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[36/50] [abbrv] ambari git commit: AMBARI-18310. Refactor logsearch portal side code (oleewere)
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/
deleted file mode 100644
index e227c6c..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.ambari.logsearch.manager;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.LogSearchConstants;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.MessageEnums;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.SearchCriteria;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.dao.AuditSolrDao;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.dao.ServiceLogsSolrDao;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.dao.SolrDaoBase;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.RESTErrorUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.SolrUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VLogFile;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VLogFileList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VSolrLogList;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField.Count;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
-import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-public class LogFileMgr extends MgrBase {
-  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LogFileMgr.class);
-  @Autowired
-  private ServiceLogsSolrDao serviceLogsSolrDao;
-  @Autowired
-  private AuditSolrDao auditSolrDao;
-  public String searchLogFiles(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    VLogFileList logFileList = new VLogFileList();
-    List<VLogFile> logFiles = new ArrayList<VLogFile>();
-    String componentName = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("component");
-    String host = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("host");
-    int minCount = 1;// to remove zero count facet
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-    SolrUtil.setFacetFieldWithMincount(solrQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_PATH, minCount);
-    // adding filter
-    queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(solrQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT, componentName);
-    queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(solrQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST, host);
-    try {
-      String logType = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("logType");
-      if (StringUtils.isBlank(logType)) {
-        logType =;// default is service Log
-      }
-      SolrDaoBase daoMgr = null;
-      if (logType.equalsIgnoreCase( {
-        daoMgr = serviceLogsSolrDao;
-      } else if (logType.equalsIgnoreCase( {
-        daoMgr = auditSolrDao;
-      } else {
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(logType + " is not a valid logType", MessageEnums.INVALID_INPUT_DATA);
-      }
-      QueryResponse queryResponse = daoMgr.process(solrQuery);
-      if (queryResponse.getFacetField(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_PATH) != null) {
-        FacetField queryFacetField = queryResponse.getFacetField(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_PATH);
-        if (queryFacetField != null) {
-          List<Count> countList = queryFacetField.getValues();
-          for (Count count : countList) {
-            VLogFile vLogFile = new VLogFile();
-            String filePath = count.getName();
-            String fileName = FilenameUtils.getName(filePath);
-            vLogFile.setPath(filePath);
-            vLogFile.setName(fileName);
-            logFiles.add(vLogFile);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error in solr query  :" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n Query :" + solrQuery.toQueryString(), e.getCause());
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR.getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-    logFileList.setLogFiles(logFiles);
-    String jsonStr = "";
-    jsonStr = convertObjToString(logFileList);
-    return jsonStr;
-  }
-  public String getLogFileTail(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    String host = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("host");
-    String logFile = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("name");
-    String component = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("component");
-    String tailSize = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("tailSize");
-    if (StringUtils.isBlank(host)) {
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("missing Host Name", MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-    tailSize = (StringUtils.isBlank(tailSize)) ? "10" : tailSize;
-    SolrQuery logFileTailQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    try {
-      int tail = Integer.parseInt(tailSize);
-      tail = tail > 100 ? 100 : tail;
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(logFileTailQuery, null);
-      queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logFileTailQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST, host);
-      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(logFile)) {
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logFileTailQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_PATH, SolrUtil.makeSolrSearchString(logFile));
-      } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(component)) {
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logFileTailQuery, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT, component);
-      } else {
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("component or logfile parameter must be present", MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(logFileTailQuery, tail);
-      queryGenerator.setSortOrderDefaultServiceLog(logFileTailQuery, new SearchCriteria());
-      VSolrLogList solrLogList = getLogAsPaginationProvided(logFileTailQuery, serviceLogsSolrDao);
-      return convertObjToString(solrLogList);
-    } catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(ne.getMessage(),
-        MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/ b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53e0aab..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-portal/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/logsearch/manager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1896 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.ambari.logsearch.manager;
-import java.text.ParseException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
-import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
-import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.ConfigHelper;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.LogSearchConstants;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.MessageEnums;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.PropertiesHelper;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.common.SearchCriteria;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.dao.ServiceLogsSolrDao;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.graph.GraphDataGenerator;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.query.QueryGenerationBase;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.BizUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.DateUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.FileUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.RESTErrorUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.util.SolrUtil;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VBarDataList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VBarGraphData;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VCount;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VCountList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VGraphData;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VGraphInfo;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VGroupList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VNameValue;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VNameValueList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VNode;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VNodeList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VSolrLogList;
-import org.apache.ambari.logsearch.view.VSummary;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField.Count;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.PivotField;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
-import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.RangeFacet;
-import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
-import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
-import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
-import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
-import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-public class LogsMgr extends MgrBase {
-  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LogsMgr.class);
-  private static List<String> cancelByDate = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>();
-  private static Map<String, String> mapUniqueId = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
-  private static enum CONDITION {
-    OR, AND
-  }
-  @Autowired
-  private ServiceLogsSolrDao serviceLogsSolrDao;
-  @Autowired
-  private GraphDataGenerator graphDataGenerator;
-  public String searchLogs(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    String keyword = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("keyword");
-    String logId = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("sourceLogId");
-    String lastPage = (String)  searchCriteria.getParamValue("isLastPage");
-    Boolean isLastPage = Boolean.parseBoolean(lastPage);
