method intended for subclassing, to add custom items to the catalog */
-        protected void populateCatalog(BrooklynCatalog catalog) {
-            // nothing else added here
-        }
-        protected void confirmCatalog(CatalogInitialization catInit) {
-            // Force load of catalog (so web console is up to date)
-            Stopwatch time = Stopwatch.createStarted();
-            BrooklynCatalog catalog = catInit.getManagementContext().getCatalog();
-            Iterable<CatalogItem<Object, Object>> items = catalog.getCatalogItems();
-            for (CatalogItem<Object, Object> item: items) {
-                try {
-                    if (item.getCatalogItemType()==CatalogItemType.TEMPLATE) {
-                        // skip validation of templates, they might contain instructions,
-                        // and additionally they might contain multiple items in which case
-                        // the validation below won't work anyway (you need to go via a deployment plan)
-                    } else {
-                        Object spec = catalog.createSpec(item);
-                        if (spec instanceof EntitySpec) {
-                            BrooklynTypes.getDefinedEntityType(((EntitySpec<?>)spec).getType());
-                        }
-                        log.debug("Catalog loaded spec "+spec+" for item "+item);
-                    }
-                } catch (Throwable throwable) {
-                    catInit.handleException(throwable, item);
-                }
-            }
-            log.debug("Catalog (size "+Iterables.size(items)+") confirmed in "+Duration.of(time));                      
-            // nothing else added here
-        }
-        /** convenience for subclasses to specify that an app should run,
-         * throwing the right (caught) error if another app has already been specified */
-        protected void setAppToLaunch(String className) {
-            if (app!=null) {
-                if (app.equals(className)) return;
-                throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Cannot specify app '"+className+"' when '"+app+"' is already specified; "
-                    + "remove one or more conflicting CLI arguments.");
-            }
-            app = className;
-        }
-        protected void computeAndSetApp(BrooklynLauncher launcher, ResourceUtils utils, GroovyClassLoader loader)
-            throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
-            if (app != null) {
-                // Create the instance of the brooklyn app
-                log.debug("Loading the user's application: {}", app);
-                if (isYamlApp()) {
-                    log.debug("Loading application as YAML spec: {}", app);
-                    String content = utils.getResourceAsString(app);
-                    launcher.application(content);
-                } else {
-                    Object loadedApp = loadApplicationFromClasspathOrParse(utils, loader, app);
-                    if (loadedApp instanceof ApplicationBuilder) {
-                        launcher.application((ApplicationBuilder)loadedApp);
-                    } else if (loadedApp instanceof Application) {
-                        launcher.application((AbstractApplication)loadedApp);
-                    } else {
-                        throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Unexpected application type "+(loadedApp==null ? null : loadedApp.getClass())+", for app "+loadedApp);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        protected void waitAfterLaunch(ManagementContext ctx, AppShutdownHandler shutdownHandler) throws IOException {
-            if (stopOnKeyPress) {
-                // Wait for the user to type a key
-      "Server started. Press return to stop.");
-                // Read in another thread so we can use timeout on the wait.
-                Task<Void> readTask = ctx.getExecutionManager().submit(new Callable<Void>() {
-                    @Override
-                    public Void call() throws Exception {
-              ;
-                        return null;
-                    }
-                });
-                while (!shutdownHandler.isRequested()) {
-                    try {
-                        readTask.get(Duration.ONE_SECOND);
-                        break;
-                    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
-                        //check if there's a shutdown request
-                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
-                        throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
-                    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
-                        throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
-                    }
-                }
-      "Shutting down applications.");
-                stopAllApps(ctx.getApplications());
-            } else {
-                // Block forever so that Brooklyn doesn't exit (until someone does cntrl-c or kill)
-      "Launched Brooklyn; will now block until shutdown command received via GUI/API (recommended) or process interrupt.");
-                shutdownHandler.waitOnShutdownRequest();
-            }
-        }
-        protected void execGroovyScript(ResourceUtils utils, GroovyClassLoader loader, String script) {
-            log.debug("Running the user provided script: {}", script);
-            String content = utils.getResourceAsString(script);
-            GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(loader);
-            shell.evaluate(content);
-        }
-        /**
-         * Helper method that gets an instance of a brooklyn {@link AbstractApplication} or an {@link ApplicationBuilder}.
