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[1/2] wicket-site git commit: Add a news entry for 8.0.0-M1

Repository: wicket-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/asf-site 7f55ca78a -> 5f51d4d21
diff --git a/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html b/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html
index 2807070..f9aee62 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html
+++ b/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ migration guide found at</p>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
 <p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ QxEAnif6bikYEgoeNv7eBeUsoutC8Hp8
 <h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
 <h4 id="changelog-for-6240">CHANGELOG for 6.24.0:</h4>
 <h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>
diff --git a/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html b/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html
index 6d033ea..b7e8728 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html
+++ b/content/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ migration guide found at</p>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
 <p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ pS8AoINM8PFic38Lbf55tNmeegzROZYx
 <h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
 <h4 id="changelog-for-740">CHANGELOG for 7.4.0:</h4>
 <h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>
diff --git a/content/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html b/content/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+            <h1>Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</h1>
+        </header>
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+            <div id="toc" class="toc"><div id="toc-title"><h2>Table of Contents</h2></div><ul><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-1"><a href="#new-and-noteworthy"><span class="toc-number">1</span> <span class="toc-text">New and noteworthy</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-2"><a href="#using-this-release"><span class="toc-number">2</span> <span class="toc-text">Using this release</span></a></li><li class="toc--level-1 toc--section-3"><a href="#upgrading-from-earlier-versions"><span class="toc-number">3</span> <span class="toc-text">Upgrading from earlier versions</span></a><ul><li class="toc--level-2 toc--section-4"><a href="#this-release"><span class="toc-number">3.1</span> <span class="toc-text">This Release</span></a></li></ul></li></ul></div>
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+    <p class="meta">25 Jul 2016</p>
+    <p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1!</p>
+<p>Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
+framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
+governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
+more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at</p>
+<p>This release marks the first milestone of the major release of Wicket 8. We
+use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
+API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
+<h2 id="new-and-noteworthy">New and noteworthy</h2>
+<p><strong>Beside a lot of changes which were implemented in Apache Wicket 7, the new
+milestone of the major version of Apache Wicket 8 provides some 
+great features.</strong></p>
+  <li>
+    <p>Lambda support for Models and Components (See \u201cLambda Expressions\u201d chapter in the user guide)</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p>NestedStringResourceLoader to replace nested keys within property files</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p>A lot of bugfixes and improvements</p>
+  </li>
+<p><strong>Features which were almost ready and will be available with 8.0.0-M2</strong></p>
+  <li>PushBuilder API integration [WICKET-6194] 
+(See \u201cWicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental)\u201d chapter in the user guide)</li>
+<p><strong>Features which were set to \u201cwon\u2019t fix\u201d</strong></p>
+  <li>Microservices support (decoupled component usage) [WICKET-6112]</li>
+<h2 id="using-this-release">Using this release</h2>
+<p>With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don\u2019t forget to
+update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):</p>
+<figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml"><span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
+    <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.wicket<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
+    <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>wicket-core<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
+    <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>8.0.0-M1<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+<span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span></code></pre></figure>
+<p>Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
+convenience binary package</p>
+  <li>Source: <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Binary: <a href=""></a></li>
+<h2 id="upgrading-from-earlier-versions">Upgrading from earlier versions</h2>
+<p>If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
+you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
+migration guide found at</p>
+  <li><a href=""></a></li>
+<p>Have fun!</p>
+<p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
+<p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
+<p>Signature for</p>
+<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+Comment: GPGTools -
+<p>Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M1.tar.gz:</p>
+<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+Comment: GPGTools -
+<h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
+<h4 id="changelog-for-800-m1">CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M1:</h4>
+<h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type=\u201dimage\u201d is in html-template</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5995] - \u201cRange\u201d header parsing is broken</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page with queued components missing in the markup</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component models become null on submit</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6007] - PageableListView constructor argument and set/getItemsPerPage are inconsistent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing \u2018,\u2019 or \u2018;\u2019 gives problems</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6013] - CLONE AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up,Down,None] class missing in 7.1.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaks OnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really \u201ctransparent\u201d</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINEL from the cache</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException in MarkupContainer#iterator#next</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border and LoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested <wicket:enclosure></wicket:enclosure></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup of inner component not found</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while it had a non-empty queue</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource() when there is no request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injection through title model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued component in ListView</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior: Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize is set explicitly</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement) causes 400 bad request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolve autocomponents in its parent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() and other properties which are available in the handshake request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could be supported with <ajax-response><redirect>...&lt;/&gt;&lt;/&gt;</redirect></ajax-response></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6065] - Calling generate Internal error</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped in</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a request parameter with same name as wicket id</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to WicketRuntimeException</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in browser</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using native-websockets</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger \u2013&gt; JsonMappingException \u2013&gt; StackOverflowError Infinite recursion</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - \u201cIllegalArgumentException: Argument \u2018markup\u2019 may not be null\u201d after app restart</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6116] - Exception \u2018A child already exists\u2019 when backing to a page with some markups in a Border</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6129] - IRequestCycleListener not notified of all executed handlers</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type=\u201dbutton\u201d</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with RelativePathPrefixHandler</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException (need wrapper exception with more detail)</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be applicable for all kind of pages</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException \u2018Unable to find component with id\u2019</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6171] - Problem with nested dialog with multipart form</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6175] - Aautocomplete suggestion window is not closing in IE11</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6180] - JMX Initializer\u2019s usage of CGLIB makes it impossible to upgrade to CGLIB 3.2.3</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to</li>
+<h5 id="improvement">Improvement</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implement IObjectClassAwareModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField<N> should use Models for minimum, maximum and step</N></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should support updateAjaxAttributes() idiom</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6019] - Remove \u2018final\u2019 modifier for Localizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6029] - Make Border\u2019s methods consistent with commit f14e03f</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application shows deployment memory leak in Tomcat</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for the WebSocketResponse &amp; WebSocketRequest</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6060] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IProvider</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to use JSR-356 web sockets</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6081] - Add \u201cassertNotRequired\u201d to the WicketTester</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6104] - Rework AjaxFallback** components to use java.util.Optional for their #onEvent methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed state</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6113] - Improve ResourceStreamResource API by passing Attributes to #getResourceStream()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6114] - FormComponentPanel#clearInput() should delegate to its FormComponent children</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6115] - Provide default implementation of IDetachable#detach() in IModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6117] - Make IGenericComponent a mixin/trait so it could be easily reused in custom components</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6118] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IContextProvider</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6123] - Remove \u2018abstract\u2019 from ChainingModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6132] - AbstractChoice#getChoices() should be final</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6137] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler simplification</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6140] - Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6146] - Provide default implementation of IRequestHandler#detach()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6153] - WicketTester\u2019s MockHttpServletRequest doesn\u2019t expose setLocale(aLocale) method</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6184] - Remove form argument from AjaxButton and AjaxLink callbacks</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6188] - Use DynamicJQueryResourceReference by default</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6189] - Return Optional<T> from RequestCycle.find(Class<T>)</T></T></li>
+<h5 id="new-feature">New Feature</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5991] - Introduce models which use Java 8 supplier/consumer</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java\u2019s NIO API</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6121] - use lambdas for columns</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files</li>
+<h5 id="tasks">Tasks</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5990] - Upgrade Jetty usage in Wicket tests/quickstart to Jetty 9.3.x</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6004] - Wicket 8 cleanup - TODOs and deprecated methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6119] - Deprecate HtmlDocumentValidator</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6147] - Remove the support for the deprecated / and /META-INF/wicket/**.properties</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6150] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.crypt.Base64 and use java.util.Base64</li>
+<h5 id="wish">Wish</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents form submit on ENTER</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable</li>
+        </section>
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+<div class="news">
+	<h3>Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</h3>
+  <p><small>25 Jul 2016</small></p>
+	<p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1!</p>
+<p>Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
+framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
+governments, ...</p>
+	<a href="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">more</a></li>
         <div class="l-one-third">
diff --git a/content/news/2016/index.html b/content/news/2016/index.html
index c55ee8f..314b0bc 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/index.html
+++ b/content/news/2016/index.html
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
                   <p>This section contains all news items published in <a href="/news/2016/07">July 2016</a>.</p>
                   <div class="l-full">
+              		<h3 id="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</h3>
+                      <small>25 Jul 2016</small>
+              		<p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers...