-    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(keyword)) {
-      try {
-        return getPageByKeyword(searchCriteria);
-      } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException e) {
-        logger.error("Error while getting keyword=" + keyword, e);
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-            .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-    } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(logId)) {
-      try {
-        return getPageByLogId(searchCriteria);
-      } catch (SolrException e) {
-        logger.error("Error while getting keyword=" + keyword, e);
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-            .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-    } else if (isLastPage) {
-      SolrQuery lastPageQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-      VSolrLogList collection = getLastPage(searchCriteria,LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME,serviceLogsSolrDao,lastPageQuery);
-      if(collection == null){
-        collection = new VSolrLogList();
-      }
-      return convertObjToString(collection);
-    } else {
-      SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-      solrQuery.setParam("event", "/service/logs");
-      VSolrLogList collection = getLogAsPaginationProvided(solrQuery,
-          serviceLogsSolrDao);
-      return convertObjToString(collection);
-    }
-  }
-  public String getHosts() {
-    return getFields(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST);
-  }
-  private String getFields(String field){
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    VGroupList collection = new VGroupList();
-    SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-    SolrUtil.setFacetField(solrQuery,
-        field);
-    SolrUtil.setFacetSort(solrQuery, LogSearchConstants.FACET_INDEX);
-    try {
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if(response == null){
-        return convertObjToString(collection);
-      }
-      FacetField facetField = response
-        .getFacetField(field);
-      if (facetField == null){
-        return convertObjToString(collection);
-      }
-      List<Count> fieldList = facetField.getValues();
-      if (fieldList == null){
-        return convertObjToString(collection);
-      }
-      SolrDocumentList docList = response.getResults();
-      if(docList == null){
-        return convertObjToString(collection);
-      }
-      String temp = "";
-      for (Count cnt : fieldList) {
-        SolrDocument solrDoc = new SolrDocument();
-        temp = cnt.getName();
-        solrDoc.put(field, temp);
-        docList.add(solrDoc);
-      }
-      collection.setGroupDocuments(docList);
-      if(!docList.isEmpty()){
-        collection.setStartIndex((int) docList.getStart());
-        collection.setTotalCount(docList.getNumFound());
-      }
-      return convertObjToString(collection);
-    } catch (IOException | SolrServerException | SolrException e) {
-      logger.error(e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public String getComponents() {
-    return getFields(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT);
-  }
-  public String getAggregatedInfo(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    String hierarchy = "host,type,level";
-    VGraphInfo graphInfo = new VGraphInfo();
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-      SolrUtil.setFacetPivot(solrQuery, 1, hierarchy);
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if (response == null) {
-        return convertObjToString(graphInfo);
-      }
-      List<List<PivotField>> hirarchicalPivotField = new ArrayList<List<PivotField>>();
-      List<VGraphData> dataList = new ArrayList<VGraphData>();
-      NamedList<List<PivotField>> namedList = response.getFacetPivot();
-      if (namedList != null) {
-        hirarchicalPivotField = namedList.getAll(hierarchy);
-      }
-      if (!hirarchicalPivotField.isEmpty()) {
-        dataList = buidGraphData(hirarchicalPivotField.get(0));
-      }
-      if (!dataList.isEmpty()) {
-        graphInfo.setGraphData(dataList);
-      }
-      return convertObjToString(graphInfo);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public List<VGraphData> buidGraphData(List<PivotField> pivotFields) {
-    List<VGraphData> logList = new ArrayList<VGraphData>();
-    if (pivotFields != null) {
-      for (PivotField pivotField : pivotFields) {
-        if (pivotField != null) {
-          VGraphData logLevel = new VGraphData();
-          logLevel.setName("" + pivotField.getValue());
-          logLevel.setCount(Long.valueOf(pivotField.getCount()));
-          if (pivotField.getPivot() != null) {
-            logLevel.setDataList(buidGraphData(pivotField.getPivot()));
-          }
-          logList.add(logLevel);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return logList;
-  }
-  public VCountList getFieldCount(String field){
-    VCountList collection = new VCountList();
-    List<VCount> vCounts = new ArrayList<VCount>();
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-    if(field == null){
-      return collection;
-    }
-    SolrUtil.setFacetField(solrQuery, field);
-    try {
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if (response == null){
-        return collection;
-      }
-      FacetField facetFields = response.getFacetField(field);
-      if (facetFields == null){
-        return collection;
-      }
-      List<Count> fieldList = facetFields.getValues();
-      if(fieldList == null){
-        return collection;
-      }
-      for (Count cnt : fieldList) {
-        if (cnt != null) {
-          VCount vCount = new VCount();
-          vCount.setName(cnt.getName());
-          vCount.setCount(cnt.getCount());
-          vCounts.add(vCount);
-        }
-      }
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-    collection.setCounts(vCounts);
-    return collection;
-  }
-  public VCountList getLogLevelCount() {
-    return getFieldCount(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LEVEL);
-  }
-  public VCountList getComponentsCount() {
-    return getFieldCount(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT);
-  }
-  public VCountList getHostsCount() {
-    return getFieldCount(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST);
-  }
-  public List<VNode> buidTreeData(List<PivotField> pivotFields,
-                                  List<PivotField> pivotFieldHost, SolrQuery query,
-                                  String firstPriority, String secondPriority) {
-    List<VNode> extensionTree = new ArrayList<VNode>();
-    String hostQuery = null;
-    if (pivotFields != null) {
-      // For Host
-      for (PivotField pivotHost : pivotFields) {
-        if (pivotHost != null) {
-          VNode hostNode = new VNode();
-          String name = (pivotHost.getValue() == null ? "" : ""+ pivotHost.getValue());
-          String value = "" + pivotHost.getCount();
-          if(!StringUtils.isBlank(name)){
-            hostNode.setName(name);
-          }
-          if(!StringUtils.isBlank(value)){
-            hostNode.setValue(value);
-          }
-          if(!StringUtils.isBlank(firstPriority)){
-            hostNode.setType(firstPriority);
-          }
-          hostNode.setParent(true);
-          hostNode.setRoot(true);
-          PivotField hostPivot = null;
-          for (PivotField searchHost : pivotFieldHost) {
-            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(hostNode.getName())
-                && hostNode.getName().equals(searchHost.getValue())) {
-              hostPivot = searchHost;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          List<PivotField> pivotLevelHost = hostPivot.getPivot();
-          if (pivotLevelHost != null) {
-            Collection<VNameValue> logLevelCount = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-            for (PivotField pivotLevel : pivotLevelHost) {
-              if (pivotLevel != null) {
-                VNameValue vnameValue = new VNameValue();
-                String levelName = (pivotLevel.getValue() == null ? "" : ""
-                    + pivotLevel.getValue());
-                vnameValue.setName(levelName.toUpperCase());
-                vnameValue.setValue("" + pivotLevel.getCount());
-                logLevelCount.add(vnameValue);
-              }
-            }
-            hostNode.setLogLevelCount(logLevelCount);
-          }
-          query.addFilterQuery(hostQuery);
-          List<PivotField> pivotComponents = pivotHost.getPivot();
-          // For Components
-          if (pivotComponents != null) {
-            Collection<VNode> componentNodes = new ArrayList<VNode>();
-            for (PivotField pivotComp : pivotComponents) {
-              if (pivotComp != null) {
-                VNode compNode = new VNode();
-                String compName = (pivotComp.getValue() == null ? "" : ""
-                    + pivotComp.getValue());
-                compNode.setName(compName);
-                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(secondPriority)) {
-                  compNode.setType(secondPriority);
-                }
-                compNode.setValue("" + pivotComp.getCount());
-                compNode.setParent(false);
-                compNode.setRoot(false);
-                List<PivotField> pivotLevels = pivotComp.getPivot();
-                if (pivotLevels != null) {
-                  Collection<VNameValue> logLevelCount = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-                  for (PivotField pivotLevel : pivotLevels) {
-                    if (pivotLevel != null) {
-                      VNameValue vnameValue = new VNameValue();