-         * Guaranteed to be non-null result of one of those types (throwing exception if app not appropriate).
-         */
-        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-        protected Object loadApplicationFromClasspathOrParse(ResourceUtils utils, GroovyClassLoader loader, String app)
-                throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
-            Class<?> tempclazz;
-            log.debug("Loading application as class on classpath: {}", app);
-            try {
-                tempclazz = loader.loadClass(app, true, false);
-            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // Not a class on the classpath
-                log.debug("Loading \"{}\" as class on classpath failed, now trying as .groovy source file", app);
-                String content = utils.getResourceAsString(app);
-                tempclazz = loader.parseClass(content);
-            }
-            final Class<?> clazz = tempclazz;
-            // Instantiate an app builder (wrapping app class in ApplicationBuilder, if necessary)
-            if (ApplicationBuilder.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
-                Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor();
-                return (ApplicationBuilder) constructor.newInstance();
-            } else if (StartableApplication.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
-                EntitySpec<? extends StartableApplication> appSpec;
-                if (tempclazz.isInterface())
-                    appSpec = EntitySpec.create((Class<? extends StartableApplication>) clazz);
-                else
-                    appSpec = EntitySpec.create(StartableApplication.class, (Class<? extends StartableApplication>) clazz);
-                return new ApplicationBuilder(appSpec) {
-                    @Override protected void doBuild() {
-                    }};
-            } else if (AbstractApplication.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
-                // TODO If this application overrides init() then in trouble, as that won't get called!
-                // TODO grr; what to do about non-startable applications?
-                // without this we could return ApplicationBuilder rather than Object
-                Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor();
-                return (AbstractApplication) constructor.newInstance();
-            } else if (AbstractEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
-                // TODO Should we really accept any entity type, and just wrap it in an app? That's not documented!
-                return new ApplicationBuilder() {
-                    @Override protected void doBuild() {
-                        addChild(EntitySpec.create(Entity.class).impl((Class<? extends AbstractEntity>)clazz).additionalInterfaces(clazz.getInterfaces()));
-                    }};
-            } else if (Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
-                return new ApplicationBuilder() {
-                    @Override protected void doBuild() {
-                        addChild(EntitySpec.create((Class<? extends Entity>)clazz));
-                    }};
-            } else {
-                throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Application class "+clazz+" must extend one of ApplicationBuilder or AbstractApplication");
-            }
-        }
-        @VisibleForTesting
-        protected void stopAllApps(Collection<? extends Application> applications) {
-            for (Application application : applications) {
-                try {
-                    if (application instanceof Startable) {
-                        ((Startable)application).stop();
-                    }
-                } catch (Exception e) {
-                    log.error("Error stopping "+application+": "+e, e);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        @Override
-        public ToStringHelper string() {
-            return super.string()
-                    .add("app", app)
-                    .add("script", script)
-                    .add("location", locations)
-                    .add("port", port)
-                    .add("bindAddress", bindAddress)
-                    .add("noConsole", noConsole)
-                    .add("noConsoleSecurity", noConsoleSecurity)
-                    .add("startupFailOnPersistenceErrors", startupFailOnPersistenceErrors)
-                    .add("startupFailsOnCatalogErrors", startupFailOnCatalogErrors)
-                    .add("startupContinueOnWebErrors", startupContinueOnWebErrors)
-                    .add("startupFailOnManagedAppsErrors", startupFailOnManagedAppsErrors)
-                    .add("catalogInitial", catalogInitial)
-                    .add("catalogAdd", catalogAdd)
-                    .add("catalogReset", catalogReset)
-                    .add("catalogForce", catalogForce)
-                    .add("stopWhichAppsOnShutdown", stopWhichAppsOnShutdown)
-                    .add("stopOnKeyPress", stopOnKeyPress)
