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svn commit: r1381180 [2/2] - in /uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook: ./ language/

Added: uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.expressions.xml
--- uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.expressions.xml (added)
+++ uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.expressions.xml Wed Sep  5 13:40:58 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
+<!ENTITY imgroot "images/tools/tools.textmarker/" >
+<!ENTITY % uimaents SYSTEM "../../target/docbook-shared/entities.ent" >  
+<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor 
+	license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional 
+	information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to 
+	you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use 
+	this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of 
+	the License at Unless required 
+	by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the 
+	License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS 
+	OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific 
+	language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
+<section id="">
+	<title>Expressions</title>
+	<para>
+		TexMarker provides four different kinds of expressions. These are
+		type expressions, number expressions, string expressions and
+		boolean
+		expressions.
+	</para>
+	<section>
+		<title>
+			<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
+		</title>
+		<para>
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[textmarkerExpression  ->   typeExpression | numberExpression | 
+                           stringExpression | booleanExpression]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>Type Expressions</title>
+		<para>
+			TextMarker provides two kinds of type expressions.
+			<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
+				<listitem>
+					Declared annotation types (see
+					<xref linkend='' />
+					).
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					Type variables
+					(see
+					<xref linkend='' />
+					)
+				</listitem>
+			</orderedlist>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[typeExpression       ->  AnnotationType | TypeVariable]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[DECLARE Author;	// Author defines a type, therefore it is a type expression
+TYPE typeVar;	// type variable typeVar is a type expression 
+Document{->ASSIGN(typeVar, Author)};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>Number Expressions</title>
+		<para>
+			TextMarker provides several possibilities to define number
+			expressions. As expected, every number expression evaluates to a
+			number. TextMarker supports integer and floating-point numbers. A
+			floating-point number can be in single or in double precision. To get
+			a complete overview, have a look at the following syntax definition
+			of number expressions.
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[numberExpression         -> additiveExpression
+additiveExpression       -> multiplicativeExpression ( ( "+" | "-" ) 
+                            multiplicativeExpression )*
+multiplicativeExpression -> simpleNumberExpression ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) 
+                            simpleNumberExpression )*
+                            | ( "EXP" | "LOGN" | "SIN" | "COS" | "TAN" ) 
+                            "(" numberExpression ")"
+simpleNumberExpression   -> "-"? ( DecimalLiteral | FloatingPointLiteral 
+                            | NumberVariable) | "(" numberExpression ")"
+DecimalLiteral        -> ('0' | '1'..'9' digit*) IntegerTypeSuffix?
+IntegerTypeSuffix     ->  ('l'|'L')
+FloatingPointLiteral  -> Digit+ '.' Digit* Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+                         |   '.' Digit+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+                         |   Digit+ Exponent FloatTypeSuffix?
+                         |   Digit+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix
+FloatTypeSuffix	      ->	('f'|'F'|'d'|'D')
+Exponent              -> ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? Digit+
+Digit                 -> ('0'..'9') ]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+			<para>
+				For more information on number variables, see
+				<xref linkend='' />
+				.
+			</para>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[98 		// a integer number literal
+104L 	// a integer number literal
+170.02 	// a floating-point number literal
+1.0845D // a floating-point number literal in double precision]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[INT intVar1;
+INT intVar2;
+Document{->ASSIGN(intVar1, 12 * intVar1 - SIN(intVar2))};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>String Expressions</title>
+		<para>
+			There are two kinds of string expressions in TextMarker.
+			<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
+				<listitem>
+					String literals: String literals are defined by any sequence of
+					characters within quotation marks.
+				</listitem>
+				<listitem>
+					String variables (see
+					<xref linkend='' />
+					)
+				</listitem>
+			</orderedlist>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[stringExpression 	-> 	simpleStringExpression
+simpleStringExpression	->	StringLiteral | StringVariable]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[STRING strVar; // strVar is a string expression
+Document{->ASSIGN(strVar, "strLiteral")}; // "strLiteral" is a string 
+               // expression]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+			</section>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>Boolean Expressions</title>
+		<para>
+			TextMarker provides several possibilities to define boolean
+			expressions. As expected, every boolean expression evaluates to
+			either
+			true or false. To get a complete overview, have a look at the
+			following syntax definition of boolean expressions.