+              		<a href="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">more</a></li></p>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="l-full">
               		<h3 id="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</h3>
                       <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
               		<p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.4.0! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers...
diff --git a/content/news/index.html b/content/news/index.html
index 3ebb3e2..3977a69 100644
--- a/content/news/index.html
+++ b/content/news/index.html
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
   <h1 id="all-news-for-2016">All News for 2016</h1>
   <p>This section contains all news items published in <a href="/news/2016">2016</a>.</p>
+	<h3 id="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</h3>
+    <small>25 Jul 2016</small>
+	<p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at...
+	<a href="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">more</a></p>
+  <article>
 	<h3 id="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</h3>
     <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
 	<p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.4.0! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at...

[2/2] wicket-site git commit: Add a news entry for 8.0.0-M1

Posted by
Add a news entry for 8.0.0-M1


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: 5f51d4d2182c978072563800e1516c7387f07159
Parents: 7f55ca7
Author: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Authored: Mon Jul 25 10:56:18 2016 +0200
Committer: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <>
Committed: Mon Jul 25 10:56:18 2016 +0200

 .../   |   2 +-
 .../2016/   |   6 +-
 _posts/2016/ |   4 +-
 .../2016/   |   4 +-
 _posts/2016/ |   4 +-
 .../2016/ | 265 ++++++++++++
 content/atom.xml                                | 406 ++++++++++++++-----
 content/index.html                              | 296 ++++++++++----
 content/learn/index.html                        |   6 +-
 .../news/2016/05/05/wicket-6.23.0-released.html |   6 +-
 .../news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html  |   4 +-
 .../news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html |   4 +-
 .../news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html  |   4 +-
 .../2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html    | 308 ++++++++++++++
 content/news/2016/07/index.html                 |   9 +
 content/news/2016/index.html                    |   6 +
 content/news/index.html                         |   6 +
 17 files changed, 1143 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)
diff --git a/_posts/2012/ b/_posts/2012/
index 133bae8..22afe8a 100644
--- a/_posts/2012/
+++ b/_posts/2012/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Any feedback about the new features, their implementation and
 their documentation is very welcome!
 New and Noteworthy in 6.0.0-beta3
 **NOTA BENE:** the use of modules that are marked experimental,
 by being part of the sub module 'wicket-experimental', are really
diff --git a/_posts/2016/ b/_posts/2016/
index a59a83d..44ea6a8 100644
--- a/_posts/2016/
+++ b/_posts/2016/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Have fun!
 \u2014 The Wicket team
 The signatures for the source release artefacts:
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Signature for apache-wicket-6.23.0.tar.gz:
     -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 ### CHANGELOG for 6.23.0
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Signature for apache-wicket-6.23.0.tar.gz:
 * [WICKET-6108]( - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors
 * [WICKET-6111]( - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown
-* [WICKET-6131]( - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
+* [WICKET-6131]( - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
 * [WICKET-6135]( - There is no good way to get POST body content
 #### Improvement
diff --git a/_posts/2016/ b/_posts/2016/
index 4813632..4dcba5c 100644
--- a/_posts/2016/
+++ b/_posts/2016/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Have fun!
 \u2014 The Wicket team
 The signatures for the source release artefacts:
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Signature for apache-wicket-7.3.0.tar.gz:
     -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 ### This Release
diff --git a/_posts/2016/ b/_posts/2016/
index c7bda6d..413618a 100644
--- a/_posts/2016/
+++ b/_posts/2016/
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Have fun!
 \u2014 The Wicket team
 The signatures for the source release artefacts:
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Signature for apache-wicket-6.24.0.tar.gz:
     -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 ### This Release
diff --git a/_posts/2016/ b/_posts/2016/
index aafcd4d..a21ea3e 100644
--- a/_posts/2016/
+++ b/_posts/2016/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Have fun!
 \u2014 The Wicket team
 The signatures for the source release artefacts:
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Signature for apache-wicket-7.4.0.tar.gz:
     -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 ### This Release
diff --git a/_posts/2016/ b/_posts/2016/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6805d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2016/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+layout: post
+title: Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released
+The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1!
+Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
+framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
+governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
+more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at
+This release marks the first milestone of the major release of Wicket 8. We
+use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
+API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
+New and noteworthy
+**Beside a lot of changes which were implemented in Apache Wicket 7, the new
+milestone of the major version of Apache Wicket 8 provides some 
+great features.**
+ - Lambda support for Models and Components (See "Lambda Expressions" chapter in the user guide)
+ - NestedStringResourceLoader to replace nested keys within property files 
+ - A lot of bugfixes and improvements
+**Features which were almost ready and will be available with 8.0.0-M2**
+- PushBuilder API integration [WICKET-6194] 
+(See "Wicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental)" chapter in the user guide)
+**Features which were set to "won't fix"**
+- Microservices support (decoupled component usage) [WICKET-6112]
+Using this release
+With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
+update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
+{% highlight xml %}
+    <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
+    <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
+    <version>8.0.0-M1</version>
+{% endhighlight %}
+Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
+convenience binary package
+ * Source: [](
+ * Binary: [](
+Upgrading from earlier versions
+If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
+you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
+migration guide found at
+ * [](
+Have fun!