-                      String compLevel = pivotLevel.getValue() == null ? ""
-                          : "" + pivotLevel.getValue();
-                      vnameValue.setName((compLevel).toUpperCase());
-                      vnameValue.setValue("" + pivotLevel.getCount());
-                      logLevelCount.add(vnameValue);
-                    }
-                  }
-                  compNode.setLogLevelCount(logLevelCount);
-                }
-                componentNodes.add(compNode);
-              }}
-            hostNode.setChilds(componentNodes);
-          }
-          extensionTree.add(hostNode);
-        }}
-    }
-    return extensionTree;
-  }
-  public VNodeList getTreeExtension(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    solrQuery.setParam("event", "/getTreeExtension");
-    if (searchCriteria.getSortBy() == null) {
-      searchCriteria.setSortBy(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST);
-      searchCriteria.setSortType(SolrQuery.ORDER.asc.toString());
-    }
-    queryGenerator.setFilterFacetSort(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    String hostName = ""
-      + ((searchCriteria.getParamValue("hostName") == null) ? ""
-      : searchCriteria.getParamValue("hostName"));
-    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(hostName)){
-      solrQuery.addFilterQuery(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST + ":*"
-        + hostName + "*");
-    }
-    String firstHirarchy = "host,type,level";
-    String secondHirarchy = "host,level";
-    VNodeList list = new VNodeList();
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setFacetPivot(solrQuery, 1, firstHirarchy,
-        secondHirarchy);
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      List<List<PivotField>> listFirstHirarchicalPivotFields = new ArrayList<List<PivotField>>();
-      NamedList<List<PivotField>> firstNamedList = response
-        .getFacetPivot();
-      if (firstNamedList != null) {
-        listFirstHirarchicalPivotFields = firstNamedList
-          .getAll(firstHirarchy);
-      }
-      List<List<PivotField>> listSecondHirarchicalPivotFields = new ArrayList<List<PivotField>>();
-      NamedList<List<PivotField>> secondNamedList = response
-        .getFacetPivot();
-      if (secondNamedList != null) {
-        listSecondHirarchicalPivotFields = secondNamedList
-          .getAll(secondHirarchy);
-      }
-      List<PivotField> firstHirarchicalPivotFields = new ArrayList<PivotField>();
-      List<PivotField> secondHirarchicalPivotFields = new ArrayList<PivotField>();
-      if (!listFirstHirarchicalPivotFields.isEmpty()) {
-        firstHirarchicalPivotFields = listFirstHirarchicalPivotFields
-          .get(0);
-      }
-      if (!listSecondHirarchicalPivotFields.isEmpty()) {
-        secondHirarchicalPivotFields = listSecondHirarchicalPivotFields
-          .get(0);
-      }
-      List<VNode> dataList = buidTreeData(firstHirarchicalPivotFields,
-        secondHirarchicalPivotFields, solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.HOST, LogSearchConstants.COMPONENT);
-      list.setvNodeList(dataList);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-    return list;
-  }
-  public String getHostListByComponent(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    solrQuery.setParam("event", "/service/hosts/component");
-    VNodeList list = new VNodeList();
-    if (searchCriteria.getSortBy() == null) {
-      searchCriteria.setSortBy(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_HOST);
-      searchCriteria.setSortType(SolrQuery.ORDER.asc.toString());
-    }
-    queryGenerator.setFilterFacetSort(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    String componentName = ""
-      + ((searchCriteria.getParamValue("componentName") == null) ? ""
-      : searchCriteria.getParamValue("componentName"));
-    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(componentName)){
-      solrQuery.addFilterQuery(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT + ":"
-        + componentName);
-    } else {
-      return convertObjToString(list);
-    }
-    String firstHirarchy = "type,host,level";
-    String secondHirarchy = "type,level";
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setFacetPivot(solrQuery, 1, firstHirarchy,
-        secondHirarchy);
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      List<List<PivotField>> firstHirarchicalPivotFields = null;
-      List<List<PivotField>> secondHirarchicalPivotFields = null;
-      NamedList<List<PivotField>> firstNamedList = response
-        .getFacetPivot();
-      if (firstNamedList != null) {
-        firstHirarchicalPivotFields = firstNamedList
-          .getAll(firstHirarchy);
-        secondHirarchicalPivotFields = firstNamedList
-          .getAll(secondHirarchy);
-      }
-      if (firstHirarchicalPivotFields == null
-        || secondHirarchicalPivotFields == null) {
-        return convertObjToString(list);
-      }
-      List<VNode> dataList = buidTreeData(
-        firstHirarchicalPivotFields.get(0),
-        secondHirarchicalPivotFields.get(0), solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.COMPONENT, LogSearchConstants.HOST);
-      if(dataList == null){
-        return convertObjToString(list);
-      }
-      list.setvNodeList(dataList);
-      return convertObjToString(list);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public VNameValueList getLogsLevelCount(SearchCriteria sc) {
-    VNameValueList nameValueList = new VNameValueList();
-    SolrQuery query = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(sc);
-    query.setParam("event", "/service/logs/levels/counts/namevalues");
-    List<VNameValue> logsCounts = getLogLevelFacets(query);
-    nameValueList.setVNameValues(logsCounts);
-    return nameValueList;
-  }
-  public List<VNameValue> getLogLevelFacets(SolrQuery query) {
-    String defalutValue = "0";
-    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    List<VNameValue> logsCounts = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setFacetField(query, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LEVEL);
-      List<Count> logLevelCounts = getFacetCounts(query,
-          LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LEVEL);
-      if (logLevelCounts == null) {
-        return logsCounts;
-      }
-      for (Count count : logLevelCounts) {
-        map.put(count.getName().toUpperCase(), "" + count.getCount());
-      }
-      for (String level : LogSearchConstants.SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL) {
-        VNameValue nameValue = new VNameValue();
-        String value = map.get(level);
-        if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
-          value = defalutValue;
-        }
-        nameValue.setName(level);
-        nameValue.setValue(value);
-        logsCounts.add(nameValue);
-      }
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + query, e);
-    }
-    return logsCounts;
-  }
-  // Get Facet Count According to FacetFeild
-  public List<Count> getFacetCounts(SolrQuery solrQuery, String facetField)
-    throws SolrServerException, IOException, SolrException {
-    List<Count> list = new ArrayList<FacetField.Count>();
-    QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-    if(response == null){
-      return list;
-    }
-    FacetField field = response.getFacetField(facetField);
-    if (field == null) {
-      return list;
-    }
-    list = field.getValues();
-    return list;
-  }
-  public String getPageByKeyword(SearchCriteria searchCriteria)
-    throws SolrServerException {
-    String defaultChoice = "0";
-    String key = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("keyword");
-    if(StringUtils.isBlank(key)){
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("Keyword was not given",
-          MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    String keyword = SolrUtil.escapeForStandardTokenizer(key);
-    if(keyword.startsWith("\"") && keyword.endsWith("\"")){
-      keyword = keyword.substring(1);
-      keyword = keyword.substring(0, keyword.length()-1);
-    }
-    keyword = "*" + keyword + "*";
-    String keyType = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("keywordType");
-    QueryResponse queryResponse = null;
-    if (!defaultChoice.equals(keyType)) {
-      try {
-        int currentPageNumber = searchCriteria.getPage();
-        int maxRows = searchCriteria.getMaxRows();
-        String nextPageLogID = "";
-        int lastLogIndexNumber = ((currentPageNumber + 1)
-          * maxRows);
-        String nextPageLogTime = "";
-        // Next Page Start Time Calculation
-        SolrQuery nextPageLogTimeQuery = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        nextPageLogTimeQuery.remove("start");
-        nextPageLogTimeQuery.remove("rows");
-        nextPageLogTimeQuery.setStart(lastLogIndexNumber);
-        nextPageLogTimeQuery.setRows(1);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            nextPageLogTimeQuery);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList docList = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(docList ==null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocument solrDoc = docList.get(0);
-        Date logDate = (Date) solrDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        if(logDate == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        nextPageLogTime = DateUtil
-          .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(logDate);
-        nextPageLogID = ""
-          + solrDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        if (StringUtils.isBlank(nextPageLogID)){
-          nextPageLogID = "0";
-        }
-        String filterQueryListIds = "";
