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[19/35] incubator-tinkerpop git commit: Merge branch 'tp31'

Merge branch 'tp31'


Branch: refs/heads/TINKERPOP-1166
Commit: e23c00bdd8eb6e1ff8619ebce5dadf13eb82b33a
Parents: 12a6917 26f81b9
Author: Daniel Kuppitz <>
Authored: Fri Feb 19 19:48:32 2016 +0100
Committer: Daniel Kuppitz <>
Committed: Fri Feb 19 19:48:32 2016 +0100

 CHANGELOG.asciidoc                              |    1 +
 docs/preprocessor/            |   29 +-
 docs/preprocessor/                 |    2 +-
 docs/src/dev/developer/contributing.asciidoc    |   22 +-
 docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc         |   39 +-
 .../reference/implementations-hadoop.asciidoc   |  929 +++++++++
 .../reference/implementations-intro.asciidoc    |  545 ++++++
 .../reference/implementations-neo4j.asciidoc    |  261 +++
 .../implementations-tinkergraph.asciidoc        |  144 ++
 docs/src/reference/implementations.asciidoc     | 1835 ------------------
 docs/src/reference/index.asciidoc               |    5 +-
 .../the-gremlin-console/index.asciidoc          |    2 +
 .../tinkerpop/gremlin/driver/    |   62 +-
 .../groovy/engine/      |    3 +-
 .../server/op/      |   55 +-
 .../gremlin/server/op/session/      |    6 +-
 .../server/op/session/   |    4 +-
 .../server/      |   27 +
 18 files changed, 2066 insertions(+), 1905 deletions(-)
diff --cc docs/src/reference/implementations-hadoop.asciidoc
index 0000000,376f377..6999616
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/docs/src/reference/implementations-hadoop.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/src/reference/implementations-hadoop.asciidoc
@@@ -1,0 -1,929 +1,929 @@@
+ ////
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ////
+ [[hadoop-gremlin]]
+ Hadoop-Gremlin
+ --------------
+ [source,xml]
+ ----
+ <dependency>
+    <groupId>org.apache.tinkerpop</groupId>
+    <artifactId>hadoop-gremlin</artifactId>
+    <version>x.y.z</version>
+ </dependency>
+ ----
+ image:hadoop-logo-notext.png[width=100,float=left] link:[Hadoop] is a distributed
+ computing framework that is used to process data represented across a multi-machine compute cluster. When the
+ data in the Hadoop cluster represents a TinkerPop3 graph, then Hadoop-Gremlin can be used to process the graph
+ using both TinkerPop3's OLTP and OLAP graph computing models.
+ IMPORTANT: This section assumes that the user has a Hadoop 2.x cluster functioning. For more information on getting
+ started with Hadoop, please see the
+ link:[Single Node Setup]
+ tutorial. Moreover, if using `GiraphGraphComputer` or `SparkGraphComputer` it is advisable that the reader also
+ familiarize their self with Giraph (link:[Getting Started]) and Spark
+ (link:[Quick Start]).
+ Installing Hadoop-Gremlin
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` references locations that contains jars that should be uploaded to a respective
+ distributed cache (link:[YARN] or SparkServer).
+ Note that the locations in `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` can be a colon-separated (`:`) and all jars from all locations will
+ be loaded into the cluster. Typically, only the jars of the respective GraphComputer are required to be loaded (e.g.
+ `GiraphGraphComputer` plugin lib directory).
+ [source,shell]
+ export HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS=/usr/local/gremlin-console/ext/giraph-gremlin/lib
+ If using <<gremlin-console,Gremlin Console>>, it is important to install the Hadoop-Gremlin plugin. Note that
+ Hadoop-Gremlin requires a Gremlin Console restart after installing.
+ [source,text]
+ ----
+ $ bin/
+          \,,,/
+          (o o)
+ -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
+ gremlin> :install org.apache.tinkerpop hadoop-gremlin x.y.z
+ ==>loaded: [org.apache.tinkerpop, hadoop-gremlin, x.y.z] - restart the console to use [tinkerpop.hadoop]
+ gremlin> :q
+ $ bin/
+          \,,,/
+          (o o)
+ -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
+ gremlin> :plugin use tinkerpop.hadoop
+ ==>tinkerpop.hadoop activated
+ gremlin>
+ ----
+ Properties Files
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ `HadoopGraph` makes use of properties files which ultimately get turned into Apache configurations and/or
+ Hadoop configurations. The example properties file presented below is located at `conf/hadoop/`.
+ [source,text]
+ gremlin.graph=org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.hadoop.structure.HadoopGraph
+ gremlin.hadoop.inputLocation=tinkerpop-modern.kryo
+ gremlin.hadoop.outputLocation=output
+ gremlin.hadoop.jarsInDistributedCache=true
+ ####################################
+ # Spark Configuration              #
+ ####################################
+ spark.master=local[4]
+ spark.executor.memory=1g
+ ####################################
+ # SparkGraphComputer Configuration #
+ ####################################
+ gremlin.spark.persistContext=true
+ #####################################
+ # GiraphGraphComputer Configuration #
+ #####################################
+ giraph.minWorkers=2
+ giraph.maxWorkers=2
+ giraph.useOutOfCoreGraph=true
+ giraph.useOutOfCoreMessages=true
+ giraph.numInputThreads=2
+ giraph.numComputeThreads=2
+ A review of the Hadoop-Gremlin specific properties are provided in the table below. For the respective OLAP
+ engines (<<sparkgraphcomputer,`SparkGraphComputer`>> or <<giraphgraphcomputer,`GiraphGraphComputer`>>) refer
+ to their respective documentation for configuration options.
