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[06/12] airavata git commit: moved all component interfaces to one place

moved all component interfaces to one place


Branch: refs/heads/moduleRefactor
Commit: 7463558e351f1a8d0756da659a29ca0002c1aacd
Parents: 512fa7e
Author: Shameera Rathanyaka <>
Authored: Tue Jun 2 21:06:54 2015 -0400
Committer: Shameera Rathanyaka <>
Committed: Tue Jun 2 21:06:54 2015 -0400

 airavata-api/           |  305 ---
 .../airavataAPI.thrift                          | 2064 ------------------
 .../airavataDataModel.thrift                    |   38 -
 .../airavataErrors.thrift                       |  172 --
 .../appCatalogModels.thrift                     |   24 -
 .../applicationDeploymentModel.thrift           |  132 --
 .../applicationInterfaceModel.thrift            |  146 --
 .../computeResourceModel.thrift                 |  445 ----
 .../experimentModel.thrift                      |  411 ----
 .../gatewayResourceProfileModel.thrift          |   83 -
 .../messagingEvents.thrift                      |  149 --
 .../securityModel.thrift                        |   35 -
 .../workflowAPI.thrift                          |   82 -
 .../workflowDataModel.thrift                    |   43 -
 .../workspaceModel.thrift                       |   63 -
 .../                      |  134 ++
 .../gfac.cpi.service.thrift                     |   68 +
 .../gfacDataModel.thrift                        |   64 +
 .../              |  132 ++
 .../orchestrator.cpi.service.thrift             |   78 +
 .../airavataAPI.thrift                          | 2064 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../airavataDataModel.thrift                    |   38 +
 .../airavataErrors.thrift                       |  172 ++
 .../appCatalogModels.thrift                     |   24 +
 .../applicationDeploymentModel.thrift           |  132 ++
 .../applicationInterfaceModel.thrift            |  146 ++
 .../computeResourceModel.thrift                 |  445 ++++
 .../experimentModel.thrift                      |  411 ++++
 .../gatewayResourceProfileModel.thrift          |   83 +
 .../                    |  305 +++
 .../messagingEvents.thrift                      |  149 ++
 .../securityModel.thrift                        |   35 +
 .../workflowAPI.thrift                          |   82 +
 .../workflowDataModel.thrift                    |   43 +
 .../workspaceModel.thrift                       |   63 +
 .../                      |  134 --
 .../gfac.cpi.service.thrift                     |   68 -
 .../gfacDataModel.thrift                        |   64 -
 .../              |  132 --
 .../orchestrator.cpi.service.thrift             |   78 -
 40 files changed, 4668 insertions(+), 4668 deletions(-)
diff --git a/airavata-api/ b/airavata-api/
deleted file mode 100755
index bf4d4e9..0000000
--- a/airavata-api/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# This script will generate/regenerate the thrift code for Airavata Server Skeletons, Client Stubs
-#    and Data Model java beans in java, C++, PHP and Python.
-show_usage() {
-	echo -e "Usage: $0 [Languague to generate stubs]"
-	echo ""
-	echo "options:"
-	echo -e "\tjava Generate/Update Java Stubs"
-	echo -e "\tphp Generate/Update PHP Stubs"
-	echo -e "\tcpp Generate/Update C++ Stubs"
-	echo -e "\tpython Generate/Update Python Stubs."
-	echo -e "\tall Generate/Update all stubs (Java, PHP, C++, Python)."
-	echo -e "\t-h[elp] Print the usage options of this script"
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]
-	show_usage
-	exit 1
-if [[ $1 == "-h" ||$1 == "--help" ]]
-	show_usage
-	exit 0
-# Generation of thrift files will require installing Apache Thrift. Please add thrift to your path.
-#  Verify is thrift is installed, is in the path is at a specified version.
-VERSION=$($THRIFT_EXEC -version 2>/dev/null | grep -F "${REQUIRED_THRIFT_VERSION}" |  wc -l)
-if [ "$VERSION" -ne 1 ] ; then
-    echo -e "ERROR:\t Apache Thrift version ${REQUIRED_THRIFT_VERSION} is required."
