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Posted to by Lukas Molzberger <> on 2017/06/15 10:57:40 UTC

Aika: Call for contribution


for the last couple of years I've been working on the text-mining engine Aika ( Although Aika is based on a neural network architecture, it still is capable of processing structural information like text ranges or word positions. Aika allows to represent syntactical or semantical linguistic knowledge in the graph structure of the neural network. It is even possible to use positive or negative recurrent feed back loops which allow to automatically generate mutually exclusive interpretations of a given text. Aika takes a very general approach at natural language processing, so that specific nlp tasks can be solved using specialised networks of neurons and weighted synapses. The project is now at a point where the core algorithm is already quite optimized and simplified, but where still many ways exist on how Aika could be improved. Therefore, I think that now is a good time to get more people involved in the project. I've already put the algorithm under Apache license and I'm aiming at getting incubator status for the project. Since OpenNLP is working on similar tasks to what Aika is doing, I was wondering if someone on this list would be interrested in contributing to the Aika project?

Best regards,

Lukas Molzberger