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[5/8] [BlackBerry10] Adding support for new BlackBerry10 platform - Also re-introduces tags Reviewed by Bryan Higgins i
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_value.cpp b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_value.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5dcd3..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_value.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1726 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <json/value.h>
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cassert>
-# include <cpptl/conststring.h>
-#include <cstddef>    // size_t
-# include "json_batchallocator.h"
-#define JSON_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE assert( false )
-#define JSON_ASSERT( condition ) assert( condition );  // @todo <= change this into an exception throw
-#define JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( condition, message ) if (!( condition )) throw std::runtime_error( message );
-namespace Json {
-// QNX is strict about declaring C symbols in the std namespace.
-#ifdef __QNXNTO__
-using std::memcpy;
-using std::strchr;
-using std::strcmp;
-using std::strlen;
-const Value Value::null;
-const Int Value::minInt = Int( ~(UInt(-1)/2) );
-const Int Value::maxInt = Int( UInt(-1)/2 );
-const UInt Value::maxUInt = UInt(-1);
-// A "safe" implementation of strdup. Allow null pointer to be passed. 
-// Also avoid warning on msvc80.
-//inline char *safeStringDup( const char *czstring )
-//   if ( czstring )
-//   {
-//      const size_t length = (unsigned int)( strlen(czstring) + 1 );
-//      char *newString = static_cast<char *>( malloc( length ) );
-//      memcpy( newString, czstring, length );
-//      return newString;
-//   }
-//   return 0;
-//inline char *safeStringDup( const std::string &str )
-//   if ( !str.empty() )
-//   {
-//      const size_t length = str.length();
-//      char *newString = static_cast<char *>( malloc( length + 1 ) );
-//      memcpy( newString, str.c_str(), length );
-//      newString[length] = 0;
-//      return newString;
-//   }
-//   return 0;
-class DefaultValueAllocator : public ValueAllocator
-   virtual ~DefaultValueAllocator()
-   {
-   }
-   virtual char *makeMemberName( const char *memberName )
-   {
-      return duplicateStringValue( memberName );
-   }
-   virtual void releaseMemberName( char *memberName )
-   {
-      releaseStringValue( memberName );
-   }
-   virtual char *duplicateStringValue( const char *value, 
-                                       unsigned int length = unknown )
-   {
-      //@todo invesgate this old optimization
-      //if ( !value  ||  value[0] == 0 )
-      //   return 0;
-      if ( length == unknown )
-         length = (unsigned int)strlen(value);
-      char *newString = static_cast<char *>( malloc( length + 1 ) );
-      memcpy( newString, value, length );
-      newString[length] = 0;
-      return newString;
-   }
-   virtual void releaseStringValue( char *value )
-   {
-      if ( value )
-         free( value );
-   }
-static ValueAllocator *&valueAllocator()
-   static DefaultValueAllocator defaultAllocator;
-   static ValueAllocator *valueAllocator = &defaultAllocator;
-   return valueAllocator;
-static struct DummyValueAllocatorInitializer {
-   DummyValueAllocatorInitializer() 
-   {
-      valueAllocator();      // ensure valueAllocator() statics are initialized before main().
-   }
-} dummyValueAllocatorInitializer;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// ValueInternals...
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-# include "json_internalarray.inl"
-# include "json_internalmap.inl"
-# include "json_valueiterator.inl"
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CommentInfo
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   : comment_( 0 )
-   if ( comment_ )
-      valueAllocator()->releaseStringValue( comment_ );
-Value::CommentInfo::setComment( const char *text )
-   if ( comment_ )
-      valueAllocator()->releaseStringValue( comment_ );
-   JSON_ASSERT( text );
-   JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( text[0]=='\0' || text[0]=='/', "Comments must start with /");
-   // It seems that /**/ style comments are acceptable as well.
-   comment_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( text );
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::CZString
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Notes: index_ indicates if the string was allocated when
-// a string is stored.
-Value::CZString::CZString( int index )
-   : cstr_( 0 )
-   , index_( index )
-Value::CZString::CZString( const char *cstr, DuplicationPolicy allocate )
-   : cstr_( allocate == duplicate ? valueAllocator()->makeMemberName(cstr) 
-                                  : cstr )
-   , index_( allocate )
-Value::CZString::CZString( const CZString &other )
-: cstr_( other.index_ != noDuplication &&  other.cstr_ != 0
-                ?  valueAllocator()->makeMemberName( other.cstr_ )
-                : other.cstr_ )
-   , index_( other.cstr_ ? (other.index_ == noDuplication ? noDuplication : duplicate)
-                         : other.index_ )
-   if ( cstr_  &&  index_ == duplicate )
-      valueAllocator()->releaseMemberName( const_cast<char *>( cstr_ ) );
-Value::CZString::swap( CZString &other )
-   std::swap( cstr_, other.cstr_ );
-   std::swap( index_, other.index_ );
-Value::CZString &
-Value::CZString::operator =( const CZString &other )
-   CZString temp( other );
-   swap( temp );
-   return *this;
-Value::CZString::operator<( const CZString &other ) const 
-   if ( cstr_ )
-      return strcmp( cstr_, other.cstr_ ) < 0;
-   return index_ < other.index_;
-Value::CZString::operator==( const CZString &other ) const 
-   if ( cstr_ )
-      return strcmp( cstr_, other.cstr_ ) == 0;
-   return index_ == other.index_;
-Value::CZString::index() const
-   return index_;
-const char *
-Value::CZString::c_str() const
-   return cstr_;
-Value::CZString::isStaticString() const
-   return index_ == noDuplication;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class Value::Value
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-/*! \internal Default constructor initialization must be equivalent to:
- * memset( this, 0, sizeof(Value) )
- * This optimization is used in ValueInternalMap fast allocator.