+\u2014 The Wicket team
+The signatures for the source release artefacts:
+Signature for
+    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+	Comment: GPGTools -
+	udAAoNM46vtM+T2RYU5uSV08fWjzUjiV
+	=4pKN
+    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
+Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M1.tar.gz:
+    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+	Comment: GPGTools -
+	iEYEABECAAYFAld5Gc8ACgkQJBX8W/xy/UX5ngCgvckuOYDq+x6yVgTdDrhGskEz
+	cTwAn0jMYcafuw0aHDATKwbTv8U3uZX1
+	=9v6u
+    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
+### This Release
+#### CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M1:
+##### Bug
+* [WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)
+* [WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type="image" is in html-template
+* [WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used
+* [WICKET-5995] - "Range" header parsing is broken
+* [WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.
+* [WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile
+* [WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component
+* [WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page with queued components missing in the markup
+* [WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component models become null on submit
+* [WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent
+* [WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error
+* [WICKET-6007] - PageableListView constructor argument and set/getItemsPerPage are inconsistent
+* [WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing ',' or ';' gives problems
+* [WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget
+* [WICKET-6013] - CLONE AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up,Down,None] class missing in 7.1.0
+* [WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaks OnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2
+* [WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale
+* [WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really "transparent"
+* [WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINEL from the cache
+* [WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException in MarkupContainer#iterator#next
+* [WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border and LoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0
+* [WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested <wicket:enclosure>
+* [WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup of inner component not found
+* [WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while it had a non-empty queue
+* [WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource() when there is no request
+* [WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect
+* [WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label
+* [WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injection through title model
+* [WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted
+* [WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued component in ListView
+* [WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior: Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948
+* [WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize is set explicitly
+* [WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong
+* [WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement) causes 400 bad request
+* [WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap
+* [WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges
+* [WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolve autocomponents in its parent
+* [WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation
+* [WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() and other properties which are available in the handshake request
+* [WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could be supported with <ajax-response><redirect>...</></>
+* [WICKET-6065] - Calling generate Internal error
+* [WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped in
+* [WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a request parameter with same name as wicket id
+* [WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure
+* [WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking
+* [WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label
+* [WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to WicketRuntimeException
+* [WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments
+* [WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in browser
+* [WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation
+* [WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model
+* [WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using native-websockets
+* [WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters
+* [WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger --> JsonMappingException --> StackOverflowError Infinite recursion
+* [WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures
+* [WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors
+* [WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - "IllegalArgumentException: Argument 'markup' may not be null" after app restart
+* [WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown
+* [WICKET-6116] - Exception 'A child already exists' when backing to a page with some markups in a Border
+* [WICKET-6129] - IRequestCycleListener not notified of all executed handlers
+* [WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl
+* [WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT
+* [WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup
+* [WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content
+* [WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type="button"
+* [WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with RelativePathPrefixHandler
+* [WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException (need wrapper exception with more detail)
+* [WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory
+* [WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title
+* [WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently
+* [WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos
+* [WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be applicable for all kind of pages
+* [WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException 'Unable to find component with id'
+* [WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions
+* [WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources
+* [WICKET-6171] - Problem with nested dialog with multipart form
+* [WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId
+* [WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working
+* [WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined
+* [WICKET-6175] - Aautocomplete suggestion window is not closing in IE11
+* [WICKET-6180] - JMX Initializer's usage of CGLIB makes it impossible to upgrade to CGLIB 3.2.3
+* [WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors
+* [WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component
+* [WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to
+##### Improvement
+* [WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()
+* [WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model
+* [WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implement IObjectClassAwareModel
+* [WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue
+* [WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField<N> should use Models for minimum, maximum and step
+* [WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should support updateAjaxAttributes() idiom
+* [WICKET-6019] - Remove 'final' modifier for Localizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods
+* [WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater
+* [WICKET-6029] - Make Border's methods consistent with commit f14e03f
+* [WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application shows deployment memory leak in Tomcat
+* [WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer
+* [WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests
+* [WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for the WebSocketResponse & WebSocketRequest
+* [WICKET-6060] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IProvider
+* [WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey
+* [WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons
+* [WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to use JSR-356 web sockets
+* [WICKET-6081] - Add "assertNotRequired" to the WicketTester
+* [WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore
+* [WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3
+* [WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection
+* [WICKET-6104] - Rework AjaxFallback** components to use java.util.Optional for their #onEvent methods
+* [WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page
+* [WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed state
+* [WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging
+* [WICKET-6113] - Improve ResourceStreamResource API by passing Attributes to #getResourceStream()
+* [WICKET-6114] - FormComponentPanel#clearInput() should delegate to its FormComponent children
+* [WICKET-6115] - Provide default implementation of IDetachable#detach() in IModel
+* [WICKET-6117] - Make IGenericComponent a mixin/trait so it could be easily reused in custom components
+* [WICKET-6118] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IContextProvider
+* [WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard
+* [WICKET-6123] - Remove 'abstract' from ChainingModel
+* [WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration
+* [WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions
+* [WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper
+* [WICKET-6132] - AbstractChoice#getChoices() should be final
+* [WICKET-6137] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler simplification
+* [WICKET-6140] - Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page
+* [WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling
+* [WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions
+* [WICKET-6146] - Provide default implementation of IRequestHandler#detach()
+* [WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree
+* [WICKET-6153] - WicketTester's MockHttpServletRequest doesn't expose setLocale(aLocale) method
+* [WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does
+* [WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler
+* [WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX
+* [WICKET-6184] - Remove form argument from AjaxButton and AjaxLink callbacks
+* [WICKET-6188] - Use DynamicJQueryResourceReference by default
+* [WICKET-6189] - Return Optional<T> from RequestCycle.find(Class<T>)
+##### New Feature
