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cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-phoenix forrest-targets.ent status.xml

nicolaken    2002/11/18 06:16:41

  Added:       .        forrest-targets.ent status.xml
  First step of migration of documentation to Forrest.
  New docs dir:
  New content dir:
  New resources and images dir:
  To build the documentation download Forrest from CVS
   install it as described here
  cd in the  jakarta-avalon-phoenix dir and run "forrest"
  To see the site real-time from a local embedded webserver run "forrest run"
  and point the browser to http://localhost:8888/
  The sources to change are in ./build/webapp, you will need to synch them with
  the actual docs manually.
  Or run the Phoenix build.xml with target "site".
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/forrest-targets.ent
  Index: forrest-targets.ent
  This build.xml snippet contains Forrest targets for Ant 1.5+.  It checks that
  the user has set ${forrest.home}, either in one of:
  or with the FORREST_HOME environment variable, and prints an informative error
  message if not found.
  1) Copy this file to somewhere in your project.
  2) Add the following to the top of your project's Ant build.xml script
  (adjusting the path):
    <!DOCTYPE project [
      <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  3) Before the closing '</project>' in your build.xml, add this:
  This is like expanding a macro: it pulls in the contents of this file.
  A minimal build.xml would thus be:
  <!DOCTYPE project [
  <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  <project default="site">
    <target name="site" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates static HTML documentation">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="site"/>
    <target name="webapp" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates an unpackaged webapp of the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="webapp"/>
    <target name="war" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates a .war file containing the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="war"/>
    <target name="validate" depends="forrest.init" description="Validates XML documentation files">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="validate"/>
    <target name="forrest.init" depends="forrest.sethome, forrest.home.defined"/>
    <target name="forrest.sethome" depends="forrest.loadenv,
    forrest.checkenv, forrest.checkhome,,,,"/>
    <target name="forrest.loadenv" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property environment="env"/>
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Got ${env.FORREST_HOME}</echo>
    <target name="forrest.checkenv" if="env.FORREST_HOME">
      <echo level="verbose">Found $FORREST_HOME..</echo>
      <property name="forrest.home" location="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
      <echo level="verbose">forrest.home set to ${forrest.home}</echo>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.checkhome">
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
    <!-- No we can't extract the commonalities below into an antcall'ed target,
    because it wouldn't be able to set forrest.home -->
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.home.defined" depends="forrest.sethome" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property name="path" value="${user.home}/xml-forrest/build/dist/shbat"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="windows" property="winpath">
          <pathelement location="${path}"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="unixpath">
        To run this target, you need Forrest installed.
        Please do the following:
        export CVSROOT=:pserver:nicolaken@localhost:/home/cvs
        cvs checkout xml-forrest
        cd xml-forrest
        build      (Windows)
        ./ (Unix)
        Then either:
        - Set FORREST_HOME as the Forrest build instructions describe
        - Create a, with the forrest.home property pointing to
          the forrest shbat directory, eg:
          forrest.home=${winpath}  (Windows)
          forrest.home=${unixpath}  (Unix)
          (adjusting the path according to where your xml-forrest is)
      <fail message="Need to define $${forrest.home}"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/
  # Properties used by for building the website
  # Prints out a summary of Forrest settings for this project
  # Project name (used to name .war file)
  # Specifies name of Forrest skin to use
  # layout properties
  # Properties that must be set to override the default locations
  # validation properties
  # These props determine if validation is performed at all
  # Values are inherited unless overridden.
  # Eg, if forrest.validate=false, then all others are false unless set to true.
  # Key:
  # *.failonerror=(true|false)    stop when an XML file is invalid
  # *.includes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to validate
  # *.excludes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to not validate
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/status.xml
  Index: status.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <person name="Federico Barbieri" email="" id="FB"/>
      <person name="Berin Loritsch" email="" id="BL"/>
      <person name="Peter Donald" email="" id="PD"/>
      <person name="Paul Hammant" email="" id="PH"/>
      <person name="Mircea Toma" email="" id="MT"/>
      <person name="Stephen McConnell" email="" id="SM"/>
      <person name="Nicola Ken Barozzi" email="" id="NKB"/>
      <actions priority="high">
        <action context="docs" dev="open">
          Improve docs.
