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[17/18] allura git commit: [#7907] ticket:873 Clean up unused field types

[#7907] ticket:873 Clean up unused field types


Branch: refs/heads/in/7907
Commit: abfb011fd22be9ccca31317f81cfc571d0c57ac0
Parents: e00387b
Author: Igor Bondarenko <>
Authored: Wed Dec 9 18:23:18 2015 +0200
Committer: Igor Bondarenko <>
Committed: Wed Dec 9 18:23:18 2015 +0200

 solr_config/allura/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt |  54 ---
 solr_config/allura/conf/schema.xml            | 539 ---------------------
 2 files changed, 593 deletions(-)
diff --git a/solr_config/allura/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt b/solr_config/allura/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c164c0..0000000
--- a/solr_config/allura/conf/lang/stopwords_en.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# a couple of test stopwords to test that the words are really being
-# configured from this file:
-# Standard english stop words taken from Lucene's StopAnalyzer
diff --git a/solr_config/allura/conf/schema.xml b/solr_config/allura/conf/schema.xml
index 6a920c3..35c145e 100644
--- a/solr_config/allura/conf/schema.xml
+++ b/solr_config/allura/conf/schema.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
    <field name="text" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
    <!-- END of required field values -->
-   <field name="admin_subscribed" type="boolean" indexed="false" stored="true" />
    <field name="description" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" />
    <field name="group_id" type="tint" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
    <field name="group_ranking" type="tint" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
@@ -396,129 +395,6 @@
-    <!-- A text field with defaults appropriate for English: it
-         tokenizes with StandardTokenizer, removes English stop words
-         (lang/stopwords_en.txt), down cases, protects words from protwords.txt, and
-         finally applies Porter's stemming.  The query time analyzer
-         also applies synonyms from synonyms.txt. -->
-    <fieldType name="text_en" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer type="index">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
-        -->
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
-                ignoreCase="true"
-                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
-                />
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-	<filter class="solr.EnglishPossessiveFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
-	<!-- Optionally you may want to use this less aggressive stemmer instead of PorterStemFilterFactory:
-        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
-	-->
-        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-      <analyzer type="query">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
-                ignoreCase="true"
-                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
-                />
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-	<filter class="solr.EnglishPossessiveFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
-	<!-- Optionally you may want to use this less aggressive stemmer instead of PorterStemFilterFactory:
-        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
-	-->
-        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- A text field with defaults appropriate for English, plus
-	 aggressive word-splitting and autophrase features enabled.
-	 This field is just like text_en, except it adds
-	 WordDelimiterFilter to enable splitting and matching of
-	 words on case-change, alpha numeric boundaries, and
-	 non-alphanumeric chars.  This means certain compound word
-	 cases will work, for example query "wi fi" will match
-	 document "WiFi" or "wi-fi".
-        -->
-    <fieldType name="text_en_splitting" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true">
-      <analyzer type="index">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
-        -->
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
-                ignoreCase="true"
-                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
-                />
-        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="1"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-      <analyzer type="query">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
-                ignoreCase="true"
-                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
-                />
-        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="0" catenateNumbers="0" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="1"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Less flexible matching, but less false matches.  Probably not ideal for product names,
-         but may be good for SKUs.  Can insert dashes in the wrong place and still match. -->
-    <fieldType name="text_en_splitting_tight" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="0" generateNumberParts="0" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- this filter can remove any duplicate tokens that appear at the same position - sometimes
-             possible with WordDelimiterFilter in conjuncton with stemming. -->
-        <filter class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Just like text_general except it reverses the characters of
-	 each token, to enable more efficient leading wildcard queries. -->
-    <fieldType name="text_general_rev" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer type="index">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.ReversedWildcardFilterFactory" withOriginal="true"
-           maxPosAsterisk="3" maxPosQuestion="2" maxFractionAsterisk="0.33"/>
-      </analyzer>
-      <analyzer type="query">
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- charFilter + WhitespaceTokenizer  -->
-    <!--
-    <fieldType name="text_char_norm" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" >
-      <analyzer>
-        <charFilter class="solr.MappingCharFilterFactory" mapping="mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt"/>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    -->
     <!-- This is an example of using the KeywordTokenizer along
          With various TokenFilterFactories to produce a sortable field
          that does not include some properties of the source text
@@ -636,420 +512,5 @@
     <fieldType name="location_rpt" class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"
         geo="true" distErrPct="0.025" maxDistErr="0.000009" units="degrees" />
-   <!-- Money/currency field type. See
-        Parameters:
-          defaultCurrency: Specifies the default currency if none specified. Defaults to "USD"
-          precisionStep:   Specifies the precisionStep for the TrieLong field used for the amount
-          providerClass:   Lets you plug in other exchange provider backend:
-                           solr.FileExchangeRateProvider is the default and takes one parameter:
-                             currencyConfig: name of an xml file holding exchange rates
-                           solr.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider uses rates from
-                             ratesFileLocation: URL or path to rates JSON file (default latest.json on the web)
-                             refreshInterval: Number of minutes between each rates fetch (default: 1440, min: 60)
-   -->
-    <fieldType name="currency" class="solr.CurrencyField" precisionStep="8" defaultCurrency="USD" currencyConfig="currency.xml" />
-   <!-- some examples for different languages (generally ordered by ISO code) -->
-    <!-- Arabic -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ar" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- for any non-arabic -->