+* [WICKET-5991] - Introduce models which use Java 8 supplier/consumer
+* [WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java's NIO API
+* [WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component
+* [WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics
+* [WICKET-6121] - use lambdas for columns
+* [WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files
+##### Tasks
+* [WICKET-5990] - Upgrade Jetty usage in Wicket tests/quickstart to Jetty 9.3.x
+* [WICKET-6004] - Wicket 8 cleanup - TODOs and deprecated methods
+* [WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1
+* [WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0
+* [WICKET-6119] - Deprecate HtmlDocumentValidator
+* [WICKET-6147] - Remove the support for the deprecated / and /META-INF/wicket/**.properties
+* [WICKET-6150] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.crypt.Base64 and use java.util.Base64
+##### Wish
+* [WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents form submit on ENTER
+* [WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/atom.xml b/content/atom.xml
index b1c6b44..9bdbc9e 100644
--- a/content/atom.xml
+++ b/content/atom.xml
@@ -12,6 +12,296 @@
+        <title>Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</title>
+        <link href=""/>
+        <updated>2016-07-25T00:00:00+02:00</updated>
+        <id></id>
+        <content type="html">&lt;p&gt;The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1!&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
+framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
+governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
+more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;This release marks the first milestone of the major release of Wicket 8. We
+use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
+API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
+&lt;h2 id=&quot;new-and-noteworthy&quot;&gt;New and noteworthy&lt;/h2&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Beside a lot of changes which were implemented in Apache Wicket 7, the new
+milestone of the major version of Apache Wicket 8 provides some 
+great features.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;Lambda support for Models and Components (See \u201cLambda Expressions\u201d chapter in the user guide)&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;NestedStringResourceLoader to replace nested keys within property files&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;A lot of bugfixes and improvements&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Features which were almost ready and will be available with 8.0.0-M2&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;PushBuilder API integration [WICKET-6194] 
+(See \u201cWicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental)\u201d chapter in the user guide)&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Features which were set to \u201cwon\u2019t fix\u201d&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;Microservices support (decoupled component usage) [WICKET-6112]&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h2 id=&quot;using-this-release&quot;&gt;Using this release&lt;/h2&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don\u2019t forget to
+update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;figure class=&quot;highlight&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code class=&quot;language-xml&quot; data-lang=&quot;xml&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;dependency&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
+    &lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;groupId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;org.apache.wicket&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/groupId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
+    &lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;artifactId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;wicket-core&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/artifactId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
+    &lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;version&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;8.0.0-M1&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/version&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
+&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/dependency&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
+convenience binary package&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;Source: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;Binary: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h2 id=&quot;upgrading-from-earlier-versions&quot;&gt;Upgrading from earlier versions&lt;/h2&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
+you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
+migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Have fun!&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;The signatures for the source release artefacts:&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Signature for;/p&gt;
+&lt;div class=&quot;highlighter-rouge&quot;&gt;&lt;pre class=&quot;highlight&quot;&gt;&lt;code&gt;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+Comment: GPGTools -
+&lt;p&gt;Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M1.tar.gz:&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;div class=&quot;highlighter-rouge&quot;&gt;&lt;pre class=&quot;highlight&quot;&gt;&lt;code&gt;-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
+Comment: GPGTools -
+&lt;h3 id=&quot;this-release&quot;&gt;This Release&lt;/h3&gt;
+&lt;h4 id=&quot;changelog-for-800-m1&quot;&gt;CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M1:&lt;/h4&gt;
+&lt;h5 id=&quot;bug&quot;&gt;Bug&lt;/h5&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type=\u201dimage\u201d is in html-template&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5995] - \u201cRange\u201d header parsing is broken&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page with queued components missing in the markup&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component models become null on submit&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6007] - PageableListView constructor argument and set/getItemsPerPage are inconsistent&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing \u2018,\u2019 or \u2018;\u2019 gives problems&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6013] - CLONE AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up,Down,None] class missing in 7.1.0&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaks OnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really \u201ctransparent\u201d&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINEL from the cache&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException in MarkupContainer#iterator#next&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border and LoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested &lt;wicket:enclosure&gt;&lt;/wicket:enclosure&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup of inner component not found&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while it had a non-empty queue&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource() when there is no request&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injection through title model&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued component in ListView&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior: Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize is set explicitly&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement) causes 400 bad request&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolve autocomponents in its parent&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() and other properties which are available in the handshake request&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could be supported with &lt;ajax-response&gt;&lt;redirect&gt;...&amp;lt;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/&amp;gt;&lt;/redirect&gt;&lt;/ajax-response&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6065] - Calling generate Internal error&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped in;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a request parameter with same name as wicket id&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to WicketRuntimeException&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in browser&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using native-websockets&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger \u2013&amp;gt; JsonMappingException \u2013&amp;gt; StackOverflowError Infinite recursion&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - \u201cIllegalArgumentException: Argument \u2018markup\u2019 may not be null\u201d after app restart&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6116] - Exception \u2018A child already exists\u2019 when backing to a page with some markups in a Border&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6129] - IRequestCycleListener not notified of all executed handlers&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type=\u201dbutton\u201d&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with RelativePathPrefixHandler&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException (need wrapper exception with more detail)&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be applicable for all kind of pages&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException \u2018Unable to find component with id\u2019&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6171] - Problem with nested dialog with multipart form&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6175] - Aautocomplete suggestion window is not closing in IE11&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6180] - JMX Initializer\u2019s usage of CGLIB makes it impossible to upgrade to CGLIB 3.2.3&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h5 id=&quot;improvement&quot;&gt;Improvement&lt;/h5&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implement IObjectClassAwareModel&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField&lt;n&gt; should use Models for minimum, maximum and step&lt;/n&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should support updateAjaxAttributes() idiom&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6019] - Remove \u2018final\u2019 modifier for Localizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6029] - Make Border\u2019s methods consistent with commit f14e03f&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application shows deployment memory leak in Tomcat&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for the WebSocketResponse &amp;amp; WebSocketRequest&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6060] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IProvider&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to