-                    .add("localBrooklynProperties", localBrooklynProperties)
-                    .add("persist", persist)
-                    .add("persistenceLocation", persistenceLocation)
-                    .add("persistenceDir", persistenceDir)
-                    .add("highAvailability", highAvailability)
-                    .add("exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting", exitAndLeaveAppsRunningAfterStarting);
-        }
-    }
-    @Command(name = "copy-state", description = "Retrieves persisted state")
-    public static class CopyStateCommand extends BrooklynCommandCollectingArgs {
-        @Option(name = { "--localBrooklynProperties" }, title = "local file",
-                description = "local file, specific to this launch (appending to and overriding global properties)")
-        public String localBrooklynProperties;
-        @Option(name = { "--persistenceDir" }, title = "persistence dir",
-                description = "The directory to read persisted state (or container name if using an object store)")
-        public String persistenceDir;
-        @Option(name = { "--persistenceLocation" }, title = "persistence location",
-            description = "The location spec for an object store to read persisted state")
-        public String persistenceLocation;
-        @Option(name = { "--destinationDir" }, required = true, title = "destination dir",
-                description = "The directory to copy persistence data to")
-            public String destinationDir;
-        @Option(name = { "--destinationLocation" }, title = "persistence location",
-                description = "The location spec for an object store to copy data to")
-            public String destinationLocation;
-        @Option(name = { "--transformations" }, title = "transformations",
-                description = "local transformations file, to be applied to the copy of the data before uploading it")
-        public String transformations;
-        @Override
-        public Void call() throws Exception {
-            checkNotNull(destinationDir, "destinationDir"); // presumably because required=true this will never be null!
-            // Configure launcher
-            BrooklynLauncher launcher;
-            failIfArguments();
-            try {
-      "Retrieving and copying persisted state to "+destinationDir+(Strings.isBlank(destinationLocation) ? "" : " @ "+destinationLocation));
-                if (!quiet) stdout.println(banner);
-                PersistMode persistMode = PersistMode.AUTO;
-                HighAvailabilityMode highAvailabilityMode = HighAvailabilityMode.DISABLED;
-                launcher = BrooklynLauncher.newInstance()
-                        .localBrooklynPropertiesFile(localBrooklynProperties)
-                        .brooklynProperties(OsgiManager.USE_OSGI, false)
-                        .persistMode(persistMode)
-                        .persistenceDir(persistenceDir)
-                        .persistenceLocation(persistenceLocation)
-                        .highAvailabilityMode(highAvailabilityMode);
-            } catch (FatalConfigurationRuntimeException e) {
-                throw e;
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                throw new FatalConfigurationRuntimeException("Fatal error configuring Brooklyn launch: "+e.getMessage(), e);
-            }
-            try {
-                launcher.copyPersistedState(destinationDir, destinationLocation, loadTransformer(transformations));
-            } catch (FatalRuntimeException e) {
-                // rely on caller logging this propagated exception
-                throw e;
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                // for other exceptions we log it, possibly redundantly but better too much than too little
-                Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e);
-                log.error("Error retrieving persisted state: "+Exceptions.collapseText(e), e);
-                Exceptions.propagate(e);
-            } finally {
-                try {
-                    launcher.terminate();
-                } catch (Exception e2) {
-                    log.warn("Subsequent error during termination: "+e2);
-                    log.debug("Details of subsequent error during termination: "+e2, e2);
-                }
-            }
-            return null;
-        }
-        protected CompoundTransformer loadTransformer(String transformationsFileUrl) {
-            return BrooklynPersistenceUtils.loadTransformer(ResourceUtils.create(this), transformationsFileUrl);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public ToStringHelper string() {
-            return super.string()
-                    .add("localBrooklynProperties", localBrooklynProperties)
-                    .add("persistenceLocation", persistenceLocation)
-                    .add("persistenceDir", persistenceDir)
-                    .add("destinationDir", destinationDir);
-        }
-    }
-    /** method intended for overriding when a different {@link Cli} is desired,