+ [width="100%",cols="2,10",options="header"]
+ |=========================================================
+ |Property |Description
+ |gremlin.graph |The class of the graph to construct using GraphFactory.
+ |gremlin.hadoop.inputLocation |The location of the input file(s) for Hadoop-Gremlin to read the graph from.
+ |gremlin.hadoop.graphInputFormat |The format that the graph input file(s) are represented in.
+ |gremlin.hadoop.outputLocation |The location to write the computed HadoopGraph to.
+ |gremlin.hadoop.graphOutputFormat |The format that the output file(s) should be represented in.
+ |gremlin.hadoop.jarsInDistributedCache |Whether to upload the Hadoop-Gremlin jars to a distributed cache (necessary if jars are not on the machines' classpaths).
+ |=========================================================
+ Along with the properties above, the numerous link:[Hadoop specific properties]
+ can be added as needed to tune and parameterize the executed Hadoop-Gremlin job on the respective Hadoop cluster.
+ IMPORTANT: As the size of the graphs being processed becomes large, it is important to fully understand how the
+ underlying OLAP engine (e.g. Spark, Giraph, etc.) works and understand the numerous parameterizations offered by
+ these systems. Such knowledge can help alleviate out of memory exceptions, slow load times, slow processing times,
+ garbage collection issues, etc.
+ OLTP Hadoop-Gremlin
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ image:hadoop-pipes.png[width=180,float=left] It is possible to execute OLTP operations over a `HadoopGraph`.
+ However, realize that the underlying HDFS files are not random access and thus, to retrieve a vertex, a linear scan
+ is required. OLTP operations are useful for peeking into the graph prior to executing a long running OLAP job -- e.g.
+ `g.V().valueMap().limit(10)`.
+ CAUTION: OLTP operations on `HadoopGraph` are not efficient. They require linear scans to execute and are unreasonable
+ for large graphs. In such large graph situations, make use of <<traversalvertexprogram,TraversalVertexProgram>>
+ which is the OLAP Gremlin machine.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ hdfs.copyFromLocal('data/tinkerpop-modern.kryo', 'tinkerpop-modern.kryo')
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ g = graph.traversal()
+ g.V().count()
+ g.V().out().out().values('name')
+ g.V().group().by{it.value('name')[1]}.by('name').next()
+ ----
+ OLAP Hadoop-Gremlin
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ image:hadoop-furnace.png[width=180,float=left] Hadoop-Gremlin was designed to execute OLAP operations via
+ `GraphComputer`. The OLTP examples presented previously are reproduced below, but using `TraversalVertexProgram`
+ for the execution of the Gremlin traversal.
+ A `Graph` in TinkerPop3 can support any number of `GraphComputer` implementations. Out of the box, Hadoop-Gremlin
+ supports the following three implementations.
+ * <<mapreducegraphcomputer,`MapReduceGraphComputer`>>: Leverages Hadoop's MapReduce engine to execute TinkerPop3 OLAP
+ computations. (*coming soon*)
+ ** The graph must fit within the total disk space of the Hadoop cluster (supports massive graphs). Message passing is
+ coordinated via MapReduce jobs over the on-disk graph (slow traversals).
+ * <<sparkgraphcomputer,`SparkGraphComputer`>>: Leverages Apache Spark to execute TinkerPop3 OLAP computations.
+ ** The graph may fit within the total RAM of the cluster (supports larger graphs). Message passing is coordinated via
+ Spark map/reduce/join operations on in-memory and disk-cached data (average speed traversals).
+ * <<giraphgraphcomputer,`GiraphGraphComputer`>>: Leverages Apache Giraph to execute TinkerPop3 OLAP computations.
+ ** The graph should fit within the total RAM of the Hadoop cluster (graph size restriction), though "out-of-core"
+ processing is possible. Message passing is coordinated via ZooKeeper for the in-memory graph (speedy traversals).
+ TIP: image:gremlin-sugar.png[width=50,float=left] For those wanting to use the <<sugar-plugin,SugarPlugin>> with
+ their submitted traversal, do `:remote config useSugar true` as well as `:plugin use tinkerpop.sugar` at the start of
+ the Gremlin Console session if it is not already activated.
+ Note that `SparkGraphComputer` and `GiraphGraphComputer` are loaded via their respective plugins. Typically only
+ one plugin or the other is loaded depending on the desired `GraphComputer` to use.
+ [source,text]
+ ----
+ $ bin/
+          \,,,/
+          (o o)
+ -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
+ gremlin> :install org.apache.tinkerpop giraph-gremlin x.y.z
+ ==>loaded: [org.apache.tinkerpop, giraph-gremlin, x.y.z] - restart the console to use [tinkerpop.giraph]
+ gremlin> :install org.apache.tinkerpop spark-gremlin x.y.z
+ ==>loaded: [org.apache.tinkerpop, spark-gremlin, x.y.z] - restart the console to use [tinkerpop.spark]
+ gremlin> :q
+ $ bin/
+          \,,,/
+          (o o)
+ -----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
+ plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
+ gremlin> :plugin use tinkerpop.giraph
+ ==>tinkerpop.giraph activated
+ gremlin> :plugin use tinkerpop.spark
+ ==>tinkerpop.spark activated
+ ----
+ WARNING: Hadoop, Spark, and Giraph all depend on many of the same libraries (e.g. ZooKeeper, Snappy, Netty, Guava,
+ etc.). Unfortunately, typically these dependencies are not to the same versions of the respective libraries. As such,
+ it is best to *not* have both Spark and Giraph plugins loaded in the same console session nor in the same Java
+ project (though intelligent `<exclusion>`-usage can help alleviate conflicts in a Java project).