-        // Remove the same Time Ids
-        SolrQuery listRemoveIds = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        listRemoveIds.remove("start");
-        listRemoveIds.remove("rows");
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(listRemoveIds,
-          LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "\"" + nextPageLogTime + "\"");
-        queryGenerator.setSingleExcludeFilter(listRemoveIds,
-          LogSearchConstants.ID, nextPageLogID);
-        SolrUtil.setFl(listRemoveIds, LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            listRemoveIds);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList docListIds = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(docListIds ==null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        boolean isFirst = true;
-        for (SolrDocument solrDocId :  docListIds ) {
-          String id = "" + solrDocId.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-          if (isFirst) {
-            filterQueryListIds += LogSearchConstants.MINUS_OPERATOR + LogSearchConstants.ID + ":" + id;
-            isFirst = false;
-          } else {
-            filterQueryListIds += " "+CONDITION.AND+" " + LogSearchConstants.MINUS_OPERATOR + LogSearchConstants.ID + ":" + id;
-          }
-        }
-        // Keyword Sequence Number Calculation
-        String endTime = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("to");
-        String startTime = (String) searchCriteria
-          .getParamValue("from");
-        SolrQuery logTimeThroughRangeQuery = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove("start");
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove("rows");
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.setRows(1);
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(filterQueryListIds)){
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.setFilterQueries(filterQueryListIds);
-        }
-        String sortByType = searchCriteria.getSortType();
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sortByType) && sortByType
-          .equalsIgnoreCase(LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER)) {
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, nextPageLogTime,
-            endTime);
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.set(LogSearchConstants.SORT,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-              + LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER);
-        } else {
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, startTime,
-            nextPageLogTime);
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.set(LogSearchConstants.SORT,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-              + LogSearchConstants.DESCENDING_ORDER);
-        }
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.SOLR_KEY_LOG_MESSAGE, keyword);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            logTimeThroughRangeQuery);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList documentList = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(documentList ==null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocument solrDocument = new SolrDocument();
-        if (!documentList.isEmpty()){
-          solrDocument = documentList.get(0);
-        }
-        Date keywordLogDate = (Date) solrDocument.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        if(keywordLogDate == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        String originalKeywordDate = DateUtil
-          .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-        String keywordId = "" + solrDocument.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        // Getting Range Count from StartTime To Keyword Log Time
-        SolrQuery rangeLogQuery = nextPageLogTimeQuery.getCopy();
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("start");
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("rows");
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sortByType) && sortByType
-          .equalsIgnoreCase(LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER)) {
-          keywordLogDate = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(keywordLogDate, 1);
-          String keywordDateTime = DateUtil
-            .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(rangeLogQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, startTime,
-            keywordDateTime);
-        } else {
-          keywordLogDate = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(keywordLogDate, -1);
-          String keywordDateTime = DateUtil
-            .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(rangeLogQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, keywordDateTime,
-            endTime);
-        }
-        long countNumberLogs = countQuery(rangeLogQuery,serviceLogsSolrDao) - 1;
-        //Adding numbers on
-        try {
-          SolrQuery sameIdQuery = queryGenerator
-            .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(sameIdQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "\"" + originalKeywordDate + "\"");
-          SolrUtil.setFl(sameIdQuery, LogSearchConstants.ID);
-          SolrDocumentList sameQueryDocList = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(sameIdQuery)
-            .getResults();
-          for (SolrDocument solrDocumenent : sameQueryDocList) {
-            String id = (String) solrDocumenent
-              .getFieldValue(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-            countNumberLogs++;
-            if (StringUtils.isBlank(id) && id.equals(keywordId)){
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-          logger.error(e);
-        }
-        int start = (int) ((countNumberLogs / maxRows) * maxRows);
-        SolrQuery logIdQuery = nextPageLogTimeQuery.getCopy();
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("start");
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("rows");
-        logIdQuery.setStart(start);
-        logIdQuery.setRows(searchCriteria.getMaxRows());
-        VSolrLogList vSolrLogList = getLogAsPaginationProvided(logIdQuery, serviceLogsSolrDao);
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        //do nothing
-      }
-    } else {
-      try {
-        int currentPageNumber = searchCriteria.getPage();
-        int maxRows = searchCriteria.getMaxRows();
-        if (currentPageNumber == 0) {
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("This is first Page Not",
-            MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
-        }
-        int firstLogCurrentPage = (currentPageNumber * maxRows);
-        String lastLogsLogTime = "";
-        // Next Page Start Time Calculation
-        SolrQuery lastLogTime = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        lastLogTime.remove("start");
-        lastLogTime.remove("rows");
-        lastLogTime.setStart(firstLogCurrentPage);
-        lastLogTime.setRows(1);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            lastLogTime);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList docList = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(docList ==null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocument solrDoc = docList.get(0);
-        Date logDate = (Date) solrDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        String sortByType = searchCriteria.getSortType();
-        lastLogsLogTime = DateUtil
-          .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(logDate);
-        String lastLogsLogId = ""
-          + solrDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        String filterQueryListIds = "";
-        // Remove the same Time Ids
-        SolrQuery listRemoveIds = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        listRemoveIds.remove("start");
-        listRemoveIds.remove("rows");
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(listRemoveIds,
-          LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "\"" + lastLogsLogTime + "\"");
-        queryGenerator.setSingleExcludeFilter(listRemoveIds,
-          LogSearchConstants.ID, lastLogsLogId);
-        SolrUtil.setFl(listRemoveIds, LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            lastLogTime);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList docListIds = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(docListIds == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        boolean isFirst = true;
-        for (SolrDocument solrDocId : docListIds) {
-          if (solrDocId != null) {
-            String id = "" + solrDocId.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-            if (isFirst) {
-              filterQueryListIds += LogSearchConstants.MINUS_OPERATOR + LogSearchConstants.ID + ":" + id;
-              isFirst = false;
-            } else {
-              filterQueryListIds += " "+CONDITION.AND+" " + LogSearchConstants.MINUS_OPERATOR + LogSearchConstants.ID + ":"
-                  + id;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // Keyword LogTime Calculation
-        String endTime = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("to");
-        String startTime = (String) searchCriteria
-          .getParamValue("from");
-        SolrQuery logTimeThroughRangeQuery = queryGenerator
-          .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove("start");
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove("rows");
-        logTimeThroughRangeQuery.setRows(1);
-        queryGenerator.setSingleExcludeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.ID, lastLogsLogId);
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(filterQueryListIds)){
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.setFilterQueries(filterQueryListIds);