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[booleanExpression          ->  composedBooleanExpression 
+                               | simpleBooleanExpression
+composedBooleanExpression  ->  booleanCompare | booleanTypeExpression 
+                               | booleanNumberExpression | booleanFunction
+simpleBooleanExpression	   ->  BooleanLiteral | BooleanVariable
+booleanCompare           ->  simpleBooleanExpression ( "==" | "!=" ) 
+                               booleanExpression
+booleanTypeExpression    ->  typeExpression ( "==" | "!=" ) typeExpression
+booleanNumberExpression  ->  "(" numberExpression ( "<" | "<=" | ">" 
+                               | ">=" | "==" | "!=" ) numberExpression ")"
+booleanFunction	  ->	XOR "(" booleanExpression "," booleanExpression ")"
+BooleanLiteral    ->  "true" | "false"]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					Boolean variables are defined in
+					<xref linkend='' />
+					.
+				</para>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					<emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, false)};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					The boolean literal 'false' is assigned to boolean variable
+					boolVar.
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, typeVar == Author)};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					If type variable typeVar represents annotation type Author,
+					the
+					boolean
+					type expression evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates
+					to
+					false. The result is assigned to boolean variable boolVar.
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, (intVar == 10))};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					This rule shows a boolean number expression. If the value in
+					variable intVar is equal to 10, the boolean number expression
+					evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates to
+					false. The result is
+					assigned to boolean variable boolVar. The brackets
+					surrounding the number expression are necessary.
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(booleanVar1, booleanVar2 == (10 > intVar))};]]></programlisting>
+				</para>
+				<para>
+					This rule shows a more complex boolean expression. If the
+					value
+					in
+					variable intVar is equal to 10, the boolean number
+					expression
+					evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates to
+					false. The
+					result of
+					this
+					evaluation is compared to booleanVar2. The end result
+					is
+					assigned to
+					boolean variable boolVar1. Realize that the syntax
+					definition defines
+					exactly this order. It is not possible to have
+					the
+					boolean number
+					expression on the left side of the complex number
+					expression.
+				</para>
+			</section>
+		</para>
+	</section>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.quantifier.xml
--- uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.quantifier.xml (added)
+++ uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/language/tools.textmarker.language.quantifier.xml Wed Sep  5 13:40:58 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
+<!ENTITY imgroot "images/tools/tools.textmarker/" >
+<!ENTITY % uimaents SYSTEM "../../target/docbook-shared/entities.ent" >  
+<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor 
+	license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional 
+	information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to 
+	you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use 
+	this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of 
+	the License at Unless required 
+	by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the 
+	License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS 
+	OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific 
+	language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
+<section id="">
+	<title>Quantifiers</title>
+	<para>
+	</para>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>* Star Greedy</title>
+		<para>
+			The Star Greedy quantifier matches on any amount of annotations and
+			evaluates always true. Please mind, that a rule element with a Star
+			Greedy quantifier needs to match on different annotations than the
+			next rule element.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    small Big Big Big small
+                Rule:     CW*
+                Matched:  Big Big Big  
+                Matched:  Big Big 
+                Matched:  Big]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>*? Star Reluctant</title>
+		<para>
+			The Star Reluctant quantifier matches on any amount of annotations
+			and evaluates always true, but stops to match on new annotations,
+			when the next rule element matches and evaluates true on this
+			annotation.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small small Big 
+                Rule:     W*? CW
+                Matched:  small small Big
+                Matched:  small Big
+                Matched:  Big]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>+ Plus Greedy</title>
+		<para>
+			The Plus Greedy quantifier needs to match on at least one
+			annotation.