use JSR-356 web sockets&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6081] - Add \u201cassertNotRequired\u201d to the WicketTester&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6104] - Rework AjaxFallback** components to use java.util.Optional for their #onEvent methods&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed state&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6113] - Improve ResourceStreamResource API by passing Attributes to #getResourceStream()&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6114] - FormComponentPanel#clearInput() should delegate to its FormComponent children&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6115] - Provide default implementation of IDetachable#detach() in IModel&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6117] - Make IGenericComponent a mixin/trait so it could be easily reused in custom components&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6118] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IContextProvider&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6123] - Remove \u2018abstract\u2019 from ChainingModel&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6132] - AbstractChoice#getChoices() should be final&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6137] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler simplification&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6140] - Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6146] - Provide default implementation of IRequestHandler#detach()&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6153] - WicketTester\u2019s MockHttpServletRequest doesn\u2019t expose setLocale(aLocale) method&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6184] - Remove form argument from AjaxButton and AjaxLink callbacks&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6188] - Use DynamicJQueryResourceReference by default&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6189] - Return Optional&lt;t&gt; from RequestCycle.find(Class&lt;t&gt;)&lt;/t&gt;&lt;/t&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h5 id=&quot;new-feature&quot;&gt;New Feature&lt;/h5&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5991] - Introduce models which use Java 8 supplier/consumer&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java\u2019s NIO API&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6121] - use lambdas for columns&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h5 id=&quot;tasks&quot;&gt;Tasks&lt;/h5&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5990] - Upgrade Jetty usage in Wicket tests/quickstart to Jetty 9.3.x&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6004] - Wicket 8 cleanup - TODOs and deprecated methods&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6119] - Deprecate HtmlDocumentValidator&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6147] - Remove the support for the deprecated / and /META-INF/wicket/**.properties&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6150] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.crypt.Base64 and use java.util.Base64&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h5 id=&quot;wish&quot;&gt;Wish&lt;/h5&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents form submit on ENTER&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable&lt;/li&gt;
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
         <title>Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</title>
         <link href=""/>
@@ -80,7 +370,7 @@ migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;The signatures for the source release artefacts:&lt;/p&gt;
@@ -108,7 +398,7 @@ pS8AoINM8PFic38Lbf55tNmeegzROZYx
 &lt;h3 id=&quot;this-release&quot;&gt;This Release&lt;/h3&gt;
@@ -217,7 +507,7 @@ migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;The signatures for the source release artefacts:&lt;/p&gt;
@@ -245,7 +535,7 @@ QxEAnif6bikYEgoeNv7eBeUsoutC8Hp8
 &lt;h3 id=&quot;this-release&quot;&gt;This Release&lt;/h3&gt;
@@ -341,7 +631,7 @@ migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;The signatures for the source release artefacts:&lt;/p&gt;
@@ -369,7 +659,7 @@ ZJcAnREA/PnxMckF2HWqgeunp+siydFJ
 &lt;h3 id=&quot;this-release&quot;&gt;This Release&lt;/h3&gt;
@@ -497,7 +787,7 @@ migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
 &lt;p&gt;The signatures for the source release artefacts:&lt;/p&gt;
@@ -525,7 +815,7 @@ fPwAn2meYov9oWZ8C1rG4MG2Sc8LfvHa
 &lt;h3 id=&quot;changelog-for-6230&quot;&gt;CHANGELOG for 6.23.0&lt;/h3&gt;
@@ -534,7 +824,7 @@ fPwAn2meYov9oWZ8C1rG4MG2Sc8LfvHa
   &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;WICKET-6108&lt;/a&gt; - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors&lt;/li&gt;
   &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;WICKET-6111&lt;/a&gt; - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;WICKET-6131&lt;/a&gt; - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;WICKET-6131&lt;/a&gt; - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl&lt;/li&gt;
   &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;WICKET-6135&lt;/a&gt; - There is no good way to get POST body content&lt;/li&gt;
@@ -940,102 +1230,4 @@ pdzbYsa2IMyPjC3a5hVK
-    <entry>
-        <title>Apache Wicket 6.21.0 released</title>
-        <link href=""/>
-        <updated>2015-11-16T00:00:00+01:00</updated>
-        <id></id>
-        <content type="html">&lt;p&gt;The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.21.0!&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;This release marks another minor release of Wicket 6. We
-use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
-API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
-&lt;h3 id=&quot;using-this-release&quot;&gt;Using this release&lt;/h3&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don\u2019t forget to
-update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;figure class=&quot;highlight&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&lt;code class=&quot;language-xml&quot; data-lang=&quot;xml&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;dependency&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
-&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;groupId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;org.apache.wicket&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/groupId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
-&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;artifactId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;wicket-core&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/artifactId&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
-&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;version&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;6.21.0&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/version&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;
-&lt;span class=&quot;nt&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/dependency&amp;gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
-convenience binary package&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;div class=&quot;highlight&quot;&gt;&lt;pre&gt;
- * Source: [](
- * Binary: [](
-&lt;h3 id=&quot;upgrading-from-earlier-versions&quot;&gt;Upgrading from earlier versions&lt;/h3&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
-you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
-migration guide found at&lt;/p&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;migration to Wicket 6&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;Have fun!&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;\u2014 The Wicket team&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;h3 id=&quot;this-release&quot;&gt;This release&lt;/h3&gt;
-&lt;h4 id=&quot;changelog-for-6210&quot;&gt;CHANGELOG for 6.21.0:&lt;/h4&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;The following changes were made in Wicket for this release.&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;h4 id=&quot;bug&quot;&gt;Bug&lt;/h4&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5882] - AutoComplete suggestion list disappear when I click on autoComplete scrollbar in IE&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5898] - StackOverflowError after form submit with a validation error&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5925] - wicket-examples DataTablePage is broken&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5927] - Velocity remote code execution&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5939] - AjaxEventBehavior should not lower-case the event name&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5941] - Headers not rendered for components inside TransparentWebMarkupContainer on ajax update&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5944] - CSRF prevention does not work with https URLs on the default port&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5946] - JavaScript/Css PackageResource should use the same charset for compressing&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5959] - HTML input placeholder text breaks AutoCompleteTextField in IE11&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5960] - Page header isn\u2019t rendered for pages where URL has changed during render&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5968] - CachingResourceLocator lookup key doesn\u2019t take strict into account&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5970] - UrlRenderer does not render fragments&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5973] - IllegalArgumentException \u2018bytes\u2019 cannot be negative. on opening Inspector&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5978] - LazyInitProxyFactory fills permgen space&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5989] - BaseWicketTester##startComponentInPage fails for pages with &lt;wicket:header-items&gt;&amp;lt;/wicket:header&amp;gt; placeholder&lt;/wicket:header-items&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator##onAjaxEvent&lt;/li&gt;
