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Posted to by "alamb (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/04/12 19:43:15 UTC

[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] alamb commented on a diff in pull request #5978: docs: improve

alamb commented on code in PR #5978:

@@ -125,105 +135,105 @@ Unlike to some databases the math functions in Datafusion works the same way as
 ## String Expressions
-| Function         | Notes |
-| ---------------- | ----- |
-| ascii            |       |
-| bit_length       |       |
-| btrim            |       |
-| char_length      |       |
-| character_length |       |
-| concat           |       |
-| concat_ws        |       |
-| chr              |       |
-| initcap          |       |
-| left             |       |
-| length           |       |
-| lower            |       |
-| lpad             |       |
-| ltrim            |       |
-| md5              |       |
-| octet_length     |       |
-| repeat           |       |
-| replace          |       |
-| reverse          |       |
-| right            |       |
-| rpad             |       |
-| rtrim            |       |
-| digest           |       |
-| split_part       |       |
-| starts_with      |       |
-| strpos           |       |
-| substr           |       |
-| translate        |       |
-| trim             |       |
-| upper            |       |
+| Function                                       | Notes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ascii(character)                               | Returns a numeric representation of the character (`character`). Example: `ascii('a') -> 97`                                                                                                                                             |
+| bit_length(text)                               | Returns the length of the string (`text`) in bits. Example: `bit_length('spider') -> 48`                                                                                                                                                 |
+| btrim(text, characters)                        | Removes all specified characters (`characters`) from both the beginning and the end of the string (`text`). Example: `btrim('aabchelloccb', 'abc') -> hello`                                                                             |
+| char_length(text)                              | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `character_length` and `length`. Example: `character_length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                               |
+| character_length(text)                         | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `char_length` and `length`. Example: `char_length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                                         |
+| concat(value1, [value2 [, ...]])               | Concatenates the text representations (`value1, [value2 [, ...]]`) of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored. Example: `concat('aaa', 'bbc', NULL, 321) -> aaabbc321`                                                             |
+| concat_ws(separator, value1, [value2 [, ...]]) | Concatenates the text representations (`value1, [value2 [, ...]]`) of all the arguments with the separator (`separator`). NULL arguments are ignored. `concat_ws('/', 'path', 'to', NULL, 'my', 'folder', 123) -> path/to/my/folder/123` |
+| chr(integer)                                   | Returns a character by its numeric representation (`integer`). Example: `chr(90) -> 8`                                                                                                                                                   |
+| initcap                                        | Converts the first letter of each word to upper case and the rest to lower case. Example: `initcap('hi TOM') -> Hi Tom`                                                                                                                  |
+| left(text, number)                             | Returns a certain number (`number`) of first characters (`text`). Example: `left('like', 2) -> li`                                                                                                                                       |
+| length(text)                                   | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `character_length` and `char_length`. Example: `length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                                    |
+| lower(text)                                    | Converts all characters in the string (`text`) into lower case. Example: `lower('HELLO') -> hello`                                                                                                                                       |
+| lpad(text, length, [, fill])                   | Extends the string to length (`lenght`) by prepending the characters (`fill`) (a space by default). Example: `lpad('bb', 5, 'a') → aaabb`                                                                                                |

Review Comment:
   | lpad(text, length, [, fill])                   | Extends the string to length (`length`) by prepending the characters (`fill`) (a space by default). Example: `lpad('bb', 5, 'a') → aaabb`                                                                                                |