+ CAUTION: It is important to note that when doing an OLAP traversal, any resulting vertices, edges, or properties will be
+ attached to the source graph. For Hadoop-based graphs, this may lead to linear search times on massive graphs. Thus,
+ if vertex, edge, or property objects are to be returns (as a final result), it is best to `.id()` to get the id
+ of the object and not the actual attached object.
+ [[mapreducegraphcomputer]]
+ MapReduceGraphComputer
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ [[sparkgraphcomputer]]
+ SparkGraphComputer
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ [source,xml]
+ ----
+ <dependency>
+    <groupId>org.apache.tinkerpop</groupId>
+    <artifactId>spark-gremlin</artifactId>
+    <version>x.y.z</version>
+ </dependency>
+ ----
+ image:spark-logo.png[width=175,float=left] link:[Spark] is an Apache Software Foundation
+ project focused on general-purpose OLAP data processing. Spark provides a hybrid in-memory/disk-based distributed
+ computing model that is similar to Hadoop's MapReduce model. Spark maintains a fluent function chaining DSL that is
+ arguably easier for developers to work with than native Hadoop MapReduce. Spark-Gremlin provides an implementation of
+ the bulk-synchronous parallel, distributed message passing algorithm within Spark and thus, any `VertexProgram` can be
+ executed over `SparkGraphComputer`.
+ If `SparkGraphComputer` will be used as the `GraphComputer` for `HadoopGraph` then its `lib` directory should be
+ specified in `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS`.
+ [source,shell]
+ export HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS=$HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS:/usr/local/gremlin-console/ext/spark-gremlin/lib
+ Furthermore the `lib/` directory should be distributed across all machines in the SparkServer cluster. For this purpose TinkerPop
+ provides a helper script, which takes the Spark installation directory and the the Spark machines as input:
+ [source,shell]
+ bin/ /usr/local/spark spark@ spark@ spark@
+ Once the `lib/` directory is distributed, `SparkGraphComputer` can be used as follows.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
 -g = graph.traversal(computer(SparkGraphComputer))
++g = graph.traversal().withComputer(SparkGraphComputer)
+ g.V().count()
+ g.V().out().out().values('name')
+ ----
+ For using lambdas in Gremlin-Groovy, simply provide `:remote connect` a `TraversalSource` which leverages SparkGraphComputer.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
 -g = graph.traversal(computer(SparkGraphComputer))
++g = graph.traversal().withComputer(SparkGraphComputer)
+ :remote connect tinkerpop.hadoop graph g
+ :> g.V().group().by{it.value('name')[1]}.by('name')
+ ----
+ The `SparkGraphComputer` algorithm leverages Spark's caching abilities to reduce the amount of data shuffled across
+ the wire on each iteration of the <<vertexprogram,`VertexProgram`>>. When the graph is loaded as a Spark RDD
+ (Resilient Distributed Dataset) it is immediately cached as `graphRDD`. The `graphRDD` is a distributed adjacency
+ list which encodes the vertex, its properties, and all its incident edges. On the first iteration, each vertex
+ (in parallel) is passed through `VertexProgram.execute()`. This yields an output of the vertex's mutated state
+ (i.e. updated compute keys -- `propertyX`) and its outgoing messages. This `viewOutgoingRDD` is then reduced to
+ `viewIncomingRDD` where the outgoing messages are sent to their respective vertices. If a `MessageCombiner` exists
+ for the vertex program, then messages are aggregated locally and globally to ultimately yield one incoming message
+ for the vertex. This reduce sequence is the "message pass." If the vertex program does not terminate on this
+ iteration, then the `viewIncomingRDD` is joined with the cached `graphRDD` and the process continues. When there
+ are no more iterations, there is a final join and the resultant RDD is stripped of its edges and messages. This
+ `mapReduceRDD` is cached and is processed by each <<mapreduce,`MapReduce`>> job in the
+ <<graphcomputer,`GraphComputer`>> computation.
+ image::spark-algorithm.png[width=775]
+ [width="100%",cols="2,10",options="header"]
+ |========================================================
+ |Property |Description
+ |gremlin.spark.graphInputRDD |A class for creating RDD's from underlying graph data, defaults to Hadoop `InputFormat`.
+ |gremlin.spark.graphOutputRDD |A class for output RDD's, defaults to Hadoop `OutputFormat`.
+ |gremlin.spark.graphStorageLevel |What `StorageLevel` to use for the cached graph during job execution (default `MEMORY_ONLY`).
+ |gremlin.spark.persistContext |Whether to create a new `SparkContext` for every `SparkGraphComputer` or to reuse an existing one.
+ |gremlin.spark.persistStorageLevel |What `StorageLevel` to use when persisted RDDs via `PersistedOutputRDD` (default `MEMORY_ONLY`).
+ |========================================================
+ InputRDD and OutputRDD
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ If the provider/user does not want to use Hadoop `InputFormats`, it is possible to leverage Spark's RDD
+ constructs directly. There is a `gremlin.spark.graphInputRDD` configuration that references a `Class<? extends
+ InputRDD>`. An `InputRDD` provides a read method that takes a `SparkContext` and returns a graphRDD. Likewise, use
+ `gremlin.spark.graphOutputRDD` and the respective `OutputRDD`.
+ If the graph system provider uses an `InputRDD`, the RDD should maintain an associated `org.apache.spark.Partitioner`. By doing so,
+ `SparkGraphComputer` will not partition the loaded graph across the cluster as it has already been partitioned by the graph system provider.
+ This can save a significant amount of time and space resources.