-     * or when the subclass wishes to change any of the arguments */
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    @Override
-    protected CliBuilder<BrooklynCommand> cliBuilder() {
-        CliBuilder<BrooklynCommand> builder = Cli.<BrooklynCommand>builder(cliScriptName())
-                .withDescription("Brooklyn Management Service")
-                .withDefaultCommand(cliDefaultInfoCommand())
-                .withCommands(
-                        HelpCommand.class,
-                        cliInfoCommand(),
-                        GeneratePasswordCommand.class,
-                        CopyStateCommand.class,
-                        ListAllCommand.class,
-                        cliLaunchCommand()
-                );
-        builder.withGroup("cloud-compute")
-                .withDescription("Access compute details of a given cloud")
-                .withDefaultCommand(HelpCommand.class)
-                .withCommands(
-                        ComputeListImagesCommand.class,
-                        ComputeListHardwareProfilesCommand.class,
-                        ComputeListInstancesCommand.class,
-                        ComputeGetImageCommand.class,
-                        ComputeDefaultTemplateCommand.class,
-                        ComputeTerminateInstancesCommand.class);
-        builder.withGroup("cloud-blobstore")
-                .withDescription("Access blobstore details of a given cloud")
-                .withDefaultCommand(HelpCommand.class)
-                .withCommands(
-                        BlobstoreListContainersCommand.class, 
-                        BlobstoreListContainerCommand.class,
-                        BlobstoreGetBlobCommand.class);
-        return builder;
-    }
-    /** method intended for overriding when a custom {@link LaunchCommand} is being specified  */
-    protected Class<? extends BrooklynCommand> cliLaunchCommand() {
-        return LaunchCommand.class;
-    }
-    /** method intended for overriding when a custom {@link InfoCommand} is being specified  */
-    protected Class<? extends BrooklynCommand> cliInfoCommand() {
-        return InfoCommand.class;
-    }
-    /** method intended for overriding when a custom {@link InfoCommand} is being specified  */
-    protected Class<? extends BrooklynCommand> cliDefaultInfoCommand() {
-        return DefaultInfoCommand.class;
-    }
-    public static class AppShutdownHandler implements ShutdownHandler {
-        private CountDownLatch lock = new CountDownLatch(1);
-        @Override
-        public void onShutdownRequest() {
-            lock.countDown();
-        }
-        public boolean isRequested() {
-            return lock.getCount() == 0;
-        }
-        public void waitOnShutdownRequest() {
-            try {
-                lock.await();
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
-                return; // exit gracefully
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/ b/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fb913b..0000000
--- a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package brooklyn.cli.lister;
-import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.reflections.Reflections;
-import org.reflections.scanners.FieldAnnotationsScanner;
-import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner;
-import org.reflections.scanners.TypeAnnotationsScanner;
-import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynObject;
-import brooklyn.enricher.basic.AbstractEnricher;
-import brooklyn.entity.Application;
-import brooklyn.entity.Entity;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.AbstractApplication;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.AbstractEntity;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.SoftwareProcessImpl;
-import brooklyn.policy.Enricher;
-import brooklyn.policy.Policy;
-import brooklyn.policy.basic.AbstractPolicy;
-import brooklyn.util.ResourceUtils;
-import brooklyn.util.javalang.UrlClassLoader;
-import brooklyn.util.os.Os;
-public class ClassFinder {
-    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassFinder.class);
-    private static final Collection<Class<?>> BORING = ImmutableList.<Class<?>>of(
-            Entity.class,
-            AbstractEntity.class,
-            SoftwareProcessImpl.class,
-            Application.class,
-            AbstractApplication.class,
-            Policy.class,
-            Enricher.class,
-            AbstractPolicy.class,
-            AbstractEnricher.class);
-    public static Predicate<Class<?>> notBoring() {
-        return new Predicate<Class<?>>() {
-            public boolean apply(Class<?> input) {
-                return (input != null && !BORING.contains(input));
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    public static Predicate<Class<?>> withAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
-        return new Predicate<Class<?>>() {
-            public boolean apply(Class<?> input) {
-                return (input != null && input.getAnnotation(annotation) != null);