- */
-Value::Value( ValueType type )
-   : type_( type )
-   , allocated_( 0 )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   switch ( type )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      break;
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-      value_.int_ = 0;
-      break;
-   case realValue:
-      value_.real_ = 0.0;
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      value_.string_ = 0;
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_ = new ObjectValues();
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      value_.array_ = arrayAllocator()->newArray();
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_ = mapAllocator()->newMap();
-      break;
-   case booleanValue:
-      value_.bool_ = false;
-      break;
-   default:
-   }
-Value::Value( Int value )
-   : type_( intValue )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.int_ = value;
-Value::Value( UInt value )
-   : type_( uintValue )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.uint_ = value;
-Value::Value( double value )
-   : type_( realValue )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.real_ = value;
-Value::Value( const char *value )
-   : type_( stringValue )
-   , allocated_( true )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.string_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( value );
-Value::Value( const char *beginValue, 
-              const char *endValue )
-   : type_( stringValue )
-   , allocated_( true )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.string_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( beginValue, 
-                                                            UInt(endValue - beginValue) );
-Value::Value( const std::string &value )
-   : type_( stringValue )
-   , allocated_( true )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.string_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( value.c_str(), 
-                                                            (unsigned int)value.length() );
-Value::Value( const StaticString &value )
-   : type_( stringValue )
-   , allocated_( false )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.string_ = const_cast<char *>( value.c_str() );
-Value::Value( const CppTL::ConstString &value )
-   : type_( stringValue )
-   , allocated_( true )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.string_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( value, value.length() );
-# endif
-Value::Value( bool value )
-   : type_( booleanValue )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   value_.bool_ = value;
-Value::Value( const Value &other )
-   : type_( other.type_ )
-   , comments_( 0 )
-   , itemIsUsed_( 0 )
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-   case realValue:
-   case booleanValue:
-      value_ = other.value_;
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      if ( other.value_.string_ )
-      {
-         value_.string_ = valueAllocator()->duplicateStringValue( other.value_.string_ );
-         allocated_ = true;
-      }
-      else
-         value_.string_ = 0;
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_ = new ObjectValues( *other.value_.map_ );
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      value_.array_ = arrayAllocator()->newArrayCopy( *other.value_.array_ );
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_ = mapAllocator()->newMapCopy( *other.value_.map_ );
-      break;
-   default:
-   }
-   if ( other.comments_ )
-   {
-      comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
-      for ( int comment =0; comment < numberOfCommentPlacement; ++comment )
-      {
-         const CommentInfo &otherComment = other.comments_[comment];
-         if ( otherComment.comment_ )
-            comments_[comment].setComment( otherComment.comment_ );
-      }
-   }
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-   case realValue:
-   case booleanValue:
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      if ( allocated_ )
-         valueAllocator()->releaseStringValue( value_.string_ );
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      delete value_.map_;
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      arrayAllocator()->destructArray( value_.array_ );
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      mapAllocator()->destructMap( value_.map_ );
-      break;
-   default:
-   }
-   if ( comments_ )
-      delete[] comments_;
-Value &
-Value::operator=( const Value &other )
-   Value temp( other );
-   swap( temp );
-   return *this;
-Value::swap( Value &other )
-   ValueType temp = type_;
-   type_ = other.type_;
-   other.type_ = temp;
-   std::swap( value_, other.value_ );
-   int temp2 = allocated_;
-   allocated_ = other.allocated_;
-   other.allocated_ = temp2;
-Value::type() const
-   return type_;
-Value::compare( const Value &other )
-   /*
-   int typeDelta = other.type_ - type_;
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return other.type_ == type_;
-   case intValue:
-      if ( other.type_.isNumeric()
-   case uintValue:
-   case realValue:
-   case booleanValue:
-      break;
-   case stringValue,
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      delete value_.array_;
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      delete value_.map_;
-   default:
-   }
-   */
-   return 0;  // unreachable
-Value::operator <( const Value &other ) const
-   int typeDelta = type_ - other.type_;
-   if ( typeDelta )
-      return typeDelta < 0 ? true : false;
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return false;
-   case intValue:
-      return value_.int_ < other.value_.int_;
-   case uintValue:
-      return value_.uint_ < other.value_.uint_;
-   case realValue:
-      return value_.real_ < other.value_.real_;
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ < other.value_.bool_;
-   case stringValue:
-      return ( value_.string_ == 0  &&  other.value_.string_ )
-             || ( other.value_.string_  
-                  &&  value_.string_  
-                  && strcmp( value_.string_, other.value_.string_ ) < 0 );
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      {
-         int delta = int( value_.map_->size() - other.value_.map_->size() );
-         if ( delta )
-            return delta < 0;
-         return (*value_.map_) < (*other.value_.map_);
-      }
-   case arrayValue:
-      return value_.array_->compare( *(other.value_.array_) ) < 0;
-   case objectValue:
-      return value_.map_->compare( *(other.value_.map_) ) < 0;
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0;  // unreachable
-Value::operator <=( const Value &other ) const
-   return !(other > *this);
-Value::operator >=( const Value &other ) const
-   return !(*this < other);
-Value::operator >( const Value &other ) const
-   return other < *this;
-Value::operator ==( const Value &other ) const
-   //if ( type_ != other.type_ )
-   // GCC 2.95.3 says:
-   // attempt to take address of bit-field structure member `Json::Value::type_'
-   // Beats me, but a temp solves the problem.
-   int temp = other.type_;
-   if ( type_ != temp )
-      return false;
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return true;
-   case intValue:
-      return value_.int_ == other.value_.int_;
-   case uintValue:
-      return value_.uint_ == other.value_.uint_;
-   case realValue:
-      return value_.real_ == other.value_.real_;
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ == other.value_.bool_;
-   case stringValue:
-      return ( value_.string_ == other.value_.string_ )
-             || ( other.value_.string_  
-                  &&  value_.string_  
-                  && strcmp( value_.string_, other.value_.string_ ) == 0 );
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      return value_.map_->size() == other.value_.map_->size()
-             && (*value_.map_) == (*other.value_.map_);
-   case arrayValue:
-      return value_.array_->compare( *(other.value_.array_) ) == 0;
-   case objectValue:
-      return value_.map_->compare( *(other.value_.map_) ) == 0;
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0;  // unreachable
-Value::operator !=( const Value &other ) const
-   return !( *this == other );
-const char *
-Value::asCString() const
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == stringValue );
-   return value_.string_;
-Value::asString() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return "";
-   case stringValue:
-      return value_.string_ ? value_.string_ : "";
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ ? "true" : "false";
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-   case realValue:
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to string" );
-   default:
-   }
-   return ""; // unreachable
-Value::asConstString() const
-   return CppTL::ConstString( asString().c_str() );
-# endif
-Value::asInt() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return 0;
-   case intValue:
-      return value_.int_;
-   case uintValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.uint_ < (unsigned)maxInt, "integer out of signed integer range" );
-      return value_.uint_;
-   case realValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= minInt  &&  value_.real_ <= maxInt, "Real out of signed integer range" );
-      return Int( value_.real_ );
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-   case stringValue:
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to int" );
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asUInt() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return 0;
-   case intValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.int_ >= 0, "Negative integer can not be converted to unsigned integer" );
-      return value_.int_;
-   case uintValue:
-      return value_.uint_;
-   case realValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_.real_ >= 0  &&  value_.real_ <= maxUInt,  "Real out of unsigned integer range" );
-      return UInt( value_.real_ );
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ ? 1 : 0;
-   case stringValue:
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to uint" );
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asDouble() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return 0.0;
-   case intValue:
-      return value_.int_;
-   case uintValue:
-      return value_.uint_;
-   case realValue:
-      return value_.real_;
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_ ? 1.0 : 0.0;
-   case stringValue:
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      JSON_ASSERT_MESSAGE( false, "Type is not convertible to double" );
