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svn commit: r1653661 - in /uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk: src/main/admin/ src/main/resources/ uima-ducc-examples/src/main/resources/sleepjobs/ uima-ducc-examples/src/main/scripts/

Author: challngr
Date: Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
New Revision: 1653661

UIMA-4196 Run properties merge as part of start_ducc and startsim.

    uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ducc_props_manager   (with props)
      - copied unchanged from r1653639, uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/resources/

Added: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ducc_props_manager
--- uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ducc_props_manager (added)
+++ uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ducc_props_manager Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import getopt
+class PropertiesException(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return repr(self.msg)
+class Property:
+    def __init__(self, k, v, c):
+        self.k = k         # key
+        self.v = v         # value
+        self.c = c         # comments
+        self.orig_v = v
+    def reset(self):
+        self.v = self.orig_v
+    def __str__(self):
+        return str(self.k) + '=' + str(self.v)
+class Properties:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.props = {}
+        self.keys = []
+        self.comments = []
+    #
+    # Expand all ${} values from env or from this properties file itself
+    # The search order is:
+    #    1 look in this properties file
+    #    2 look in the environment
+    #
+    def do_subst(self, str):
+        key = None
+        p = re.compile("\\$\\{[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+\\}")
+        ndx = 0
+        response = str
+        m =, ndx)    
+        while ( m != None ):
+            key =[2:-1]
+            val = None
+            if ( self.has_key(key) ):
+                val = self.get(key)
+            elif ( os.environ.has_key(key) ):
+                val = os.environ[key]                
+            if ( val != None ):    
+                response = string.replace(response, , val)
+            ndx = m.start()+1
+            m =, ndx)
+        return response
+    def mkitem(self, line):
+        #
+        # First deal with line comments so we can preserve them on write
+        #
+        if ( line.startswith('#') ):
+            self.comments.append(line)
+            return False
+        if ( line.startswith('//') ):
+            self.comments.append(line)
+            return False
+        if ( line == '' ):
+            return False
+        #
+        # Now strip off embedded comments, these are lost, but they're not valid
+        # for java props anyway.
+        #
+        ndx = line.find('#')   # remove comments - like the java DuccProperties
+        if ( ndx >= 0 ):
+            line = line[0:ndx]     # strip the comment
+        ndx = line.find('//')   # remove comments - like the java DuccProperties
+        if ( ndx >= 0 ):
+            line = line[0:ndx]     # strip the comment
+        line = line.strip()    # clear leading and trailing whitespace
+        if ( line == '' ):
+            return 
+        mobj ='[ =:]+', line)
+        if ( mobj ):            
+            key = line[:mobj.start()].strip()
+            val = line[mobj.end():].strip()
+            # print 'NEXT', mobj.start(), 'END', mobj.end(), 'KEY', key, 'VAL', val
+            # val = self.do_subst(val)   # we'll do lazy subst on get instead
+            self.props[key] = Property(key, val, self.comments)
+            if ( key in self.keys ):
+                self.keys.remove(key)
+            self.keys.append(key)
+            self.comments = []
+        else:
+            self.props[line] = Property(line, '', self.comments)
+            self.keys.append(line)
+            self.comments = []
+    #
+    # Load reads a properties file and adds it contents to the
+    # hash.  It may be called several times; each call updates
+    # the internal has, thus building it up.  The input file is
+    # in the form of a java-like properties file.
+    #
+    def load(self, propsfile):
+        if ( not os.path.exists(propsfile) ):
+            raise PropertiesException(propsfile +  ' does not exist and cannot be loaded.')
+        f = open(propsfile);
+        for line in f:
+            self.mkitem(line.strip())
+        f.close()
+    # read a jar manifest into a properties entity
+    def load_from_manifest(self, jarfile):
+        z = zipfile.ZipFile(jarfile)
+        items ='META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').split('\n')
+        for item in items:
+            self.mkitem(item)
+    #
+    # Try to load a properties file.  Just be silent if it doesn't exist.
+    #
+    def load_if_exists(self, propsfile):
+        if ( os.path.exists(propsfile) ):
+            return self.load(propsfile)
+    #
+    # Put something into the hash with an optional comment
+    #
+    def put(self, key, value, comment=[]):
+        self.props[key] = Property(key, value, comment)
+        self.keys.append(key)
+    #
+    # Put a Property object into the map
+    #
+    def put_property(self, p):
+        self.props[p.k] = p
+        self.keys.append(p.k)
+    #
+    # Get a value from the hash
+    #
+    def get(self, key):
+        if ( self.props.has_key(key) ):
+            return self.do_subst(self.props[key].v)   # we'll do lazy subst on get instead
+        return None
+    #
+    # Get a Property object for manipulation (k, v, comment)
+    #
+    def get_property(self, key):
+        if ( self.props.has_key(key) ):
+            return self.props[key]                    # note no expansion.  
+        return None
+    #
+    # Remove an item if it exists
+    #
+    def delete(self, key):
+        if ( self.props.has_key(key) ):
+            del self.props[key]
+            self.keys.remove(key)
+    #
+    # Write the has as a Java-like properties file
+    #
+    def write(self, propsfile):
+        f = open(propsfile, 'w')
+        for k in self.keys:
+            p = self.props[k]
+            v = p.v
+            c = p.c
+            for cc in c:
+                f.write(cc + '\n')
+            f.write(k + ' = ' + str(v) + '\n\n')
+        f.close()
+    #
+    # return a shallow copy of the dictionary
+    #
+    def copy_dictionary(self):
+        return self.props.copy()
+    #
+    # Return the entries (Property list) in the dictionary
+    #
+    def items(self):
+        return self.props.items()
+    #
+    # The keys, in the order as defined in the input file
+    #