-    echo -e "It is either not installed or is not in the path"
-    exit 1
-# Global Constants used across the script
-# Initialize the thrift arguments.
-#  Since most of the Airavata API and Data Models have includes, use recursive option by default.
-#  Generate all the files in target directory
-# Ensure the required target directories exists, if not create.
-mkdir -p ${BASE_TARGET_DIR}
-# The Function fail prints error messages on failure and quits the script.
-fail() {
-    echo $@
-    exit 1
-# The function add_license_header adds the ASF V2 license header to all java files within the specified generated
-#   directory. The function also adds suppress all warnings annotation to all public classes and enum's
-#  To Call:
-#   add_license_header $generated_code_directory
-add_license_header() {
-    # Fetch the generated code directory passed as the argument
-    # For all generated thrift code, add the suppress all warnings annotation
-    #  NOTE: In order to save the original file as a backup, use sed -i.orig in place of sed -i ''
-    find ${GENERATED_CODE_DIR} -name '*.java' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/public class /@SuppressWarnings("all") public class /'
-    find ${GENERATED_CODE_DIR} -name '*.java' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' -e 's/public enum /@SuppressWarnings("all") public enum /'
-    # For each source file within the generated directory, add the ASF V2 LICENSE header
-    FILE_SUFFIXES=(.php .java .h .cpp)
-    for file in "${FILE_SUFFIXES[@]}"; do
-        for f in $(find ${GENERATED_CODE_DIR} -name "*$file"); do
-            cat - ${f} >${f}-with-license <<EOF
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-        mv ${f}-with-license ${f}
-        done
-    done
-# The function compares every generated java file with the one in specified existing source location. If the comparison
-#   shows a difference, then it replaces with the newly generated file (with added license header).
-#  To Call:
-#   copy_changed_files $generated_code_directory $existing_source_directory
-copy_changed_files() {
-    # Read all the function arguments
-    echo "Generated sources are in ${GENERATED_CODE_DIR}"
-    echo "Destination workspace is in ${WORKSPACE_SRC_DIR}"
-    # Check if the newly generated files exist in the targeted workspace, if not copy. Only changed files will be synced.
-    #  the extra slash to GENERATED_CODE_DIR is needed to ensure the parent directory itself is not copied.
-# Generate/Update Airavata Data Model #
-generate_java_stubs() {
-    #Java Beans generation directory
-    JAVA_BEAN_GEN_DIR=${BASE_TARGET_DIR}/gen-javabean
-    # As a precaution  remove and previously generated files if exists
-    rm -rf ${JAVA_BEAN_GEN_DIR}
-    # Generate the Airavata Data Model using thrift Java Beans generator. This will take generate the classes in bean style
-    #   with members being private and setters returning voids.
-    #   The airavataDataModel.thrift includes rest of data models.
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen java:beans ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/airavataDataModel.thrift || fail unable to generate java bean thrift classes on base data model
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen java:beans ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/appCatalogModels.thrift || fail unable to generate java bean thrift classes on app catalog data models
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen java:beans ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/workflowDataModel.thrift || fail unable to generate java bean thrift classes on app workflow data models
-    # For the generated java beans add the ASF V2 License header
-    add_license_header $JAVA_BEAN_GEN_DIR
-    # Compare the newly generated beans with existing sources and replace the changed ones.
-    copy_changed_files ${JAVA_BEAN_GEN_DIR} ${DATAMODEL_SRC_DIR}
-    ###############################################################################
-    # Generate/Update source used by Airavata Server Skeletons & Java Client Stubs #
-    #  JAVA server and client both use generated api-boilerplate-code             #
-    ###############################################################################
-    #Java generation directory
-    # As a precaution  remove and previously generated files if exists
-    rm -rf ${JAVA_GEN_DIR}
-    # Using thrift Java generator, generate the java classes based on Airavata API. This
-    #   The airavataAPI.thrift includes rest of data models.
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen java ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/airavataAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate java thrift classes on AiravataAPI
-    #$THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen java ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/workflowAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate java thrift classes on WorkflowAPI
-    # For the generated java classes add the ASF V2 License header
-    add_license_header $JAVA_GEN_DIR
-    # Compare the newly generated classes with existing java generated skeleton/stub sources and replace the changed ones.