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::asBool() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return false;
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-      return value_.int_ != 0;
-   case realValue:
-      return value_.real_ != 0.0;
-   case booleanValue:
-      return value_.bool_;
-   case stringValue:
-      return value_.string_  &&  value_.string_[0] != 0;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      return value_.map_->size() != 0;
-   default:
-   }
-   return false; // unreachable;
-Value::isConvertibleTo( ValueType other ) const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      return true;
-   case intValue:
-      return ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.int_ == 0 )
-             || other == intValue
-             || ( other == uintValue  && value_.int_ >= 0 )
-             || other == realValue
-             || other == stringValue
-             || other == booleanValue;
-   case uintValue:
-      return ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.uint_ == 0 )
-             || ( other == intValue  && value_.uint_ <= (unsigned)maxInt )
-             || other == uintValue
-             || other == realValue
-             || other == stringValue
-             || other == booleanValue;
-   case realValue:
-      return ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.real_ == 0.0 )
-             || ( other == intValue  &&  value_.real_ >= minInt  &&  value_.real_ <= maxInt )
-             || ( other == uintValue  &&  value_.real_ >= 0  &&  value_.real_ <= maxUInt )
-             || other == realValue
-             || other == stringValue
-             || other == booleanValue;
-   case booleanValue:
-      return ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.bool_ == false )
-             || other == intValue
-             || other == uintValue
-             || other == realValue
-             || other == stringValue
-             || other == booleanValue;
-   case stringValue:
-      return other == stringValue
-             || ( other == nullValue  &&  (!value_.string_  ||  value_.string_[0] == 0) );
-   case arrayValue:
-      return other == arrayValue
-             ||  ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.map_->size() == 0 );
-   case objectValue:
-      return other == objectValue
-             ||  ( other == nullValue  &&  value_.map_->size() == 0 );
-   default:
-   }
-   return false; // unreachable;
-/// Number of values in array or object
-Value::size() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-   case intValue:
-   case uintValue:
-   case realValue:
-   case booleanValue:
-   case stringValue:
-      return 0;
-   case arrayValue:  // size of the array is highest index + 1
-      if ( !value_.map_->empty() )
-      {
-         ObjectValues::const_iterator itLast = value_.map_->end();
-         --itLast;
-         return (*itLast).first.index()+1;
-      }
-      return 0;
-   case objectValue:
-      return Int( value_.map_->size() );
-   case arrayValue:
-      return Int( value_.array_->size() );
-   case objectValue:
-      return Int( value_.map_->size() );
-   default:
-   }
-   return 0; // unreachable;
-Value::empty() const
-   if ( isNull() || isArray() || isObject() )
-      return size() == 0u;
-   else
-      return false;
-Value::operator!() const
-   return isNull();
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue  || type_ == objectValue );
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_->clear();
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      value_.array_->clear();
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      value_.map_->clear();
-      break;
-   default:
-      break;
-   }
-Value::resize( UInt newSize )
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      *this = Value( arrayValue );
-   UInt oldSize = size();
-   if ( newSize == 0 )
-      clear();
-   else if ( newSize > oldSize )
-      (*this)[ newSize - 1 ];
-   else
-   {
-      for ( UInt index = newSize; index < oldSize; ++index )
-         value_.map_->erase( index );
-      assert( size() == newSize );
-   }
-   value_.array_->resize( newSize );
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( UInt index )
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      *this = Value( arrayValue );
-   CZString key( index );
-   ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound( key );
-   if ( it != value_.map_->end()  &&  (*it).first == key )
-      return (*it).second;
-   ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue( key, null );
-   it = value_.map_->insert( it, defaultValue );
-   return (*it).second;
-   return value_.array_->resolveReference( index );
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( UInt index ) const
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      return null;
-   CZString key( index );
-   ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find( key );
-   if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
-      return null;
-   return (*it).second;
-   Value *value = value_.array_->find( index );
-   return value ? *value : null;
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const char *key )
-   return resolveReference( key, false );
-Value &
-Value::resolveReference( const char *key, 
-                         bool isStatic )
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == objectValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      *this = Value( objectValue );
-   CZString actualKey( key, isStatic ? CZString::noDuplication 
-                                     : CZString::duplicateOnCopy );
-   ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->lower_bound( actualKey );
-   if ( it != value_.map_->end()  &&  (*it).first == actualKey )
-      return (*it).second;
-   ObjectValues::value_type defaultValue( actualKey, null );
-   it = value_.map_->insert( it, defaultValue );
-   Value &value = (*it).second;
-   return value;
-   return value_.map_->resolveReference( key, isStatic );
-Value::get( UInt index, 
-            const Value &defaultValue ) const
-   const Value *value = &((*this)[index]);
-   return value == &null ? defaultValue : *value;
-Value::isValidIndex( UInt index ) const
-   return index < size();
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const char *key ) const
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == objectValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      return null;
-   CZString actualKey( key, CZString::noDuplication );
-   ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->find( actualKey );
-   if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
-      return null;
-   return (*it).second;
-   const Value *value = value_.map_->find( key );
-   return value ? *value : null;
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const std::string &key )
-   return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const std::string &key ) const
-   return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const StaticString &key )
-   return resolveReference( key, true );
-Value &
-Value::operator[]( const CppTL::ConstString &key )
-   return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-const Value &
-Value::operator[]( const CppTL::ConstString &key ) const
-   return (*this)[ key.c_str() ];
-# endif
-Value &
-Value::append( const Value &value )
-   return (*this)[size()] = value;
-Value::get( const char *key, 
-            const Value &defaultValue ) const
-   const Value *value = &((*this)[key]);
-   return value == &null ? defaultValue : *value;
-Value::get( const std::string &key,
-            const Value &defaultValue ) const
-   return get( key.c_str(), defaultValue );
-Value::removeMember( const char* key )
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == objectValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-      return null;
-   CZString actualKey( key, CZString::noDuplication );
-   ObjectValues::iterator it = value_.map_->find( actualKey );
-   if ( it == value_.map_->end() )
-      return null;
-   Value old(it->second);
-   value_.map_->erase(it);
-   return old;
-   Value *value = value_.map_->find( key );
-   if (value){
-      Value old(*value);
-      value_.map_.remove( key );
-      return old;
-   } else {
-      return null;
-   }
-Value::removeMember( const std::string &key )
-   return removeMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::get( const CppTL::ConstString &key,
-            const Value &defaultValue ) const
-   return get( key.c_str(), defaultValue );
-# endif
-Value::isMember( const char *key ) const
-   const Value *value = &((*this)[key]);
-   return value != &null;
-Value::isMember( const std::string &key ) const
-   return isMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::isMember( const CppTL::ConstString &key ) const
-   return isMember( key.c_str() );
-Value::getMemberNames() const
-   JSON_ASSERT( type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == objectValue );
-   if ( type_ == nullValue )
-       return Value::Members();
-   Members members;
-   members.reserve( value_.map_->size() );
-   ObjectValues::const_iterator it = value_.map_->begin();
-   ObjectValues::const_iterator itEnd = value_.map_->end();
-   for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
-      members.push_back( std::string( (*it).first.c_str() ) );
-   ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
-   ValueInternalMap::IteratorState itEnd;
-   value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
-   value_.map_->makeEndIterator( itEnd );
-   for ( ; !ValueInternalMap::equals( it, itEnd ); ValueInternalMap::increment(it) )
-      members.push_back( std::string( ValueInternalMap::key( it ) ) );
-   return members;
-//# ifdef JSON_USE_CPPTL
-//Value::enumMemberNames() const
-//   if ( type_ == objectValue )
-//   {
-//      return CppTL::Enum::any(  CppTL::Enum::transform(
-//         CppTL::Enum::keys( *(value_.map_), CppTL::Type<const CZString &>() ),
-//         MemberNamesTransform() ) );
-//   }
-//   return EnumMemberNames();
-//Value::enumValues() const
-//   if ( type_ == objectValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue )
-//      return CppTL::Enum::anyValues( *(value_.map_), 
-//                                     CppTL::Type<const Value &>() );
-//   return EnumValues();
-//# endif
-Value::isNull() const
-   return type_ == nullValue;
-Value::isBool() const
-   return type_ == booleanValue;
-Value::isInt() const
-   return type_ == intValue;
-Value::isUInt() const
-   return type_ == uintValue;
-Value::isIntegral() const
-   return type_ == intValue  
-          ||  type_ == uintValue  
-          ||  type_ == booleanValue;
-Value::isDouble() const