+ If the `InputRDD` does not have a registered partitioner, `SparkGraphComputer` will partition the graph using
+ a `org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner` with the number of partitions being either the number of existing partitions in the input (e.g. input splits)
+ or the user specified number of `GraphComputer.workers()`.
+ Using a Persisted Context
+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ It is possible to persist the graph RDD between jobs within the `SparkContext` (e.g. SparkServer) by leveraging `PersistedOutputRDD`.
+ Note that `gremlin.spark.persistContext` should be set to `true` or else the persisted RDD will be destroyed when the `SparkContext` closes.
+ The persisted RDD is named by the `gremlin.hadoop.outputLocation` configuration. Similarly, `PersistedInputRDD` is used with respective
+ `gremlin.hadoop.inputLocation` to retrieve the persisted RDD from the `SparkContext`.
+ When using a persistent `SparkContext` the configuration used by the original Spark Configuration will be inherited by all threaded
+ references to that Spark Context. The exception to this rule are those properties which have a specific thread local effect.
+ .Thread Local Properties
+ .
+ . spark.job.description
+ . spark.job.interruptOnCancel
+ . spark.scheduler.pool
+ Finally, there is a `spark` object that can be used to manage persisted RDDs (see <<interacting-with-spark, Interacting with Spark>>).
+ [[bulkdumpervertexprogramusingspark]]
+ Exporting with BulkDumperVertexProgram
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ The <<bulkdumpervertexprogram, BulkDumperVertexProgram>> exports a whole graph in any of the supported Hadoop GraphOutputFormats (`GraphSONOutputFormat`,
+ `GryoOutputFormat` or `ScriptOutputFormat`). The example below takes a Hadoop graph as the input (in `GryoInputFormat`) and exports it as a GraphSON file
+ (`GraphSONOutputFormat`).
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ hdfs.copyFromLocal('data/tinkerpop-modern.kryo', 'tinkerpop-modern.kryo')
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ graph.configuration().setProperty('gremlin.hadoop.graphOutputFormat', '')
+ graph.compute(SparkGraphComputer).program(
+ hdfs.head('output/~g')
+ ----
+ Loading with BulkLoaderVertexProgram
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ The <<bulkloadervertexprogram, BulkLoaderVertexProgram>> is a generalized bulk loader that can be used to load large
+ amounts of data to and from different `Graph` implementations. The following code demonstrates how to load the
+ Grateful Dead graph from HadoopGraph into TinkerGraph over Spark:
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ hdfs.copyFromLocal('data/grateful-dead.kryo', 'grateful-dead.kryo')
+ readGraph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ writeGraph = 'conf/'
+ blvp =
+            keepOriginalIds(false).
+            writeGraph(writeGraph).create(readGraph)
+ readGraph.compute(SparkGraphComputer).workers(1).program(blvp).submit().get()
+ :set max-iteration 10
+ graph =
+ g = graph.traversal()
+ g.V().valueMap()
+ graph.close()
+ ----
+ [source,properties]
+ ----
+ #
+ #
+ # Hadoop Graph Configuration
+ #
+ gremlin.graph=org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.hadoop.structure.HadoopGraph
+ gremlin.hadoop.inputLocation=grateful-dead.kryo
+ gremlin.hadoop.outputLocation=output
+ gremlin.hadoop.jarsInDistributedCache=true
+ #
+ # SparkGraphComputer Configuration
+ #
+ spark.master=local[1]
+ spark.executor.memory=1g
+ ----
+ [source,properties]
+ ----
+ #
+ gremlin.graph=org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerGraph
+ gremlin.tinkergraph.graphFormat=gryo
+ gremlin.tinkergraph.graphLocation=/tmp/tinkergraph.kryo
+ ----
+ IMPORTANT: The path to TinkerGraph jars needs to be included in the `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` for the above example to work.
+ [[giraphgraphcomputer]]
+ GiraphGraphComputer
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ [source,xml]
+ ----
+ <dependency>
+    <groupId>org.apache.tinkerpop</groupId>
+    <artifactId>giraph-gremlin</artifactId>
+    <version>x.y.z</version>
+ </dependency>
+ ----
+ image:giraph-logo.png[width=100,float=left] link:[Giraph] is an Apache Software Foundation
+ project focused on OLAP-based graph processing. Giraph makes use of the distributed graph computing paradigm made
+ popular by Google's Pregel. In Giraph, developers write "vertex programs" that get executed at each vertex in
+ parallel. These programs communicate with one another in a bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) manner. This model aligns
+ with TinkerPop3's `GraphComputer` API. TinkerPop3 provides an implementation of `GraphComputer` that works for Giraph
+ called `GiraphGraphComputer`. Moreover, with TinkerPop3's <<mapreduce,MapReduce>>-framework, the standard
+ Giraph/Pregel model is extended to support an arbitrary number of MapReduce phases to aggregate and yield results
+ from the graph. Below are examples using `GiraphGraphComputer` from the <<gremlin-console,Gremlin-Console>>.
+ WARNING: Giraph uses a large number of Hadoop counters. The default for Hadoop is 120. In `mapred-site.xml` it is
+ possible to increase the limit it via the `mapreduce.job.counters.max` property. A good value to use is 1000. This
+ is a cluster-wide property so be sure to restart the cluster after updating.
+ WARNING: The maximum number of workers can be no larger than the number of map-slots in the Hadoop cluster minus 1.
+ For example, if the Hadoop cluster has 4 map slots, then `giraph.maxWorkers` can not be larger than 3. One map-slot
+ is reserved for the master compute node and all other slots can be allocated as workers to execute the VertexPrograms
+ on the vertices of the graph.
