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Posted to by on 2013/03/11 16:11:05 UTC

[24/50] [abbrv] The `cordova` build target can be removed.
diff --git a/targets/cordova/playbook.xml b/targets/cordova/playbook.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6d825..0000000
--- a/targets/cordova/playbook.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-<project default="help">
-    <!-- LOAD PROPERTIES -->
-    <property prefix="properties" file="" />
-    <property name="build.dir"    location="build" />
-    <property name="widget.dir"   location="${build.dir}/widget" />
-    <property name="code.sign"    value="false" />
-    <property name="generate.ext"   value="cod" />
-    <property name="build.num.file" value="buildId.txt" />
-    <!-- BlackBerry WebWorks Packager for Tablets directory is required. -->
-    <fail unless="properties.playbook.bbwp.dir" message="Please specify BlackBerry WebWorks Packager directory using 'playbook.bbwp.dir' in your '' file." />
-    <!-- OS identification -->
-    <condition property="isMacOSX" else="false">
-        <and>
-            <os family="mac" />
-            <os family="unix" />
-        </and>
-    </condition>
-    <condition property="bbwp" value="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/bbwp" else="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/bbwp.exe">
-        <equals arg1="${isMacOSX}" arg2="true" />
-    </condition>
-    <condition property="blackberry-deploy" value="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/blackberry-tablet-sdk/bin/blackberry-deploy" else="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/blackberry-tablet-sdk/bin/blackberry-deploy.bat">
-        <equals arg1="${isMacOSX}" arg2="true" />
-    </condition>
-    <!-- LOAD DEVICE -->
-    <target name="load-device" depends="package-app">
-        <bbwp code-sign="true" />
-        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
-            <arg value="-installApp" />
-            <arg value="-launchApp" />
-            <arg value="-device" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
-            <arg value="-password" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
-            <arg value="-package" />
-            <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.bar" />
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- LOAD SIMULATOR -->
-    <target name="load-simulator" depends="build">
-        <echo>This tool will not open the simulator for you </echo>
-        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
-            <arg value="-installApp" />
-            <arg value="-launchApp" />
-            <arg value="-device" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.ip}" />
-            <arg value="-password" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.password}" />
-            <arg value="-package" />
-            <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.bar" />
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- PACKAGE-APP -->
-    <target name="package-app" depends="generate-cod-name, clean">
-        <!-- Copy the WebWorks application -->
-        <mkdir dir="${widget.dir}" />
-        <copy todir="${widget.dir}" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="www" >
-                <exclude name="ext/**"/>
-                <exclude name="ext-air/**"/>
-                <exclude name="playbook/**"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Overwrite the cordova js with the playbook specific cordova js -->
-        <copy todir="${widget.dir}" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="www/playbook">
-                <include name="*.js" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Update WebWorks Packager with the AIR APIs -->
-        <copy todir="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}\ext" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="www/ext-air" excludes="" />
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Package the WebWorks app by zipping the widget dir. -->
-        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
-        <zip compress="false" destfile="${build.dir}/${}.zip" basedir="${widget.dir}" excludes="**/build/**,**/.settings/**,**/.project" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- BUILD -->
-    <target name="build" depends="package-app">
-        <bbwp code-sign="${code.sign}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- BBWP MACRO -->
-    <macrodef name="bbwp">
-        <attribute name="code-sign" default="false" />
-        <sequential>
-            <buildnumber file="${build.num.file}" />
-            <if>
-                <equals arg1="@{code-sign}" arg2="true" />
-                <then>
-                    <exec executable="${bbwp}">
-                        <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.zip" />
-                        <arg value="-gcsk" />
-                        <arg value="${properties.playbook.sigtool.csk.password}" />
-                        <arg value="-gp12" />
-                        <arg value="${properties.playbook.sigtool.p12.password}" />
-                        <arg value="-o" />
-                        <arg file="${build.dir}" />
-                        <arg value="-buildId" />
-                        <arg value="${build.number}" />
-                        <arg value="-d" />
-                    </exec>
-                </then>
-                <else>
-                    <exec executable="${bbwp}">
-                        <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.zip" />
-                        <arg value="-o" />
-                        <arg file="${build.dir}" />
-                        <arg value="-buildId" />
-                        <arg value="${build.number}" />
-                        <arg value="-d" />
-                    </exec>
-                </else>
-            </if>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- CLEAN -->
-    <target name="clean">
-        <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
-        <delete dir="${widget.dir}" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- CLEAN DEVICE -->
-    <target name="clean-device" depends="generate-cod-name">
-        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
-            <arg value="-uninstallApp" />
-            <arg value="-device" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
-            <arg value="-password" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
-            <arg value="-package" />
-            <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.bar" />
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- CLEAN SIMULATOR -->
-    <target name="clean-simulator">
-        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
-            <arg value="-uninstallApp" />
-            <arg value="-device" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.ip}" />
-            <arg value="-password" />
-            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.password}" />
-            <arg value="-package" />
-            <arg file="${build.dir}/${}.bar" />
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-        <!-- HELPER TASKS -->
-    <target name="generate-cod-name">
-        <xmlproperty file="www/config.xml" prefix="config.xml" />
-        <propertyregex property=""
-                       input="${}"
-                       regexp="(\W+)"
-                       replace=""
-                       casesensitive="false"
-                       global="true"
-                       defaultValue="${}" />
-        <echo message="Generated name: ${}.bar" />
-    </target>
-    <!-- HELP -->
-    <target name="help">
-        <echo>
-  ${}
-  ant TARGET COMMAND [-D&lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;]...
