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Posted to by Dean Gaudet <> on 1998/06/30 12:13:37 UTC

apache-nspr in cvs

I put apache-nspr into the apache-2.0 repository.  There are still config
details to be worked out.  If folks don't like the arrangement... tough.
I just wanted to get it done.

Two new subdirs:  nsprpub (the nspr library) and apache-nspr.

I built the repository without the cvs mailings happening -- trust me,
you're better off without the 10Mb+ of mailings it would have generated.
The black magic I used follows.

The new repositories include the vendor tags that will be necessary for
future merges of updates from mozilla, or from apache-1.3.


make a temp. repository for the magic
% mkdir $HOME/Repository
% cvs -d $HOME/Repository init

% unpack mozilla-19980603.tar.gz, cd into the nsprpub subdirectory
% find . -name CVS | xargs rm
% cvs -d $HOME/Repository import -I \! -ko -m 'import mozilla-19980603 nsprpub sources' nsprpub MOZILLA rel19980603

refresh a copy of current apache 1.3 HEAD so we have a vendor
branch to import
% cvs -d checkout apache-1.3
% cd apache-1.3/src
% find . -name CVS | xargs rm
% cvs -d $HOME/Repository import -I \! -ko -m 'import apache 1.3 19980630 sources' apache-nspr APACHE APACHE_1_3_19980630

update apache-nspr to version -09 which includes a merge up
to the apache-1.3 HEAD just committed

get a skeleton of CVS files for the new repository:
% cd
% mkdir foo
% cd foo
% cvs -d $HOME/Repository checkout apache-nspr
% tar cf dirs.tar `find apache-nspr -name CVS`
% rm -rf apache-nspr

copy my apache-nspr-09 working copy:
% mkdir apache-nspr
% cd apache-nspr
% ( cd ~/ap/apache-nspr/src; tar cf - . ) | tar xpf -

clean the CVS directories, which refer to the apache-1.3
repository... and replace them with the skeleton we built
% find . -name CVS | xargs rm -r
% cd ..
% tar xf dirs.tar
% cd apache-nspr

deal with deleted files:
% cvs -n update >#1
% grep '^U ' #1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs cvs rm

deal with added files
% cvs -n update >#1
% grep '^\? ' #1
% rm -r os/old_win32
% rm main/
% grep '^\? ' #1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs cvs add

finally tarball up the new repository and ship it off
to taz
% cd $HOME/Repository
% tar czf ../rep.tar.gz apache-nspr nsprpub
% scp ../rep.tar.gz

and on taz unpack it into the apache-2.0 repository
taz% cd /export/home/cvs/apache-2.0
taz% tar xzf ~/rep.tar.gz