-   return type_ == realValue;
-Value::isNumeric() const
-   return isIntegral() || isDouble();
-Value::isString() const
-   return type_ == stringValue;
-Value::isArray() const
-   return type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == arrayValue;
-Value::isObject() const
-   return type_ == nullValue  ||  type_ == objectValue;
-Value::setComment( const char *comment,
-                   CommentPlacement placement )
-   if ( !comments_ )
-      comments_ = new CommentInfo[numberOfCommentPlacement];
-   comments_[placement].setComment( comment );
-Value::setComment( const std::string &comment,
-                   CommentPlacement placement )
-   setComment( comment.c_str(), placement );
-Value::hasComment( CommentPlacement placement ) const
-   return comments_ != 0  &&  comments_[placement].comment_ != 0;
-Value::getComment( CommentPlacement placement ) const
-   if ( hasComment(placement) )
-      return comments_[placement].comment_;
-   return "";
-Value::toStyledString() const
-   StyledWriter writer;
-   return writer.write( *this );
-Value::begin() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case arrayValue:
-      if ( value_.array_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
-         value_.array_->makeBeginIterator( it );
-         return const_iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
-         value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
-         return const_iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-         return const_iterator( value_.map_->begin() );
-      break;
-   default:
-      break;
-   }
-   return const_iterator();
-Value::end() const
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case arrayValue:
-      if ( value_.array_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
-         value_.array_->makeEndIterator( it );
-         return const_iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
-         value_.map_->makeEndIterator( it );
-         return const_iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-         return const_iterator( value_.map_->end() );
-      break;
-   default:
-      break;
-   }
-   return const_iterator();
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case arrayValue:
-      if ( value_.array_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
-         value_.array_->makeBeginIterator( it );
-         return iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
-         value_.map_->makeBeginIterator( it );
-         return iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-         return iterator( value_.map_->begin() );
-      break;
-   default:
-      break;
-   }
-   return iterator();
-   switch ( type_ )
-   {
-   case arrayValue:
-      if ( value_.array_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalArray::IteratorState it;
-         value_.array_->makeEndIterator( it );
-         return iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-      {
-         ValueInternalMap::IteratorState it;
-         value_.map_->makeEndIterator( it );
-         return iterator( it );
-      }
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-   case objectValue:
-      if ( value_.map_ )
-         return iterator( value_.map_->end() );
-      break;
-   default:
-      break;
-   }
-   return iterator();
-// class PathArgument
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   : kind_( kindNone )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( Value::UInt index )
-   : index_( index )
-   , kind_( kindIndex )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( const char *key )
-   : key_( key )
-   , kind_( kindKey )
-PathArgument::PathArgument( const std::string &key )
-   : key_( key.c_str() )
-   , kind_( kindKey )
-// class Path
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Path::Path( const std::string &path,
-            const PathArgument &a1,
-            const PathArgument &a2,
-            const PathArgument &a3,
-            const PathArgument &a4,
-            const PathArgument &a5 )
-   InArgs in;
-   in.push_back( &a1 );
-   in.push_back( &a2 );
-   in.push_back( &a3 );
-   in.push_back( &a4 );
-   in.push_back( &a5 );
-   makePath( path, in );
-Path::makePath( const std::string &path,
-                const InArgs &in )
-   const char *current = path.c_str();
-   const char *end = current + path.length();
-   InArgs::const_iterator itInArg = in.begin();
-   while ( current != end )
-   {
-      if ( *current == '[' )
-      {
-         ++current;
-         if ( *current == '%' )
-            addPathInArg( path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindIndex );
-         else
-         {
-            Value::UInt index = 0;
-            for ( ; current != end && *current >= '0'  &&  *current <= '9'; ++current )
-               index = index * 10 + Value::UInt(*current - '0');
-            args_.push_back( index );
-         }
-         if ( current == end  ||  *current++ != ']' )
-            invalidPath( path, int(current - path.c_str()) );
-      }
-      else if ( *current == '%' )
-      {
-         addPathInArg( path, in, itInArg, PathArgument::kindKey );
-         ++current;
-      }
-      else if ( *current == '.' )
-      {
-         ++current;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         const char *beginName = current;
-         while ( current != end  &&  !strchr( "[.", *current ) )
-            ++current;
-         args_.push_back( std::string( beginName, current ) );
-      }
-   }
-Path::addPathInArg( const std::string &path, 
-                    const InArgs &in, 
-                    InArgs::const_iterator &itInArg, 
-                    PathArgument::Kind kind )
-   if ( itInArg == in.end() )
-   {
-      // Error: missing argument %d
-   }
-   else if ( (*itInArg)->kind_ != kind )
-   {
-      // Error: bad argument type
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      args_.push_back( **itInArg );
-   }
-Path::invalidPath( const std::string &path, 
-                   int location )
-   // Error: invalid path.
-const Value &
-Path::resolve( const Value &root ) const
-   const Value *node = &root;
-   for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
-   {
-      const PathArgument &arg = *it;
-      if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isArray()  ||  node->isValidIndex( arg.index_ ) )
-         {
-            // Error: unable to resolve path (array value expected at position...
-         }
-         node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-      }
-      else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isObject() )
-         {
-            // Error: unable to resolve path (object value expected at position...)
-         }
-         node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-         if ( node == &Value::null )
-         {
-            // Error: unable to resolve path (object has no member named '' at position...)
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   return *node;
-Path::resolve( const Value &root, 
-               const Value &defaultValue ) const
-   const Value *node = &root;
-   for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
-   {
-      const PathArgument &arg = *it;
-      if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isArray()  ||  node->isValidIndex( arg.index_ ) )
-            return defaultValue;
-         node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-      }
-      else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isObject() )
-            return defaultValue;
-         node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-         if ( node == &Value::null )
-            return defaultValue;
-      }
-   }
-   return *node;
-Value &
-Path::make( Value &root ) const
-   Value *node = &root;
-   for ( Args::const_iterator it = args_.begin(); it != args_.end(); ++it )
-   {
-      const PathArgument &arg = *it;
-      if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindIndex )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isArray() )
-         {
-            // Error: node is not an array at position ...
-         }
-         node = &((*node)[arg.index_]);
-      }
-      else if ( arg.kind_ == PathArgument::kindKey )
-      {
-         if ( !node->isObject() )
-         {
-            // Error: node is not an object at position...
-         }
-         node = &((*node)[arg.key_]);
-      }
-   }
-   return *node;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_valueiterator.inl b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_valueiterator.inl
deleted file mode 100644
index 736e260..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_valueiterator.inl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// included by json_value.cpp
-// everything is within Json namespace
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIteratorBase
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   : current_()
-   , isNull_( true )
-   : isArray_( true )
-   , isNull_( true )
-   iterator_.array_ = ValueInternalArray::IteratorState();
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
-   : current_( current )
-   , isNull_( false )
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
-   : isArray_( true )
-   iterator_.array_ = state;
-ValueIteratorBase::ValueIteratorBase( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
-   : isArray_( false )
-   iterator_.map_ = state;
-Value &
-ValueIteratorBase::deref() const
-   return current_->second;
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      return ValueInternalArray::dereference( iterator_.array_ );
-   return ValueInternalMap::value( iterator_.map_ );
-   ++current_;
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      ValueInternalArray::increment( iterator_.array_ );
-   ValueInternalMap::increment( iterator_.map_ );
-   --current_;
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      ValueInternalArray::decrement( iterator_.array_ );
-   ValueInternalMap::decrement( iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::computeDistance( const SelfType &other ) const
-   return current_ - other.current_;
-# else
-   // Iterator for null value are initialized using the default
-   // constructor, which initialize current_ to the default
-   // std::map::iterator. As begin() and end() are two instance 
-   // of the default std::map::iterator, they can not be compared.
-   // To allow this, we handle this comparison specifically.
-   if ( isNull_  &&  other.isNull_ )
-   {
-      return 0;
-   }
-   // Usage of std::distance is not portable (does not compile with Sun Studio 12 RogueWave STL,
-   // which is the one used by default).