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    public static Predicate<? super Class<? extends BrooklynObject>> withClassNameMatching(final String typeRegex) {
-        return new Predicate<Class<?>>() {
-            public boolean apply(Class<?> input) {
-                return (input != null && input.getName() != null && input.getName().matches(typeRegex));
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    /** finds a jar at a url, or for directories, jars under a path */
-    @Beta
-    public static List<URL> toJarUrls(String url) throws MalformedURLException {
-        if (url==null) throw new NullPointerException("Cannot read from null");
-        if (url=="") throw new NullPointerException("Cannot read from empty string");
-        List<URL> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-        String protocol = Urls.getProtocol(url);
-        if (protocol!=null) {
-            // it's a URL - easy
-            if ("file".equals(protocol)) {
-                url = ResourceUtils.tidyFileUrl(url);
-            }
-            result.add(new URL(url));
-        } else {
-            // treat as file
-            String tidiedPath = Os.tidyPath(url);
-            File tidiedFile = new File(tidiedPath);
-            if (tidiedFile.isDirectory()) {
-                List<File> toscan = Lists.newLinkedList();
-                toscan.add(tidiedFile);
-                while (toscan.size() > 0) {
-                    File file = toscan.remove(0);
-                    if (file.isFile()) {
-                        if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
-                            result.add(new URL("file://"+file.getAbsolutePath()));
-                        }
-                    } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
-                        for (File subfile : file.listFiles()) {
-                            toscan.add(subfile);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-              "Cannot read "+file+"; not a file or directory");
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                result.add(tidiedFile.toURI().toURL());
-            }
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static <T extends BrooklynObject> Set<Class<? extends T>> findClasses(Collection<URL> urls, Class<T> clazz) {
-        ClassLoader classLoader = new UrlClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]));
-        Reflections reflections = new ConfigurationBuilder()
-                .addClassLoader(classLoader)
-                .addScanners(new SubTypesScanner(), new TypeAnnotationsScanner(), new FieldAnnotationsScanner())
-                .addUrls(urls)
-                .build();
-        Set<Class<? extends T>> types = reflections.getSubTypesOf(clazz);
-        return types;
-    }
diff --git a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/ b/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ffd57d..0000000
--- a/usage/cli/src/main/java/brooklyn/cli/lister/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package brooklyn.cli.lister;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynDynamicType;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynObject;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynType;
-import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynTypes;
-import org.apache.brooklyn.catalog.Catalog;
-import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
-import brooklyn.entity.Effector;
-import brooklyn.entity.EntityType;
-import brooklyn.entity.basic.BrooklynConfigKeys;
-import brooklyn.event.Sensor;
-import brooklyn.location.LocationResolver;
-import brooklyn.util.exceptions.RuntimeInterruptedException;
-public class ItemDescriptors {
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ItemDescriptors.class);
-    public static List<Map<String, Object>> toItemDescriptors(Iterable<? extends Class<? extends BrooklynObject>> types, boolean headingsOnly) {
-        return toItemDescriptors(types, headingsOnly, null);
-    }
-    public static List<Map<String, Object>> toItemDescriptors(Iterable<? extends Class<? extends BrooklynObject>> types, boolean headingsOnly, final String sortField) {
-        List<Map<String, Object>> itemDescriptors = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (Class<? extends BrooklynObject> type : types) {
-            try {
-                Map<String, Object> itemDescriptor = toItemDescriptor(type, headingsOnly);
-                itemDescriptors.add(itemDescriptor);
-            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
-                if (throwable instanceof InterruptedException)
-                    throw new RuntimeInterruptedException((InterruptedException) throwable);
-                if (throwable instanceof RuntimeInterruptedException)
-                    throw (RuntimeInterruptedException) throwable;
-                LOG.warn("Could not load "+type+": "+throwable);
-            }
-        }
-        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sortField)) {