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ar.txt" />
-        <!-- normalizes ﻯ to ﻱ, etc -->
-        <filter class="solr.ArabicNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.ArabicStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Bulgarian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_bg" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_bg.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.BulgarianStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Catalan -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ca" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- removes l', etc -->
-        <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" articles="lang/contractions_ca.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ca.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Catalan"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- CJK bigram (see text_ja for a Japanese configuration using morphological analysis) -->
-    <fieldType name="text_cjk" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- normalize width before bigram, as e.g. half-width dakuten combine  -->
-        <filter class="solr.CJKWidthFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- for any non-CJK -->
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.CJKBigramFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Czech -->
-    <fieldType name="text_cz" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_cz.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.CzechStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Danish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_da" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_da.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Danish"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- German -->
-    <fieldType name="text_de" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_de.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.GermanNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.GermanLightStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.GermanMinimalStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-        <!-- more aggressive: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="German2"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Greek -->
-    <fieldType name="text_el" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- greek specific lowercase for sigma -->
-        <filter class="solr.GreekLowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="false" words="lang/stopwords_el.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.GreekStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Spanish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_es" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_es.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SpanishLightStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- more aggressive: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Spanish"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Basque -->
-    <fieldType name="text_eu" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_eu.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Basque"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Persian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_fa" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <!-- for ZWNJ -->
-        <charFilter class="solr.PersianCharFilterFactory"/>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.ArabicNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.PersianNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_fa.txt" />
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Finnish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_fi" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_fi.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Finnish"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.FinnishLightStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- French -->
-    <fieldType name="text_fr" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- removes l', etc -->
-        <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" articles="lang/contractions_fr.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_fr.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.FrenchLightStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.FrenchMinimalStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-        <!-- more aggressive: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="French"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Irish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ga" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- removes d', etc -->
-        <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" articles="lang/contractions_ga.txt"/>
-        <!-- removes n-, etc. position increments is intentionally false! -->
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/hyphenations_ga.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.IrishLowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ga.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Irish"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Galician -->
-    <fieldType name="text_gl" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_gl.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.GalicianStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.GalicianMinimalStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Hindi -->
-    <fieldType name="text_hi" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- normalizes unicode representation -->
-        <filter class="solr.IndicNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- normalizes variation in spelling -->
-        <filter class="solr.HindiNormalizationFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_hi.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.HindiStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Hungarian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_hu" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_hu.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Hungarian"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.HungarianLightStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Armenian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_hy" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_hy.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Armenian"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Indonesian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_id" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_id.txt" />
-        <!-- for a less aggressive approach (only inflectional suffixes), set stemDerivational to false -->
-        <filter class="solr.IndonesianStemFilterFactory" stemDerivational="true"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Italian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_it" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <!-- removes l', etc -->
-        <filter class="solr.ElisionFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" articles="lang/contractions_it.txt"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_it.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.ItalianLightStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- more aggressive: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Italian"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Japanese using morphological analysis (see text_cjk for a configuration using bigramming)
-         NOTE: If you want to optimize search for precision, use default operator AND in your query
-         parser config with <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/> further down in this file.  Use
-         OR if you would like to optimize for recall (default).