-&lt;h4 id=&quot;improvement&quot;&gt;Improvement&lt;/h4&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5926] - Arquillian Support with Container ServletContext in BaseWicketTester/WicketTester.&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5930] - Upgrade Atmosphere to 2.2.7&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5932] - Allow empty column list for DataTable&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5933] - Avoid serialization of untouched page after ajax request&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5935] - IoC Guice: cache proxies and fail on creation when binding is missing&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5945] - add a new topic/listener that notifies of Ajax calls done&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5948] - wicket-ajax.js probably doesn\u2019t traverse the children of &amp;lt;div&amp;gt; or &lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5955] - error from WebPage ## reportMissingHead&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5974] - Change AjaxPagingNavigator##onAjaxEvent() to only consider parent components that have setOutputMarkupId(true)&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5976] - Improve the documentation of FeedbackMessages first(int level)&lt;/li&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5986] - &lt;code class=&quot;highlighter-rouge&quot;&gt;NumberTextField&amp;lt;N&amp;gt;&lt;/code&gt; should use Models for minimum, maximum and step&lt;/li&gt;
-&lt;h4 id=&quot;task&quot;&gt;Task&lt;/h4&gt;
-  &lt;li&gt;[WICKET-5951] - Upgrade Atmosphere to 2.2.8&lt;/li&gt;
-    </entry>
diff --git a/content/index.html b/content/index.html
index 6cf9855..603ee84 100644
--- a/content/index.html
+++ b/content/index.html
@@ -225,89 +225,165 @@
 <div class="l-two-third">
-        <h2>Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</h2>
-        <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
-        <p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.4.0!</p>
+        <h2>Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</h2>
+        <small>25 Jul 2016</small>
+        <p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1!</p>
 <p>Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
 framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
 governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
 more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at</p>
-<p>This release marks another minor release of Wicket 7. We
+<p>This release marks the first milestone of the major release of Wicket 8. We
 use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
 API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
 <h2 id="new-and-noteworthy">New and noteworthy</h2>
+<p><strong>Beside a lot of changes which were implemented in Apache Wicket 7, the new
+milestone of the major version of Apache Wicket 8 provides some 
+great features.</strong></p>
-    <p>improves stateless AJAX support by integrating the Wicket Stuff
-wicket-stateless module (WICKET-6183)</p>
+    <p>Lambda support for Models and Components (See \u201cLambda Expressions\u201d chapter in the user guide)</p>
-    <p>improves compatibility for playing videos on iOS devices due to missing
-media type in MediaComponent</p>
-  </li>
-  <li>
-    <p>upgrades provided JQuery to 1.12.4 and 2.2.4</p>
+    <p>NestedStringResourceLoader to replace nested keys within property files</p>
-    <p>improves compatibility with CGLIB when using wicket-jmx</p>
+    <p>A lot of bugfixes and improvements</p>
+<p><strong>Features which were almost ready and will be available with 8.0.0-M2</strong></p>
+  <li>PushBuilder API integration [WICKET-6194] 
+(See \u201cWicket HTTP/2 Support (Experimental)\u201d chapter in the user guide)</li>
+<p><strong>Features which were set to \u201cwon\u2019t fix\u201d</strong></p>
+  <li>Microservices support (decoupled component usage) [WICKET-6112]</li>
 <h2 id="using-this-release">Using this release</h2>
 <p>With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don\u2019t forget to
 update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):</p>
 <figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml"><span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
     <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.wicket<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
     <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>wicket-core<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
-    <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>7.4.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+    <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>8.0.0-M1<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span></code></pre></figure>
 <p>Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
 convenience binary package</p>
-  <li>Source: <a href=""></a></li>
-  <li>Binary: <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Source: <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Binary: <a href=""></a></li>
 <h2 id="upgrading-from-earlier-versions">Upgrading from earlier versions</h2>
-<p>If you upgrade from 7.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
-you come from a version prior to 7.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
+<p>If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
+you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
 migration guide found at</p>
-  <li><a href=""></a></li>
+  <li><a href=""></a></li>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
-<p>Signature for</p>
+<p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 Comment: GPGTools -
-<p>Signature for apache-wicket-7.4.0.tar.gz:</p>
+<p>Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M1.tar.gz:</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 Comment: GPGTools -
 <h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
-<h4 id="changelog-for-740">CHANGELOG for 7.4.0:</h4>
+<h4 id="changelog-for-800-m1">CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M1:</h4>
 <h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5836] - Update the version of clirr-maven-plugin (current 2.6.1)</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type=\u201dimage\u201d is in html-template</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5995] - \u201cRange\u201d header parsing is broken</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6001] - Exception raised while refreshing a page with queued components missing in the markup</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6002] - FileUploadField makes form-component models become null on submit</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6006] - ModalWindow.closeCurrent() causes 414 status error</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6007] - PageableListView constructor argument and set/getItemsPerPage are inconsistent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6010] - Downloading filenames containing \u2018,\u2019 or \u2018;\u2019 gives problems</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6011] - NPE in case DebugBar is added to AjaxRequestTarget</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6013] - CLONE AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up,Down,None] class missing in 7.1.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6014] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer breaks OnChangeAjaxBehavior for Select2</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6017] - Tests fail when executed with not expected locale</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6018] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer is not really \u201ctransparent\u201d</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6020] - GuiceFieldValueFactory returns the NULL_SENTINEL from the cache</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6021] - ConcurrentModificationException in MarkupContainer#iterator#next</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6024] - Possible issue with Border and LoadableDetachableModel in 7.1.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6026] - Problem in detecting child id on nested <wicket:enclosure></wicket:enclosure></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6027] - Nested TransparentWebMarkupContainer, markup of inner component not found</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6028] - Detach called on enclosure component while it had a non-empty queue</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6031] - NPE in PackageResourceReference#getResource() when there is no request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6032] - Wicket.Ajax.done() called twice on redirect</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6036] - Failure to process markup with nested tags inside a Label</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6037] - ModalWindow vulnerable to Javascript injection through title model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6043] - Cannot set wicket:enclosure on queued component in ListView</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6044] - AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior: Duplicate input values according to WICKET-5948</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6045] - ListView NullPointerException when viewSize is set explicitly</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6048] - German Translation for EqualInputValidator wrong</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6050] - Wicket Ajax (Wicket.From.serializeElement) causes 400 bad request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6052] - CSS header contribution overlap</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6058] - Error in calculation of byte ranges</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6059] - TransparentWebMarkupContainer can not resolve autocomponents in its parent</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6062] - MockHttpSession should renew its id after invalidation</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6063] - Add support for WebSocketRequest#getUrl() and other properties which are available in the handshake request</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6064] - WebSocketResponse.sendRedirect could be supported with <ajax-response><redirect>...