@@ -125,105 +135,105 @@ Unlike to some databases the math functions in Datafusion works the same way as
 ## String Expressions
-| Function         | Notes |
-| ---------------- | ----- |
-| ascii            |       |
-| bit_length       |       |
-| btrim            |       |
-| char_length      |       |
-| character_length |       |
-| concat           |       |
-| concat_ws        |       |
-| chr              |       |
-| initcap          |       |
-| left             |       |
-| length           |       |
-| lower            |       |
-| lpad             |       |
-| ltrim            |       |
-| md5              |       |
-| octet_length     |       |
-| repeat           |       |
-| replace          |       |
-| reverse          |       |
-| right            |       |
-| rpad             |       |
-| rtrim            |       |
-| digest           |       |
-| split_part       |       |
-| starts_with      |       |
-| strpos           |       |
-| substr           |       |
-| translate        |       |
-| trim             |       |
-| upper            |       |
+| Function                                       | Notes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ascii(character)                               | Returns a numeric representation of the character (`character`). Example: `ascii('a') -> 97`                                                                                                                                             |
+| bit_length(text)                               | Returns the length of the string (`text`) in bits. Example: `bit_length('spider') -> 48`                                                                                                                                                 |
+| btrim(text, characters)                        | Removes all specified characters (`characters`) from both the beginning and the end of the string (`text`). Example: `btrim('aabchelloccb', 'abc') -> hello`                                                                             |
+| char_length(text)                              | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `character_length` and `length`. Example: `character_length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                               |
+| character_length(text)                         | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `char_length` and `length`. Example: `char_length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                                         |
+| concat(value1, [value2 [, ...]])               | Concatenates the text representations (`value1, [value2 [, ...]]`) of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored. Example: `concat('aaa', 'bbc', NULL, 321) -> aaabbc321`                                                             |
+| concat_ws(separator, value1, [value2 [, ...]]) | Concatenates the text representations (`value1, [value2 [, ...]]`) of all the arguments with the separator (`separator`). NULL arguments are ignored. `concat_ws('/', 'path', 'to', NULL, 'my', 'folder', 123) -> path/to/my/folder/123` |
+| chr(integer)                                   | Returns a character by its numeric representation (`integer`). Example: `chr(90) -> 8`                                                                                                                                                   |
+| initcap                                        | Converts the first letter of each word to upper case and the rest to lower case. Example: `initcap('hi TOM') -> Hi Tom`                                                                                                                  |
+| left(text, number)                             | Returns a certain number (`number`) of first characters (`text`). Example: `left('like', 2) -> li`                                                                                                                                       |
+| length(text)                                   | Returns number of characters in the string (`text`). The same as `character_length` and `char_length`. Example: `length('lion') -> 4`                                                                                                    |
+| lower(text)                                    | Converts all characters in the string (`text`) into lower case. Example: `lower('HELLO') -> hello`                                                                                                                                       |
+| lpad(text, length, [, fill])                   | Extends the string to length (`lenght`) by prepending the characters (`fill`) (a space by default). Example: `lpad('bb', 5, 'a') → aaabb`                                                                                                |
+| ltrim(text, text)                              | Removes all specified characters (`characters`) from the beginning of the string (`text`). Example: `ltrim('aabchelloccb', 'abc') -> helloccb`                                                                                           |
+| md5(text)                                      | Computes the MD5 hash of the argument (`text`).                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| octet_length(text)                             | Returns number of bytes in the string (`text`).                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| repeat(text, number)                           | Repeats the string the specified number of times. Example: `repeat('1', 4) -> 1111`                                                                                                                                                      |
+| replace(string, from, to)                      | Replaces a specified string (`from`) with another specified string (`to`) in the string (`string`). Example: `replace('Hello', 'replace', 'el') -> Hola`                                                                                 |
+| reverse(text)                                  | Reverses the order of the characters in the string (`text`). Example: `reverse('hello') -> olleh`                                                                                                                                        |
+| right(text, number)                            | Returns a certain number (`number`) of last characters (`text`). Example: `right('like', 2) -> ke`                                                                                                                                       |
+| rpad(text, length, [, fill])                   | Extends the string to length (`lenght`) by prepending the characters (`fill`) (a space by default). Example: `rpad('bb', 5, 'a') → bbaaa`                                                                                                |
+| rtrim                                          | Removes all specified characters (`characters`) from the end of the string (`text`). Example: `rtrim('aabchelloccb', 'abc') -> aabchello`                                                                                                |
+| digest(input, algorithm)                       | Computes the binary hash of `input`, using the `algorithm`.                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| split_part(string, delimiter, index)           | Splits the string (`string`) based on a delimiter (`delimiter`) and picks out the desired field based on the index (`index`).                                                                                                            |
+| starts_with(string, prefix)                    | Returns `true` if the string (`string`) starts with the specified prefix (`prefix`). If not, it returns `false`. Example: `starts_with('Hi Tom', 'Hi') -> true`                                                                          |
+| strpos                                         | Finds the position from where the `substring` matches the `string`                                                                                                                                                                       |
+| substr(string, position, [, length])           | Returns substring from the position (`position`) with length (`length`) characters in the string (`string`).                                                                                                                             |
+| translate(string, from, to)                    | Replaces the characters in `from` with the counterpart in `to`. Example: `translate('abcde', 'acd', '15') -> 1b5e`                                                                                                                       |
+| trim(string)                                   | Removes all characters, space by default from the string (`string`)                                                                                                                                                                      |
+| upper                                          | Converts all characters in the string into upper case. Example: `upper('hello') -> HELLO`                                                                                                                                                |
 ## Regular Expressions
-| Function       | Notes |
-| -------------- | ----- |
-| regexp_match   |       |
-| regexp_replace |       |
+| Function       | Notes                                                                         |
+| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| regexp_match   | Matches a regular expression against a string and returns matched substrings. |
+| regexp_replace | Replaces strings that match a regular expression                              |
 ## Temporal Expressions
-| Function             | Notes        |
-| -------------------- | ------------ |
-| date_part            |              |
-| date_trunc           |              |
-| from_unixtime        |              |
-| to_timestamp         |              |
-| to_timestamp_millis  |              |
-| to_timestamp_micros  |              |
-| to_timestamp_seconds |              |
-| now()                | current time |
+| Function             | Notes                                                  |
+| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
+| date_part            | Extracts a subfield from the date.                     |
+| date_trunc           | Truncates the date to a specified level of precision.  |
+| from_unixtime        | Returns the unix time in format.                       |
+| to_timestamp         | Converts a string to a `Timestamp(_, _)`               |
+| to_timestamp_millis  | Converts a string to a `Timestamp(Milliseconds, None)` |
+| to_timestamp_micros  | Converts a string to a `Timestamp(Microseconds, None)` |
+| to_timestamp_seconds | Converts a string to a `Timestamp(Seconds, None)`      |
+| now()                | Returns current time.                                  |
 ## Other Expressions
-| Function | Notes |
-| -------- | ----- |
-| array    |       |
-| in_list  |       |
-| random   |       |
-| sha224   |       |
-| sha256   |       |
-| sha384   |       |
-| sha512   |       |
-| struct   |       |
-| to_hex   |       |
+| Function                     | Notes                                                                                                      |
+| ---------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| array([value1, ...])         | Returns an array of fixed size with each argument (`[value1, ...]`) on it.                                 |
+| in_list(expr, list, negated) | Returns `true` if (`expr`) belongs or not belongs (`negated`) to a list (`list`), otherwise returns false. |
+| random()                     | Returns a random value from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive).                                                |
+| sha224(text)                 | Computes the SHA224 hash of the argument (`text`).                                                         |
+| sha256(text)                 | Computes the SHA256 hash of the argument (`text`).                                                         |
+| sha384(text)                 | Computes the SHA384 hash of the argument (`text`).                                                         |
+| sha512(text)                 | Computes the SHA512 hash of the argument (`text`).                                                         |
+| struct                       |                                                                                                            |