+    def get_keys(self):
+        return self.keys
+    #
+    # check to see if the key exists in the dictionary
+    #
+    def has_key(self, key):
+        return self.props.has_key(key)
+    #
+    # Return the length of the dictionary
+    #
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.props)
+class DuccPropManager():
+    def __init__(self):
+        # simple bootstratp to establish DUCC_HOME and to set the python path so it can
+        # find the common code in DUCC_HOME/admin
+        # Infer DUCC_HOME from our location - no longer use a (possibly inaccurate) environment variable
+        me = os.path.abspath(__file__)    
+        ndx = me.rindex('/')
+        ndx = me.rindex('/', 0, ndx)
+        self.DUCC_HOME = me[:ndx]          # split from 0 to ndx
+    def merge(self, file1, file2, file3):
+        '''
+            Merge "file1" and "file2" to produce a merged "file3".
+        '''
+        file1_props = Properties()
+        file1_props.load(file1)
+        file2_props = Properties()
+        file2_props.load(file2)
+        file3_props = Properties()
+        # first pass, create merged props with stuff in base props file updated with delta
+        for k in file1_props.get_keys():
+            base = file1_props.get_property(k)
+            upd = file2_props.get_property(k)
+            if ( upd == None ):
+                file3_props.put_property(base)
+            else:
+                upd.c.append('# OVERRIDE by merger ' + time.strftime('%c') + ' old value: ' + base.v)
+                file3_props.put_property(upd)
+                file2_props.delete(k)
+        # everything left in delta is new stuff
+        for k in file2_props.get_keys():
+            upd = file2_props.get_property(k)
+            upd.c.append('# INSERT by merger ' + time.strftime('%c'))
+            file3_props.put_property(upd)
+        file3_props.write(file3)
+    def delta(self, left, right, delta):
+        '''
+            Compare "left" to "right" to produce a "delta".
+        '''
+        left_props = Properties()
+        left_props.load(left)
+        right_props = Properties()
+        right_props.load(right)
+        delta_props = Properties()
+        for k in left_props.get_keys():
+            r = left_props.get_property(k)
+            if ( r == None ):          
+                continue                                # left only, 'master' no need to delta it
+            l = left_props.get_property(k)
+            r = right_props.get_property(k)
+            if ( r != None and l.v != r.v ):
+                delta_props.put_property(r)            # no match, save difference (right) in delta
+            right_props.delete(k)                        # shrink left to see what's left over
+        for k in right_props.get_keys():
+            delta_props.put_property(right_props.get_property(k))
+        delta_props.write(delta)
+    def usage(self, *msg):
+        if ( msg[0] != None ):
+            print ''
+            print ' '.join(msg)
+            print ''
+        print 'ducc_prop_manager has two functions:'
+        print '    1. Merge a local properties file with a default file to produce a merged'
+        print '    2. Compare two properties files to create a local delta.'
+        print ''
+        print '    The merge and delta operations are inverse operations.'
+        print ''
+        print '    Comments and the structure of the default file are preserved whenever possible.'
+        print ''
+        print '    If the full path name to a file is not given, it is must reside within'
+        print'        $DUCC_HOME/resources'
+        print ''
+        print "Usage:"
+        print '   ducc_prop_manager --merge file1 --with file2 --to file3'
+        print '   ducc_prop_manager --delta file1 --with file2 --to file3'
+        print ''
+        print 'Options'
+        print '    -m, --merge file1'
+        print '    -d, --delta file1'
+        print '           This is the base properties file, usually the unmodified file provided with the'
+        print '           DUCC distribution.'
+        print ''
+        print '           If --merge is specified, the output file (file3) is the merger of file1 and file2'
+        print ''
+        print '           If --delta is specified, the output file (file3) is the delta of file1 and file2'
+        print ''
+        print '    -w, --with file2'
+        print '          This file is either merged or difference with file1 to produce the result in file3'
+        print ''
+        print '    -t, --to file3'
+        print '          This is the result of the merge or delta operation'
+        print ''
+        print 'Examples:'
+        print '    Update your from the default properties and your'
+        print '        ducc_props_manager --merge --with --to'
+        print ''
+        print '    Create a new by differencing the default properties and'
+        print '        ducc_props_manager --delta --with --to'
+        sys.exit(1);
+    def main(self, argv):          
+        action = None
+        file1 = None
+        file2 = None
+        file3 = None
+        try:
+            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'm:w:t:h?', ['delta=', 'merge=', 'with=', 'to=', 'help'])
+        except:
+            self.usage('Invalid arguments', ' '.join(argv))
+        for ( o, a ) in opts:
+            if o in ( '-m', '--merge' ): 
+                action = 'merge'
+                file1 = a
+            elif o in ( '-d', '--delta' ):
+                action = 'delta'
+                file1 = a
+            elif o in ( '-w', '--with' ):
+                file2 = a
+            elif o in ( '-t', '--to' ):
+                file3 = a
+            elif o in ('-h', '-?', '--help'):
+                self.usage(None);
+        if ( action == None or file1 == None or file2 == None or file3 == None ):
+            self.usage("Insufficient arguemnts.  All arguments are required.")
+        if ( not ( file1.startswith('/') or file1.startswith('.') ) ):
+            file1 = '/'.join([self.DUCC_HOME, 'resources', file1])
+        if ( not ( file2.startswith('/') or file2.startswith('.') ) ):
+            file2 = '/'.join([self.DUCC_HOME, 'resources', file2])
+        if ( not ( file3.startswith('/') or file3.startswith('.') ) ):
+            file3 = '/'.join([self.DUCC_HOME, 'resources', file3])
+        if ( action == 'merge' ):
+            self.merge(file1, file2, file3)
+        elif ( action == 'delta'):
+  , file2, file3)
+        else:
+            self.usage('Invalid action:', action, 'must be --delta or --merge')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    mgr = DuccPropManager()
+    mgr.main(sys.argv[1:])