+			Please mind, that a rule element after a rule element
+			with a Plus
+			Greedy quantifier matches and evaluates on different
+			conditions.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small small Big 
+                Rule:     SW+ 
+                Matched:  small small
+                Matched:  small]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>+? Plus Reluctant</title>
+		<para>
+			The Plus Reluctant quantifier has to match on at least one
+			annotation
+			in order to evaluate true, but stops when the next rule
+			element is
+			able to match on this annotation.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small small Big 
+                Rule:     W+? CW
+                Matched:  small small Big]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>? Question Greedy</title>
+		<para>
+			The Question Greedy quantifier matches optionally on an annotation
+			and therefore always evaluates true.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
+                Rule:     SW CW? SW
+                Matched:  small Big small]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>?? Question Reluctant</title>
+		<para>
+			The Question Reluctant quantifier matches optionally on an
+			annotation
+			if the next rule element can not match on the same
+			annotation and
+			therefore always evaluates true.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
+                Rule:     SW CW?? SW
+                Matched:  small Big small]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>[x,y] Min Max Greedy</title>
+		<para>
+			The Min Max Greedy quantifier has to match at least x and at most y
+			annotations of its rule element to evaluate true.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
+                Rule:     SW CW[1,2] SW
+                Matched:  small Big small]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
+	<section id="">
+		<title>[x,y]? Min Max Reluctant</title>
+		<para>
+			The Min Max Greedy quantifier has to match at least x and at most y
+			annotations of its rule element to evaluate true, but stops to
+			match
+			on additional annotations if the next rule element is able to
+			match
+			on
+			this annotation.
+			Examples:
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[Input:    123 456 small Big Big Big small Big 
+                Rule:     SW CW[2,100]? SW
+                Matched:  small Big Big Big small]]></programlisting>
+		</para>
+	</section>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/tools.textmarker.language.xml
--- uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/tools.textmarker.language.xml (original)
+++ uima/sandbox/trunk/TextMarker/uima-docbook-textmarker/src/docbook/tools.textmarker.language.xml Wed Sep  5 13:40:58 2012
@@ -5,16 +5,24 @@
 <!ENTITY % uimaents SYSTEM "../../target/docbook-shared/entities.ent" >  
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor 
-	license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional 
-	information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to 
-	you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use 
-	this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of 
-	the License at Unless required 
-	by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the 
-	License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS 
-	OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific 
-	language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
 <chapter id="">
 	<title>TextMarker Language</title>
@@ -149,302 +157,20 @@ collect all basic annotations that fulfi
-	<section id="">
-		<title>Declarations</title>
-		<para>
-			There are three different kinds declaration in the TextMarker
-			system:
-			Declarations of types with optional feature definitions of
-			that type,
-			declaration of variables and declarations for importing
-			external
-			resources, scripts of UIMA components.
-		</para>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Type</title>
-			<para>
-				Type declarations define new kinds of annotations types and
-				optionally its features.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-            DECLARE SimpleType1, SimpleType2; // <- two new types with the parent type "Annotation"
-            DECLARE ParentType NewType (SomeType feature1, INT feature2); // <- defines a new type "NewType" 
-                // with parent type "ParentType" and two features
-            ]]></programlisting>
-				If the parent type is not defined in the same namepace, then the
-				complete namespace has to be used, e.g., DECLARE
-				my.other.package.Parent NewType;
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Variable</title>
-			<para>
-				Variable declarations define new variables. There are five kinds of
-				variables:
-				* Type variable: A variable that represents an annotation
-				type.
-				* Integer variable: A variable that represents a integer.
-				*
-				Double variable: A variable that represents a floating-point
-				number.
-				* String variable: A variable that represents a string.
-				*
-				Boolean
-				variable: A variable that represents a boolean.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                TYPE newTypeVariable;
-                INT newIntegerVariable;
-                DOUBLE newDoubleVariable;
-                STRING newStringVariable;
-                BOOLEAN newBooleanVariable;
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Resources</title>
-			<para>
-				There are two kinds of resource declaration, that make external
-				resources available in hte TextMarker system:
-				* List: A list
-				represents a normal text file with an entry per line
-				or a compiled
-				tree of a word list.
-				* Table: A table represents comma separated
-				file.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                LIST Name = 'someWordList.txt';
-                TABLE Name = 'someTable.csv';
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Scripts</title>
-			<para>
-				Additional scripts can be imported and reused with the CALL action.
-				The types of the imported rules are then also available, so that it
-				is not neccessary to import the Type System of the additional rule
-				script.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                SCRIPT my.package.AnotherScript; // <- "" in the "my.package" package
-                Document{->CALL(AnotherScript)}; // <- rule executes ""
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Components</title>
-			<para>
-				There are two kind of UIMA components that can be imported in a
-				TextMarker script:
-				* Type System: includes the types defined in an
-				external type system.