Review Comment:
   ❯ select struct('soo');
   | struct(Utf8("soo")) |
   | {c0: soo}           |
   Wow that is a wild funtion 🤔 

@@ -125,105 +135,105 @@ Unlike to some databases the math functions in Datafusion works the same way as
 ## String Expressions
-| Function         | Notes |
-| ---------------- | ----- |
-| ascii            |       |
-| bit_length       |       |
-| btrim            |       |
-| char_length      |       |
-| character_length |       |
-| concat           |       |
-| concat_ws        |       |
-| chr              |       |
-| initcap          |       |
-| left             |       |
-| length           |       |
-| lower            |       |
-| lpad             |       |
-| ltrim            |       |
-| md5              |       |
-| octet_length     |       |
-| repeat           |       |
-| replace          |       |
-| reverse          |       |
-| right            |       |
-| rpad             |       |
-| rtrim            |       |
-| digest           |       |
-| split_part       |       |
-| starts_with      |       |
-| strpos           |       |
-| substr           |       |
-| translate        |       |
-| trim             |       |
-| upper            |       |
+| Function                                       | Notes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ascii(character)                               | Returns a numeric representation of the character (`character`). Example: `ascii('a') -> 97`                                                                                                                                             |

Review Comment:
   At least some of these functions are already covered in
   However, I see this is for the expression syntax. 🤔 

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