-   // Using a portable hand-made version for non random iterator instead:
-   //   return difference_type( std::distance( current_, other.current_ ) );
-   difference_type myDistance = 0;
-   for ( Value::ObjectValues::iterator it = current_; it != other.current_; ++it )
-   {
-      ++myDistance;
-   }
-   return myDistance;
-# endif
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      return ValueInternalArray::distance( iterator_.array_, other.iterator_.array_ );
-   return ValueInternalMap::distance( iterator_.map_, other.iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::isEqual( const SelfType &other ) const
-   if ( isNull_ )
-   {
-      return other.isNull_;
-   }
-   return current_ == other.current_;
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      return ValueInternalArray::equals( iterator_.array_, other.iterator_.array_ );
-   return ValueInternalMap::equals( iterator_.map_, other.iterator_.map_ );
-ValueIteratorBase::copy( const SelfType &other )
-   current_ = other.current_;
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      iterator_.array_ = other.iterator_.array_;
-   iterator_.map_ = other.iterator_.map_;
-ValueIteratorBase::key() const
-   const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
-   if ( czstring.c_str() )
-   {
-      if ( czstring.isStaticString() )
-         return Value( StaticString( czstring.c_str() ) );
-      return Value( czstring.c_str() );
-   }
-   return Value( czstring.index() );
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      return Value( ValueInternalArray::indexOf( iterator_.array_ ) );
-   bool isStatic;
-   const char *memberName = ValueInternalMap::key( iterator_.map_, isStatic );
-   if ( isStatic )
-      return Value( StaticString( memberName ) );
-   return Value( memberName );
-ValueIteratorBase::index() const
-   const Value::CZString czstring = (*current_).first;
-   if ( !czstring.c_str() )
-      return czstring.index();
-   return Value::UInt( -1 );
-   if ( isArray_ )
-      return Value::UInt( ValueInternalArray::indexOf( iterator_.array_ ) );
-   return Value::UInt( -1 );
-const char *
-ValueIteratorBase::memberName() const
-   const char *name = (*current_).first.c_str();
-   return name ? name : "";
-   if ( !isArray_ )
-      return ValueInternalMap::key( iterator_.map_ );
-   return "";
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueConstIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( current )
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueConstIterator::ValueConstIterator( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueConstIterator &
-ValueConstIterator::operator =( const ValueIteratorBase &other )
-   copy( other );
-   return *this;
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// class ValueIterator
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const Value::ObjectValues::iterator &current )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( current )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueInternalArray::IteratorState &state )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueInternalMap::IteratorState &state )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( state )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueConstIterator &other )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( other )
-ValueIterator::ValueIterator( const ValueIterator &other )
-   : ValueIteratorBase( other )
-ValueIterator &
-ValueIterator::operator =( const SelfType &other )
-   copy( other );
-   return *this;
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_writer.cpp b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf4188..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/json_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 )   // disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-namespace Json {
-static bool isControlCharacter(char ch)
-   return ch > 0 && ch <= 0x1F;
-static bool containsControlCharacter( const char* str )
-   while ( *str ) 
-   {
-      if ( isControlCharacter( *(str++) ) )
-         return true;
-   }
-   return false;
-static void uintToString( unsigned int value, 
-                          char *&current )
-   *--current = 0;
-   do
-   {
-      *--current = (value % 10) + '0';
-      value /= 10;
-   }
-   while ( value != 0 );
-std::string valueToString( Int value )
-   char buffer[32];
-   char *current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
-   bool isNegative = value < 0;
-   if ( isNegative )
-      value = -value;
-   uintToString( UInt(value), current );
-   if ( isNegative )
-      *--current = '-';
-   assert( current >= buffer );
-   return current;
-std::string valueToString( UInt value )
-   char buffer[32];
-   char *current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
-   uintToString( value, current );
-   assert( current >= buffer );
-   return current;
-std::string valueToString( double value )
-   char buffer[32];
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__STDC_SECURE_LIB__) // Use secure version with visual studio 2005 to avoid warning. 
-   sprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%#.16g", value); 
-   sprintf(buffer, "%#.16g", value); 
-   char* ch = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
-   if (*ch != '0') return buffer; // nothing to truncate, so save time
-   while(ch > buffer && *ch == '0'){
-     --ch;
-   }
-   char* last_nonzero = ch;
-   while(ch >= buffer){
-     switch(*ch){
-     case '0':
-     case '1':
-     case '2':
-     case '3':
-     case '4':
-     case '5':
-     case '6':
-     case '7':
-     case '8':
-     case '9':
-       --ch;
-       continue;
-     case '.':
-       // Truncate zeroes to save bytes in output, but keep one.
-       *(last_nonzero+2) = '\0';
-       return buffer;
-     default:
-       return buffer;
-     }
-   }
-   return buffer;
-std::string valueToString( bool value )
-   return value ? "true" : "false";
-std::string valueToQuotedString( const char *value )
-   // Not sure how to handle unicode...
-   if (strpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t") == NULL && !containsControlCharacter( value ))
-      return std::string("\"") + value + "\"";
-   // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
-   // Appending to std::string is not efficient, but this should be rare.
-   // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
-   unsigned maxsize = strlen(value)*2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
-   std::string result;
-   result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
-   result += "\"";
-   for (const char* c=value; *c != 0; ++c)
-   {
-      switch(*c)
-      {
-         case '\"':
-            result += "\\\"";
-            break;
-         case '\\':
-            result += "\\\\";
-            break;
-         case '\b':
-            result += "\\b";
-            break;
-         case '\f':
-            result += "\\f";
-            break;
-         case '\n':
-            result += "\\n";
-            break;
-         case '\r':
-            result += "\\r";
-            break;
-         case '\t':
-            result += "\\t";
-            break;
-         //case '/':
-            // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
-            // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
-            // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.
-            // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </ 
-            // sequence.
-            // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this 
-            // sequence from occurring.
-         default:
-            if ( isControlCharacter( *c ) )
-            {
-               std::ostringstream oss;
-               oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
-               result += oss.str();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               result += *c;
-            }
-            break;
-      }
-   }
-   result += "\"";
-   return result;
-// Class Writer
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Class FastWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   : yamlCompatiblityEnabled_( false )
-   yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ = true;
-FastWriter::write( const Value &root )
-   document_ = "";
-   writeValue( root );
-   document_ += "\n";
-   return document_;
-FastWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
-   switch ( value.type() )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      document_ += "null";
-      break;
-   case intValue:
-      document_ += valueToString( value.asInt() );
-      break;
-   case uintValue:
-      document_ += valueToString( value.asUInt() );
-      break;
-   case realValue:
-      document_ += valueToString( value.asDouble() );
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      document_ += valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() );
-      break;
-   case booleanValue:
-      document_ += valueToString( value.asBool() );
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      {
-         document_ += "[";
-         int size = value.size();
-         for ( int index =0; index < size; ++index )
-         {
-            if ( index > 0 )
-               document_ += ",";
-            writeValue( value[index] );
-         }
-         document_ += "]";
-      }
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      {
-         Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
-         document_ += "{";
-         for ( Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin(); 
-               it != members.end(); 
-               ++it )
-         {
-            const std::string &name = *it;
-            if ( it != members.begin() )
-               document_ += ",";
-            document_ += valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() );
-            document_ += yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ ? ": " 
-                                                  : ":";
-            writeValue( value[name] );
-         }
-         document_ += "}";
-      }
-      break;
-   }
-// Class StyledWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-   : rightMargin_( 74 )
-   , indentSize_( 3 )
-StyledWriter::write( const Value &root )
-   document_ = "";
-   addChildValues_ = false;
-   indentString_ = "";
-   writeCommentBeforeValue( root );
-   writeValue( root );
-   writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( root );
-   document_ += "\n";
-   return document_;
-StyledWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
-   switch ( value.type() )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      pushValue( "null" );
-      break;
-   case intValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asInt() ) );
-      break;
-   case uintValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asUInt() ) );
-      break;
-   case realValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asDouble() ) );