+ If `GiraphGraphComputer` will be used as the `GraphComputer` for `HadoopGraph` then its `lib` directory should be
+ specified in `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS`.
+ [source,shell]
+ export HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS=$HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS:/usr/local/gremlin-console/ext/giraph-gremlin/lib
+ Or, the user can specify the directory in the Gremlin Console.
+ [source,groovy]
+ System.setProperty('HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS',System.getProperty('HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS') + ':' + '/usr/local/gremlin-console/ext/giraph-gremlin/lib')
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
 -g = graph.traversal(computer(GiraphGraphComputer))
++g = graph.traversal().withComputer(GiraphGraphComputer)
+ g.V().count()
+ g.V().out().out().values('name')
+ ----
+ IMPORTANT: The examples above do not use lambdas (i.e. closures in Gremlin-Groovy). This makes the traversal
+ serializable and thus, able to be distributed to all machines in the Hadoop cluster. If a lambda is required in a
+ traversal, then the traversal must be sent as a `String` and compiled locally at each machine in the cluster. The
+ following example demonstrates the `:remote` command which allows for submitting Gremlin traversals as a `String`.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
 -g = graph.traversal(computer(GiraphGraphComputer))
++g = graph.traversal().withComputer(GiraphGraphComputer)
+ :remote connect tinkerpop.hadoop graph g
+ :> g.V().group().by{it.value('name')[1]}.by('name')
+ result
+ result.memory.runtime
+ result.memory.keys()
+ result.memory.get('~reducing')
+ ----
+ NOTE: If the user explicitly specifies `giraph.maxWorkers` and/or `giraph.numComputeThreads` in the configuration,
+ then these values will be used by Giraph. However, if these are not specified and the user never calls
+ `GraphComputer.workers()` then `GiraphGraphComputer` will try to compute the number of workers/threads to use based
+ on the cluster's profile.
+ Loading with BulkLoaderVertexProgram
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ The <<bulkloadervertexprogram, BulkLoaderVertexProgram>> is a generalized bulk loader that can be used to load
+ large amounts of data to and from different `Graph` implementations. The following code demonstrates how to load
+ the Grateful Dead graph from HadoopGraph into TinkerGraph over Giraph:
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ hdfs.copyFromLocal('data/grateful-dead.kryo', 'grateful-dead.kryo')
+ readGraph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ writeGraph = 'conf/'
+ blvp =
+            keepOriginalIds(false).
+            writeGraph(writeGraph).create(readGraph)
+ readGraph.compute(GiraphGraphComputer).workers(1).program(blvp).submit().get()
+ :set max-iteration 10
+ graph =
+ g = graph.traversal()
+ g.V().valueMap()
+ graph.close()
+ ----
+ [source,properties]
+ ----
+ #
+ #
+ # Hadoop Graph Configuration
+ #
+ gremlin.graph=org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.hadoop.structure.HadoopGraph
+ gremlin.hadoop.graphOutputFormat=org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.NullOutputFormat
+ gremlin.hadoop.inputLocation=grateful-dead.kryo
+ gremlin.hadoop.outputLocation=output
+ gremlin.hadoop.jarsInDistributedCache=true
+ #
+ # GiraphGraphComputer Configuration
+ #
+ giraph.minWorkers=1
+ giraph.maxWorkers=1
+ giraph.useOutOfCoreGraph=true
+ giraph.useOutOfCoreMessages=true
+ giraph.numInputThreads=4
+ giraph.numComputeThreads=4
+ giraph.maxMessagesInMemory=100000
+ ----
+ [source,properties]
+ ----
+ #
+ gremlin.graph=org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.TinkerGraph
+ gremlin.tinkergraph.graphFormat=gryo
+ gremlin.tinkergraph.graphLocation=/tmp/tinkergraph.kryo
+ ----
+ NOTE: The path to TinkerGraph needs to be included in the `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` for the above example to work.
+ Input/Output Formats
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ image:adjacency-list.png[width=300,float=right] Hadoop-Gremlin provides various I/O formats -- i.e. Hadoop
+ `InputFormat` and `OutputFormat`. All of the formats make use of an link:[adjacency list]
+ representation of the graph where each "row" represents a single vertex, its properties, and its incoming and
+ outgoing edges.
+ {empty} +
+ [[gryo-io-format]]
+ Gryo I/O Format
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ * **InputFormat**: ``
+ * **OutputFormat**: ``
+ <<gryo-reader-writer,Gryo>> is a binary graph format that leverages link:[Kryo]
+ to make a compact, binary representation of a vertex. It is recommended that users leverage Gryo given its space/time
+ savings over text-based representations.
+ NOTE: The `GryoInputFormat` is splittable.
+ [[graphson-io-format]]
+ GraphSON I/O Format
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ * **InputFormat**: ``
+ * **OutputFormat**: ``
+ <<graphson-reader-writer,GraphSON>> is a JSON based graph format. GraphSON is a space-expensive graph format in that
+ it is a text-based markup language. However, it is convenient for many developers to work with as its structure is
+ simple (easy to create and parse).
+ The data below represents an adjacency list representation of the classic TinkerGraph toy graph in GraphSON format.