Propchange: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ducc_props_manager
    svn:executable = *

Modified: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/
--- uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
@@ -147,6 +147,17 @@ class DuccUtil(DuccBase):
         if ( self.webserver_node == None ):
             self.webserver_node = self.localhost
+    def merge_properties(self):
+        # first task, always, merge the properties so subsequent code can depend on their validity.
+        base_props = DUCC_HOME + '/resources/'
+        site_props = DUCC_HOME + '/resources/'
+        run_props = DUCC_HOME + '/resources/'
+        merger = DUCC_HOME + '/admin/ducc_props_manager'
+        CMD = [merger, '--merge', base_props, '--with', site_props, '--to', run_props]
+        CMD = ' '.join(CMD)
+        print 'Merging', base_props, 'with', site_props, 'into', run_props
+        os.system(CMD)
     def find_netstat(self):
         # don't you wish people would get together on where stuff lives?

Modified: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/start_ducc
--- uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/start_ducc (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/start_ducc Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
@@ -226,6 +226,9 @@ class StartDucc(DuccUtil):
         if ( not self.verify_jvm() ):
+        # first task, MUST merge properties so subsequent things can can count on its validity
+        self.merge_properties()
         nodefiles = []

Modified: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/resources/sleepjobs/1.job
--- uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/resources/sleepjobs/1.job (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/resources/sleepjobs/1.job Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ driver_jvm_args                -Xmx500M
 process_descriptor_AE          org.apache.uima.ducc.test.randomsleep.FixedSleepAE
 process_memory_size            2
-classpath                      ${DUCC_HOME}/lib/uima-ducc/examples/*
+classpath                      ${DUCC_HOME}/lib/uima-ducc/examples/*:${DUCC_HOME}/apache-uima/lib/*
 process_jvm_args               -Xmx100M 
 process_thread_count           2
 process_per_item_time_max      5

Modified: uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/scripts/start_sim
--- uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/scripts/start_sim (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/uima-ducc/trunk/uima-ducc-examples/src/main/scripts/start_sim Wed Jan 21 21:27:46 2015
@@ -298,6 +298,9 @@ class StartSim(DuccUtil):
         if ( len(argv) == 0 ):
+        # first task, always, merge the properties so subsequent code can depend on their validity.
+        self.merge_properties()
         node_config = None
         components = {}
         instances = {}