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      pushValue( valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() ) );
-      break;
-   case booleanValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asBool() ) );
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      writeArrayValue( value);
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      {
-         Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
-         if ( members.empty() )
-            pushValue( "{}" );
-         else
-         {
-            writeWithIndent( "{" );
-            indent();
-            Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
-            while ( true )
-            {
-               const std::string &name = *it;
-               const Value &childValue = value[name];
-               writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
-               writeWithIndent( valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() ) );
-               document_ += " : ";
-               writeValue( childValue );
-               if ( ++it == members.end() )
-               {
-                  writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-                  break;
-               }
-               document_ += ",";
-               writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-            }
-            unindent();
-            writeWithIndent( "}" );
-         }
-      }
-      break;
-   }
-StyledWriter::writeArrayValue( const Value &value )
-   unsigned size = value.size();
-   if ( size == 0 )
-      pushValue( "[]" );
-   else
-   {
-      bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray( value );
-      if ( isArrayMultiLine )
-      {
-         writeWithIndent( "[" );
-         indent();
-         bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
-         unsigned index =0;
-         while ( true )
-         {
-            const Value &childValue = value[index];
-            writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
-            if ( hasChildValue )
-               writeWithIndent( childValues_[index] );
-            else
-            {
-               writeIndent();
-               writeValue( childValue );
-            }
-            if ( ++index == size )
-            {
-               writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-               break;
-            }
-            document_ += ",";
-            writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-         }
-         unindent();
-         writeWithIndent( "]" );
-      }
-      else // output on a single line
-      {
-         assert( childValues_.size() == size );
-         document_ += "[ ";
-         for ( unsigned index =0; index < size; ++index )
-         {
-            if ( index > 0 )
-               document_ += ", ";
-            document_ += childValues_[index];
-         }
-         document_ += " ]";
-      }
-   }
-StyledWriter::isMultineArray( const Value &value )
-   int size = value.size();
-   bool isMultiLine = size*3 >= rightMargin_ ;
-   childValues_.clear();
-   for ( int index =0; index < size  &&  !isMultiLine; ++index )
-   {
-      const Value &childValue = value[index];
-      isMultiLine = isMultiLine  ||
-                     ( (childValue.isArray()  ||  childValue.isObject())  &&  
-                        childValue.size() > 0 );
-   }
-   if ( !isMultiLine ) // check if line length > max line length
-   {
-      childValues_.reserve( size );
-      addChildValues_ = true;
-      int lineLength = 4 + (size-1)*2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
-      for ( int index =0; index < size  &&  !isMultiLine; ++index )
-      {
-         writeValue( value[index] );
-         lineLength += int( childValues_[index].length() );
-         isMultiLine = isMultiLine  &&  hasCommentForValue( value[index] );
-      }
-      addChildValues_ = false;
-      isMultiLine = isMultiLine  ||  lineLength >= rightMargin_;
-   }
-   return isMultiLine;
-StyledWriter::pushValue( const std::string &value )
-   if ( addChildValues_ )
-      childValues_.push_back( value );
-   else
-      document_ += value;
-   if ( !document_.empty() )
-   {
-      char last = document_[document_.length()-1];
-      if ( last == ' ' )     // already indented
-         return;
-      if ( last != '\n' )    // Comments may add new-line
-         document_ += '\n';
-   }
-   document_ += indentString_;
-StyledWriter::writeWithIndent( const std::string &value )
-   writeIndent();
-   document_ += value;
-   indentString_ += std::string( indentSize_, ' ' );
-   assert( int(indentString_.size()) >= indentSize_ );
-   indentString_.resize( indentString_.size() - indentSize_ );
-StyledWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue( const Value &root )
-   if ( !root.hasComment( commentBefore ) )
-      return;
-   document_ += normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentBefore ) );
-   document_ += "\n";
-StyledWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( const Value &root )
-   if ( root.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) )
-      document_ += " " + normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) );
-   if ( root.hasComment( commentAfter ) )
-   {
-      document_ += "\n";
-      document_ += normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfter ) );
-      document_ += "\n";
-   }
-StyledWriter::hasCommentForValue( const Value &value )
-   return value.hasComment( commentBefore )
-          ||  value.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine )
-          ||  value.hasComment( commentAfter );
-StyledWriter::normalizeEOL( const std::string &text )
-   std::string normalized;
-   normalized.reserve( text.length() );
-   const char *begin = text.c_str();
-   const char *end = begin + text.length();
-   const char *current = begin;
-   while ( current != end )
-   {
-      char c = *current++;
-      if ( c == '\r' ) // mac or dos EOL
-      {
-         if ( *current == '\n' ) // convert dos EOL
-            ++current;
-         normalized += '\n';
-      }
-      else // handle unix EOL & other char
-         normalized += c;
-   }
-   return normalized;
-// Class StyledStreamWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-StyledStreamWriter::StyledStreamWriter( std::string indentation )
-   : document_(NULL)
-   , rightMargin_( 74 )
-   , indentation_( indentation )
-StyledStreamWriter::write( std::ostream &out, const Value &root )
-   document_ = &out;
-   addChildValues_ = false;
-   indentString_ = "";
-   writeCommentBeforeValue( root );
-   writeValue( root );
-   writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( root );
-   *document_ << "\n";
-   document_ = NULL; // Forget the stream, for safety.
-StyledStreamWriter::writeValue( const Value &value )
-   switch ( value.type() )
-   {
-   case nullValue:
-      pushValue( "null" );
-      break;
-   case intValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asInt() ) );
-      break;
-   case uintValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asUInt() ) );
-      break;
-   case realValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asDouble() ) );
-      break;
-   case stringValue:
-      pushValue( valueToQuotedString( value.asCString() ) );
-      break;
-   case booleanValue:
-      pushValue( valueToString( value.asBool() ) );
-      break;
-   case arrayValue:
-      writeArrayValue( value);
-      break;
-   case objectValue:
-      {
-         Value::Members members( value.getMemberNames() );
-         if ( members.empty() )
-            pushValue( "{}" );
-         else
-         {
-            writeWithIndent( "{" );
-            indent();
-            Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
-            while ( true )
-            {
-               const std::string &name = *it;
-               const Value &childValue = value[name];
-               writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
-               writeWithIndent( valueToQuotedString( name.c_str() ) );
-               *document_ << " : ";
-               writeValue( childValue );
-               if ( ++it == members.end() )
-               {
-                  writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-                  break;
-               }
-               *document_ << ",";
-               writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-            }
-            unindent();
-            writeWithIndent( "}" );
-         }
-      }
-      break;
-   }
-StyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue( const Value &value )
-   unsigned size = value.size();
-   if ( size == 0 )
-      pushValue( "[]" );
-   else
-   {
-      bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray( value );
-      if ( isArrayMultiLine )
-      {
-         writeWithIndent( "[" );
-         indent();
-         bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
-         unsigned index =0;
-         while ( true )
-         {
-            const Value &childValue = value[index];
-            writeCommentBeforeValue( childValue );
-            if ( hasChildValue )
-               writeWithIndent( childValues_[index] );
-            else
-            {
-	       writeIndent();
-               writeValue( childValue );
-            }
-            if ( ++index == size )
-            {
-               writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-               break;
-            }
-            *document_ << ",";
-            writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( childValue );
-         }
-         unindent();
-         writeWithIndent( "]" );
-      }
-      else // output on a single line
-      {
-         assert( childValues_.size() == size );
-         *document_ << "[ ";
-         for ( unsigned index =0; index < size; ++index )
-         {
-            if ( index > 0 )
-               *document_ << ", ";
-            *document_ << childValues_[index];
-         }
-         *document_ << " ]";
-      }
-   }
-StyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray( const Value &value )
-   int size = value.size();
-   bool isMultiLine = size*3 >= rightMargin_ ;
-   childValues_.clear();
-   for ( int index =0; index < size  &&  !isMultiLine; ++index )
-   {
-      const Value &childValue = value[index];
-      isMultiLine = isMultiLine  ||
-                     ( (childValue.isArray()  ||  childValue.isObject())  &&  
-                        childValue.size() > 0 );
-   }
-   if ( !isMultiLine ) // check if line length > max line length
-   {
-      childValues_.reserve( size );
-      addChildValues_ = true;
-      int lineLength = 4 + (size-1)*2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
-      for ( int index =0; index < size  &&  !isMultiLine; ++index )
-      {
-         writeValue( value[index] );
-         lineLength += int( childValues_[index].length() );
-         isMultiLine = isMultiLine  &&  hasCommentForValue( value[index] );
-      }
-      addChildValues_ = false;
