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Posted to by Roger Mitchell - Sun UK <Ro...@UK.Sun.COM> on 2000/01/19 17:01:55 UTC

fault with background-color attribute?


I have been working with tables to see if I can get some shading to delineate 
sections of a form. I have been having problems with printing the following:

    <xsl:template name="table1">
        <fo:table background-color="silver">
                <fo:table-column column-width="50pt"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="50pt"/>
                <fo:table-body font-size="10pt" font-family="monospace">
This renders OK, but fails to print out from Acrobat reader. However, this 
prints fine when I remove the background-color="silver".  Any ideas?

What I would really like is a workaround or implementation of the <block 
border="1pt" > attribute.
Kind Regards

    /_____/\    	Roger Mitchell
   /____ \\ \   	Technical Analyst - ESQ Team
  /_____\ \\ /  	Enterprise Service IT
 /_____/ \/ / / 	Sun Microsystems Europe
/_____/ /   \//\	Sun House, 31-41 Pembroke Broadway
\_____\//\   / /	Camberley, SURREY, GU15 3XD
 \_____/ / /\ / 	United Kingdom
  \_____/ \\ \ 		
   \_____\ \\   	Phone:	+44 1276 689424
    \_____\/    	Fax:	+44 1276 676511