-  You can build and deploy your project to a device or simulator.
-  blackberry ........ Builds a cod file and deploys to a device or simulator
-  playbook .......... Builds a bar file and deploys to a device or simulator
-  help .............. Show this help menu.
-                        ant, ant help
-  load-device ....... Builds and deploys project to a connected USB device.
-                        ant load-device
-  load-simulator .... Builds and deploys project to default simulator.
-                        ant load-simulator
-  build ............. Compiles and packages the project for deployment.
-                        ant build
-  clean ............. Remove all files from the build/ directory.
-                        ant clean
-  clean-device ...... Remove this project from the connected USB device.
-                        ant clean-device
-  clean-simulator ... Remove this project from the simulator (takes a while).
-                        ant clean-simulator
-  1. Edit
-  2. &lt;ant &lt;TARGET&gt; load-simulator&gt; to run the project on the simulator
-  3. Customize your project by editing www/config.xml
-  4. To run the project on a BlackBerry device, you will need to obtain
-     code signing keys from RIM. Once you have the key, a project is
-     installed by connecting a BlackBerry via USB and running
-     &lt;ant &lt;TARGET&gt; load-device&gt;.
-        </echo>
-    </target>
diff --git a/targets/cordova/ b/targets/cordova/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3118993..0000000
--- a/targets/cordova/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# BlackBerry WebWorks Packager Directory
-#   The BlackBerry WebWorks Packager (bbwp) is required for compiling and packaging
-#   BlackBerry WebWorks applications for deployment to a BlackBerry device
-#   or simulator.  The bbwp utility is installed with the standalone BlackBerry 
-#   WebWorks SDK, and as part of the BlackBerry Web Plugin for Eclipse.
-#   Please specify the location of the BlackBerry WebWorks Packager in your
-#   environment.
-#   Typical location of bbwp for standalone BlackBerry WebWorks SDK installation:
-#     C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Widget Packager
-#   Typical location of bbwp for BlackBerry Web Plugin for Eclipse installation:
-#     C:\Eclipse-3.5.2\plugins\\wcpc
-#   The ANT script is brittle and requires you to escape the backslashes.
-#     e.g. C:\some\path must be C:\\some\\path
-#   Please remember to:
-#     - Double escape your backslahses (i.e. \ must be \\)
-#     - Do not add a trailing slash (e.g. C:\some\path)
-blackberry.bbwp.dir=/Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK
-playbook.bbwp.dir=/Developer/SDKs/Research In Motion/BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for TabletOS
-# (Optional) Simulator Directory 
-#   If sim.dir is not specified, the build script will use the simulator directory 
-#   within the Blackberry WebWorks Packager.
-blackberry.sim.dir=C:\\Program Files\\Research In Motion\BlackBerry WebWorks Packager\\simpack\\
-# (Optional) Simulator Binary 
-#   If sim.bin is not specified, the build script will attempt to use the default
-#   simulator in the simulator directory.  
-# (Optional) MDS Directory 
-#   If mds.dir is not specified, the build script will attempt to use the MDS that 
-#   is installed with the Blackberry WebWorks Packager.
-blackberry.mds.dir=C:\\Program Files\\Research In Motion\\BlackBerry WebWorks Packager\\mds
-# BlackBerry Code Signing Password
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   the signing tool will prompt you each time
-# Playbook Code Signing Password
-#   If you leave these fields blank, then
-#   signing will fail
-# BlackBerry Simulator Password
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   you cannot deploy to simulator
-# Playbook Simulator IP
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   you cannot deploy to simulator
-# Playbook Simulator Password
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   you cannot deploy to simulator
-# Playbook Device IP
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   you cannot deploy to device
-# Playbook Device Password
-#   If you leave this field blank, then
-#   you cannot deploy to device
diff --git a/targets/cordova/www/config.xml b/targets/cordova/www/config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e8ef8e..0000000
--- a/targets/cordova/www/config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<widget xmlns=""
-        xmlns:rim=""
-    	version="">
-  <name>Ripple</name>
-  <description>
-      Ripple Mobile Environment Emulator
-  </description>
-  <license href=""></license>
-  <access subdomains="true" uri="file:///store/home" />
-  <access subdomains="true" uri="file:///SDCard" />
-  <!-- Expose access to all URIs, including the file and http protocols -->
-  <access subdomains="true" uri="*" />
-  <icon rim:hover="false" src="images/Icon_128x128.png" />
-  <icon rim:hover="true" src="images/Icon_128x128.png" />
-  <rim:loadingScreen backgroundColor="#000000"
-                     foregroundImage="images/ripplelogo_large.png"
-		     onFirstLaunch="true">
-    <rim:transitionEffect type="fadeOut" />
-  </rim:loadingScreen>
-  <content src="index.html" />