-      isMultiLine = isMultiLine  ||  lineLength >= rightMargin_;
-   }
-   return isMultiLine;
-StyledStreamWriter::pushValue( const std::string &value )
-   if ( addChildValues_ )
-      childValues_.push_back( value );
-   else
-      *document_ << value;
-  /*
-    Some comments in this method would have been nice. ;-)
-   if ( !document_.empty() )
-   {
-      char last = document_[document_.length()-1];
-      if ( last == ' ' )     // already indented
-         return;
-      if ( last != '\n' )    // Comments may add new-line
-         *document_ << '\n';
-   }
-  */
-   *document_ << '\n' << indentString_;
-StyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent( const std::string &value )
-   writeIndent();
-   *document_ << value;
-   indentString_ += indentation_;
-   assert( indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size() );
-   indentString_.resize( indentString_.size() - indentation_.size() );
-StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue( const Value &root )
-   if ( !root.hasComment( commentBefore ) )
-      return;
-   *document_ << normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentBefore ) );
-   *document_ << "\n";
-StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine( const Value &root )
-   if ( root.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) )
-      *document_ << " " + normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfterOnSameLine ) );
-   if ( root.hasComment( commentAfter ) )
-   {
-      *document_ << "\n";
-      *document_ << normalizeEOL( root.getComment( commentAfter ) );
-      *document_ << "\n";
-   }
-StyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue( const Value &value )
-   return value.hasComment( commentBefore )
-          ||  value.hasComment( commentAfterOnSameLine )
-          ||  value.hasComment( commentAfter );
-StyledStreamWriter::normalizeEOL( const std::string &text )
-   std::string normalized;
-   normalized.reserve( text.length() );
-   const char *begin = text.c_str();
-   const char *end = begin + text.length();
-   const char *current = begin;
-   while ( current != end )
-   {
-      char c = *current++;
-      if ( c == '\r' ) // mac or dos EOL
-      {
-         if ( *current == '\n' ) // convert dos EOL
-            ++current;
-         normalized += '\n';
-      }
-      else // handle unix EOL & other char
-         normalized += c;
-   }
-   return normalized;
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &sout, const Value &root )
-   Json::StyledStreamWriter writer;
-   writer.write(sout, root);
-   return sout;
-} // namespace Json
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.cpp b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6906275..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-#include "plugin.h"
-#include "tokenizer.h"
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-#include <windows.h>
-                       DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
-                       LPVOID lpReserved )
-    return TRUE;
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-extern int errno;
-SendPluginEv SendPluginEvent;
-string g_GetSysErrMsg( void )
-    string strError = "Unknown";
-    // Problem loading
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-    int nErrorCode = GetLastError();
-    LPTSTR s;
-    NULL, nErrorCode, 0, ( LPTSTR ) &s, 0, NULL ) )
-    {
-        strError = s;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        char szBuf[ 20 ];
-        _snprintf_s( szBuf, _countof(szBuf), 19, "%d", nErrorCode );
-        strError = szBuf;
-    }
-    char szError[80];
-    if ( strerror_r( errno, szError, sizeof(szError)  ) )
-    {
-        strError = "no description found";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        strError = szError;
-    }
-    return strError;
-void g_sleep( unsigned int mseconds )
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-    Sleep( mseconds );
-    usleep( mseconds * 1000 );
-string& g_trim( string& str )
-    // Whitespace characters
-    char whspc[] = " \t\r\n\v\f";
-    // Whack off first part
-    size_t pos = str.find_first_not_of( whspc );
-    if ( pos != string::npos )
-        str.replace( 0, pos, "" );
-    // Whack off trailing stuff
-    pos = str.find_last_not_of( whspc );
-    if ( pos != string::npos )
-        str.replace( pos + 1, str.length() - pos, "" );
-    return str;
-void g_tokenize( const string& str, const string& delimiters, vector<string>& tokens )
-    tokenize( str, tokens, delimiters );
-char* SetEventFunc( SendPluginEv funcPtr )
-    static char * szObjList = onGetObjList();
-    SendPluginEvent = funcPtr;
-    return szObjList;
-const int nMAXSIZE = 512;
-char* g_pszRetVal = NULL;
-// Map from an object Id to an object instance
-typedef std::map<string, JSExt*> StringToJExt_T;
-// Map from a browser context to an id mapping
-typedef std::map<void*, StringToJExt_T*> VoidToMap_T;
-VoidToMap_T g_context2Map;
-class GlobalSharedModule
-    GlobalSharedModule( void )
-    {
-        g_pszRetVal = new char[ nMAXSIZE ];
-    }
-    ~GlobalSharedModule()
-    {
-        delete [] g_pszRetVal;
-        VoidToMap_T::iterator posMaps;
-        for ( posMaps = g_context2Map.begin(); posMaps != g_context2Map.end(); ++posMaps )
-        {
-            StringToJExt_T& id2Obj = *posMaps->second;
-            StringToJExt_T::iterator posMap;
-            for ( posMap = id2Obj.begin(); posMap != id2Obj.end(); ++posMap )
-            {
-                JSExt* pJSExt = posMap->second;
-                if ( pJSExt->CanDelete() )
-                {
-                    delete pJSExt;
-                }
-            }
-            id2Obj.erase( id2Obj.begin(), id2Obj.end() );
-        }
-        g_context2Map.erase( g_context2Map.begin(), g_context2Map.end() );
-    }
-GlobalSharedModule g_sharedModule;
-char* g_str2global( const string& strRetVal )
-    int nLen = strRetVal.size();
-    if ( nLen >= nMAXSIZE )
-    {
-        delete [] g_pszRetVal;
-        g_pszRetVal = new char[ nLen + 1 ];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // To minimaize the number of memory reallocations, the assumption
-        // is that in most times this will be the case
-        delete [] g_pszRetVal;
-        g_pszRetVal = new char[ nMAXSIZE ];
-    }
-    strcpy( g_pszRetVal, strRetVal.c_str() );
-    return g_pszRetVal;
-bool g_unregisterObject( const string& strObjId, void* pContext )
-    // Called by the plugin extension implementation
-    // if the extension handles the deletion of its object
-    StringToJExt_T * pID2Obj = NULL;
-    VoidToMap_T::iterator iter = g_context2Map.find( pContext );
-    if ( iter != g_context2Map.end() )
-    {
-        pID2Obj = iter->second;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    StringToJExt_T& mapID2Obj = *pID2Obj;
-    StringToJExt_T::iterator r = mapID2Obj.find( strObjId );
-    if ( r == mapID2Obj.end() )
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    mapID2Obj.erase( strObjId );
-    return true;
-char* InvokeFunction( const char* szCommand, void* pContext )
-    StringToJExt_T * pID2Obj = NULL;
-    VoidToMap_T::iterator iter = g_context2Map.find( pContext );
-    if ( iter != g_context2Map.end() )
-    {
-        pID2Obj = iter->second;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pID2Obj = new StringToJExt_T;
-        g_context2Map[ pContext ] = pID2Obj;
-    }
-    StringToJExt_T& mapID2Obj = *pID2Obj;
-    string strFullCommand = szCommand;
-    vector<string> arParams;
-    g_tokenize( strFullCommand, " ", arParams );
-    string strCommand = arParams[ 0 ];
-    string strRetVal = szERROR;
-    if ( strCommand == szCREATE )
-    {
-        string strClassName = arParams[ 1 ];
-        string strObjId = arParams[ 2 ];
-        StringToJExt_T::iterator r = mapID2Obj.find( strObjId );
-        if ( r != mapID2Obj.end() )
-        {
-            strRetVal += strObjId;
-            strRetVal += " :Object already exists.";
-            return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-        }
-        JSExt* pJSExt = onCreateObject( strClassName, strObjId );
-        if ( pJSExt == NULL )
-        {
-            strRetVal += strObjId;
-            strRetVal += " :Unknown object type ";
-            strRetVal += strClassName;
-            return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-        }
-        pJSExt->m_pContext = pContext;
-        mapID2Obj[ strObjId ] = pJSExt;
-        strRetVal = szOK;
-        strRetVal += strObjId;
-        return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-    }
-    else
-    if ( strCommand == szINVOKE )
-    {
-        string strObjId = arParams[ 1 ];
-        string strMethod = arParams[ 2 ];
-        StringToJExt_T::iterator r = mapID2Obj.find( strObjId );
-        if ( r == mapID2Obj.end() )
-        {
-            strRetVal += strObjId;
-            strRetVal += " :No object found for id.";
-            return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-        }
-        JSExt* pJSExt = r->second;
-        size_t nLoc = strFullCommand.find( strObjId );
-        if ( nLoc == string::npos )
-        {
-            strRetVal += strObjId;
-            strRetVal += " :Internal InvokeMethod error.";
-            return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-        }
-        if ( strMethod == szDISPOSE )
-        {
-            StringToJExt_T::iterator r = mapID2Obj.find( strObjId );
-            if ( r == mapID2Obj.end() )
-            {
-                strRetVal = szERROR;
-                strRetVal += strObjId;
-                return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-            }
-            JSExt * pJSExt = mapID2Obj[ strObjId ];
-            if ( pJSExt->CanDelete() )
-            {
-                delete pJSExt;
-            }
-            mapID2Obj.erase( strObjId );
-            strRetVal = szOK;
-            strRetVal += strObjId;
-            return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-        }
-        size_t nSuffixLoc = nLoc + strObjId.size();
-        string strInvoke = strFullCommand.substr( nSuffixLoc );
-        strInvoke = g_trim( strInvoke );
-        strRetVal = pJSExt->InvokeMethod( strInvoke );
-        return g_str2global( strRetVal );
-    }
-    strRetVal += " :Unknown command ";
-    strRetVal += strCommand;
-    return g_str2global( strRetVal );
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.h b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef7116..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/plugin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PLUGIN_H
-#define _PLUGIN_H
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <unistd.h>
-//#include "tokenizer.h"
-using namespace std;
-//%% Functions exported by this DLL
-//%% Should always be only SetEventFunc and InvokeFunction
-// g++ requires extern "C" otherwise the names of SetEventFunc and InvokeFunction
-// are mangled C++ style. MS Visual Studio doesn't seem to care though.