-            Collections.sort(itemDescriptors, new Comparator<Map<String, Object>>() {
-                @Override public int compare(Map<String, Object> id1, Map<String, Object> id2) {
-                    Object o1 = id1.get(sortField);
-                    Object o2 = id2.get(sortField);
-                    if (o1 == null) {
-                        return o2 == null ? 0 : 1;
-                    }
-                    if (o2 == null) {
-                        return -1;
-                    }
-                    return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString());
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        return itemDescriptors;
-    }
-    public static Map<String,Object> toItemDescriptor(Class<? extends BrooklynObject> clazz, boolean headingsOnly) {
-        BrooklynDynamicType<?, ?> dynamicType = BrooklynTypes.getDefinedBrooklynType(clazz);
-        BrooklynType type = dynamicType.getSnapshot();
-        ConfigKey<?> version = dynamicType.getConfigKey(BrooklynConfigKeys.SUGGESTED_VERSION.getName());
-        Map<String,Object> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
-        result.put("type", clazz.getName());
-        if (version != null) {
-            result.put("defaultVersion", version.getDefaultValue());
-        }
-        Catalog catalogAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Catalog.class);
-        if (catalogAnnotation != null) {
-            result.put("name",;
-            result.put("description", catalogAnnotation.description());
-            result.put("iconUrl", catalogAnnotation.iconUrl());
-        }
-        Deprecated deprecatedAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class);
-        if (deprecatedAnnotation != null) {
-            result.put("deprecated", true);
-        }
-        if (!headingsOnly) {
-            Set<EntityConfigSummary> config = Sets.newTreeSet(SummaryComparators.nameComparator());
-            Set<SensorSummary> sensors = Sets.newTreeSet(SummaryComparators.nameComparator());
-            Set<EffectorSummary> effectors = Sets.newTreeSet(SummaryComparators.nameComparator());
-            for (ConfigKey<?> x: type.getConfigKeys()) {
-                config.add(EntityTransformer.entityConfigSummary(x, dynamicType.getConfigKeyField(x.getName())));
-            }
-            result.put("config", config);
-            if (type instanceof EntityType) {
-                for (Sensor<?> x: ((EntityType)type).getSensors())
-                    sensors.add(SensorTransformer.sensorSummaryForCatalog(x));
-                result.put("sensors", sensors);
-                for (Effector<?> x: ((EntityType)type).getEffectors())
-                    effectors.add(EffectorTransformer.effectorSummaryForCatalog(x));
-                result.put("effectors", effectors);
-            }
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static Object toItemDescriptors(List<LocationResolver> resolvers) {
-        return toItemDescriptors(resolvers, false);
-    }
-    public static Object toItemDescriptors(List<LocationResolver> resolvers, Boolean sort) {
-        List<Object> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-        for (LocationResolver resolver : resolvers) {
-            result.add(toItemDescriptor(resolver));
-        }
-        if (sort) {
-            Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<Object>() {
-                @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
-                    String s1 = o1 == null ? "" : o1.toString();
-                    String s2 = o2 == null ? "" : o2.toString();
-                    return s1.compareTo(s2);
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    public static Object toItemDescriptor(LocationResolver resolver) {
-        // TODO Get javadoc of LocationResolver? Could use docklet? But that would give dependency here
-        // on com.sun.javadoc.*
-        return resolver.getPrefix();
-    }
diff --git a/usage/cli/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/cli/ b/usage/cli/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d34abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usage/cli/src/main/java/org/apache/brooklyn/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.brooklyn.cli;
+import io.airlift.command.Arguments;
+import io.airlift.command.Cli;
+import io.airlift.command.Cli.CliBuilder;
+import io.airlift.command.Command;
+import io.airlift.command.Help;
+import io.airlift.command.Option;
+import io.airlift.command.OptionType;
+import io.airlift.command.ParseException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+import javax.inject.Inject;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import brooklyn.BrooklynVersion;
+import org.apache.brooklyn.catalog.BrooklynCatalog;
+import org.apache.brooklyn.cli.Main.LaunchCommand;
+import brooklyn.util.exceptions.FatalConfigurationRuntimeException;
+import brooklyn.util.exceptions.FatalRuntimeException;
+import brooklyn.util.exceptions.UserFacingException;
+import brooklyn.util.text.Strings;
+ * This class is the primary CLI for brooklyn.