-        }
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sortByType) && sortByType
-          .equalsIgnoreCase(LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER)) {
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove(LogSearchConstants.SORT);
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.set(LogSearchConstants.SORT,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-              + LogSearchConstants.DESCENDING_ORDER);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(
-            logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, startTime,
-            lastLogsLogTime);
-        } else {
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.remove(LogSearchConstants.SORT);
-          logTimeThroughRangeQuery.set(LogSearchConstants.SORT,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-              + LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, lastLogsLogTime, endTime);
-        }
-        queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logTimeThroughRangeQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.SOLR_KEY_LOG_MESSAGE, keyword);
-        queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(
-            logTimeThroughRangeQuery);
-        if(queryResponse == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocumentList documentList = queryResponse.getResults();
-        if(documentList == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        SolrDocument solrDocument = new SolrDocument();
-        if (!documentList.isEmpty()){
-          solrDocument = documentList.get(0);
-        }
-        Date keywordLogDate = (Date) solrDocument.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        if(keywordLogDate == null){
-          throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-              MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-        }
-        String originalKeywordDate = DateUtil
-          .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-        String keywordId = "" + solrDocument.get(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        // Getting Range Count from StartTime To Keyword Log Time
-        SolrQuery rangeLogQuery = lastLogTime.getCopy();
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("start");
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("rows");
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sortByType) && sortByType
-          .equalsIgnoreCase(LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER)) {
-       //   keywordLogDate = DateUtil.addMilliSecondsToDate(keywordLogDate, 1);
-          String keywordDateTime = DateUtil
-            .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(rangeLogQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, startTime,
-            keywordDateTime);
-        } else {
-     //     keywordLogDate = DateUtil.addMilliSecondsToDate(keywordLogDate, -1);
-          String keywordDateTime = DateUtil
-            .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(keywordLogDate);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(rangeLogQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, keywordDateTime,
-            endTime);
-        }
-        long countNumberLogs = countQuery(rangeLogQuery,serviceLogsSolrDao) - 1;
-        //Adding numbers on
-        try {
-          SolrQuery sameIdQuery = queryGenerator
-            .commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-          queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(sameIdQuery,
-            LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "\"" + originalKeywordDate + "\"");
-          SolrUtil.setFl(sameIdQuery, LogSearchConstants.ID);
-          SolrDocumentList sameQueryDocList = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(sameIdQuery)
-            .getResults();
-          for (SolrDocument solrDocumenent : sameQueryDocList) {
-            if (solrDocumenent != null) {
-              String id = (String) solrDocumenent
-                  .getFieldValue(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-              countNumberLogs++;
-              if ( StringUtils.isBlank(id) && id.equals(keywordId)) {
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-          logger.error(e);
-        }
-        int start = (int) ((countNumberLogs / maxRows) * maxRows);
-        SolrQuery logIdQuery = lastLogTime.getCopy();
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("start");
-        rangeLogQuery.remove("rows");
-        logIdQuery.setStart(start);
-        logIdQuery.setRows(searchCriteria.getMaxRows());
-        VSolrLogList vSolrLogList = getLogAsPaginationProvided(logIdQuery, serviceLogsSolrDao);
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        //do nothing
-      }
-    }
-    throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("The keyword "+"\""+key+"\""+" was not found",
-        MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-  }
-  private String getPageByLogId(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    VSolrLogList vSolrLogList = new VSolrLogList();
-    String endLogTime = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("to");
-    if(StringUtils.isBlank(endLogTime)){
-      return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    }
-    long startIndex = 0l;
-    String logId = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("sourceLogId");
-    if(StringUtils.isBlank(logId)){
-      return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    }
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    String endTimeMinusOneMilli = "";
-    String logTime = "";
-    try {
-      SolrQuery logTimeByIdQuery = new SolrQuery();
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(logTimeByIdQuery, null);
-      queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(logTimeByIdQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.ID, logId);
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, 1);
-      QueryResponse queryResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao
-          .process(logTimeByIdQuery);
-      if(queryResponse == null){
-        return convertObjToString(new VSolrLogList());
-      }
-      SolrDocumentList docList = queryResponse.getResults();
-      Date dateOfLogId = null;
-      if (docList != null && !docList.isEmpty()) {
-        SolrDocument dateLogIdDoc = docList.get(0);
-        if(dateLogIdDoc != null){
-          dateOfLogId = (Date) dateLogIdDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        }
-      }
-      if (dateOfLogId != null) {
-        logTime = DateUtil.convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(dateOfLogId);
-        Date endDate = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(dateOfLogId, 1);
-        endTimeMinusOneMilli = (String) DateUtil
-            .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(endDate);
-      }
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e);
-    }
-    try {
-      solrQuery.remove(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-      solrQuery.remove(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-      queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(solrQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, endTimeMinusOneMilli, endLogTime);
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, 0);
-      startIndex = countQuery(solrQuery,serviceLogsSolrDao);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e);
-    }
-    try {
-      SolrQuery sameIdQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-      queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(sameIdQuery,
-          LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "\"" + logTime + "\"");
-      sameIdQuery.set("fl", LogSearchConstants.ID);
-      QueryResponse sameIdResponse = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(sameIdQuery);
-      SolrDocumentList docList = sameIdResponse.getResults();
-      for (SolrDocument solrDocumenent : docList) {
-        String id = (String) solrDocumenent
-            .getFieldValue(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-        startIndex++;
-        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(id)) {
-          if (id.equals(logId)) {
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      SolrQuery logIdQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-      logIdQuery.remove("rows");
-      logIdQuery.remove("start");
-      int start = (int) ((startIndex / searchCriteria.getMaxRows()) * searchCriteria
-          .getMaxRows());
-      logIdQuery.setStart(start);
-      logIdQuery.setRows(searchCriteria.getMaxRows());
-      vSolrLogList = getLogAsPaginationProvided(logIdQuery,
-          serviceLogsSolrDao);
-      return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e);
-    }
-    throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("LogId not Found",
-        MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public List<VNameValue> getHistogramCounts(SolrQuery solrQuery,
-                                             String from, String to, String unit) {
-    List<VNameValue> logsCounts = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setFacetRange(solrQuery, LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME,
-        from, to, unit);
-      List<RangeFacet.Count> logLevelCounts = null;
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if(response == null){
-        return logsCounts;
-      }
-      @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
-      List<RangeFacet> rangeFacetList = response.getFacetRanges();
-      if (rangeFacetList == null) {
-        return logsCounts;
-      }