-extern "C"
-    typedef void (*SendPluginEv)( const char* szEvent, void* pContext );
-    char* SetEventFunc(SendPluginEv funcPtr);
-    char* InvokeFunction( const char* szCommand, void* pContext );
-// JNEXT Framework function of the form:
-// typedef void (*SendPluginEv)( const char* szEvent );
-// used to notify JavaScript of an asynchronous event
-extern SendPluginEv SendPluginEvent;
-// Constants and methods common to all JNEXT extensions types
-#define szERROR         "Error "
-#define szOK            "Ok "
-#define szDISPOSE       "Dispose"
-#define szINVOKE        "InvokeMethod"
-#define szCREATE        "CreateObj"
-// Utility functions
-string& g_trim( string& str );
-void g_tokenize(const string& str,const string& delimiters, vector<string>& tokens);
-char* g_str2static( const string& strRetVal );
-void g_sleep( unsigned int mseconds );
-bool g_unregisterObject( const string& strObjId, void* pContext );
-// Abstract extension object
-class JSExt
-    virtual ~JSExt() {};
-    virtual string InvokeMethod( const string& strCommand ) = 0;
-    virtual bool CanDelete( void ) = 0;
-    virtual void TryDelete( void ) {}
-    void* m_pContext;
-// Callback functions to be implemented by the plugin implementation
-extern char* onGetObjList( void );
-extern JSExt* onCreateObject( const string& strClassName, const string& strObjId );
diff --git a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/tokenizer.cpp b/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/tokenizer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a39573..0000000
--- a/spec/plugins/cordova.echo/src/blackberry/public/tokenizer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-The zlib/libpng License
-Copyright (c) 2006 Joerg Wiedenmann
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
-the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
-you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
-If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
-in the product documentation would be appreciated but is
-not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
-and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-	created:	2006-01-28
-	filename: 	tokenizer.cpp
-	author:		J�rg Wiedenmann
-	purpose:	A tokenizer function which provides a very
-				customizable way of breaking up strings.
-	history:	2006-01-28, Original version
-				2006-03-04, Fixed a small parsing bug, thanks Elias.
-#include "tokenizer.h"
-using namespace std;
-void tokenize ( const string& str, vector<string>& result,
-			   const string& delimiters, const string& delimiters_preserve,
-			   const string& quote, const string& esc )
-	// clear the vector
-	if ( false == result.empty() )
-	{
-		result.clear();
-	}
-	string::size_type pos = 0; // the current position (char) in the string
-	char ch = 0; // buffer for the current character
-	char delimiter = 0;	// the buffer for the delimiter char which
-							// will be added to the tokens if the delimiter
-							// is preserved
-	char current_quote = 0; // the char of the current open quote
-	bool quoted = false; // indicator if there is an open quote
-	string token;  // string buffer for the token
-	bool token_complete = false; // indicates if the current token is
-								 // read to be added to the result vector
-	string::size_type len = str.length();  // length of the input-string
-	// for every char in the input-string
-	while ( len > pos )
-	{
-		// get the character of the string and reset the delimiter buffer
-		ch =;
-		delimiter = 0;
-		// assume ch isn't a delimiter
-		bool add_char = true;
-		// check ...
-		// ... if the delimiter is an escaped character
-		bool escaped = false; // indicates if the next char is protected
-		if ( false == esc.empty() ) // check if esc-chars are  provided
-		{
-			if ( string::npos != esc.find_first_of(ch) )
-			{
-				// get the escaped char
-				++pos;
-				if ( pos < len ) // if there are more chars left
-				{
-					// get the next one
-					ch =;
-					// add the escaped character to the token
-					add_char = true;
-				}
-				else // cannot get any more characters
-				{
-					// don't add the esc-char
-					add_char = false;
-				}
-				// ignore the remaining delimiter checks
-				escaped = true;
-			}
-		}
-		// ... if the delimiter is a quote
-		if ( false == quote.empty() && false == escaped )
-		{
-			// if quote chars are provided and the char isn't protected
-			if ( string::npos != quote.find_first_of(ch) )
-			{
-				// if not quoted, set state to open quote and set
-				// the quote character
-				if ( false == quoted )
-				{
-					quoted = true;
-					current_quote = ch;
-					// don't add the quote-char to the token
-					add_char = false;
-				}
-				else // if quote is open already
-				{
-					// check if it is the matching character to close it
-					if ( current_quote == ch )
-					{
-						// close quote and reset the quote character
-						quoted = false;
-						current_quote = 0;
-						// don't add the quote-char to the token
-						add_char = false;
-					}
-				} // else
-			}
-		}
-		// ... if the delimiter isn't preserved
-		if ( false == delimiters.empty() && false == escaped &&
-			 false == quoted )
-		{
-			// if a delimiter is provided and the char isn't protected by
-			// quote or escape char
-			if ( string::npos != delimiters.find_first_of(ch) )
-			{
-				// if ch is a delimiter and the token string isn't empty
-				// the token is complete
-				if ( false == token.empty() ) // BUGFIX: 2006-03-04
-				{
-					token_complete = true;
-				}
-				// don't add the delimiter to the token
-				add_char = false;
-			}
-		}
-		// ... if the delimiter is preserved - add it as a token
-		bool add_delimiter = false;
-		if ( false == delimiters_preserve.empty() && false == escaped &&
-			 false == quoted )
-		{
-			// if a delimiter which will be preserved is provided and the
-			// char isn't protected by quote or escape char
-			if ( string::npos != delimiters_preserve.find_first_of(ch) )
-			{
-				// if ch is a delimiter and the token string isn't empty
-				// the token is complete
-				if ( false == token.empty() ) // BUGFIX: 2006-03-04
-				{
-					token_complete = true;
-				}
-				// don't add the delimiter to the token
-				add_char = false;
-				// add the delimiter
-				delimiter = ch;
-				add_delimiter = true;
-			}
-		}
-		// add the character to the token
-		if ( true == add_char )
-		{
-			// add the current char
-			token.push_back( ch );
-		}
-		// add the token if it is complete
-		if ( true == token_complete && false == token.empty() )
-		{
-			// add the token string
-			result.push_back( token );
-			// clear the contents
-			token.clear();
-			// build the next token
-			token_complete = false;
-		}
-		// add the delimiter
-		if ( true == add_delimiter )
-		{
-			// the next token is the delimiter
-			string delim_token;
-			delim_token.push_back( delimiter );
-			result.push_back( delim_token );
-			// REMOVED: 2006-03-04, Bugfix
-		}
-		// repeat for the next character
-		++pos;
-	} // while
-	// add the final token
-	if ( false == token.empty() )
-	{
-		result.push_back( token );
-	}