+ * Run with the `help` argument for help.
+ * <p>
+ * This class is designed for subclassing, with subclasses typically:
+ * <li> providing their own static {@link #main(String...)} (of course) which need simply invoke 
+ *      {@link #execCli(String[])} with the arguments 
+ * <li> returning their CLI name (e.g. "") in an overridden {@link #cliScriptName()}
+ * <li> providing an overridden {@link LaunchCommand} via {@link #cliLaunchCommand()} if desired
+ * <li> providing any other CLI customisations by overriding {@link #cliBuilder()}
+ *      (typically calling the parent and then customizing the builder)
+ * <li> populating a custom catalog using {@link LaunchCommand#populateCatalog(BrooklynCatalog)}
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractMain {
+    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMain.class);
+    // Launch banner
+    public static final String DEFAULT_BANNER =
+        " _                     _    _             \n" +
+        "| |__  _ __ ___   ___ | | _| |_   _ _ __ (R)\n" +
+        "| '_ \\| '__/ _ \\ / _ \\| |/ / | | | | '_ \\ \n" +
+        "| |_) | | | (_) | (_) |   <| | |_| | | | |\n" +
+        "|_.__/|_|  \\___/ \\___/|_|\\_\\_|\\__, |_| |_|\n" +
+        "                              |___/             "+BrooklynVersion.get()+"\n";
+    // Error codes
+    public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
+    public static final int PARSE_ERROR = 1;
+    public static final int EXECUTION_ERROR = 2;
+    public static final int CONFIGURATION_ERROR = 3;
+    /**
+     * Field intended for sub-classes (with their own {@code main()}) to customize the banner.
+     * All accesses to the banner are done through this field, to ensure consistent customization.
+     * 
+     * Note that a {@code getBanner()} method is not an option for supporting this, because
+     * it is accessed from static inner-classes (such as {@link InfoCommand}, so non-static
+     * methods are not an option (and one can't override static methods).