-    -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ja" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" autoGeneratePhraseQueries="false">
-      <analyzer>
-      <!-- Kuromoji Japanese morphological analyzer/tokenizer (JapaneseTokenizer)
-           Kuromoji has a search mode (default) that does segmentation useful for search.  A heuristic
-           is used to segment compounds into its parts and the compound itself is kept as synonym.
-           Valid values for attribute mode are:
-              normal: regular segmentation
-              search: segmentation useful for search with synonyms compounds (default)
-            extended: same as search mode, but unigrams unknown words (experimental)
-           For some applications it might be good to use search mode for indexing and normal mode for
-           queries to reduce recall and prevent parts of compounds from being matched and highlighted.
-           Use <analyzer type="index"> and <analyzer type="query"> for this and mode normal in query.
-           Kuromoji also has a convenient user dictionary feature that allows overriding the statistical
-           model with your own entries for segmentation, part-of-speech tags and readings without a need
-           to specify weights.  Notice that user dictionaries have not been subject to extensive testing.
-           User dictionary attributes are:
-                     userDictionary: user dictionary filename
-             userDictionaryEncoding: user dictionary encoding (default is UTF-8)
-           See lang/userdict_ja.txt for a sample user dictionary file.
-           Punctuation characters are discarded by default.  Use discardPunctuation="false" to keep them.
-           See for more on Japanese language support.
-        -->
-        <tokenizer class="solr.JapaneseTokenizerFactory" mode="search"/>
-        <!--<tokenizer class="solr.JapaneseTokenizerFactory" mode="search" userDictionary="lang/userdict_ja.txt"/>-->
-        <!-- Reduces inflected verbs and adjectives to their base/dictionary forms (辞書形) -->
-        <filter class="solr.JapaneseBaseFormFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- Removes tokens with certain part-of-speech tags -->
-        <filter class="solr.JapanesePartOfSpeechStopFilterFactory" tags="lang/stoptags_ja.txt" />
-        <!-- Normalizes full-width romaji to half-width and half-width kana to full-width (Unicode NFKC subset) -->
-        <filter class="solr.CJKWidthFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- Removes common tokens typically not useful for search, but have a negative effect on ranking -->
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ja.txt" />
-        <!-- Normalizes common katakana spelling variations by removing any last long sound character (U+30FC) -->
-        <filter class="solr.JapaneseKatakanaStemFilterFactory" minimumLength="4"/>
-        <!-- Lower-cases romaji characters -->
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Latvian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_lv" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_lv.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.LatvianStemFilterFactory"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Dutch -->
-    <fieldType name="text_nl" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_nl.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.StemmerOverrideFilterFactory" dictionary="lang/stemdict_nl.txt" ignoreCase="false"/>
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Dutch"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Norwegian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_no" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_no.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Norwegian"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.NorwegianLightStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-        <!-- singular/plural: <filter class="solr.NorwegianMinimalStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Portuguese -->
-    <fieldType name="text_pt" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_pt.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.PortugueseLightStemFilterFactory"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.PortugueseMinimalStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-        <!-- more aggressive: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Portuguese"/> -->
-        <!-- most aggressive: <filter class="solr.PortugueseStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Romanian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ro" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ro.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Romanian"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Russian -->
-    <fieldType name="text_ru" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_ru.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Russian"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.RussianLightStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Swedish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_sv" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_sv.txt" format="snowball" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Swedish"/>
-        <!-- less aggressive: <filter class="solr.SwedishLightStemFilterFactory"/> -->
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Thai -->
-    <fieldType name="text_th" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.ThaiWordFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_th.txt" />
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-    <!-- Turkish -->
-    <fieldType name="text_tr" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
-      <analyzer>
-        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.TurkishLowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
-        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="false" words="lang/stopwords_tr.txt" />
-        <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="Turkish"/>
-      </analyzer>
-    </fieldType>
-  <!-- Similarity is the scoring routine for each document vs. a query.
-       A custom Similarity or SimilarityFactory may be specified here, but
-       the default is fine for most applications.
-       For more info:
-    -->
-  <!--
-     <similarity class="com.example.solr.CustomSimilarityFactory">
-       <str name="paramkey">param value</str>
-     </similarity>
-    -->