&lt;/&gt;&lt;/&gt;</redirect></ajax-response></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6065] - Calling generate Internal error</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6068] - The key RangeValidator.exact is not mapped in</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6069] - OnChangeAjaxBehavior does not work if the url contains a request parameter with same name as wicket id</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6076] - Problem with queued components and enclosure</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6078] - Problem with queued components and auto linking</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6079] - Problem with queued components and label</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6080] - Encapsulation of 3 enclosures leads to WicketRuntimeException</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6084] - ajax request failure handler receives incorrect arguments</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6085] - AjaxTimerBehavior with failure handler cause memory leak in browser</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6087] - Invalid AbstractRequestWrapperFactory.needsWrapper method scope: package - cannot create a custom implementation</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6088] - Problem with queued components and setting the model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6091] - NPE in RequestLoggerRequestCycleListener when using native-websockets</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6094] - Find adequate ResourceReference with mount parameters</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6097] - JsonRequestLogger \u2013&gt; JsonMappingException \u2013&gt; StackOverflowError Infinite recursion</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6102] - StackoverflowError related to enclosures</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6108] - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6109] - Enclosure - \u201cIllegalArgumentException: Argument \u2018markup\u2019 may not be null\u201d after app restart</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6111] - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6116] - Exception \u2018A child already exists\u2019 when backing to a page with some markups in a Border</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6129] - IRequestCycleListener not notified of all executed handlers</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6131] - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6133] - Failing test SpringBeanWithGenericsTest in SNAPSHOT</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6134] - NPE when using ListView with missing markup</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6135] - There is no good way to get POST body content</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6139] - AjaxButton forces rendering type=\u201dbutton\u201d</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6141] - Runtime Exception rendering ComponentTag with RelativePathPrefixHandler</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6151] - DebugBar/PageSizeDebugPanel throws NullPointerException (need wrapper exception with more detail)</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6161] - SecuritySettings.setEnforceMounts() should be applicable for all kind of pages</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException \u2018Unable to find component with id\u2019</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6171] - Problem with nested dialog with multipart form</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined</li>
@@ -316,44 +392,112 @@ pS8AoINM8PFic38Lbf55tNmeegzROZYx
   <li>[WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6196] - CheckingObjectOutputStream broken in Wicket 7</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6198] - Unable to disable a MultiFileUploadField</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6202] - Guide: 26.1 Page storing, section HttpSessionDataStore - example code is not correct</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6204] - Copy only the provided attributes for Ajax link inclusion</li>
 <h5 id="improvement">Improvement</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5866] - Reconsider generics of IConverterLocator#getConverter()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5950] - Model and GenericBaseModel could both implement IObjectClassAwareModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5969] - Please give us access to PageTable.index pageId queue</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField<n> should use Models for minimum, maximum and step</n></li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6015] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder/Link should support updateAjaxAttributes() idiom</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6019] - Remove \u2018final\u2019 modifier for Localizer#getStringIgnoreSettings() methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6023] - small tweak for component queuing for the AbstractRepeater</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6029] - Make Border\u2019s methods consistent with commit f14e03f</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6046] - Wicket Quickstart Example Application shows deployment memory leak in Tomcat</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6051] - Improve performance of CssUrlReplacer</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6054] - Provide a factory method for the WebSocketResponse &amp; WebSocketRequest</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6060] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IProvider</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6061] - Improved PackageResource#getCacheKey</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6070] - Provide factory methods for WizardButtonBar buttons</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6072] - Improve the quickstart to make it easier to use JSR-356 web sockets</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6081] - Add \u201cassertNotRequired\u201d to the WicketTester</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6098] - Add logging to HttpSessionDataStore</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6100] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12.3/2.2.3</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6103] - Synchronization on JSR 356 connection</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6104] - Rework AjaxFallback** components to use java.util.Optional for their #onEvent methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6106] - Propagate JSR 356 WebSocket connection error to a page</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6107] - Broadcast onClose event regardless of the JSR 356 WebSocket connection closed state</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6110] - Add a message to StalePageException for better debugging</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6113] - Improve ResourceStreamResource API by passing Attributes to #getResourceStream()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6114] - FormComponentPanel#clearInput() should delegate to its FormComponent children</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6115] - Provide default implementation of IDetachable#detach() in IModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6117] - Make IGenericComponent a mixin/trait so it could be easily reused in custom components</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6118] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.IContextProvider</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6122] - Add .map to the list of allowed file extensions in SecurePackageResourceGuard</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6123] - Remove \u2018abstract\u2019 from ChainingModel</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6127] - Add metrics for request duration</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6128] - Add metrics for currently active sessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6130] - Make it easier to override parts of SystemMapper</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6132] - AbstractChoice#getChoices() should be final</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6137] - ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler simplification</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6140] - Ajax should prevent updating components which are not on page</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6144] - Wicket-ajax parameter / header may be used to bypass proper exception handling</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6145] - Enable DeltaManager to replicate PageTable in Sessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6146] - Provide default implementation of IRequestHandler#detach()</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6152] - Allow to add more than one WebSocketBehavior in the component tree</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6153] - WicketTester\u2019s MockHttpServletRequest doesn\u2019t expose setLocale(aLocale) method</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6186] - Upgrade JQuery to 1.12.4/2.2.4</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6184] - Remove form argument from AjaxButton and AjaxLink callbacks</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6188] - Use DynamicJQueryResourceReference by default</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6189] - Return Optional<t> from RequestCycle.find(Class<t>)</t></t></li>
 <h5 id="new-feature">New Feature</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5991] - Introduce models which use Java 8 supplier/consumer</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6025] - Read resource files with Java\u2019s NIO API</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6042] - Implementation of ExternalImage component</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6120] - Wicket Metrics</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6121] - use lambdas for columns</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files</li>
-        <a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Read more...</a> 
+<h5 id="tasks">Tasks</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-5990] - Upgrade Jetty usage in Wicket tests/quickstart to Jetty 9.3.x</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6004] - Wicket 8 cleanup - TODOs and deprecated methods</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6057] - Upgrade commons-collections to 4.1</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6071] - Upgrade jQuery to 1.12 / 2.2.0</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6119] - Deprecate HtmlDocumentValidator</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6147] - Remove the support for the deprecated / and /META-INF/wicket/**.properties</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6150] - Deprecate org.apache.wicket.util.crypt.Base64 and use java.util.Base64</li>
+<h5 id="wish">Wish</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-6067] - Provide an Ajax Behavior that prevents form submit on ENTER</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6095] - Multiline headers in DataTable</li>
+        <a href="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">Read more...</a> 
-        <h2>Apache Wicket 6.24.0 released</h2>
+        <h2>Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</h2>
         <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
-        <p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.24.0!</p>
+        <p>The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.4.0!</p>
 <p>Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
 framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
 governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
 more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at</p>
-<p>This release marks another minor release of Wicket 6. We