      <!-- Add todo items. @context is an arbitrary string. Eg:
      <actions priority="high">
        <action context="code" dev="SN">
      <actions priority="medium">
        <action context="docs" dev="open">
      <!-- Add new releases here -->
  <release version="4.0a4" date="Unreleased">
      <!-- Sample action:
       <action dev="JB" type="fix" due-to="Joe Contributor"
               due-to-email="">Fixed a bug in the Foo class.</action>
      <action dev="NKB" type="update">
         Move to Forrest for document generation.
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Update documentation and move to Anakia for document generation.
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Remove deprecated functionality for deploying old style .sar files or
  deploying from a directory.
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Remove deprecated Service interface.
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Remove some deprecated methods from BlockContext.
       <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Warn users if their blocks Work interfaces/Services implement
  any lifecycle interfaces.
      <action dev="SM" type="add">
         Allow name sub-element in block section of BlockInfo.
       <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Add "sar:" URL protocol handling to policy section in environment.xml
       <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Blocks no longre need to implement Block interface. Block interface
          is thus deprecated as is AbstractBlock. This was done to facilitate
          sharing of components between multiple containers.
       <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Extrace Blocks to directory based on name deployed with rather than
          .sar name (to support multiple deployments of same .sar). Submitted
          By: Ulrich Mayring (
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Rework deployer such that jars are extracted to a temporary work
          directory and then deleted when application is undeployed. This is
          to work around the JVM locking and caching the jars and thus allowing
          users to redeploy applications. Submitted By: Ulrich Mayring
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Updated build script so it will work when installed in a directory
          with spaces. Submitted By: (David Smiley)
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Use MX4J project to provide the JMX management kernel rather than
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Make phoenix use a temporary located in its hierarchy by setting
          the JVM system property "". By default this temporary
          location is $PHOENIX_HOME/temp
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Rework Embeddor so that it instantiates kernel components from a
          by reading the contents of conf/kernel.xml file.
          Submitted By: Joerg Bauer (
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
          Add XDoclet tasks to generate the manifest and BlockInfo files
          based on javadoc tags inserted into Blocks java file. Originally
          Submitted By: vinay nair (
      <action dev="SM" type="add">
          Added javadoc to more classes and added in package.html files
          where appropriate.
      <action dev="PH" type="add">
          Added ApplicationListener objects that implement all same
          funcitonality as BlockListener but also provide support
          for Application Starting/Stopping/Failure events and
          provide access to SarMetaData. Consequently deprecated
          BlockListener interface.
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Enhanced DefaultManager to support authenticated connecitons.
  Submitted By: "Jorg Bauer/Denic" (
      <action dev="MT" type="change">
  Add support for Parameterizable blocks. Submitted by:
  Brian Olsen (
      <action dev="PD" type="add">
  Allow Blocks to declare that they are able to be exported to a Management
  subsystem (ie JMS) by making their blocks declare (Management-access-points/)
          in their BlockInfo. Blocks will be exported to JMX with names like
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Validate the assembly.xml file and any BlockInfo files if they
      declare the DTD correctly.
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Add native daemon support by using the daemon created in the project. Submitted By:
      Leif Mortenson (
    <action dev="PD" type="fix">
      Fixed bug where application names were inapropriately prefixed
      to log categories. Submitted By Antal Attila (
    <action dev="PD" type="fix">
      Fixed bug where application names were inapropriately prefixed
      to log categories.
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Allow jars contained within the .sar file to declare dependencies
      on libraries using the standard JDK1.2+ Extension mechanism. For
      more information about optional packages, see the document
      Optional Package Versioning in the documentation bundle for your
      Java2 Standard Edition package, in the file
  <release version="4.0a3" date="November 13, 2001">
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Add documentation describing BlockListener.