+ [source,json]
+ ----
+ {"id":1,"label":"person","outE":{"created":[{"id":9,"inV":3,"properties":{"weight":0.4}}],"knows":[{"id":7,"inV":2,"properties":{"weight":0.5}},{"id":8,"inV":4,"properties":{"weight":1.0}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":0,"value":"marko"}],"age":[{"id":1,"value":29}]}}
+ {"id":2,"label":"person","inE":{"knows":[{"id":7,"outV":1,"properties":{"weight":0.5}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":2,"value":"vadas"}],"age":[{"id":3,"value":27}]}}
+ {"id":3,"label":"software","inE":{"created":[{"id":9,"outV":1,"properties":{"weight":0.4}},{"id":11,"outV":4,"properties":{"weight":0.4}},{"id":12,"outV":6,"properties":{"weight":0.2}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":4,"value":"lop"}],"lang":[{"id":5,"value":"java"}]}}
+ {"id":4,"label":"person","inE":{"knows":[{"id":8,"outV":1,"properties":{"weight":1.0}}]},"outE":{"created":[{"id":10,"inV":5,"properties":{"weight":1.0}},{"id":11,"inV":3,"properties":{"weight":0.4}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":6,"value":"josh"}],"age":[{"id":7,"value":32}]}}
+ {"id":5,"label":"software","inE":{"created":[{"id":10,"outV":4,"properties":{"weight":1.0}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":8,"value":"ripple"}],"lang":[{"id":9,"value":"java"}]}}
+ {"id":6,"label":"person","outE":{"created":[{"id":12,"inV":3,"properties":{"weight":0.2}}]},"properties":{"name":[{"id":10,"value":"peter"}],"age":[{"id":11,"value":35}]}}
+ ----
+ [[script-io-format]]
+ Script I/O Format
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ * **InputFormat**: ``
+ * **OutputFormat**: ``
+ `ScriptInputFormat` and `ScriptOutputFormat` take an arbitrary script and use that script to either read or write
+ `Vertex` objects, respectively. This can be considered the most general `InputFormat`/`OutputFormat` possible in that
+ Hadoop-Gremlin uses the user provided script for all reading/writing.
+ ScriptInputFormat
+ +++++++++++++++++
+ The data below represents an adjacency list representation of the classic TinkerGraph toy graph. First line reads,
+ "vertex `1`, labeled `person` having 2 property values (`marko` and `29`) has 3 outgoing edges; the first edge is
+ labeled `knows`, connects the current vertex `1` with vertex `2` and has a property value `0.4`, and so on."
+ [source]
+ 1:person:marko:29 knows:2:0.5,knows:4:1.0,created:3:0.4
+ 2:person:vadas:27
+ 3:project:lop:java
+ 4:person:josh:32 created:3:0.4,created:5:1.0
+ 5:project:ripple:java
+ 6:person:peter:35 created:3:0.2
+ There is no corresponding `InputFormat` that can parse this particular file (or some adjacency list variant of it).
+ As such, `ScriptInputFormat` can be used. With `ScriptInputFormat` a script is stored in HDFS and leveraged by each
+ mapper in the Hadoop job. The script must have the following method defined:
+ [source,groovy]
+ def parse(String line, ScriptElementFactory factory) { ... }
+ `ScriptElementFactory` is a legacy from previous versions and, although it's still functional, it should no longer be used.
+ In order to create vertices and edges, the `parse()` method gets access to a global variable named `graph`, which holds
+ the local `StarGraph` for the current line/vertex.
+ An appropriate `parse()` for the above adjacency list file is:
+ [source,groovy]
+ def parse(line, factory) {
+     def parts = line.split(/ /)
+     def (id, label, name, x) = parts[0].split(/:/).toList()
+     def v1 = graph.addVertex(, id, T.label, label)
+     if (name != null)'name', name) // first value is always the name
+     if (x != null) {
+         // second value depends on the vertex label; it's either
+         // the age of a person or the language of a project
+         if (label.equals('project'))'lang', x)
+         else'age', Integer.valueOf(x))
+     }
+     if (parts.length == 2) {
+         parts[1].split(/,/).grep { !it.isEmpty() }.each {
+             def (eLabel, refId, weight) = it.split(/:/).toList()
+             def v2 = graph.addVertex(, refId)
+             v1.addOutEdge(eLabel, v2, 'weight', Double.valueOf(weight))
+         }
+     }
+     return v1
+ }
+ The resultant `Vertex` denotes whether the line parsed yielded a valid Vertex. As such, if the line is not valid
+ (e.g. a comment line, a skip line, etc.), then simply return `null`.
+ ScriptOutputFormat Support
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ The principle above can also be used to convert a vertex to an arbitrary `String` representation that is ultimately
+ streamed back to a file in HDFS. This is the role of `ScriptOutputFormat`. `ScriptOutputFormat` requires that the
+ provided script maintains a method with the following signature:
+ [source,groovy]
+ def stringify(Vertex vertex) { ... }
+ An appropriate `stringify()` to produce output in the same format that was shown in the `ScriptInputFormat` sample is:
+ [source,groovy]
+ def stringify(vertex) {
+     def v = vertex.values('name', 'age', 'lang').inject(, vertex.label()).join(':')
+     def outE = vertex.outE().map {
+         def e = it.get()
+         e.values('weight').inject(e.label(), e.inV().next().id()).join(':')
+     }.join(',')
+     return [v, outE].join('\t')
+ }
+ Storage Systems
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Hadoop-Gremlin provides two implementations of the `Storage` API:
+ * `FileSystemStorage`: Access HDFS and local file system data.
+ * `SparkContextStorage`: Access Spark persisted RDD data.
+ [[interacting-with-hdfs]]
+ Interacting with HDFS
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ The distributed file system of Hadoop is called link:[HDFS].