+<p>This release marks another minor release of Wicket 7. We
 use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
 API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
 <h2 id="new-and-noteworthy">New and noteworthy</h2>
-    <p>upgrades JQuery dependency to 1.12.4 and 2.2.4</p>
+    <p>improves stateless AJAX support by integrating the Wicket Stuff
+wicket-stateless module (WICKET-6183)</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p>improves compatibility for playing videos on iOS devices due to missing
+media type in MediaComponent</p>
-    <p>increases performance when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory</p>
+    <p>upgrades provided JQuery to 1.12.4 and 2.2.4</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p>improves compatibility with CGLIB when using wicket-jmx</p>
 <h2 id="using-this-release">Using this release</h2>
@@ -362,65 +506,81 @@ update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):</p>
 <figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-xml" data-lang="xml"><span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
     <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.wicket<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
     <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>wicket-core<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
-    <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>6.24.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+    <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>7.4.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span></code></pre></figure>
 <p>Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
 convenience binary package</p>
-  <li>Source: <a href=""></a></li>
-  <li>Binary: <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Source: <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Binary: <a href=""></a></li>
 <h2 id="upgrading-from-earlier-versions">Upgrading from earlier versions</h2>
-<p>If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
-you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
+<p>If you upgrade from 7.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
+you come from a version prior to 7.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
 migration guide found at</p>
-  <li><a href=""></a></li>
+  <li><a href=""></a></li>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
-<p>Signature for</p>
+<p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 Comment: GPGTools -
-<p>Signature for apache-wicket-6.24.0.tar.gz:</p>
+<p>Signature for apache-wicket-7.4.0.tar.gz:</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 Comment: GPGTools -
 <h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
-<h4 id="changelog-for-6240">CHANGELOG for 6.24.0:</h4>
+<h4 id="changelog-for-740">CHANGELOG for 7.4.0:</h4>
 <h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>
   <li>[WICKET-6154] - Performance bottleneck when using KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6155] - Newline in ModalWindow title</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6157] - WicketTester and application servers are destroying app differently</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6160] - Missing type for MediaComponent causing iOS devices not to be able to play videos</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6162] - Reload leads to unexpected RuntimeException \u2018Unable to find component with id\u2019</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6169] - NullPointerException accessing AbstractRequestLogger.getLiveSessions</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6170] - Wrong requestmapper used for cache decorated resources</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6172] - Inconsistent results from getTag[s]ByWicketId</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6173] - WICKET-6172 makes TagTester.createTagsByAttribute stop working</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6174] - Browser/Client info navigatorJavaEnabled property returns undefined</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6175] - Aautocomplete suggestion window is not closing in IE11</li>
-  <li>[WICKET-6181] - Revert the removal of the default error message when uploading too big files</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6180] - JMX Initializer\u2019s usage of CGLIB makes it impossible to upgrade to CGLIB 3.2.3</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6185] - Border body not reachable for visitors</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6187] - Enclosures rendered twice in derived component</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6191] - AjaxTimerBehavior will stop after ajax update of component it is attached to</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6196] - CheckingObjectOutputStream broken in Wicket 7</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6198] - Unable to disable a MultiFileUploadField</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6202] - Guide: 26.1 Page storing, section HttpSessionDataStore - example code is not correct</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6204] - Copy only the provided attributes for Ajax link inclusion</li>
 <h5 id="improvement">Improvement</h5>
-  <li>[WICKET-6053] - Allow to reuse the same application instance in several tests</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6153] - WicketTester\u2019s MockHttpServletRequest doesn\u2019t expose setLocale(aLocale) method</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6178] - MetaDataHeaderItem # generateString() should return specials characters escaped like StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s) does</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6182] - Remove recreateBookmarkablePagesAfterExpiry check in Component#createRequestHandler</li>
+  <li>[WICKET-6183] - Improve stateless support for AJAX</li>
   <li>[WICKET-6186] - Upgrade JQuery to 1.12.4/2.2.4</li>
-        <a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html">Read more...</a> 
+<h5 id="new-feature">New Feature</h5>
+  <li>[WICKET-6193] - NestedStringResourceLoader - replaces nested keys within property files</li>
+        <a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Read more...</a> 
 <div class="l-one-third news">
@@ -432,6 +592,12 @@ title="Atom 1.0 feed" href="/atom.xml">RSS feed</a> to
 get updates in your favorite RSS reader the moment they happen.</p>
+    <h3>Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</h3>
+    <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
+    The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.4.0! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers...
+    <a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">more</a>
     <h3>Apache Wicket 6.24.0 released</h3>
     <small>21 Jul 2016</small>
     The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.24.0! Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers...
@@ -455,12 +621,6 @@ get updates in your favorite RSS reader the moment they happen.</p>
     Severity: Important Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation Versions Affected: Apache Wicket 1.5.x, 6.x and 7.x Description: It is possible for JavaScript statements to break out...
     <a href="/news/2016/03/02/cve-2015-7520.html">more</a>
-    <h3>CVE-2015-5347 Apache Wicket XSS vulnerability</h3>
-    <small>01 Mar 2016</small>
-    Severity: Important Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation Versions Affected: Apache Wicket 1.5.x, 6.x and 7.x Description: It is possible for JavaScript statements to break out...
-    <a href="/news/2016/03/01/cve-2015-5347.html">more</a>
 <div class="l-first"></div>
diff --git a/content/learn/index.html b/content/learn/index.html
index 8f86969..df7f3e9 100644
--- a/content/learn/index.html
+++ b/content/learn/index.html
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ We also publish a news item on our website with the announcement, and it is also
 <p>Here are the most recent headlines:</p>
-    <p><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</a> <small>21 Jul 2016</small></p>
+    <p><a href="/news/2016/07/25/wicket-8.0.0-M1-released.html">Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M1 released</a> <small>25 Jul 2016</small></p>
-    <p><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 6.24.0 released</a> <small>21 Jul 2016</small></p>
+    <p><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-7.4.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.4.0 released</a> <small>21 Jul 2016</small></p>
-    <p><a href="/news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 7.3.0 released</a> <small>05 May 2016</small></p>
+    <p><a href="/news/2016/07/21/wicket-6.24.0-released.html">Apache Wicket 6.24.0 released</a> <small>21 Jul 2016</small></p>
 <p>The complete articles and all other news items are available in the <a href="/news">archives</a>.</p>
diff --git a/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-6.23.0-released.html b/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-6.23.0-released.html
index d6dc344..360d3d8 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-6.23.0-released.html
+++ b/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-6.23.0-released.html
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ migration guide found at</p>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
 <p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ fPwAn2meYov9oWZ8C1rG4MG2Sc8LfvHa
 <h3 id="changelog-for-6230">CHANGELOG for 6.23.0</h3>
 <h4 id="bug">Bug</h4>
   <li><a href="">WICKET-6108</a> - Closing a ModalWindow with jQuery 2.2.0 produces javascript errors</li>
   <li><a href="">WICKET-6111</a> - Empty redirect on redirect to home page if home page already shown</li>
-  <li><a href="">WICKET-6131</a> - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl</li>
+  <li><a href="">WICKET-6131</a> - IndexOutOfBoundsException in org.apache.wicket.core. request.mapper.CryptoMapper.decryptEntireUrl</li>
   <li><a href="">WICKET-6135</a> - There is no good way to get POST body content</li>
 <h4 id="improvement">Improvement</h4>
diff --git a/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html b/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html
index c1fbe6e..ffb24bd 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html
+++ b/content/news/2016/05/05/wicket-7.3.0-released.html
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ migration guide found at</p>
 <p>Have fun!</p>
 <p>\u2014 The Wicket team</p>
 <p>The signatures for the source release artefacts:</p>
 <p>Signature for</p>
 <div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ ZJcAnREA/PnxMckF2HWqgeunp+siydFJ
 <h3 id="this-release">This Release</h3>
 <h4 id="changelog-for-730">CHANGELOG for 7.3.0:</h4>
 <h5 id="bug">Bug</h5>