-    #  Only copying the API related classes and avoiding copy of any data models which already exist in the data-models.
-    copy_changed_files ${JAVA_GEN_DIR}/org/apache/airavata/api ${JAVA_API_SDK_DIR}/org/apache/airavata/api
-    echo "Successfully generated new java sources, compared against exiting code and replaced the changed files"
-# Generate/Update PHP Stubs #
-generate_php_stubs() {
-    #PHP generation directory
-    # As a precaution  remove and previously generated files if exists
-    rm -rf ${PHP_GEN_DIR}
-    # Using thrift Java generator, generate the java classes based on Airavata API. This
-    #   The airavataAPI.thrift includes rest of data models.
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen php:autoload ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/airavataAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate PHP thrift classes
-    #$THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen php:autoload ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/workflowAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate PHP thrift classes for WorkflowAPI
-    # For the generated java classes add the ASF V2 License header
-    ## TODO Write PHP license parser
-    # Compare the newly generated classes with existing java generated skeleton/stub sources and replace the changed ones.
-    #  Only copying the API related classes and avoiding copy of any data models which already exist in the data-models.
-    copy_changed_files ${PHP_GEN_DIR} ${PHP_SDK_DIR}
-# Generate/Update C++ Client Stubs #
-generate_cpp_stubs() {
-    #CPP generation directory
-    # As a precaution  remove and previously generated files if exists
-    rm -rf ${CPP_GEN_DIR}
-    # Using thrift Java generator, generate the java classes based on Airavata API. This
-    #   The airavataAPI.thrift includes rest of data models.
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen cpp ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/airavataAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate C++ thrift classes
-    #$THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen cpp ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/workflowAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate C++ thrift classes for WorkflowAPI
-    # For the generated CPP classes add the ASF V2 License header
-    add_license_header $CPP_GEN_DIR
-    # Compare the newly generated classes with existing java generated skeleton/stub sources and replace the changed ones.
-    #  Only copying the API related classes and avoiding copy of any data models which already exist in the data-models.
-    copy_changed_files ${CPP_GEN_DIR} ${CPP_SDK_DIR}
-# Generate/Update C++ Client Stubs #
-generate_python_stubs() {
-    #Python generation directory
-    # As a precaution  remove and previously generated files if exists
-    rm -rf ${PYTHON_GEN_DIR}
-    # Using thrift Python generator, generate the python classes based on Airavata API. This
-    #   The airavataAPI.thrift includes rest of data models.
-    $THRIFT_EXEC ${THRIFT_ARGS} --gen py ${THRIFT_IDL_DIR}/airavataAPI.thrift || fail unable to generate Python thrift classes
-    # For the generated CPP classes add the ASF V2 License header
-    #add_license_header #PYTHON_GEN_DIR
-    # Compare the newly generated classes with existing java generated skeleton/stub sources and replace the changed ones.
-    #  Only copying the API related classes and avoiding copy of any data models which already exist in the data-models.
-    copy_changed_files ${PYTHON_GEN_DIR} ${PYTHON_SDK_DIR}
-for arg in "$@"
-    case "$arg" in
-    all)    echo "Generate all stubs (Java, PHP, C++, Python) Stubs"
-            generate_java_stubs
-            generate_php_stubs
-            generate_cpp_stubs
-            generate_python_stubs
-            ;;
-    java)   echo "Generating Java Stubs"
-            generate_java_stubs
-            ;;
-    php)    echo "Generate PHP Stubs"
-            generate_php_stubs
-            ;;
-    cpp)    echo "Generate C++ Stubs"
-            generate_cpp_stubs
-            ;;
-    python)    echo "Generate Python Stubs"
-            generate_python_stubs
-            ;;
-    *)      echo "Invalid or unsupported option"
-    	    show_usage
-	        exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-# Cleanup and Exit #
-# CleanUp: Delete the base target build directory
-#rm -rf ${BASE_TARGET_DIR}
-exit 0