-				* Analysis Engine: makes an external analysis
-				engine available. The
-				type system needed for the analysis engine has
-				to be imported
-				seperately. Please mind the filtering setting when
-				calling an
-				external analysis engine.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                ENINGE my.package.ExternalEngine; // <- "ExternalEngine.xml" in the 
-                    // "my.package" package (in the descriptor folder)
-                TYPESYSTEM my.package.ExternalTypeSystem; // <- "ExternalTypeSystem.xml" 
-                    // in the "my.package" package (in the descriptor folder)
-                Document{->RETAINTYPE(SPACE,BREAK),CALL(ExternalEngine)}; 
-                    // calls ExternalEngine, but retains white spaces
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-	</section>
-	<section id="">
-		<title>Quantifiers</title>
-		<para>
-		</para>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>* Star Greedy</title>
-			<para>
-				The Star Greedy quantifier matches on any amount of annotations and
-				evaluates always true. Please mind, that a rule element with a Star
-				Greedy quantifier needs to match on different annotations than the
-				next rule element.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    small Big Big Big small
-                Rule:     CW*
-                Matched:  Big Big Big  
-                Matched:  Big Big 
-                Matched:  Big
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>*? Star Reluctant</title>
-			<para>
-				The Star Reluctant quantifier matches on any amount of annotations
-				and evaluates always true, but stops to match on new annotations,
-				when the next rule element matches and evaluates true on this
-				annotation.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small small Big 
-                Rule:     W*? CW
-                Matched:  small small Big
-                Matched:  small Big
-                Matched:  Big
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>+ Plus Greedy</title>
-			<para>
-				The Plus Greedy quantifier needs to match on at least one
-				annotation. Please mind, that a rule element after a rule element
-				with a Plus Greedy quantifier matches and evaluates on different
-				conditions.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small small Big 
-                Rule:     SW+ 
-                Matched:  small small
-                Matched:  small 
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>+? Plus Reluctant</title>
-			<para>
-				The Plus Reluctant quantifier has to match on at least one
-				annotation in order to evaluate true, but stops when the next rule
-				element is able to match on this annotation.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small small Big 
-                Rule:     W+? CW
-                Matched:  small small Big
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>? Question Greedy</title>
-			<para>
-				The Question Greedy quantifier matches optionally on an annotation
-				and therefore always evaluates true.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
-                Rule:     SW CW? SW
-                Matched:  small Big small
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>?? Question Reluctant</title>
-			<para>
-				The Question Reluctant quantifier matches optionally on an
-				annotation if the next rule element can not match on the same
-				annotation and therefore always evaluates true.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
-                Rule:     SW CW?? SW
-                Matched:  small Big small
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>[x,y] Min Max Greedy</title>
-			<para>
-				The Min Max Greedy quantifier has to match at least x and at most y
-				annotations of its rule element to elaluate true.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small Big small Big 
-                Rule:     SW CW[1,2] SW
-                Matched:  small Big small
-                ]]></programlisting>
+	<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
+		href=".\language\tools.textmarker.language.quantifier.xml" />
+	<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
+		href=".\language\tools.textmarker.language.declarations.xml" />
+	<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
+		href=".\language\tools.textmarker.language.conditions.xml" />
+	<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
+		href=".\language\tools.textmarker.language.actions.xml" />
+	<xi:include xmlns:xi=""
+		href=".\language\tools.textmarker.language.expressions.xml" />
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>[x,y]? Min Max Reluctant</title>
-			<para>
-				The Min Max Greedy quantifier has to match at least x and at most y
-				annotations of its rule element to elaluate true, but stops to
-				match
-				on additional annotations if the next rule element is able to
-				match
-				on this annotation.
-				Examples:
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[
-                Input:    123 456 small Big Big Big small Big 
-                Rule:     SW CW[2,100]? SW
-                Matched:  small Big Big Big small
-                ]]></programlisting>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-	</section>
-	<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.textmarker.conditions.xml"/>
-	<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.textmarker.actions.xml"/>
-	<section id="">
-		<title>Expressions</title>
-		<para>
-		</para>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Type Expressions</title>
-			<para>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Number Expressions</title>
-			<para>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>String Expressions</title>
-			<para>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-		<section id="">
-			<title>Boolean Expressions</title>
-			<para>
-			</para>
-		</section>
-	</section>
 	<section id="">
 		<title>Robust extraction using filtering</title>