+     */
+    protected static volatile String banner = DEFAULT_BANNER;
+    /** abstract superclass for commands defining global options, but not arguments,
+     * as that prevents Help from being injectable in the {@link HelpCommand} subclass */
+    public static abstract class BrooklynCommand implements Callable<Void> {
+        @Option(type = OptionType.GLOBAL, name = { "-v", "--verbose" }, description = "Verbose mode")
+        public boolean verbose = false;
+        @Option(type = OptionType.GLOBAL, name = { "-q", "--quiet" }, description = "Quiet mode")
+        public boolean quiet = false;
+        @VisibleForTesting
+        protected PrintStream stdout = System.out;
+        @VisibleForTesting
+        protected PrintStream stderr = System.err;
+        @VisibleForTesting
+        protected InputStream stdin =;
+        public ToStringHelper string() {
+            return Objects.toStringHelper(getClass())
+                    .add("verbose", verbose)
+                    .add("quiet", quiet);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public String toString() {
+            return string().toString();
+        }
+    }
+    /** common superclass for commands, defining global options (in our super) and extracting the arguments */
+    public static abstract class BrooklynCommandCollectingArgs extends BrooklynCommand {
+        /** extra arguments */
+        @Arguments
+        public List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
+        /** @return true iff there are arguments; it also sys.errs a warning in that case  */
+        protected boolean warnIfArguments() {
+            if (arguments.isEmpty()) return false;
+            stderr.println("Invalid subcommand arguments: "+Strings.join(arguments, " "));
+            return true;
+        }
+        /** throw {@link ParseException} iff there are arguments */
+        protected void failIfArguments() {
+            if (arguments.isEmpty()) return ;
+            throw new ParseException("Invalid subcommand arguments '"+Strings.join(arguments, " ")+"'");
+        }
+        @Override
+        public ToStringHelper string() {
+            return super.string()
+                    .add("arguments", arguments);
+        }
+    }
+    @Command(name = "help", description = "Display help for available commands")
+    public static class HelpCommand extends BrooklynCommand {
+        @Inject
+        public Help help;
+        @Override
+        public Void call() throws Exception {
+            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Invoked help command: {}", this);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    @Command(name = "info", description = "Display information about brooklyn")
+    public static class InfoCommand extends BrooklynCommandCollectingArgs {
+        @Override
+        public Void call() throws Exception {
+            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Invoked info command: {}", this);
+            warnIfArguments();
+            System.out.println(banner);
+            System.out.println("Version:  " + BrooklynVersion.get());
+            if (BrooklynVersion.INSTANCE.isSnapshot()) {
+                System.out.println("Git SHA1: " + BrooklynVersion.INSTANCE.getSha1FromOsgiManifest());
+            }
+            System.out.println("Website:");
+            System.out.println("Source:");
+            System.out.println();
+            System.out.println("Copyright 2011-2015 The Apache Software Foundation.");
+            System.out.println("Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License");
+            System.out.println();
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    public static class DefaultInfoCommand extends InfoCommand {
+        @Override
+        public Void call() throws Exception {
+  ;
+            System.out.println("ERROR: No command specified.");
+            System.out.println();
+            throw new ParseException("No command specified.");
+        }
+    }
+    /** method intended for overriding when the script filename is different 
+     * @return the name of the script the user has invoked */
+    protected String cliScriptName() {
+        return "brooklyn";
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Build the commands.
+     */
+    protected abstract CliBuilder<BrooklynCommand> cliBuilder();
+    protected void execCli(String ...args) {
+        execCli(cliBuilder().build(), args);
+    }
+    protected void execCli(Cli<BrooklynCommand> parser, String ...args) {
+        try {
+            log.debug("Parsing command line arguments: {}", Arrays.asList(args));
+            BrooklynCommand command = parser.parse(args);
+            log.debug("Executing command: {}", command);
+  ;
+            System.exit(SUCCESS);
+        } catch (ParseException pe) { // looks like the user typed it wrong
+            System.err.println("Parse error: " + pe.getMessage()); // display
+                                                                   // error
+            System.err.println(getUsageInfo(parser)); // display cli help
+            System.exit(PARSE_ERROR);
+        } catch (FatalConfigurationRuntimeException e) {
+            log.error("Configuration error: "+e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
+            System.err.println("Configuration error: " + e.getMessage());
+            System.exit(CONFIGURATION_ERROR);
+        } catch (FatalRuntimeException e) { // anticipated non-configuration error
+            log.error("Startup error: "+e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
+            System.err.println("Startup error: "+e.getMessage());
+            System.exit(EXECUTION_ERROR);
+        } catch (Exception e) { // unexpected error during command execution
+            log.error("Execution error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
+            System.err.println("Execution error: " + e.getMessage());
+            if (!(e instanceof UserFacingException))
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            System.exit(EXECUTION_ERROR);
+        }
+    }
+    protected String getUsageInfo(Cli<BrooklynCommand> parser) {
+        StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder();
+        help.append("\n");
+, Collections.<String>emptyList(), help);
+        return help.toString();
+    }