+ The results of any OLAP operation are stored in HDFS accessible via `hdfs`. For local file system access, there is `local`.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ graph.compute(SparkGraphComputer).program('clusterCount').create()).submit().get();
+ hdfs.head('output', GryoInputFormat)
+ hdfs.head('output', 'clusterCount', SequenceFileInputFormat)
+ hdfs.rm('output')
+ ----
+ [[interacting-with-spark]]
+ Interacting with Spark
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ If a Spark context is persisted, then Spark RDDs will remain the Spark cache and accessible over subsequent jobs.
+ RDDs are retrieved and saved to the `SparkContext` via `PersistedInputRDD` and `PersistedOutputRDD` respectivly.
+ Persisted RDDs can be accessed using `spark`.
+ [gremlin-groovy]
+ ----
+ Spark.create('local[4]')
+ graph ='conf/hadoop/')
+ graph.configuration().setProperty('gremlin.spark.graphOutputRDD', PersistedOutputRDD.class.getCanonicalName())
+ graph.configuration().clearProperty('gremlin.hadoop.graphOutputFormat')
+ graph.configuration().setProperty('gremlin.spark.persistContext',true)
+ graph.compute(SparkGraphComputer).program('clusterCount').create()).submit().get();
+ spark.head('output', PersistedInputRDD)
+ spark.head('output', 'clusterCount', PersistedInputRDD)
+ spark.rm('output')
+ ----
+ A Command Line Example
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ image::pagerank-logo.png[width=300]
+ The classic link:[PageRank] centrality algorithm can be executed over the
+ TinkerPop graph from the command line using `GiraphGraphComputer`.
+ WARNING: Be sure that the `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` references the location `lib` directory of the respective
+ `GraphComputer` engine being used or else the requisite dependencies will not be uploaded to the Hadoop cluster.
+ [source,text]
+ ----
+ $ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal data/tinkerpop-modern.json tinkerpop-modern.json
+ $ hdfs dfs -ls
+ Found 2 items
+ -rw-r--r--   1 marko supergroup       2356 2014-07-28 13:00 /user/marko/tinkerpop-modern.json
+ $ hadoop jar target/giraph-gremlin-x.y.z-job.jar ../hadoop-gremlin/conf/
+ 15/09/11 08:02:08 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
+ 15/09/11 08:02:11 INFO computer.GiraphGraphComputer: HadoopGremlin(Giraph): PageRankVertexProgram[alpha=0.85,iterations=30]
+ 15/09/11 08:02:12 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:3
+ 15/09/11 08:02:12 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1441915907347_0028
+ 15/09/11 08:02:12 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1441915907347_0028
+ 15/09/11 08:02:12 INFO job.GiraphJob: Tracking URL: http://markos-macbook:8088/proxy/application_1441915907347_0028/
+ 15/09/11 08:02:12 INFO job.GiraphJob: Waiting for resources... Job will start only when it gets all 3 mappers
+ 15/09/11 08:03:54 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1441915907347_0028
+ 15/09/11 08:03:55 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1441915907347_0028 running in uber mode : false
+ 15/09/11 08:03:55 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 33% reduce 0%
+ 15/09/11 08:03:57 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 67% reduce 0%
+ 15/09/11 08:04:01 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 100% reduce 0%
+ 15/09/11 08:06:17 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1441915907347_0028 completed successfully
+ 15/09/11 08:06:17 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 80
+     File System Counters
+         FILE: Number of bytes read=0
+         FILE: Number of bytes written=483918
+         FILE: Number of read operations=0
+         FILE: Number of large read operations=0
+         FILE: Number of write operations=0
+         HDFS: Number of bytes read=1465
+         HDFS: Number of bytes written=1760
+         HDFS: Number of read operations=39
+         HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
+         HDFS: Number of write operations=20
+     Job Counters
+         Launched map tasks=3
+         Other local map tasks=3
+         Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=458105
+         Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=0
+         Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=458105
+         Total vcore-seconds taken by all map tasks=458105
+         Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks=469099520
+     Map-Reduce Framework
+         Map input records=3
+         Map output records=0
+         Input split bytes=132
+         Spilled Records=0
+         Failed Shuffles=0
+         Merged Map outputs=0
+         GC time elapsed (ms)=1594
+         CPU time spent (ms)=0
+         Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=0
+         Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=0
+         Total committed heap usage (bytes)=527958016
+     Giraph Stats
+         Aggregate edges=0
+         Aggregate finished vertices=0
+         Aggregate sent message message bytes=13535
+         Aggregate sent messages=186
+         Aggregate vertices=6
+         Current master task partition=0
+         Current workers=2
+         Last checkpointed superstep=0
+         Sent message bytes=438
+         Sent messages=6
+         Superstep=31
+     Giraph Timers
+         Initialize (ms)=2996
+         Input superstep (ms)=5209
+         Setup (ms)=59
+         Shutdown (ms)=9324
+         Superstep 0 GiraphComputation (ms)=3861
+         Superstep 1 GiraphComputation (ms)=4027
+         Superstep 10 GiraphComputation (ms)=4000
+         Superstep 11 GiraphComputation (ms)=4004
+         Superstep 12 GiraphComputation (ms)=3999
+         Superstep 13 GiraphComputation (ms)=4000
+         Superstep 14 GiraphComputation (ms)=4005
+         Superstep 15 GiraphComputation (ms)=4003
+         Superstep 16 GiraphComputation (ms)=4001
+         Superstep 17 GiraphComputation (ms)=4007