-      @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
-      RangeFacet rangeFacet=rangeFacetList.get(0);
-      if (rangeFacet == null) {
-        return logsCounts;
-      }
-      logLevelCounts = rangeFacet.getCounts();
-      if(logLevelCounts == null){
-        return logsCounts;
-      }
-      for (RangeFacet.Count logCount : logLevelCounts) {
-        VNameValue nameValue = new VNameValue();
-        nameValue.setName(logCount.getValue());
-        nameValue.setValue("" + logCount.getCount());
-        logsCounts.add(nameValue);
-      }
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-    }
-    return logsCounts;
-  }
-  public List<Count> getFacetCountsByDate(SolrQuery solrQuery,
-                                          String facetField) throws SolrServerException, IOException,
-    SolrException {
-    QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-    FacetField field = response.getFacetDate(facetField);
-    return field.getValues();
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public String getHistogramData(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    String deafalutValue = "0";
-    VBarDataList dataList = new VBarDataList();
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    solrQuery.set("event", "/audit/logs/histogram");
-    String from = getFrom((String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("from"));
-    String to = getTo((String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("to"));
-    String unit = getUnit((String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("unit"));
-    List<VBarGraphData> histogramData = new ArrayList<VBarGraphData>();
-    String jsonHistogramQuery = queryGenerator
-      .buildJSONFacetTermTimeRangeQuery(
-        LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LEVEL,
-        LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, from, to, unit).replace(
-        "\\", "");
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setJSONFacet(solrQuery, jsonHistogramQuery);
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery,Integer.parseInt(deafalutValue));
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if (response == null){
-        return convertObjToString(dataList);
-      }
-      SimpleOrderedMap<Object> jsonFacetResponse = (SimpleOrderedMap<Object>) response
-        .getResponse().get("facets");
-      if (jsonFacetResponse == null
-        || jsonFacetResponse.toString().equals("{count=0}")){
-        return convertObjToString(dataList);
-      }
-      extractValuesFromBuckets(jsonFacetResponse, "x", "y", histogramData);
-      Collection<VNameValue> vNameValues = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-      List<VBarGraphData> graphDatas = new ArrayList<VBarGraphData>();
-      for (String level : LogSearchConstants.SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVEL) {
-        boolean isLevelPresent = false;
-        VBarGraphData vData1 = null;
-        for (VBarGraphData vData2 : histogramData) {
-          String name = vData2.getName();
-          if (level.contains(name)) {
-            isLevelPresent = true;
-            vData1 = vData2;
-            break;
-          }
-          if (vNameValues.isEmpty()) {
-            Collection<VNameValue> vNameValues2 = vData2
-              .getDataCount();
-            for (VNameValue value : vNameValues2) {
-              VNameValue value2 = new VNameValue();
-              value2.setValue(deafalutValue);
-              value2.setName(value.getName());
-              vNameValues.add(value2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!isLevelPresent) {
-          VBarGraphData vBarGraphData = new VBarGraphData();
-          vBarGraphData.setName(level);
-          vBarGraphData.setDataCounts(vNameValues);
-          graphDatas.add(vBarGraphData);
-        } else {
-          graphDatas.add(vData1);
-        }
-      }
-      dataList.setGraphData(graphDatas);
-      return convertObjToString(dataList);
-    } catch (SolrServerException | SolrException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public void arrangeLevel(String level,
-                           List<VBarGraphData> histogramDataLocal,
-                           List<VBarGraphData> histogramData) {
-    for (VBarGraphData histData : histogramData) {
-      if (histData != null && level.equals(histData.getName())) {
-        histogramDataLocal.add(histData);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public String cancelFindRequestByDate(String uniqueId) {
-    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(uniqueId)) {
-      logger.error("Unique id is Empty");
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("Unique id is Empty",
-        MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    if (cancelByDate.remove(uniqueId)) {
-      mapUniqueId.remove(uniqueId);
-      return "Cancel Request Successfully Procssed ";
-    }
-    return "Cancel Request Unable to Process";
-  }
-  public boolean cancelRequest(String uniqueId) {
-    if (StringUtils.isBlank(uniqueId)) {
-      logger.error("Unique id is Empty");
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("Unique id is Empty",
-        MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
-    }
-    for (String date : cancelByDate) {
-      if (uniqueId.equalsIgnoreCase(date)){
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  public Response exportToTextFile(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    String defaultFormat = "text";
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    String from = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("from");
-    String to = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("to");
-    String utcOffset = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("utcOffset");
-    String format = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("format");
-    format = defaultFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(format) && format != null ? ".txt"
-        : ".json";
-    if(StringUtils.isBlank(utcOffset)){
-      utcOffset = "0";
-    }
-    if (!DateUtil.isDateValid(from) || !DateUtil.isDateValid(to)) {
-      logger.error("Not valid date format. Valid format should be"
-          + LogSearchConstants.SOLR_DATE_FORMAT_PREFIX_Z);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException("Not valid date format. Valid format should be"
-          + LogSearchConstants.SOLR_DATE_FORMAT_PREFIX_Z,
-          MessageEnums.INVALID_INPUT_DATA);
-    } else {
-      from = from.replace("T", " ");
-      from = from.replace(".", ",");
-      to = to.replace("T", " ");
-      to = to.replace(".", ",");
-      to = DateUtil.addOffsetToDate(to, Long.parseLong(utcOffset),
-          "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
-      from = DateUtil.addOffsetToDate(from, Long.parseLong(utcOffset),
-          "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
-    }
-    String fileName = DateUtil.getCurrentDateInString();
-    if (searchCriteria.getParamValue("hostLogFile") != null
-      && searchCriteria.getParamValue("compLogFile") != null) {
-      fileName = searchCriteria.getParamValue("hostLogFile") + "_"
-        + searchCriteria.getParamValue("compLogFile");
-    }
-    String textToSave = "";
-    try {
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if (response == null) {
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-            .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-      SolrDocumentList docList = response.getResults();
-      if (docList == null) {
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-            .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-      VSummary vsummary = BizUtil.buildSummaryForLogFile(docList);
-      vsummary.setFormat(format);
-      vsummary.setFrom(from);
-      vsummary.setTo(to);
-      String includeString = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("iMessage");
-      if (StringUtils.isBlank(includeString)) {
-        includeString = "";
-      }
-      String include[] = includeString.split(LogSearchConstants.I_E_SEPRATOR);
-      for (String inc : include) {
-        includeString = includeString + ",\"" + inc + "\"";
-      }
-      includeString = includeString.replaceFirst(",", "");
-      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(includeString)) {
-        vsummary.setIncludeString(includeString);
-      }
-      String excludeString = null;
-      boolean isNormalExcluded = false;
-      excludeString = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("eMessage");
-      if (StringUtils.isBlank(excludeString)) {
-        excludeString = "";
-      }
-      String exclude[] = excludeString.split(LogSearchConstants.I_E_SEPRATOR);
-      for (String exc : exclude) {
-        excludeString = excludeString + ",\"" + exc + "\"";
-      }
-      excludeString = excludeString.replaceFirst(",", "");
-      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(excludeString)) {
-        vsummary.setExcludeString(excludeString);
-        isNormalExcluded = true;
-      }
-      String globalExcludeString = (String) searchCriteria
-          .getParamValue("gEMessage");
-      if (StringUtils.isBlank(globalExcludeString)) {
-        globalExcludeString = "";
-      }
-      String globalExclude[] = globalExcludeString
-          .split(LogSearchConstants.I_E_SEPRATOR);
-      for (String exc : globalExclude) {
-        excludeString = excludeString + ",\"" + exc + "\"";
-      }
-      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(excludeString)) {
-        if (!isNormalExcluded) {
-          excludeString = excludeString.replaceFirst(",", "");
-        }
-        vsummary.setExcludeString(excludeString);
-      }