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Fixed bug that allowed binary distributions to be built without
      copying xerces.jar into correct place.
  <release version="4.0a2" date="November 12, 2001">
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Update Phoenix to use the new Avalon Framework Logger interface rather than
      directly using LogKits Logger class. This required a backwards incompatible
      change in BlockContext. The getLogger() methods now return the Logger interface
      rather than LogKits Logger class. If a Block implements Loggable then it will
      be passed LogKits Logger, this is required for backwards compatability. If the
      Block implements LogEnabled it will receive the new style Logger.
    <action dev="MT" type="add">
      Add support for undeploying and unistalling applications. Add support for separating
      out install phase from deployment phase and persisting information about
      application installations.
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Rework the application deployment format (ie .sar format) to be more in line
      with other specifications. See docs/creating-a-server-application.html in distribution
      for current format description. The old format is deprecated but will still work.
    <action dev="PH" type="add">
      Created the start of a Phoenix Developers Kit (PDK) that will enable
      developers to rapidly become accustom to developing Phoenix applications.
    <action dev="PD" type="add">
      Started to incorporate the JMX code more fully into Phoenix kernel. Started
      doing this by refactoring the base MBeans and testing using the RIs agent.
    <action dev="PD" type="change">
      Separated code that validated assembly of application into separate
      classes. The validation is now much stricter and requires that
      Blocks conform to established patterns. The validation phase should give
      more reasonable explanations for violations. Extra validation checks
      include verifying that services offered by a Block are actually interfaces,
      that there is no circular dependencies, that declared Blocks and BlockListeners
      actually implement Block or BlockListener interface, that the names of Blocks
      are valid etc.
  <release version="4.0a1" date="September 25, 2001">
    <action dev="BL" type="change">
      Too many things to enumerate here.  This is the first public release,
      and the code is still considered alpha.  In future releases, we will
      be much more careful to record the changes to Phoenix.
  <release version="3.1a2" date="Unreleased">
      <action dev="BL" type="add">
        Added stylesheet to convert Stylebook markup to DocBook markup.
      <action dev="BL" type="change">
        Changed the documentation build process to use Cocoon to build
        the site.
    <action dev="PD" type="remove">
      Legacy support for nested configuration elements in assembly file
    <action dev="PD" type="update">
      Simplified Loader and made it set ContextClassLoader before executing
      Main method. It will also use the System property phoenix.home if set
      rather than always trying to dynamically determine home directory.
    <action dev="PD" type="add">
      Added SingleAppEmbeddor to launch a kernel to load a single Application.
      Patch supplied by "Eung-ju Park" ( This is useful if
      you need to reuse the blocks in other contexts (such as in a Servlet).
    <action dev="PD" type="add">
      Made default SystemManager a NoopSystemManager. Patch supplied
      by "Eung-ju Park" ( To re-enable RMI manager a new
      command line switch "--remote-manager" was added.
    <action dev="PD" type="update">
      Reworked SecurityManager setup. Instead of starting a security
      Manager inside the code it has been re-architectured so that the
      SecurityManager is set on the command line. This was to avoid a number
      of issues related to creating a URLClassLoader in an unprotected context
      before setting SecurityManager. ie As AccessControllerContext was null it
      is impossible to use ClassLoader.getResource(AsStream)(). This means that
      defining phoenix.insecure will no longer disable the SecurityManager. The
      replacement method is to set the native OS environment variable
    <action dev="PD" type="update">
      Separate Parsing of CLI arguements into separate class (CLISetup).
      This is to facilitate launching Phoenix as a native daemon using
      Tomcats Services API.
    <action dev="PD" type="add">
      Started Localizing text strings throughout Phoenix. This is done using
      ResourceManager and Resources from Avalon/Excalibur project.

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