+         Superstep 18 GiraphComputation (ms)=3998
+         Superstep 19 GiraphComputation (ms)=4006
+         Superstep 2 GiraphComputation (ms)=4007
+         Superstep 20 GiraphComputation (ms)=3996
+         Superstep 21 GiraphComputation (ms)=4006
+         Superstep 22 GiraphComputation (ms)=4002
+         Superstep 23 GiraphComputation (ms)=3998
+         Superstep 24 GiraphComputation (ms)=4003
+         Superstep 25 GiraphComputation (ms)=4001
+         Superstep 26 GiraphComputation (ms)=4003
+         Superstep 27 GiraphComputation (ms)=4005
+         Superstep 28 GiraphComputation (ms)=4002
+         Superstep 29 GiraphComputation (ms)=4001
+         Superstep 3 GiraphComputation (ms)=3988
+         Superstep 30 GiraphComputation (ms)=4248
+         Superstep 4 GiraphComputation (ms)=4010
+         Superstep 5 GiraphComputation (ms)=3998
+         Superstep 6 GiraphComputation (ms)=3996
+         Superstep 7 GiraphComputation (ms)=4005
+         Superstep 8 GiraphComputation (ms)=4009
+         Superstep 9 GiraphComputation (ms)=3994
+         Total (ms)=138788
+     File Input Format Counters
+         Bytes Read=0
+     File Output Format Counters
+         Bytes Written=0
+ $ hdfs dfs -cat output/~g/*
+ {"id":1,"label":"person","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":39,"value":0.15000000000000002}],"name":[{"id":0,"value":"marko"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":10,"value":3.0}],"age":[{"id":1,"value":29}]}}
+ {"id":5,"label":"software","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":35,"value":0.23181250000000003}],"name":[{"id":8,"value":"ripple"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":6,"value":0.0}],"lang":[{"id":9,"value":"java"}]}}
+ {"id":3,"label":"software","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":39,"value":0.4018125}],"name":[{"id":4,"value":"lop"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":10,"value":0.0}],"lang":[{"id":5,"value":"java"}]}}
+ {"id":4,"label":"person","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":39,"value":0.19250000000000003}],"name":[{"id":6,"value":"josh"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":10,"value":2.0}],"age":[{"id":7,"value":32}]}}
+ {"id":2,"label":"person","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":35,"value":0.19250000000000003}],"name":[{"id":2,"value":"vadas"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":6,"value":0.0}],"age":[{"id":3,"value":27}]}}
+ {"id":6,"label":"person","properties":{"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":35,"value":0.15000000000000002}],"name":[{"id":10,"value":"peter"}],"gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":6,"value":1.0}],"age":[{"id":11,"value":35}]}}
+ ----
+ Vertex 4 ("josh") is isolated below:
+ [source,js]
+ ----
+ {
+   "id":4,
+   "label":"person",
+   "properties": {
+     "gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.pageRank":[{"id":39,"value":0.19250000000000003}],
+     "name":[{"id":6,"value":"josh"}],
+     "gremlin.pageRankVertexProgram.edgeCount":[{"id":10,"value":2.0}],
+     "age":[{"id":7,"value":32}]}
+   }
+ }
+ ----
+ Hadoop-Gremlin for Graph System Providers
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Hadoop-Gremlin is centered around `InputFormats` and `OutputFormats`. If a 3rd-party graph system provider wishes to
+ leverage Hadoop-Gremlin (and its respective `GraphComputer` engines), then they need to provide, at minimum, a
+ Hadoop2 `InputFormat<NullWritable,VertexWritable>` for their graph system. If the provider wishes to persist computed
+ results back to their graph system (and not just to HDFS via a `FileOutputFormat`), then a graph system specific
+ `OutputFormat<NullWritable,VertexWritable>` must be developed as well.
+ Conceptually, `HadoopGraph` is a wrapper around a `Configuration` object. There is no "data" in the `HadoopGraph` as
+ the `InputFormat` specifies where and how to get the graph data at OLAP (and OLTP) runtime. Thus, `HadoopGraph` is a
+ small object with little overhead. Graph system providers should realize `HadoopGraph` as the gateway to the OLAP
+ features offered by Hadoop-Gremlin. For example, a graph system specific `Graph.compute(Class<? extends GraphComputer>
+ graphComputerClass)`-method may look as follows:
+ [source,java]
+ ----
+ public <C extends GraphComputer> C compute(final Class<C> graphComputerClass) throws IllegalArgumentException {
+   try {
+     if (AbstractHadoopGraphComputer.class.isAssignableFrom(graphComputerClass))
+       return graphComputerClass.getConstructor(HadoopGraph.class).newInstance(this);
+     else
+       throw Graph.Exceptions.graphDoesNotSupportProvidedGraphComputer(graphComputerClass);
+   } catch (final Exception e) {
+     throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(),e);
+   }
+ }
+ ----
+ Note that the configurations for Hadoop are assumed to be in the `Graph.configuration()` object. If this is not the
+ case, then the `Configuration` provided to `` should be dynamically created within the
+ `compute()`-method. It is in the provided configuration that `HadoopGraph` gets the various properties which
+ determine how to read and write data to and from Hadoop. For instance, `gremlin.hadoop.graphInputFormat` and
+ `gremlin.hadoop.graphOutputFormat`.
+ IMPORTANT: A graph system provider's `OutputFormat` should implement the `PersistResultGraphAware` interface which
+ determines which persistence options are available to the user. For the standard file-based `OutputFormats` provided
+ by Hadoop-Gremlin (e.g. <<gryo-io-format,`GryoOutputFormat`>>, <<graphson-io-format,`GraphSONOutputFormat`>>,
+ and <<script-io-format,`ScriptInputOutputFormat`>>) `ResultGraph.ORIGINAL` is not supported as the original graph
+ data files are not random access and are, in essence, immutable. Thus, these file-based `OutputFormats` only support
+ `ResultGraph.NEW` which creates a copy of the data specified by the `Persist` enum.