-      for (SolrDocument solrDoc : docList) {
-        Date logTimeDateObj = (Date) solrDoc.get(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        if(logTimeDateObj != null){
-        String logTime = DateUtil.convertSolrDateToNormalDateFormat(
-            logTimeDateObj.getTime(), Long.parseLong(utcOffset));
-        solrDoc.remove(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        solrDoc.addField(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, logTime);
-        }
-      }
-      if (format.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).equals(".txt")) {
-        textToSave = BizUtil.convertObjectToNormalText(docList);
-      } else if (format.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).equals(".json")) {
-        textToSave = convertObjToString(docList);
-      } else {
-        throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(
-            "unsoported format either should be json or text",
-            MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-      }
-      return FileUtil.saveToFile(textToSave, fileName, vsummary);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException
-      | ParseException e) {
-      logger.error("Error during solrQuery=" + solrQuery, e);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public String getComponentListWithLevelCounts(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    solrQuery.setParam("event", "/service/logs/components/level/counts");
-    if (searchCriteria.getSortBy() == null) {
-      searchCriteria.setSortBy(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_COMPONENT);
-      searchCriteria.setSortType(SolrQuery.ORDER.asc.toString());
-    }
-    queryGenerator.setFilterFacetSort(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    String componentLevelHirachy = "type,level";
-    VNodeList list = new VNodeList();
-    try {
-      SolrUtil.setFacetPivot(solrQuery, 1, componentLevelHirachy);
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      List<List<PivotField>> listPivotField = new ArrayList<List<PivotField>>();
-      NamedList<List<PivotField>> namedList = response.getFacetPivot();
-      if (namedList != null) {
-        listPivotField = namedList.getAll(componentLevelHirachy);
-      }
-      List<PivotField> secondHirarchicalPivotFields = null;
-      if (listPivotField == null || listPivotField.isEmpty()) {
-        return convertObjToString(list);
-      } else {
-        secondHirarchicalPivotFields = listPivotField.get(0);
-      }
-      List<VNode> datatList = new ArrayList<VNode>();
-      for (PivotField singlePivotField : secondHirarchicalPivotFields) {
-        if (singlePivotField != null) {
-          VNode comp = new VNode();
-          comp.setName("" + singlePivotField.getValue());
-          List<PivotField> levelList = singlePivotField.getPivot();
-          List<VNameValue> levelCountList = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-          comp.setLogLevelCount(levelCountList);
-          if(levelList != null){
-          for (PivotField levelPivot : levelList) {
-		  VNameValue level = new VNameValue();
-		  level.setName(("" + levelPivot.getValue()).toUpperCase());
-		  level.setValue("" + levelPivot.getCount());
-		  levelCountList.add(level);
-		}
-          }
-          datatList.add(comp);
-        }
-      }
-      list.setvNodeList(datatList);
-      return convertObjToString(list);
-    } catch (SolrException | SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e.getMessage() + "SolrQuery"+solrQuery);
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-  }
-  public String getExtremeDatesForBundelId(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    VNameValueList nameValueList = new VNameValueList();
-    try {
-      String bundelId = (String) searchCriteria
-        .getParamValue(LogSearchConstants.BUNDLE_ID);
-      if(StringUtils.isBlank(bundelId)){
-        bundelId = "";
-      }
-      queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.BUNDLE_ID, bundelId);
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-      solrQuery.setSort(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc);
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, 1);
-      List<VNameValue> vNameValues = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if(response == null){
-        return convertObjToString(nameValueList);
-      }
-      SolrDocumentList solrDocList = response.getResults();
-      if(solrDocList == null){
-        return convertObjToString(nameValueList);
-      }
-      for (SolrDocument solrDoc : solrDocList) {
-        Date logTimeAsc = (Date) solrDoc
-          .getFieldValue(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        if (logTimeAsc != null) {
-          VNameValue nameValue = new VNameValue();
-          nameValue.setName("From");
-          nameValue.setValue("" + logTimeAsc.getTime());
-          vNameValues.add(nameValue);
-        }
-      }
-      solrQuery.clear();
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-      queryGenerator.setSingleIncludeFilter(solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.BUNDLE_ID, bundelId);
-      solrQuery.setSort(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, SolrQuery.ORDER.desc);
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, 1);
-      solrDocList.clear();
-      response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      solrDocList = response.getResults();
-      for (SolrDocument solrDoc : solrDocList) {
-        if (solrDoc != null) {
-          Date logTimeDesc = (Date) solrDoc
-              .getFieldValue(LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-          if (logTimeDesc != null) {
-            VNameValue nameValue = new VNameValue();
-            nameValue.setName("To");
-            nameValue.setValue("" + logTimeDesc.getTime());
-            vNameValues.add(nameValue);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      nameValueList.setVNameValues(vNameValues);
-    } catch (SolrServerException | SolrException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error(e.getMessage() + "SolrQuery"+solrQuery);
-      nameValueList=new VNameValueList();
-    }
-    return convertObjToString(nameValueList);
-  }
-  protected VGroupList getSolrGroupList(SolrQuery query)
-      throws SolrServerException, IOException, SolrException {
-    VGroupList collection = new VGroupList();
-    QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(query);
-    if (response == null) {
-      return collection;
-    }
-    SolrDocumentList docList = response.getResults();
-    if (docList != null) {
-      collection.setGroupDocuments(docList);
-      collection.setStartIndex((int) docList.getStart());
-      collection.setTotalCount(docList.getNumFound());
-    }
-    return collection;
-  }
-  public String getServiceLogsFieldsName() {
-    String fieldsNameStrArry[] = PropertiesHelper
-      .getPropertyStringList("logsearch.service.logs.fields");
-    if (fieldsNameStrArry.length > 0) {
-      List<String> uiFieldNames = new ArrayList<String>();
-      String temp = null;
-      for (String field : fieldsNameStrArry) {
-        temp = ConfigHelper.serviceLogsColumnMapping.get(field
-            + LogSearchConstants.SOLR_SUFFIX);
-        if (temp == null){
-          uiFieldNames.add(field);
-        }else{
-          uiFieldNames.add(temp);
-        }
-      }
-      return convertObjToString(uiFieldNames);
-    }
-    throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(
-      "No field name found in property file",
-      MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND);
-  }
-  public String getServiceLogsSchemaFieldsName() {
-    List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>();
-    String excludeArray[] = PropertiesHelper
-        .getPropertyStringList("logsearch.solr.service.logs.exclude.columnlist");
-    HashMap<String, String> uiFieldColumnMapping = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
-    ConfigHelper.getSchemaFieldsName(excludeArray, fieldNames,serviceLogsSolrDao);
-    for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
-      String uiField = ConfigHelper.serviceLogsColumnMapping.get(fieldName
-          + LogSearchConstants.SOLR_SUFFIX);
-      if (uiField != null) {
-        uiFieldColumnMapping.put(fieldName, uiField);
-      } else {
-        uiFieldColumnMapping.put(fieldName, fieldName);
-      }
-    }
-    HashMap<String, String> uiFieldColumnMappingSorted = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
-    uiFieldColumnMappingSorted.put(LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LOG_MESSAGE, LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LOG_MESSAGE);
-    Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = BizUtil
-        .sortHashMapByValues(uiFieldColumnMapping).entrySet().iterator();
-    while (it.hasNext()) {
-      @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
-      Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry);
-      uiFieldColumnMappingSorted.put("" + pair.getKey(), "" + pair.getValue());
-    }
-    return convertObjToString(uiFieldColumnMappingSorted);
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public void extractValuesFromBuckets(
-    SimpleOrderedMap<Object> jsonFacetResponse, String outerField,
-    String innerField, List<VBarGraphData> histogramData) {
-    NamedList<Object> stack = (NamedList<Object>) jsonFacetResponse
-      .get(outerField);
-    ArrayList<Object> stackBuckets = (ArrayList<Object>) stack
-      .get("buckets");
-    for (Object temp : stackBuckets) {
-      VBarGraphData vBarGraphData = new VBarGraphData();
-      SimpleOrderedMap<Object> level = (SimpleOrderedMap<Object>) temp;
-      String name = ((String) level.getVal(0)).toUpperCase();
-      vBarGraphData.setName(name);
-      Collection<VNameValue> vNameValues = new ArrayList<VNameValue>();
-      vBarGraphData.setDataCounts(vNameValues);
-      ArrayList<Object> levelBuckets = (ArrayList<Object>) ((NamedList<Object>) level
-        .get(innerField)).get("buckets");
-      for (Object temp1 : levelBuckets) {
-        SimpleOrderedMap<Object> countValue = (SimpleOrderedMap<Object>) temp1;
-        String value = DateUtil
-          .convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate((Date) countValue
-            .getVal(0));
-        String count = "" + countValue.getVal(1);
-        VNameValue vNameValue = new VNameValue();
-        vNameValue.setName(value);
-        vNameValue.setValue(count);
-        vNameValues.add(vNameValue);
-      }
-      histogramData.add(vBarGraphData);
-    }
-  }
-  public String getAnyGraphData(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    searchCriteria.addParam("fieldTime", LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = queryGenerator.commonServiceFilterQuery(searchCriteria);
-    VBarDataList result = graphDataGenerator.getAnyGraphData(searchCriteria,
-        serviceLogsSolrDao, solrQuery);
-    if (result == null) {
-      result = new VBarDataList();
-    }
-    return convertObjToString(result);
-  }
-  public String getAfterBeforeLogs(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
-    VSolrLogList vSolrLogList = new VSolrLogList();
-    SolrDocumentList docList = null;
-    String id = (String) searchCriteria
-      .getParamValue(LogSearchConstants.ID);
-    if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) {
-      return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    }
-    String maxRows = "";
-    maxRows = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("numberRows");
-    if (StringUtils.isBlank(maxRows)){
-      maxRows = ""+maxRows;
-    }
-    String scrollType = (String) searchCriteria.getParamValue("scrollType");
-    if(StringUtils.isBlank(scrollType)){
-      scrollType = "";
-    }
-    String logTime = null;
-    String sequenceId = null;
-    try {
-      SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-      SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery,
-        queryGenerator.buildFilterQuery(LogSearchConstants.ID, id));
-      SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, 1);
-      QueryResponse response = serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-      if(response == null){
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-      }
-      docList = response.getResults();
-      if (docList != null && !docList.isEmpty()) {
-        Date date = (Date) docList.get(0).getFieldValue(
-          LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME);
-        logTime = DateUtil.convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(date);
-        sequenceId = ""
-          + docList.get(0).getFieldValue(
-          LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID);
-      }
-      if (StringUtils.isBlank(logTime)) {
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-      }
-    } catch (SolrServerException | SolrException | IOException e) {
-      throw RESTErrorUtil.createRESTException(MessageEnums.SOLR_ERROR
-          .getMessage().getMessage(), MessageEnums.ERROR_SYSTEM);
-    }
-    if (LogSearchConstants.SCROLL_TYPE_BEFORE.equals(scrollType)) {
-      vSolrLogList = whenScrollUp(searchCriteria, logTime,
-        sequenceId, maxRows);
-      SolrDocumentList solrDocList = new SolrDocumentList();
-      for (SolrDocument solrDoc : vSolrLogList.getList()) {
-        solrDocList.add(solrDoc);
-      }
-      vSolrLogList.setSolrDocuments(solrDocList);
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    } else if (LogSearchConstants.SCROLL_TYPE_AFTER.equals(scrollType)) {
-      SolrDocumentList solrDocList = new SolrDocumentList();
-      vSolrLogList = new VSolrLogList();
-      for (SolrDocument solrDoc : whenScrollDown(searchCriteria, logTime,
-          sequenceId, maxRows).getList()) {
-        solrDocList.add(solrDoc);
-      }
-      vSolrLogList.setSolrDocuments(solrDocList);
-      return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    } else {
-      vSolrLogList = new VSolrLogList();
-      SolrDocumentList initial = new SolrDocumentList();
-      SolrDocumentList before = whenScrollUp(searchCriteria, logTime,
-        sequenceId, maxRows).getList();
-      SolrDocumentList after = whenScrollDown(searchCriteria, logTime,
-        sequenceId, maxRows).getList();
-			if (before != null && !before.isEmpty()) {
-				for (SolrDocument solrDoc : Lists.reverse(before)) {
-					initial.add(solrDoc);
-				}
-			}
-      initial.add(docList.get(0));
-      if (after != null && !after.isEmpty()){
-        for (SolrDocument solrDoc : after) {
-          initial.add(solrDoc);
-	      }
-      }
-      vSolrLogList.setSolrDocuments(initial);
-        return convertObjToString(vSolrLogList);
-    }
-  }
-  private VSolrLogList whenScrollUp(SearchCriteria searchCriteria,
-                                    String logTime, String sequenceId, String maxRows) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-    /*queryGenerator.setSingleExcludeFilter(solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID, sequenceId);*/
-    try {
-      int seq_num = Integer.parseInt(sequenceId) - 1;
-      sequenceId = "" + seq_num;
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-    }
-    queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(
-      solrQuery,
-      LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID, "*", sequenceId);
-    queryGenerator.applyLogFileFilter(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(solrQuery,
-      LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, "*", logTime);
-    SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, Integer.parseInt(maxRows));
-    String order1 = LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-      + LogSearchConstants.DESCENDING_ORDER;
-    String order2 = LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID + " "
-      + LogSearchConstants.DESCENDING_ORDER;
-    List<String> sortOrder = new ArrayList<String>();
-    sortOrder.add(order1);
-    sortOrder.add(order2);
-    searchCriteria.addParam(LogSearchConstants.SORT, sortOrder);
-    queryGenerator.setMultipleSortOrder(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    return getLogAsPaginationProvided(solrQuery, serviceLogsSolrDao);
-  }
-  private VSolrLogList whenScrollDown(SearchCriteria searchCriteria,
-                                      String logTime, String sequenceId, String maxRows) {
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    SolrUtil.setMainQuery(solrQuery, null);
-    queryGenerator.applyLogFileFilter(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    /*queryGenerator.setSingleExcludeFilter(solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID, sequenceId);*/
-    try {
-      int seq_num = Integer.parseInt(sequenceId) + 1;
-      sequenceId = "" + seq_num;
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-    }
-    queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(
-      solrQuery,
-      LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID, sequenceId, "*");
-    queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(solrQuery,
-      LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, logTime, "*");
-    SolrUtil.setRowCount(solrQuery, Integer.parseInt(maxRows));
-    String order1 = LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME + " "
-      + LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER;
-    String order2 = LogSearchConstants.SEQUNCE_ID + " "
-      + LogSearchConstants.ASCENDING_ORDER;
-    List<String> sortOrder = new ArrayList<String>();
-    sortOrder.add(order1);
-    sortOrder.add(order2);
-    searchCriteria.addParam(LogSearchConstants.SORT, sortOrder);
-    queryGenerator.setMultipleSortOrder(solrQuery, searchCriteria);
-    return getLogAsPaginationProvided(solrQuery, serviceLogsSolrDao);
-  }
-  @Scheduled(cron = "${logsearch.solr.warming.cron}")
-  public void warmingSolrServer(){
-"solr warming triggered.");
-    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
-    TimeZone gmtTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
-    GregorianCalendar utc = new GregorianCalendar(gmtTimeZone);
-    utc.setTimeInMillis(new Date().getTime());
-    utc.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
-    utc.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
-    utc.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 001);
-    utc.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
-    DateUtil.convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(utc.getTime());
-    String from = DateUtil.convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(utc.getTime());
-    utc.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
-    utc.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
-    utc.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
-    utc.set(Calendar.HOUR, 23);
-    String to = DateUtil.convertDateWithMillisecondsToSolrDate(utc.getTime());
-    queryGenerator.setSingleRangeFilter(solrQuery,
-        LogSearchConstants.LOGTIME, from,to);
-    String level = LogSearchConstants.FATAL+","+LogSearchConstants.ERROR+","+LogSearchConstants.WARN;
-    queryGenerator.setFilterClauseWithFieldName(solrQuery, level,
-        LogSearchConstants.SOLR_LEVEL, "", QueryGenerationBase.Condition.OR);
-    try {
-      serviceLogsSolrDao.process(solrQuery);
-    } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) {
-      logger.error("Error while warming solr server",e);
-    }
-  }